SIX ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG: OREGON, FRIDAY. JUNE 25, 1937. LABORITES TUSSLE WITH C.I.O. ISSUE (Continued from page 1) bo preflented for consideration.' and n violation of the principles or lioih Industrial and craft union ism. Woodworkers, at an earlier cau cus, oppoaed the propoxal for a I acparaie International, on the ground llmt the reoucnt Khould , properly tome hefore the conven tion of the woodworker fed era- tion In Taconia July l'. No Political Surrender Rejection of ihe commonwealth federation affiliation wan In Unci wiih the recommendation of lieu T. Ordiorne, federation ec rotary, tlinl ortfaulzed labor should not "surrender Its political runcllnmt" to the new group. John Bullock, a member of the common wealth hoard of d I rye tors, imtued a atutcment exprcHHlni; Kratlficallnn that "c.eieKateH repre Kcnllnp h dear majority of the : incmhcrtihip of organized labor In I Oregon" voted for the etidortie- ment. OliRervers Interpreted the remark as referring; to delegates of the maritime nnd woodworking ; HilioiiH. FLAPPER FANNY By Sylvia -CWt 18)7 HV NC SCDviCC. I. T. M. BtC. it. . FAT. Off.' VICTIMS OF WRECK TAKEN TO SEATTLE Mrs. D. W. StrombeiR and her son, Hilly, 3, who were Injured re cently In mi automobile accident near Steamboat, have arrived In I Ki'iitlln, where they will i-ecupo- rate at (lie home of Dr. Curl w. HIiomheiK. Dr. I). W. StrombeiR, lihyHiclan ut Steamboat CCCcamp, alHO was injured when his nulo mobile plunged i'W feet down a rocky embankment when a ruin- weakened road edite ruvo way. lie has been taken to the veterans hoBpltal at Sun l-'ranclseo for treat meiiL of leir frtictnreH. His son rillly, also Burfereil a hroken leu, while Mis. Stroinbej'K was badly brained anil shaken and has slneo heen In a highly nervous condition LEGION GIVES FLAG TO RIDDLE SCHOOL "Hotv long shall we May out today rare, medium or well -done?" Gray Veterans Campaign Again MOONEY PROMOTED TO SPUD GROWER SAN QUI5NTIN, Calif., June 25 (AP) Tom Mooney, Califor nia's most talked of convict, haB been iirnnioted from peeling pota toes to ki'owIiir them. Captain ot the yard Ralph New assigned Jloonoy n Job as ftnriUm- er alter lie returned irom ine nun Francisco county jail because his ti.ilntn nmilltlir Iflll WIIR flHdl. I .Mooney was in Ran Francisco I for u year durliiir his hnhens cor pus appeal tor Ircetlom irom ine ui-niitiiffi In eitiiiieetion with the I bombing of Iho MIC I'reparedneas I day pnrado In widen ten people were killed. i o ' FOUR YOUTHS HURT IN PLUNGE OF CAR PORTLAND. June 25. (Al)- Knnr WaBlilnuton youllis plunifcd down a 117-foot embankment late yesterday wlieii tile brakes of their automobile failed In hold on I lie winding Newberry road near the tuloi'Hcctlon with the lower Colum bia highway. The Injured: Krnost Stowoll, 20, University of Washington student from Hnoluine; Jack Hineeden, 18, Vancouver; Kenneth Smoedon, 11, Vancouver. Spencer lloog, Id, Vancouver, was unhurt. I'mpdtia post of the American Klon Kpoiniored a flag pretteniatlufi ceremony In connection with com lenceinent exercises at Kiddle high school Thursday even Oik. The flag, purchased by the Ken ion pout. hqh given to be flown over the new 8th oid buililiiiff. The irrsematlTii was made by K. K. Crittenden, as sisted by Adiim Flurry, first vicc commandcr of the pout. REGULAR HOURS FOR OIL OFFICES SET Announcement that the I'nion Oil t'ompiiny office in North Knse- buru will be upon , continuously from 7 a. in. to fi p. in. daily was made today by Preston Leo, local miiiuiKor. Ted Headman has been employed to assist in (he of rice, which heretofore has been open on Irregular hours. BOMBINGS MARK STEEL STRIKE AREA (Continued from page 1) This reunion the Inst? Nonsense. They've been predicting that for the lost five yearn, but here sit Gen. Harry Rene Lee, left, of Nash ville, and Gen. Homer Atkinson, Petersburg, Va., ot the Jackson, Miss., Confederate veterans reunion and they're already cam paigning on next year's proposed joint meellne with the Union veterans lit Gettysburg. General Atkinson, commander-in-chief. wu uxpui-Li-u o ue succeeded oy ucnerni Lee nt the Jackson elections. Htay In Ihe county jail. They wereal and fresh currency. ticctitieii oi stealing chicHens irom flocks on Kent creek. . A Spokane hotel washes all metal money It takes In and makea change only with clean met-1 ono'ill' a.iour ,; aupun !)BGt "I 000'OiI o) eejii u OOO'OI I UIO.lI tOril!.3J.)U ()..! UOri $ UlO.lj K)1liqitsp luouitm.Kid 'moid is pj l oil I ! sinnM littp'i" niiioi Ilethlohem and Inland Steel cor porations cou(Krning a pnmorial made last night for a "man-to man peace conference with John U Lewis' C. I. O. Itcpuhlic Steel and the Voungs town Sheet Tube Co.. the oili er two strike-affected concerns in the 7-state labor deadlock, reject ed the proposal. Regional leaders of the commit tee for industrial organization at Cincinnati, Ohio, sent an appeal to- day to each of the general city C. o. organizations to send a dele gation of f0 to 100 members of Columbus tomorrow to protest to Gov. Davey against the use of na tional guardsmen to reopen steel plants in northern Ohio. Telegrams of protest were sent to President Roosevelt, Secretary Perkins ami other officials. Fred Foss, assistant to Regional Director Fuller, estimated 2,0n0 delegates from Chicinnuatf would go to Columbus Saturday, lie said no effort at u mass march upon the governor's office would be attempted. The ' telegram to President RoosevelL protested "the Immoral and unwarranted use of the na tional guardsmen" and asserted "Oovernor Davey is neglecting his duty us a public official. National guardsmen brutally are attempt ing to break the strike. They aro not protecting the rights of or ganized labor. Mr. President, wo implore you to call the national guardsmen off the strikers. Have them protect the status nuo in stead of attempting the reopening of the striking steel plants." a similar telegram to Secretary Perkins nsserled Ihe guardsmen were following "the immoral and unjust request" of Tom Chiller. steel executive, for reopening of the plants. Anolher to eg rain to Semilnr McKellar, chairman of the senate postofflce committee, demanded an investigation of testimony giv en by Tom Gh-dler mi a hearing in Washington Thursday. tm the Johnstown. Pa front, a projected march of 30.000 miners Ihe , city announced hv ('. I. O. leaders following the lifting of William A. Clark. Murray Hush, a strike leader, said, however, that miners had reached the city. In Columbus, Ohio. Adjutant General Km 11 Marx said national guard observers informed him 2.1)011 men had entered ihe sheet and lube plants. There are three here. "We are going to continue strik ing." Owens said. He 8nid his strategy announced last week of vending strikers into the plants wilh non-strikers and then starting a sit-down strike "doesn't hold now." "We are advising our people not to to into the mills." he said. Me observed further: "The opening of these mills without making an agreement with the employes through their repre sentatives demonstrates that Ihe attitude of some groups In Ihe In dustry will have to he changed by some power wllhin the govern ment." Hoy Levend-y. Ynunustown dis trict manager for Rennhlic Steel, said "I suppose we will be going pretty good by a p. m." Both Sides Enjoined In Canton, Judge George N. Graham of common pleas cnurl granted an luiuiicilou restraining both non-strikers and etrfke- frmu carrying weapons and prohibiting interrerouce with ingress and tigress at Renuhlic plmits. I wo hundred Ohio national guardsmen in Canton were readv to help enforce the Injunction as soon as they received a call irom civil authorities. A pfckel-lftnll lug injunction granted in Warren is being enforced bv the military. Miners pickets peacefullv strode no and down tit entrances Hethleheru Steel's Cambria works In Johnstown. Pa. Meanwhile, eon-slrlkers a n d company officials mitMped re-open-Ing plans at conferences in the strikr-nffected cities. Strike Leader Firm John Owens, Ohio C. I. O. lead er and director or the steel striko in Ohio, said of the blasts: "That's an old trick practiced by strike-breaking agencies in Indus trial strife from the beginning of time. It always Is a strange thing that these happenings which ter rify people and convince them of the necessity of having police pro tection result In no conviction of strikers." Owens sent word along the scat tered picket lines ordering strik ers to hold their ground and re fuse to return. Non-striking em ployes straggled through several gales of the Voungstown Sheet Ai Tube Co. plants to recondition equipment. DIVORCES GRANTED ON CRUELTY CLAIMS I wo decrees of d I orce were handed down in circuit court here todav and one complaint was fil ed. Decrees were given In the case of KHa M. Christopherson against Miirlnw A. Christopherson. mar ried at Roseburg Dec. 24. 1D27, and 1 .on He R. I.oomis against Roy S. lajotnls. married at Roseburg July 11. Plaint irfs in each rase charged cruelty. A suit for divorce was brought by Karl R Schroeder against Jewel Schroeder on alle gations of cruelty. They were mar- ri"d at Rofichurg Nov. 5. 19,15. The complaint specified that the de fends! t should be permitted turn of her maiden name, Jewel Pardee. PITTSBURGH, June 2. (AP) Chairman Philip Murray of the steel workers organizing commit ieo called Tom Ginller a nil-wit to day, In reference t0 the Republic Steel cornni'iilion chairman's asser lion at Washington that Murray was a "liar." "I do not see any reason for en gaging in a nublic cont roversv with i nil-wit," Murray said. Girdler criticized Murrav yester day beTore the senate post office .committee. , WASHINGTON, June 2B. fAP) Senator llorah said todav he had cancelled his scheduled radio speech on the steel strike tomor- martlal law at 7 a. m.. today ap-1 row night only because he was too 1'iuiMiiiy uineu .10 materialize, ae- -uusy. ne saio ne expected to make cording to rnllce Supervisor Capt. the address some time next week. LARCENIST STARTS JAIL TERM HERE Jerry Novak, transient, was brought, to Roseburg yesterday from Reedsport to serve 30 days in i lie county jail on petty larceny charges, Novak, according to Dep uty Sheriff Harry McCahe, who brought the prisoner to Roseburg, pleaded guilty to stealing tools and accessories from a Reedsport service station. PATROL GAP OFF SPAIN TO BE FILLED (Continued from page 1) possible courses: 1. Enforce the non-intervention pact; 2. Enforce the agreement bar ring new foreign fighters from Spain. 3. Wkid up the "fraudulent pact and let the opposing Spanish forces buy their material where they can get it." Joyd Geurge recalled the late Sir Austen Chamberlain's com ment that treaties wilh Germuny lasted only as long as they suit ed the ;-eich. And, he said, the first two plans depend on "agreement with people who have not ":ept a single agreement." Sir Archibald Sou'hby asked the legislators to "remember the Muine." He w.-.rned thai a similar fate for a nritish ship ofr Spain might have the same effeel of the incident that "ere.ited such feel ing in America and made var cer tain. Would Avoid War Cham'.erlahi promised Greal Schilling 111 U S TA R D DEFERS BURGLARY PENALTY ON TWO Kenneth Perdue and l.ouls Wright, who recently pleaded guil ty to iiurgiary not In a dwelling. were ordered today lo spend foul months In Ihe county Jail. Sen tence was iiiistpnni'il, with llm In dication Hint they would be un ruled from a peiilieiiilarv term at the expiration of their roiir-niontliK for Less Money on Your 1937 Vacation- if Travel by train &2(Th T"M IV Make your F.astcrn trip a complcta ViH-iitlon... Willi nil the iul.iil;i!oj nllordcd by Canadian Pud lie smite ho ,vff rojr. Summer Round Trip Fares, are now on sale, First dim, with the ijcinon limit October Jl, Intermediate nnd Coach chin, sit mouths limit from (lute of purchase, to all points iu Fastcrit lulled Slates and Cuniuln. Daylight through the scenic wonders .of the Canadian ltorkics...oicii top observation car Visit the world famous resorts nt UimIT and Lake l.oulso nud tho popular Mountain l.odjlcj... stop-over wherever you like. AIR CONDITIONED .Standard Slevn- Inft can, Dhilnft cars and Solarium J.oiinftccarson last trnns-cnnttnental trains, lenvlnit dally Irom aiuouvcr, It. C. Ask about the option cruise of ('nnadu Inhiud -Sea, from Ion William to Tort McNIroll, at no extra transportation cost. All details, reservations and throuiih tickets at our local omces. THIS year, take your vacation liy motor tatr! Take it in tlic car llint will give, you a cufiicfc vacation from worry and liigli cost a ur.w Chevrolet! You'll travel more sttMy in a Chevrolet, tor it'a the only low-priced car that com bines features aa Perfected Hydraulic Uraku, a New AlLSilcnt, AILS I Hodv anil Shuck proof Steering,. I on II travel more comfortably, too, for only Chevrolet brings you the Improved :iidinK Kncc-Actinn Hide nt Chevrolet's low prices. And you'll also travel more economically. for Chevrolet's New High-Compression Valvc-in-llcnd Knginc is unusually thrifty with gua and oil. Decide now to have more pleasure for !r money on your 1 Ii7 vacation eo in a Chevrolet! ..If JUW pttfM. CHEVHOl, K T MOTOR DIVISION ftW Mort Soltt Cwfwafinn, ItK.lHOIT, MICHIGAN Kf aWv.LifiS. Wr ' -nffi W ff I THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR-PRICED SO LOW I hi tain v.ould not "say or do any thing to precipitMo a sltnatinn which everybly wisl.?a to av.dd.' hopeless," ho declared. Altho igh It liny be true there are governments which deslro to Hfin nnn itMa n.- il. nl. ions, there is no government or ropean war." """" Hunt:, ii u sum. nas been directed to only one aim, to ijih iH'ttce oi Kttroiie ny keeping Hie war within Spain. tf..,1 H.. r- .iii-n ..u., v.uopi'r, i;riiain s ...oi. loin in mo umuiraity, gave the honso this summary of U,D nii ve noa streugt II ot turn 1'iMii-is in njmnisu waters in the basis of advices yesterdav. f I r Pil t Ri'llnln T 1. 1 ' . ... , nvi,,j wuinuiiiH besides the first motor : tor)edo hoai flotilla. This Includes one battleship, two cruisers and twelve C.ermany One "armored ship' I wo cruisers, six destroyers, four submarines. ItlllV Four rinttlln lnn.1o..u destroyers. France Two cmlsera, elulit de- St rovers, fnin- annna ..n.i t.. smaller vessels. GOVERNMENT ADMITS ITS TKQOPS JOINING REBELS HE.VDAVR pnAvnn cntw ISH Hnimpp t.. oc ?. u insurgenis asserted today they hud swept an government forces from the west hank of the Nervion river, west of conquered Bilbao. They captured the coastal set tlement of Clervana, at the river's niuuui. nnn pevern ne ehhor ni? vIMagea without mucis resistance, a communique said. The government admitted in Ma drid that CenemlisHimn Franco's men dominated much of the indus trial section northwest of Bilbao and on the Nervion'a west bank. A government statement sub stautiaied an insurgent assertion that many government troops had deserted to the Insurgent ranks as Franco's soldiers pressed west from Bilbao toward Santander, 40 miles away. DEMOCRATS AND F. D. R. IN PARLEY (Continued from page 1) nitrite of Nebraska, Holt of West Virginia, Moore of New Jersey and King of Vtah. Hep. l'lsh (It-N.y.) referred to ihe conferences In a statement as a "Boy Scout jamboree." naval acudemy training ships were obtained to take the guests on the 15-mlle trip to ihe island. wincii was purchased in 1833 by a group of prominent democrats, as a secluded rendezvous. A clubhouse was built and fish ing equipment Installed. Senator Robinson (D-Ark.) is president of the club. Floor Sanding and Refinishing ' CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J R. R, 2, Box 22C Roseburg, Ore, mmmm "Food For Sale" Low cost of doing business makes it possible for this store to mark merchandise at a low average margin of prom and still exist. Low rental district, only moderate advertising and no expensive central office and supervision. Special Values Saturday and Monday, June 26 and 28th PRODUCE Mostly Local and of Excellent Quality BANANAS Golden ripe; ' ' ' 4 lbs AC NEW SPUDS 23c U. S. No. 1 10 lbs White Wax 3 lbs ONIONS 14c APRICOTS 25c 3 lbs. See these potatoes before buying No. 2's FLOUR Flagstaff .55 Kitchen Queen $1 .59 A Crown Mill Product. 49 Pounds SUGAR FINE GRANULATED PURE CANE ioib3. 55c 25 ib3 $1.39 cwt. $549 Tomato Juice 3t:,.lg;.,i:: 25c CERTO For Jams and Jelly (salad fork free), 2 bottles 45c CRACKERS 2KtLor.wi.les: 29c Pancake Flour eN;. & Fi.'h; 43c CORN MEAL 7 yel,ow 38c CHAD T. N. T. !g. yellow bar, 6 ban 25c Peanut Butter ft'...: 25c CATSUP Large bottle, Yolo, 2 bottles 23c COCOA fL""" 15c Complete Line Fruit Jar, and Trimmings. Priced Right. Supreme, bulk, mm" 25c 3 lbs. 73C mmm nam imwum win mm im mmimm OAK AND ROSE STi, Free Delivery Phone 24 . , 323 W. Cats ROSEBURG. ORE. COFFEE