ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSF.RURC, OREGON, "TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1937. FOUR iMUcd llailr lixfrpt Sunday r the Acna-Kevlcw Co luc MrniWr of Tb Aaaorlfitrd Vtrmm Ttit Aoeilii I'tba I inclusive ly eiiillltd to lb um fr rtrpubllra Uon of ml new dispatches credited to It or not other win credited in this paper and lo all locl "w publinhed herein. All rights of re publication of medal dinpatchui herein are alio reserved. HARRIS IX-6W0RTU Editor Entered second clans matter Mhv 17. 1MU. at tne pout office ai Itoaeburif. Oivgon. under act of Marco 2. 1S7. Represented By fir,, Vi.rk 21 lib .1 40lh Htreu-.. f hli'iiK" 3(u N- Michigan Ave. Hnn k--rnlu'Lro 220 Uudh Stref-t lli'triilt :il'J Klelhennon Hltltf.. I-o. Aaxrln 1 SlirlnK Hlrunl. -.Kit- U0;l Htowart Struct. irtlmnl 431) a W. Sixth Hlrtsst, Viui'.nvH, I. I'. 711 Hull HillK.. ' til N. Tonth Btre.t, Annul 'JO' Ur.nt Building. finbaurlpllwM limes Dull, per yr uy mail Dully. 6 month, by mull limly. 3 month, liy hmil Uully. by currier uer uiunlu. . ii.JU . .6(1 Tragedy PliOJ'J.U ot Uimelmri! unci vii In iiy uru niiotkoil toiliiy by tragic lima f ciiunigcinlB lioy. Donald Busliloitl wan u ly Il--:il Ainurlran boy, tliaii, Inn-lllsi'iil, Willi niUUBUI'l'il, 1-1(L-Iltlill)l0, SH)IIU- 1 viuK. kliiillicurti'il ami liivablu. lust dimpi-rutc I'llnit was to biivo tilu llfo uf n ymiiiKcr frlmid. IIih heart laekuil mruliKlli but not cuiiraKO. Ills ilwilli m a grral loan to ilio cuiuiniiiilly a Iok that can not bo mi'iimui'il In ilollum ami iritis. Tim tnw'ly hoi-vim to i-iti-nlianl.o poiunanlly III" pitiful In-uili-umicy of fut-lllt It-a lor locri-a-Moil piovidoil lor llni youlll or ltimubiiiK. No ainouiil ol iiioiii-y Biiciit to mout this ncL'il i-oiild bo even u frarllon of I ho value of thin llfo that lias liiuli lout. Prophesy and Pianos PltOI'IIIOHY has always been a perilous oceupallon, but nevur nun i! perilous than In these days when things move so fast. I'erhapa you will recall that a Jew years ago, when radio was be ginning to become so extremely popular, prophesy freely made thai "canned music" over tho air would bo tho death of tho iimaluiir musician who likes lo drum out his own music at home. Kliee.ll leal ly, I hat tho piano, once considered a mark of ronpcclabllity and cul ture, was doomed. So whul happens? So l!ie first six month. ol l:i;;7 are the host six mouths Hut piano business has had In the past lfi years, with ill' most CiO.Uin) pianos shipped In thu period. This proves two things. Tlrst, the love of roll-yoiir-own" music Is not so easily killed as s e pen pie thought. And that even pianos can he sold if the maker will ad jtlsl Ills product lo today's needs--the small houso uud apartment and today's price :;enlrn. Ilusliiosa can he had by those who go out for . II aggressively and lutein l.ently. Keeping Out of War TTIIKHK I" now the gravest chance of n war between Ja pun and China. Tliat war might 111 olve Itussla, which inl '.ht involve Germany, which might Involve Trance, which might The possibilities that lie III every brush between Japanese and Chinese troops around 1'elt ing aie almost too awful to think about. Yet we must think alioul them, uud think hard. Ninety In o per coin ol' (he American people aie absolutely against having any p.ut ol cither the Spanish or any Asiatic war. Ke- gurdless ol personal a input hies in either case, It .Is clear that almost ail Americans a.'-rrn thai the lirst duly ol' the president and congress is lo keep us out ill these slaligh leihotlses that have claimed too many lives In Spain, and will claim many million in Asia once lit ad dogs of tvar are aiuhalll ed Iheie. Kvcry cill.en liiusl reineinhet this: I hero is no law, and there can be no law that vill Insm tr keeping out of these wars. Cerium laws may help, may inaUe it easier, lull there is only one guarantee that offers any hope whatever: That Is all unshakeable lesolu lion on the purl of n big majoritj of Americans thut wo will uol lic come Itnolved, that we want and vill have no purl of It. Wo are mil so likely lo lu-iome involved through "mii'linl ship ping lights" or "Ireedom of Hie seas" as we were III I'.lll. Those fM-ellent uud civilized principles have been murdered by the kind of war thai Is waged lodny. For today, nil articles or trade are con traband because nnylhliiK that Is uf any use lo uujbody Is or use In iviir loduy. 11 la loss of American life that In most likely to start llio war fury burning. The most vital difference between lirltlnh anil Gorman trampling on American rights dur ing the World war is tlmt the Ger man tiamuling cot life, the Hrll lnh cost only money uud Incon venience, Thus the first step Is to see thut American citizens are kept out of war and ditriRer zones, or at least that they 0 or stay there at their own risk. The next and most important step Is ror every individual to think neutral, and not to yield to propaganda that, in the ease of Spain, has ulready begun and, Willi the start uf an Asiatic war, vill uim at showing America that tills war la different, thai country A or faction I! is pure and the tie I'Mldcr of civilization, while coun try C or faction 1 Ih the barbar ous defiler of all thut Is good. Ask yourself two questions every lime any one uiieuls Tor sympathy In these wars: Just what Is my slake 111 tills? and Am 1 willing to die tor it? Men and Machines TplIK I0iort of tho Nuiionul Hu houi'H coniniUtou on ulciu pluymejil nu iclatcd to llio invfti (foil of luhor-Kitvtnt; nuiclilncry, aliowK mice moiu Imw vitally Uh;c jmo1)Ii'M)8 coiicuin u all. What ttu uiti up naiuHt Ik Muiif-tliii.K liliti tliin: ropulalloii him Kiown ho nuicli that imliiHt rial prodiii'tloa , on hi have to ho 1-0 per ct'iil of what It w;itt In J!)-i) lo cut. uncinplnyinciit down to hjit U WIIH llll'tl, t'VCIl If till! HU!I1 liiinlrt of uiachiin!iy wore Ijfing Hsud now an thuii. lint we have tut in xmc a groat ilc-al of laixH -HavfiiK machinery during thi'.t Uiuc, ko industrial . pro ductiou really would havo to In far greater than 120 per cent of thu 1!IL'!) ffgiuit lo take up tho nhiek. Not only (hat, but new (U.-vetup-menu Kin h art tho pholo-elcctrfc (ol!, the inuclianical cotton plckei', plastics, and Im'oor chemical grow ing of crom nu:y ttlll further in it down thu available Joha. TIicho new developinenlH usually piovitlu new John, hut mailing men who havo heuu eotloti pickerH all their lives Into nit filed employes In a plan) ics factory Ih not ho cany. There fa alwaya u long In terval of adjustment during which many men go without jobs. This m not only bad In itseir, a Ktulklng terror for the men dis placed, a rediictinii In (heir pur chasing power, but it in also a concern of all other men because wo now know that such displaced men mtiHt be fed and clothed untl hon ied at public expense. Thus the problem oncei mi everyone. Editorials on News (Cuntlnuud from pute 1.) one.) "pi IK problem of finding names, .Mr. Taylor cays, is a wearing one, as I In; l ailioad comiuiuy now insistti ( hat they shall be simple, not bard to vrile and easily re membered. Try (o think olihand of a dozen names that will fit those specifications, and yon will rind lliat jou have something of u job on your bamlH. .lr. Taylor's plan, lie r.ays, fs to keep a name file, nnd whenever he lieu is of a particularly good name for a Hiding or a town bo gets it into his file without loss of time. It helps surprisingly, he rays. Of course I he problem of finding names isn't as acute In these difys, i. hen little new railroad mileage is being built, an it uatt back In w tl.iy.H when the country vas build ing railroads at top speed. Hut ll is still one or those little details thai take time, RECLAMATION BILL UP TO ROOSEVELT WASHINGTON, ,nity I',. (AC) Approved by both houses aitv a lively debate involving Hie appro priation tor Arizona's Gila p n Jeei. the west'K S iL'.tMio.nim recln mill Ion const run ton p r o g r a m a vi a it rd President House veil's sig nal are today. Ai-repfaiu-e by both of a Ctiiopi oniise iiepiupriaiion oi Sriie.iitia fin tbi' Gibi prnieci and agreement on other disputed iiems compleii'd eonuicssioiial m iioii on the an anal intci ar depart no Hi's supplv bill. Ot her appropriations in- bnled : Oregon ( )u y bee, J.'iiMUHllt. fall lot am Oregon Klamath. SI". '.iiou, Wasluiigfoa Giaud t'oulee, '.noil; Vakiiuu ( Htiu division), f I ,.",1111,01111, PASSENGERS ON PULLMAN ROBBED, roitri.ANi). July :; - iaim a I bh'f aboard the I'm I laud bun ml Spokane, Tori laud a id Seatt le train robbed I 'nil man i:imm'iu'!'h ot li'tuti'ii iiltio and i (oh bi-ioi c Hie Gain reached 1'asco Saturday hirlil. The t liief nppa ten Hy rummaged tlnoiml) the "cuitain pocket." and escaped w it bout av akeiilng t be pa sjmTi gr r.. The company of i ice here h.ild tiiissiu;; round trip tick ets from as far awav n New York and New Orleans will be replaced. OUT OUR WAY f AM Die PE 5AME YUH, ICK YOU'VE V HOSS AM STARTED ) I LOST TM' STIRRUPS, J X. OUT OM? 'LOST TM' REIMS, I I L05T YORE HAT, v 6$ rL corp. niTBYwrMvcc.iNcy -.r,... ..'. VACATION DIARY BY J FAN SKIVVnUGHT CAST OF CHARACTERS JOY Heroine, hostess in smart Maine tearoom. KOGKIC Joy's fiance; rising young designer. ANGKI-A Joy's rival in love. MICK Wealthy young playboy, Hoger's rival in love. Yesterday: Joy, realizing thai Kick Is in some manner involved with strange events at the sum-' nier resort, regrets her agree ment to marrv him. GHAIMKH XI Monday : Was I mad last night'.' All Mrs. Kenwiek wanted was an audience and I hail to sit and listen to her talk about souk? new idea she's got in her head . . . why had she lo pick on me? Wanted to go to bed early for we had a hectic day ahead . . . four special luncheon parties and three Idg dinners . . . and I'm worried about 1'eler . . . he seetnn as though he had somet hing on bis mind . . . wonder if his worrferf have any con tied ion with his haiiuled bouse . . . Jigger hasn't brought him a puppy yet . . . did he really expect a man like that to keep his promise? I did not. IMcki d up the newspapers wlcn Oil brought them in ibis after noon . ... first thing that caught my eye was a paragraph about linger. lie's just received a con t raet from some automobile con cern to desfmi new interiors for salesrooms. We used to talk a lot about Hie opportunit ics Roger could find for the development of his art ... so he's gettiir; ahead just as wl planned . . . does An gela inspire him. I wonder? Next thing I noticed u as a headline about the Ace-High club . . . elosed indefinitely . . . bints that Kocco has disappeared . . . dors that mean An cola's vanished too? Tess has decided to marry Jimmy, although as Lota tnys. Hie season's not over yet and some wonderful catch iiiiuht appear! Tcss declares every girl should marry . . . that it's far better to have a man working lor you than lo struggle along alone . . . and jobs , . . old age seems I'.ir avvav jobs . . . old age seems tare avvav . . . still, when I marry Dick I won't have to worry about any thing . . . I'll have all the money 1 can ever use. Saw soiiielhim: in The I'mw'? Nest about lioeeo . . . evidently he's ill some mess . . . "dill irtdt les" 1 1 li Hie law . . . Hie police , . . must cheek up on I bat in tomor row's paper. Never had a minute for my trip to Ihe haunted house tfor I've made up my mind lo go (here and look Ibiags ovcri. ll must be a ipieer place if Ihe friends of Jigger and whoever lives v I Hi him always caff t here at night. . . . The mout exiitiim event of 1 be day happened in the foiennon Mrs. l-'eiiwu k sent lor me when I was out in the garden getting some flowers. 'Leave everything and go al mice to Miss Peeler's cottage," she said, and she v as all ' I I u I ten " like she gets when she's very ex- "'s happeneii"" I d. P.r no! having heard a wetd from Hnk. I teh it mast coneem hint "I ean't tell oii . . . I'm atranl the obi lady ha- muuc bad news for you." As I hurt led along ihe privale 1 path lo her t -otiage a ihousaml 1 (piestioiia. io-e m my mind . . . 1 but iilwavs Hie words of "Miss IVgler'w lavvver eeboed in mv ears, '"if we ran fix tins matter in tune. ' but I doubt it" . . . I'll womb-red 1 at the time what he meant . . . 1 ' wondered moie now. 1 The in, ud showed lue into Mis-! IVcler's boudoir ... I was shorked 1 al the obi LhIv'h appearance . . .i it was only a few das since I'd . seen her . . . now she looked ! shrunken and oh. so old . . . all her "up and coming"' spirit : crushed 1 hurried tow.iid her. She lok nip in her arm.;, "oh, my dear." she r"" and her voiie shook with emoliou, "that I should ever live to sen this day . . . ii's Oick that I want to talk about." und the twit's rolled down her cheeks. "He's not " I begun. "No. he's not dead, but he's fled the country , . . my lawyer ha ' told me everything . , , helped j Coiivrijilit, 10:i7, ISKA Si-nicr. Inc. to gel him uway ... to keep him out uf jail ... to think that my brother's son should stoop so low." "b, Miss I'egler," I whispered . . . what else could I say? Wiping away her tears, Miss I'egler said, "You may as w ell know the i ruth . . . perhaps 1 should have told you before; but I'm fond of my nephew and I felt if you were married and be got a fresh start, t hings might have worked out all right. "Tho t rouble .started when he was at college, lie got in with a fast set . . . Parted gambling . . . my lawyer arranged I he allow ance from his father's estate and of course I gave him gifts from time to time . . . however, be was always in debt . . . then he met some crooks . . . counterfeiters . . . paiil thirty dollars tor a hundred j dollars' worth of bbgus money. 'Things went from bad to worso lilt be could not aifoni to buy any more of the counterfeit money, so the man made a deal with him and he was supposed lo pay a cer tain percentage on every hundred dollars' worth of counterfeit money he disposed of . . . unfortunately he kepi on gambling and got !--bind in bis payments . . . that, whs really why be left New York so gladly (though I had no suspicion of it at the time). I'm keeping unihing back from you." "I think you're very brave, Miss I'egler," I said. "Iinn't say tat. my dear. Hut I must tell you the rest of this terrible story. Jigger, (be man for w bom Oick was working, bad to take to cover and shortly after we arrived Oiek ran across him here. After that be h.ninded him all the time ... IT only itk liv.l told me everything 1 would have helped hini. However, a friend of his ... a young designer - linger. I believe be called him though I never knew bis last name warned him that Jigger's friend. Kocco. had ldanned to have him j kidnaped as be was in dcHpera: strnights for money . . , nh. tbei-e im.iii an uk's io i ne wuoie tiling, that I loiil-l talk to you fur long enough. I don i know if I can ever lurgive myself lor urging you lo many him . . . all I can do for you now , my dear, is to fe(He an income on you .... and. though lie is my nephew, and no doubt ou loved him. there in only one thing lo .h lorgct him " "Oil. .Miss I'egler. Veil nm-uti't think of giving me any mon-v You're not lo blame . . . hope i.; II,. il IHek may jet make you proud of him." Walking home mv spirits f.'lt lighter th,m they h,M tor mi.nv 'hiy In spi t lay grief for Hie .1, f.,,jy and ,,f doubles, my hearl w it singing . . . w hat sli d aid about 1 1 or I o ami linger as Sill I'd lie' Cllg.-t (,, ,m ,,njd, Kocco his lileml. nlherui.e )(. would have aid-'d and abetted I,,,,, to knlmtp hick. j I here w ere no d ips lo Ihe vil age loniglii . . . ',r. )h(, sl.,.j., ; dinner parties mi one frit pe jdancing. M) uh-n I went unstaii.- gaflylPcvotton3 1I(. CltAIvXKS A. KPWAltpa When we ask, as we suuie liines do, what is Hie mallei ' till the uim hi anvwav, and u'iv i- it that Hie ureal Uuler Ol the universe does not .in sonicihinu to brum us out ol the due condition in which we limi out velvet, we have our answer In His wont He is doing ail thai we will let Htm do to build up justice and brother hood in Hie woitd mid rkhi the wroims and chase away the ttagedies that attliet us. He flaiids. readv and able, to serve our need: it is w e who make tlunus impossible mid check the wotkini: even nl omnipotent goodness. Thai out sins hav e separated between us ami Thee, our God, we know full w ell. Help us. we pray Thee, to see also t hat our phis of disbeliei and st-ltisbness ami lack ot care h:i v e stopped I he progress ot Thy kingdom and cheeked the woikinn out of Thy great pur pose In us. Anion. ;Ht, By Williams I slopped for a minute in TYss' room, sampled some or the candy .Itminv bad sent her . . . noticed some newspapers at the foot of her bed. "Going to read all these to night?" 1 asked. "No, 1 got a magazine from IHg Kate . . . guess I'll read that Take all the papers if you want them." 1 did. and glanced al the head lines for 1 fear my knowledge of world affairs grows less and less daily, for our talk is usually re stricted to local gossip supplied by Gal and the rest of the staff . . . 1 really feel perfectly ac ipiainled with all the village ce lebrities. Tinned at oner to The Crow's Ne.-t when 1 reached my room. After reading a few jsrues of ihe pa pur began lo wonder if Kocco pays the columnist for all t he boosts he gives Angela's romance with Hoger . . . wonder how Roger feels about these squibs . . . wonder if he registers any molests against Hie gossiper's barrage. Tried to banish linger from my thoughts . . . interpret some of the bints given in this column. . . . Then I realized what Dick's i ricks bad done to me . . . my economic problems loomed before me , . . no wealthy marriage now would make Hiiugs easy for me . . . what does Kute hold for me now? (To be concluded) KRNR PROGRAM (1,500 Kilocycles) REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 The Editor's Views of the News. 4:15 Chamber of Commerce Program. 4:3rj Poems From the Tower Room. 4 ;-15 ltmly Vallee & the Yan kees, D:i'0 Guy I.otnbardo. 5; 30 The Monitor Views the News, 5: 15 N. Y. Statu .Symphonic ! laud, fi:""-- Organ Melodies. 6:15 Montmartre Famous Or chestras. 6:45 "Knights of the Road." 6:50 News Flashes. 7:ia- I,. A. Symphony. 7: If. - loo:-ier Hoi Shots 7:,;o- Your Grab I!ag. 8:00 Sign Off. WKhNKSDAY, JCI.Y L'S 7:'in --Kinly Minks." 7:30 News-Review Newscast. 7: 15 J. M. Judd says "Good Morning." 7:50 Alarm Clock Club. S: I;", - Dixie Memories. I.. A. Ounce Hand. S: I.". --operatic Kchoes. !:lHt Clyde MeCoy. !t : 1 " -Morton Dow nev. !t:.-!i) old I'avoiite Melodies. Io:oo..-tIip Dictators. 10:15 Movie Gossip. 10:30 "Radio Rendezvous." Copco in: !.'-- lloine:nak"ts Harmony. 11: 15 Variety Show of the Air. 1 1 : I.". Sol Moopii. 12:00 "Time Signal," Knudston's. 1 - : !-" -- Manhattan Concert Hand. 12 : 15 "Sinninn Strings," Radio Memories in Music. ;30 Hansen's Melody. :-15 News-Review of the Air. :en - " and Kuds." :30 -Afternoon; Melodies :' "Win Id Hook Man.'' Orcan Intel b!'!-1. : C- Childn n's Orch ::to .tack Shilkiet. stra. :50 News Flashes. :0M I'bil Gev ante. ::tit Kiddies Keqtiefit Program. :45 "Your Hi-Road to Happi ness." Dairies of Roseburg. :00 Editor's Views of the News. : I An bur Trac . ::M Jimmy Chicago Hospital Develops New Treatment for Acid Stomach Ulcers and Colitis Etnia rtlM on thm Kt(f of a known Chimsv lloittsl tiav nnouncttJ Trvo1uti.iiit.r new druirl( treat mint for -ulcers tf tti tomch nd duixlvnum. Hr tnarKftlil rritlt. hnr tt-n tnre.l In Uiws fniulilion. k u in mlttu ami oihff acid conditions, Tmttntont in pur Vwctihl niattiT, ineitisivt; niJ known u . At. "i V.'iji'.Miui'iH', Mil i .n-i -TV ho .Hi. tlU : fti.l ttfir.T ll I" NATM.V N KC 1 .1 .K I ;T N . 1:7 N ,la ksnri St. lies, biu n. can sc-Mire ti til- i ! tic .tm.el of V. M lleit ni w f I as ( i ee sen sat b-nil boek of I'-'M IV- tor and UoM'iTj, litl'rls una other valuaMe infer tnatt on. 5:00 Melody Lane with Wanda Armour at tho Indian Thea ter Organ. 5: J0 Monitor Viewa the Newt. 5:4;" Victor Young and Orches tra. 6:15 Montmartre Famoua Or chestras. 6:45 "Knights of the Road." 6:50 News Flashes. 7:io- Mills Urothorij. 7:15 IJaul Whilemen. 7:30 American Family Robinson. 7:45 Your Grnb liag. S: HO Sign Off. TIH ItSUAV, JI LY ill mi "Early Birds." 30 News-Review Newscast. 45 Alarm Clock Club. 15 YiiKiibnmis of the Plali-ii-K. 30 Full Gospel Church of the Air, Rev. A. Harold Persing. IT, Sol Brililll. iij Shell Fields ill KilililillB Khytlim. :S AiiiliroMi and Orchestra. 4,', Kddy Duchin. ml Melody Mountaineers. 1", Orille Klliii. 30 "Radio Rendezvous," Copco r liotneniakers Harmony. 15 Variety Show of the Air. A't Violin Concert. 00 "Time Signal," Knudtson's. on Noonday Orpan Coni-ert. :15 Phil Harris, Denn-Gerret- sen. ::io -1,. A. Symphony. ;45 News-Review of the Air. :liil--"lldds HtHl Kin's." :30 Accordion Melodies with Allen Cordon. :ir, Aliornoon Hunco .Melodies. -on "World Hook Man. Cliick Utilioek und Orches tra. ::) Mm from the Shows. 50 News Flashes. no Hoswell Sisters. :1", (ietie Karoos. I!" , Kiddies lteitlenl rronranl. 00 Editor Views the News. l.ri Dirk .MeDonoimll. ::lll The Cowhands. :UH Glen Gray mid His Clisu Loiiiii Orchestra. :30 Monitor Views" the News. : 15 .Manhattan Concert Hand. inn Mm-cli Time. :1S Montmartre Famous Or chestras. :45 "Knights of the Road." :50 News Flashes. : on (I iris ol I lie Gulden Wesl. :15 KRNR Little Theater pre sents "Flash Girl." ::iti Your Grub llaj;. :00 Simi oil. NEWLYWEDS IN CRASH PASS CRISIS COKVA1.I.1S. Ore., .Inly IMi. APt li. h. McCue, city clerk oi Colusa. Galif.. and bis bride, who were seriously injured last week when their automobile plunged down a 75-foot embankment on the Oregon coast highway, apparently had successfully passed a crisis today. Attending physicians ti t Wald port, where the couple is in a bos pital, said they bad recovered from the shock ol the accident ami ap peared to be on the way to recov er v if complications do not de velop. Relatives from California arrived Saturday. DEATH CAR DRIVER FACING CHARGES KLAMATH FA1XS, July 2ti, (A IM V. h a r ues of involuntary manslaiiKlH(U' were filed here this alternoon asainst Italpn Peyton. in connection with Saturday's automobile accident on the Lake- view h'phway in which I ewey Ityrue, 40. and Mildred Hicks. II, were killed. Peyton was driving the car in which I'yrne, In&Kint; hu peri n ten dent for the Kwaunu Hox company, was ridim;. The car collided with another driven by Mrs. Iiay Hicks In which Mildred was a passen- i?er. lola Hicks, K!. is in a cr tical condition as a result of Ihe inishai. Attend Reunion Dr. and Mis CeoiKe K. Hoiick and Mrs. S. Montgomery of this city spent Sunday in Albany where I hey at tended the annual reunion of the Vernon taniily. at a Saving of 20 to 25 Since IfW-f, thi company hai jj'own strimgcr larger, more scturr, Neither bad timet nor ntnll.ii;ration b.ivc hindered in growth; hut brive proved the company's sonndne. Poluv holders of Oregon Mutual lire we 20 lo 2c'e In-vJii-e wlettn! risk only arc injured.- SIT IS A HO IT YOl"R fc NhXT POI.1CV Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company Mc MINNVILLE. OREGON Douglas Abstract Co. 147 N. Jackson St. PHONE 87 iCCC DIPS RELIEF All relief (itiallfUationa connect ed with enrollment in thu civilian conservation corps Imvt been re moved. Kranklyn Voyt. executive secretary of Hie Douglai county relief committee, was Informed to day from state headquarter. Hern- i of ore It has been necessary for young men to be from lamllte cr. Hie relief roll betore they could enlist In tho CCC. Under the new ruling ciiltsliiient is open to all .wiling men between 17 and 2'i years m age. it ih not necessary that the enrol lee have lependents, nor that he make an allotment from bis monthly pay to any other member of his family. The enlistment period closes ,1 ill v ,T1 and all young men Inter ested In joining the organization are urged to immediately contact the county relief headquarters. LETTER WRITER TO F. R. HELD INSANE ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.. July 20. (AIM William H. West, a minis- Icr HlTi'StiMl on rlmiKei of HCllilillK pxlnrtintl Ictlr-rH lo Prositieltl TDA1IEI CACT tow Priced yncw rxpL.F rAB.ES, 5735 nmmwr h - " r 1 i 1 - . "i B ' 1 I. " v i i I J Tit.itA-Tiiframti-? '---'A t-ir-l ( ROLLATOR REFRIGERATION See the amazing Norge Low-Temp Rollator Refrigerator today! Even in the hottest weather it freezes more ice faster cabinet temperamres are as much as 10 lower loss of food moisture is minimized by higher humidity. Housekeepers as well as scientists have the proof that foods keep prime fresh 2 to 5 time longer. Before you buy any refrigerator be sure to see the Norgc Low-Temp. AS UTTLE AS The Rolhtor Comprtaortx cfuijve Norge cold-mtking mtchniim ht but 3 slowly moving prt$. Gives more cold foe the current used is mosf Radio Music Store GROSS AND HARGIS Phone 93 Roonevelt, was committed to the Atlantic county hospital for the in sauo today. West was jailed last night after a secret service man charged he sent letters to tho president de-, munding either a job or "adequate compensation for bringing about Kousevolt's nomination" at the 1 9M2 democratic national conven tion in Chicago. nichard Harding, in 1805, was convicted of forging the revenue stamp on Ihe ace of spades and died by hanging, the most severe penalty ever inflicted on a man lur a crime connected with a puck of curds. Si Dillard Motor Co. ROSEBURG, ORE. 0 .. ..lh.-lll 1''"')r'.':. IMasiilK'-r ul . '. inuin. . ', HOT ' f , "v v DOWN PAYMENT 225 N. Jackson St