EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 3. 1937. T National League Sees Hot Pennant Race; Yankees Top American Teams. Hv KID KKIIKK (Associated Press Knorls Writer) (.'hlcngn's Cubs fiiifl New Vork'i riiantH am waging a war Dial has Ibn current Hpunltdi fuss looking like a lea parly. Tradition linn IL Unit Dm nutnt at the howl or Iho parade nil July 4 will bn In the Kama spot when all the chips are cntuitcd, come rinsing day. Ill tlio American league fills year only tlio oml nf tlin world or tlioir own abdication oan keen the Van kees out of tlio drlvnr'H scat for tlio mythical lulil-scason mark. He x'lllo an 8-:i snilmck nt tlio lunula of Washington's Senators yestcr- iiny, murderers' row In mill Ihomt lug along on u foiir-gume load, al ready clinching tho July 4 "chain pionshlp." At tho inoiiuinl llln Culm urn holding thn National league loins hy tho measly margin of half a game over tho (Hauls. Tho Culm opened iiguliist Pitts- niirRii with an 8-7 decision yesior day, on tho strength of four horn- or. Tlio Olnnls began a norlos wllh Huston's snmowhnt piincliless Does, nun iiuisucfl on top ti-Z, Tlio Yankoos defeat didn't change llio Amorlctm loitKnn standings an thn second nlaco Chicago Whilo Sox ilroppni a 1-2 verdict to the Hrowns, IIOBton'a Rod Sox round tho Philadelphia Athletlca a cinch and enmo throiiKli 8-4 in their series opener;' The Hrooklyn Dodgers' rookie I.ukn llanilln lilnnked the Phillies with seven hits for a 31) win. Cold weather (believe 11 or not) postponed the Tlgers-lndlans gnt-tni-'cthcr, iinil Hie Cardinals and Reds weren't scheduled. Coast League Scores. Al Portland H. j. j.; Sucrainento 4 m' 1 Portland r, 11 1 iiiiuories: dinger mid Frank uaooniis anil ti-ohIi. exprcslileiit of thn United Slates, arrived In Kusenn this morning, en route to the upper McKenzle river where lie will spend several days as Hie elicit of W. K. Travis, liieslilenl of the (Ire hound Hiage lines. Mr. Hoover plans to be on the rlv.-r about five days. lie will spend Ills time fishing, he said. As his guide be will have Fred C Harris, noted boatman of the river uho piloted Hie distinguished cllesl on IHk visit here last year. FORD ASSAILS RULE OF LABOR BOARD (CoiiiliiiH'O from paKo 1) ukmik uimI 'iiltlHziin,' luhor oii-jiiiI zmmiiH, , mi' l orn .Minor roitiimuy Hluti-d lint I 'Vvitry pfrmm Iiuh uh iiu'loij !)(! rlKlit to lay wtiut Konti IIHMtlH liu i1i-uhch bi'loro tho Hill) tic, IlMll I() fm'JlM IlllH Ih 1(1 fi.-HlI'dV friMxIoui of hijchcIi uud (nnnU)in of llio jil'irHH. ' 10 cimrueH hut ceil a til fin pIovoh In tlin imf. your hud boon lIKIIUHHf.Ml IJCCUIIHO Uf IIKMlinnrMtlll) in, m-uvuy in Dchuir or or hviii piilliy frnvfird lutior nminlzalioiiM tht! Kord aimunr wild tint men wore d I. sella reed or laid off "for lawful reiiKons." EARHART DISTRESS CALLS PICKED UP (Continued from page 1) civil time (5:57 a. in. eastern slaudard - time) radio operators listening for possible signals from .Amelia Knrhart heard a series of long dashes on 11105 kilocycles. Mi hu mifying en was it yen. Thn Blguals were said to liuve lasted for 22 secmuls. Al San Dego T.os Augetes ; San Diego Nattering: Kviius, I.lnbnr (3) nnd iiiiiib, uiuson; warn and Dntoro. R. IT. ....2 5 .11 19 A I Seattle Oakland Seattle ....'."ZZ Halterles: Douglas Tt. H. !) 14 4 10 and Ital inniini; riioinns, liorno (7), Os uoriio (X) ami KernaudcH, Splndel ii'oneiieit game) rt. II. E. r-itn franclaco (i) i;t iMlssIons iin r. nuttnrles: Shores and Wnodall i ijsi unit iniion. FLIERS PREPARED TO DRIFT AT SEA (Continued from pngo 1) lOnrhait. who once said she would ne nappy 10 nop ntr in the midst nf such an adventure." Her plane was badly daninged In nil nileiupteil takenlf from here or iiowiaiid last spring. II had to no siiippeu linen to Callfiirnln for repairs. Lint May. ilurlug a trial spin im nicBon, riz one motor caught me, necessitating more repairs r.ieciriciii equipment failed to wink properly on previous stages in nor seconu worm fllgbt nt tempt, nnd a broken find line delayed her iiiiti-oii irom liiie, , miss ivariiart, holder of ninny n vial Ion recnnls, hus crossed the Atlantic solo and twice flown the 21011. mile route between California ami Hawaii, once each way. Iter world flight was flnnnred in pnrt by Perdue university, wnoro ihe avlalrlx has done re search work In lier "flying lalio rnlory," which was fitted with ev ery known device lor safe and ef ficient flying. Its two big motors were capable of speeding the eight-ton plane, which carries 1.1M gallons nf gaso line, nearly 220 miles per hour. Noonan Veteran Pilot Nooniin. a master mariner who licet went to sea 22 years ago, has pnrtletpalcil In a number oi rescues at sen alt bough he him self wns never adrift before. On iint' occasion lie aided in rcscul..ti five Krenrh soldiers from an tec rine. Another limn he joined In sav ing the lives of Portuguese fish, eriueil wliuse boat had sunk. Mrs. Frederick Noiman, wife of Hie missing aviator, said she would remnia at her work In an Oakland beauty purler until there was definite word of her husband's fate. She refused to give lip hope be would be rescued. Noonan served as pilot anil navl gator for Pan Amcrti-nu Airways. He was aboard the flrsl cllppcr slilps III pioneering ;iights to I ton nlulit which blaxcd a commercial ulr trail from I'allforuia to .Manila. cj-oTpugThTts several chiefs (Continued from past D at Johnstown mo immuiIiik with n workltiK force which company of ' flilalH claim Ih "virtually com plete. H VoniiRstown Sheet Tu1hh In (liana plantH rmaln closed. Tlioy normally employ ahout tl.imt) men. To alt company nt atom en Is re RardhiR tlio I tack to work move ment, however, the union retort ft that the Ftriko Ih mill effect ivo nil! that the employment flumes are "much exasperated." HERBERT HOOVER ON McKENZIE TO FISH RITOKNR. Oregon, July 3. (Al1) lleiberl Hoover, only living HONOLULU. July U.fAP) Confldmiee Amellu Korhart and Navigator Fred Nonnan would he rescued today from thn Hhark-In- fo;-ite(l I'-nMcil wttteva w'itc ihrir i'onii:l t,'f.woi'ld nlnnn was forced down w;iH expresKud today by uuv-j in ami cenHi "imni niiieerH in clou) Ur.n;'; will the fearc1'. Ilon'H h"(!ved by inilio pl'r- nals from KIIAOO. Mtn Knrhart'ti adlo. Irnrd by half a dozen radio lislniniH f-nm Rvdrey, Australia, to liO-i AnRO'es. f'ulif. Calls wn-p heard oMte-'tedtv d--r- tiK llio iMorn'iifi. hut they fa' led to y,vo the plune's rxa.:t position or toll how the drifting filers famd. The coHHf gua'-d colter lta?en cruified north of little Howlnwt is land, obfectlvo which MIbh ICarhart ai'areiitly overahot on her 2,570 in ile I'll i;hl front New (inlnea, while one of the navy's crack fty- in bouts )ed along on a 1 .T'J 2- mile fllfhl from Iloiiohilu to How land to Join Ihe acurch. The nuvy minesweeper Swan joined the hunt from a position hallway between Honolulu and Howland, where ahe hud been ala- Honed to ahl In the next leg of the flight. The Itasca reached a point 100 miles north of Howland IhIihuI without uiujitlux a Hare or rocket from Mien Knrhart's mouonlano. Her radiomen heard KIIAQQ but could make nothing definite from tho messages and failed in at tempts to ostablish a two-way con-vernation. Husband Confident Confidence was voiced by Clenrgo I'almer Putnam In calls to the San Krancisco coast guard ra dio to Inquire about progress in tho hunt for his wife. Const, guardsmen even HUggest- ed Ihe fliers may have reached a luid-l'aclflc coral reel' or sand spit and hoI up their emergency radio on laud. Weather conditions were fairly favorable for the safety of the pair, whether they were on some remote atoll or still adrifl. Location Not Learned Amateur radio operators in Los Amjeles reported hearing repeated calls "S O S KIIUQ" shortly be fore 1:30 a. in., and 2:30 a. in.. Hu mp, time, (l:;iu . m.. and ft: 30 tn.. eastern standard t line ). I'his was more lhau I I hours alter the intrepid flier said her gaso line supply would last but 30 minutes. The amateurs, Walter McMen- amy ami Carl IMerson, Haul mo signals were so weak they could hardly hear them thiouuh dense static, and (hat once when they aught the letter "L-A T" for lati tude, the signals were blotted out hy Interference. KHQQ is the call of Miss Kar- Imrl's plane, last heard from In the air yesterday at 7:42 a. m., Howland time (2:12 p. m., 10 ST) when she reported she and her mi visa tor. Ihe veteran Kred Noon- could not Hlght land and were nearly out of gas. Another message signed wllh the plane's call letters and seek ing radio contact was picked up In the South Sens Jtisl before mid night by Ihe New Zealand warship Achilles, (he San Francisco coast j guard. reported. The Achilles, near Solomon is land, about l.nnn miles southwest of Howland, messaged: Unknown station heard lo make: Tleaso give us a few Hashes If you gel us. Signal on Hurt kilocycles, This station made KIUJQ twice ami disappeared. Nothing more clnce then." This was over 12 hours inter Miss Karharl had flashed she could not find Howland Island, her goal .rTo-uHle flight from Lao. New Cuiuca. The Achilles' message said the radio was heard on HI OR kilocy- les. which Is the frequency as signed to Miss Karhart's plane for ight communication. Flying Boat Aids The navy flying bout Itself was undertaking a har.anUius night flight to Join the search. Carrying crew of eight. It took off from Pearl harbor and headed directly for the tinv Island, which the vet eran nvlaitlx and her navigator mysteriously missed. Lieut. W. W. Harvey, piloting the plane, was expected to reach the searching area In about U bonis which would give several hours of dnyllght to survey hum ireds of finmiro miles of sea. Paul Mailt, tcchnl&t adviser to ihe nvlatrlx, who twice crossed tho Atlantic, said in Rurbank, Calif., the pIune'B six guj tanks would pivn It buoyancy to auy afloat " indefinitely." Puinam was in constant com muiiicalfou with coast guard in ad quarters at Kau Francisco. "The pbue nhould float, but couldn't I'Hilninlo for how long be cause a Lockheed nlane Ims never been forced down al sea before,' he said. Belief that Miss Karharl '8 til reel Ion finder was not function ing properly wna exorenni In message from tho Itasca shortly before darknesh closed over I he equator wllh no result in the vefnerH search. "Knrhtui dlrecilon finder appar ently not fm;f'ilo)ting well nn coo Id not gel Itaaca on agreed fr ipi'icv. Ihe cutter radioed. Karhtrt had barely sufficient fuel im.irH the best conditions to make UnwIiied where she wuh ex- ei) i-1 7MS a. m. (2:I li. l-YMnv UST.) ibo Itascu reoo'(ed that II was i n con i act wi I h the nT-i ne f mm 2:30 a. mi. (l a. m., KRT.) mil 1 1 "e leeHHHKG rovnul nt' ft fuel sborl age. bei at im Minn did tho plane I'H nOH'Oll. Officers of lb" vessel sold It nn MPfnl ee-tji'M Die nlnnn itSlf ifone iw-n imrMi nf ifowlritiH "for If ro "lid HH"ed tn tA HOi'h uUo wouli nve Rfci.tf.,1 Ttale,r l-tand. wbleh is omy in iiiiiOH uway." ''K' 'l. f'"Mf . Jllle 3. (AV 'rs. .red Nnminn wlf nf Die nnve,,,or of Ainelfn Karharl' mimlilU I'lane, h,,,, tivntei-ieol ioH,iV and "iih nteeed under care or np''ci'iii nl lier mmn NAonqn V"t en mitln lv aireivjentio tn tho Oakland ntr. 'rl. wlt' n friend tn confer with "or-rn raonor I'litnjini iiiinhfn.,i i" . av ati-ix. when a in ,. ajiMt'ii. Tie- r hip" MYRTLE CREEK t" wo-U bn- end "''ii-v for "t Cira-lia before fining Ml .l.l ,,,,, nl, "? """ "lt"' .1 -i t-'NlN th first w-op'-. Itolui-nliiir hniiiolliev .l-i- i.n.1 ,i-,n.,i it Bli,(v , -nn minor injuilos to tlin occu- inn ll'innnvln. I'm r.nna xronlr 'milpp. Irl,. n myoto one liny If WI'llK. "- ful Min. Fil Schililon or "o-iioii vi,n,,, (mine of rf'iii lilon h molltnr. Airs. .M IHni-lui'iin. tho nri f ,R w( inui" io Kitlson floi-lnuH, Mi-h. IHnohninn iicconi"itiii tlloni lion- '"if lo oht-iln i-.lpf fi-oni rliounui- iiHin nv lii(ii.f tlio h'Ulis iiml iihmI h'-ii iriuitinontn itlven nt tlio HI'i'lilRH. Mrs. 11. Al. fihirtoliff of Kosp "HI'S rnPIVP(l wot'il aulllllluy of ii-p ilPiilli of hp ait-tor. Mrs. Eva Hint, nl nor liotnn In Mnrvsvillo fiillfoi-n'ii. On Siindny. H. M. -"hlrtfl'rr nf Mvrtle Orook nnil Mrs. K. A. Shlrtcllfr of Wlnclips tor Uhv, nnil Mrs. Shlrtcllfr Sr., inntoroil to Oiikbinil whero the runprnl wns holil Monilny. Thpy wi-rp ii ''r-oin pa nl I'll homo by Mr. Slilrtcllffs dnuithtor. Mm. Lynn Onlli'v. nf lliohinonil. who Is enr- iiK for hor mot hot- who is convn- iPHriiiir from n sorlous illness. On Tiinstlnv or lust week Mrs. T. O. Micluiols wns n verv busy wonuin. At ton o'clock Mr. nnil Mis. .Michaels hrniiKht their iluiiKh- iMI'8. A. I). Kiitott, to town to inoet the bus for her return tn Tiunril, and on returning home were surpriseil to flnil some rela tives from l.niiK Ileueh, Calif., Mr. i rul Mrs. t'llnton ililssey, ami Mr. IhiSHOy's 'sister, Miss Mililreit, cousins of Mrs. Michaels, whom she bull never met before. They were on it trio tn points farther north nnil couhl stny only u few hours. At three o'clock Mr. anil -Mrs. Micnels were called lo town to meet another iniest. Miss Blanche Newborn, who wna nn overnlKlit guest. Mrs. K. II. Knweett is visiting her hIkM Mrs. V. C. llunnavln. and family, nt their homo on Lee creek, and other relatives, en route to her home In College Place. Wash., from a visit with daughters in Lnma Llndn, Calif. l'Ynnk lihodes, "Who bns been wotliing In Ixis Almeles, Is nt home Willi his iiarelits, Mr. and Mrs. tt. 'P. Khoiles, at their farm home on North Myrtle. Morton Weaver visited bis rath er, Hans Weaver, nt the TH hos pital at Stilem last week-end. Mrs. Pendleton, who is 111 nt the home nr her son-in-law nnd dallgh- r. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. lirynnt. is ported to be slightly improved. and Mrs. Mary Wulom of Lincoln, Nob., are Ylsltlnu at the Worniun home. .. -i Air. and Mis. Fred Sorirm and diiughter, ChuiiiiHlne, left Friday for a wee-end visit Willi relutlves in Portland. .Mr. and Mrs. Claude Daut-liei iv anil Mr. and Mrs. Iloodonpylo ,.re iharlvarlnil by the youiiK iwopi.) of the town Kriilay oveiiliiK fnl lowing the show. Thev ed lii at boib homes, and treats passed around. -Mrs. Sherman Chapman and Mrs. Art Ityehnrd were hostesses to u fivn hundred nm-tv in it. Hayliurst eonimiinlty hail. Satur day oveullllf. foi- llw, n,..-t Coiniuiinltv club. Prtvou u-o.-A hv Mrs. Wilbur llrinor and Voni i .-tutu 1,11,1 1.-1.. ..lit... ' Olll-llf-lOWO Virillm-u ,.t l,.u ,t Slulugs ohtel K- i..i...i.-, Misses llazol and itella AriiistionK i.f Lomii, Mont.. Mr. and .Mrs. Iti,. bush of Idleyld. Mr. ,l ,.. Ilraeken of Seattle. Wash., nailon' Mulllwell, Mrs. Kulhrvn Mo,,... cry. Violet. l'embt.rton and I'ercy Webb of Itosebunr. SALRM, Ore.. July 3. (AP) rue uuiuornla Oregon Power com pany s liewly-aniiotiuced rates in Ihe lomme-rlal lightliiK classifica tion, effecting an unmial saving of -ij.uiiii for :i,(M0 customers. iarn slv cents a kilowatt for tho first iu Kilowatt hours and five cents for the next 2Su. The old into was elglit cents ror the rirst 25, bovoii cents for the next 125, and five Denis lor tin. next 250. CAMAS VALLEY CA.MAS Vai.i.kv i..i.. . Coon came up from Klamail, Kail's 1-riilny to visit for ,i r..,.- ,i relates ,M,s. Coon had be here vlslUng for n week. 'tin niiiiin was ii I tiiflml i Quite badly Injured hy i,iH bull "i"i i niirsduy. He was taken to Hosebui-B where his Injuries wore i-.ni.-ii tor, , Percy Wolcott. Mrs. Vlri.il wi '"'f (" Oeorge Winchester ....... woieon io Mrs. Win chester's homo in VTi,-Di,rt..i.i t..... Tliurnday where be will stay for oine time. Ills sister. Mis wi. hestor. win (flll'A fill hli.i M.. Wolcott nnil son, Cllonii, went .to Mursbfleld Saturday to see him,: Mr. and Mrs. Cent-po ,in, t.. slallnil a light plant on their ..i,.o last Aveek. .Thev win imp n.,i., t.. their poultrr houses iiiiu r-.n .....i also enjoy the cnnvptilonon r lights In their homo and other buildings. Mr. nnil Mrs. John Rherlz also Installed it light plant a short time ago. They !mve Severn) hundred hens and are rnisliitr innm 1.1....1, of young chicks. Frank Ilrown got Ray Baldwin's shingle mill the latter part of the week mid will use his truelni- 10 snw shingles for his new bar:, Timber used for the shingles will ue piuo cm irom ills place. Bert Golgert has finished thn new barn on the Krocei nWo mwi Is working on some improvements 011 the house. Mr. Krogel has been home from Lester, Wash., for the past two weeks to nssist with the building. tileilll Wellmnn culled hone nl tho T. O. I.nwson poultry houses Friday anil also visited somo other liouitiymen in tlio community. .nr. uutl The old rates nf lhi-on poola fo me next I.unll, Iwo cents ror the next nddllionul l.uuo, uud 1.5 cents lor excess remain effective. New residential lighting rates. uinu supersetlllig llio residential eonimmitlun lighting uiul cooking lines, are: six cents for the first 40 kwli. three cents Tor the next 10, two cents for the next 125, anil 1.25 cents ror excess. Tho old residential lighting rnto wns eight cents for, tlio first M ktyh, and five cents for excess. Tho old residential combination rate was 5.D cents for tlio first 50 kwh, three cents for the next 5u two cents for the next 1511, and i.t.i cents lor excess. The li.ioo users or the residen tial combination service will snvo 3,2U0 a year, and the 12,380 reM deniial lighting customers' will save I74.3U0. VISITORS TO CRATER PARK SET NEW HIGH fllATKU LAKH, July 2. (AP) 1110 ba.uuu visitors pnssing .... .,uS,. i euti'iincns into Crater io ,,,,,,1 so inr this year estnb llshed 11 new early season record David Canflold, suierlntendent' said today. The mulorltv of visfio,-a .,..t..t the park through tho Klamath and Medford entrances. The ,.i,,,,.L-r,, stations have registered about 1000 ni 6 , ""niber reaching SOAP BOX DERBY SET FOR ROSEBURG (Continued from paije 1) steering car may over 12 car may cost more than f 10. No an ,u,uu""u pans, except wheel, may be used. 2 Wheels, tires: No hnve wheels and iti-po Inches In height. All wheels must eimippeu with somo form or -nun runner tires. Tire width can not exceed two inches. All mni. ants must use wheels or standard manufacture, or whnelH ,-,, ni,i Mrs. Kverett McFall ully carnages, wagons, etc. had their hens culled last week hv another poultry expert from one or the Kosoburg poultry reed com panics. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Slnbin rami. Home from Portland the latter part 01 uio ween. Mrs. stole went hack to stay In Portland for some lime. Little Unrlmra is ubout tlio same as before. Morris Thrush and fmuUv moved last week into their new home, ul though It Is not completely rinlsh ed yet. Morris has been drilling a well and putting in a pump. Mrs. Orval Thrush nnd daughter, Sylvia, have moved Into the Orval Thrush house where Morris lived. MAiKET HEPQITS WHEAT PORTLAND, July 3. (API- Open High Low Close July 1.11 1.11 1.11 1.11 Sept 1.1UJ 1.104 1.101 1.101 Cash wheat: Itig Item! bluestem. llw. 12 pet l.lftn: dark bard winter 13 pet I.3011; 12 pet 1.22ii; 11 pet l.ltiti; soft white mid western bite, l.ltin; hard winter l.lln; western red l.luu. its a surety measure, whpoln ,.,., i ny ine boy tiiniseir are prohibited. 3 Four wheels required: All cars must have rour running wheels 011 tile ground. read: io car shall Jiavn Mi II , SELL Jetelk omDiete Line OF - O- YONCALLA YONCA1J.A, July S. H. J. CoeKeram was unanimously elected a sdireotor at Yonralla Union hfnh si'hiuil fo ra term of five years, at the annual eleetion, held Monday aiiernoon. Mr. ami Mrs. 1 Mine an and sou, who have occupied what Is known h Ihe ItnuiAev idace all winter, left Sundav for Trlancle lake, where Mr. IVmean has enudoyment. Mrs. Clifford llanau and Mr. and Mrs. Ueorne Williams left Tuep dav fn" a four days trip to Itend tnd Klamath Kails. Mrs. llanan will leave Friday for St. Helens, where she will spend the Fourth w'th her husband, who Is with the OrC en nip there. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert llttnter vis ited friends here Mouday. Mr. 1 1 unlet was the Kulish teach In V. II. S. for the last (tvo years. He will have the principalship at the Oanyonvllle school this com invT term. Miss I'Xtier Toner is spendlnc the summer with her brother. John and family fn Klamath Falls. Mr, and Mrs. Huge Htckniau are spending n week visitiiiK nt the .Mulkey and Hickman homes on Hed hill. Thev reside at Srio. Mrs. H. K, Ynl lay ford anil n KODAKERS Save inoiifv on your pluitu flnlHiihm. Any n! riil I ili'voImMMl nnd lrinMl '2Xt ItciirliitM :tc fiii'h. KH1H-: .T" KiilnrufimMilM wttli rncli 'JTh irl(r. FH I'.li M;iH vmir films to Pacific Photo Service :t7.-.:i I'tirHiunl. On-. wnm WASHERS DANCE Oriental Gardens Saturday July 3. 9 P. M. The Rhythmen 9-Piece Orchestra Admission: 40c and 10c DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT JULY 3RD Evergreen Grange Music by Snappy Five Come One, Come AH 10c 35c liiijl i& is I Come in, Te'U be proud to bIiow you what we believe to be the finest line of washers ever built. AVc have both tho round tub "Model 10" and the famous square-tub, cnst-nluminnra "Modrl 30." Either may be had with gasoline Multi-Motor for use on the farm or where electric current is not available. ROSEBURG MAYTAG APPLIANCE STORE W. E. 111 WEST CASS Cunningham E. L. Hllen nllher front or rear whanl trpailti nf leas than 30 lilt-linn or nioro than 30 inches. Kront and roar treads do not have to be the same. The tread is the dlmanee from tlin enn ler Una of one tire to thn center una or the oppositn tlio. 6-Hfiight: The overall linlKlit of ihe car may not h greater than an Inches. Steering wheel only may rise aliove the allowed !ielnht of tile car. 6 Wheelhase: No car shall have a wneeiuase of less than JO Inches. Tho wheelbaso Ik the distance from the center of the front wheel to tho center, of the rear wheel on t.'ie fiomo ride of the car. ,7 Width: Tho overall width of tli) car shall not exceed J2 Inches. t Ix'nKth: The overall length of um car siiull not exceed VI inches. 9 Driving Position: No cur shall carry more than one uny. All driv ers must sit nn to steor the cur. in hleeriim: All cars nilist he steered with a slcerhitc wheel. A- stoerini? wheel must have a com uleta rim of riuid material and at least three spokes. 'Ihe huh of the stoerini; wheel must he securely and rliiidlv fastened to tho shaft mum which it is mounted: the shaft must he firmly mounted In tho car, and tho steering cnhles must ho tout. Steel-Inn cullies from post lo axles nutnt. bo either chuln wire cables. No soldei-lnir inuv he used in altuchlut' cuhles or chain. Ropn steering Is barred. All steering eqiiinnient must withstand rigid Inspection by tho chief in. spector. 11 Drakes: Al! cars must he equipped with a brake capable of stopping the car with safety. Only iwo typos nt prnun devices will be permitted, to lie operated either by baud or by foot. The two types permitted arn drag brakes and wheel brakes. If one drag brake is used. It must be constructed in the center of the car. If double drag brakes are used, the drags uiusr. be on each side of the car. If wheel brakes are used, brakes -iiist lie used on both roar wheels. On'o wheel brake and one sldo drug brake will not be permitted. 12 Attachments: All attach ments, such as decorations, pen nants, insignia, lights, ornaments, etc., must be securely fustened lo the car. No glass will be poimlt letl on the car. 13 Construction: The frame and body of the cur must be construct- ed of wood. Tin, sheet metal, fah-. rlc or wood may be used as a body covering. There must be no ex. posed rough or sharp edges. A?i 1 edges around the jlrivar'a cocltpir ' must be padded or otherwise pro-' lected. The car cannot ho loaded with looso or concealed weight. It Weight: Car and driver In any class may not weigh over 250 . pounds. Entry blanks, copies of rules and suggestions on construction of u car tn participate In the derby aro available al the local Chevro--let agency. WE WILL USE DRV ICE to pack your JULY 4th ICE CREAM We Wil! Have a Large Variety of Flavors Place Your Order Now. UMPQUA DAIRY PRODUCTS Short and Sykes Sts. Phone 38 1 IP ENTER THE Kiwanis-News-Review OM Friday, July 23 1. Winner gets a trip to Portland to compete for a trip to Ak ron, Ohio. 2. Other worth while prizes to be announced later. Open to Boys Aged 9 to 15, inclusive Ie0tdeUiU andVubT "nd " ". FREE START BUILDING YOUR SOAP BOX RACER TODAY