ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBPKC. OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL ! 2, 1937. Society and Clubs Br LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER DR. WRENN RECEIVE3 FELLOWSHIP IN EAST Word has been received that Dr. and Mrs. C. Gilbert Wrenn (Kath leen LaRaut) formerly of Stanford university and now of the Univer sity of Minnesota, will upend the months of April and May in Wash ington, D. C, and New York. Ur. Wrenn, now assistant 'director of tbe general college and associate professor of education of tho Uni versity of Minnesota, has been awarded a fellowship from the gen eral education board to enable him' to evaluate the Burveys of adoles cence being made by the Progres sive Education association and the American Youth commission. These BtudleB are cloBely related to two research projects now be ing carried on in the general college- -under the 'direction of Dr.. Wrenn. . . .. Soon after returning to Minne sota from New York, Mrs. Wrenn and her Bmall son, Robert, plan to go to Salem to spend several: weeks with her parents, Mr. and '.MrB.. N. LaRaut, 755 N. Church street. Mr. Wrenn will teach in the University of Minnesota summer school. Mrs. Wronn Is the sister of Vor-' non LaRaut, who lives at Wilbur, Oregon. EVERGREEN GRANGE INVITES ' PUBLIC TO BENEFIT AFFAIR The Evergreen grange has invit ed the general public to attend a delightful program and benefit en-: tertainment at eight o'clock Tues day evening at the grange hall. Tho ladies of the grange will give a quilt away during the eve ning. ' Following the entertainment n dnnoo will he enioved. , Be Sure to State Size When Ordering Pattern. to OtnttcCmunS DRESS YOUR KIDDIE UP FOR SPRING IN FROCK OF YOUTH FUL CHARMI PATTERN 4360 Looks sweet enough, to eat. doesn't she this cute little girl who's all dressed up for Bprlng In her fetching new Anne Adams pantle-trock! Miss Mary-J a n e doesn't know whether she jtkes her frilly sleevelets best, or whether slies fondest of the three Jaunty bows that decorate the front of her simple bodice! But we know that there's eye-catching charm in the witchery of the becoming square neckline (so flattering to a chubby face), and chic in the front . unu ones paneiH mm ure cuurui mi so effectively at the waistline by a demure He-sash. Mother sayB that Pattorn 4360 Is the easiest frock to make that she ever saw, so she's going to stitch up several more versions for nil occasions In bright hued cottons! Pattern 4360 Is nvnllable In sizes 2, 4, 6. 8 nnd 10. Size 6 takes 2 3-8 yards 36 Inch fabric and U yards ribbon. Illustrated step-by-step sew ing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this Anne Adams pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, AD DRESS and STYLE NUMBER. A smart wardrobe YOURS! Order our current ANNE ADAMS PATTERN BOOK and see how easy it Is to make becoming, up-to-mlnule outfits quickly and Inex pensively at home! Revel in a wide' choice of sparkling all-occa sion frocks, suits, blouses with special slimming styles for - the stouter woman. Practical, fashion right models for kiddles and "debs," too! Fabric tips. BOOK FIFTEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIFTEEN CENTS. TWENTY FIVE CENTS FOR BOTH WHEN ORDERED TOGETHER. Send your order to News-Review. Pattern Department, Roseburg, Ore. ........ Today's Pattern RSI wy ' IS p 4360 )f Cr HOME ECONOMICS ' ' BANQUET 18 ENJOYED AT UMPQUA 8ATURDAY. The Home Economics club of the Roseburg senior high school sponsored a charming 12:30 o'clock banquet at the Umpqua hotel Sat urday noon, at which time Miss Hertha Kohlhagen, state supervisor of home economics, and MiBS Edith Rhyme, associate -professor of clothing at Oregon State college, were honored guestB. Representatives from the various home economics clubs In this dis trict were present for the occasion. The banquet was In charge of Miss Nelma Savior, home economics in structor at senior high school in Roseburg. The long banquet tables were beautifully appointed with large bowls of spring flowers In yellow and white, and attractive blue and gold favors. Covers . were placed for over one hundred members and guests. MIbs Fern Nutting very gracious ly acted as toastmaflter. The en tire program wob broadcast over KRNR. J. D. "Snap" Gillniore di rected the high school orchestra In a group of numbers preceding the banquet. Talks were given by Patricia Turner, Oakland: Maxine Drew, Bandon: Mable Klngory, Yoncalla; Faith Young, junior high, Rose burg; Lillian Thompson, president of the H. E. club of Roseburg, and Eloda Taylor, Roseburg.' Miss Helen Casey and Miss Alice Ueland delighted the guests with a very enjoyable comic number, followed by MIbb Casey presenting "A Tavern in the Town," in her own inimitable way. Welcomes were presented from Mrs; W. M. Campbell on behalf of the Roseburg Woman's club: Miss Ina Farns-. worth, representing tho B. P. W. C; fcfts. M. E. Taylor, from the Junior-Senior P.-T. A. Miss Evelyn Glllmore, 1037 May queen of Roseburg high school, was introduced, ns was MIbs Ue Innd, Girls League advisor. Miss Kohlhagen, Miss Rhyme and other guests enjoying the occasion. The Kiwanis quartet, Attorney Paul Geddes, Attorney R. L. Whip ple, R. R. Brand nnd Walter Fisher sang two very enjoyable numbers, accompanied by Mrs. Homer Grow. A very delightful skit, "No, No a Thousand Times No," was present ed by the Nebo Dramatic club. - . EASTERN STAR TO HAVE INTERESTING MEETING THURSDAY EVENING A very interesting meeting has been planned fur Roseburg Chap ter or h'astern star for Thursday night nt eight o'clock at the Ma sonic temple. Mrs. Victor J. Ml- celll, worthy matron, will preside. Mrs. Paul Wan-en will have charge of the dramatic program and special music will be enjoyed. Refreshments will bo served by the committee In charge In the chapter rooms following the pro gram. All members and visiting members are most cordially in vited. P. N. G. CLUB TO HAVE APRIL FROLIC TONIGHT The Past Noble Grands club of the Rebekah lodge has Invited the public to enjoy a delightful April frolic tonight at" the I. O. O. F. hall at eight o'clock. A program will be given. No admission will be charged. Following the entertain ment refreshments and confections will be sold, while various money, making concessions will be in or der, f UNIVER8ITY CLUB TO MEET THIS EVENING , i The University club will meet to night at eight o'clock at Carl's Tavern to which all former college or university students are most cordially invited to attend. An in teresting program will be present ed, at which time some of the Rose burg high school debaters will be presented. INTER-SE STUDY CLUB TO MEET The Inter-So Study club will meet at a 1:30 o'clock dessert- luncheon Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. M. Campbell on North Jackson street. 'All mem bers are urged to be present. frtrnfifl'-'l't hv till! Wnwnn. V.y. iif rtnirt-iint ot TCttNlt nnrt T,,t.iihn,i (n ihA rnnlr1nt rnunty r-nl hnn'c. Pnmnlplp ronlpa of tl,l nno'r bintf rmv ln nurrtinsprt nt ttie Ve-n-nevlew office at .GO cents "ttcn.t DELICIOUS ROLL8 MPS. FREn APTHT1R. Roseburg. MPs. R M. nRlfOS. Roseburg. HAZEL WILSON, Roseburg. 1 egg beaten 1 tensnnon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cake cnmnresed yeast 1 cun warm milk Vi cup (scant) butter and Crlsco mixed 3 runs sifted flour Mix the Ingredients In the order given, stirring In the flour to moke a soft dnngh. T heat It over with a large spoon, like a cake, until the Hour is all stirred In gradually, put In a "greased bowl, let rise 3 to 4 hours or until the hatter Is ex tremelv light, then roll out on a floured board about lA Inch. Cut with a biscuit cutter, spread with some melted butter, put another on ton. Let rise until lleht. about 1 br. Bake In oven 400' for IB mln. Tf yon are not resdv to bake them when thev sre ready tn mil In the oven tint them In the refrig erator for several hr. These are nice for dinners beciie vroi can have them ready and don't have to hurry the last minute. B. P. W. C. TO HOLD INTERESTING MEETING . THIS EVENING All members of the Business and Professional Women's club are urged to attend the meeting to night at eight o'clock at the Wo man's clubrooms. , Miss Lucy Plnkertdn will be chairman on the program of "Pi nance Economlo Security." and will be assisted on the committee by Miss Lois Irving and Miss Agnes Pltcbford. DINNER ENJOYED AT HATFIELD HOME Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield entertain ed at a very lovely 6:30 o'clock (Inner Saturday evening at her home. Guests included her son-in-law and daughter. Attorney and Mrs. William W.- Knight, of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Watson, and Ivan Hatfield. Visiting was enjoyed during the pleasant evening hours. U. OF O. MOTHERS TO MEET ON TUESDAY Tho University of Oregon Moth ers club will meet nt two o'clock Tuesday afternoon nt the W. M. Campbell home on North Jackson street with Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. H. C. Thompson as joint hos tesses. All mothers of U. of O. students and alumni are most cor dially Invited. DELPHIAN CLUB TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The Delphian club will meet at 15 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Homer Grow on Mill street with Mrs. W. R. Brown as hostess. The program will be on "Italy" with Mrs. Wil. Ham Bell as leader. All members are most cordially invited. BADOURA CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Ilndoura club, Daughters of the Nile will meet nt a 6:30 o'clock hostesB supper Tuesday ove- nlng nt the home of Mrs. Lorlng W. Jordan at Idleyld. All mem bers are urged to bo present. MUSIC TEACHER8 TO ; MEET THIS EVENING Douglas County Iuslc Teachers association will meet this evening at tho home of Mrs. John Hnkan son In Oaklnnd. The topic for the program hour will be "Modern American Music." All members of the association are most cordially invited. ' . W. C. T. U. TO MEET WEDNESDAY The W. C. T. U. will meet at two o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the parlors of the First. Presbyterian church. Mrs. C. E. Chamberlin. president, will conduct the busi ness meeting. Dr. darn Ingham, state director of health, will be the .guest speak er. All members nnd those Inter ested have been Invited. CATHOLIC LADIES TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY The members of St. Joseph's Catholic Lnillea Sewing society have been asked to meet at two oclock Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. L. Dolnn on Winchester street. . M. O. A. CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The M. O. A. club will meet Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. c. W. Cook. All members are most cordially Invited to be present. JUNIOR-SENIOR P.-T. A. TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Th9 Junior-Senior high P.-T. A. will meet at eight o'clock Tuesday nignt at the high school, at which time ur. (Jauldwoll, of Oregon Nor nial Bchool, will be the guest speak- POET'S CORNER THE GREAT REVELATION By ALDEN HARNESS As his mortal life was passing, Was passing fast away, I sut beside my dear friend This Is what I beard him say. "Blackest night around me gathers And tbe silence Is intense. I am falling, falling, failing Down, fur down, through space Immense. "The freezing cold is keen and piercing And Is growing more severe. I fuel the awful weight nnd vast noss Of an encompassing fear." From his oyes all light departed, I saw htm lying, pulseless, dead Then deep within my inmost being Those are the words his low low voice suid. "Through the darkness hands are reaching, Friendly hands whose grip Is tight. Loving arms are now around me And have led me to the light. "Many world-beliefs, which mortals Down through ages have , be lieved, I find delusions and no longer I am now by them deceived. i "There are no souls which dwell in mortals And leave them when they give up life and breath. God knows no spirits, knows no evil And His children know no birth nor death. "Tho body I have left behind me 1 am conscious of no more. Another and a newer body Is mine upon this timeless shoro. "The perfect man shall live for ever. His life is God, Reality. I shall live the life that be is living In realms of immortality." SIDE GLANCES ( COPS- i7 MCA.8tP.reC. IMC. T. M. BCG. U. S. "May (ircgory tonic out er. Election of officers will be held. Patrons and members are urged to attend. SUNDAY DINNER ENJOYED AT FRED A. KNIGHT HOME Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred A. Knight en tertained at a most enjoyublo one o'clock family dinner at their home on West First street yester day. Covers were placed for Attorney and Mrs. William W. Knight, of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter nnd Mr. and Mrs. Knight. P.-T. A. ACTIVITIES IN DOUGLAS COUNTY County Executive Board Members of the Douglas County P.-T. A. executive board met at Junior high school music room last Saturday to dispose of regular business and to make arrange ments for the county meeting to be held May 15. The president, Mrs. C. E. Insley, presided. Tile children's health round-up. sponsored through . the National Congress of Parents nnd Teach ers, will . be the principle county ' project for the summer. Working in cooperntion with county heullli officers and family physlcinns, the county council hopes to have njl five-year-olds given a thorough physical examination. An effort be made to hold clinics early in the summer in order thnt cor-, rectlve treatment may be given, be-' fore opening of school, when it is necessary. Mrs. W. H. Bnlllie was appointed general chairmnn to work with unit health chairmen. A speaker will be obtained for the Mny meeting to explain the pro ject. Announcement was made of the state convention to be in session April 13 to 16 at the Multnomah hotel, Portland. No delegate will be sent from the county council nlthough some members may at tend. Officers of the council for 1937 38 will be elected at the next meet ing. The nominating committee is composed of Mrs. Sam Shoemaker, chairman, Mrs. George Caskey and Mrs. Carl E. Wlmberly. The president urged all units to remit dues to the county council, If they have not done so, to help defray minor expenses. Mrs. E. A. Britton was named program chairman for the May meeting, it is hoped all units will be represented nnd all mem bers are cordially Invited to at tend. Present at the executive meet ing were Mrs. Insley, president: Mrs. Glenn Rlngo. secretary; Mrs. u E. Giles, publicity chairman; Mrs. Eileen Smith, publications chairman: Mrs. Frank Staffnnson. nresident of Fullorton unit, nnd Mrs. L. M. Lilly, president of Rose school unit. Fullerton MrB. Harlnn B, Carter was elect ed president of Fullerton P.-T. A. for the ensuing year ot the regular meeting of the unit. Mondnv after- noon at the schoolhouse. ITor co workers will ho Mrs. W. IT. Car ter, vice-president: Mrs. J. W. Snv der. secrolnry, and Mrs. Donald II. Olbbs, treasurer. All wore elected by acclamation. They will be In stalled at the next meeting, Mnv 3, with Mrs. E. A. Britton acting as Installing officer. A report was made hv MIrb Helen Magers thnt a set of Comn- ton s encyclopedias hnd been or dered after extensive fitvcstlention nnd thn books are expected before close of school. Mrs. Frank Rtnff nnson reported on the counlv exe cutive meellne held Inst Saturday nnd announced that Mrs. E. A. Ilrittnn was named program ehalrmnn for the ennntv meeting Mnv 15, and Mrs. W. H. Balllle. health ehntrman for the summer round-tip. Both are active members of Fullerton unit, Mrs. H. B. Cnr- ter reported on activities of her 4 II Cooking club. Mrs. W. H. Balllle present fol lowing program : Plnno selections, t-.iennor Micelll: v olln numbers. Dorothy Staffnnson; rendlnrs. Shlrlev .lean Carter, and a nnd Interring and enllrhtntilnir talk International Relntlon." - lu stra. C. E. Roberts, guest speaker. Rose ., Rose P.-T. A. met at four o'clock Monday afternoon nt the school. house with MrB. L. M. Lilly; presi dent, In charge. Officers for Iho new year were elected and in- By George Clark PAT. OFF. and ilij for worms?" elude: Mrs. D. W. Radnbaugh, president; Miss Vorna Carothers, vice-president; Mrs. Robert Merc er, secretary, and Mrs. C. R. Fream, treasurer. Mrs. Clair K. Allen, program chairman, Introduced MrR. Homer Grow, who pluyed two beautiful piano numbers, and Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, who gnvo a very inter esting talk on "Thn County Li brary," nnd new books in the li brary. State News Mrs. .lames B. Ward, member ship chairmnn for tho Oregon Con gress of Parents anil Teachers, has aroused much favorable com ment in the nulionnl headquarters of her organization with her mem bership map, which is designed to show at a glance tho location of parent-teacher population In Ore gon. Tho plan of tho mnp has been sent to all state membership chairmen by Mary England, na tional membership chairman, with entliuslnstlc recommendations for its widespread use. Tho member ship map will bo on display at tho convention of the Oregon congress April 13-16 nt Multnomah hotel, Portland, nnd will bo a feature ot the membership luncheon when awards, will bo mode for various percentages of mombbtshlti- gains. Twenty-eight now units have been organized UiIb year, according to Mrs, Ward, nnd tho stale mem bership is-2-1,431. All work nnd no nlnv makes dull delegates, so tho Portland council of Parent-Tencher associations. hostess for the biennial convention of the state branch, scheduled for April 13-16, Multnomnh hotel, Port land, has planned several social af fairs for the entertnlnment of con ventlon attendants. The presl. dents' breakfast, the membership luncheon, a tour of Interesting spots m tne city, the banquet hon oring incoming nnd outgoing offic ers, and the reception on the open ing evening of tho convention nil promise diversion to tho dele gates. A highlight of tho forthcoming convention or the Oregon Con gress of Parents and Teachers is the hnnquet honoring outgoing and incoming officers, which Is sche duled for Thursday evening, April 15, at Multnomah hotel. Miss Mary Yost, doan of women ot Stanford university, will be the guest sneaker ,nnd deans of the Portland high schools nB well those from neighboring cltlos will have nn opportunity to meet Miss Yost, since a special table will be provided for them. Mrs. C. W. Hayhurst will be the toaslmistress and special music will be a fen- ture of tho evening. Publications of tho Nntlonal Congress of Parents nnd Teachers will piny an Important part In the convention of the Oregon branch April 13-16 nt the Multnomah ho tel, Portland. Mrs. Bert V. Chap pel, state publications chairman. and her vice-chairman, Mrs. ChrlB Gabriel, nro planning nn extensive exhibit Avhlcli will Include) leaf lets on every phaso of child dovel. opment and paront education n well as much program nnd organi zation material. Mrs. Chiippol has nskod counlv publication chair men from nil sections of tho state to nreslde nt tho exhibit. There will be n snechil publlcnt'nns con ference nt 8 o'clock on the morn ing of Anrll 16, which will Jnclude n panel discussion or nubiicntlons led by Mrs. John J. Cnnnnrd. pub lications chnit-mnn of tho Ocklev Green unit In Portland, nnd parti cipated in by members of the same association. Also n feature of the conference will he the demonstra Hon of n new nnd helpful ptibll cation arrangement for onngresH orrieers nnd chairmen by Mi-s. Ga briel. Winston The next meeting of the Wlnpton P.-T. A. will be held nt Ibe school- house Friday afternoon. Mny 7th nt 2:30. A special proernm In chnrgn of Mrs. Karl Smith will be presented and following the busi ness meeting and nrogrntn n silver ten will be held. Mrs. Archie Wll son nnd Mrs. John Gross nro in rlyirge of refreshnieiilR. Tho pub lic? is cordially Invited. jU the Inst meeting of th.i P.-T. Ai election of officer for the com ing yenr was held with the follow. Ing . officers elected: president. Mrs. Kenneth Ronk: vice-presi dent. -Mrs. Archie Wilson: secre-tnrv-trcasurnr, Mrs. Rudolph Sol- nicka. Local News Here Saturday R. Love, of Rid dle, attended to business ill this city 'Saturday. Here on Business George Nor man, f Days CrecK, was a business visitor in this, city Saturday, Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hansen, ot this city, left yes terday lor Portland on businoss, ; Soend Week-End Fishlna Ialo Slephoim und Nnblo Goottol spent tile week.nnil fishing nt Lttko Tall- kcnltch. Here From Salem Dan Plow man, assistant, state forester at Siilem, arrived hero Friday to spond a few days on business. Glnn. Mmpa Tllnllins Dnlzell. of rn,.il.,,l ut,iitit(l nvni- Km-n Sflt- urdiiy for a short time en routo to Mcdford on business. Visits In Euoene Mrs. William Bell spent the week-end In Eugono with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wi liell and family. Back From Denver Dr. Charles Dodson, of Iho Votornns' facility here, has returned to Rosebuit from n businoss trip to Denver, Colo. enMrl n.u at Bandon Dr. nnd Mtu Punt Triixtnr. Mrs. Charles DodKon and son, Charles, and Miss Pnullno Hukor Bpent yesterday at Banduu boach. . . Here From Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. Iloni-y llarth havo return oil to ltonoburg, lifter spending tho past winter In Las Angeles tunn ing their homo. Choral Club to Meet Tho Choral club will moot nt ton o'clock Tues day morning In the Roseburg Music and Art studio, under the direction of Mrs. Miriam Ballard. Spends Day at Coast Clarence Williams, of tho state foresters of fice In Salem, who has been In Roseburg the past several wooks, spent Saturday in Marshflcld on business. Attend Funeral Mrs. Broadway, MrB. C. W. Wharton, Mrs. Fred Renuor and Mrs. L. B. Skinner went to Mnrslifleld Friday to at tend the funeral of Dr. George A, Bi-ndburn. Visit In Eugene Mr." and Mrs, Bernard A. Young and the lattor's sister, Miss Kale Buchanan, spent yostorday In Eugene visiting tholr parents, Dr. und Mrs. W, E. Bu chanan Sr. Spend Day In Cottage Grove Mrs. Holdrldge and her housognest, Mrs. Bockmnn, ot Ohio, Mrs. Mac donnld nnd Mrs.' C. W. Courtnoy, all ot this city, spent Sunday in Cottage Grove. Home Over Week-End Bill Wharton, student at University of urogon nt Eugone, spent the week end In thiB city visiting his pa rents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Wharton, on East Douglas street. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. I. H, Smith havo returned to their home. In Glcudnlo, Ore., after spending a short time here vlBiting thoir daughter, Mrs. Ethel Rodloy," lit tno Koiiuingen apartments. Return From McMlnnvllle Mr, and MrB. Clyde' Beard and two cliildien have returned to tliolr homo hero, aftor being called, to McMlnnvlllo last week by the ueiuii ot the formers rather. Make Lorfp Trip Mr. and Mrs, Ioiiis Fies, of this city, made the loop trip from Itoscburg to Eugene, Newport nnd back by way ot Lake Tahkcnltch and the Reedsport- urnm highway over the week-end. Leaves for Home MrB. Carl In gram and son, George, have roturn ed to their homo In Junction City, after spending the week-end hero visiting the formers brother and slster-iii-luw, Mr. and Mrs. E. S, Hall. ' Attend Lodge Meeting W. F, Harris, .1. I-;. uiark, G. M. Krell, 11 W. Murstei-s, Morris C. Bowkor. J, 10. Riinynn and Mr. Jnnsen, of this city, attended Ilia Masonic Indue mooting In Glondnlo Suttirday night, honoring tne gi-timi master. Go to Corvallls Mr. and Mrs, Harlow Allen left Saturday for Cor- villus, whoro the roi-mcr attended the Reserve Officers association mooting and Mrs. Allon vlstcd her brnllior, Clifford Collins, student ot Oregon Slato college. Bible Class to Meet Tho non denominational Bible study class, taught by Dr. R. L. Dunn, will moot nt 7:4.1 o'clock this evening In thu 'lining hull of the Douglns hotel. Anymo luterestej In the Blblo study course bus been Invited to attend. Go to Portland Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Unbar and Mrs. Ivan Pickens and sou, John, of this city, left Sunday for Portland where the former will atlend a state meet ing of the lloynl Arch Masons, und Mrs. Iliitmr and Mrs. Pickens will visit friends and relative's. Leave for Portland Attorney and Mrs. William W. Knight loft Inst evening for Porlland, whore they will make Ihelr home, Mrs. Knight, formerly Miss Iiln Hat field of this city, Is thn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield. Attorney Knl.ilit Is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred A. Knight of Rose- burg. , , Very III J. R. Wilson, of Win ston, Is reported to be very ill nt his home. Spsnd 8undy Here Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Barels nnd noil. .Tnmna of Eugene, spent Sunday at the ulna or mrs. uareis' sister, Mrs. rniyu n iison. Today and Tuesday 3 Muivr ' Wednesday BANK NIGHT $300 "WINGS OF THE MORNING" HENRY FONDA ANNA BELLA ALL TECHNICOLOR Show 2-7-9 P. M. Mats. 25o , Eves. 36c Children 10o BANK NIGHT WEDNESDAY $300 BIGOTS WITH HATRED! THE INSIDE STORY OF AMERICA'S GREATEST MENACE! ALWAYS 2 Ends Feature No, 1 YMMfUALC lVWYEii reran wi TMrtfTrtraxTran 1 Recruiting Officer Her J. T. Costello, U, S. army recruiting of ficer from the Eugene headquar ters, arrived in Roseburg today to spend throe days here Interviewing young men Interested In enlist ments in the army. Numerous de partmonts of army servico are now open, he reports, He Is muklng his headquarters at the post office. THE R AD.rO. BROUGHT HER T.o'your HOME the: screek brings her. to V.O.Ujl H.EAR.T.I" DEANNA BURBIN rT7"? on 'Eddie Cantoris ,f radio hour! Sht'lk thrill vnu: nnm in VJitb BINN'IE BARNES ALICE. BRADY R AY MIUAND CHARLES WINNINGER . MISCHA AUER NAr- GREY BARBARA READ . JOHN KING A (WUf.UNIVERSAfivnre Mats. 25c, Eves. 35c, Kiddies 10c 8hows -2-7-9:30 ' P. M. ...mad ( r fill !4aLiviilid Humphrey B0GART DICK F0RAN ANN SHERIDAN DICKIE JONES Starts' Tuesday Plus on the Same Program "Girl i Overboard' With Gloria Stuart Walter Pidgeon FEATURES Today Feature No. 2 'Join the Marines' with PAUL KELLY JUNE TRAVIS