TWO ROSEBURG NEWSREV1EW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937. HUBBELL DEFEATS : DEi IN DUEL 4-1 Giants' Ace Pitches 22nd Win in Row; Game Sees Battle of Fists. lly SID PKDKU Associated I'rivs Kimrti WYIlui' lliu IlitClllUn' urKUiueKl nt llio em Carl Hubbeli's bruins vs. Uizay Itema kihmI right ui in null a long way iiiim bring settleil, but lor tue moment tln-ru hchmuh lltllo to otier uKuiimt tliu minima Hun o( "King Lull" an lliu lmt burlor ia tile t'uiuu touuy. Despite liln iilMimu IiikIi run of 22 Blrultihl victoriuH, u ub uiiniii or anglo, Kfnerally ovur!uoi;uil in tho firm iilmtluu anil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ol Hie 4-1 btmlini; Iluliliell anil till' lIUiiu ninni-il on 1 Hau ami the Carilinala yentorilav, uiili-u plulns us nna-h an anything wliy . ulil 'VdiiariMiautM Klnnils uut linn a 1 1 lu Hum In a field of bin leau iters. WIumi IX ami Jim llliili! tUiirteil t!ii buUli! that wounil ili iu a rinl. with ulMiut ovm yotw iu lmiloly vudiiwiIihI will l.oin tiiiunii talvliitf IKirt, Jliililiull wtsll l any wlieru umilllii. Ami wlmre lias Cur vhna tliu Hunts wont unlV Wny iloivn In lliu (Hunts ililtiout, an tool an a lii'ir of Leer. ' lly hia own explanation, IIiiIiIh'II la iiaiil to win ball gamea. Ann since flHl'tbrowlliK, In bin opinion, ilofsu't I'ome umier tin? bnail wiiiniiiK pitching, no kept boiii IiIh Beat anil his lionil wlien tliu tllant noured out ol their diiKoul to ' mix It. Longest Victory Streak After it wiih all, bo faintly roKUineii bia tusit of mowing tan luminals down ami wonnii 1111 wltn . hia aixtti atraiaiit vii-iury tit tne aeuHon. it waa nit 22:111 in a row over u two-season alreteh, tne long em atre-tk In btiHeiiali liintnry. It may lie uiiluii' lo coinnarn Dlasy villi ilulii.eli on trie uuhih 01 voalunlav'a wai-riue. mucu Ijoiiii uu a loimli ijroak whun a lialu inn eulleU amiluat 1 1 1 1 1 1 in 11 UBiit Biiol in tliu Hixin, leuiliim to tne llianta' winning tnieu ruii tuny, . Uut lliu luet leiiiaina that minium . haa ileJion.itiateil mat wluu we - Ileal la on bo una few equala. 'i'wiio iliirins Unit K.nne, he . rhowuil hia aluu' 111 lliu tiulen. When IJueiiy .Uuilwick Iminteil Inn lioniur, liuolieii luiineiluitoiy tul lowed by (milling iIiiiikuI'ouh Johnny Almo uml Iniim'iimtmy at loi Mill ll picKi.'il Ulirneller oil fll'ul. W.llin ilrov.n alllgleil In 0iell llli nliiib, llniino.l inilii't but 1111 eye Iiihii. bill woliinl lib (lie al tail' liy liinniin; Aledv.iiK anil iMIzu, two 01 tliu toiiKlior lilitiira in tliu lonxuu. Coniluneil In Iho I hilibiill-uimn "huttlu o( Iho eeiiMiry," lliu real ill the blit leiKi'm liroKlai.i illiln'l atallil a chance at llio heudlinea Jlut tburo wore oilier dointfa. M-i Imaubllll. liliulu lta aeaaoiml ileniil In Clniliiniitl, with iietweon ati,- 000 anil 5,001) liirnliig out In aim tile IJoHton tieua down I be Kl'da a-1 bolllnil Fotte. Tigera Blank Leaders The I' 11 1 1 11 il o 1 11 li 1 11 Atbletlea' Aineiiean iea;;uo leail wna out 10 a allm tiereentaKo innrgiii aa they wuru inimiiled !l-n by llio Detrnit TlKt'ia bebliul lliiiixni.' lin-hli lillebiug. The I'hllliea mined taiilea on the I'lratea iiu.i eiiine ini-ougii v.'ttli a 5-1 v. In, riolib Canillll Htiyil ini! houiu -lt l the wlnniiiii run In llio ninth. Tox Carliiliiu innilo hia l:i:;T ntiiiiliiK debut and pluheil 11 aix-hltlor In Kile the Cuba 11 vlu over Hie Ilroiiklyu Iniilgera. lOvoi-ylblii!; elae huh rained oiu. rondlliou.4 v ill lie reveraed Sal nrday when the high ailiool nth letie i-uaehea nf the cnuiily dun tneir atlileltr tiia. while lueir tm JillH will be prlvilei'i'd In all on llle nldeliuea ami wltueHH Hie eventa. The high ttehiiol enaehea anrl lulneliiala, together with member of llleir finuilles. will enloy an till day iiiehle nl the Itiao'liuru Senior high sehool grounda Siiluidny. HlioilM Tor the day . Ill Im lude lolleybatl, dlneua. shul ml. hoi-He-ahoe pllehlng, leiiuia and inng pong. The feature elent id tile da ivill he a iuiaeball game at '1 p. m.. Avitll tile prfmipnls Uleetilu: the roaeher. in a lualihed inntesl. A 11 Jliiuneed liatlortea are I'uling ami Kialler lor t hi' prinripiila ami Jugeiiret.'ieu aial IIMhk for Die fllllellert. The gi'iimlKlaiiil al Kliilay field Will be open, willliilll ellillge, In apeetalnra delrlng In wltneft.i the aetlvltlea. The ph nl: la smni'tired by Die DiMlgla. t'onilly I'l llit'tjiala iisnoria. Hull. Jt&nclinCf4 My the AHsoeinteil IVi'hs) Coast I. IM flan I'raiu lai o 3 1 il l I Snernmonln .. .. It" 17 .ii"N I.oa Angelea 27 l !.7 San IHegrt ,'2U 21 ..'..'.:! Cortland 21 21 .177 fv'iiitio in . 1:12 f)iikhiini 111 :iu . :t 1 s jviis.iloiiH if, :i2 ,:ii!i National l'lllsbnrgh 17 ' fi .7:i! St. 1 4111 la , II in .f,.s:t Neiv Ynik 1:1 12 .Mil Chicago 12 12 ..riti" llriMiklyn II 12 I7S I'hlladeliihlii M 1". Inn lloalon !i 13 lup Cliielnniiii .. s It ,;ir, American I'lilluilelphia 12 K liml fs'eiv Voi-k 1 Ill f .fdU OUR BOARDING HOUSE Yes, a fair "THESE WATERS, MO COUBT, BUT PUKJY IM THE SOUTH SEAS 1, MYSELF, HOOKED AM IS- FOOTER OMCE, WHILE SHIPWRECKEP OW A PESERT ISLAUE- SO B1S WAS HE, THAT BY HOLLCWIMO OUT THE CARCASS AND "PRYIMC3 THE "SHELL IkJ "THE TROPICAL. SUM, 1 ESCAPED TO THE MAIMLAMP, USIM3 THE FINJS FOR BAILS' kAF KAFF-F t?HAT WAS A , BI6 CWE WE MEAKj MACJOR 1 Uncle Sam Tanks i X em Jealously gutmled by llie army lire the secrets of its newest double barreled tanks, pic-lured here for the first time, Sixty of the mobile foi ls, whose armaments are shrouded in mystery to all except the tank corps personnel recently were transferred from Fort Benning lo Fort Mcl'herson at Atlanta. Ga. Blame Terrorism on Deputies Ilefusal to assist sheriff's denu des in the shiying of Bennett Musick, son of a union organizer, brought retribulion in llie form of an attempted assassination by them, IltiRIi Taylor (below), former Harlan County, Ky dep uty, cliarued before llie Senato Civil Liberties Inquiry in Wash ington, uavid sullenberger (Inn), vouni! truck driver ridiiiL Willi Taylor, conllrmcd the story of llie attack in which both. were wounded. ( I. v. liiuil . I holt HiMlnn in ..I:! ITI . !." .l:".i .:'..M Wushtimtnn CIlitUKO St. t.oui.s II 1) - o A IMiJitH Srl.'MII-t bim ilcvliiil id I Hit lit 1 I'tinlnnn-t nunle ol 11 i ii f r I it intl'M i;u;ii! . l.-ilnii lor I ibi' mil nt hiii if nl U (triint tn'ison A t'olal id uoie lliiilt .SiIU.oun. nm l derived ami'iillv rvton fur IhriIiiu animal hi (be I nlii'd SlnlcH. , If 's v I iS rt '( If ' .J 1 ss.5wv. m- r9i size for FOR BAS Up , on Mystery III 'S1 COAST BASEBALL SCORES OF MAY 19 (lly the Asijouiatetl Pi'ess) ' I'oi'llalid .. 7 U' 1 Nucruuioulo .. 5 . 12 a (.arson and C1011I11;' Kllnt'cr, helnsoth f7), uml ''ranks. .MIsiiioliK 1 1 1 3 Oaklanif ...7 i:; 0 W. Heek, l.aiiiauskl (7) ami Spriu.; I.urocea and Utiliiiouill. (HI Iniiluga) Los Angeles Sim r'ranclacn riionms, Overiniin Una; Cole, Sbeehan 7 15 1 111 ; 3 (II) and Col- IS), Mallou (111) and llon.n, Woodall, Seatlle n 5 1 Sail Dlegn ft 111 ) 'ruriiln and Fernades; Salvo and iJetore. DEAN AND RIPPLE FINED FOR CLASH I'd.i AIM NKW YOU K. Mav Dizzy Dean and .llmmv Ulnole win lined Still e:u-h today by Kord Prlek, president of (he National Iraue. rr their right In the Si. Louis C.trdinals-New' tliants game at St. Louis yesle.dny. Itllple and Dean pi e( ipitatt d the riee-for-iill fi;;hi in ihe iiinllt In. uing. Accmdmj lV:tn of attemntini: to "benu" him. Hiiude bunled dun n ; the first bane line siifetv and I lniii;led with the Cardinal pitching star after he hail crossed the bag. Bohind iho Scenes in Washington By Rodney Dutcher I V.SMIN(!Tll.. Mnv IS - Tin liilhii'Mlliil ailinliilslnilliin tioni iniinn mi whkimi a mi-ifnlln' kiii imtniist "if Mil' ' lll!V lull!- Inlliilinn iiinllnuos. ii'ioiii. in pinphi-sy iron. 1 'IVi'if vli.'WiMv-nillviilnriil ill!-I I'lii iiill.'isi'il liv what llli'V rminlil- i i'l- Ihi- heiillliy 1-Hi'i t nl spvcriI iri'lili!iliul m-sl;iri'H an. I i is- mi's 1.1 illsiiiiiiai:i prli'i' Ini'iviiscs. Ihi'jr hilleve tbtit these ami other liu toii h;n.' i-heekeil s I'.'culiU i f buy hiu noil kept down or lowered coiuiiimliiy imIii's. The prln ol PP'. for lUHlnure. bus ileclin 'il iiimI ll ! widely bfllcved bfic iluii what u-jis to liao Ihtii nn oilier uleel prlee ini'ienM' hitH heeu heiiilecl otl. Viirioti vhih bouse mlvisera. inM'er. U ill i nlillmii. In iin. I tin the) art ion. ll likely thn' Mm! vi It bi ioiv lone will movo tnwaitl n reihh't Ion of i-ertatu lur 111 duller whUU wnubl aftect pt ti e nt proli't ted pro-lin tN run sfdetiM by rroitotnlMn lieie lo lie "iui of llm" In litis cniim-eiion, Mahh lor ncurt id' lbe fn tun ol the i-opper inipott ta wliti-b will lapsi- in June unleHu soiuethim: i dour about ft. Much Installment Buying An en-dim ot Kuioihmiu war ten Hlnn. tiouiilalion ol tiueltfli owneil , He i u: itiei h rv and talk of mdd ' I'ii'r nail an ellet l on the com- moony iiiaiht.. .as will a a d- " iniiiitrnilo:i elfoits, Hnt llis-i e l-i hIhmii ii r n hiir tut -. r li in.irtllta hi vHim:. t ) ill. ll reached y.UtH,OtMi.(li0 in ' fWl AMD 7 WHO'S t -T 11 S ' 1UU l-1,L S 1M im r- i 0t I' f BEE I UAR'S Ur 1R, SLEEPIWC3 S DERBY ) - fcSvi I OMYOUR H J x a if ,-1 1; 1 1 XM. W B&A K f M 7i-m,.k WM 'Ilk . Major Hoople y0 yOU m OFF-5HORS ' ? TOUCH . WIMr? 'l 111 1 lll II, II 1,1- ' I J 1 iww 1 1 vvnirsiisjic I WOKE UP I J ,UKE TH' AMP 1 LEAPlKJa PRIEST GOESTOAID PORTLAND, Gin., May 20. (AP) No nior "juat u nun, a bag or hiiI t mid ii thumb pointing to Alaska," tav Ktithor Mornuni K. Hnbhanl, Santa Cluru univernlty's "Kinder piioiU." His H(;stnt trly north Is Lo do aomelhiiiK for humanity; in seek a cine ror tub(ixiilosis. He explained to InturviewerB lieie while en route to Seattle for his takeoff that the answer might lie in seal oil. ' "Veai-H nfco there was no tuber culosis in Alaska,'" ho said. "It came utter the Russian octmpution. Today !)f per cent or the natives up Lhere urn afflicted with T. B. IT you hriiiK the Ksklnio lo our cli mate and our food they salhrn rlRhi off and die. Up Lhere the adults don't die until they f;el old. "What we are going to do Is ex-, perinient on the Kskimos of KIiik Iclund and try and see what this seal oil does lo them. We lt now there is a vast amount of sunshine -vitamin I) in ; seal ;ofi.- AWUe its the iinsworV . Dr. Victor 13. Levine of : Mie, creighton university school of med icine will be physician to the party and aid iu the experiments. rather Hubbard said be would spend a year at the island, which in between Siberia and America, and incidentally "debunk the Eski mo lexemU that : Hollywood and New WHk Park avenue explorers nave heeu dishing out. ' l!i:bi as compared with onlv ii.iim),i)Oti,uoo. iu Vrzi). This is 11 luiKe pleilse of future wanes. There has been a Ihk in retail buying and a piling up of stocks until inventories iu the hands of retailers ami finished goods pro ducers also are higher than in litl. "Koroign economists think we're Cl iiaV In iHM-tnll u4K-h ii Iii? v nl 11 (ii n lot . installment buying, says' a ' celebrated, government economist. Higher retail prices nre antici pated by tall and the view ers-wtth-alann assert that lite country is getting to th point wiie're lucre will be a dt'tii-it iu purchasing power. ThMi, hy say.' there will be more uiu'mpbynint piled ou top of llie present huge unemploy ment in the lace of a :ir,0tMi,- U'lu.eun untlonal debt. "The only answer is to get pi ices down and wages up." says 'this group. "Now is the time to iu mm iiuiiiiii t' tin; iiiiiii,t'i hi ii I hii;h level of spending." I (his advice may be bad. It Ironies, however. from persons itioiii whom K. 1). It. has been ac- I ceptins advice for several mouths. II' Ydl li TI.MK IS I I'- TAKK TI.MK H.'T TO liKNKW Kdi; Yuri; m:us i:kvii:w. I.VriiriTA.NT STHHIKS AUK UU KA K IM i K V K I! V DAV. MAKIC Sl'liK OK l!K('i:i"IXt; I r UY liKNKWINli NOVv'. I'l' COSTS ONLY SiV I'Kl; MONTH I1Y CAUIili:". IN iiUNKIU i;i; OM. vJ.lla KOI! TMUKK MONTHS 1! Y MAiL. AXYWHKUH: MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES ( Thii Old Treatment Often j Bringt Happy Relief Mtny nuffFrM n-lipxn tiagtmc bnpfcrhi quii'l.K, tirn-i they iliv-ovfr thai thiirmdcsuM j ol lhnr iroullo liny t.e tired l,idnyii. IJi rirrM mid nml wmtl out n( thn liknwi. Mivt prodf in," (ibout 3 piW n day or about ! 3 XMindn of ;mtr. ' Mltirnt or flinty imhtm i'h nmarti.'t and Imrnitia ttlin thrrr ui.iv ba htcdiJuu nniuh vonrki.tiicvuorblaillr ,An w ol bpi.Ib or ma.i.tiw in ymir blond, iiwMiins, may fms lumtviru, tvn pit, 4 tnjn mi-1 t. v ",n p riiine, uiMii-i ino r.i cs, nrsut ntS Still Ulltn(i. Pon l ami! vimr drnstHt (or Voko'a PtlL, u.ied i(W-j(h1' liy iillif.ti9 f.r ovtr 10 )r'T h; f',,"Kl,;t'; l'S t'"' '"iHpih u. Tom ,w U'. uj, DD,,ctli;l"",gu LEAGUE LEADERS TO Pirates and Crescent City, Boln Unbeaten, Will Top Baseball Program. By HILLY HVlAiS League Secretary League Standing W. L. Koseburg 3 0 Creacent City . 2 U (Jrants Pasa ,...2 1 ABhland 1 2 (ilendale o 3 Medford 0 'I Games Next Sunday Crescent Cily ut Itosebnrg. CleiKlule ut Medfurd. Crauts Push at Ashland. Cudisniited leadershin of Southern Oregon league will be at stake next Sunday at Jtoseburg when Muqager Uuck Taylor's high-flying Pirates entertain the Crescent ' City club of Manager lioy ueo. Hoth teams are unde feated, Koseburg knocking over (ilendale, Ashland and (Jrants Pass in its drive to Lbe top and Cres cent City holding wins over Ash land and Olendale, with one post poned battle with .Mod.'oid to be played on Decoration day. While the league leaders are having it out. Clendales thrice defeated Loggers wil it ravel to . led ford to help the Craters dedi cate the only high school turr baseball field In the state: and .Manager Jud Pernoll's Grants Puhs . Merchants will have a whuck at the Ashland Lithfans in Ashland. Tight Battle Expected The battle at lioseburg should prove one of Hie tightest and most sensational of the year. Last week, the Pirates handed Phil Criggs, (J nuns Pass' star right hander, his first defeat of the year while Hulph Deo was pitch ing Crescent City to A 6-4 win over (Ilendale. UatterieS are ex pected to be Deo to ftlulinverno lor Lhe coast city outfit and Ty nan to (luff for Uoseburg. Al iMedtord, .Manager Alike Hal- kovick of the Craters will start young Larry Pepper on the mound with himself doing the catching. Manager Jake (Jipe will probably open with Alvin .Men-it in the box tor Ctlendale and Krank Thomp son doing the catching. After three weeks on the road, during which time the newly planted turf field was growing, Medford opens before a homo crowd. Klaborate- ceremonies are planned, including il baud, prues for lirsts and city liud league officials taking part. Ashland, which beat .Medford last week 7-5. will present the same battery that did the work Southpaw Lowell Drown to Al Simpson. Grants Pass will have Phil Griggs iu the box and thigh Hartmnn back of Iho plate. uiendale Off Form A mystery of the. circuit so' fail1 PM the Inability of the CMcudale Loggers to show the form expect ed of them. Last year, they lost, only to Klamath Kails for the pcnnuiU iu a play-off game, but to dale this season, have failed to win a battle. Manager Jake (iipe expects player help with the clos ing of colleges In a short time, and If he gets what help he needs, the Loggers will be nobody's setup. Asniami is also expecting neip when school Is out, with Cliff Mc Lean, catcher and Hob Hardy, spulhpaw pitcher now doing their stuff with the University of Ore gon club, reporting to the Litb lans. Medford will be strengthened at first base with the addition of Bob Smith when he returns from L. of ().. and has strings out for Andy Hufrney, slugging YVebfoot outfielder. All clubs are oxpected to pre sent stronger fronts' the latter part of the rival hnU'-'tVnd during the second half of the1 league sea sou. VITAL STATISTICS BORN N'Kl'F To Mr. ami Mrs. Kil wanl Nnlf. of ihi.1 rity. al Mircy hosiiial. W'cdni'i-ilay, May 111. a son. vt'ilit six pounilK anil tlur- n minri's. P'fTi' Modt above . . . Modernique f 4 l" Full Enamel, pitted at . . . llali O See otir ahowinr of Mental Morirtnio,ne anil Ariatoctat Mantes. OHei applies on all moueli . . . 5 AND UP Terms To suit your JUDD'S FURNITURE STORE Phon 26 321 N. Jnckson Says Sitting Bar to Citizenship To Circuit Judge W. R. Hunter, above, of Kankakee, IU., belief in the sltdown strike Is a "form of anarchy" and should consti tute a bar to citizenship. Exam ining applicants for naturaliza tion, Judge Hunter asked opin ions of sitdowns, warning "such strikers are violating the law. They're anarchists and can and should be punished." No ap plicant professed belief In sit-down. 1 r . k - - 1 1 .0(10 , J llio I I "ill. - , . I I ppptic 3 I F I C SEE OUR SPECIAL SPRING SHOWING RANGES Lei ns show yon Range Beauty. ..Color... Convonionce Features you've long desiied I In Montag Modernique and Aristocrat mod els we are showing "that ideal range" you have waited for. Here's beautiful design; attractive, harmonious color in durable glistening, porcelain enamel; and cooking and baking ability which makes meal-time a joy I There are 17 colors to choose from in each series. You'll find the very model to make YOUR kitchen the most convenient and colorful room in your home. Select and HAVE the model you like best Todayl FREE! DURING OUR SPECIAL CAMPAIGN ONLY! With etch Montag Range wilt give absolutely FREE, a vajftff....32-PIECE SET OF Early Calilornian DINNERWARE WtTH SI GLASSES TO MATCH 4 Fleets of Dinner f wre. Compute Ser- vice (or SIX. needs. Cicxmtr anil mitai TONGUE POINT AIR BASE BILL KILLED WASHINGTON. May 19. (A P) The house killed lonay a bill which would have authorized a H.o.oOt) impropriation for a naval air base at Tongue Point, Ore., on tiie Columbia river. The vote was lol against, 68 for the bill. Outside Salesman WANTED BY LOCAL CONCERN To sell Washers, Ironers, Radios, Electric Refrigerators, on commis sion. Must give references. Write Box 381 News-Review, giving ex perience. Interview will be arranged. Own MONTAC.the Favorite in Many Thousands oi Western Homes... Every outstanding feature which you could possibly want in a range has been included in new 1937 Montag models. SEE their modern design, and the many construction features which have made them so famous. Let us show you the firebox for either wood or coal; the all porcelain enamel ovens which have cast iron bottoms; the popular Montag two-piece French plate top; built-in condiment sets on each range. The Montag name means outstanding value 1 - af gf I W i Glastei, 6 each water, cock tail. bvrtcrt, bowl alio Included W-aaMalaaMsltststsakrastststsisisV MlstststsSslMHaV riwuMiwU of tuflerart. ionny cat of yra It and lei k. after using UPGA, report kiuaztiij nllmt. t'DGA relieve ou of iwtin. uumi, .nil other dlaeomforu. UDGA 1 hijjh rc ommetuled fur Ulcert. Acid Dyspepsia, Heart burn, Indlftetton and Can Fain, when due 10 excels cia. FoM'tuick. rlessant relief let FREE BAUYLU of VDGA at Cliupman's Pharmacy Thousands of American families are today realizing their hopes for better homes. There is nothing like . lumber for soid comfort in house building. It is durable, easy to handle and inexpensive. When the Union Pacific was under construction seventy years ago, lumber was scarce in mid continental America. Methods of logging were tedious and wasteful. Transportation was difficult. Today, modern methods of logging and lumber manufacture, l coupled with fast, dependable railroad transportation, make the choicest lumber available in all markets of America at amazingly lowpriccs. In a frame houseof aver age size the cost of the lumber is only about 15 of the total construction expense and this includes freight charges to average destinations. Union Pacific has played a leading part in development of the lumber . industry. Steadily through the years, it has bettered its schedules, improved its cquipmcn t, to facilitate fast, low cost, dependable delivery of this important has recently added 4,500 specially designed cars to its lumber fleet. Progressive steps in pace with a progressive industry. For Itlltr homes at minimum cost consult your local lumbtr dealer. Six colors make up this RAIN BOW set. pro duct of Vernon Potteries, Ltd.