TWO' ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG; OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 9. r937. Sunday at the Churches for vehicle hiw. His arrest by city officer) followed a coUUJon, City uecorut'i- a. J. ueU(Js reoorletj. E)ailS)evotion8 DR. CHAHLES A. EDWARDS In the very nhadov of tlio cro&t, the ueuroat und most Unfiled frfeiMr of Jeans uru dis puting uliout worldly power und place and honor. That mirely must have xrluved Hi senstlVB soul und mado lieu v tor tho burd en that He luul to bur. That was thu UukIc addition to Mm already heavy burden, that do one seemed to know what it was all about or seemed to en ter into any degree of under stand tnic as to what He vvus do ing or to Rive liiin comfort und cheer lu Ills doing or It. Doubt less we think bow bllud und stupid lliuy were, but is it not very eusy to be stupid even lu the presence of the greatest spiritual realities? Open our eyes to see, and our hearts to feel the great and mysterious truths of life and death and duty and destiny. Keep us from linn thoughts and smult ways. Give us a desire to do Thy will In Jesus name we ask It. Amen. First Church of Christ Scientist, 313 East Douglas si reel. Regular service Sunday at II h. hi. Nub lad of Iohsoii: "Are Sin. Disease und Death Heal?" Sunday sehool convenes at 9:45 a. m. Wednemiuy evening. meclhiKS. whleh Include testimonies of healing and remarks on Christiau Science, are held at o'clock. The . reading room in front of tho church edifico Is open dally, excepL Sundays and holidays from 2 to 4 p. in., and on Sundays from 9:3(1 to 11 a. in. Hero, (he Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or subscribed for. The public Is cordially invited to at tend the church services und to viBlt the reading room. Full Gospel Assembly, -I Mil Hast Douglas street, Ituv. A. Harold Persing, (tumor. Services for Sun day: Sunday school at !)': I5. Wil liam Bronips, superintendent. We have u class for everyone, with tenchers with ability. Morning worship beginning at 11 a. m. Messago by the pastor.. Subject, "The Body of Christ." Kvangetls tlc Hervice at 7;!10. Message, "What Is Salvation." Services for the week. Tuesday night at 7:30. Di vine healing service. Sermon will be in relation to thin subject. Thursday morning at 8:110, broad cast over KKNlt. Kriday night at 7:30, young people in charge. It will be. interesting for tho elderly people to attend this service. Please notice the change In location. Glad Tidings of the Air, over KKNlt, K:ir-!i, Sunday morning. Subsequent to the account of the PuBBlqn week events, a series of messages Is being delivered on the subject: "Seven Days With th,e Risen Christ." This will bo the third message of the series. Ira K Rankin, mlnlHter. Residence 418 South Main street. ....St, Paul's Lutheran Church, Coroy and Military streets, West Roneburg. Tho servicn of Sunday, April It, begliiH at 7:30 p. m. The topic of thu sermon is, "Thu Two fold uieuulug of the Christian's Haptlsm." The Sunday school meets at 0:45 a. in. Mrs. N. An draioff Is superintendent. We most cordially Invito all to attend our service and Sunday school. W. A. Sylwester, 1170 Military street, I'aator. M. E. Church, South, l.aue and Main streutK. Church schnol H:4fi U. m, Young people's Hervicu ti:30 p. in. Morning worship 11 a. m. Kveniug evaimellKtlc service 7:30 p. m. A cordial welcome In all. U. C. (Ilea tun, pastor. St. Georgs's Episcopal Church, Uosehurg, Ore. Holy communion, 7:30 p. m. Church schnol, 11:15 a. tn. Morning pruyer and . ni'rmon, u. in. Kiddle: Ascenxlon. Time of service chunked to 7:30 In the evening Instead of I tn the afternoon. CRUISE ibth For a thrilling ici vacation sail to Australia and New Zealand.. .where winter is sura mcr.-.wheie n range animal and primitive bash men make their last stand next door to great modern cities. Go by the Ctnad ian-Austr, Lint, with visits to HONOLULU. . ( . SXlKU'.MfUKURN0ind m& IN ttili UU ISLANDS Vou'll enjoy every moment aboard die newly refuted "Ar,titgi", or go on the "Niagjr",,. both ships are built for cruising tropiul waters. Regular sailings from Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, with ttpritiny Uw min,-iuf fm,t, 1st Class, Cabin Clm ind 3rd CUts. Ailt YOUR OWN TRAVEL AGENT for details, and information about tit-Inclusive toufi...or at our local offices... ViUI. DFACON, Gen'I Agent Pass'r Dfpt.,6io S.W. Broadway (American Bank Bid;.) BR. 067, Portland. CRiVU MM TM tmu evts ' Tha A nonius Hour,. 4:30. Subject: Uleutor tor. Mr. Leroy lllatt Charles A, Edwards. KKNlt, A Than Kub- wlli aiug. First Chriftlan Church, Uouglas and Kane. This Sunduy, J. Frank Cunningham will bring bis last ueHhugeH in Itosehurg, before leav ing for his new field of labor. His morning message will be "Prove It"; that of the evening, "If I Were Twenty-one." The public Is cor dially invited to hear these moss- ages. Remember the time of ull services: liible school, 0:45 to 10 : .'-15 a. in.; morning worship; 10:35 to 11M5; Christum Endea vor, ti:30 p. m.; evangelism, 7:30 p. m. By request, .Mr. Cunningham will King "Coin' Homo," ni the evening service. First Presbyterian Church. "As .Mount Jilon" is the subject at the rresbylorlan church for the 11 u. surmoti Sunduy, Organ rea per service at 7:25 p. in. Kveniug theme, "The Coming Kingdom of Uavid's Hoyal Son." Frank Crubbe singing, lliblo school !:45 a. m. We have a class for your age. 6:30 j). in. Christfuu Kndeavor. Wednes day evening at 7:3U, "The Per son and Work of the Holy Spirit." Win. C, Faucette, minister. ALL'S READV FOR END EA VOTERS' MEET MRS. fl HE First Baptist Church, J. It. Turn hull, minister. ' i:'Mi u. in., prayer meeting. tl:4G a. in., Itlble scboid, Harry Howe, miperlntemlenl. A wtdl-orguuized school of five de parimeniK. 11 a. m., morning wor ship, broadcast over KKNlt, Five minute talk to boys and girlH. Tenor solo, W. F. Downer. Ser mon, "The First Fruits." Lord's Supper at close. Iteceptiou of new members. ' 0:30 p. in., H. V. K U. junior and senior. 7:30 p. m., gos pel service. Ten-minute hymn. sing. Duct, Mrs. W. Robertson and Mrs. O. Harlot. Sermon. "The Gullibility of Unbelief." Wednes day, 7:30 p. m., prayer, praise and Ulblo study. Subject, Kph. 4:1-16. Pine Grove, Dlxonvllle. Sunday school at 10 MB, Mrs. Hattie Und- hloom, HunorinUmdent. School will bo followed by a basket dinner at 12:10. j, u. Tumbull of the First IiapllHt church, Hoseburg, will in-each at the monthly service tit 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Ttirtibull will sing. Everybody welcome. Tho Salvation Army. April Kith is tho hlrlhday of the rounder of tho Salvation Army. On Siiturday ! i: mi the ;-eoting. .. Sunduy bright topics from bis life will be diseussed. William Hooth found tbroimh "service" h-i w.i able to terve Cod .Mid enjoy a r al, happy ChrUt-an oxpei ( two. Service lor others wa.i a motto governing his life. Saturday night is Founder's night at the Salva tion Army. Meeting at S p. in. C'Hiipuny meeting !:45 a. tit. Sun 1'nyA ttfiou iiA-clu at nn find ,mji us In COltVALUIS. Ore., April More than 10UU Oregon boys and girls from 10 to 18 years old are expected to attend the forty-sev eitth atinuul Slate Christian Kn deavor convention for which Cor- vallls and (Jregon Slate college will bo hosts April 10 to 18. Many of the sessions wilt be held on the college cum pus. Oregon bus 600 Christian hn deavor societies, with a tolui of more than 1U.0U0 members, und each society la a member of one of the 1H unions Into which the state is divided. The delegates will be housed In private homes in Corvullis, Albany and Philomath, according to Mrs. O. Si. Locke, CorvultlH, placement chairman, und arrangements are being made for thu women's groups of three churches to serve meals to tho visitors. Contests Planned Six major contests are plunned for the convention, with prizes for Individuals, societies und unions. In the oratorical contest speakers may choose a topic from the gen oral convention theme, "Thy King dom Come," as It applies to the home, school, community, iiutlou and world, and the winners oil each of tho five topics will speak before the separate sessions of the convention. A big event of the convention will be the parade, in which a stale-wide flag ruco now in pro gress will determine the positions of the unions. Songs, regalia, marching, banners and floats will he considered In tho judging. Floats may not cost more than J$3 and must emphasize some phase of he convention theme. Prizes will ilHO.,bo awarded for registrations of H)' or more, provided they are lu the mall not later than April 7. A contest for posters advertis ing the convention and its theme will be another feature, with a un ion prize offered for the best group of posters und for individuals. Kueh union Is also entitled to en- tor ouo playlet in thu high school and Intermediate drama contest, In which Judging will be based on ; stewardship appeal, Interpretation .....1 n..ol.......n til.. ..u ...... II... I, ...I to five characters and 15 minutes presentation time. Awards for the orutorlcaJ and dramatic contests Include full und halt scholarships to the summer conference camp. Mrs. Anna Hune. t:i, rosi'tr of Melrose, died at her home Thuva J:iy afternoon, '."Muwiul, n shoe: ii:t,o.. She was born ct Wyorn'a, M'i., i ovembor 17, l.s74, ft id has been a resident of Oregon since August, l!)3ti. She wus married to Wlllard C. Ihtne at Kuhoka, Mo., In 1!M5. Mr. Uano died about two years ago. She was a member of the Chris tian church. Surviving her are two children, Delbert W. Bane and tern V. Ilane. both of Melrose. 'She is also survived by five brothers, Bert and Ernest Hodges of Monmouth, 111.; Hiram and Herman , Hodges of Los Angeles, Calif,, und K liner Hodges of Missouri; also ;by two sisters, Myrtle Hodges of Kuhoka, Mo., and Pearl Hodges of Mon mouth, III. The body lias been removed to be Douglas Funeral home and funeral arrangements will be an nounced later, pending receipt of word from relatives. day.' Holiness mueiiug at U a. m. VIOLATOR OF MOTOR LAW PAYS $10 FINE A line of $10 was paid in the city court today by Carter Shank llu of Hoseburg who pleaded guilty to a charge of violation of the mo- Pu rents of the Elgaroso school gave a program last night at the school play building for the bene fit of thu 4-H summer school schol arship fund there. A one-act play by a group of Hoseburg junior high school stu dents, "How the Story Grew," prov ed very interesting as well as hum orous. The -Cast included: Jean Myer, Betty Owen, Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Patty Ulenn, Hosemary rving, Dorothy Crumuiett and Muydino Darby. The grout) Is coached by Scott Williams of the unior. high school. Donald Bashford and Lucia Brit- ton played three numbers on the accordion, and piano. This, was followed by several songs, with guitar and harmonica accompanf; ment by Helen, Dorothy and Don-' aid White. Patty Glenn also played some numbers on the guitar and -harmonica. A lloti Cordon was present and pleased tho audience with sev eral accordion numbers. - - Following the entertainment a food sale was held. Home-made Ice cream, "hot dogs." cake, pie, sandwiches and coffee were on snh?. Attends to Business George P. meHo services, "uur religion is Topping. Ilondon attorney, was servico. When hi trouble call us.'.'.j business visitor tit the Douglus i,ieui. !. ijhus. county courthouse yesterday. Re1 of bee I've ot die ie,v vet? 1 8 efe Cot6 a ,,.r I, i IIH" III!' oai'l' ,1.c J'",0 retotal , 7 w j& : wi !r,,s' ,r m'mr I1 . I. I II II H Hf i T IT f . ,v 1 II II' ( ac CS'i-.ii-i'jj EE3E HE3 Free Deliveries Daily, 8:30, 10:15 a. m.; 1:30, 3:15 p. m. PHONE. YOUR ORDER AND PAY THE DELIVER YM AN SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY TOTTED Grade A, Fresh Churned. Pound, Saturday only . . . 33c MILK 6 3 Tall Cans Small Cans . 39 c 210c COCOA High quality. Every can guaranteed. 2 b. tin WHEATDE: A Dandy Heavy China Cereal Bowl Free with 2 pkgs. for . . . 19c FLOUR Drifted' Snow 49 lb. 11.89 CATSUP Large Bottles, 2 for : U5c OYSTERS 5 oz. can Small Cove Oysters EOc ROYAL GELATINE" 6 true fruit flavors 6 pics. 25c Corn Starch Argo, 3 pkgs. 23c Snowdrift The Perfect Shortening. 3 pounds 6 lbs. 59c $21.15 Chocolate MALT Krafts 2-lb. 49c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 bars'i 14c FIG BARS SALAD OIL Pound 10c QuarS 25c VAN CAMP'S BEANS Tall Cans 10c KBS5E Bacon Sliced and. Rined 29c Beef Steak A Real Treat lb. 221c A. APPLES Fancy Rome Beauties. Box $1.59 I CARROTS, bunch ........... 3c Cauliflower, each ,5 " c Beautiful White Heads Beef Roast - a & ten der, lb. Pork Roast 119 young lb. V. LETTUCE 5c Solid Heads GREEN ONIONS, 2 bunches ... 5c Bacon Backs 23c Bacon K I 'h w II Mb. V.. -I Picnics Oysters k lt 19c P;n,19c ASPARAGUS 6c Fancy long green. The bests of the season. . Pound RADISHES, 2 bunches . . . . . . .5c HAMS Skinned, half or whole, lb. 25!ic Potatoes a.9 501b. U.S. No. 2's. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SOLD. 1 fll ID 3D