ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1937. FIVE i if NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads. Phona 100 RATE8 BlDgle Jnaertlou, per word - lc One week, per word , ,5c One monlli, per line-. 1 1.00 Uiuimuiu charge 2c Copy for this page will be accept ed uulll 11 a. m. ol the Uny of pub lication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility for and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or integrity of the advertis ers In the classified column.. Head ers e urged to make lull investi gation before sending money In re sponse to advertisements. The News-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to clt-SBify ill advertising under tho proper classification. Livestock l"OR SAU: 3 Lincoln bucks, lu ,i apieci'i Will trade for "J ijluoi's, i not over 3 years old. Viola Jeu i nings, llox 100, Kouio 1, Ito&o- burg. FOR SALE OR TRADK Thor ouglibrcd female lloston terriers, i 7 months, Phono 4.M5, Mary -l Chapman, 1 milo Dixonvillo road. WANTED Young niilK cows, must be good. Give price and when fresh. ('. H. Munson, Route 1, ltoseburg. TOR SALK 2 marcs nitu colts, 3 1100-lb. horses, gentle to ride or work; one 1 inu-lb. team. R. V. Hatfield, Route 1, Roireburg. . FOR SALK 30 to 50 black-face ewes, 3 to C years old. . G. Patll. So. Deer Creek. U-'Olt SALK Ton extra trojil 7 J weeks-oM pifis. C. V. Hughes, Ciardcu Valley. COW FOR SALK Durham nnd Jersey. Clifton Agee, Dixonvillo, ; Ore. Phono 3 Fu. FREE Pups from good work dog. Norval f.'ookeram, Oaltlund, Ore. ,' Phone 42F11. ' FOR SALK Fresh Jersey milk ; cow. (f. S. Johnson, IlrocUway. FRECKLES AND HIS : f 80YS. MB -TUMBLE- ( IN THE FLESH,KIDS.' SORRY, iill TbU SEE BWS MCVIE fl WAW7ED A LOWS VAGA- fcLARK GABLE PICkEB US J- WEEC REALLY IS )( I HADTD WOLW AS I r-" ; wp- NaCTDRs'cAKI'T HAVE -T10W....AWD I DIDW'T UP IW BARSTOW..i.I KMEW WE WELL, kWOCK N DICK MOOMCy, A ))r DID, BUT IT WAS JUST IMOUCSHT ImUCH FUM IM PUBLIC... WAWT TO BE RECOGMI7-ED.. WAS COMWQ HOME FROM A I US DOWN WITH AgsS CHARACTER 7 ( AWOTM5R PART I WAS ) yOli EVEN WE FELLOWS SO I ACTED THE PART OF HUWTIWS TPW SO I FIGURED A MUTHISI J jgggg J "V ACTOR J X PLAYIWS -f WERE WHO PLAV SMALL A TRAMP AMD HAD THE HED LET US HITCH ON BE- H-Vsss ; ! y"m-A A HO- V CHARACTER J TIME OF MY LIFE I WO iT HIKlD " """"l ! - iff''Ufs. 1 A -"?-s l &Vi good v pacts - owekwewme! I r&TJb jlZ&T-fS I '"' ink mmffwm m (IP mmm& I MYRA NORTH. SPECIAL NURSE Dr. Jason ExolaittB By Thompson and Coll I , , , 1 I I kUOW THAT LAW IS VOUR...ER rT S TftUE TMAT t AM A , TT Wl2o Sgwift MECesSARV J i i-i VCCV DFAC FCIPklD. MUHA BUT J II MEMBF.B OF THE "PATUOMS bP I M TO THE PEACE OF EUROPE, I HAVE MO 11 WHV IT I? ..b5&AkV ' I 1 I , . Jttin.iiii 4A iUat -L-mMl bc7ri.rBrc,.cr, ' il OOUBT-Bin BELIEVE ME. WHEN 1 TELL i I n kjkw WMt iuuei I a I i I ra ' ' 1 HAUFi TO SAV WTM TvECVi iHEOCOCtzTlN CVECy Xj TH HAVE NO IDEA EXACTLV WHO eKSa V W .6ABIES OUT OF THE fc . M AruninrMr. l nDCll Ulun. I mm I . 1 dcilrc KW. J lv,r 1 Mt I 1 THEV ABE OR FROM WWERE THEV CAME. 8-1 1 tUUMIKV.AI UNtt.' HI, 1 11 1 - v,' xmi n m mst n vj i a vm 1 v y .w v imnor ant 1 1 1,1,1 t 'r-. 1 i. 1. ' .'ii J IL 1fllM J jsak ? , l jj-w, cry. gKS&irnSMff ' ' . . . " 15Shcitorcd Jv eCSS R a(UE SEL : BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES JheDark Side of Life By Martm j. , B S-V- 1 rS r-i rS. Jf' ff , JT HT5 ! ! - WiVl Z3S,nlor. 42 Hnlf an cm. product. ' 11 - I. i ,1111 i M i i i -. I r r.'I'aia" 15 IT K;"aio WASH TUBES Bum, Biddy Bum Luck By Crane f ' (S5i"JS'SSiry C36V! tmose DUM2. ou:CK,HOP IM .' faQ, THERE.' THEY CAWT f I . o'. SssSSS, LISTEN!) SIGNAL DRUMS,' VaESSCSF 1 -T-' vm . T?i MTfXZZ fggmffi&l SAVAO-SS MUSTA M.3- ) -ILL CHOP FOLLOW US,. CV THE7M6 ,,K i?fBLAIE3. I DIDMT JfJ J? V ' W " & S IMSIWVWEN US FOR CrHOSTSy HOLES. IN TME Ht THEY GET WISE, WELL Vq0 : F Pj 8 FIGURE ON THAT'VT ' ' V iW1!! fete, -'mmM' --mMmmm kmc... ... mmrBt" a J fHH I 14 1 mb FOR SALE 2 Jersey cows, 4 years old, 1 just fresh. 1 iresheii In u few days. Nelson Drus., Hi fie Hunge road. FOR SALK 14 C. W. 8-weoks old liitt, 2 brood sou 6. Chandler at Kelley'8 Korner. Phone 37K3. FOR .SALK Two gentle blorky hoi sea, coming 3 years. Kuaiue Conn, Puone 6F24. FUR SALK Horse, gentle to work or i ide. Or trade for cow. I'honu 21W L. YOt'NG fresh row North Main St. FOR SALK Youug fresh cow. N. Kane St Trade WILL TRAIJK '28 bodge 4-tluor sedan, iiydniuliu brukes, for puk up. Walter Johnson, Camus Val ley, Oro., Summit Station. FOR 1RADE Radio lor piano. Grofla & Hargts. Poultry VICKY f'.::G luica pulleta for sale. Oi- trade for row. Thus. K. Jones, Fast Suthcrlin, Ore. FOR SALK 3H) laying heim and 27 pullets. .Mrs. J. O. J osteon, L'mpquu. HUiHKST cash prices for poultry and eggs at tho Kosouurg Poul try. Fuel t-FOOT coitl wood. Delivered IMimw 41F2 Mill. Dixonvillo road, .went of county barn. CJKT your wood at Rose-burg Lum her Co. Dry and green, lti-imh and 4-foot. FOR SALK Fifty cords wood, two dollars. A. F. Stearns, Oakland, LAl'RKL and oak. Phone 67. Typewriters REMINGTON TYFE RtTERS and Dnlton Adding Machines, Bales and service. Roeeburg Book Rtnrfl. Phono C9D-J. FRIENDS i z- - - . k"zz i '-wt-,,rcrs. ,::r ii i was toio 10 see that thev got 1 1 ri 1 n s For Sale, Miscellaneous FOR SALK IJreakfust set, buffet, drepser, chest of drawers, timing table, 2 heating stoves, oil brood er siove J,w0 cap., oUo feel i iuch pipe, House trailer, 2 heaiy axes, scythe, cross cut saw, buck buw, battery radio, garden hose, fruit jars, 1 dozen purebred Jer-bey-White (itaul pullets , ilulsey DeCamp. last bouse S. Cedar St., Riverside. P. O. liox 134. Rose burg. PIANO MCST I1K SOLD Stand nrd hlgh-Kiude bungulow type, almost new. You take over bal ance for cash or $6 monthly. For full information address Auditor of Accounts, Clino Piano Co., loll S. W. Washington, Port laud, Ore. FOR SALK Tear down or move rooming house building including heating plant, plumbing and fix tures next door south of Rose Hotel. Leave bids at Hotel Rose. FOR SALK Westingbouse electric stove, 3 plate and oven, auto matic, $45.00. See J. K. New berry at Gross & llargis. W1I1TK sewing machines and Roy al vacuum clcauora. Parts and service and repairing for all makes. Gross & Harpis. FOR SALK Four hundred cedar posts, luc per post. Henry Klpel, six miles northeast Camus Val ley. FOR SALK cheap. Household fur nit uro as a whole or by the piece. At 4 IS S. Stephens St. FOR SALK III) oil stove. Sinnn. Waterproof tent, $7.00. 32x(i truck tires cheap. b22 Mill. FOR-SALK A lot of good 200 dol lar radios for $5.00. Gross and Hargis. FOR SALK One good two-horse hay press. Rico Uros., Dillard, Oro. FOR SALK CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator. Radio Music Store. BUY your berry boxen at Parkin son's Food Store. 323 West Cass Clearing Things Up WESIX electric water heater and thermostat, $7.50; lavatory, $3.00; cook stoves $5.00 to $25.00; trash burner, $12.50. We Bit II have lets of fruit jars. Durr's Furniture Store, 333 Cass St. Phone 25-J. I'SKD enamel bedroom suite, vel our davenport and chair, three burner oil range with oven, dresser, fireproof safe, flat top desk. All very reasonably priced. Josse Furniture Co., lOii N. Jack son. FOR SALK Hoosier kitchen cabi net in excellent condition. Green and cream enamel finish. A spe cial buy at Radio Music Store, 225 N. Jackson St. FOR SALK Large Sitka hundred pound ice box, cheap. Residence S29 East Lane and Reservoir. Minnie Hell. USED Westinghouse 3 - burner range. ii. & ti. 4-uurner range. Finn it uro Co. FOR SALK Easy washing ma chine. Call 6S5-J-1, Mrs. Wolfe. FOR SALK Good solid 2-whecl trailer. Handy Stand. USED washers and used Rad'o Music Store. Automobiles FOR SALK 1926 flulck sedan in good condition, good rubber. $15u cash. Johnson's Poultry ranch, one mile south. UIDS wanted on '35 Willys sedan, Roseburg Garage. Tractors COME ONE, come all and soe Sartf's Auto Tractor before you buy a small tractor. At Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 528 N Main St Lost and Found LOST Rack of Sunlltoegg mash between Itoseburg and Cons Junction. Finder please leave at DouJus County Flour Mill. G. S. Johnson, Hrockway. Real Estate FOR TRADE All Improvements, stock and equipment on tilt) acres Bchool land in Wyoming. House, bunk house, log burn ana other buildings. Irrigation ditch right for 416 acres. 150 acres growing crop. 125 acres seeded to alfalfa and sweet clover, fi miles of wire fence. 52 head of stock cattle, 5 head heavy horses and harness, 1 four-year-old sad dle horse and stock saddle. Purmall, plows, disc, barrow, hay stacker. buck-rakes. mower, dump-rake, grain drill, Iteut and bean planter, hammer feed mill, ChaUen ditcher, 2 wagons and racks and 1 1. H. C. truck. Totul cash to handle, $10.oyo; or will trade for clear property. Submit only clear property of near the same value to URCCK COM PANY, Myrtle Creek. Ore. ACREAGE, west side, paved road, city water, cleclricitv, own tele phone line. About 6 acres rich land, now raising 4 cuttings al falfa without Irrigation. Fiuo for trucking Cool location. A sac rifice. E. A. Rritton. Phono 51F21. MOVING TO PORTLAND? Have excellent 7 room house almost on Sandy boulevard. Also 0-acre tract in lilheits and cherries, 7 rootu house. Electricity, good road. Fine homes. Seo Milo E. Taylor, 4 lit Benson St. FOR SALK Suburban home In Edenbower. 5-rooiu new houe, beautiful location. Also extra honie-sito lots. Roselmrg, Roulo 2, llox 6-C. 'OR SALE At sacrifice, t-room modern cottage partly furnished, with garage, clear of debt. In sured. Rox 21)1, c-o News-Review. FOR SALE Several ranches. large and Rinall tracts. A. V. Ady, Myrtle Creek. Hay and Grain FOR TRADE Alialfa or oat bay, for lions or cows. Geo. W. Moorse, Days Creek, Ore. WANTED Hay haling. 5K23. F. 1. Ret Is. Miscellaneous ATTENTION OLD FIDDLERS! Tne annual old fiddler's contest ul the Douglas County Musicians' picnic will take place next bun day, Au,:ust 1st, at Fisher a guivo, Kellogg. Renin the old bow uud go HEier the prUo mo'iey. Lee Kennedy of Reedsport has charge of it. Write bun. EVANS Market has been operated for tho iust three years during tne summer mouths on comer Stephens & Ouk and will operate this summer in the 7tu block on S. Stephens. Will open Wednes day with a full line of produce. FREE! If excess acid causes you stomach ulcers, gas pains, indi gestion, heartburn, get free sam ple L'dga, ut Chapman's Phar macy. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered daily. I) in Dairy Phone 88. WILL be out of town until Friday, July 30. Pete Crumett, Plumbing ARUNDEL-Plauo tuuor. Ph. 189-L. RADIO repairing. Rshg. Electric. Help Wanted HOP PICKERS! Rnvisirallon now open at tho HILTON HOP YARDS. Grant s Pann. Oregon. for this season. Picking will start In about two weeks. Wood, water, commissary, etc.. on camp grounds. WRITE AND RKG1S TKR NOW! WANTK1 Man and wife to cut wood for hall'. Will give free rent and free fuel. Old Pluminer place, upper Olulla; Minnie K. Roberts, P. O. Ibockwny. WANTED Salesmen to sell elec trical merchandise. Must have car. Inquire at Koseburg Maytag Co., Ill Cass St. WANTED Experienced dining room and banquet girls. Apply head waitress, I'mputia hotel. WANTED Housekeeper, vard Ave. By Blosser Rentals 5-ROOM, unfurnished apartment. Very comfortable for small fam ily. Close downtown. J. O. New land. KOIILHAGEN apartments. Strictly modem. $22.50 and up. Prouu 550. APARTM ENTS. Modern, able. Phono 615-J. Wanted WANTED To rent on shares equipped general farm. Will give references. J. E. Uurgess, Glen dale, Ore. WANTED To do combining In lo cality of a few hundred acres. Rice Hros., Dillard, Ore. WANTED Hay baling. Hros. Phone 42F2. Kruse Talto special precautions if you drive while you are tired, advises the Oregon Stato Motor associa tion. Although laws have been passed limiting (he number of hours ot continuous driving for commercial vehicle operators, it is unfortun ately impossible to place a legal restriction upon tfw driving capa city of any particular individual, the motor association continents. A fatigued driver is a menace, not only to himself, but to every one near him on a highway, I hi motor association truittc Hal'ety v-xantiucrs point out, No statistics are available, hut it Is declared true that thousand.- of accidents have been caused by drivers being either tired or ac tually asleep at tho wheel. Fatigue Is not only caused by driving too long without rest, but that dangerous "tired feeling" or actual sleep may suddenly engulf the driver for a number of other reasons, safely experts explain. INJUNCTION IN BEER DISPUTE EXTENDED PORTLAND, July 2(1. (AIM Federal Judge James A. Fee grant ed the California Rrewers lust I tuto an extension of tho injunc tion against tint teamsters' union today. He set tho healing for Sep tember 7. The order commands tint team sters, Involved In a jurisdictional dispute with the brewery union, to haul beer carrying tho brewery union label. WOMEN FIND SAFE WAY TO REDUCE Women everywhere uro taking off 3 pounds a week safely wltn- I out starving or exorcise . . . with NAXIMD weight-reducing proscrip tion and Hcniilhle menus. They find that. Ibis method Is taking fat nit' them Just as U did irom Lawrence Mack when he lost 123 pounds in innnlhs with it. LAXR1D is ab solutely sate to take. It does not. contain Dlnltrophenol, Thyroid or Phenol. All the Ingredients in LAX- RID have been used by physicians for 50 years. Try It on our Money hack Guarantee. Gel I.AXItll) from your druggist today. Write for book Dow to Reduce Salely. Iwa- Itll) DISTRIItlH'ORH, Portland, Ore. Sold by Marsters Drugs, Roso burg, Ore. Adv. Snowy Textile Crop IB II Biggest Farm Income in 8 ears Looms; Industry Makes Big Gains. Ity R. H. HIPPELHEVSER Associated PresB Financial Writer NEW YORK. July 26 (AP survey of Industrial, business and agricultural cuiulitiuiis in the I nitcd Slates shows the forces of recovery are still holding no strong, making for less of a sum- er let-down than usual. The largest farm Income since 1!)2! now is in prospect an In- ome with an even greater our- chasing power than "29. Total cash income in 1029 was approximately $lu.lon,ooo.Mt)0 with net income of around Sti.100.0Oo,- uoO. Kconomisls and statisticians expect farm income this year to approximate $!),0tio,ono,uoo with a net of around six billions. I he "Itrookmire Counselor' be lieves the farmers will hn "hetior able than they were In 1929 to buv clothing, furnishings, radios, auto mobiles, farm implements and a multitude of oilier goods and equipment. Not since the abnormal oi ld war period have farmers been as prosperous as today." tarninn increase In the Immediate phase, some of tho outstanding "prosperity items" are: Profits for the first 50 comnan- ies reporting second quarter earn ings were more than 21 per cent above tho comparable period of 19311. Heavy Industry, steels and rait equipment, showed the wid est gains. Tho production of electricity reached the highest point on rec ord a w eek ago. ' Steel production ' waa well ahead of last year. 1 he volume or unfilled orders in the machine tool industry, ap proximating 1929, indicated uiaiiu taclurers were filling their needs for new equipment. Inventories generally were tow er, pointing to widespread need of the replacements. The Associated Press average of liO slocks at the close ot trading Saturday stood at $70.10. compar ed with StjT.flO a year ago. The! market reached Us pealt, for tho year in March, with the aver, age of $75.30, and then fell to the year's low of $02,110 Juno 2S. Sinca then tho long range trend has held upward. For the consumer, the prosper ous era probably will bring a fur ther increase' in living costs. Rents are up for fall leases, and merchan disers expect another price rise In the coming months. ONE MAN PHONE COMPANY ON JOB FOR THIRTY YEARS HERMAN, Neb. (AP) Her man's one-man telephone company has " completed "his" 3uth year. John II. Johnson, owner, man ager, general handy man and trouble-shooter of the 3ru-phone exchange, says he's still going strong. When necessary ho also handles tho operator's job. In soil foods alone the United States has realized a profit of about 11,000 per cent on tho $7,2oq,ouO paid to RubmIu lor Alaska. 14 Company. 1611 belongs to the genus 17 Wooden pin,' III Perched. 20 Chemically It is almost pure 22 Behavior. 24 Arbitrator. G6 Journey. 27 Sour. 29 Devil. 31 Blue gross. 32 WaRCr. 34 Snaky (Uh. N 41 Sweet potato. 44 Crown of tho head. 4B Puppet. 47 Pertaining to wings. 49 Assessment. Rl Pedal digit. S2 Transposed. 53Elfs child. 54 Measure of cloth. 55 Monkey. . ,57 Point. 59 Southwest.