Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 03, 1937, Page 4, Image 4

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law Daily tCxceat mmmr fcr tk
X.r,i.HvU Ca., .
Mraka Ta Aaaal Pfaea
Tha Aenoclated Preas l axeluaiva.
l aatltled to tha uaa lor rupubl c
tloa of nil news dlioatches rJ'
to It or not otherwise oredlted In
tkia nm nd to all IomU news
pwKliahed herein. All rlaku of re
ubiicatlon of special dlepatcbee
konla are ejso raaerve.
Entered aa aecono, claae matter
May 17, 1120, at the poat ptfica at
Roaebura;, Orelfou. undar act a'
at.rob a. Mil
ftaprtaantad ly
Haw Yarn II Beat 40th StraoV
Cklaawo '"0 N- Mlohliran Ave.
Kraaclaco 220 Buali Street
Dvlroll 310 titeplienaon Bids.. .
Ael-H83 8. Swing Htroct.
allli 603 Stewart ptreat. ortlaad
MO a W. Sixth Street. Vaacaovar.
C-711 Hall Bids.. St. I"la-T
111 N. Tanth Street. Alau W
Oram Building.
lakaertatlaa Hate
Bally, per year py mail M OO
ally. months by mall 2. JO
Dally,! runntha by mall,.v..,. J-JJ
Dally, by carrier par month
The Declaration
ON JULY 4, 1776, tho Continent
al congress adopted a Declara
tion ot Independence from the gov
ornmout of England. On the morn
ing of July II the Declaration was
published in the I'onnsylvaiiln
Evening Post and U'o pooplo of tho
UuHod Colonlos rejoiced. Tuny
felt the tyranny of tho English
king was ended. And In truth it
was ended but not boforo many
bitter yours ot fighting.
For more than a century and a
bait this country has celebrated
the adoption of the Declaration.
"When in the course of human
events, It becomes necessary for
one pcoplo to dlsaolvo the political
bands which have connected thorn
with another, and- to asBiinio
among the powers of the ouiih, the
soparato and equal station to which
tho laws of naturo and of Nature's
God entitle them, a Uucon t respect
to tho . opinions of mankind de
clares that they should declare tho
causes which Impel thorn to sep
aration." Thus tho first para
graph of this historic document
sets forth its purpose.
Tho EngllBh king, doclnrod tho
colonies, was ruling thorn us a dlo
tutor. Thoy had many grievances.
"Tho hlBtory ot tho prosont king
ot Great -Britain is a history of re
posted injuries' and usurpations, all
having in direct object tho estab
lishment of an absoluto tyranny
over thoso status, To prove- this,
lot facts be submitted to a can
did world."', Thus the Declaration
Introduces a long list of com
plaints. 1
Most of theso wero eliminated
by the formation of our oxlstlng
constitutional government. In fuct
our constitution was spcclflcully
designed to prohibit forovor cer
tain practlcoS, as for iiiBlunce tho
quartering ot soldlois on tho poo
plo, and numerous others,' '
hi thoso days tlo fundamental
problems of the pooplo wore pret
ty much the sumo as they are
Hero are aouio complaints voic
ed by the Irato colonics which will
bear considering tAduy. They are
quoted directly from tho Declara
tion: . "Ho bus obstructed the admini
stration ot just loo, by refusing Ills
nssont to laws for establishing Ju
diciary powerB."
"Hu has nmdo Judges dependent
upon his will alone, for tho ten
ure ot their offices, and the
amount the puyment of their sal
aries." "Ho has erected a multitude of
new offices, ami seiil hllhor
swarms, uf officers to harass our
pooplo anil cat . out tholr sub
stance." "lie Iiuh combined will) others to
subject ua to a Jurisdiction foreign
to our constitution mill unuckuowl
odgoil by our laws; giving assent
In their proluiidcd acts of lealala
llon." "llo luis excited domestic Insur
rections amongst us . , ."
As wo celebruto tills week-end
let us remember that tho freedom
wo have, v us fought for valiantly
and obtained at grout sucriflcn.
Nor pun II. bu retained forovur
without constant vigilance.
Editorials on News
(Continued from page 1.)
gone. Yiiii cun'l tell 'em apart any
ATHERINGS such us this do a
lot tif good.
In reality, tho Interests (if town
uud country lire mutual. Each
needs Ibu other. Goodness Iuiowh.
. (he towns couldn't 111 o without
tho country, and it the truth were
told tho country would miss the
lawns If sumo calamity should
wipe them out.
Each has lis Job to do, and
thero's no denying that If each
goes ahead and duos Its Job with
as little Interference (rum the otb-
er as possible It will be better tor
ull concerned.
Hut It certainly doea no barm to
irnt tn?elhni from tlma to time In
an atwosphoio of good will and
general well being, and it s pretty
sure to do a lot of good.
l( tliore wero more gatherings
like tula, Oregon would be a bet
ter state.
Seasonal employment Is not
providing us many Jobs as antici
pated and It is still necessary to
provide labor for some relief cli
ents, C. D. Fles, WPA engineer for
Douglas county, said toduy. Many
of the WiPA workers who took odd
jobs havo been unable to secure
steady employment for the season
and have been returned to WPA
The airport project, which is be
ing continued by WPA labor, will
probably operate all summer with
a limited crew, Mr. Fles, reports.
The WPA Is furnishing work to a
number ot men who are of an age
or physical condition which pro
vuutH them from competing In or
dinary channels of labor, and will
require continued aid, ho reports.
Reports that WPA laborers re
celvo Gu cents por hour for their
work are erroneous, Mr. Fles
stales. Tho rate ot payment for
the Roseburg urea Is 40 cents nu
hour, ho udvises.
(1,900 Klleoyclea)
4.00 Jimmy Drier.
4:15 Modern Vocalists.
4:50 Toa Time Tunes.
5:00 The Monitor Views the
5:15 Brooklyn Symphony.
6:30 Dorsey Bros. Orchestra.
6:00 Victor Young.
B-.16 Montmartro Famous Or
chestral. 6:45 "Knlgnts of the Road,"
Coon Lumber Co.
6:60 News Klaanea.
7:00 L. A, Symphony.
7:16 lllng Crosey.
7:30 Your Urab Hag.
:uu men Off.
Huttlosnuku venom sells for $25
an ounce and Is used in tho treat
ment for typhoid fever.
30 Sacred Hymns.
4 Qlsd Tidings of the Air,
Rev, Ira F, Hankln.
00 Voternns' Facility Program.
30 Arkansas Log Itollers.
00 Sunday Request Program.
SO Pearl Rose Robinson.
00 Baptist Church Service,
Rev. J, R, Turnbull.
00 Organ Conoert.
00 Los Augelcs Symphony.
16 Hoseburg Gospel Messen
gers, c. B. Hays.
110 Pull Levunto ami Oruhostra.
00 Artist ilecltul Bureau,
15 Plane Ituultal.
HOUoldon Voices.
UO Sunduy Afternoon Dunce
30 Negro Melodies.
1:46 Mawnliun Serenade.
00 The Angelui Hour, C. A.
30 Salon Melodies. '
15 Symphony.
00 Sunday Kiddles' Request.
30 Ding Crosby.
45 Organ 'Rovorlus.
00 Sign Off.
30 March Time.
45 Russ Morgan Music.
00 (Hon (liny ' Ills Cnsu-
l.oma Orch. , ;
30 Mills Bros. .
46 Hudson-DeLange Orch.
no (lolden Volcos.
30v-Radlo Rendezvous, Copco.
46 Homunuikers Harmony.
IB Variety Show of the Air.
45 Mnrlmlla Melodies.
00 "Time Signal," Knudtsons.
en Knickerbocker Symphony.
10 "Singing Strings," Radio
30 (Inula) Jnn (lurher.
46 News-Review of the Air.
Odds H Ends."
30 Afternoon llanee Meluilles,
00 "World Pook Man."
07 Palsy Molilalia.
30 lilts of Yesterday.
60 News Flashes.
00 Tho Westerners,
16-Art Shnw.
110 Kiddles Hnquesl Program.
00 The Editor Views the
t5 Hay Kluny.
30-Rhythm of the linage
15 Tho Monitor Vlows the
00 "Melody Lane." with Wan
na Armour at the Indian
Theatre Organ.
30 Montmartro Famous Or
chestras, 00 Hansen's Memories In Mel-
Iii -HIkii Off.
Miss Wlllyla Uiishnell, ehnlli ar
tlst evanifellsl of Hloi klnn. Calif.,
has been engaged by (he local
CI.,,,.,.!. r ti...
- ........ (,,,t ii.trti, ,.,, Ml fllll-
llnue thinugli July 11 ulth the
evangelistic services which she Is
i-oiniiieiiiig eaen mgni. rrmiiy
night she Illustrated the snug.
"Lend .Me Higher V the Miwn
tnln," with a chalk drawing ol Mt.
T) an 1 1 ii ill ilcnlr of tilt Hap
Hut clmn-h. Siimtiiy Milinol mid Va-
rutfou iMlilo mliiMil, iinsttHiiUMl
irom lust Tucsdny, luttt tntu hi(
for July 1H, 11 wh iinnouiirpl In,
iltiy. Thfl dnublt holiiluy intn foiTil
with n picnic lor tho to mine week
and it Ima bocu dot'Idtd to muot
COItAl cnANOAI.L, heroine
and Henior at 101 ton college.
DAVID ARMS TJlt)N(i. Klton
cheinlHtry profetjuor and Cttial's
DONNA ALLEN, Corals soror
ity roommate.
IIOYT MAiiyuis, tlorara ono-
tlmo fianco.
Yesterday: David and Coral are
cleared of Hiispicion when Doima
confoHHdM that Hoyt stole the
Tho commoneement exercises
wore tilmoHt over. Coral, sitting
on tho platform with the rest of
tho Kraduuting class, was besi li
ning to feel to warm in tho folds
of . her academic gown. ler tnor
tur hoard, set at a jaunty angle
on hot hluck curls, seemed light.
The voico of Dean Mathews,
whoso talk followed that of Presi
dent NorLon, droned on and on in
the Jinut of the late June morn-
Iiik. She looked down into tho
auditorium whore her parents
wore alttlng, hut her searching
eyes could not locate them. She
lilauoed toward the opposlto cor
ner of tho platform where David
Hiil. In compuny with tho rest of
Iho faculty. Slio caught hia eye
and smllud in auawor to his quick
llor thoughts began to wander.
How different thiu commencement
day was to what she had antici
pated a row weeks netore! hue
had been afraid then that sha
might never oven graduate, for
even after her innocenco and Da
vid's had been established in con
nection with tho theft of the proc
ohs, there had boon a. faculty com
mittee to fa co ou the subject of
her marrlugo. Demi Mathews, tho
librarian, and some of tho older
professors', had wanted to drop
hnr from school in spite of every
thing, but tho words of Professor
Maxwell uud Professor Bendortf
hud finally swayed their judg
ment, Sbo had heun given a great
dual of advice; some good, kind
ly and well meant, some acid and
disapproving. Hut in the main
everyone hud been amuzlngly gen
erous and understanding.
Then, too-, the lust of Hoyt 8
threats had been hanging over
her. Kor many lys, even after
his father had been notified of his
son's part in lh'o theft of the proc
ess, she had not known whether
or not ho would refuse lo give her
father un extension or time on his
loan. Coral shuddered a little at
the recollection of those days,
when wllh her graduation, day
growing nearer and nearer, she
saw in Its approach only financial
cittiiHtrophu for her beloved father.
Hut even that hud come out ull
right, she thought happily.
Mr. MarqulH had given her fa
ther an unlimited extension of
time on his loan. I le had nveli
inadn a special trip lo tho univer
sity lo sou President Norton and
attempt to make up In some way
for hia son's conduct, lie hud
called on (.'oral, loo, and (old her
how deeply he regretted his purt
In sanctioning Itoyt's I lire at of
"If I had known," hp had salti,
"lhal you were not really in love
with Hoy I I should m-ver have
pi'iuiltled hint to threaten you in
such a way. Mat I was honestly
convinced, Coral, until I heard ot
your umrrhige, that you were only
Hirtlng with him, intended to mar
ry hint, hut wanted to tease him
a little. I knew Ihe boy was un
happy about it, so 1 tried to help
him a Int. 1 wee now how wrong
1 was." He had asked her for
glvonetttf, thou, and though Coral
hud laughed and made light ot
her former frars, she knew deep
In her heuit that nothing cmihl
ver completely wipe out their
a cm r.
She was recalled from hr
reverie, then, by tho reiiiiu
llon dial Dean Mathews had
stopped speaking and that Presi
dent Norton tttned nine again on
the rostrum. She listened atten
tively for his words. At last I hey
came, deep and sonorous, booming
out over the respectfully nuiot
audience. "Much year, through a
special endowment, the faculty of
Klton university has the pleasure
uud ljouur of nrcaoutiug a piiie
ilc j
of $500 to the student who in its
estimation has mado the finest
record In his or hor career at tho
university. Tho award of the
nrtZH Ih hniteel on several thinirs:
scholarship, jjood sportsmanship,
useful social and exlnumri'k'U in
activity, supremacy in athletics,
nonu ar iy amoim tno otner stu
dents and general uli-round abil
ity. The winner is ulways se
lected from among tho members
of the graduating class. Last
year, this prize was not given.
since wo felt that no one person
In the senior class was entirely
lescrving of tho honor. This your,
however, we are giving Ihe award
to ono who so outstandingly de
serves it that there was no rpies
lion at all In the minds of tho
committee us to hor suitability. -
t gives me great pleusure, now,
to announce tho namo of Iho
prizewinner, a girl who holds a
special placo In all our hearts.
rho winner or the lacimy prize
lor 1!37 is Coral Crandall Arm
The huge auditorium resound
ed, with applause, as Coral, too
surprised and touched for co
herent speech or thought, allowed
herself to ho led lorward, pre
sented with a long envelope con
taining tho check, and led back
tea in to nor scat, tnu applause sliii
ringing In her liars. The faculty
prize, tho most coveted honor
which Klton. hud to offer, was
hers! As she collected her
thoughts, she became more and
moro excited. How proud David
would be! Dut ho must have
known about it all along. And
her parents. Dad and Mother
would bu so pleased.
Tho rest of Iho exercises passed
In a dreamlike fashion. After
more words and the announce
ment of names, her name was
called, she stepped forwurd and
received her diploma and degree,
and returned to her ulace. At last
all the names had been read. The
audience and tho students arose.
In the back of the auditorium the
organ pealed 1'orth tho opening
bars of tho Alma Mater. As she
joined in Iho singing. Coral's eyes
stung with sudden tears. Her col
lege days were over. These four
happy years were ended, gone al
ready - Into the limbo of yoars
which can be recollected but nev
er re-lived. As she filed off the
platform with her classmates she
noticed many more who wore
close lo weeping. They too felt as
she did, and she Tell a great rush
of tenderness In Iter heart for
ihoso good friends of i.ers from
whom she would soon be separat
ed by so many things.
She found David ami her mir
ents wailing together for her out
side tho building. With them was
Professor Maxwell, his silver head
inclined polljely over her moth
er's soft blue bal. David and her
father wero talking together
amies lily. I lor heart glowed at
the sight an shO approached them.
I low wonderful it was lhal her
parents were already so fond of
David! They laid fund veil " her
uii'iutistiouhigly for her elop--mrtit,
and had taken 1 avid to
iiu-ir H at once. "Kverythiu,;
is perTec!," she thought lo her
self. As she came up to the- little
uroup Professor Maxwell saw Iut
fil't't. "Here she is !" he cried.
"You should be very proud of
your dung liter today. No other
parents here can ina:tl lhal lh-ir
offspring nut only curried off Ihe
faculty pri.e but graduated 'sole
mn cum laude' as well."
"Indeed we are proud." M'
Crandall said. Inking Coral ly the
hand. She smited at h'r husband.
"I believe this Is Ihe happiest day
of both our lives."
"II certainly Is," Mr. ('niiidnll
agreed, his eyes resting proudly
on his dnuchter. "Hut m've lot
gotten Coral's fines! roulrihutjie
to our happiness. Professor Max
well. You've forgotten our new
son." He placed his hand affec
tionately on David's arm.
Professor Maxwell laughed
"You're a fortunate family; 'thrive
happy and Ihrlce blessed.' I envy
all of you. Hut now I must g--t
back lo my house. Some of my old
students are hero today, mid I
expect thorn to cull." He ex
By Williams
changed farewells i,ll around, thou
left after admonishing . David and
Coral not to leuvo without seeing
hlni again.
Just then President Norton up
proached them. "Coral, I want
you and David and your parents
to come to my house for Irnch-
eon." After they had accepted, he
went on. Mr. and Mrs. Crandall.
won't you come on ahead with
me? It's very warm hero, and I
can guarantee the coolness of my
front porch. I m sure Coral and
David are as eager to get out of
those hot caps and gowns as 1 am.
so lhey( can change and come over
Her parents and President Nor
ton walked off together, and Ccial
and David strolled off town id the
other side of the cam pus. "A re
you happy, darling?" David asked
She looked up at him, her eyes
shining. "Yes, David. I am happy.
There's just ono thing lacking. 1
wish Douna were here. I some
times think they were too severe,
asking her to leave without re
ceiving her degree."
David smiled, and pulled a yel
low oblong from his pocket.
"You're the most unselfish child
alive. I think this is from Don
na. Your mother guve It. to me
before we saw you, thinking she
might miss you. A messenger
brought it to tho 'sorority house
Just after you left."
Coral tore open the telegram.
"David, listen to this! 'Wish could
bo 'vlth you but sailing at noon
for South America with Dad.
Good luck and congratulation! to
you both. Donna.' David!" Coral's
iaco was alight with excitement
"Hoyt's father is sendlne him tu
South America to start over again,
luo. i.'o you suppose . .
"You're an incurable match'
maker, my darling, but who can
tell. Let's hope they each find
as much hanmness us wo huve
Coral caught his hand. "I hope
they do! Oh, darling, doesn't
everything seem perfect? An all-
summer honeymoon to California
lor us, then back .here next fall
vi ay, my nays at Klton aren't
really over. They're just begin
ni n g aren't they?" ,
"That's how it seems, sweet
heart. Are you glad?" David
supped ins arm around h
"Think you'll like living in that
little house next to Professor
Maxwell's . . . and Doing the wife
oi a struggmg young chemistry
Coral kissed him. "I'll love it.
I'll simply adore il. 1 love you.
David.' She chuckled. 'And 1
imiiK i ii maae a protly good wile,
ii i no say so.
i iiiv in torgot onlookers and
caught her in his arms. "You're
mat now . . . my co-ed wit'.?." And
men. as his lips mot hor;-!. "Th
most. wonderful wife in th
An f nnillinpiit. nf vnlprntiH infill
viii am-ics In I Im Civilian CunHorvii
tion ('nips i nmiouuci'd bv tlm
vntrnuis mlminlstnitloii tor .inly 1
In :tl. Wi-loi'iliin ri'iiiili-nnicniH have
hern tnmlllioil lo imnnlt sHiM'tinn
ol' vclrrans without I'tigiml to rc
Ik'f fUUis, airot-clitit; lo a fonniil
Htuli'lliciit issufil by Iho Hlntc re
llol t'Olniiiiltfo. VVtonilis n'KHlim:
ill Orvain unit (losiiiiii! to onllal In
Hip Ct'L', should submit iiniuira
tions for onrolliuput to tho vptpr
niiH :ilminl.lrutlnu of I'oillunil us
soon us possible.
(Jeiieml onrolliiipnl of uiplirnnts
from 17 to 2: yours nlso will be
ronilui'tpil tliiriiiR July. KliKiblo
youni.' men inity secure lufoiuuitioli
.-mil uiHilkutinn forms' from the
I'Ollllllouso otlice ot the IioukUis
County Ilelief eoniniiltee.
Three arrest .4 on charers of dis
onlei ly conduct were filed in the
cily coutt today against II. S.
Krauts, Drew llrouan. Coquiile,
and "Doc" Barker, Boseburg. The
dtfonler was reported lo have oc
curred in n local beer tavern. The
three men deposited bail in the
sum of ?10 vnvh to appear al a
later date for arraignment. A fine
of ?h was imposed uion Arnold
Teason of Roseburg, who pleaded
guilty to a charge of drunkenness.
Lucking money to pay the fine, he
was committed to tho city Jull.
JULY 3. 1937.
N e w s
Mr, Short Here Stanley Short,
of Wilbur, was a business visitor in
town yesterday.
Attends to Business G. W. Hard-
iug, of Olallu, was here attending
to business yesterday.
Daarlcnnp) AtlAriiAu I-1apW. fl.
IlftiiKnu. Httnrjipv at Iteedsoort.
spent yesterday In this city attend
ing to business. , - -
Leave Today Mr. and Mrs.
Harlow Allen, of this city, loft to-
lay for Mend to remain ovor the
Fourth of July.
Here From Anchor IS. S. Bar-
slow and James T. Leonard, of An
chor, wore business visitors in this
city yesterday.
Working at Abstract Office
Mrs. Iia Do Holt Maun is doing
temporary work at tho Douglas
Abstract office.
Back From Portland Hugh
Wells has returned here, after
working out of Portland for tho
Southern Pacific sinco April 10.
Returns to Eugene Comet (lib-
son left yesterday for his homo in
I'jUgeiio. after spending two days
hero visiting friends. Ho formerly
resided hero.
Attends to Business Leslie C.
Cuinmiugs, state firo inspector,
spent yesterday in ' the northern
part of the county attending lo
Here From Sacramento Prank
II. Alien, of Sacramento, Calif., is
here attending to business relative
to his timber property near Elk-
Here for Week-End MiHS Iua
Purnsworlh, who is attending sum
mer school in Portland, arrived
hero today to remain over tho holi
day with relatives.
Goes to Portland A. J. McCul
loch leit today for Portland lo
spend a few days visiting his two
daughters, Mrs. Ma Die Mann and
Mrs. Mildred Reef.
Returns From Colorado Mrs. W.
H. Dingman has- returned to her
home in Garden Valley, after
spending- several weeks in eastern
Colorado visiting her son.
Home From School Miss Vernn
Marie Paul, who attends school in
Hollywood, Calif., has arrived hero
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
V. G. Paul, on South -Deer creek.
Go to Camp Attorney and Mrs.
Dexter Rice and Mr. and Mrs. J).
V. Holliwell and son, Jamcf-
Dexter, are spending the week-end
at the Rico camp on Rock creek.
Brother Dies Word has been re
ceived here of the death of M. M.
Clapp of Indianapolis, on June 2.
.Mr. Clapp was a brother of Mrs.
A. J. Geddes of this city.
Visting Sister Mrs. Lewis Chain
borlain, of Brockton, Mass., lias ar
rived in Roseburg to visit her sis
ter, .Mis. Clifton Hooper, whom she
had not seen for twenty-eight
yoars. '
Arrive From Portland Mn. and
Mrs. Murray Collins and daughter,
Beverly Jean, of Portland, arrived
here yesterday to remain ovor tho
holiday week-end visiting the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Q.
Collins, on East Mosher street. Mr.
Collins Is a salesman for Swift and
company in Portland.
Brother Dies John Priand, broth
er or Mrs. Maggie Noah of this
cily. died June 16 at Grand Junc
tion, Colo., according to word re
ceived here. He was fifty-nine
years ol" age, and is survived by
four children. Tho Priand ramtly
formerly resided near Bandon, be
fore moving to Colorado.
Leave for California Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Geddes are leaving to
day for Atarysville. Calif., from
where Mrs. Geddes will proceed to
Los Angeles. There stm'wfll be
met by her son. Gerald Geddes,
who will take her lo Sun Diego,
where she will spend the next,
month .visiting Mr. Geddrts jind
family. Mr. GetMes will return lo
Hoseburg Iho first of tho week.
San Francisco Visitors Here ,
Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Mi-:iinm nr.
rived Thursday and stopped to visit
al the J. Ii. "Wharton home. They
have been visiting in Portland and
are en route to their home in Kan
l-runeisfo. They plan lo leave Ibis
week-end and will be accompanied
by Mrs. Wharton, who will visit
1 hem in San .Ynnelsco. Mrs. Me
Naruee ami Mrs. Wharton are sis
let; s.
. Arrive From Long Beach Mr.
and Mrs. llcnzler. of Long Beach.
Calif., after stopping over here to
visit Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Bubar. look
their daughter. Miss Shirley, who
has been a guest at the Bubar home
for .several weeks, and left yester
day for Kugene to visit relatives.
They prtui to return lo California,
utter speiuUm two weeks lu Ore
gon vacationing.
To Visit at Houser Homo Mr.
and Mrs. William K Hell, of Polt-
lanil. are arriving in Itosuburg to
day to n-nmin over .Monday visiting
Iho hitler's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. II. llous'r. Mrs. Bell was for
merly Miss Vitus Houser of this
rity. Mtss Irene Houser, who Is
outplayed In Portland, will also ar
rive here tonicht or tomorrow to
remain for it week vacationing at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. B. Houser,
Tho effort to take Jesus lit
erally aomoilinoa emls ia not
lukins him very seriously. For
example: "Swear not at an.
To turn those words into a pro
hibition attainst a legal oath is
mite to miss the point that
Jesus wished to muko in using
them. What Ho is urging is,
he straightforward honesty and
ntegrlty of soul that need no
jrotestallons or guarantees or
isaurances. We have all seen
hat and we know how good it
1b and how much better it would
be for the world if there was
a great deal more of it. We
ought to decide that wo shall
do our best to add our share to
(he sum total. For all the shifts
ind falsities and Insincerities of
jur lives we ask Thy pardon
mil Thy grace, Our Heavenly
father. (Hvo us a greater love
'or Iho true and tbo honorable
ind the just tiling and may our
lives hear witness that we have
niod lo love Theo. Amen.,
Visit at Caves Kathryn Hen
nigh, Dorothy Whlttakor and iris
Itlco spent Thursday visiting at tho
Oregon caves.
Here From Drain Mrs. Anna
Drain, of Drain, is lit Kosehurg to
visit her two daughters, Mis. U.
1.. Whipple und Mis. Harry Black.
Moves C. F. Spaulding and fam
ily havo moved to liM East Dottg
)uk Btroot,, to make their home.
Mr. SpauldlliB is employed in tho
land office.
Arriving Today Miss Shirley
Mae Hniuti, who. is umulnyed in
Hun Francisco, is arriving horo to
day to spond her vacation with
Iter moiuoi'. Mrs. Irvin Brtuui..
Able to Be Out Again Oliver
Johnson iB alilo to bo out again,
after being confined lo his home
recovering from a hip injury, which
ho suffered a week ago at the
Visiting' Parents Melcbior Com
mon, of the San Diego aviation
school, is hore visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Com
mon. In Garden valley ovor the
Will Go in Business Here
Harry Simons has arrived in Roso
bui'g and is making his homo at
620 South Pine street. Ho will
open a Maytag sales and service
agency in Roseburg.
Leaving on Vacation Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Ktliipp nro leaving Sun
day for a two weeks vacation trip
and will visit in Portland and Seat
tle. Mr. Knapp is office manager
of the Roseburg Mews-Roview.
To Visit at Hurd Home Mrs. 1..
P. Strops, und son, Phillip and
daughter, Patricia, of Malta, Mon
tana, aro to be week-end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hurd at their
home on 725 South Jackson street.
Stop Here-r-Mi'H. Harry H. Hilp
and daughter, Hurbura, and son,
Tarry, stopped here this week to
visit Mrs.. Arthur Baum, Mrs. Ed
gar Lewis and Mrs. J. Eppinger,
enroute home to San Francisco
from a trip to Canada.
Go to Washington Mr. and
Mrs. H. O. Pargeter and Mrs. Edyth
Giltuoiir and dnucjitor, Virginia,
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles C0IU113
left Inst night Tor Puyallup, Wash.,
where they will spend July 4lh
visiting Mrs. S. S. Martin and fam
ily. Mrs. Martin is a sister of Mrs.
Pargeter and Mrs. Gilmour.
Awaiting Travel Orders Miss
Frances Howiin, Miss Zoo Demp-
sey and -Mrs. Mary Kearns, nurses
at the Veterans Administration
facility In Roseburg, have been
transferred to the Walla Walla
veterans hospital and will leave
hero as soon as their travel orders
Will Go to Bend Mr. and Mrs.
.1. A. Fred, Mrs. Lena McEihinny
and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Spencer
will spend the week-end at Bend,
Ore., visillng Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Xaylor ami family. Mrs. Naylor is
a laughter ot Mrs. McEihinny and
a sister of Mrs. Spencer.
Coming From Centralia Louis
Fest ami (). T. Ciirtor, of Centralia,
Wash., aro coming hore this week
end lo vtist ovor tho holiday with
relatives. Mr. Cartor will bo ac
companied north by his niece. Mis,
Thollua Carter, who will visit for a
short tilno. Mr. Fost will rnmuin
here for a two wooks' vacation.
To Attend Convention Dr. I! t.
Dunn, of this city, plans lo lenvo
lonight for Eugene lo join his fam
ily and leave Sunday for Turner.
Oregon, lo attend the convention of
the rhurrhus or Christ of Oregon,
which is In session there thin week
end. Dr. Dunn will spend Mondnv
with his family in Kucpiir ami
will he back lu his office at tho
iioilKins liutel building Tttesduy
Here for Holiday Postmaster
L. L. Wimberly drove to Drain hist
nlchl and brought his parents, Mr.
and .Mrs. Ira Wlmlierly bark to his
home for the Fourth of Julv wnelN
end. Today is Ira Winihet ly's
tiii-iiifiuy auiuvei-sat-.v ami llie fifty
sixth wedding anniversary nf him
self and wife, n well as Mr aud
Mrs. L. L. Wimberly's fifth wed
ding anniversary. Glenn V. and
Judcc Carl Wltniierlv are nlsn
sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Wim-
Bible Class to Meet Tuesday
Instead of the regular meeting lo
bo held Monday, llr. Dunn s nnn
dcliomlnnttnunl Bible class will
nieel Tuesday night at 7: If, o'clock
at Iho Douglas hotel dining hall.
The subject r,c,r discussion ami
study will bo "Tho Mystery of the
Hidden Tteasmb and the Precious
Penrl." The July 19 meetine has
been announced as the annual out
door picnic of tho class. A pro
gram will follow the picnic sup
per. Members aud friends are Invited.
L, Mn. rnrvallia Hurrv
o nr PnrvalliB iB here for
over -Monday to visit hiB father,
K. E. Sanuquist.
Frnnst Hflstran. of
....... .1 u,r,nH In Roseburif
Thursday for a short while enroute
to Eugene on ouduiuoo.
wi. ;!.... a. Pari Home Mr.
and .Mrs. Francis Clark of Los An-'
... , ...... ulultln lit IfnKPbUI'ir Hi
the homo of .Mr. and .Mrs. h. A.
Post. V
Arrives From Portland Misa
'ru.'lni- hiia arrived here
from Portland to remain ovor tho
Fourth of July holiday visiting ner
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mllo Taylor.
Here From CorvalllB Mrs. Lu
cille llihhs, of Corvallis, Is bora to
spend tho week-end with her broth
er anil sister-in-law, Mr. uud Mrs.
B. R. Waltou on East Lane streut.
Goes to Salem -Mrs. Ernest
Patterson of thia city has loft for
Salem to spond tho week-end visit
ing Mr. nud Mrs. C. F. Andersou,
former residents of RnBeburg.
Here for Week-End Mrs. E. It..
Apiilegute and (lattghtor, Etilnlou,
of Los Angeles, tiro spending tho
week-end hero visiting Mrs. Cyn
thia (iermoml and Mrs. Tom Scott
at Melrose. Thoy are spending a
month In Oregon.
Arriving From Eugene Mr. and
Mrs. l.oron Johnson, of Eugene, uro
arriving hero today to, visit iho
fo; titer's parents, Mi', and Mrs. O. .
L. Johnson, and will go to Steam
boat over tho Fourth of July with
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Fust.
Leave For Home Today Mr.
uud Mim. (ieorgo Html and daugh
ter, (Iretehon, left litis morning
for their homo in Suoramento,
Calif., after spending the past
week horo vacationing and visiting
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Hunt, and brother, Marshall.
Leaving -Tomorrow Mr. ami
Mrs. L. E. Burroway and duttghter.
Miss Jessie, of Canton, Ohio, aro
leaving ou the Shasta tomorrow
for their home via the southern
route, atier coming to Roseburg to
attend the family reunion of Mrs.
Sarah E. Burroway. Mr. Burroway
had not seen his sistor, Mrs. Mah
ley, who is here from Canada for
the reunion, for twenty-four years.
Thoy will stop in Borkeley, Palo
Alto and I.OS Angeles to visit -before
going to Phoenix, Arizona, to
visit their son, Paul M. Burroway,
and family. They will also visit
another son, Arthur C. Burroway,
and family, in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Protection forces of the UmpnuEt
National forest have been stationed .
in strategic plucoB in preparation
for "the lire season, Supervisor .,V... ,
V. Harpliam reported today. Only -a
few of tho more Important look
out stations havo "oeu manned,
but it Is planned to have all ob
servers In their stutlons within the
next few days.
Despite recent rains, tho forests '.
can become tinder dry with a fow
Bays of low humidity, Mr. Harpliam
explained, making it necessary to
havo facilities for fire suppres
sion, in Immediate readiness.
Protection crews aro being em
ployed In trail, road and telephone
line Improvement work preparatory '
to the firo season.
Forest regulations, requiring
campers to bo equippod with an
axe. shovel and bucket nnrt
hibiting smoking while traveling ate
...... . mieci, wniie camptiro per
mits nre requirod In all except es
tablished public camp grounds.
Announcement was made today
of iho opeuing at in West Cass
street of Ihe Rosnhurg Mavtng Ap
'A ',"'';?""''' 10 x operated by
-. L. Hllen. Maytag distributor for
ouglns county, and bis nephew.
. E. Cunningham. Mr. Hllen is a
recent arrival in Oregon from Se
attle, and was employed In Med
ford tind Klamath Falls prior to
coming to Roseburg. Ills nephew,
since graduation from Mcdford
high school, has been engaged
there in Iho electrical trade.
Harrv Kiiimna nf ,
been employed as repair man ami
..... ,uuiii. n simp ior tno repair
ot homo appliances, radios, etc.
Suit for divorce was filed in the
circuit court here today by Sc-.-ona
A. Kirkpalrlek against Samuel R. ,
Mlkpalrlek on allegations of "
cruelty. They wtiru married Aug.
1, lila, at EiUtiontou, Alberta,
JOXi;S--T Mr. and Mrs. George
Jones, of this cily, at Mercy hos
pital this morning, July 3. a son,
James Terence, weight S pounds.
BOILS' To Mr. and .Mrs. Slnn
ley White nt the Mercy hospital
July 2, a boy.
PINK-TKLE Harvey A. Pine,
Kansas Cily, Mo., and llaicl B.
True, Medlord.
Harlass. Roseburg, and Elda Wint
er, Couuille.
rOX - GHEEN Ilarlev Fox,
North Bend, and Mariou Green,