Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, June 26, 1937, Page 8, Image 8

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Legion Juniors of Eugene
and Koseburg to rlay
in Selective Bill.
More than 40 boys from I-ane
mill Douglas counties mo expected
to participate Kumlay in vitl
doubleheader Li'iilon Junior btio-
hatl ganiOH nt Kin In y field. The
MiinifiH tiro of particular importance
In tho participants, hh both t li
Uina mid Douglas county team
participate in tho slate elimination
Hoilt'H will bo picked by coaches
largely on n basis of performance
In Sundays contests.
At tlio Hiimn limn local fniiH w
have an exceptional opportunity lo
Kneuio advance observation or ma
terial available for llio Doimlus
county team in this yoar'H coinpe
tilion. Ttio Koconil lea in h representing
HoHehiirg and Kugenn will start thy
doubleheudor promptly at 1:15 p.
ni., and will play u seven-Inning
content, to bo followod by it full
nlno-inniiitf game between the two
first teams.
Thn I.cglon Junior baseball ac
tivity In Oregtm Iiiih boon great lv
hamilcappnd IIiIk season by uttfuv
oruhlo una I h or and nolthor the
T.aim nor Douglas county squad,
limited lo 15 players, has boon dell
nllely chosen and birth certificate!!
and photographs of (nam members
iniiHt. bo filed at stale headquarters
not later limn Juno :10. Ah it re
unit the roaches uf holh grotip'i
have agreed to make Sunday '
tMimoK the final tryout and will
proceed to name the season's play
ers following tho Karnes.
Lots of Good Material.
"Douglas county will bo repre
sented by ono of the best teams
il tins over turned oul," V. II. Oer
retsen, chairman of thn baseball
committee of Umprpia post of tho
America n Legion, Kald -today. "Wo
have tiover had Hitch an abundance
of material." ho continued, "and
are hard pressed to choose anions
Ihn really uood boyH in limiting tho
squad to 15 men. Tim games Sun
day will give an opportunity to try
thn youngsters out under pressure
of conipelltion and that may aid
somewhat In picking Ihn final team.
".Much of tho credit for tho tin
uflually largo amount or material
available goes to those who for thn
past fnw years alive been coaching
thn Midgets, boys from 9 years of
ago up to those of Junior ago. This
training 1h now allowing Its result h
and wo havo ;throo or lour hoyn
trying out for nearly every por
tion on tho team.
"So far an fielding Id concerned
Hi hi year's team will show cxenp.
tlonnl ability. It Is now a quon
tlou nf picking thn boat hitters,
and wo havn 'turnip nilghty good
K. Falls May Enter.
Prom present appearances, Cler
nelson Bald. Ho.sobnrg and Kugeii"
aro ihn only towns In llio district,
supporting Legion baseball this
hodkoii, and ono or tho other of I ho
teams will go to tho stale cham
pionship finals at Woodbiirn. It In
barely possible that Klamath Fall!
may onlor tho picture and content
for (ho district honors, but mi far
no team Iiiih boon organized there,
thn chairman said.
At n mooting nf Mr. Gorretsnn'a
committee last night, arrangement;!
wore mndn for a riiiup with a Van
couver, H. C, boys' team. Tho
game will bo played In Hoseburg
olllior July IS or 2(1. Tho Canadian
team, which corresponds in ago to
tho American U'gion Juniors, la
Htartlng a coast tour under tho
HpoiiNorship of tho Vancouver
chamber of commerce.
(Continued from pago 1)
killing doHlmcttvo anll luhor lulls,
and If It hadn't boon for ihom yon
wouldn't bo holding thin conven
tion horo today."
Wagner Act Defended
Miss Strayor also defended the
Wagner labor relations act. tinsell
ing that If It wore lost It would
bo because labor was "not well
enough organized, and not because
of tho assaults of the I'lutc.)
States chamber of commerce .ind
oilier organizations."
Tho convention pledged iix sup
port to the woodworking unions In
their campaign against the indus
trial employes union, w hich wiih
described as a "company union."
and scored Corvallls cily ofticl,tl.
for alleged "etioperallon" with a
lumber firm In sttengtheni'ig llio
I. 10. U.'s pnslllou In tho idaiit.
. A perennial request for a cm
Irihutlon to ihe Tom Mouaey de
fense fund was tuincd down.
(Conllmicil from pneo 1)
of nine months, lie was mart-led
nt Moilfnril, Win., .lune 29, WM. to
Miss Helen SehoinhiK. He fame
o DouitlitH county Irom Wiseonslu
III IVeemlior, He was a
member of the Lutheran cliuroti.
SurlvlllK lire Ills wife; two
ilHUKhtel'R. ,Ioseihlne illul Therein,
lliinel, Wilbur, nnil n ulster. Mis.
Kteillit iMuhner, Meiltoril. Wis.
Funei-nl Hervlees will bo behl Mi
the chnpel of llio Douchl" runeral
home nt 8 i. m. Monday. Willi In
tnrnient followliiK In the Wilbur
A linn dec! iiirrler p!i;eon was
fouttil loilny by ('. O. I'rlteser of
Melrose Hflor It hud been slriiok
and killed by an niilomohllf. The
bird boro n nieliil bund, HPC-liKil.
Aug. '3li, ninl a rubber bund, flS II.
Soviets Building
t iVfliM mm
I iku ! ilil) into Ihc fulure tr:iii,porl;ition is llns sum,
flrwnlmci shown m miniiiturc at ihf I'aris exposition
ami being built in Itussin. To accommodate 1:.0 psons, it will
hava six motors and will cringe bnwtin Mliirk Sea resorts at all
miics an liour. 1 1 is 00 feet lone and 3u leet broaU. -j ,,
Forest Fire Poster
M,' -- --iff y .iifO'f
(Continued from page 1)
solely upon nerd of the recipient,
hi view ot the sound cominiou
of our statt!. and the excellent
work of tho hint Hotudnu of the leg
islature. 1 can certainly see no
reason for bid ng si a in peded by
this newly manufactured hysteria.
The old ship of state is sating
ing along on an even keel, why
rock the lioat?"
Political Suicide Feared
Other stale officials, likewise
opposing a special session, said l(
would he polittra suicide to call
(helegishituro hack to euacl t In
proposed (ransaclfoii tax to fi
nance tho pensions.
They said the transactions tax
is n disguised sales tax, which
wos rejected by tho voters in I'.KUt,
and li"t. Tho opposition to
llio lax gained at each election,
the vole last year being lS7.:tln
against lo :tL'.ltui fur,
Some officials pointed out the
expense of a special session, as
serting Hint Ihe legislators, IT call
ed lo consider pensions, might
make a full-length session of it by
considering other matters.
(iovernor 1 art In. pointing out
no fed era laid would lie obtained
if a minimum payment were fixed,
saitl Ihe cost of the pioposed pro
gram would he more than doubled.
The average mmithlv pension
check now is S-!!. one of the high
est In the nation, while the maxi
mum is $:,
ri-MilM-'IAI'I.IX Ih-llmnlci N.
IVi-lni. Yimciillii. ami t'lain Tni
Hn, t'lHliiMi1 .Univi'.
Stock and Bond
IVmi'lleil by Tile isiu bled I'le s
June 1'iV
,in r. is mi
Ind'ls Itlis I is Sfks
TimI.'iv .. !i I x:t; .it 4 i:M
Pi ,- . day s in.-j c.
Mnnih iii.o . .. i-j.s i.l.T u,:t i;;.;
N ear auo m; v J m e
I'elT hull , ii f, .i ;, r.l.o 7:, 0
HI 17 lew .. SV J ;7 i, , ,;; ft
P' !'! Inch ''!i :l I t :,.! 7 7 s
1'.':!''. lew . 7:1 I ;tii.; I . 7
X New- Pl.t; low.
?" 10 M III I
lill's Ind'ls 1
Pi:; 7
i !-': :,
1. 1 -i i i
":' '.' I--! ,1
'J'.' i lei 4
lis l"l I
Ml '.' let s
:!7 Io.
71 s
ll 'j
hluh . .
Nen- I-
ln;l 1
71 n
tl 7.11
'Boat of Future'.:
(Continued from page 1)
came out of the ri'lls.
ohneiv.-rK loilrlUK the ilant
Kitten ulonK holh Hides of the Ma
honliiK rlyer, reported no ylalhle
evidence of the Bteel worliers or
KanizliiK i-oiiiiniltee tryl'iiK to
nureiaiii iilikel linen the
tuu-k-lo woik iiiovenient lei looie
by Cor. IJiirey'H older lo use the
hup troop? for reoiienin;; of Ihe
Heel mills.
Kljte M'tliamen eqillliped will.
n':er. Fideiitum mid po::ee c-UiSh
were on illlly ul the mill tint rnnee.i
'luoiiKhoiit ihe nlitbt, end mood
on each ride of the gui-it this
inni-iiiiiK hh the worliem went Into
I in- mills.
Troops on patrol duly within a
block of the mill entrances kept
all persons mnrinii. Military puskch
were di inanded of Uliyone Hland-ill!-'
near the (sales.
rv.-clre-hnur shifls ill Ihe plunlH
In YoullKStowu were expected to
he niulntained until lill ope-a-lioiis
reiieli normal lias's.
CIO On Defensive
CIO chiefs, finding ihemselves
Hdc-denly on the defend v... railed
upon thn turikers In ;'i:-e.lerK.r.'t
taelr lines.
'"I'he strike f:oes on unbroken : "
il leaders nail!. Sleel wrote lis
1'iisiver witn nelciii'iit .Iloli! iioui
li i:e-t .'nokele In lUn-k-i.
'.,,.-lis ar" no' expected lowllh-
ilniw at least until the middle of
111 XI week.
CIO unils, In leleKiains to Pres
ident Hoosevelt and lo Secretary
of Labor Perkins, who had plead
ed lor niaiiileiiance of the status
iino peudini: settleinent of Ihe
strike, protested iiKalnsl "tue uc-
1 ion of tlov. Davey In uslni; the
nallolial KUard III all attempt to
break the spirit of Ihe sleel strik
ers." Al Columbus. CIO filed suit iisk
inu a court Injunction preveiitlnu
use of Ohio natlouttl' guardsmen in
re-opening of Sleel mills.
(low lluvey said be hail receiv
ed nearly 1 uuo teleuraiiiB con-Kt-ululntiiiK
him on his ordering
iroops to "protect Ihe sacred riKht
to work."
Oilier developments of strike In
cluded: CANTON. O. .Militia joins lo
cal officers in eiiforciiiK injunction
recllhitillK pieketinit at Hepublie
Steel Co. plant.
Sleel. In federal court, armies t hat
"if CIO has . . . power to control
iho postal system, then the time
has Indeed come to involve the aid
of ihe government's military
MOW YOHK Senator Wagner
(ll-N.Y.I charges " a few large
corporations" with "righting labor
and labor's right to organize, ....
fighting every enlightened employ
er . . . nut! undermining all tne
tuonosuls for economic, better
ment for which the national labor
relations act would servo as a
CI-EVHr.AND Federal media
tors remain "available" to arbi
trate strike, hut three or lour
steel corporations Republic
Yoiingstown Sheet and Tube and
Inland Sleel have stated they
will sign no CIO contract.
MICDKOUD, Ore., June 26. (AP)
Spontaneous combustion of hay
hi a Mi-vear-old barn on the A.
Hello Anderson farm near Talent
lalo Friday destroyed the struc
ture and lilty tons of hay, belong
ing lo 1). It. Smith of Talent.
Clarence I. Smith, one of tho
firefighters, fell from an electric
light pole near tho barn while at
tempting to cut tin electric wire,
and sustained severe lacerations.
An artery in his left arm was cut.
Heside the barn and hax n horse
and farm implements were burned,
The loss was placed nt ?1.00n. Par
tially coveted by insurance.
If your claim or prospect Is
not listed with us in the
central listing bureau,
ed in the henrt of the flnnn
cll district, you should
write today, without obli t
tlon. fcr listing blank.
North American
Miners' Service, Inc.
60 Wall Tower New York
NI:V YORK, Juno 25 (A P)
niK Iojikuo battel's, with their oyos
on u nrospootlvo hid to the com
iiiK all-star camp, turned on tho
heat this week, but although sev-
rul climbed way up in the stand
ings, noun wus able to to mo close
to Ducky Medwiek or Lou Gehrig.
Modwlck, continuing ono of the
hottest battlne paces in years, col
lected '6 hits in .JO chances to
hoost his average thron points
t hereby showing a .416 season
mark after two months of play.
tiohriK, tho ankoo elouter. hit
for just under .400 for tho woek
ended with yestordny's ame and
remained far out In front in tho
American league with a .02 mark.
Nolahlo HlUKKm-B of th. week
wore Charley CtohrltiKor, Dotroit'B
clusMy second-sacker. with 12 hits
in 27 chances, boosting himself
from eighth to third place in the
American league with a .:tfu mark;
Haul tior, Pittsburgh's "big poi
son, with 14-for-2! lor the week,
climbing from eighth to second in
tho National loaguo with .364;
Jonathan Stone, Washington, who
shot Into tho junior circuit top twi
mid all tho way up to sixth place
with .350, and the veteran Pinky
Whitney, Phillies third sucker, who
climbed Into the National league
select set with .348.
(Associated Press Kport.s Writer)
The Yankees yesterday handed
Tommy IlridKea mid the Deuoils
an s-1 seibueU, nil Dickoy'H revived
power bittiiiK elnuted his sixth
homer In five days. Thn win left
tho limits four khiiioii in front in
the Anioricnn leiiKuo and dronned
the Tigers into u seeond place tie
Willi the Chica);o White Sox, who
outlasted the Senators and Wcs
I'Vrrell for a 7-li decision.
Boston's Red Sox mndo It three
strnlKht by tonnlne the Hrnwns 4-2
as Muck Newsom pitched a four-
inner, i no I'lullles pounded the
Pirates lu-G. Tile Indians and
Athletics were not scheduled.
The Cardinals, entortniniiiK the
i.uinis, gave castlcman a M-hlt go
lug over nnd finished on ton 9-1
lo drop tho N'cw Yorkers two full
games away from Reeond place. The
Cubs retained their one came
league lead by walloping tho Dodg
ers ii-i, on unlan's two homers and
L.iricion s tlve-lilt pitch ug.
Cincinnati defeated the lioslon
llees li-2. ,
(AIM Federal JudRG Michael
J. Itnelie refused today to Interfere
In wifat ho termed a jurisdictional
I spin o involving two unions seek
ing recoKiiition as the barRainiiiK
agency for California brewery
He dismissed the petition of the
California state brewers institute
tor a ruliiiK whether the institute
uhould bargain with the brewery
workers union or the internation
al brotherhood of teamsters.
The court said It "recognized
the right of tho American Federa
tion of Labor to adjust Jurisdic
tional disputes." Both unions are
affiliated with tue .A. F. of L.
"The court of law, therefore,
will not interfere with the deci
sions of the A. F. of L., with its
internal organizations or its meth
ods in making or enforcing
awards , . .", the court ruled. "That
hinher body to which the two la
bor organizations belong . . . .
must determine the matter and
render and enforce a binding de
cision between them."
tJieiiory' Harrison, attorney for
the Institute, ami Matthew Tobtli
nm attorney for tlm teamsters,
look exception Co tho ruling, and
Harrison said he would appeal.
Harrison also asked a ruling ou
a petition he presented Wednes
day for an order to restrain Dave
Iteck of Seattle, international offi
cer of the teamsters, from inter
fering with delivery of California
beer in Oregon ami Washington.
The attorney mild he had an af
fidavit from Paul II. Malone, brew
ery administrator, relating Reck
bad threatened to stop delivery of
California heer to the states unless
t he brewers discharged brewery
workers union employes. The court
also denied this petition but Hnr-
' Evergreen Grange
Prlinic by ,
Snappy Five
Coniti'One, Come All ,
I i I . :'
10c ' 35c
rlson said he would renew the mo
tion tomorrow pending his appeal
ou the Jurisdictional dispute.
Art, humor and originality were
combined yesterday in tho largest
and best bicycle parude over scho
doled here by the Montgomery
Ward company store.
More than 100 riders on decor
ated bicycles participated. Thy
were led by the Junior drum corps
In full uniform :.rid created much
Tho first prize was awarded to
Kleauore Micelll, 'second prize lo
Harold Cacy, and,, third prize to
Shirley Jean Carior, all of Itoso-
burg. "
All participants were given tick
ets to the Indian theatre by the
theatre management, and also free
milk shakes by the Hoseburg
DOSTON, Juno '26. (API Tho
Comnierclul Bulletin today says:
There is hardly any wool or
by-products moving out of the Bos
ton wool market In consequence
of the strike of the wool hundters
in tho lofts, with whom the long
shoremen's union is to-tiperuting
to the extent of tieinc up wool
shipments at other ports, us well
us the wool mercliuuts, and ware
housemen have grunted all de
mauds of the unions except the
closed shop. Tile unions refuse
"There is some wool being mov
ed direct .to mills from country
points, more especially from the
inld-wust, where prices tiro firm
on the busis of 4(1- to 401 cents
paid for medium merchantable
clips in Ohio and Michigan. In
the fur west, there is no marked
activity reported. Prices generally
are unchanged to so fur us they
ure quotable at all.
"Foreign markets am firmer in
consequence of a slightly strong
er tone In Ihe Brisbane wool auc
"With the backlog of orders at
ihe mills slowly dwindling and
some chain stores reducing prices
on i-iollniiK. it would appear that
the manufacturers are much dis
tressed for wool supplies.
"Mohair Is quint but steudy."
Tho Bulletin published Ihe fol
lowing quotations.
Scoured basis:
Oregon: Kino and f. ni. staple
117-98; fine and f. m. clothing 9o
!I2. Mohair: Oregon. 6!i-C7.
POItTLAND, June 2li.
Open High .ow Close
't'ly 1.12 1.J2 1.11 1.1 1
Sep ; 1.053 1.053 1.04J 1.05
Cash wheat: Big Bend bluestem
hw 12 pet 1.15J; dark hard winter
Lt pet 1.304; 12 pet 1.221; 11 pet
i.iua; sou - Willie and western
white 1.161; hard winter 1.141;
weHtern red
Three Li tide Pigs
Came Nome
With money still in their pockets, but laden down with
money-saving bargains bought from KRNR advertisers.
KRNR covers Douglas County like a tent;
KRNR reaches into the homes which represent
the purchasing power of Douglas County.
Which Have a Worthwhile Service to Offer
Ry the Associated PresH)
All alhonie clubs counted vic
tories in the Pacific eoust league
today, with Saeru!ento, Sun Fran
cisco and San Diego holding to
their one. two, three margins in
the standings.
Oakland, which also treated the
hometown funs by defeating Los
Angeles ID to H last night, remain
ed next to the hollom-place Mis
San Dlego"s Padres, aided by a
terrific homerun drive by Wllllums,
lSyeurold outfielder, turned In
their seventh straight win us they
shellacked Portland to 1.
Manager I-efty OTjuiiI s pinch
hitting save the Seals a 4 to 2 vic
tory over Seattle, while Sacramen
to's fence busters defeated the
Missions 5 to 3.
William s circuit blow at San
Diego, which traveled 47U feet, was
uiioillclully reported to ho the long
ets wullop ever hit lnsldo Lane
field. It was Williams' third hom
er of the series.
Legion Junior Baseball
Sunday, 1:15 p. m., Finlay Fiel,
Games by First and Second Teams
Admission: 25c 10c
4-ft. Green Slab, per cord 2.00
4-ft. Dry Slab, per cord -- 2'2n
16-inch Dry, per load -
16-Inch Green, per load - 53"2S
16-inch Partially Dry, per load - SH'Sn
Mill Ends, per load SS'jiS
2-ft. Green Slab, per load - m'2S
Sawdust, per unit SZ.OO
Roseburg Undertaking Co.
Established 1901 M. E. RiTTERj Manager
Founded and Maintained on Efficient
Service and Courtesy
Phone 600
Oak and Kane Sts,
When your car needs repair.
lake It to Kinney fiat-age. Myrtle
Creek. Ore. Adv.
Larry'i Orchestra
Maccabee Hall
Come One, Come All
Sponsored by Eagles
Licensed Lady