TWO SCDCDEW Social Calendar 8undy, April 4 Beta Hlgmu Phi tea from threo to five o'clock al II. C. Church home. Monday, April 5 II. P. W. (ik-o club practice al 7:30 o'clock In evening at hiiiiIIo of the director, Mrs. Charles A. llruml. Klwanis entcrtulnmeiit at 8 o'clock at .South Deer Creek grange hall for benefit or Ml club of the ' H. I), C. school. No admission. The committee will sell refreshments ut clone of evening. Dr. K. U. Dunn's lion-dciiomiiin-tlonal lllblo Study class to meet . at 7:45 o'clock In dining hull of Douglus hotel. Anyone Interested invited. I.aily Lions to meet al 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper at (I. Owen home In Duurelwood wltli Mrii. Ow cn und Mrs. JameM W. Campbell, joint IiobIcbbos. Rose P.-T. A. meeting at four o'clock In afternoon at school Iioiihc. Mrs. Clair K. Allen, pro gram chairman. Mrs. Homer Crow bill play piano numbers ami Airs. O. V. Wlmborly will talk on "The County Library." Tho meeting will ho In charge of the president, Mrs. J,. M. Lilly. Fullertnn 1.-T. A. to meet ill 4 o'clock In nfternoon al school ; hoiiBo. Election of of floors. All members urged to ho nroscnt. In teresting program und talk on "In tiumiUonul notations," by Mrs. C. K. Roberts. Mrs. W. H. lliillllo Ih program chairman. N. of W, 8 o'clock meeting at I. . w. u. r. nan. Election of . dolo Kates to district convention. : Meet ing will celebrate the -loth mini- . vorsury of the order. Blicclal pro gram and refreshments. , Program committee, Mrs. II, W. Taylor and Mrs. A. D. Hulbtirt; refreshment committee, Mrs. Ed Peyton and Mrs. J. T. Miller. Members mid friends invited to program. Pust Matrons club of Eiisloni Slur to meet ut 7:3n o'clock dessert-supper ut T. B. Vlrilon home on North Jackson slroot with Mrs. Vlrden ami Mrs. A. K. Elliott, Joint hostesses, SI. (leorge's Episcopal gullil nftornoon meeting at two o'clock lit Arthur lludnell home ut 441 North IttiHo street with Mrs. Hud Hell und Mrs. C. W. Similiter, Joint , Jloatosscs. - Business meet lug in charge of tho president, Mrs, I,. A. Dlllard. All members urged lo he present. - Tuesday, April 8 llnscbiirg Woman's cluh 1 : :10 o'clock birthday tea and play to he held al lOlks temple ballroom. Gen eral public Invited. Helen Cnscy will present llooth Tarklnglou's one act piny. "The Tryslinx Place." Jllrthtlay tea to follow la the club house. Woman's club executive lunch eon at 13 o'clock at Hotel Hose for ofNcerg, directors and club house board. Choral club to practice at 111 a. in. al Itosoburg Music anil Arl stu dio under the dlrecll f Mrs. Allrlnm 1 1 ii 1 1 it id. Hecreiillniial leaders school lo meet at 7: IB o'clock In evening ul ltlvei'Niliile grangu hull Instead ill' ut the M. K. church. Job's Daughters meeting at 7:110 o'clock In evening ut temple to bo In charge of the Juniors with lil uunor Entler presiding as queen. Wednesday, April 7 South F.nd Social cluh afternoon meeting at home of Mrs. Klulc Wil liams on South Jackson street. New Idea club one o'clock lunch eon ut Inline of Mrs. It. II. Wil liams. lloseburg Art and Embroidery ciiio uiiernonn meeting ul home of Mrs. DeWIII at lull Yale live lllln III West Koseburg. Sun Soiicl lllrthday club 1 : :t ( o'clock luncheon at home of Mrs. Kenneth llonk lit Winston. Itlversdale Happy II cluh nfl- '' ' meeting at home of .Mrs. Dnlu (lulley. Thursday, April 8 Preshyterlun Missionary Hoeleiv ineelliig at 2:30 n'cloeli ul home ut Mrs. W. (,'. .'uueelle on West l.iino street. Mrs. .;. s. Hull, dove Hons, on "Witnessing for Christ." Iteports of the 1'resh.vterlul meet lng. Illiptlst Ladles Aid to meet lit ll tine o'clock luncheon In the church parlors. Mrs. .1. It. TurubnU, Mrs. J. I' llyrd and .Mrs. It. L. till,, low. losses. All ladles of Ihu church Invited. Norlhslde Sunshine club after lliinil meeting nt home of Airs. Jlowurd Cusebeer on Fowler slreel. (July lOlks social meeting at S o'clock In evening at temple Willi Airs. lOdwnrd nines, hostess. Prices for high scores in coiili.-n-t bridge mid pinochle. All lOlks urged lo attend. Ladles of Country club lo meet lit I2::io o'clock potliuk luncheon nt clubhouse. Contract bridge plai nt 1:110 o'clock. Methodist lOplseopnl l.ndles Aid one o'clock April luncheoii to he held In Hie church parlors. Mis. II. Ii. Whipple, chairman, usslsied by Alrit. L. ,M. Lilly, Mrs. KvuneU, Ford, Mrs. Percy Kobliison, .Mrs 11. J. Lockwood, .Mrs. p. T. Iiiiliiu nnd Mrs, 11. I). Coon. .Mrs. A c. Aliirslers will lead the dcvnlliilis. Friday, April 9 Sylnion Valley cluh afleiiioon ineelliig lit two nchuk ill home of .Airs. Warren Cloake, lie.Molav private dance for iiirm Iters mid Invited gilesta In be held ul Itosoburg Country rllih. Keystone cluh B:3 lsilllu k stip. per for husbands ul Metbisllst Kplse'ilml chin eh. .Mrs. ' W. II. Ilnlllle. ,M,s. Wallace Snvder. -Mr By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER I'.'. C. Junes und Mrs. E. A. Ilritton, hoslesB committee. Mrs. It. II. Wil son and Mrs. detune Churchill, en tertaininent committee. Saturday, April 10 Women's Council of First Christ- inn church food sule ut McKeuu und Baldwins. J lie rummage sale. previously planned, will be held at a later uute. CHARMING BENEFIT CARD rSHTY GIVEN BY GUILD ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON hi. (leorge's Elilscu.iul Ulliltl siionsoreil olio or the most charm lng benefit aii'alru of the season Wednesday ui'ternuon ut tho parish nun, wneli Ine members gave u oiie-unriy o'clock salad luncheon and contract bridge purly. Hugo buiiouets in' colorful sininc noivurs were lined iiuolil the ruonis, while splrua. liuifod Is and tint Easter motif curried out n nruttv dccorulloll scheme for the twenlv iiiuies. .Mrs. Will II. llerretaen. Mrs. II. C. Cburcli, Mrs. U L. AleCulloeh, Mrs. II. .ticliiu ison, Mrs. H. C. hleai-ns, Airs. Tbomus Parkinson, -Mrs, T. (1. Watson and Airs. J. C. l nine Hud charge of the luncheon und the serving committee Includ ed Mrs. It. L. Unthrick, Mrs. N. lloodlow, Mrs. (1. W. Syfaii, Alia. L. 'I. Nelson, Airs. Arthur Hud- noli und Mrs L. A. Dlllurd. Mrs. W. I' lluirls won tho first prize for Ihu contract bridge play with Jlrs. 10. l' Tandy winning tbu second prize. Thu prize lor the first one hundred unci fifty honors went to Mrs. J. II. Wharton, with mrs. u. ll. wudu urn Mrs. OA llerrlc winning the first little slum prize. The door prize was won by Airs. Frederick .1. Porter. i .Mrs. Fritnklyii Voyt. entertained nt turce tables at tbu party -.hav ing as her guests Mrs. Clair K. Allen, Mr. J. n. . Wliurton," Mrs. r. m. i,oe, airs. I'lcil Hamilton Mrs. Hroudwuy, Mrs. C. W. Whar ion, Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs. (leorge vtiiurtuu, Airn. II. Casey, Airs. , A (I. Sulhorluiid and Airs. M.v 1 L. llrickor. Prints ut these three tables went to Ali-s. Allen, , Mrs. iii-oauwuy unit Airs, cusey. The Weducsduy bridge club en joying tho party Inoludsd .Mrs. L. L. Wlmheiiy, Airs. Scott WllUiims, .lrs. George Singleton, MrH. Leou nrd Rlloy, Mis. I!. S. McUiuIn, Mrs. A. J. Ullleoii, AIi-b. T. 11, llurr, Mrs. 11. C. Wells, - Airs, i (luy C. Ilea, All's, T. 11, Ness, .Mrs. .Paul Warren :; and Airs. Frederick. J. Porter. Other guests enjoying the piirty Included Mrs. T. II, Hooves, Airs. IJ. 10. I' axon, Airs, lain .Stephens. Mrs. U L, McCulloch, Mrs. Phil Hnrth, Airs. (1. Owen. Mrs. II. Zuchiiilsen, Airs. J. F. Olllurd, Airs. 10. (I. Kohlliiigcn. Airs. T. (I. Wittiion, Mrs. C. (I. Van Vnlztih, Airs. J. Harold Nichols. Airs. A. I'. Alurlott, Airs. Hoy Enllur, Mrs. II. ll. miliar, .Mrs. II, II. Morgan, Airs. II. I). Coon, Airs. Chester Morgan, Airs. Paul llelweg. Airs. Alaurlce J. Newlund, Alls, ilnrrls Ellsworth. Airs. Hurry Single, Airs. Paul r-iiiikhoiiBcr, Airs. 10. F. Tunily, Airs. J. P. .Motscheiibucher. Airs. 10. (1. Hiiudolph, Airs. II. C. lOlllotl, Mrs. Al. II. Aliincy, Allss Iliiiul Sliickluiid, Mrs. A. II. Perrln. Mrs. A. Ayer, Airs, l-'i-imlc llrown, Mrs. W. AlcKiichorn. Mrs. L. W. Aloltgnr, Airs. 10. A. Post, Airs. K. It. Aletger, Mrs. Churlcs Doilsun Mrs. Puiil Truxler, Mrs. H. T. Hun son, Mrs. It. A. Ilavls, Airs. I). W llelllwull,- Airs. C. II. Wilde. .Mrs (I. Al. Ilerrle. Mrs. Fred Schwartz, .Mrs. .1. I,. Yarnall, Mrs. II. ( Darby. Airs. W. P. Ilnrrls. Airs. II. S. Illack, Mrs. I.. 10. McClintock, Mrs. A. A. Wilder, .Mrs. Waller Klsber, Mrs. J. C. Illllne, Mrs. W. Hone, Mi-h. Paul Parsons. Mrs. Na than Piillerum und Aire. H. C. Plielteplace. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HAS VERY ENJOYABLE MEETING ON THURSDAY Airs. J. L. Polvtll was a very gracious hostess lo tile members I of llle (liirileu Valley Women's club at the clubhouse Thursday an cr imen. Ileum It'iil hoiuiunis of nar cissi, iluflodlls und ol her spring flowers limn the 'I'. M. Wlnnll'onl giirilens, were arranged nboiit the room. Iteports from the recently held clinked rood sale Indicated a very suilsiiictorv return. Ijullilng and visiting occupied the ' afternoon hours. Mrs. Potvln invited the girls of the Harden Valley school lo Join the group ror the refresh ment hour. Mm. Potvln was nil slsted In serving by her daughter, I'rlscilhi. Ilesldcs the girls froin the school those present Included Mrs. William Vaughn. Mrs. II. Wells. Mrs. (I. C. Ilalley, Mrs. It. A. Callioiiu, Mrs. John Daniels. All's. II. lOwen. .Mrs. Donna Fergu son. Mrs. II 10. Ilraliiim. Alls. C. W. Hughes. Airs. K. S. Mutton, Mrs W. ll. Love. Mrs. A. Nlduv, Mrs Hugh Itlichle Jr., .Mrs. Peter Sin clair. Mrs. A. M. Schneider. Alls. C 1'. Spiny anil Mrs, Hubert Wood anil daughter, Hetty. The nci meeting will he held at the clubhouse April ir. with -Mi'.i. ll. A. Ctilhouu as hostess. M. K. LADIES AID TO HAVE LUNCHEON NEXT THURSDAY NOON The Methodist lOplscnpnl Ladles Aid will bold lis April one o'clock luncheon lii the .Jiiirch purlers ni'M I'huisduy lllleiiioou. Airs. It, U Whipple Is uetiernl chairman mid will he assisted by Alls. U Al. Lilly. .Mis. Keilnelh Fonl. .Mrs. Percy llol.liison, Mrs. II. J. Lock wood. Mis. p. T. Illllmr anil Mrs. It. D. Coon. The devotions will he cnlidiicled by Mm. A. f. AlaiKters. All iiHii'ber.i em their Irlends uu Invited. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, P. N. G. CLU8 HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING FRIDAY EVENING The Past Noble (irunds club held a very enjoyable meeting Frl duy evening at the J. K. Pickens home on South Alain street with .Mrs. Pickens, Airs. C. II. Wickhum, .Mrs. II. F. Hatfield and Mrs. Jess Patrick, hostesses. Ixively bououets of spring flow ers were used about the rooms. The business meeting wus charge of Airs. H. A. Taylor, nresl dent, mid iiluns were made for an April frolic lo be held the even lng of April 12 at the I. O. O, hull. The general public Is Invit ed. Mrs. Fred A. Gotr, AIi-b. Alvln Wetherell und Airs. 101'flo Sehwarz will have churgc of the affair. Oaines wore enjoyed and later refresbments were served at table prettily appointed In the Hhister motif. Covers were placed for Airs. J. II. Ilalley, .Mrs. C. W. Clark. -Mrs. Fred A. Ooff, Mrs. Delhi Hatchings, Airs. V. T. Jackson Al i'B. N. Al. Nelson, Airs. H. II, Itoudman, Airs. lOffie Schwarz, .Mrs. Alvia Wetherell, Airs. II. A. laylor. Airs, until Iteese, Miss .May Fisher and the hostesses, Mrs. Pickens, Airs. Hatfield, Airs. Wick ham and Mrs, Patrick. The next regular meeting will lie April is nun Mrs. T. I), uusen bark. Airs. Fred A. lioff, Mrs, Albn Spaiigh and Airs. lOtfle Schwarz, hostesses, , , MRS. P. M. LEE IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE; ; CLUB TUESDAY EVENING , Mrs. P. M. iee entertained her bridge cluh at a charming seven o'clock desserl-supper Tuesday evening nt her. home on lOnst Dolig- las. street. A .lovely handkerchief shower, was given ito Airs. lOrnest lJatters6n who Is leitvingithiB week for Alarshfleld to make her home. ' Covm-8 weroi placed for Mrs. F.r nest, Patterson, -'.Mrs,' c. Wesley WllllaiiiB. Mrs, Owen Walker. Mrs (I. A(. lies, Miss Coleita Lungen herg,' AIIbb Doris Jackson and Airs. Ijce. members, nntl Airs. Chester Hercher, a, guest. , , Japanese ouIiicq was ntti-actlve- ly used ill bououetB for the occil slon. 'The' evening hburh were en- joyuhly spent In pluying contract llrldge Willi .Mrs. Lee winning high score, Mrs. Patterson second high and the coiiBolalion prize going to Mrs. Williams. , MR. AND MRS. JOHNSON ENTERTAINED AT DINNER PARTY SUNDAY EVENING Faster Sunday evening Dr. and All's. H. C. Church enterlalned ut cluii'ining seven o clock dinner party at their attractive home In Laurelwood to compliment Air. nntl Airs. Wlllurd Johnson, who are leaving Itosoburg for Portland to reside. A pretty yellow and white uinllf was carried out on the table by the use -of spring rlowers and tall Ivory tapers. Covers were placed for Air. and Airs. Johnson, guests of honor, Mr. mid Airs. II. O. Par- meter, Air. and Airs. J. It. Wharton, Dr. mid Airs. H. It. Shoemnker, .Mr. and Airs. Will 11. llerrelseh unit Dr. and Mrs. Church. lovely gift was presented to Air. anil Airs. Johnson, and the evening hours were, enjoynbly spent In visiting. f MERRY-GO-ROUND CLUB IS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. EARL SMITH The Alerry-llo-ltound .club was delluhtlully entertained at a lovely one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon given by Airs. lOurl Smith at the Ciuy Smith home ul Winston. Wednesday afternoon. Pinochle anil sewing were en joyed during the ul'lernoon by Alls. F.rilest Admuson, Airs. John Cross. Mrs. Theodore Peterson mid Airs. John Zander, guests, mid the following members: Mrs. L. II. Skinner. Airs. W. C. Winston. .Mrs. Al. 11. Creen, Airs, tleorge lluclier. Airs. John Wilson. .Mrs. It, I). Klelst, Airs. Howard Carncs, Airs. J. 10. Pickens, Mrs. Hurry Winston, Mrs. Clay Smith. Mrs. Ilorolliy Lander, .Mrs. Clyde Adair. Mi-b, Kill'! Agee, Airs. Archie Wil son und the hostess, Airs, Karl Smith. MR. AND MRS. HOLQATE ENTERTAIN AT THEIR HOME WEDNESDAY EVENING Mr. und Airs. Veril llolgule en leilalncd ul a dellghtiiil bridge party ut their home In Siltberllu Wednesday evening. Cilests In cluded Air. mid Mrs. Aliirvllt Fish or. Air. und Airs. L. D. Itohertson. Mr. and Alls. II. S. Slack. Air. and .Mrs. .Mark Jordan and Air. and .Mrs, Bert Courtney. Spring Mowers were at tract He- Iv used aboill Ihe rooms for the occasion. Contract bridge was In Play during Hie evening with .Mi ami Mrs. Fisher winning Ihe high score prixca ami Mr. und Airs. Courtney the table piines. CATHOLIC LADIES SEWING SOCIETY MEETS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Catholic Ladles Sewing so ielv met al Ihe home of Mrs. Kugeue Prlnceu. Wednesday alter noon. Mrs. P. J. Smyth mid dmigti- , Miss tirace, assisted Mrs. Pi liiecn. The afternoon was ssnl In vis iting and at ihe tea hour dainty refreshments were served to Airs. Mary III. an. Mis. K. L. Slllrey. Alls. A. J. it;idigan. Mrs. Frank .Monroe, Mrs. l-'aetle lingenbeig. Mrs. I. II. Nichols. .Mrs. Alary Fur lotoT. Mr;. I.llev Jennings. Mrs. Cyiil Nichols and Airs. W. Fest. LAURA BURROUGHS AND HENRY J. CHANDLER JR. MARRY EASTER SUNDAY Miss Laura Burroughs, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Bur roughs of Oreen, became the bride of Henry J. Chandler Jr. at a pret ty ceremony solemnized Faster Sunday at the borne of the bride groom's parents, Air. and Airs. Henry J. Chandler. The Rev. C. A. Edwarda read the marriage service ut one o'clock. Airs. T. (!. Havens Jr. of AlarsV field was the bride's only attend ant. T. U. HaveiiB acted as best map. Aliss Ina Farnsworth Bang preceding the ceremony and Mrs. David Hill played the wedding march. The bride was attractive In a tallleur of beige wool with blue accessories. Her corsage was of roue buds and sweet peas. Airs. Havens wore an ensemble of grey and a corsage of roses and sw eet j peaa.v Airs. Chandler Is a popular grad uate of the Itosoburg high school. Air. Chandler is a graduate of the Koseburg high school and 'also of Oregon Institute of Technology at Portland, lie IB an operator for HklliNU, ' 1 ' '. An Informal' reception was given after me, ceremony by the bride grooms motner. out of town guests attending the wedding were Air. and Airs. George r. Piper of Chicago, pncle and aunt oi ine nrmegrooni. . hollowing a abort trip. Mr. and Airs. Chandler will make their home at Oreen. - E. MARK8 HONORED AT SURPRI8E PARTY ON BIRTHDAY WEDNESDAY C. K. MarkB wbb very pleasantly surprised at ins Home Wednesday evening, the occasion being his niriiiday anniversary, (luesls en joying the occasion with Air. and Airs. Alarks included Air. and Airs. T Tipton, I.Mr. ;nnd; Airs. :B. A Helriiboldt, MV. 'mill airs.- lOldoii Ogle, Air, and Airs. L. L.' Winiber- (', All'. ia,nd Airs, E. G. Cloake, All', and Airs. John 'Alarks, Mr. 'and Mrs., Roy . Good, Airs. Kenneth Cloake, Mrs. Anna Dickie, Miss Pearl Jones and 11, U. Harding. ;lkrge bouduots of aptihg flow ers were ;uhui( 'about tho rooms. ive-nuudred was tn play dur ng the evening with Airs. GqoiI win ning the ladles' prize- nud :Mi Harding the men's prize. Lpter Airs. Marks served delicious , re freshments and a large -birthday cake wa.s cut. and served; i M. O. A. CLUB HAS t ENJOYABLE AFTERNOON AT ROY GOOD HOME l iMrs. Hoy Good very kiaciously cntertuiiitHl (ht Al, O. A. club- at her home ' WGtlnemliiy !tf'tcrtiQOi. iMih. John TmvIh was? elected president mill Miss Peaj'l J on en whs elected trensurer of -the cluh. SewiiiK und vlKttinc weVe enioy ed until the tun hour. When 'Aliti. (lood nerved delicious J, retreslt mentfl to Mrs. Uzzle Connelly und Mrs. C. E. Murks, gtiesta; -und Mrs. C. T. Tipton, Mrs. lu. A. Helmbdldt, Mrs. Anna Blclde. Mrs, K. Q. Cloake, Mrs. Kenneth Clouke, MiU. .1. K. Murks, Mrs. John uuvi.s, .Mrs. 1 4. L. Moore, Mrs. Wlilon OkI(J. Mrs. C. n. Culltlns and Miss Pearl Jones. Mrs. (food whs assisted in serving hy Mrs. Tipton und Mrs. Kenneth Cloake. The next nioetliiK will' be 14 ut the home of Airs. C. W. Cook. MRS. LUCY JENNINQ8 GIVES VANISHING LUNCHEON TUESDAY" ! , i Airs. Lucy JuunhiKs ehtertiUned ut a very lovely rour-coui-se one clock luncheon as u .vanishing! affair heueritlnu St. Joseph's Catholic Ladles Sowing society at her home Tuesday. iCaster lilies anu jonquils wore used as decora tions for (he affair. Mrs; Jennings us assisted ny .Mrs. K. .L. Shlrey, Mrs. K. Kord 'und Mrs. J, Keezer, Covers were placed for Mrs. It. II. Wlllett. Mrs. Frank- Monroe. Mrs. I. II. Nichols, Mrs. Maty Uryan, Mrs. V. I'Vst, Mrs. L. L. .Miller, Mrs. .Martin Caul, Mrs. Fayette Uiimonherg, Mrs. A. .!. ItadiKnn, -Mrs. Kuxeuo Prlncen and Miss Kllzubctlt Paul. Sewirnt und vlsliine were enjoy ed during the pleusaut nfternoon home. MRS. CHAPMAN IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON MONDAY Mrs. Frederick Chapman Jr. en- rlalued her hridue cluh ut a very lovely onethlrly o'clock dessert luiichoou .Monday nt her home in Laurelwood, Altractlve bououels of forsythia were used ns a deco- ratie motif for the occasion. t overs we iv arranued for .Mrs. O. Ii. Hess, .Mrs. Frank Coen.Mrs. Kdwin Month. -Mrs. Scott William, Mrs. A. I. Purr, Airs. Cordon Hlhhs. Alts. Frederick J. Porter ti ml Mrs. Chapman, (out met hridue was enittveil tlurini; the nfternoon with Air. Porter winnlni; the prlne. EVERGREEN GRANGE TO HAVE BENEFIT PROGRAM TUESDAY, APRIL 13TH The liH'itihcrs of the Kvcrgrpeii miumc have planned it procruni fin- April l:lth lo miHc niom-y bon- elllitig the eriiime hull lllnil. A onc-aci driimti. "Harold's Hull's," tap ihinclne. slight of luiud, limbic mid a client driinia ill be Included In the entertain- im-llt. A. hcaulillll quilt will he when by the ladles us ii dour lri?.e. I he public has heun invited tit injoy the uitalr. FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE TENT HAS MEETING ON THURSDAY EVENING Klnrcnce Mulilliicalc tent No. IS. Paiuhtri'S of I'liiim Veterans of the Civil War. IMII IMi.-i, met ill the armory 1'hiirsiluv evening, at lin-1 ttnte .vii-. .clntii sninH wan hix'iillcd us senior vlce-nresidcui. mid .Min. Hose (Ireeli was Initialled nm i.iilri.. The next meelliie will be ill 7;.1n the en ning o( April In al the aini- OREGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 3, 1937. WERE GETTING FURRIER new-as mo iii-Bt darrodlls In scarr, split to Jook like. tyo. Equallyl charming Is the ormlno jacket ter ot tana al tne. collar.' ; , lly JIAKION YOUNG NHA Service Staff Writer. NEW YORK Summer furs have sleiiped Into the linie.lplu llijs sca soil. Hmart women are huyh'g pert little Jackets .to weaj- over Bulls as well as suuve capes, boleros -and short swaggers 'for evening. Fur sweniere are the darlings of the hour. Cut to mold Ihe figure does a knitted swe.-itor. you wear one of these right over ithe Jacket of your suit or In place ;oi It. They come, in such :ight- sum mery furs as barondiiki, rosy i-hciee' ermine,. lupin in various pastel shades. t.S .( , ',' . ' Two-tailed. ,Foes , f; . Sllvtii1 -fox ,'swlrla' .in-ir SnAwfl.-ir llv- 'tL pectalHiirocess, a-sllver fox llelt Is spltt Horn neck to sjiot where :ifl' Joins the, body. - A wnito? tipped r tail -. Is added to- the- half which then is tall-less. Iu other YdUNG PEOPLE'S :' : LEAGUE HAS '..'. .!.' -V ENJOYABLE MEETING ' The young People's league of St. Paul's Lutheran' 'church met Tues day evening at the -pastor's- -home for-n most interesting 'meeting. During the topic study period the first four chapters of the' book of Mark were considered in a unique manner. This was followed by a short business meeting. The rest of the evening was spent 'socially in ' playing various games. Miss Helen and Miss Bertha Sundntl and Air. and Mrs. w. A. Sylvester serv ed on the lunch committee. Those present Included Wayne Miller, Kaymnnd Mortimer, Jack Whiting Miss Vera (loeU, Miss Kleunor Morllnier, Ixiuis Wilson,' Howard lilies, Slew-art Ilaker, Uev.. and Mrs. W. A. Sylvester Herman Ad- kius, .M Ihh Helen Sandau uud Miss Hertha Sandau. Tho next mo'etlug will take place at the home Mrs.. Charles Mortimer on April 20. The meeting of April C ia be ing omitted. MISSIONARY PLAY IS PRESENTED AT DILLARD A group of Indies of the Mission ary society and girls of the World Wide guild of the First Baptist church went out to nillard M. H. church last Monday eveulng: and presented the play "Two Masters." The play was under the able di rection of Mrs. ) W, Kennedy, who took the part of Mrs. Von Del- Ut Jones, a society Indy who "did China" In two weeks and was Ihercfore-iin authority on missions In that country. Oilier leading pHi-ts were taken by Htilh Knlgge as Janet MarCrae, Mrs. I. II. Pent- ney as "Orandma." Mrs. .1. Ft. Tliru hllll as Mrs. Vim Home, Mrs. I,. II. Hughes us president of the Cul llire Cluh." (3thers taking part were Mary Alice Wolfortl, Joyce l,nmoreiix ami Betty Byrd. All of fering was taken for missions. PAUL WARREN HOST TO BASKETBALL LETTERMEN AT DINNER THURSDAY NIGHT Paul Warren, high Bchool coach. entertained the basketball letter men at a very enjoyable stag din ner Thursday evening at his homo on Mill street. Covers were placed tor Boh Har ris. Knute Kerschner. llowurd Krllts. LnVon linker, Hay Mor gan. Iiorvn Miller, Pete Hutter, (leorge Saunders, Junior Ilice. uiyle Campbell, Unbelt l (llle and Paul Wiirren. LOVELY BIRTHDAY DINNER IS ENJOYED ON EASTER SUNDAY Mr. end Mrs. William Calhoun entertained nt n very Im-elv birth- lay dinner Kaster Siindav honor ing ihelr mothers. Mrs. Norn Ware anil Mrs. H. A. Calhoun. The table was beiHItlfllllffhtecnr. aled with a lame bowl ot daffodils mid lull yellow llgliteil taiicra. whlle Hie Knsler motif was cur ried out In the plucocarits. Cov- your spring garden Is the silver tox . : r i T' i (Jacket words, each swi-.'l has two talis and only one head. . Your head roes tlnoiis;li- the hiidille and you look- us If .you were werlng two scarfs instead 01 one. These can be worn several way.s. and help you to 'Change the appearaifce of opi ing - suit Ol - l Clllllutu IVILltUUl much trouble and ut "no added ex pense. - k r ' 1 1 ' , - ; , For evening, tliero jm-s' erniine jackets..1 capes .'of white, blue, red and silver fox, neat little' boleros in pastel laplii. A short red tox cape. Is perfect over a navjv black, beige or gray spring suit uud flat end li; the evening. The saipe ::is 'tl-uo, of silver fpx, so: ir you nt your wrap to do- double rtll!S.; plclt one pt ' lllese rather than .c, model of yfhite.'ior blue: fox. ", v --White and -Blackv .; A-'short. boxy jacket : ql sleek ere Were -"arranged for :Mr. Ware and Mrs. -Calhoun, gtiusts of. honor; ft. A.. Cnilidun, lr. and Mrs.' Ivan A. 'Calhoun' and:!Mrs. B. ii. Reese, of Tillamook, Dale Cullimin. of Eu-gene,1- Mr,-: and Mrs, llarleyV Ware aildv two '.chihh'on. Mr. and j Mrs: Cordon "Ware mid Mr."' and' Mrs. Wllilani Calhonr, host , and hos tesd. .i , - - " VJsitlng was enjoyed during Che pleasant afternoon -hours.-; OlXONVILLE LADIES .' ENJOY THURSDAY AT LINDfjLOOM HOME The ladles of Dlxonvillo spent Thursday at tho homo of Mrs. Hnttlo Mndhlnoiii. (Jiillting nnd visiting were ojt.lo.Ved and a lovely 12:30 o'clock isWuek luncheon was served. , Covers w'ere nrrhnged for Mrs. Norma Hatfield. Mrs. Corrln John son, Mrs.- Kathrlne lleldenrelch, ..Mrs. .Laura Brown, Mrs. Klla Hrown,. Mrs. Ed Wright. Mrs. May Hose, Airs. Bessie Campbell, Mrs. Alda Hrumbuch. Mrs. . Charles Krogel, Mrs. .1. Rnyce. Mrs. Mary l.ane. Mrs. Helen Slgfriedson, Mrs. Kathleen Weber, Mrs. Kdgar Hus tins, Mrs. c. L. Branton and Mrs. Hatlie Ijindhloom. ' MRS. P. T. BUBAR 18 HOSTESS TO BRIDGE . CLUB ON THURSDAY Mrs. P. T. llubar entertained her bridge club at a cliarming one o'clock luncheon Thursday at her home on Kust Lane street. Covers were placed for Mrs. John C. Perkins, Mrs. T. G. Wat son und Mrs. II. C. Oarby, guests, uud Mrs. O. C. KMiilny. Mrs. l. It. Morgan. Mrs. Iloy Kuller, Mrs. .1. I-J. Banyan und Mrs. Buhur, juem bers. Contract bridge ivns enjoyed dur ing the afternoon . with Irs. Knt ler winning tho cluh prle; Mrs. Darby the guest pme and the consolation 'prUe going' to Mrs. Unlay. EXECUTIVE LUNCHEON TO BE HELD NEXT TUESDAY AT HOTEL ROSE The executive committee, direc tors and clubhouse - board of the Koseburg Woman's club will meet al a 12 o'clock luncheon next Tues day al the Hotel Hose. Those asked to be present In clude Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Mrs. Waller l'lsher, Mrs. J. II. Foley. Mrs. It. W. MaiMters. Mrs. A. C. Mm-sters, Mrs. Thomas Parkinson, Mrs. Scott Williams. Mrs. C. W. Sytnn. Mrs. W. K. Ott, Mrs. Bertha Parrot!. Mrs. KoHter Butner, Mrs. William Bell, Mrs. C. II. Bailey ami Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. . PAST MATRONS CLUB TO MEET MONDAY NIGHT The 1'ast Mnlrons club of the Kaslern Star will meet at a 7:3u o'clock desserl-supper next Mon day evening nt the T. B. Vlrden home on North .laekson street with Mrs. Vlrdun nnd Mrs. A. K. Klllotl joint hoslessoi. All mem bers are most cordially Invited. AND FURRIER swirl "i (loft), mado from one fox O'iKht) short and boxy Willi a Clus from Stoln and.IIlalne, Now York.) i black cm-ucul, with three-quarters sleeves, squared shoulders and stand-up collar would, be charming over beige, gray , or black. One store suggests a boxv jacket ol baum iiumcil, lemon yellow gloves and , bag w-iiyear Willi 11 .suit. All- oiner suggests! a snorl. i.iniK cape, with thu skins manipulated in zig zag eflect. The vogue- for. .white be ing what It la right now, consider topping, a -rather, forjnal . bluck broadcloth suit with, a white . er mine boxy jacket and .it A.-hite straw sailor. ' ' ' . One nttraetlve ermine jacket, shown hern; today, looks .,' )IUo ; a Mandarin, coat; chopped , .off just above the hips. ...It . has . ii, little stand-up collar with .tails oil , ,'tlio labs 'of ll.-.Wneu tho coliar Is. flis tened, the tails dangle in a cluster In tho hollow of the throat. . WOMEN'S COUNCIL HAS INTERESTING MEETING ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON , ' The Women's : Council of the First Christian church held an in teresting meeting Tliiirsduy after noon -In the church parlors with Mrs. James Hiitchings, presiding. Plans were mude for 'a food sale to be hold at McKean and Bald win's April 10. The rummugo sule, which was also planned for the same date, has been indefinitely postponed.': . - , , . . , Tho missionary leader for the ,.,nlln,r H-no li-n AI..I.I.. 1) ,n I lor. The members enjovetl sew- lug on articles for the annual ha zaar. At Die lea hour delicious re frcshiuents wore served by Mr.l. I,. W. Ingels, Mrs. Plumer, Mrs. William Uoyer and Mrs. William Keller. ' The next meeting will bo May 6 In the church parlors and the eoui mltteo includes Mi-b. James Miller, Mrs. Llllio Plaster, Jlrs. James tiutciiiugs und the missionary leud er, Mrs. Paul Blaskey, . - DOUGLAS HEALTH UNIT REPRESENTED AT T. B. ASSOCIATION MEETING Miss Janet Moffat, Douglas coiuiiy neanu nurse; Mrs. lioy (). oung, president of the Douglas I.OU1U.V I'unnc Health association, and Mrs. C. O. Ferrier. county chairman nnd also a member of the state board of directors, went to Portland Monday to intend tho annual stato meeting ot the T. 11. association. They returned to Hose burg Thursday night. Mrs. Ferrier attended tho direc tors luncheon at the Woodlark minding banquet room Wednesdnv complimenting Mrs. Sadie On- Diin- nar, who was honored by receiv ing beautiful gifts for her nart In obtaining a large appropriation for the new T. II. sanitarium for uregon. ine state meet lur nm one ot the best attended held in several years. BETTY HOXIE HAS DELIGHTFUL PARTY ON BIRTHDAY FRIDAY Betty llnxie celebrated her eleventh birthday anniversary at a ery mveiy pariy yesterday ufler. noon at four o'clock. Gifts were presented to Betty from Patricia McClintock, Shirley Parsons, Mar garet Cordon. Mnrinn I-:iiznimii, Church, Agnes Itlllh Johnson. Klea nor Mlcelll. Ruth Ann Huhl, Bar bara Ann Turner. Jauu Kllsworth, i-iuricia anu Joyce (u!no, l.evon lerguson ami Ardeth Itoso Ul h. arils. , Cimes were nluved iiml li.- dellttous supper was served. JOB'S DAUGHTERS TO aitti Nh XT TUESDAY Job's Daughters will meet nt 311 o'clock next Tuesdav pvnnlnir at the Masonic temple, at which limp-the itmlnf M-m i...... l of the session with BVanor Kntler invsldlng as queen. All member. are uritert to be present. DISTRICT MEETING OF I LEASTERN STAR IS HELD ( MhERE THURSDAY EVErllNQ The district metelng of liaatern Star was held at the Masonic U-ui. pie hero Thursday evening, at which time Mia. Myrtle Peterson, worthy grand matron of the grand. , chapter of Oregon, Ontario, and Mrs. Haille Utimpington, of the credentials committee of grand chapter of Oregon, Eugene, were present. Koseburg chapter opened the meeting with Mrs. Victor J. Mlcelll, worthy matron, presiding. Oregou chunler. Nn R7. of Canvnnvllln tnnt. over the meeting for escort duty wun aire, reari mesorve, worthy matron, presiding. The ballotlug was in charge of Valentine chap, tsr, No. SS, itlyrtle Creek, with lra Arln f 1ra wToi-d . nunnelntn i on, presiding In the absence of tho worthy matron, Mrs. A. W. Cas well u-hn u-iir liimlilo In ha eut, having been called to LaGrande oy tue ueain oi uer nioiuer. ini tiation was in chareo of MiRt1otnn chapter No. 114, Riddle, with Miss, Ruth Mosthof, worthy matron, m-e. '' siding. Roseburg chuuter offi cei- returned to their chairs for the business meeting, at which Unto ' Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Hunipington nml Mm Curl 10 WlmhnHv fl,,. i... lei- nf the IliHftnl-lirlnnca enmmlltnn' of grand chapter ot .Oregon, were escoriea to tne .asi auu introduc ed. Mrs. Peterson gave her ad dross and a beautiful myrtlewood lamp was presented from all of tho couplers oi inis uistrict to Mrs. Peterson. The presentation was made by Mrs. Wimberly. William Austin, wnrthv nnttv... of Koseburg chapter, was surprised anu nuiiureu, ine occasion Doing his birthday anniversary. A beau tifully decorated nm! llphlnri ihan. . tier birthday cake was brought into tne chapter rooms and pre. sented to Mr. Austin hv Mi-a lr,.. ces Llntott, associate matron ot Koseburg chapter. On behalf of Koseourg chapter, Mrs. Peterson, presented tho pust patrons pin to Ml'. AlfStin. The hh-lhrluv ....Lr.-S was . cut Dy Mr. Austin and then returned to tho banquet room for serving., .... ' trie" Douglas'"" Natlonul Bank, which celebrated its r .fifty-fourth, anniversary Thursday, presented a chest of gold-covered chocolate candy dollars toi the guests. The Chapter rooms Wore beauti fully, decorated with huge baskets of Japanese quince 'and Easter bunnies. . ,, i , The' refreshments wu,-k :Dn...,n.i buftet style In the ! banquet room with Mrs. Geoi-go K. . Qulile and All's. Georee kr,lilh,run n,...i, . Mrs. G. H. Bates. Mvrtto e.i. and Mrs. G. N. Riddle, of BIddle! alternating : at the coffee urus. tiui-ge bowls or kiiva. pi,nn..u. -i..r .... i iiucuul UUI- fodils, splrea and Jaiianese quince nois .iweu. us a. decorative motif lor the banquet room. .,. j : The-hosteKR -,.n,n,uinn i-I- evening included; Mrs. Wiishliigton ..-.... u juisa riiuei webb, Joint chairmen. Mm n: u I-.-.....- "i . J. at. whartoh. ',vu 'i.,. Airs. Rov (llc, l , "'T,r,"'"" "u."1"' r, umiso uu MI'S. Geo go K. yuine and Mr. and Mrs. -VI. E. Hitter. Sr. Ahn, -ivi, ....... present. "- Precodlnir tha iiUi..iA. .,. tJ: - u,onn;i iiieeimg the ofr li'nva nt ..i . - .. . ,n.t.i V V- wuujneis ot tills dlsti let honored Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Huiuplngtou at a dinner at tne Uinpqua hotel. niTH? oeMt. ,meuB of Roseburg n,Pn eI' ""' "Bi1 Anr" " "it temple. An interesting program is being arranged lor the occasion. - m!LLA K MARTIN i HON'ORpn at . . n DINNtR AT UMPQUA HOTEL I dlnnM?",""!"8 'Cl0Ck I or m c: . ,- Hiven- in Honor I of A s. t,na K. Martin at the Ho tol Umpnuu Weilneli.v '.. Mrs. Manli. .. ...7.-"" ?.,.,"""'" ! "uiucu mis week- i o.t ine goveriiinniit ' Covers wnr ,.l....n.l ... ... .. I'l.ii,. . , , "i a ocautl- : I ully appointed tablo for Airs. Alar-, i iii A u "u"01'' ms- Jameal Cilham Osborne, Airs. Heleuo An- (Contuiued on pago S.) POET'S CORNER 'JUST GOING HOME" G. M. LIJEPElt Add luo hours Wiien'wo are sad To the hours When we are glad, rheu take the and ones All away And wo have the end Of a perfect day. Add to thy tresses Of bright wavy hair A little pain A little care, That take from !li'0 Long years uway And no have silver Threads among tho gray. Add to the garden Roses in the dew Along the w ing palh here the moon Is shining through; Then the gloaming As daylight closos, And wo have .Moonlight and roses. Add lo the mountain Ihe darkness of night Where oncu before The day was bright Ami a figure Slowly. walking nliino lown the Hloplug Incline And we have Ihe Hall Oi the lonesome pine. Add to Ihe volt-u A soul divine Where purity and luvo Alone Is thine; -. Then the harp-- ; With Its golden strings. ; And We have ihe songs -I hat hc.iveu brings. .... Subtract from death , Deeds loyal and pure That make our heavenlv Honn secure. ', ; And as our reel Shall cease to roam, H is not diath Just going home. O