FOUR NvaIIvltMr ., lac Member of 1'he Aiwcicliiled Citu ' I'll AotfOciftte-d I'rea la exclusive ly entitled to the use for republUu tlon of all news diapatchea credited to tt or not otherwise credited in this paper and to all local news published herein. All rights of re publication of special dispatches Herein are also reserved. HARRIS KU-S WORTH Kdltor Entered as second class mutter May 17. 1920. at the post office at Roseburs;. Oregon, under act of March I, 1878. Represented By New Vorlt 21 Kaat 40th Slreut, diiMiro- 3fio N. MJ chi ican Ave.' Hun I'raurlaco 220 Rubh Street UrtroM Blephennun Rldi;.. J.u Anitlf 432 R Hurlnff Street. He title 6u3 Stewart Street, I'urlland biu a. w. aixiu eirteu iibcouim, B. t .711 Hall HI (Ik.. St. Loula 411 N. Tenth Street. Atlanta 2& urant ttuuainff. Hubserlutlon Rate Dally, per year by mall 14.00 Dully, 6 months by mall 2.J0 Dally, 8 months by mall 1.00 Dally, by carrier per month eu Welcome, Caravan! IT WAS commonly talked around tho San Francisco bay region, and elsewhere, too, since the wbitc muu fir Bt settled there, Uitit though engineering brains and genius might some tin) u bridge the buy across to Oakland, tho Golden Gate would never be bridged. They said it could not bo dene. But It was done. This evening a great caravan nuiisoH in Rose burg for rest and rofroHlirnent, Tomorrow it will Jour ney on into Culifornia and there will join with Cullforniaus and poo- plo from the western states fu eel o bm ting tho opening of the bridgo across the Golden Gate. It is a p leu miro to greet these people and welcome thorn to our clly. Wo aro honored that this city was selected us u stopping place. Now let's join tbo caravan and go and help the celebration along. For Better Service HPHK people in the northern part of tho county urb backing tho Ho.Holmrg cumuigu to get better bus schedules. Will J. lfuyner, edi tor and publisher of the Sutherlfn Sun, makes tbo following editorial comment In his current Issue: "It is pleasing to note that tbu Newsllovlow and Secretary Hard ing of the Chamber of Commerce have called attention to the Inade qua to singe service in the area norUi of Komi burg, so far as It af fects southbound stuges. Many peo pie Jn this area inaku Tregueut trips to Hobo burg either to trunsucl business at tbu court house or the banks, If lit tho bunks one must do some sprinting after reaching KoKoburg In order to ruuch u bunk before closing tlmo at !1 o'clock, as the southbound stugo Icuvoh bore at 2, Ono has barely timo to grab a hamburger and a glass of beer before he must sprint to the ter minal for a norUihuuud stage, Peo pie who desire to go to llosuburg during thu morning hours must tumble out of bed during thu night time In order to get a stage leuv lug lie re about duyllgbt, Thu stage service north of Uoseburg should be revamped." Editorials on News (Contlnuod from page L) ingn are easily arrived at by the statisticians. To loralirc (be fig ures bore quoted, it is only neces sary to recall (but nvorupo earn- ingrt of steel workers In tho KuM and lumber workers hero on I lie Pacific coust ate piucticutly the same. yilK system that enables work- era in America to v:.ra the lieccKHlltos of life with J'AK MiSS li'bor than Is rrgulrnd In the older countries of Kurope is Mm AMKKI CAN SVBTKM. It Is Ibis same American system that stariy-eyrd reformers and shnuling dfiuagogiics and soil" sucking polftlctsns ail! r.tvkinp ciigerly lo TKAH IXMVN', so tbal they may cruet In its place a sys tem of manured economy similar to that which has been set up In ho many of the countries of Kir rope. If workers In this country pi-r-mlt themselves to be misled by these ttaiiKo Into tearing clmwi the Anirrlcnn system of i mi unity and siilmlitulltiff for II the "uiamiged cconnmy" thai rules in Kurnpe they will never coaso to UKtiKKT their inli.tuke. STORE CLOSING FOR MEMORIAL ASKED KnuolHIi'K nn'iTlmnlH lire bolnn nuked by llio KoHrbui'K ilmiiilii"!' of C'Oitniii'n-n In obnorv Memorial liny by (JukIiik plm-eii iif biisiiirmi nil 1 ii - Monday, May 'I1. The holi day ft, lid um Siiiiduy, but I lie fol ItMvttiK day In l ' olmnrvi'd Ihiouiilioiit tin- main IhroiiHh pro cliiiiHillDii by (lovi'inor Climicw II. AliirtllliM'Ut) clininbiT of rauimemi dlructors votid uiiimltnoiiKly to 10-QUi-vt geuerul cloning lu Huuebms. GEORGE BARR NEW BOSS OF PIRATES George Burr has been elected coacn and muuuger of the Huae ourg Pirates, following tno resig nation of Claude "Muck" Taylor, because of poor health. Taylor has been serving as coach and field manager, wnile llarr has previous ly been in charge of arrange ments, Taylor reports he will con tinue to aid the team In a coaching capacity whenever bis health win permit. KRNR PROGRAM (1,MW Kilocycits) REMAINING HOURS TODAY 4:00 The Editor View, the New. 4:i Wus Crosby. 4:30 -Tea Tunc Tuuc-u. !:UU Tne Monitor Views tho News. 6:15 Aluimattan Concert Bund. 6:30 Old t avorlto Melodies. o:00 Hansen Motors Program. b:16 Art Bliaw. b:30 Ulrla 01 thu Golden West 6:40 Dillard Motor Co. Program, 0:49 baseball Roundup, Dougia6 County Mill. 6:50 Newa Flasnes. 7:00 Hits From Uie Films. 7:15 Victor Vount' and Orches tra. 7:30 The American Family Rob inson. 7:45 Your Grab Hag Program, 8:00 Sign Off. TUESDAY, MAY 25 :uo "KarJy Birds." :30 News-Review Newscast, 45 Alarm Clock Club. :15 Vagabonds of the Prairies. :30 Harlem iiai-wony. :45 Los Angeles Dunce Hand. :0U Itoy Eldridge ii His Swing sters. 15 Paul Whltouian. :45 Hits From the Shows. :15 Sol Ilriglit &. His Holly- walluus. :30 Radio Rendezvous, Copco. : 45 Hoinemakors tlurniony. 15 Variety Show of the Air. 45 The Westerners. 00 "Time Signal," Knudtson's. :00 Now York Civic Orch. :15 Chas. Vagabond & Orch. 45 News-Review of the Air.- 00 "Knights of the Road," coen Lumber Co. : 00 "Odds & Unds." 30 Lot's Dance. :00 "World Uook Man." :05 Georges Thill, Tenor. : 15 Tho Cautllllans. :3U Oeno Autry. :50 News Flashes, :O0 Travel's Radio Review. 15 PatBy Montana. 30 Kiddles Request Program ;00 The Editor View the News. :15 Chamber of Commerce Pro gram. :30 llestfnl Organ Melodies. 45 I ho Hoswell SintorH. 00 The Monitor Views the News. l.r Manhattan Concert Hand. :30 Itlchurd Crooks. 45 AnibioHo & Orch. 00 Kay Kyser A Orch. 30 "The Ace of Diamonds." 45 Baseball Roundup, Doug las Co. Mill. 50 News Flashes. 00 Chevrolet's Musical Mo ments with Rublnoff, GoGo DeLyB and Ray Heather ton. 15 Morion Downy. 30 Your flrnb Bug Program. 00 Sign Off. WliUNKSDAV, MAY 2G 00 "Karly nirds." 30 News-Review Newscast, 4b J, M, Judd bays "Good Morning. 50 Alarm Clock Club. : 15 Dixie Memories, 30 Municipal Dance Ihiud. 15 Art Shaw. 00 I'lill Harris and Orchestra. 15 Joe HuymcH In Popular Mu sic. 15 Chestnuts. 15 Movie Gossip. 30 "Radio Kendezvous," Copco. 15 llmni-ma Iters' Harmony. 15 Variety Snow ot the rtir. 45 Cellars' Hot Shots. :00 "Time Signal," Knudtson's. 0U-Mflody Trull. : '-Singing Strings," Rndfd Music. 30 Hansen Motor Co. Program. 45 News-Review of the Air. 00 "Knights of the Road' Coen Lumber Co. 06 -"Odds and Kmls." Modern lthythimi. 00 "World Hook Man." :03 Or;iiu Interlude. : 15 -Nut llrnndy wiim. .,10 Yesturday's oiala. :50 News Flashes. : nu Cab Calloway. : 15 'Your Highroad to Happl ness," Dairies of Rosenurg. :;t0 Kiddles' ltc(uenl l'niKram. :00 The Editor's Views of the News, :I5 - Novelty Orchestrations. :Sn- Ted Lewis' Itnud. : 00 -The Monitor Views the News. : 15 Salon Suite. ;;iu Henry KIub unit Orrhe:dra : 15 ticms from Mikado. :0t Dultu Klllnj;lon. :;!0- Shop Fields In JIlppHnti Jthythm. :40 DIUnrd Motor Co. Program. :45 Baseball Roundup, Douglas Co. Mill. :50 News Flashes. :00 Men of Vision, On. Bubar and Church. :15 Hoy SuHTh, Wizard of the Sitlnj-H. ;30 The American Family Rob inson. : Hi Your H wli Miir l'roKiaiu. : io Sluu Otf. IK YOl It TIM K IS I I'- TAKKTIMKOt'TTO EtKNKW KOIt YOl'lt NKWS-tlKVlKW. IMIMHiTANT STOKIKS A UK HliKA KINO K V 10 l( Y DAY. 4H MAKK SI'UK OK UKCKIVINO IT UY KKNKWtNt) NOW. IT COSTS ONLY 5ue IMHI MONTH IIY CAUlilKIt IN KOSKIlCIUi ONLY l.on kou thui:k months uy maiu an y wii.kkk1- ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON, MONDAY, OUT OUR WAY COPB. IB" BY NE SERVICt. INC. sure aaake vour (I 1 IT " ' RDSES LDOU f ' J SV' MOKE &EAU7IFUUf I - iT-pzzlf: i J, OD C1C DQ.UI7I7 SYNOPSIS; Our wild, stormy wouk-end at Furrlngton Ululf, homo of Mk-liaol's uuuts, opens with tho niyslorlous shooting lo deuth of uliruclive Judo Illinaliop. A Buries of strange utlucks Is ap parently oxplulned when we find below the bluff tho body ot Mich ael's mad father. Then Aunt Mar tha Is shot In the shuulder by un unuoen hand, und the Skipper, Mike's tall und Iweedy younger aunt, disappears. Miko stays with tiuy Palmer, ins tiunece, wnue William, tho chauffeur, and 1 fu ll lely search tbu grounds, lteturn lug, wo fiiict Aunt Martha nearly dead after, tuklng sleeping pow ders. . Chapter 33 On to the Cellarl Mlelmel caino rushing out of the bulhrooiu. a Plain gruy box lu his hand. Jt wus hull full of now durs; but on thu top was written merely, Sleeping powaor. ur. ros ter," and tho dutu. No help there. "(lot iiot-watur bottlos," I said. Tho eliuuees wuro that It was llle wrung tiling lo do, but the uhanees woro better that if left In that condition much longer M. Furring ton would bo flnlsuud. I raced In to tho bathroom und ransacked tho medicine chest. Hverythlng from Hodium bicarbonate und lodluc to a uervo tunic, tint no ipecac. liut those hot-water buttles as fust as you can, Mike," 1 said and turo tulo the hall. Ono by ono. 1 went through every medicine cIichI on that floor. There was enough Bluff tltero lo euuso a druggist lo turn curl- whec s. But no ipecac, coming out of Mike's room, I caught sight of llay coming up the stairs wilh William at her heels, one glance at her faco told me there would be no help from downstairs. 1 shouted, "is there any ipecac In the hoiiBoV Ak lllgglns! Ask" He uodiled. :"MIbs llurburu had It for u dog that got some hud meat. It's III tho kitchen. I'll gel It." Miko had liot-waler hollies In plain und wus working lor all he was worth. Wo hastened lo help him. My arms woro already ach ing by llio llmu William appeared with several hollies ami u whole truyful of glasses. Without wait ing lo read Instructions, I poured out a doc. 1 knew thai amount hadn't killed Hog l-'ow ler ut sc hool but Hull was all 1 did know. We had difficulty in making her awullow it. and when we finally got It down, there wus no elfect. We rubbed and rubbed. William was obliged to tuko Michael place. We rubbed some more. tnd then tilings began lo uappen -with startling suddenness and considerable force. Hill what Utile vitality she Had left si-em In go after lhal. t,uy tried lo pour seme whiskey down her throat, with no suecens. We all Hied. Useless, l-'iually .Mike straightened up and mel my 'es. "She's dead," he suhl In a altll voice. Sweat was running down my fuce into lay eyes. My throat was hard und dry. "She cun't hi'! She " William's hand coining down heavily on my back froze the words lu my mouth, lie pushed tne lo one side. I Frantic Resuscitation I'm mil unite clear en what fid- ' lowed. William had taken charge. ; We were all moving meehunlt-ully. ; dicying his orders. As I remem ber II, I was holding the eld lady's ! uninjured arm up ever her head, flaying II. buck and forth from her sides III a sort of windmill ; motion. What the ethers were loing 1 have no Idea, l-'lnnlly. he leatli the wheezing noises of her I sellers, M. Karrlugtou begun to : In entile- futut!, spasmodically at lii'sl, and then wilh more strength I and steadiness. Mike and I stop-1 ped simultaneously, init willatn made us keep going. Weariness was floating over uie. but through It droned words, "The Skipper! The Skipper!" We must hurry. Hut where? Where? .lust M. Karrlugton's eyes flew upeli. I had the answer, Stay here, liay. 1 whispered and unceremoniously yanked Mi chael lulu the hall, "TUo collar, L told him. HEROES Ae AAOe-r40T BORKJ. For onco Miko didn't wait lo argue. Ho followed mo down the hall Into the servants' quarters as fast as ho could go. 1 could feel his breath on my neck all the wuy. We sprinted through the narrow corridor and took the back stairs three at a time. 1 was fumbling at the door of the enlry and the confounded thing wouldn't scorn to work. He hind me there wus a banging of drawers, the crash ot a cliulr go lug over, an awlul uproar. Tbo clatter on the buck Btuirs wus probubly Willlum, but I didn't turn to Bee. Frantically, 1 Hied key after key on that cellar door. 11 was an age before one of them turned, and tho door flow open. Inky black, tho cellar gaped below us. . "Whero tho devil are tho lights?" I rasped. Mike's bund found a switch and the cellar stairs, narrow, crooked and dusty, lay ahead of us. For lingtou Uluff was built In the days when cellars woro designed for foundations of a house in which food and drink might bo inci dentally Btored. Wo went down llioso stairs ut top speed. As my feol loft the bottom .step, I heard the door above closing loudly. "Where's William?" 1 snapped ut Michuel. "Went buck upsluirs. The wo men are having u lit about bulng left alone." On tho spot, I dismissed William from my mind. Uy tbo light of the dim bulb ovor tho stub's,, wo could soo u good part of the vast old cullor. Wo wore standing at llio ond of a long passageway, flanked on the left by tlio wall of tbo house uud on the right by u room of some description, the door ot which was practically ut my el bow. Under what must huvo boon about thu main hull upstairs, tho luissageway seemed lo open out Into a larger room. The beam of my flashlight picked out a wood en structure rising almost to the rafters and blocking oft all bin a small entrance into the center room. "Sland horo and keep your eyes open," I ordered, anil pushed open the door ut my right. 1 was looking Into what must have been Uie Furrington wine cellar, a large, low-ceilingod room almost square In shupc. My light disclosed tiers of bottle racks, mostly empty, completely sur rounding the room. Here and there a barrel or a keg. Over the whole a perfect curtain of dust and cobw-chs. Cobwebs hung in long, lacy festoons from the ceil ing beams, from the racks, from the barrels. Dust lay In a thick, undisturbed carpet on the floor. Of any human being, there was not a trace. The Preserve Closet I let. Hie door swing softly to. "Where docs this passage lake us'.'" "Kuruuee room and fuel bins. Storage room after Unit." Silently 1 led the way along It. Our footsteps echoed through the ghostly empty place. After we hail luketl a dozen pure:', the dim light over the stairs was of little use. 'Aren't there auy more lights?" I whispered. There was no roa- iDailE Devotions DIt. CHARLES A. UDWAIIDS Wt' ofii'ii groat ly magnify tho difficult ios that aro ours in umlorHtaudiut; what Is tho will of (iod in roKorrl to our lives. If wo aro ready to do what is rlphl up to tho very hist rciiulromrut we aro noi likely to ho proally puzzled for Iouk ns lo which woy duty lies. Living n good life Ik not 1111 easy undertaking, but It gen erally is a rather direct and st might forward nnd easily un dersiond enterprlsp and with downright sincerity wo aro noi likely lo very Imdly lose our way. lo Thou enlighten our understanding, O Hod, and make (ho path of right und duty very plain boforo ns. but above all do Thou give us con fidence and ouurago to walk in It. Wo art til Jesus auu. Amou. By William. 5 son for whispering, but the atmos phere of tho place already had its grip on me. "No. Aunt Martha's stubborn about improvements." Uucon- sciously Miko was whispering, too. "Skipper was always telling her that Uook would break her lug down here and sue us for plenty. 1 flashed my light around the furnace room. Oblong in shape, running across the entire center of the house, its left and right walls consisted of enormous coni und wood bins, respectively, piled right to tho ceiling. A huge, old fashioned furnace stood in the exact center of the room, its pipes running overhead in ull directions. Some orderly hand had been at work, for there wus no dust, uud there were no cobwebs. And no sign of tho Skipper. Apparently the wall nearest Hie passage wus also tho wall of the wine cellar which we had just left. in the center of tho wall opposite it, was u door for which 1 iiiailu ;without further udo. But 1; was locked. If I bud fumDled wilh tho keys upstairs, 1 nearly torn them apart now in my excitement. "What's stored here?" I gruuted. "Vcgutublcs preserves Junk-" Michael's words were com- liug in spasmodic jerks. He may have been thinking the saute thing that I was thinking that with tho wine cellar left unlock ed, it wus odd to find Uie preserve closet fastened. The door opened ut last. A room about tho samo size and shupe as tho furnace room and neat us a piu lay ahead of us. Krom floor to ceiling it was lined with high closets wainscoted, in the center of the room stood a large kitchen I a bio with an anti quated lea wagon beBido it. Oth erwise, tho room was empty. "Skipper!" I shouted, flinging myself against the nearest door. "Aro you there? Skipper! Skip per!" The impact of my shoulder on tho soliti wood of tho closet sent a steadying slab of pain through me. 1 turned to look for a poker. Tho furnace room offered bet tor than a poker, however. Mike made straight for the wood bin. There, propped against the wall, was an nxo. I snatched it from him and rushed back at tho clos ets. Tho pen may ho mightier than tho axe, but my blows on thul hard wood would havo been equal ly effective with either. The axe glanced and twisted, and twisted und glanced. "Use the butt of the duniu thing," grunted Michuol, The light was wavering in his hand. 1 did. Wood splintered and crashed. ( There was a tinkle as of broken glass. Something wet and sticky was in my. eyes. I wus still trying to clear them when Miko yelled, 'Try the next one!" I blinked at a closet full of broken jars. Tiie mess drool iim down my face seemed to be strawberry pre serve. (Copyright, liK'J, Kstiier Tyler) Mike and I find ourselves locked in the cellar, tomorrow. PROGRAM FOR 8TH GRADERS PLANNED joint eighth grade graduation ex ercises for the Kdonbower, Ktvers- iule and (ianlen valley schools will bo held WeduoMlny evening May 21, at S o'clock at the Hivers dale grange hull. Tho following program will bo given: Processional, Mis. Harmon, Mr. Ott. Invocation. W. D. lovo. Vocal duet, Russell and La Verne Harris. Address. Row Linden, (i. I.eaviU. First Christian church. Koseburg Vocal solo, .Mrs. W. H. Payne, Presentation- of diplomas, Mrs. Stella Qui lie. Vocal quart ot, Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. II. K. Kweiis, Lewis totrell, W. D. Love . Vocal duet, Russell and Ut Verne Harris. Heiiedietlon, W. D. Love. Recessional, Mrs. Harmon, Mr. (Ut. The Tollo ing pupils are gnul ila 1 1 ng at Kdonbower : Uoorge llerks. John Kleshergeii, Kffie Cal kins. Feme Keliey. Jeanne Hour. Lillian Jennie. Teacher, Mabel Williams. (ianlen Valley: Hilly Love, Dal las Hughes. Vernon Owens. Teach er. Mrs. Wells. Klveredale: Wallace Cox, Glen Huuter. Teacher, Helen Beach. MAY 24, 1937. PIRATES LOSE TO Victory Here Sunday Puts Chinook in Top Hace of Baseball League. The Crescent City Cbinooks nos ed the Itoseburg Pirates out of tirst place tu the Soutneru Oregon liusebaii league by a v-to-a victory horo Sunday. Crescent city gatu ered live runs on as many hits m Uie lust two innings, wnile Hose burg wus aoio tu tuny ouly two on six mis in tne same periods. Uaker, Itoseburg right tietuer, eon necteu lor a uomer uuu triple in iour trips to tne pmto. Neu,so lor uoaoburg and ueo tor Crescent Uiy eacu tut for three baggers. 'i ue tirst two lnuiiigb woro plenty wilu, witn both teuuid hutmg free ly. A hit batter, error aim turee tuts caused llarr to give up tne ptrchmg duties for itoseburg, anu no vas repiaceu by tartuering, wno, in turn, hit a batter anu yiemed two nits in tho second lu lling. Deo Also Routed Deo, uiai'Liiig mleiier tor Creo cent v-ii, mso nuu uu tiuuotes m mu sliul ui tue game, 'iuyiut, Uiv iu'tl .uo:eoui uauer 10 tue pmie, ClUUftCU uul U iOUiJ ml WUlCil VUllt tor a jjiiiiiie miu an error, as uie lvoseyuig i'layer raceu arouuu tuo oa;,es xor a score, uoseuurg wane iour bus in tue secoau lulling, ouo a uouoie u omnu, out nice teuue wont uy tue wimooitii eui the i'l lines otf with only one run. Leu quit tue box in tue tmru inning uiiu .as relieved by ivoni, a ieit minder, wno anoweu oiny luur nus. uiesceut City scoreu iwo in tue iif in, wnen Miner walked anu i'eiin singled, noth scoring on ueo s tripie. Tno visitors were limited to two juls and no rum, lor the balance ot the game. Itoseburg scored two in ttie suv eutn, wiie n Suva, at tmru base lor tue CmnooKs, mopped bniuu s nigh iniieid liy, bmuu scoring on a tiiree-oagner uy es IS ease, anu Neuse romping home as r'artueriug was tnrowa out at urst. ifosenurgs unui scoro was mado on ilakur a home run m thu umiu inning. Summary: Roseburg Ali it II PO Taylor, If o i 4 Z 0 P. isous, 2b U u 1 1 uaker, if 4 1 y U u Uott, c 4 0 1-10 uobertson, liu .. 4 U U 1 0 .uuruin, ib 4 U 111 0 Siiiun, tst 4 I 2 o b v. iScns, ss 4 1 1 U 0 Uurr, p u 0 0 0 0 l arlneriug, p 4 0 I 0 0 Sunders 1 0 U u I , w I Totals 39 5 . 11 27 1 Uaited tor 1-arthenng in ninth. Crescent City All It II PO L Fraimtead, cf .... 4 1 U 0 0 .uatson, 2u 1 11 1 it Spunn, If 4 2 1 1 U Siivu, 3b ii 1 2 0 1 viunnvcrno, e .... u U 1 lo b Aliller, lb 3 1 2 13 0 Ferm, ss 4 1 2 2 1 Koakela, tt 2 0 U' 0 0 Deo, p 4 U 1 0 b Kohl, p 3 U U U 1 ttkinovitch, rf .. U 0 u 0 U Totals 38 7 10 27 3 Home runs, linker; triples. Ra ker, W, Nease, Deo; 2 bases, bhinn, Silvu; struck out by Fartiioriug 2, by Kohl 8 in li innings. Rases on bulls oil' Farthering 4. Umpires; Rilisman, Parrisli. Roseburg lilts 211 10U 1U Runs HO WO 210 Crescent City Hits SHU 120 lui Runs 320 U20 OOi' SUNDAY'S BASEBALL (My tho Associated Press) Coast League Portland 1 '4 J Sacramento U 11 0 Moncrlcf, Shealy, Carson and Cronin; Kiiuger and Franke. Second game (seven Innings) Portland , 2 ti 2 Sacramento ti 10 0 La Fliiiiimc and Tresh: New- some and Cooper. First game: Scuttle , 3 4 1 San Diego 10 17 0 Hregory, Smith and Itassler, For nuudes; Ward and Dot ore. Second game (7 innings) Seattle u 7 0 San Diego 1 8 "1 Pickrel and Dossier; Salva and Dot ore. First game: Los Angeles 2 G 0 San Francisco 7 12 2 Leilu-r, Perry and Collins; LU- lard and Wondall. Second gamo (7 innings) Los Angeles 1 4 1 San Francisco 2 7 1 Thomas and C. (libsun; Ration, S. tlibsou and Monzo, First game: Missions t 5 2 Oakland , .3 it 1 llermnmi. Uimansk! und Snriu.: Olds and linker. Second gumi! (7 innings) Missions 2 6 7 Oakland 0 2 2 IliX'lf land KY:inlnivit li I .IiItlKTIl Hald and Raimomli, Rukcr. New York fi, Pittsburgh 5. Cincinnati 6, Rrnoklyn 2. Chicago 11. Ronton 1. St, Ijmls . Philadelphia 2. American New York 7, Cleveland 3, Chicago 1. Rnston I. Philadelphia , St. Louis 2. Detroit 13, Washington 3. Arrives Today Mrs. M. C. Crouch, of Portland, arrived hi this city today to visit at tbo home of her brother and sister-in- w. Mr. und Mrs. W. r. Harrie, on South Malu street 1 1 TO Standlnjl Uiy the Associated Press) Team W h Pet, COAST San Francisco 34 16 Sacramento -. 33 If San DieKO 2'J 23 Los Angeles 27 24 Purtlunu 23 20 Seattle 2t 2S Oakland IS 33 .Missions 18 34 NATIONAL Pittsburgh - l'J 8 St. Louis 10 12 New Vork 10 13 Chicago 15 13 Brooklyn 12 15 Uoston - 11 15 Cincinnati 10 16 Philadelphia U IS AMERICAN . Philadelphia 15 9 New York 16 lu Detroit 15 12 Cleveland 12 10 Washington 13 15 Chicago - 11 14 Boston 10 13 St. Louis 8 17 .680 .635 .558 .52s .UM .423 .363 .346 .704 .571 .552 .536 .444 .423 .385 .37 .625 .616 .556 .545 .464 .440 .435 .320 GLEIMDALE DEFEATS MEDFORD, 10 TO B ClUiNDALK, Ore., May 23. Oiemlalo finally got out oi the cel lar ol tne Southern Oregon Uuse ball icamie by a victory over Med furd, lu to s, in a loosely-played slugging contest filled witn sensa tional plays and several argu ments, 'i'ne mam features of tue game was a home run by Willis in uie 4th inning for Ulelldale, on which he was called out for ,not touching second base. Tins, how ever, marled a rally lor lllendaie which ended with four runs on four successive hits. In the 6th inning Pete came in witn a tying run on a passed bull which caused consnleiablo argu ment as to whether it struck the back stop or not. Carpenter, a new ttitcner lor Glendale, troiu 'lexas, pitched a steady game but at tunes was loosely supported, and in tne tith seemed to weaken anu uuoweu live straigbt hits which scored four Medford runs. Carpenter tightened no and n itched steadily tue bal ance of tho game. Glendale was able lo hit both Pepper anu tricK son when hits nieunt runs. I.inr'ttn: Medford Glendale Lewis, ss Miller, ss Hoffman, 3b Houser, cf Iticlterl, 2b Pete, 2b Kline. If Willis, It Swanson, lb Rhodes, lb Sakraida, cf Thompson, rf Knox, rf Phillips. 3b Uafkovich, e Piaster, e Pepper, p ' Carpenter, p Erickson. p Umpires: Winch and Kenton. HIGH SCHQQLTR.fl.nK NOT WON BY BEND FUGKNIC. May 2 1. AP) Plae- inir in eight ol the 14 events, Rend high school trackmen were cham pions of t entity marking tne nrsi nine in many years that a Portland hUiool did not wear the crown. Competing in the 11th annual Oregon high school Lrack-aud field meet hero Saturday, Rend won two I'h st s and tied for another, took two second places and tied tor auolhe; and won a fourth and u fifth place. Fiankliii, Portland, second last ye:u-, placed second Saturday with i;;tA points. other schools scores aa follows; S.iiem HIi, WiiBhinglou 15, Corval- lia 11, Forest Urovu and Hood River 10, Crants Pass XL Urant h, iOugenc and La Urando 1, Mediord fj, iteuKon and Malm 5, Klamath Falls -li, West Linn 24, Sheridan Jefferson, Lincoln, Knlerjuise, As toria, tires ham and Hill 2, Seurfido, Dullns and Cottage (Jrove 1, Only one record fell, u strong breeze handicapping tho pcrtorm eis. Hill Hlacklodge, Corvallis, who broke tho stale sliotput murk i'i Friday's preliminaries with a heavt of 51 feet 7 inches, went him self one better ' Saturday, lossing the bail 52 feet 2:,' inches. Rob Dtez. Franklin, won the IfMj- yurd and o-yard flashes and ran a hip on the Quaker relay team, which placed second, Diez taking individual high-point honors. Jliackledge, who also won (ho discus, was second to Diez for pOiliU'. GRANTS PASS NINE DEFEATS ASHLAND (iitANTS PASS, May 51. (AP) Heavy slickwnrk combined will) effective pitching tallied a le-to-2 victor- fur tile Grunts Puss .Mer chains Sunday lu a Southern Ore gon league film- ut Ashland. Griggs. .Merchant hurler. funned 15. wnile his leummate from cen terfield. tIMloin, banged mil four hits in rive nips m the plain in cluding u triple and two dmiblfr bucgers. Grants Pass In 17 1 Ashland fi liallcrles: Griggs and llarlman; IJnmii. Ciimpesl, Maiding nmT .Simpson. ' ROSEBURG GOLFERS BEATEN BY G-PASS CHANTS PASS. May 2I.-HAP) -UrantK Pans colfers turned back .11 invitdliii i-ti-iv .if it i....n.u tmm Rosehuix to 7 Sunday. The lmirti:iiiifiil wim i.. foursomes with ouch player con tojUnn for thrt'e pfiiiitn. .Marvin I lark. Crams Pass, Was I'dallst wilh T!l ihl.- Im r,..,..t. pliicu. was low for iiocebuig with is 2. FIELD-TRACK MEET TAKEN BY COUGARS 5 Sectional Records Upet in Competition of Six Schools at Seattle. SEATTLE. May 24. (AP) Tho Pacific coast conference track and field championship at Los Angeles this week beckoned more than 100 cinder stars from six colleges In the northern division today. Kifleen-niun squads from Idaho, Washington, Washington. Stum, Oregon, Oregon State and Montana are eligible (or the ull-coiiferenco meet. The squads will be picked from (lie best pel funnel's at the northern division championship meet held here last Saturday. Five sectional track and field records were "broken at the divi. jion meet while Washington Stats college won its fifth straight chant pionship. Tho Cougars won 56 points; . Washington, 3$; Oregon. 36; Idaho, 17; Oregon Statu, 14, and Montana, 14. Washington sot three new rec. ords and Washington State two. , Among the athletes lo partici pate in the meet probably will be; Bill Benke, Washington Stute, who set a new 400-yard dash record of 46.9 seconds; Lee Orr, Wash ington State, holder of the new 220-yard dash record of 20.8; Via Paimasou, Washington, who ran to a new 880-yard run man: of 1:51.5; Bill Vandermuy, Washington, who jumped 6 feet Si inches to a new sectional record. Washington also set a new mark in the iniJe relay with Huniber, Flagg. Paimasou and .Montgomery in 3:17.9. Also in the meet may he Orr of Washington State, winner of tho 100-yurti dash; Siiepard of Oregon Stato, winner of the mile run; Wil lam, Washington State, winner of the 120-yard high hurdles; Woolen of Washington State and Lyle of Oregon in the two mile run; John son of Iduho and Foskett of Ore gun in the shot put; Johnson ot Idaho in the javelin event; Varofl of Oregon In the pole vault and Ifoilaid of. Oregon in the discus" llirow. WOMAN'S AILMENTS jfANY women are troubled with monthly pains, head- ache, hackachc, or "heat, flashes," All women who suffer from nervousness, ir ritability and Uie dis, comforts associated with functional Hi turbancot, need a Inntc like Dr. Pierre!! Fa- voruc rreseription, which stimulates the appe tite and Um m (urn increases llie intake of food and build up the body. Head what Mm, H. Sinionscn of 2611 East C St, T.icoma, Wash., said: "JJr. Pierce's Favorite Prrwrip lion did nie totsf good and I am slad ol an opportunity to tell other women about it. It increases the apprtitc and is fine to relievi the nains from which many women suffet periodically." New size, tableU 50 cts liquid 51.00. Larg size, tabs, or liquid, $1.35. Buy today I GREEN SLAB WOOD 4-ft.( per cord $2.23 16", per cord 4.00 Sawdust, per unit . $2.00 PHONE 282 ROSEBURG , LUMBER CO. 2nd Ave. and 5th St, on Djxonvffie Road Floor Sanding and Refiniehing CHAS. KEEVER Phone 651-J R. R. 2, Box 22C Roseburg, Ore. HYNOl'SIS OF ANNUAL, STATEMENT Of the Suttthfrn Oregon Mfrtlrnl Scrvlco Assnrlatlnn or .Mflfoni. In the Stato of Orccon. on tho Mtlrty-flrM day ot Pe, 13.1B, inn,ic in iho tnurnnee t.oDMnldsioiicr of the Flats of Orecort. IuriuaiJt to law: f'A PITAIj Ainninit of eapltnl stock paid "P i5,;st.o I.VCOMI5 Net prcniliiiuB roceivrtl durinir til year JS,:i2.IS Inierpftt, tiivi-tomls ti. rents rerpivcd dtinnit tho ynr None Jncitme othrr sources re- relvrd during tliP year....... l,30.6ft Total in-..)!: JT.H3.23 Net lo?tM pnid .iiirinR the year .... tlsl u n j u n , muni ex- i,",'.,,,Cj ...11,302.44 IJIvntonda pntJ on capita! atoek the ymr Nnna Comntisslona nl al.trlpj pn)d durltip Uie ynif.,., C,;.B1 Tarn lict-n.rj nnd fern paid dtirini; the vnr i Anioiint t all othre t.ii,i.nrtV. t U rea 34. Total expendlturrs .I4,ol Vnlue of r?iil catutfl ownnil Imitc, kt value) NlM ahie of mock nnd bonda own- ... v , won I.oana ntt moricasea and col " Noria r"rt."o fn nnnka and on hand. , . .$S,3it.- iTrmiumn tu cn'trsn ttt rnltec- linn wr'tirn alnro pinmb'r d. inii ... AH othr ndmltiM asit'ta " tm Total admitted r3ft ...J7,59a.7l flriM c!n!m tr Irisnon ui'iinld . Knn imiih of miearnr-d inetniuma lJu for cotntnlaalon and brokar- M A 'I oth'V VlabtntlVV '.'..' .'..'.' ..'.'.j,Si52S llecrve tor fontlnssnt llabll- t5.M Totl llabUitiea. oxrept rap'- rapi al patn Up I&.:i(t.fi8 njtpM over All llatitl. " .M Kiirplua aa regnrda pollcyhold- I( T-a! k Mi Tt lU.HINUSS JN fMtK.iuX FOR THB Net prmhima tP--eiBd du-ine I.ohbm paid during th y'tt', ilt; 4 v.. uiinni m year j.m.z i mpanjr. Sm,thrn Oregon M-dlral Pervrr A -tm Hon. N-sm of P-rreta-y, R. R. fire-ii, tot"Ty rf,,(I'nt tr aarrfe,