ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, ORF.CON, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1917.' FOUR lMUd Dully fcUvriU huuduy by the JVetta-ltevlrw Co., luc llebibcr of The A moi-Ih Iril Vtrmm Tim Associated Pieaa in exclusive ly entitled to the uo for republu-u-tloo of nil news dispatcher credited to it or nut othurwiuo credited In this paper and to U local newi piblluhcd herein. All liifhti of re- Eublluatlon of special dispatches erelo aru llio reaerved. HA II HI 3 B-SWORTH Editor Entered as second clans matter Muy 17, 1820. at the post office al ltost'burK. Oregon, under act of March 2, 187. Represented By Esf-HpLtmAY Nftf rk 21 East 4')lh Stroe'.. I IiIchko i"ii N. MithlKHH Ave. Kt:n t ruocjitro 220 HuhIi St runt Detroit iilM Moplit-'IlBOii Mldu., l.o Aim'-I- W& H. tiL'riiiK bll.x-l. hr attlt txii Hlt-wart HLiuflt. 'orllaiiU friiU ti. W. aiKth Btruet, VBuiuutr, B. C 711 Hall Did., SI. I.oul- 411 N. Tenth tftrueU Atlanta 4t Grant Building. 8ubMcrlptia Kates Dally, pur year y mail $4 00 Uaiiy.ti inuiiths ty ui ml H. jo Dully. 3 mouths by mail Dally, by carrier per uioutu uu A Poor Attack IT EVIDENTLY seemed lo Rep- resentutiv Humiilnu Fish that I he tax-evasl'Hi coinmlUoo was using lliu investigation us a ini'uiiH uf naming and smearing the. so culled economic loyalists mostly those opposed to thu ndminUua tiini ho ho set out to do some smearing on his own hook. Hut when the representative nets out to blacken the name of Mis. Franklin KooHovelt, having as his only Complaint that she did nut pay ineonic tax on money paid to charily as a result of her ladiu broadcasts, lie does not have u very good ease. Airs. Roosevelt euvu her time and energy that thu money might bu paid lo thu charily ot her se lection. To suggest that she Hhould, in addition, pay a lax or in oilier words make an addition al compulsory donation is absurd. If, according lo Fish, thu money should havu been deducted from the amount paid to her by thu broadcasting company hul'nrc it was turned over to tho charity by Mis. itoosevelt thu result would obviously be only a loan of rev enue lo thu charity. There Is tho legal technicality of thu situation to bo considered, of courso, but it is obvious I hat Representative Fish js uol Inter ested In that phase. Hu wauls (o damagu Ihe Ruusevelts. Ah a mai ler of fact ihe tax-evasion Inves tigation Is not considering illegal lax evasion. Thu lux collector and tho department of Justice is i.lrcady dealing with that. What tlm com ml I ten is considering is the method used by those who evade taxes by means Unit are now legal. Tho beneficial results of tho Invcsligaliou, it is ussuniul, will hu thu plugging of these le gal loopholes. For the purpose of the Investiga tion, if It is an honesL one, the president and his family are citi zens like thu rest of us and their tax returns should bit examinee. Hut ir tie! investigation Is design ed mostly lo st.iirch reputations. Fish and the other loleni pari I satis should select some belter point, or ulluck than Mrs. Rooso veil's effort h on behalf of charity. Editorials on News ICouiiuuod from pugo 1.) gnat ileal, mi lie i-iinl he paid much. Hut Ihe man wilh a steam shovel call earn a lot, so he can be paid a lot. TpHK icason living Mamlnids of today me higher than living standard!', ol a cenlury uno is Ihal today we I'liold'CK Mnl;K We Ciiu'l have what Isn't u educed. And the more we produce die mole we can have. II poierty Is ever nidi d, il will he by prndilclii': mi nun h II,,, I then, will p.. enetmli In o aiouiel and give eveiyle.l plenty. We certainly can't end poverty by producing has and having less. I'roilui lng less an. I hut lug less is what .IAKi:s I'OVKIt'l'V. TOWNSEND CLUBS' JOINGS IN DOUGLAS III. I!K (Hide TmMisend rial, will hold (Is iniuitlily n ting 'lues il '.v, July I::, w l h a wiener roast anil titeiilc on (he liver adjoinlm; Hie Harris gala ,e. Vn interesting piomuin litis been analiged tcutui in; an iHldlesH b lilslricl Altotnev .1 . Long. The setnl atllliuil elec tion III ollleers will he belli. The cluh Is Inviting all meinhers and fi lends to attend. Crlckcla pioduii- iheli cliiiping niuial by milium; a tile like ridge ol otto v. tug over a scraping sur face 01 the other. Only ihe males lilivo these organs and the sound ccivcs tu cull their mutes. LIGHTHOUSE SHE REPORT SQUELCHED Land at Mouth of Umpqua to Be Disposed of But Beacon Will Stay. I'OUTLANI). Ore., July . "Yen. we liuve no liKlilliuilxi-H fur Bule to iluy," moaned K. C. Merrill, Hujter intelidelil of liejlthuutteg fur Oregon and Wttsliiiiglon yeitlerday after be hud hud tliu 'tm.ulith call ubuut the Intended Bale u a liKltthotiiie. "Suineuue put out tlie rupurt that wo were koIiik to Hell tile Ului'ttua liKht llttlithoutie," he went on, "and we've hud all bona uf Inquiries about It. "Some want It for a Hilluiner heme, yonio want It for thu brieky in it, and uue mull wax jiml In hero and wanted It beeuiiKo hu wtia born in it. lie didn't leave hlu nuluu. "Tho fuel la that congrotit ro eeutly paHaed all act which poi'mllH the liKhlhoUHu to dlHjioHu uf mir plnn iinipertleii, and we cuntemplule letting about 110 acres of the Ump qiiu river UxhlhouHo renervation ko lo the Oregon atato park coniniis sion lor a public park, but not the liKhthoiiHo. "We need that IlKlilhuuao. It hab been there nincu J Tj 7 , one uf nine li(ihlhuunes keeiilni; hips off the Oregon shore, and it towers 65 feul above u hill lull feet h!Bh bundle ihe ocean. We have no thought of illxpoHiuc of It.' Then. Mr. Merrill went on lo ex plain I hut the old, dlNcarded Wil laiuellH river lighthouse, a frame huUHellke Htruclure ir.uuuted on mime piling at the junction of the Columbia and Willamette livers, scon will be offered for Halo to the highest bidder. A modem electricully lighted boa con replaced It several years ago. "Possibly a fishing club will lake it for a clubhouse," he suggested. In some dry purls of Chile in halillunts recall but one or two showers In a lifetime. And then, probubly. there was no hot water. The .irst U. S. settlers leached Tuxas In and little did they know they were breaking ground lor one of Hilly Hose's greatest spectacles. KuIuVp'8 hint to hill-billy trou badours: Coyolcs never meet Iwku In the same place to yelp their weird songs. Thistles are preferred by cam els, probably on the theory that lor desert journeys it's best to eat sometulug that will stick tu thu rihs. Ail elephant's truck contains 111,0011 muscles, wilh un estimated peanut power of two dozen nickel nags a pci-roi'tuuiicc. Coiivngiii I!),;,, ist a Service, Inc. --o- PROPHECY OF CAVES GUIDE IS VERIFIED OUKtiON. CAVKS NATIONAL MONL.Ml-.NT, Ore.. July in. (Special. I A prediction made 2o years ago by l,iek itowley. veteran Oregon ( uves guide, came true over lite llh oi July Holidays. When less than loo persons oer day made the caves trip. Uowley oeciareit iiaiu people would some- tlinu maliu the tup lit a single day. I'.'xaclly 1112 visitors weru guid ed through the caverns July II li or i-o in excess ot any prcWous reC' ord. The holidays brought u throng of a.lf.a iieople or Si 1 over iinv previous mark. Itowley is serving bis 27lh year us guide, ulld liersonully bus taken over 21)11,1)110 visitors through the caves In I but time. PROF. COCHRAN TO BE HONOR GUEST Former sludents and friends of 1'iot. J. U, Cochran or limits 1'ass will honor their former ln- sluivlor and It lend tit a commuii Hy iin Die to be h, Id Sunday jiI 1'oles valley giaime hall. A pic nic dinner will he nerved at noon I Ihe atteinooil Will be given over lo u program and visaing. John Mucou is chairman of the Prof. Cochran association and -Mrs. Lloyd Plukerton is secretary. FAST DELIVERY . Kuch iirterliooii In limit, Winchester. U 1 1 h u r , Siilnerllii. tlaltlund. Yoniullu. lraiti, Inllanl, t'oo.t Junction, llinckwiiy, Tellnule. t'atuas Valley, .vlyrlle t reek. Kiddle. t'au..iivllle and tilendale It I r. NKVV SIIKVIKW IS UK l.l KltKIl IILI'I ililO ITS INK St'AIH'Kl.Y IS liliY. ITS LOW PRICE Of only .".iv per month bv car- & in r In Cosebiirg, and TURKU mouths iij uiutl for onlv l 11 per i ANYWIIKKK. hail been iiMlHluincd In Ihe ":ne ol slea'llly using news- P-ipcr costs. bUUSCRIBE OR RENEW TODAY And assure yourself ot the pa h id world and leeal news al these low prices. Tal.e ad- Miulnge nt Hi,, bargains listed dully In tin. advertising ,.i. limns; this nlone will uve you many tunes the cost of the paper! a The ltosebuig New .lev lew . ts4 1 BARBS OUT OUR WAY EfiAP, LADS' Tlllllllllf IT MUST yW BV 7H' f WAT THIMK VOt-l K-yyAiB &CME ys!?yf ) WAYTM' OP THIS -I SUC- KIUCOF THEV UL MAJOR CBZVBD 1M TRAClWa ) '2l AJUT TPEE, OU6MT ft BARKS f AV ANCESTORS 4 IM 3UDSW3 ffl TO SPBAV ABOUT ) BACK TO 1596 M TH' OLD jt HIvVLF, HAR-RUMF-THE HOOPLE XZh HAT'S J,J I'P SAY FAMILY TREE l WELL t 'RAUcSLILjfi ) AKJD6ET p - 'T WA5 . KOOTEP IWTO THE HOUSE- 'V OKI p rid 7 TOaWOOP' r OF eiRFPKJCISPRA.L ITS AN OPTH' L . J b FROM WHEMCE ' J BRANCHES) HcXiPLE (' !' f CCMGS, THE FOKOJME J rl f -J BLI6HT ) rv HUGE STJGE BUILT T ElKJKNK, July 111. (.Special. ) Tho largest stago ever bit ill In the I nited States will be used In pre senting the fourth triennial Ore gon Trail Pageant celebration al bugene, July 2'6 ami 2t. Ihe seb ting, probably the biggest in tho en tiro world, will be too feel long. -100 fuel deep, and tiO leel high. The sel is Iwo or three times us largo as any previous pugeunt stage the equivalent, of two city blocks. The only construction thai has ever approached the new set In scope and size was the Caval cade al the World's Fair in Iiullas, Texas, a year ago and that was only yOO feet long. Ktniuing along tho front of Ihe tuagu Is a board walk IU0 I'eeL long over which dancers will promenade in one of t.ho pagnanl scenes; under it. will he concealed IHl.ouo wait footlighls. In the center of the stage tin-re will he a two-level platform Isu feet long; the famous "Oregon Trail," visualized as part of ihe scunery will un.i from a mountain background between the peaks of tho Three Sisters- a ramp 120 feet long and 1 feet high. Hugo as the setting will be Ihe spaco will not be wasted us rivet ihiutj persons and a score ot live stock lako purl in the celebration. Figuratively and literally Ihe big-, the minister kind of rode herd onjjw "nark to' great-grandmother gesl job of Ihe pageant, the taskltlu-ni until they were ready to gohiays. V listened to Carmen, and has fallen into (he capable hands of Stage Director Horace Itobinsoit, instructor iu drama and stage de signing ut llio I nlversity of Ore gon. Three vears ago over zu.unn peo ple saw the pageant and IU37 direc tors expect a mucn larger aueu dunce at Huh years pertorniance. KeHorvulionrt were placed nu sale Saturday and may be obtained at pageunt headquarters in Kugene. KRNR PROGRAM (1,M0 Kilocycles) REMAINING HOURS TODAY -1:00 Jimmy Crier. I : 15 Modern Vocalists. 4:;iu Tea Timo Tunes. 5:0t Dor soy Bros. Orchestra. 5:30 The Monitor Views the Nows. f: in Brooklyn S inphony. 6:ou Victor Young. 6; 15 Montmartro Famous Or chestras. 6:45 "Knights of the Road," Coen Lumber Co. 6:50 News Flashes. 7:0'i--L. A. Symphony. 7: lfi King Crosby. 7:110 Your drab Bag. fcCOU Sign Off. .St'NDAY, JI'l.Y It 8 :p -Sacred Hymns.' 8:45 Glad Tidings of the Air. Rev. Ira F. Hankin. 9:00 Voterans Facility Program. !t :;pi Arkansas Log Hollers. 10: nu -Sunday Bequest Prom am. 11:00 Baptist Church Services, Uev. .1. B. Turnbull. 12:nn --Organ Concert. Imiii - Los Angeles Symphony, 1 : 15 Roscburg Gospel Messen gers, C. B. Hayes. l:::n -Phil Levaute & On h. I 2:oo Artist Recital Bureau. I 2:t,""Piajm l!:.lo Ooldeii Voices. 1 II: 00 Sunday Atteiuoou Dans- j ant. j ;t::iu - Negro Melodies i : 4 ' Hawaiian Serenade. 4:00 The Angolus Hour, Dr. A. Edwards. -1 ::to- Salon Melodies. t : l" Symphony. 5:00 Sunday Kiddies Request r:Kn - Ring Crosby. ft : lit 1 t i&uu Uevt-ries 6:0o-Sign off. MONDAY. .ICLY 12 7:00 "Kar'v Birds." 7:30 News-Review Newscast. T-fc5 J. M. Judd Says "Good Morning." 7:50 Alarm Clock Club. S:l"i - Dixie Memories. ti:;t0 Olen limy & His Cuu , Loma Oreh. ! ;00 The Honiev Fhilosopluv. H : I :- Mills Bros. i !::io-. Hmlsoll-De!;inj:e Orch. d:46- Ellington in llailem liar ninny. i Iteeo -Uoldeu Voices. , 10:30 "Radio Rendezvous ' Copco. I lit: to llonieiiidkers Jlanuouy. I 11:15 Variety Show of tho Air. RAMBLINGS OF THE NEWS-REVIEW MAN BY PAUL JENKINS P, ;UIIV SMITH, rector of St.. ieoiKe's Kiiisconal church In Uosuburg, ami national chaplain ot to l-Jngland, Del gium and Franco iu the Interests of the bitter or ganization. While in Fiance he plans, of course, on visit ing Paris. For some unaccount able reason, news of this made me think of a story. During the war, a minister toun'd himself there, and also found him self thrown into more or less in tlmulo contact with a couple of doughboys on leu've. They liked him, anil insisted on showing him thu sights. As a result he went overywuero with them, hesitatingly at first but with a decided note of acceleration later. Sometimes, ho would wait for ihem on a corner, ) (ttblishineiit, with .Hekclions from w hilo they vlslled u particularly ( her niusie box, nil instrument deleeiable plaru of entertainment, deeded her by an elderly lady sev The last lliuht of their leave.!,,,,,! v.... iu m.'. -.h inh-, ii;.in-,. ,hii- baek lo Ihe hotel where the lhre.i(tH. ,iel)ns of Seothind, and sev stayed. They got in at :t u. in.. andl,,ra nuiriJ couldn't iditifv, and when be had seen his two friends! thought I hey were sweii. There's suleiy In Ihelr rooms, the good t ,mubl about it. they beat a ra preacher sat down on the edge nf,ii0 jazz orchestra a mile. Or even his lied, thinking. Suddenly, wilh a dissadslied gesture, he stood up. "h. Lord." he said, "if I only could have seen Paris before I got religiou!" The Blakeley Street Tigers have gone ultra modern. Chased off a flower strip the other evening b an Irate gardener, they staged a sit-down strike on the lawn. 11: l;"i Marimba Melodies. I2:oo- "Time Signal," Knudtsons. 12; no Knickerbocker Symphony. 12: 15 ' St ny ing Strings," Radio Music. 12:30 Genial Jan Garhcr. 12:45 News-Review of tho Air. l:uo- -"Odds Ends. 1 ::to -Afternoon Dance- Melodies. 2: tin -"World Book Man.'' 2 : tt" Patsy Montana. 2:.' in Hits or Yewt.-iday. 2:50 News Flashes. 3:00 The Westerners. ;i:lf. Art Shaw. Il:!tn - Kiddies Keqiiest Program 3:45 "Your Hi-Road to Happi ness, Dairies of Roseburg. 4:00 The Editor's Views of the News. 1 : l.-i -Bay Kinny. l;.".o iChvlhm of the Range kinds. 5:00 "Melody Lane" da Armour at Theatre Organ 5:30 The Monitor w;th W,in the Indian Views the News. .V 1". - L. A. SnipiMMiy. 6:00 Hansen's 'Memories in Melody." 6:15 Montmartre Famous Or- 2)ailg)cvotion8 DU. CHARLES A. EDWARDS Souiet lines v, lieu our I rials and sorrow s couie u n us w 4' lalk and act as it no one h;el ever lo bear what has liven hud upon tu. And (, att -r alt. hoiv t Hiuuion ale all lOeso tilings and how many have tell bul lions (pule as iiei! as w hate to Dear. Hut just us Mire as hie has its alillciioti and its sad ness, so sine aie ihese hl lnwed by tomtoit and happi ness and joy. We iinijM li'-I late lilt 's ilaik u.iys tint seiumsly. us it the sun w on Id necr shine auaiu I'oi it wiil. ami we shall lejoice in itie hi thinness and beauly and lite that it gies. We bless Thee. Our Cod. tor the .ismiiuices that are ours that Thou will be with us t hi outli life's day and gn e to us the courage and the hope that we need to go on our wa in Mum fulness and cheer. Va all Thy promises be fulfilled in us thi day. Amen. By Williams "We're going to sit lure until Ihis question of kids' rights is set- tied, once and for all, if il lakes the Veterans of all summer, r ritzy, spokesman Foreign Wars, is 'or the Hlrilrs, is quoted as say leaving for a visit ing. "That is, we would, only the tawn is kind of wet, Longer playing hours on lawns, and less rebukes from properly lift ners, the Tigers claim, arc no more l(uiu (heir just due. There was some talk in the ranks of calling on Madame Per kins, Secretary of Labor, for a board of mediation, but the ma jority quickly squelched Ibis idea, claiming it was no go, she wouhin t be interested, as none of thy strikers was old enough to vote. By tiie lime they get that old. probably, they'll have no oppor tunity to. While grasping a hamburger sandwich in each hand in Moth er's Inn in I'unyonvillo yesterday, I w as entertained by Shirley Breed love, young lady oL the a mile ami a nan. Frnuklyn Voyl. vacationing at Diamond lake, wus dow n lor an overnight stay recently. He was craving relief from acute sunburn. Well, if it's relief he's alter, no one should know better than he where, and bow, to go alter it ; he's ud- mii'.islered it iu this county for a bum time! chestras. '6:45 "Knights of the Road," Coen Lumber. 6:50 News Flashes. 7:00 Men of Vision. 7 : 1 T -Rush Morgan Music. 7:30 The American Family Rob inson, 7: LV- Your Crab Hag. 8:00 -Sign Off. IVES DAY, Jt TA 1 7:on - "Early Minis." 7:30 iNews-Rcview 'Newscasl" 7:45 Alarm Clock Ctub. K: 15--Vagabonds of tin; Prairies. 8::0 Toddy Wilson. 8: IV- Roy Smeck, Wizard of the Strings. p : I ' Municipal Dance Baud. !i : un Richard Crooks. !i:.-'.ii Ambro-e y: Oreh. H: t;i- Accfiidion Capets. lU:iiu- Johnny Johnson, lo: 15 Piano Patter. 10:30 Radio Rendezvous, Copco. 10: 15- I lomeiuakers Harmony. 11:15 Variety Show of the Air. II : 1 5 Spanish Serenade. 12:00 "Time Signal," Knudtsons. 12:nt- N. Y. Civic Hub. 12:15 'Phil Harris," Dcnn-Ger-retsen. 12:"" D.tisev Bros. Oreh. 12:45 News-Review of the Air. 1 :'."- "inlds A: Emls." l::n Afteinonti Dance Melodies. 2:un--"Woi Itl Book Man." 2 ."5 ( i tall Intel lilde. 2: 1"'- Henry King. ::: - M lndy Mouutaii.eeis. 2:50 News Flashes. :t no - Lope iV (in h :!:I5 Vaiuhn Del.eath. :t Kiddie Reque.l I 'nigra m. 4:C0 The Editor Views the News. 4 : 15 Chamber of Commerce Program. 4:30 Poems From the Tower Room. I: 15 R.idv V.illee - the Yuli- ket-. 5 no C.iy I ,on, ha rd'i. 5:30 The Monitor Views the News. 5: 15-- N' Y. Slate Svmphoiiir tl:n0- ort;in Melodies. 6:15 Montmartre Famous Or chestras. 6:45 "Knights of the Road,'" Coen Lumber. 7:no---L. A. Symphony. 7: 15- Hoesier Hot Shots. 7:3" Your Crab ling. 8:0U Slgu Off. Local News Mr. Grae Here T. K. (iiao, of Wilbur, Rpcni yesterday In this city on business. Hero Yesterday W. H. Calzkc. of Kugi-ue, was a business visitor iu Ibis city yesterday. In Town on Business Dr. A. F. Set her, of Kugeue, was a business visitor here this week. Here This Week II. C. Thomp son, of Kugene, was hero this week attending to business. Here From Canyonvllle r )., Hcmimgcr, of Caiiyonville, was bete on business yesterday. Mr. Thiel In Town Alfred Thiel, of Drain, spent a few bouid iu town yesterday on business. Here Two Days Ed Scaulon, of Maruhfictd, spent Wednesday and Thursday in this city on business Cottage Grove Attorney Here II. . Lombard, attorney from t o". t;(ge (J rove, was here on business yesterday. Spends Day in Eugene .). A Harding, manager of tho Hotel rinpipia, spent yesterday iu Ku genu on business. Portland Visitor Here Jerry (illmore, of Sherman (May com pany in Portland, was in town on business yesterday. Business Visitor K. W Kggen, of the Shell Oil company, Port land, was u business visitor at the local plant yesterday. Here From North Dakota Ralph Parr, North Dakota state featherweight iioxin:; champion, is in West Jto.seburg v '''Ing rela tives. Working at Service Station Low (til Ilussell, of this city, Ik working for Forrest McKay at the Texaco station on South Stephens street. Vacationing May Dellolt, em ployee al the I'mpqua Cleaners, is taking her vacation. During her absence Mrs. Dorothy Lander is working in her place. . Mas Tonsils Remold Miss Elizabeth Cooper, daughter of Mi ami Mrs. M. M. Cooper, of Koberti ('reek, bad her tonsils removed by Dr. A. C. Seely yesterday. Undergoes Minor Operation Mrs. Thomas Pargeter, nee Klsi Itusetilmrk, of San Francisco, un derwent a minor throat operation Thursday wilh Dr. A. C. .Seely In charge. Returns K. A. Freeden has re turned here, after spending several days in Portland visiting his fam ily. Mr. 1' reeden is a building con struction foreman for the C.eorge Isaacson company at the veterans home here. Leaves For Summer School Miss Emma Cehmd, teacher in Los Angeles, has left for that cilj lo attend summer school, after spending a few weeks visiting hei lather, L. A. I'eland, and sister. Miss Alice I'eland. Here Yesterday It. H. Conrad, of tho United Motor Service. Port laud, was iu town attending to busi ness yesterday. Mr. Conrad has re turned to this territory, after an absence of three years, when he was stationed in Ihe Idaho terri tory. Undergoes Tonsilectomy Attor ney Cf.o:e Neuuer, of Portland, had his tonsils removed Thursday by Dr. A. C. Seely. He was accom panied lo Rosebiirg by Mrs. Neu uer, wiio is visiting her mother. Mrs. 11. Campbell, and tnsttr, Mrs. C. D. Clean. Residing in Harth Apartments Mr. ami Mrs. Clifford Ateti. who were recently married, are making their home 'in tho Harth apart ments. Mrs. A ten was formerly Miss Blanche Barnes. Returns to Salem Sidney Fred ricksou has returned to hi nrk in the Salem Montgomery Ward store, after spending a few days here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fredrickson. Recovering From Operation Mrs. Clareine Duulap is reported to be convalescing at the Corval lis hospital, whore she recently underwent a major operation. Mr. Duttnip left Roseburg u few days aun for Oorvallis to be with his wife. Mrs. Diuilap, wo Helen Craham, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Orahanl. of Cor vallis.. Arrive From Montana Mrs. Esther Sylwestrr and daughter. Darlene. have armed in itosehurg from Butte. Mont, to take chaiEe of ihe Sylesier shop in this city. They are making tltvir home at i he C. R. I'reain residence on South Stephens street. Miss VViua freil Flock, who has been in ( barge of (he Sylvesier shop here 'nice its opening, is leavhm this week-end for Spokane. Miss Dar lene Sylvester is reported to be a talented dancer. Will Hold Reunion A leunfen f Mr. Isabelle Webbs family will ho held iu Uoseburg 'his week-cud. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Webb, of sprimit'ieM. Missouri ; Mrs. Helen Kaolin Ballman and daughter. Bet ty, of New York City; Mrs. Blanche Ki-ohn, of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. -thur Knau.s, of Portland, an I Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mourton. of t ortland, will he hero to spend the week-end with Mrs. Webb and duughtcr, Mis Ethel Webb. Movts Al Lent, manager of Lowells, baa moved to Fine cue tit' to make his home. Here Yesterday N S. Fiseus, of (ilendale, intended (o business here for ft short time yesterday Mr. Toner Here J. K. Toner, of Yoncallr, spent a few hours iu this city yesterday on business. Here From Reedsport E. W. Franklin, of Ucedsport, spent yes terday iu this city attending lo business. Portland Attorney Here Attor ney W. B. Barton, of Portland, was a business visitor iu this city yesterday. Suffers Injury Henry Kohl suf fered 9, bad gash iu his fuce Wed nesday, when Iris cur was in an accident on tho Happy valley road. Visit in Eugene Mr. and Mrs. (ieorgo llarr have relumed here after spending a few days In Eu gene visiting Ihta laller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Collins. Vacationing Mrs. Floyd Wil son, employee at the Style shop, has left on her vacation to be spent visiting ut White Salmon, Wash., for two weeks. Stops Here J. S. Rinnell, of the state tux commission of Salem, stopped here Ibis week on busi ness en routo lo Medford. Returns to Work Mrs. Ethel Crocker has returned to her work at Curl's Tavern, after be ing ill at her home tho past week. Arrives From Portland Miss Phyllis Anne Bolter has arrived here from Portland In visit her uncle and aunt. Attorney and Mrs. Dexter Itice. Here From West Fork Mrs. T. D. Barry and Mrs. Anna Sayers, of West Fork, are here this week visiting Mr. and Mrs, H. It. Wlllctt and othor friends. Returns to Eugene Donna Alli son has returned to her home in Eugene, after spending the past month in Roseburg with her rnnddatfghtor, Mrs. fl- V. AIJ1- Taking Vacation J. D. Osborn, telegrapher at the local Southern Pacific office, is taking his two weeks vacation. H. L. McKit rick, of Eugene, in working in his place. Enjoy Trip Mr. uml Mrs. C. E. I-Vedricksoiij Sidney. Bill and Dolly Fredrickson and .Mrs. Joe Deliernardi and chih'rn enjoyed a trip to Heceta head over the week-end. Leave for Home Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Kramer left Friday for their home in Ashland Friday, aft er spending a few days hero visit ing the hitter's brothnr-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Iiickli. Loses Finger Ray Baldwin suf fered the loss of a finger Wednes day, when he caucht his hand in the donkev block of his logging en gine at Camas Valley. He was brought to Roseburg for medical aid. Leave for Alaska Mrs. E. V. Hrover and (laughter, Miss Ruth, lot. Friday for Seuttle, where they will sail July Bt on Hie Alaskan steamship Aleutian for n emit:? to Skagway, Alaska, on their va cation. Improving at Hospital Carl l. Neal, former supervisor of I'mp qua national forest, wilh head quarters in this city, is reported to be convalescing at Hood Samari tan hospital iu Portland following a recent appendectomy. Back From Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller and three chil dren have returned to their home here, after spending the past few weeks vacationing at the home of Mrs. Miller's, uncle, Fred Bord man, near Vancouver, Wash. Attending Conference lie v. II. R. Mulholiand. of Astoria, is at tending the young people's Bible conference of union Sunday schools, at. Lookinyglass this week. Rev. Mr. Mulholiand was formerly pastor of the local Bap tist church iu this city. Stop Here Mr. und Mrs. E. Bahney and nephew. Bo') Km so. and Mr. Sandra, of Log Angeles, Calif., stopped here this week to vib Mr. anil Mrs. E. A. Cross on South Main street en rouie home from a trip to Vancouver, B. C. Arrive Friday Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Fiihrtnann, of San Fraiu isco. arrived here yesterday to visit the hitter's brother-in-law and sis ter. Mr. ami Mrs. Ceorire McRee. on South Main street. They stop lied here en route home, after spending a part of their vacation at Crescent lake. Return Home Captain ami Mrs. E. M. Squier and daughters. Miss Dorothy May ami Miss Margaret Ann. and Miss Phyllis Cr.itcbffeld liuve left for their home ut Fort ltuglas. Sail Lake City, uTter spending the past week here visit ing Mrs. Squire's mother. Mrs. C. . Courtney, and brother and sister-! (l-hiw. Mr. und Mrs. Bert Courtney. Mr. Squier is purchas ing officer fur the CCC cam vis of I'rah and southern Idaho. Home From San Francisco YD- i:.i.iilm i,-i:,o ,..ii.,Ui i her home her" this week, ufter inning f n Sun Y raucisco. She wils aei-omnanietl home bv her sis ter. Miss Norma Barrett, of Oak land. Calif. Next Wediiepdav Mrs. MeBeo 11ml MUu Hi, ..-Ml to San Francisco to attond the wedding of their sister. Miss luunilu- rttirrnll nt V....- Vrl, City, who will beeoine the bride or Joint Koblnsnn Sanborn, of Sun (un hni-rh in t)itl tt.- I,, It- IS eight o'clock in the eveninV Mrs. Mciiee and Miss Norma Barrett wm Da attendants. Leave for Eugene A. I. Mac lnm hu left for Kugene, after spending a week iu turn city. Enjoys Trip Mrs. Dorothy Wise enjoyed a trip to Klamath Falls an4 Crater lake Wednesday. Rebuilds Road Thomas Park inson spent Thursday rebuilding the road into bis camp at Dillard. Spends Day in Salem Carl Black, owner of Carl's Tavern, spent Wednesday iu Sulem on business. Here on Business E. McLaugh lin, camp superintendent at Sii kum. was hero yesterday on busi ness. Here on Business State For ester John W. Ferguson, of Salem, spent yesterday in this city on business. Attends to Business Stanley Henderson, of the Packard Motor company at Seattle, was iu town on bushiest' yesterday. Constructing Service Station H. F. Snyder it. beginning con struction of u mot.'eru service sta tion on South Stephens street. Visiting Parents Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peniberton. of Phoenix, Ariz., have arrived hero lo visit the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Neal. Arrive Here Miss Wilma .lurg enseu and her sister. Mrs. Charles Dohrny. of Des Moines, Iowa, have arrived here to visit their cousin, Mrs. (icorgu McBee. Vacationing Here Miss Edna Lough, of Seattle, has arrived iu Roseburg to spend her vacation with her mother, Mrs. Ella Ixwgh, and sister, Mrs. Nova Bates. Improving Miss Marjorio Wil son, Copco employee, is reported to be doing nicely at Mercy hos pital, where she recently under went an appendectomy. Vacationing D. E. Moi berg, manager of the Postal Telegraph office here, is taking his two weeks' vacation. Donald S. Hang is taking his place at the office. Returns to Portland Robert Tisdale bus returned lo his home in Portland, after spending a part, of his vacation In Roseburg visit ing his grandmother, Mrs. Mark N. Tisdale. Miss Buick Home Miss Jean nie Buick has returned to hr home on Spruce street, afte. spending two weeks vacationing at the C.eorge Kohlhagen summer homo at Newport. Goes to Minnesota Nnrmatt Hess has left for Minnesota td bring his mother, Mrs. Flora Hess, back to her home in this city. Mrs. Hess has been in Minnesota for the past two months. At Gile Home Mrs. Ernest Purvanco, of Coquille. has arriv ed here to visit her sister, Mrs. R. L. (iile, after spending several days iu Portland wilh her bus bund, who is in the hospital there. Returns to Portland Miss Vera Fredrickson. local school teacher who is attending summer school in Portland, has relumed there, afler spending a few days hero wilh relatives and friends. Go to Portland Mrs. I. Abra ham, of this city, and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence, of San Diego, Calif., have left for Portland tu remain until Sunday. Moves to Reedsport .Oliver Pine has been transferred by Safeway from Roseburg to act as manager of the Reedsport slore. Mrs. Pine moved lo Reedsport this week to make, her home. Home From La Grande Sally Zne Bates, daughter of Mrs. Nova Bates. Ims returned to her home here, after spending the past mouth in La (Ininde visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sherrill. Leaves on Vacation Lt. Fram-ir. Diet., of the Salvation Army, has left for a iwo weeks' vacation. Undergoes Major Operation Miss Esther Sherk. of (his citv un derwent a major operation at Mercy hospilal yesterday. Here for Week-End Charing Neal and Carina Neul, of Diamond lake, are here to spend the week end visiting the former's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mn Robert Black. Carlos Neal is a cousin of Mrs. Black. Attends Meet Mr. and Mrs Earl Fllrich. of Hits cit.v. attend ed the state archery association meeting at Corvnllis Ihis week, afler which the latter retumefi to her home here and Mi. Cllrich left front Corvallis for Chicago and other points east on business. On Vacation Trip ,lr. and Mr? .hlltw.u (lnu-,.1.. .....I .1 i., . .. , ,' " hunk hi ei , i per- ores, and son. Jimmy Lee, are p- in .-umiay mr Whitiier, Calif., where ihev will upend a two weeks' vacation visiting Mr. RewelyV parents, Mr. ami Mrs. James lb wely Go to North Umpqua Dr. and Mrs. T. Flowl Bell ami lumiK. who jam visiting here from Oakland, j Calif., left yeslerdav for Carl Block's cabin on Susan creek to ,soend n few .lavs of ihelr vaca tion. Mrs. Bell, nee .llie Black, is a sister of Carl Black. Bib'e Class to Meet Dr. li. U jDumrc nnn-deiinniluatinal jiihlc Ktmly class will hold its last sea sonal meeting or tho nar next ! Monday niglu at 7:45 o'clock al the dining hall o.' the Douglas ho tel The topic will be 'The Myc I'ery of the Fishin Net." Cert I ficate of awards will be nrescnted to Die members of the class com- ipletiut; the year s fomlv course at- llsfnctorfly. This will be the last meeting until the lirst Monday mght in October.