ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSBBURtl, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1937 Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER SILVER TEA 16 CHARMING AFFAIR CLKNDAM-:, July 15.-The "ail vov t''" at the homo of Mrs. Harry Cooko, tiL Azalea, Wodnt'S duy afternoon, with Mrs. KUa I,ca:h and Mrs, M. J. Ciilltenson as uHHisting l)osl(!8sc3 was well patronized Willi" ovr forty guest s i-n joying a snelul afternoon. The nilvor oTfoiing of $it is for the lit'iiefit of tho church Imililing 1'lllKl. . The rooms were, beautiful with hugo bouquets of mi in met flowers. Mrs. 11. F. Mouc-heiie and Mrs. (Jil hrt Olson presided at t ho urns during tlie refreshment hour. hi addition to a nice npr-spnia-tiou of the (Herniate Ladies Aid, K-'veral oat of town guests wero liresent, including Mrs. Hohert KnitOit and (hnmMer, Marilyn, of Seattle, Mrs. (-'h,e.ster Johns of Salem, Mrs. Kretl (laedlike of Ko ulile, Mrs. J. W. Scott of Mon mouth. Mrs. I). ('.. Coo per of Ok lahoma, Mrs, Imve Shields of Oak land, Calif., and Mrs. V. A. Oliv er of San Kram-isen. Oilier guests wore Mrs. Koltin Johns, Mrs. Jim Warren, Mrs. Cliaui Johns, Mrs. Jake Fisher, Florence Norman, Mrs. John Olletilterg. Mrs. I). II. ' lure, Mrs. Henry CJaedlckn, Mrs. Forest Foreman, Mru. Frank Tripp. Mrs. Warren Hiizcn and Mrs. Llooth. ELGAROSE COMFORT CLUB HOLDS SUPPER-MEETING MKI.UOSK, July IT.. The KlRa fo.iH Comfort clnh hHil their re gular ineeimg and pot luck sup per ai tho play shed Saturday evening. The supper was served, at eight o'clock after which the meeting was called to order by tho presi dent, Mrs. Klla Johnson, and a short business meeting was held. The club prize was won by Mrs. K. . Cooper. Those enjoying the supper and evening were, Mr. and Mrs. C. 10, Johnson and daughter, Keiui. Air. and Mrs. (i miner John son and daughter, Helen, Mr, and Mrs. Oeorge Sunherj; and son, I xmald and daughter. Donna, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Thorn beig and sons, Keith and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stubbs and son, Jackie, and daughter, Hope.QMr. and Mrs. V. ( ). Sandstrom, their son Ronald. Heveily Kay Anderson, I lelores Hrown. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Wood ruff. Mrs. Carl Hack I and and daughters. Miss Heli'ii and Miss Dorothy and her sister. Miss Ruth Anderson, of Xion, 111., who is spending the Rimirnor here. Alvin Anderson, Mrs. K.I Class and Ron, Wesley. O LIONS CL(&)B ANNOUNCED PICNIC DATE FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY, JULY 21. t The Lions club met last eve ning at a 6:30 o'clock dinner at Carl's Tavern Uh It. C. Klliott, president, in charge. An excel lent attendance enjoyed the meet ing. Kenneth McReynolds, assistant forester, was guest ;enker at the dinner and gave a very interest ing and much appreciated tall; on forestry pertaining to the recrea tional phase and fire patrol de partment. Plans were made for the pic nic to be held by the Lions and their wives next Wednesday eve ning. July 21, at I'mptiua park. Itert Courtney is general chairman and is being assisted by L. A. Coe, T. H. Reeves and J. P. Motschen bacher. THIMBLE CLUB HAS MEETING THURSDAY RIDDLE, July 15. Mrs. John Woods, assisted by Mrs. Alfred Howard, entertained the Thimble club at her home Thursday after noon After an afternoon spent at sewing and visiting, refreshments were served to the following guests: Mrs. Perry Cornutt, Mrs. Kffie Ledgerwood, Mrs. Ernest Riddle. Mrs. Ernest Primer. Mrs. John Hoyer, Mrs. K. L. Pfaff, Mrs. Myers. Mrs. Alfred Howard, Mrs. Margaret Kimutel. Mrs. Arthur Platf, Mrs. Elzie Logsdon. Mrs. Hairy Williams, Mrs. O. V. Lon don. Mrs. G. L. (iranl and ihe hos tess, Mrs. Woods. a DELIGHTFUL EVENING AFFAIR IS ENJOYED MVHTLE CREEK. July 15. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed July 2 by the members of the Lov al Merean and high school liibte POETS CORNER VACATION LAND ny wAirat re. i:.tks Whrn thp frazzled city plunger Climpses his mention liiKCer In the offing, looming larfie. And ho knows that fur a slated K.-a.sim he's emancipated. It's no wonder he's elated When he sees ti:at precious hatKP. Then he finds Ihe joy of Ih ins Clouded hy a stinne." misfvint: He's encountered r.iany times Where to ko. and how to spend it? That vacation, how to end il? Disappointment, how to mend it? I'onder for a while these rhymes. For he's wiper now. and older Than he was when he wars holder, And he wonders whether, now. He'll come back airaiii dismisted, Ih'oken-splriled and busted. Sick of soul and sHef-encrusted. With new furrows in his brow. This vacationer should dally "or n while In i'lnpnua's valley Thinks the author of this poem Holt the city's monev-makers. lnlt the city's undertakers. And here on some friendly nrreit Make vacation land his homo classes of thu Christian Sunday school. The place was the popular and heautitul Lunrelwood park, owned hy Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Skin ner. Iloat lidlni! In the new motor boat reeenily built by Sheldon Ualy, was enjoyed and refresh ments of ice cream and cookies were served, after which a bust ness nieetliiK was held around a bit; bonfire. About thirty members ot the classes and visitors present. PRESBYTERIAN AID TO HAVE ICE-CREAM SOCIAL SATURDAY, JULY 24TH The general public has hern most cordially invited to enjoy a do liiltlul ice-cream social next Nat- onlay, July 2, beginning ut five o ciocit III tlie arteriiuou unUei the auspices of the Presbyterian ladies aid society, to be held in the beau tiful Kardens of the Ueurn Kohl iiacn home on South Jackson street. .Mrs. (Mali- K. 'Allon ami .Mrs. Karl I'llrtch are joint chairmen or the Ice-cream social; Mrs. Fred Hamilton and .Mrs. K. S. Hall will have charge of the cakes and Mrs. I'.mery Williams and Mrs. Alli-M imseniiark will have charge of the weiners anil buns. MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO GIVE SILVER TEA The Ilu-jtlst Missionary society announces an interesting silver lea to hu held next Thursday after noon at 2:.'!ll o'clock at the home or Mrs. tjeorge Caskey on the North Pacific highway. Mrs. Cas key. Mrs. Frank Ktalfansim and Mrs. C. I. Suoddy are actio;' as hostesses for the affair with Mrs. C. II. Wickham in charge of the program. All members of the Ilapliiil church ami the ladles of the other chinches In Kosdburg are mosl cordially Invited' to enjoy this sil ver tea. LOVELY SUKPRISE PARTY GIVEN MRS. RICHARDSON MVll'l'1,1-: CUKIJK. July la A lovely surprise party, compliment ing Mrs. Merle Itichnrdson. was given by the neighborhood ladies last Friday afternoon, at Mrs. Richardson's home. .Many gifts were presented and refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. Richardson, the guest of hon or. Mrs. Arthur Richardson and nor mother. jus. McCuire, Mrs. Cljde Applehee. Mrs. E. B. Mrew er, Mrs. J. A. Copeland, Mrs. 11. 1). Jones. Lois Copeland. Mrs. C. J. Jones. Mrs. (i. T. Rhodes, Mrs. E. C. llryant, Mrs. K. V. Weaver. BIBLE CLASS ANNUAL PICNIC TO BE HELD NEXT MONDAY EVENING A very Interesting affair of the coming week Is the annual picnic oi in. k. i,. minus iion-denoiiiliia.-tional llihli! study class to be held at six-thirty o'clock at the Doer Creek park. This will be the last meeting and social gathering of tile class until October. All mem bers of the class and their friends have been most cordially invited to enjoy tho picnic, which will be iollowed by a very interesting and enjoyable program. S. S. CLASS PICNIC POSTPONED TO LATER DATE The Loyalist Young Married Peo ple s class of the First llaptlst .Huron wnicn planned a picnic for this coming Friday evening, has announced that the affair will be Indefinitely postponed. The new date tor the picnic will he aa nounced litter. FAVORITE RECIPES (Ttroiwlrnflt hy the Wonifn'a Kx cbanif. deiiarlmciit of K I1XK nnd pultti.shcd in tlip county cook book. Pomplotf copips of thin conk bonk niny be purclmsi-rl at tlie News-He view office at fit) con is each.) CHEESE mrs. h. if. cornisu UosidHirp, Ore. 1 qt. very dry cottage cheese; i c butter, fresh, sweet; l1 t soda. Mix well and let staml 2 hrs. Place in double boiler and when well melted add nt. rich sour cream; 1 T salt and butter color. Pour off in mold O-vhen melted. This recipe makes cheese similar to cream checso bought in stores. CHILI CON CARNE MRS. KUMtKNCK OKTINCKR I 'ays Crt'ek, Ore. This recipe makes enough con oarne to fill about twenty-five (2M quart cans. Ui lbs. hamburger S lbs. Mexican beans 4 lbs. suet f tablespoons chill powder H-i tablespoons cayenne popper t! cans of hot tomato sauce Salt to suit taste Small onion of Rnrlic Fry the suet out well, remove cracklinss. Add the garlic and let brown. Then add the hamburger md let sear through. Have the beans cooked and ready and into them put the toma to sauce, chili powder, salt and cayenne. Let cook through then add the hamburger mixture and about 2 quarts of hot water. Cook down well before filling jars, then ssure conk for 20 minutes at 15 Ins. Remove from cooker and seal. MUSTARD SEED PICKLES MRS. TONY OSW ALD, Sutherlin. These are made with cold vine gar and ker.p extra well. Park Ma nu jar tightly with cucumbers. The tighter the curumbers are oacked in the less vinegar it takes. Put in -I t white milliard seed; 4 t salt; 6 ! suirar. Fill up with vine gar and seal tight. For 1 quart. SIDE GLANCES :-rC dim f4) v eot-B- BY Nt StHVlCC. INC. T.H PtC US PAT Off. "Lei's make our husbands lake us otil l Ihe country rltilt parly. There'll be some men there who are swell dative rs " New Dodge Pick-Up Bav,its -itzirzcriLity..',..' '-if-' iHk;jiSA' t? iaa Shown here is tin new l!).Ti equipped with a bodv that is 72 inches In nr. 47 inches wide and 17 Inehes hlh, which permits plenty of- space for th luiuliiiB of bulky I loads. This model is popular in such fields as pluinhiiitf, general con- iraciniK. hardware, produce, electrical and general contracting. On dis play at Si Dillard Motor Co. SMOKE OF BATTLE IN THE AIR V ' $ $k ft ' ' t t-7 fT i;f ' f. P Smokfiig out the enemy used to mean forcing them Into the open, but with the use of smoke screens behind which troops and planes may maneuver undetected the phrase takes on a modern meaning. Zooming toward the clouds, five planes of the Royal Air Force show how they will lay a protective smoke screen in battle during a demonstration at Duxford, England. STATESMAN, DIES IllCRLIN, July ir.fAP) Wal ter Simons, former president of the Cerman supreme court and for mer foreign minif.ter, died today at the age of (5. Dr. Simons, recognized as one of the world's lending authorltiea on international law. was foreign min ister when (Jermany capitulated the end of the World war. He retained his post when the imperial government was overt hrwvn but left it just a week beforeMennany was forced to sign the treaty of surrender at Versailles on June 2". is 19. Hr. Simons had an important part in the organization of the re public and served for two months as president pro teni of the nation in HCii between the death of Prewi- dent Jreiderrich Khert and the By George Clark Ticarf iiaii-ion pfek-np. This car in inauguration of President Field Marshal Paul von Hlndenhurg. Jtetlrint from the supreme court in 19:!, Simons devoted himself to f forts fr Mntfi'-iiilnn of Prut en fant creeds In Cermany. He alt") advocated "practical cooperation" of Catholics and Protestants. He was t member of the congre gation of the Rev Martin Nicmoel ler, Protestant pastor who fre quently challenged nazi authority and w ho was arrested July 1 on charges of "making false state ments," ami Inciting disobedient in state institution. -o- Mrs. Neville Coleman, Kngland, refused to sit at a tubleQi for 13. dined alone, and was stricken with a fatal heart attack halfw; through her meal. In the Yunnan province of China, books are buried with the dead to assure the deceased both irood luck and entertainment on their finr.l journey. WANTED Woman fo? hounekrener. Apply 801 Harvard. Adv. Local News In Town Yesterday Mrs. Vaul Simpson, and daughter, of ClUle, were in town shopping and visit ing yesterday. Back From East Mr. and Mis. Andy Town send have returned to their home here, alter enjoying a trip to the east coast and hack. Undergoes Minor Operation Craig Short, son of Mr .and Mrs. Stanley Short, had his tonsils re moved yesterday by lr. A. C. Kt-ely. Attend to Business Mr. ami Mrs. Oscar Rowland, who are boniest oading at llerry Creek, ere business visitors in this city yesterday. Attends Installation Mrs. M. It. I vie, of Medlord. formerly of this city, attended the Itebekah instal lation ceremony at the I. I), t), F. hall Tuesday night. In Portland Mrs. Frederick J. Herman, owner of Velum's Meanly shop in (he Perkins building, is spending a few days in Portland attending to business. Visiting at Riddle Mrs. Koyd Druton and children. Nrua and !al, left today for RhhliV where they will visit Mrs. llruion s sis Mrs. Hertha Hluiidelt, until Sunday evening. Arrives Here Mrs. A. A. Tay lor, of Sioux Falls, South Hukota, arrived in Roseburg yesterday to visit her daughter. Miss Frances llowliu, nurse at tlie veterans ad ministration facility. O Visiting at Jones Home Mrs. John McNeil and son. of .Reeds port, have arrived here to visit lor ton days with the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Jones, Attend to Business Tl. M. Krell, manager of the local Western Auto Supplv store, nnd Mrs. Krell iind Ron, Hob, made a business irip to Myrtle Point Tuesday and lo Klkton yesterday. Leaves for Bakersfield llcuuie Hu Fresno left Wednesday for his work at Hakei-sHcld. Calif., after spending the past few weekrf in Roseburg visiting at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. (!. R. Singleton. Obtain Marriage License Fer roll Ilea. 31, son of Mr. and Mrs. Story lies of Roseburg, and Marie Sellers, 22, of Myrtle Creek, ob tained a marriage license at Iteno, Nev., Wednesday. July 11. Visiting In Portland Mrs. R II. Laird, of this city, and her daugh ter, Mrs. Merle Lowden, nee Ger trude Laird, of (iasquet, Calif., have left for Portland to spend a week visiting relutives and friends. Mrs. Buchanan Here Mrs, W. R. Ituchuuan, Sr., of Eugene, has ar rived In Roseburg to spend a few days visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Young, on West First street. Leaves for Portland Miss .Marie I'ederson has returned to her home in Portland, after spend ing n couple of weeks In this citv halting Miss Claire Tison at the lioine of Mr. and Mrs. (J. C. Tison. CactiQ Blooms Given to Office Three large brilliant red cactus blooms were presented to the News-Review office yesterday bv Mrs. J. H. Short. The blooms are unusually large and perfect In col oring and rhu 1 1 c. Visiting at Zacharisen Home Miss (irace Mulhollauil. dauuhter of Rev. and Mrs. It. It. Mulhollaud. of Aaloria, is visiting until the rirst of the month nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Zachurisen. on South M.tln street. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs J:ick Murdoek and two sons. Jack tv.. mi. I Hill, left Wednesdav for l heir home In Vaucouver, II. (, lifter spending the nasi wc-'!: here visiting Mi .ndock's brother and cister-in-law, Mr. mid Mrs. K. liugp'eber, on South Pine street. Attend Sales Meeting If. Zach arisen, in clyu-ge of the sales de- partment at the oc; Conro office. and Ann Rice and Robert lilack, of the same department, Hcut Tues day at Marshfield, where they ut tended a sales meeting of the company. In From Camp Attorney and Mrs. Dexter Itlce and Miss Phvllis Ann Ilolter returned to the Rice home her, yesterday from their camp at Rock creek. Attorney (ce then left for Portland to spend a few days on business and v.lil take his family back to the Rice cunih again this week-end. Back From Vacation Mrs .! H HuglieM hnH returned to her work In the ladies rejidy-to-wear depart ment or the hital .1 C. Penney cojiipjiiiy store, after spending the past two months vacationing. She spent the greater part of the time in ininsmulr, Calif,, with her husband, who Is stationed there by the Southern Paclfle companv. She visited in W'aisonviJIe, AI- turas and San Francisco and then went to ( hico to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Chatfield. Tlie bdier was formerly Hilda HugheH U.f this city. Mr. Hitches acromnattied Mrs. Hughes as far as Grants Pass Sunday, where they snt-nt the day wmi their son. Wood row Huirhes, Mrs. Hughes came on to Roue- burg to resume her woi k and Mr. Hughes returned to Hunsmulr. Baron Linked With Barbara Aw t- Is Vr'! f- "V ' v t ll,-?'Lvs-''t iJM Jteputcdly ot fiibulous wealth ($200,000,000) is Baron Jean Kmpnin, above, Hcliiium's titled playboy whose name has lately been linked rather romantically with that of Countess Barbara Jl u 1 1 o n Hauiiwitz-Reventlow, American heiress. Baron Em pain, about 50, entertained the Iwicc-wed countess on her re cent trip lo Kuypt. O Attends to Business L. lie- Waard, ut Sutherlin, was u busi ness visitor in this eily yester day. Tyoe Visitors Here Mr. unci Mrs. II. S. Powell, of Tyee. were ill lown ulteuillnn to business yes terday. RAI.KM. .lnlv ir. (AMI V.,. liiiuul miaul unil army niiieers ot asniiiuion unci (ll'eunli made iiiiuiu luti-n .,, I,,,, r,... r i. army maneuvers to be held ut Fori Lewis, Wash.. Ill AliKUSt. The ort'leers conferred with Ma jor Ceneral (leortle K. Klliiunds, San rruiieiseo, eoiuiiiunillnK Ken erul of the lonrlh army, and Ma jor ueuerul uooi'Ko White, com- inaudlllir L'l.nninl rtl' llw ri..,o.i ,.. lioiuil tiu.ird and cimuuuiiiler of me hhl division, wlllill Ineludes nutlonul Riiuriisnien of WusIiIiik- lOll. OreL'fill lilnhn M,Antn .i WyninliiK. 1 llO IlinneilVei'H llll-l'oat In II,, tlistlirV nf thu nnrlli , ...til I... one of fnitr thrnnirlwtiit ,1m r,.,,,-ii. army area. Others will be held ut run uiley, kuusiih; l'alll) Ulpley, Minn., and Sun I.uls Obispo. Calif. llenerul White will lead his di vision of 9.00U men m-mug tl,, Ml,. qually river under "fire" of 5.1)110 leKuiur army troops. The nutlonul - .unnlumni, ,m fire 227.400 rnuiulH nr l.h.nir -in.. '""I me reKiilnr forces w 17 Mill ..n,lu VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE LICENSES uioUKv-nni'K i.'.n ,i ,i Dewev. ItoselnAir mwl ri iin..t. er, .Melrose. Q Sl.AtKiMTRII . 11,111 in v Ceoi'KP SlnilKhler nnd Li) Verne iiolllduy, boih of Mllo. FAST DELIVERY 0 Kach aflernoon Ir Hose. hill f. Winchester. Wilbur. Siillierlln. Oakland, Yoncalln, Drain, HI Ward. Coos Junction. llnii'liway. Teliuiile. CaniuH Valley, Myrtle Creek. 1(1(1, lie, Clinyonville unil CI en dale TIIIO NKWK-ltKVIKW 1;'. UK- l.lVIMtlM) HKKOItK ITS INK SCAItCIOI.Y IS DltY. 4 ITS LOW PRICE Of only lion per month bv enr- rler In HnsehurK, nnd T C I 10 13 months by mull for onlv fl (l per yenr) ANYWIIKItK, ) has been maintained In the ) face of steadily iIhuk news- paper costs. SUDSCRIBE OR RENEW TODAY Anil nssure yourself of Ihe pick of world mid loenl news . at Ibesn tow prices. Take nd- viintii'.'e of the biireuiiM listed 4 dully in the ndverllslii; eel- limns: this alone v HI save 4 you nianv limes the eosl of the pnner! The UosebllrK News-Itevlew. 4 PYREX The ideal poking utensil. Top of Ihe stove and oven ware. II FROM UP Parslow Hdw. Co. T-B HOSPITAL GRAf!T WAR11INCTON, July in. (AP) -The public works udinlnistrailon aiiuouncKl today it i-oiild not ne eept an upplliutlnn by the Oregon Stale Imnnl ,,f f.mifi'itl r,- n. Sun. iioo icrunt to aid hi eonsiriielliig il iiioercuiosis nosiiitul 111 I'orllund, Ore. The slate legislature has ap propriated $110,01)0. or 5G per cent of the total cost of the proposed structure. 1U'A nfttMnlu ,ni,l ln... .. eludes acceptance" ami poiuied to lirovisioiis in tno new relief bill which say l but "no new oppllca- limiS flit llOU' ltl.lllu.ilu ullull Kn colved or accepted after the en- ui'inieiu Ol nils IttW. The Oregon nppllrnllnn, the of ficials added, has not yet been re ceived, but it was understood to he on the way. They said the Oreiinn board ap parently hud believed tho protect WHR I'lll'MlIt, hl.IIBa f IO been appropriated ,y u10 state. PRODUCE I'OltTI.ANI), July 15 Ill'TTKlt 1'r'nls, A Kiaile. :l.ric lb. in parch ment wrapp?.s. :tlie in cin'ons; 11 j'i'aile :.te In parciunellt wrappers, :t."ic ill cartons. Hl'TTIOItKAT -- (Portland de livery, biivinn price) A made S4-H4AC lb. rountry stations; A l-rade :12-;I2c; II Kiude lie less; C l lade tic less. KCIS UuyliiK price hy whole sahrs: Kxtras 22c; standards 20e; laedliiin ISc; medium firsts 17c; llldei f-rades ir,c -'oTieii. I'OfXTIiY MKAT.4 Hilllim price to retailers: Country killed boKS, best liulclier, under ltlO lbs. lTi-inie; venlers Me; liht nnd thin 10-12c; heavy 10-1 tc; ciinncr cows 7-Sc; culters iri-17e; bulls 10-llc; sprlliK lambs 15-1 Be ; ewes r.-7c lb. Cheese, live poultry, potatoes, onions, cantaloupes, wool, hay, mo- uur, hops ami cascaru hark, uu cliaueed. LIVESTOCK l'OltTI.ANIl, July in HOtiS: Maikct active, steudy,; eood choice li;r-21.r lb. drlveiiis J1.75, cur load lols 12.00; medium grades il. r,o; 22r.-2sn tb. ii.oo.ii.7n; 120- 11)0 lb. I0.7u-11.2R: packhiK sows S.00; feeder plus 10.70. CATTI.H: Cjiarket active, steady to slrom;; scnttered medium Rrass steers s.liil-!i (in; eommon i;.iio: lliin on stocker orders f,.fiO; grass heifers; low cutter and cutler; few rut dairy type cows n.25; bulk cnmmon-mediuin heel' cows Fi.H0-fi.00; good cows 11.25; bulls 5.50 0.OO; ilers suoiik uood-ehoice 8.00-9. no. ' S1I1010P: Market slow, steady; few medium - good sprlliK lambs; yeurliiiKS ri.2ri-li.00; medium-good ewes WHEAT POHTl-ANI). July 15. (API Open High Low Close July 1.10J l.lo, l.ioi 1.101 Sept 1.10 l.lllj .0111 1.004 Cash wheat : IHr llend bluest. Mil MARKET REPORTS Starts Today 3 Days ws X VICTOR HcLA n DRAMA UNPARALLELED . . . when all the forces of Justice are ranged against an Innocent man who has done his tremendous duty, only to be trapped by the most fateful happening in generations! TODAY Claire Trevor Akim Tamiroff "KING OF GAMBLERS" Mats 25c Eves 35c Kiddies 10c 1 I r Mogt Vmutu ut tin V.'ftfti 1 hw 12 pet 1.11; dark hard winter 13 pet I.2KJ 12 pet 1.19 11 pet 1.13; Boft white, western white unil western red 1.11; hard winter To bo considered earthquake proof, u buil'liiiK niU3t be capable of wltlistundliiK a hnrrlKOntal pros- : sure equal to one-tenth of its own I welKlit. Always 2 Features STARTS FRIDAY Plut on tho Same Program ..In thrilling lory ( lh rly Wail, crathing to an citing dim tat when bandit light banditl ALSO Shows 2-7-9 p. m. md death tsnliDi 3 Also Selected - J Short Subjecta ENDS TODAY