Don't Give All Your Sympathy to Germany for the Hindenburg Disaster. Save Some for Innocent Victims of German Bombing Planet in the Spanish War THE WEATHER COMPLETE All the (lay's big news local aim telegraphic- Is before your Wei .In today's Issue of the iKWS REVlBW. Just a sample of evnrydny servlco to a widen, lug circle of readors. There's no substitute for your aome-clt dully. ... Highest temperature yesterday 64 Lowest temperature last nig lit -10 I'reeipkailun fur z huum.- o Precip. since first of month 1.38 Precip. riom Sept. 1, liKI6 23.77 lKri ieney eIiico Kept. 1, 1.96 U8 Mostly fair; warm day. nee THE DOUGLAS COUNTY DAILY VOL. XLI NO. 20 OF ROSEBURQ REVIEW ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1937. VOL. XXVI NO. 249 OF THE EVENING NEWS -.y . i rrj n n irrr i nvi rwi i rii n n i ,.i. Mm Editorials On the Day's N ews By FRANK JENKINS . IUSTICG VAN DKVANTEli ro- tires from the supreme court mid his retirement draws lieiidlliies comparable to those anno-'.ncing the beginning of a wur or tho out come of a Vresldenliul emotion. f IP TO a year or two ago, the re tiremcnt o: a -.Hpreina court justice would barely iiuvo rated the frciit page; probably under a mod est headline dov .1 towm-l the bot tom. Now it. is a TRBMENnOL'S event. . That gives some hint of the .mangos have be- n taking place in this country. I IP TO the beginning of the pies " cut term of the miprcirc court, Justice Van Dovanter bad voted against the Now Deal 12 tlii-os and for It onco. SIiko the iK'gi.-a'ns of the present tesm. hp bus voted for the New, Deal NINE! times and against it only three. lie is rated, however,, as a con servative, and N-.w Deal legisla tion, including 1 ivs actually pro posed and others as yet only in tiio formative stage, Is distinctly non icnsorvative. ... - His. retirement, therefore; (since President Roosevelt will appoint his successor) 'must he interpreted . (Continued on page 4) PRELATES SHY AT MONTS, France, May 20. CAP) The Duke of Windsor and Wnl lis Wartield are trying to find an Anglican prelate to marry them in a religious ceremony following the civil ritual of their wedding June 3, their spokesman disclosed today. f..; Herman L. Rogers, the spokes man, said several Anglican pas tors who had been asked to offi ciate had declined. But from oth er sources It wus learned that the Rev. C. H. 1). Grimes, pastor of the Anglican church In Vienna, might be chosen. (Anglican church officials at one time questioned Mr. Grimes as to why he permitted the duke to read a Christmas scripture lesson from the lectern of his church last December. The church of Knglnnd was one of the chief op ponents of Edward's desire to marry Mrs. Warfleld.) , Mayor Charles Mercicr of Monts was expected at the chateuu with in the next few days to rehearse the regular wedding, which ho will perforin 111 French, according to the low. FLASHES OF OREGON EVENTS Threat Note Charged I1KND. May 20. (AP) Justice of the Peace Merrltt bound Jack Duckworth to the Deschutes coun tv Brand Jury on extortion charges loduy. Sheriff McCauloy said the youlh was accused of writing threatening letters to Dr. J. C. Vnnilevert, demanding that money be left In n gravel pit near Turn alo. Trucker Has Close Call PORTLAND, May 20. (AP) II. F. Smith. 33, escaped death when a Great Northern passenger train struck and demolished a huge Consolidated freight line truck near Wlllbridge station yes terday. The truck's body was knocked off the frame mid the trailer, loaded with sheets of tin, was hurled 60 feet. Smith was unin jured. Error Costly SALEM, May 20. ( AP) Fire which severely burned Carl Oglcs by last night destroyed the frame house, here into which -he had moved the day before. Assistant Fire Chief William Swan said the blaze followed use of gasoline which was mistaken for kerosene, in starting a kitchen fire. Fatal AUTO TRAGEDY NEAR NELL BEING PROBED Hitch-Hiker Is Jailed, Girl School Truant, Injured, Faces Quiz in Death of Mrs. Stinson. Stato police are today Investigat ing an alleged youthrul escapade which started with an unoxcused absence from school and ended in an automobile accident which cost the life yesterday of Mrs. Alice Stinson, 24, .of Yoncnlla. Corporal Paul Parsons of the slate police said officers were told Evelyn McCoy, II, of Yoncnlla, "played hookey" from, school; took, without permission, a road ster belonging to hor boy friend, Frank Oliver, 11), who boarded with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stinson, and Invited Mrs. Stinson for 11 joy ride which ended at the foot of a sleep embankment near Boswell Springs between Drain and Y0117 calla In northern Douglas county. Hitch-Hiker Held Officers arc holding Sam Rourke, 55, transient hitch-biker, who was In the car at the time of the acci dent. Miss McCoy, Parsons reports, suited that Rourke forced his way Into the uutomobilo and took the wheel nway from her and wus driv ing tlio car nt high speed when It .plunged -oft- tho-highwayr n Rourke, Parsons said, Insists that ho was picked up by the two women as he was hiking nhout a mile north of Yoncnlla, and that he was not driving. He told the of ficers that he hnd not driven an automobile since 1913, according to the police report. His story is thut the girl was driving and lost con trol of the machine as she loaned over to strike a match to light a cigarette, Parsons said. Officers have not been able to question Miss McCoy thoroughly, the stato policeman sain, as sue ib (Continued on page 6) SLOT MACHINE BAN FACES REFERENDUM MRDFORD, Ore., May 20. (AP) Referendum petitions, number bcring 27, 011 two measures passed by the last legislature, covering "slot machine seizures by the sheriff, mid destruction by court order," and "prohibiting slot ma chines, dnrl games -and similar de vices,' have been filed with the county clerk for checking Willi the registration list. The petitions were generally cir culated throughout Jackson coun ty. Some were sparsely signed nnd others heavily. More signatures are still sought. The petitions must he filed before Juno 7. It Is estlmnted between 7ii0 nnd 1,000 machines are in operation in Jackson comity, with no dearth of players. Power Unit Gets Loan WASHINGTON, May 20. (AP) The rural eleclrlflcation ad ministration has announced exe cution of a loan contract with the Ulachly-Lano county Cooperative Electric association, Blachly, Ore., under which $108,000 may be used to build n generating plant and 87 miles of line to serve 420 custom ers In Lane county. Bond Election Set MEDFORD. Ore. May 20. (AP) At a Bpeclal session of the city council last night n special election was called for June 18, to vote upon a $50,000 bond Issue for the reconstruction and repair of the city's paved streets. A special two-mill tax for n five-year period for maintenance of streets will be voted upon also. City Has a Heart PORTLAND, May 20. (AP) Portland's city government Isn't so tough nnd cold as some people might make out. Today It permit ted two property owners, both eld erly and deeply In debt, to live on tbolr property for llfo aftor the cliy took over the titles tor un paid sewer and street assessments. Wreck Held Truancy Lindbergh Declines to Celebrate : $ $ $ s$ & & & Idles oh Historic Hop Anniversary WEALD, England, Muy 20. (AP) Col. Churles A. Lindbergh studiously avoided any of tlio fuss of celebration today on tlio tenth anniversary of his now historic hoIo flight from New York to Paris. Ho puttered -about tho garden of his country home, Long Barn, in the manner of a man who 1ms never achieved fume and never wunts to. "I did it. Why should I cele brate it?" Lindbergh was quoted by a friend as having answered when questioned about his plans for tho anniversary of the flight he made a decade ago. A steady Btrenm of congratula tory telegrams poured in on the flying colonel but tlmro wore no telephone rails. Lindbergh has ordered tho tele phone disconnected bo that even well wishers will have no chunco to dirfturh the peaeo and privacy which ho fled from tho United States to England to seek In De cember, 1935. Lindbergh's only plan for the dny wns to spend it quietly juat C I Fife' Prbrecfion Tfcules Wilt Be Brought Into Accord With State Law. WASHINGTON, May 20 (AP) Tho interior department agreed today to amend a proposed admin istrative measure for the revested Oregon and California railroad and Coos Bay wagon road grant lands of western Oregon to bring fire protection regulations into lino with state law. Hufus Poole, interior depart ment assistant solicitor, told the house public lands committee an amendment proposed by a group of private lumber operators was not satisfactory. He offered a sub stitute which would provide regu lations on the revested lands "shall conform with the require ments of the state of Oregou in sofar as the same are consistent with the Interests of the United Stales." When hearings continue tomor row Representative James Mott of Oregon said he would call wit nesses In opposition to revenue features of the measure. He said the interior department Is seeking too large a share of the funds which now are going to the coun ties in lieu of taxes once paid by the Oregon and California railroad and the Coos Bay wagon road company. The interior department would receive 2fi per cent of the revenue from timber and land sales for administrative purposes. Another 2Ti per cent would go to the treas ury after eight years to reimburse it for. a deficit Incurred in pay ment nf taxes which amounted to more than the revenue. The re maining fit) per cent would go to the counties. DRIVER KILLED IN SCHOOL BUS UPSET CLARKSTON, Wash.. May 20 (AP) The driver was killed and IS young student passengers mi raculously esraped serious injury when a school bus left a highway and turned over -several times near here today, i i ' A: L. Fuller, about 48. Clarkston garageman nnd member of the town council, was killed outright. The 18 youngsters, ranging In age from 6 to 12 years, climbed to safety through broken windows in the rear part of the bus. The front end was wrecked. All were taken to n hospital where only two were found to have Injuries other than bruises and PliL'ht cuts. A theory was expressed Fuller may have suffered a heart attack CIGARETTE BLAMED FOR FATAL BLAZE VANCOUVER, Wash., May 2". (AP) A rooming house fire start ing from a cigarette broucht fata) burns to Arthur Busby, fi, as he slept yesterday. Awakened by the pain, the screaming victim ran to the bath room and turned on a shower. He died a few hours later at a hos pital. as he spends most of hfs otjier days with Mrs. Lindbergh and their baby son, Jon. 1 "Mow am I going to celebrate it? I am not!" Lindbergh was quoted as .saying by the friend who re cently spent two days at Long Barn. "If anybody else wants to all right. But 1 won't participate in any observance." ? The residents of this little Kent ish village, who have accepted Lindbergh as just another human being, wont about their business with hardly n thought of him or the drama of the May morning 10 years ago when he nosed the Splr it of St. Louis into the mist hang ing over the Atlantic. They talked coronation today not aviation. Not one in a hun dred of his village neigh bo 18 knew or was concerned to find out what the fumed Lindbergh flight anni versary wns today. "So It's ten years today," the vlllagera said when informed df the fact. '; "Well.. . . he's a fine man; friendly and nice." And they let it go at that. HOPKINS PREFERS I TRIAL B! JUDGE , - . . M Defendant in 'tKiikbeatlr Case Files Request to Dispense With Jury. Leonard Hopkins. Canyouville barber, indicted by tho grand jury on a charge of assault and battery, has filed In the circuit court a for mal election to have his case tried without a jury. If is the first time that such election has been made in a criminal case in Douglas county. The charge acafnst Hopkins grew out of the death of his foui year-old daughter, Barbara Irene, April 17. The step-mother, Cor delia Hopkins,, has entered a plea of guilty to a charge of involuiir tnry manslaughter, admitting in a confession placed before Judge Carl Wlmborly to striking tho child over the head with the handle of a table knife. The in juries, physicians reported, caused a hemorrhage which resulted in death. She Is awaiting sentence. Hopkins Is accused in the In dictment of brutally beating the child prior to bur death. His attorney. Hay U. Comp toh, in tho formal notice of elec tion filed with Judge Wimherly, slates that tho public mind "bus been inflamed by rumors and pub licity," and that it would be dif ficult to secure an unprejudiced jury- Tho trial could best bo held, it was contended before a "Judge it wns contended, before a "Judge facts." J. V. Long, district attorney, snid today that the Hopkins case has resulted in a flood of letters, many of them bearing anonymous signatures, urging tho moHt vig orous prosecution. Nearly all of the letters, he said, are apparent ly from women, principally moth ers, and coiiio not only from Ore gon but neighboring states as well. 43 SPIES PUT TO DEATH IN RUSSIA JVIOSCOW, May 20. ( AP) The soviet government was dlscloni'd today to have carried nut iho greatest mass execution of spies in three years, shooting 43 men and one woman convicted to es pionage and sabotage plots, alleg edly "under the orders of the Japanese secret service." The spies wore lined up before firing squads at Svobodny In the far east on May 9. Thousands of other opposition ists to the soviet RusBlnn govern ment policies are known to be un der arrest. The far eastern executions came upon the heels, of repeated daily warnings In the entire soviet press to citizens against what was termed the espionage luetics of Japan and Onrmany. 13 PARTY GUESTS LOSE THEIR PURSES PORTLAND, May 20. (API Mrs. K. F. Peterson's party may not have made the society page but It got Into the news anyway. A burglar stole purses from 13 guests. T Fl Restriction to Two More Justices Asked; Action May Await Social Security Ruling. WASHINGTON. May 20. (AP) President Roosevelt's closest senate advisors were urging him today to withdraw his court reor ganization bill or restrict it to two additional justices. They argued that the original bill no longer is needed, because the court is construing tho consti tution more broadly ami because Justice Van Devanter's retirement is approaching. Mr. Roosevelt still gave no pub lic indication that ho would yield. Many senators predicted he would Btnnd firm until the supremo court docides the constitutionality of the social security law. There were indications, however, of private negotiations for a com promise. Tho president himself called Senator Nye R., N. I.) to tho white houso yesterday for a con ference, which Nyo would not dis cuss afterwards. The North Dakotan, one of the last republican senators to declare aeainst tlio Roosevelt bill, freinient- Huik citiclK(Vthe;rnpnni-eoui't ward was passea aiuumi m uiu senate thnt the president discussed with Nye a compromise on two, In stead of six, new supreme court justices. Nyo would neither con firm nor deny tho report. Senator Fra.ier (R. N. D.) also was understood to have received a white houso invitation. Compromise Idea Strong Court bill opponents said the administration was now working for the two-Justice compromise in stead of tho proposal supported in (Continued on page 6) FATAL FIRE SWEEPS sra MANILA, P. I., May 20. (AP) K... ..-..! imnntili-nllnil tbl'OltUll the gold mining town of Parncalo today, leaving tnousanus noiueieHM and an undetermined number of dead. Ruffians wore reported looting homes as terror-stricken residents fled before tlio wliid-drlven flames. The Manila Bulletin correspon dent estimated 2nd houses wore destroyed 111 the lown of 10,00(1 neonle. lie placed Iho loss nt close to $rU0,U0(). It wns the second (llsnsirous me 111 the Philippines within 84 hours. v..aiA,-.i..v ,i S'r.n nun riro tlHHtrov- cd the business district of Mnaslll on Leyte Island, smith of Man ila. Many people were nut Home less but no casuullics were re ported. Authorities blamed the riffraff, usually attracted by a mining boom such ns pervades tho Para cale district, Tor tlio reported loot ing. Crooks were so actlvo in li.. I., rv wpelrn ntrii Hint local authorities called on the I'oniiuoliwciillll government lor Help. EX-GOLF CHAMPION DIES OF GAS FUMES -OKLAHOMA CITY, May 20. (AP) Kenfe Carter, 111, one of tho best known figures In Oklahoma golfing history, wns round dead yesterday in his automobile wilh n host pouring fumes Into It from the exhaust pipe. Carter, former western amateur cbnmpion mill three tltncH state nmiiteiir king, had been In poor henllh 15 or 10 years, said hi? brother, Hotel Carter. VOCATIONAL GRANT INCREASE IS VOTED VABII,IN(ITON, May 20 (AP) The house overrodo pleas for economy lodny by tentatively ap proving n propoenl to appropriate Sl-Uss.oon for vocational educa tion grants to slates In 10.18 In stead of J7.?H.S00 recommended by its appropriations committee. The proposal was adopted by n standing vote announced ns 117 lo 91. B1LL0R ALTER Sequel STRIKE ENDS AT Terms of Settlement Not Stated; Aluminum Plant Closed, -Steel Corp. Faces Threat. DETROIT, May 20 (AP) The Chrysler Corp, announ ced this afternoon that a strike which closed Its Plymouth di vision plant here had been settled. The terms of the settlement were not announced. The company disclaimed any In terest in the "lndustrlnl ossocin I Ion of Chrysler employes," which striking United Automobile AVork ers of America contended was fav ored by the corporation us a rival of the U. A. W. A. A company spokesmnn said six men who bad solicited member ships in the association ou com pany property bad been laid off for several days and that the punishment had been consldored adeiiuute. The union employes In sisted the men be discharged and struck when tho six reported for work nt tnelr jnrmor Jobs today. V (fly the Associated. ProBB) , Three thousand workors remain ed on strike at tho fabrication uiill otiitha... .Alujulnuip . .. .Company. ;6f America plant at Alcoa,', Tenn. 'Un ion ol'1'lcfnls said no effort woh'ld he made to close tho comilmiy's curhon and reduction shop .li'bere 1,000 still uro employed, because It would cause expense nnd ,teay. The Hethlehem Sleel corpora tion, another large .' Independent, was faced with a strlko or svnrul hundred workers at . Johnstown, Pa. The committee for Industrial organization refused' to sanction Hie walkout for higher wages..: - A truce providing for immediate: negotiation of difreronces over wage rates resulted 111 restoration or electric service In Kl Michigan counties. A strike ot employes' of the Consumers Power company lit Saginaw caused - suspension ofBor vice In riuy City, Flint, Haglnnw and 100 smnller comtiiunllles. : Negotiators will meet with tlov. Frank Murphy, who termed iho Btrlko "unnecessary." It was call ed by the United Automobile Work ers of America. . , ; Film War Unsettled The federated motion plcturo crafts said lis strlko would bo extended to 27 Independent film producers at midnight unlesil they granted demand for a union shop. (Continued on ro 11) 0.&C. MKDFOni), Ore., May 20-(AP) The demurrer of Jackson coun ty to the suit or William II. Core, former, hanker and farmer, ror col lection ol approximately $21)00 for services ill helinlf of the passage of the Orcgoii'Cnlirnrnln land grunt tax refund bill by congress In 102(1, was overruled by Circuit Judge Norton yesterday. Tho coun ty Is grunted ten days In which lo file an answer. (lore In Hie present suit claims an agreement Willi tbo H24 county court whereby be was to llo paid one per cent or all monies receiv ed by passage o( the measure. Years berore 1032 are not listed lor payment on Iho contention they come under Iho statute or limitation. In the original action flore sought approximately SSS.Ooo, claiming an agreement ror live per cent. A circuit court Jury last December reiiirned rindlniis deny ing (lure any Judgment. COP'S DOG ROBBED OF HARNESS, TAG Rlntc Policeman I. M. Wells ol tho Koscburg division has a crime myslery nil tit his own. Yesterday morning ho released his white ter rier dog rrom tho apartment for a few minutes, ond when the ani mal returned It wns minus Its har ness and license tag. Wells Is working on tbo theory that somo other dog owner has developed his own technique for securing tho required license tug for his own pet. CHRYSLER UNIT DETROIT Father of Two Children After 94th Year Dies MOW BURN, N. C, Mny 20 (AIM (leorge Isaac Hughes, whoso record of becoming a fath er twice aftor passing his 94th Dirt lulu) astonished the medical world, died today at the age of 97. His 29-year-old second wifonnd their two babies, Franklin Itoose velt Hughes, 20 months, and Mary (lerirude, nhout u year old, as well as children b.v his first wife, were at his bedside, Hughes bonnie seriously 111 aftor a heart attack lust Hunday. Arter the birth of his baby daughter a year ago, the nonage narian led a strenuous life for a lime. He attended a baby show at Uoldsboro In which his 16-months old son, Franklin, was entered, and later he nnd the boy were at tractions at a festival in AshevlUe. With his wile and small child ren he lived In a little cabin and occupied himself largely by gar- lentug and chopping wood. Uiighes bad 111 children by his first wife. The spread of timo be tween bis oldest and his youngest was 63 years. Ho was a Confede rate veteran. . . O : Fiesta-Bound Party Will Be Tendered Serenade and Banquet. A large grouiL of . officials .and ppoml nenb" residents N -the- -stato' will be in the party accompany ing Governor Charles H.. Martin In his overnight slop in Hoseburg next., Monday, flovornor Martin nnd his purty will mnko tholr first atop here on Iho way in the (lolfl- on (late bridge, fiesta ut Suit' Fran cisco, .(ioveruor Martin Is. lending tho Oregon cnvalcadn, which Is ex pected to Include 150 or moro per sons. . Tbo 'governor wdll be seronnded upon ills, arrival hero by Urn Koso burg school band, a'nd will he the guest ofuhe chamber of commerce nt a public banquet nt 6:30; o'clock In tho Umpqun hotel. In addition to Oovomor anil. Mrs. Martin, tho party will include Janet Hooyfllilllll, , queen of IiibI year's Portland Rose festival, and Mrs, Sooysiulth; Colonel Dutton and Commander Hlbhs, tho gover nor's military aldos: Hurl Snell, secretnry of stato; Governor llnr zllla Clarke of Idaho; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hausor; Dan Pry, sooro tary of the Ktale board of control; Al (Ireenwnlt, Phil Mutbersbnugh, Dr. K. II. McDanlel, Itny Conway, and Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. Gunn. Mr. Ounn Is In charge of detailed .ar rangements for tho cnvnlcade. GLEEMEN TO SING OVER KRNR TONIGHT The TtoBohurg Men's Glee club will bo beard at 7:8-0 o'clock Ibis evening In a concert over Station KIINIt. The club, under the direc tion of Ralph M. Church, will pre sent a program of group and solo selections by remolo control from the hotel banquet room. Tho club will make Its last appearance be Tore the summer vacation at the Imuituet lo be given Monday night in honor of Governor Charles 11. .Mm tin. Stork Beats Doctor in Birth of Quadruplets; One Tiny Babe Dies MUSKOOKH, Okla., May 20 -1-(Al'l Three surviving babies, of quadruplets horn yeHterilay to: a 311-year-old wifo or a tenant tann er may gel. their rtrst rood today mother's milk through a medicine dropper. Two hoys nnd two girts were born to Mrs. William Mulllns In the Mulllns' larm home 20 tulles northwest or here. She was alone wllh n son, HI the ralher was hurrying lo call a doc tor. One or tho girls died n sliorl time later. The other three were brought here. The three were placed in sepa rate inciibntnrs, where the loin pornturca nro kept between 90 and 9fi degrees. Tho baby ho died weighed about ono and one-hnlf pounds, Night Superintendent Martha Lln der sold. The surviving girl weighs nhout two pounds and tho two boys about two and. one-half pounds each. She said they were perfectly fonnod and well behaved. Their cries, she said, were ao low they EXPENDITURES FIXED WILL GO 0VFRSID0.00Q Paving in Roseburg and OrJ Keliey's Korner Project, .: Lower Umpqua Road Surfacing Listed. , Paving and surfacing jobs, nov under contract or soon to bo let, will create a large amount o( work and result in the expendi ture of money amounting to well over $100,000 In Douglas count? during tho next few months, ao cording to K, I). Lytlo, division engineer of the stnto highway de purttnent. . '. - The paving contract baa al ready been let on the Shady Point" Keliey's Korner section or the Fa ciflc highway, and surfacing will start soon on the 8.mile section ofi tbo Drnin-Koedsport highway west of Scottshurg Tho highway de. piirtmont is expected to lot tna contract at its July meeting for paving tho now route of the Fa elite highway to ltosebuig. Tha contract, Mr. Lytic states, will In cludo widening Stephens street between Cnss nnd Washington streets, nnd possibly tho replace ment of one block of paverasoi now in bad condition. Paving Soon to Start Grading and bridge construction on the new highway route is rap- Idly neurlng completion despite continued . unfavorable weather conditions, Mr. Lytle reports, and the grndo will be ready within the next few wcoks. for the laying o( pavement. It is now planned to call for bids and award the con tract at the mooting of the com' mission early irt July. The contract will Inoludo tho widening pf two blocks on Steph ens' street -to make the highway of uniform .'width throughout, Mr. (Continued on page 6) Ooorge T). Host, 110, well known resldont of tho Lnoklngglass com munity, died at his homo today following 'it long period of 111 honiib. , . . : .... i u. ; . i Horn January 21), 1847, in On tario, Canada, Mr.: BcBt came to the United Statos at tho age ot 1(1 years. Ho was aBBOclntod In his early actlvo llfo with the Woy orhauser Lumber company, and then went to the Black Hills scca lion nt South Dukola, where ho wus engaged for a. number o(, yearn In mining. Ho came to Douglas county In 1904 and has siuce been ongaged In fruit raising at Looklngglaas. Ho wus married Juno 3, 1872, to Emily L. White, who died in Au gust, of last year, , Surviving are three brothers and a sister, Dan, John, nnd Ro bert Host, and Minnie Groves, all of South Dakota, and a sister, Hello Cameron, who lives In Can ad n. - Funoral Bervlees will be held at 2 p. in. Hnturday In the Looking glnss church, Hov. Glenn P. White officiating. Interment will be In tbo Looklngglass cemolery. Ar. raugements nre In chargo of tho llosebuig Undertaking company. hardly could ho heard. The hiibles are foil nn ounco of wilier through a medicine dropper every three hours, but doctors hoped lliey would he given soma mother's milk today. The mother wns reported doing well nnd attending physicians said they hoped to bring her to tho hos. pltiil lo feed the infants. Mrs. Lin-del- Mil I1 Iho babies would be ted through n dropper because they are not strong enough to nurse. The fnmll? wns eating breakiuat yesterday when Mrs. Mulllns com plained ol being 111. Her husband ran a mile and one-half lo- PorteP to telephone Dr. H. Kiddle of Coweta. When he ran breathlessly bach; to his wile the children had been born. Dr. W. H. Joblln ot Porter also was summoned. Dr. Joblln mndo a make-shift crib of a corrugated pasteboard box and sped them to the hospital. Dr. Kiddle said tho babies Wert a month premature. The Mulllns have seven other children.