ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1937. FIVE NEWS-REVIEW CUMified AdU. Phon 100 RATES Single Insertion, per One week, per word.....6c One montb, per line... ....... fl.00 Minimum charge - . 25c Cod? for tbia page will be acept- ed until 11 a. m. ot the day ot pub lication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility (or and In no way guarantees the tinancial responsi bility or Integrity or the advertis ers in the classified columns. Read' era are urged to make full Investi gation before sending money In re sponse to advertisements. The Newa-Review reserves the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It furtner reserves tne rignt to classify all advertising under the proper classification. Livestock O. I. C. Doar and brood bow for sale or trade for heifer or cow. 21 niilos north of Kosoburg, first place on Newton Creek road. HORSES for solo at Mlddledale stock farm, 4 miles S. E. of Goshen, Cloverdale road. Tim Dery, Creswell. FOR SALE One big work horse. One young brood sow. Will far cj,iow soon. Fred Holmgren, Azalea. FOR SALE Highland Scotch and Welsh shephord pups. Bogard ' stralu. Phone 31F13. Bob Lane. FOR SALE 3 young broke horses, .1600, 1400 and 800 pounds. Jonsie Jones, Myrtle Creek. FOR 8ALE 2 well-matched 3-year-old ' geldens, gentle. John Abcene, 42F3j Oakland. WANTED TO BUY Fresh, cow, three or four years. Harold Powell, TJmpqua. ' SEVEN pigs, -, 7 weens old, $4.00 apiece. T. C. Buckle,- Melrose Star Route. i . . 31 nrcmrniWaniAM r.. IS Ti Vnlth I 322 E. 2nd Ave. N. ' Phone 359-R'. Store. Phone M0-J. Dlllard, Ore. Phone 8F5. i ...--,-, -wi -r i i ' r ri ' 1 ( A6EEAT IMVEUTIOM ...IT WEIGHS OME ' W3m (WELL. SUPPOSE I PRESSED! Xlt f I GET7HG IDEA? A WOMAW COULD 4 THOUSAUD POUWDS' IVE WORKED ON THE I WHAT I 1 rrr inunouN ini- uio,-. ,. ,e? , n 1 ir. r- iwvi nw uao. nvj- V I 1 I TWEOPTV "THATT PCWER CAN BE "TRANSMIT- tXSVOU I I IMAI rWiSSUM:. touuu KurnJ vhl IB -TUUMCT . IMUMBTD WA WKE N HER 7 - 1 m TEDTHRU SPACE WITHOUT SENOINS IT. S MEW Mf I t- sN I I" ,wr w 1 THE IMPRINT OR ( -THE I I UVtN AT HOME .' ALL tT3U GOTTA 1 f?5S2Ll 1 ;hrrr " . XVifA.f IMPRESS rTSELFOrJ i shovV ON SOME- L', !! A CAM LIFT A "THOUSAND itSs ' I MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE , Stopped By Voices - By, Thompson and Coll I WaNTON-SO VOU) OP COURSE 1 CAMeT I rTFiTwOTM.No... I. i PLEMTV I I f WWSS TO 71 M A llJSlk I DID COME jZS . BACk.' BUT,MVRA.. VOU STARTLED "TI !3 CLAW fff O LP TOT O rj THE FEW TM MPS TO 7ELL L-S ciRfEL'XA , 1 K3K.' WHATS WfJOMQ ? ME, THAT'S ALL. HNOW5 VvES V"! .f00?, A5-T, VvSiZ iJSJS SntXlotrlSnl I rT 1 I JSJT I VVHV VO VOU r WHAT HAVE LOU ) IW MOUENTIA. CETS. "PAR. .. I'LL TELL CT- kjf PU5MES POOR SLOWLV IMWAgP. 1 Tf &TlsX&"TA'JEA"TMEy . FOUMD OUT?y WE'LL HAVE VOU WAT WE'RE TO TO. L . I MUU , s 1-1 Wfl J j 0UY' . ' j!c II BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES AuntPenny Isn't Fooling . By Martin t 1 - I..'. " ' ' " 1 ' --0.' 1 " " l-a - - - -, - m , IWASHTUBBS Lulu Belle Has Her Own Rules By Crane 1 1 PISTOLS! BUTV0UW W) OM.VOU r7 T 0M"fyid w o r jl linger cow horse, gentle. heavy milkers. W,rbl ery, Camp View. V W Vbb's Hatch- FIGS 8 weeks, M each, 2 miles north of Koseburg, first place on Newton Creek road. FOR SALE Seven 8-montbs-old pigs. R. L. Smith, Brockway. WmUd WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished modern house. Prefer close in. Must save replies at once. Phone Marshall Pengra, KRNR. CASH CASH For your scrap Iron. Metals of all kinds, rags, bottles. Paelfic Junk Co., 222 W. Oak St. WOOL and mohair, prices are good. Sell or contract now at Wharton Bros. WANTED 1000 deer skins to tan. Moore's1 Olove Shop, . Myrtle Creek, Ore. STRONG, light, ono-horse wagon. Cheap. Geo. Sackett, Riddle. WANTED Female t canaries. Phone 42F2. Educational WANTED FEW YOUNG MEN Mechanically Inclined, for tele vision, radio and sound picture industry. Training organization affiliated with leading manufac turer will properly prepare men selected. For personal Interview write elvlng age, occupation, phone, -references. Box 116, c-o News-Keview. Trade FOR" TRADE Fir shakes, cedar and yew posts, old growth wood; for hay, cattle or hogs. Clint Spradllng, ldleyld Park. FOB TRADB Radio for ' piano. OroBS ft Harsns. Typewriter REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dalton Adding Macnines, saies and service. Xoseburg Book Store. Phone ItO-J. FOR SALE 150 i For Sale, Miscellaneous BICYCLES and accessories. Delta Hoadmaster lamp, (1.00; two-cell Eveready flashlight, 25c; Stew art speedometers from 13.00 up. Roseburg Cyclery. FOR SALE 3-wheel, Btake body, stock trailer; good condition. 30x5 tires, 2500 pound capacity, (15.00. Harry C. Wood, Glide. Lone Rock road.- WHEY, ft-cent per gallon at plant. One cent per gallou on milk route. Your containers. Cobb Bros. Cheese Plant, Sutherlln. FOR SALE McCormlck-Deering separator, A-l condition. Capa city, 700 pounds. Inquire S40 Military. FOR SALE Kitchen range, corner cupboard, table and cubiuet; heater; rug. 424 Rast Ave. POTATOES Choice Netted Gem seed, sorted in 3 grades. Bone-, brake, Melrose. - SEB . your cream welshed and tested. Clyde Adair, Koseburg Creamery. MILR, grade A pasteurized or saw. Delivered dally. Unipqua Dairy. Phone U BERMUDA ONION plants, whito or yellow, are in stock at Whar ton Bros. FOB HALE CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator. Radio Juslo 8 torn MAYTAG washers Sales f.ud ser vice. Radio Muslo Siore. FOR SALE Electric washor and Ironer. 307 E. Oak St. PERK up with Pursang. Richard son's Drug Store. FOR SALE Shelled corn. W. Dixon, Dixonville. USED washers and used radios. Radio Music Store. BROCCOLI seed for sale. Harry Davis, Dlllard. SEVERAL .22 pistols and revolv ers. ' Also large calibres. Three . used .22 rifles like new. Other guns binoculars. Gun and reel repalrlug. P, O. Ackley, Guu smith, end ' of Oak . Street bridge. Poultry FOR SALE Whito Leghorn baby; chicks. Hurt's best strain, 40U out March 30. Reasonable. Also Bronze turkey eggs. Arthur Wal len, Route 2, Box 114, Roseburg. FOR SALE Today, 100 Bronze eggs, Kupetz strain, (18.00. Strong'B, Oakland, Ore. Help Wanted EXPERIENCED truck salesman to sell a fast selling line of cakes, cookies and crackers on good commission. Must have own truck and operate a permuneut route. Sido lines permitted. State experience. Apply Box 117, c-o News-Review. GIRL5 Wishing to become dental assistant, must bo high school graduate and continue studying as will receive a thorough course in dental nursing and small sal ary. Call 29 for appolutmeut. WANTED Woman or girl for gen eral housework. Phone 6SI3-J. WANTED Man to cut 25 cords wood. Sunshine ranch. WANTED Woodcutters, Curry Es tate. WANTED Woodcutters. Phone 665-R. Financial HOME . financing on approved Roseburg and vicinity property, under Federal Housing plan, or other forms of loans, at low in terest rates. No commissions. Why not start a ' savings ac count? Douglas Building & Loan Ass'n., Medical Arts Bldg., Rose burg, Oregon. Phone 246. Fuel Rental FOR RENT Well furnished stuc co bungalow. Inquire 604 W. Lane St. FOR RENT Modern 4-rooni fur nished cottage. Adults only. 315 South St. FOR RENT Four-room unfurnish ed apartment. 1118 Winchester St. FOR RENT 5-room turnisbed house. 420 Vista Avo. Mrs. Davis. FOR RENT Partly furnished house. 851 MoBher St. FURNISHED apartment, 424 Floed, corner Mill. MODERN apartments. Kohlhagen Apts. Phoae 550. - CLOSE IN Apartment. 802 W. - Washington. . . LARGE housekeeping room. 528 S. Pino St. Real Estate FOR SALE 200-acro ranch, freo water right, for irrigating. 30 acres; 65 acres in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; on good county road. Price for quick sale, (3,000.00. Bruce Com pany, Myrtle Crook. FOR SALE 120 acres of good timbor land, some good milling timber; and a lot of good wood near highway. Price, J200. Part cash and terms to right party. Box 42, Camas Valley, Oro. A LOT of territory! Yes, we have it, or will get it for you. Farms, all sizes and types. Small tracks, dwolllngs, lots, business prop erties. 122 South Stephens, Fred A. Goff. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Nine rooms. Close in. Reason able. Page Lumbor & Fuel Co., 709 N. Jackson St. Phone 242. 16s-acre ranch for sale, 7room house, barn, garage. Low price. Mrs. John Walker, Wilbur, Ore. Automobile USED CAR SALE 1936 Ford Deluxe Sedan 1936 Ford Deluxe Coach 1935 Ford Deluxe Coacb 1935 Ford Deluxe Coupe 1936 Ford Deluxe Pickup 1934 Ford Deluxe Sedan . 1933 Ford Coupe 1933 Ford Coach 1933 Ford Coupe 1930 Ford Sedan ' 1930 Ford Coach 1930 Ford Coupe r 1930 Ford Rdstr. 1929 Ford Rdstr. 1929 Ford Coupe 1929 Ford Coach 1935 Pontlao Sedan 1934 Willys "77" Coupe 1933 Terraplane Coach 1931 Chev. Coupe 1931 Chev. Coacb 1931 Graham Paige Coupe 1930 Olds. Sedan 1980 Olds. Coupe 1930 Chev. Coach 1929 Bulck Sedan . " . 1929 Dodge Sedan 1929 Studo. Sedan 1929 Chev. Coaoh ' 1929 Oakland Sedan. 1928 Chev. Sedan TRUCKS i 1935 Ford L. W. 1934 Ford L. W.. 1931 Ford L. W. 1930 Ford L. W. 1938 Chev. 8. W. SPECIALS 1926 Ford Coupe i..(15.00 1U25 Ford Pickup , 10.00 1927 Ford Pickup .. 36.00 1929 Ford Coach 85.00 1927 Essex Coach 60.00 1927 Pontlao Coupe 75.00 1927 Hudson Sedan - 96.00 . R. H. WILSON MOTOR .CO. FOR SALE House trailer (250.00 Chevrolet truck 260.00 Essex coach . 60.00 Essex coupe 60.00 Model A Ford 36.00 See them at the Roseburg Gar age, ' 1931 FORD Deluxe roadster. In ex cellent condition, 1937 llconse plates. Bargain price It sold this week. Inquire at 1123 Harvard Avo. CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con dition, all new tires. No trades. Olenn H. Taylor, Fire Dept. FOR SALE 1926 Dodge coupe. UOOQ CUUUIUUU. 13UX 11Q, 'p News-Review. MiaceUaneou GLASS. GLASS Get your glass out and ground for your car at Sarff's, m M. Main St. Phone 55J. , RADIO repairing, Rabi. iCloctrie Lost ind found FOUND Boy's coat. Owner may obtain same upon proper Identi fication and paying for this ad Inquire at Route 2, Box 39, Roseburg. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Baled hay. and straw. A. O. Webber, Suthorlln, Ore, $5 Pears Predicted MEDrOHD, Mnrch 26. (API- Local truitmon predicted a pried tor Anjou pears on the New York auction of (5 or bettor before the remaining 31 cars are sold. Two cars sold Wednesday for (4.46 a box, the highest price since the de pression. NOTICE TO ALL UNLICENSED DOQ OWNERS The present feo of (1.00 for malo and spayed females uud (1.60 on female dogs expires April 1. After that (1.00 extra will be charged on all dogs over 8 months. Bo sure your dog Ib licensed at 8 months; then you may still come undor the regular llcunoo, or it you buy oi receive a dog It can bo licensed al once tor the Borne. Victor Phlpps, Phone 22F3. John Aboeue, Oakland Exchange 42F3. . W. J. Meredith, 18F15. (Adv.) EA8TER NOVELTIES . And'Avhiit a variety! Easter bus kola, candy, egg dyes, Including! the new Mickey Mouse transfers, party fuvorn, Easter napkins. giCtsJ gi-eoting curdH in reguiur numneru and new juvenile und semi-comics. And toyB hundreds of kinds rubber, cellulotd, mechanical nov elties or Bluffed bunnies and blrdB, priced from 6c up. Cotton toys, 2 for lo and up. Uoautlful made-up basketB, 6c to. 49c. Never have you seen such an assortment of clev er, practical Easter toys and rIUb as you'll una at , uarrs more, Adv. NOTICIQ OF FIN Ati IU0AltI,(i In' the County Court of the Htate of uruKon inr ajouKius v;uuui,y. . In the mutter of the CHlatit or Mir ir'n vii AiHfitln V lull ft r. (1(hi(jiim1. Nntico 1h horiHiy jrlvr-n tinit- tho undi rMiKnod udmlnlHtruirfrd of.n'tho on tutu of AIiit'Karot Amelia Klsh-t decrtiiHiid. lias filed in tho above en titled court her final uccount of 'her adtiilnlHlrullon or said estate, and tho court, bv order duly made and entered, hus fixed MotiHnv. til1 26th day of April, 11137, at tho hour ui leu uciock a, Ai, as i no lime, und the county court room In the couriuouso at .ifosonurff. ijouk hi County, UreKOii, uh tlm plnce . f ol lieu r I ii K" objections, if any . there be, lo mild final uccount, or to tho set- tlniniint of mint imtatn. l)ato of first publlcntloii March stun, lutii, NTGLrjIlQ WAIIB. AdmiitlstrulrlK of the estuto ol MuiKaioi Amelia iisnur, tici'uuaeu, NOTICU TO CIIIOIII'I'OltH n Iho County Court of tho Btulo of uruKOR lor tno uouniy oi jjouk- llLU. In tho matter of tho estute of Will 11, Fisher, ducuiisud. Notice Is hereby Kiveu that tho underslKtied Iihh been, by order of tno County Court of DoIikIhh Coun ty, Orctfou, duly appointed adinlul strutor of tlm estatu of Will 11. Wisher, deceased. All perHotiH huv Iiik clultuM iiHralnst said estute are hereby required lo present the same to me, duly verified uh rciiulr ud by law, at the office of my at torneys, I. U. ' Watson and Iru IJ. Itlddlu, Itoom 10 OoukIus Nutlonui Hunk lildK.. HosohurK, UrcHon, WHliln six monlhs from this date. Uuted und Tlrst publislied this U&lh day of Alurch. iu:i7. ADItlAN M. FlHUUIt, Admliilstralor of the estulo ot WJ1I IL Flshor. deceased. NOTICU.TO CI(lCIITOIt! Nnth'o Is hereby slvcn that the IiluderslKnod has been duly uppolui ikI by tne County Court ut the Hlato of OrrKon for UoukIhh (Jouu tv. n in in stratr x or the csiute oi Flunk O. flood, deceased. All pcr- ( Hulls huvllitf claims UKaitlst the es tate of said decedent are licreoy ruituircd to presuiit toe samo to me. properly vorincu as requircu oy law. ut the office of TV I Kddy. at- tfrtuey-al-luw, Musonlu liuildliiK. KoseiiutK. uri'Kuii, within six tuouths from tills date. imttd this lMh day or Marcn. 11137. ANNA OOOD. Adinlnjstrntrlx Of the estute of Frank U. (loon, u-ceHsrU. NOTICH TO CIIKIIITOHM Noth-M Is hereby k I veil Hint the iiriil-) t(ltriii-l ItuM ni'cii ttv mi tn del lor ihn Ciniiilv Court of the Ktnlti of orison, for Douulas County, iluly HpHiiiitu executrix nl tilt: IUSI Will ami ltumut ot Albert 8. Chap pull. dt'ci'iiKfid, All pt'tsons havltiK claims uealux'. said cHtalo urn hereby iiotirbd to piotimt 1 1 in sainu. verified as re iinin (I y law, to the mulct-muiied sxi ciitllx, at the law off Ices ol Klru At Ul'cutl. Ill ItMselMllK. IJoilK hin Cou uly, OroKon, wlibin nix nontliM Horn tho date or this no Ire. '. 7 I luted th In 1 1 Mi duv of .Mat ch. 1137. COH A V. OLMVANT, Kxocutrlx of the lust will mid inHiiimeni ot Albert a. cnappeii, deceased. A 1 MKT II ATOII'H .MI T U K, OF I ll.lMi OF I lAI, ,U ( III ,t (u the Cniinty Court of tho Ktuto id OreKoti for iMHiMlas Couui.v. In the mutter of Ihn eututii of Ida II, White, deecuHed. Nolieo Ih liereliy Klven Unit the iimiei sluiied iiiIiiiImIhI rat or lias fil ed III tliti Countv Court of Hie Hlitte of Oickoii for OoukIus County. jiIh final account as stir h a'liniiuxt rn lor and thnt tho Cotui has set lr I -iliiv, the Kill, doy of Atti ii, 1!:I7 lit tho hour ol" ten ocloi k A. Al.. at the office of the County .IimIko In Iho rourllioutoi of mi id County as the lime and placet for beinluir of olijecl Ioiin. if uny. to siibl filial m; coiinl mid the Ht tUeiiieiit tlieieuf, tNlled JUKI fllHt IMlbllHlU'lt tills Itlh day of Mai' li, l!t:i7. FltAMC WIIITK. Adi)ilntstrat(r lo the entitle of- Ida If. While, Uucuasud. SOTK K TO CIIEUITOIIH In the County Court of the State of - Greicon fur Douglas County. In tho mutter of tat, eaute of Hltl- "X v. llljjllttlll, UBieUBOU. Notice la Hereby Klven that tho ; underslitned has. by order of the above entitled court duly fnatlu und entered of record, been duly uu poiltted udmiliiKtlator with the will umu-xed ot the estate ot Sidney K. Intfhtim. deceased, and has duly Qualified aa such. All persons having; claims oKninat aald astute are hereby required to'esent the same, duly verified, to Hie underaig-ned. at the law offices of Hlce & Orcutt. la Roseburur. Uouslus County. Oregon, within six mouths from-the first publication of this notice, which la the lifith day of March, 1837. . , , , CIIAS. V. INGHAM. . Administrator with the will annex ed of the estute of Sidney K. Ingham, deceased. XOTU'K TO CKKDITUltS In the County Court of the State of -OruKou for tho County of Uouk lua. In tho mutter of tho imrtuerxhlp oa Uto of t Will H, Flahor und Wal tor 8. I1) her. Notice la liurefay given that tho . mi u oral Kited lias bcon, by order of the County Court of Doiifflatf Coun ty, Oregon, duly appointed admlnl .,.Iil.t0X A 11,0 Partnership emato of lit H. Fisher and Wultor U. KImU ur. All poraons having claims . iiKiinst said estato are hereby re uulred to present the same to mo, -duly verified as required hv law, at my office 212 North Jackson btreet. ltosoblirff, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dati-d and first published this 25th day of March. 1337. WALTER & FISirEIl. Admfnistratur of tho partnership . t'stato of Will H. Fisher and . Walter S. Fisher. J. O. Watson nnd Ira B. Riddle. AUornoyg for administrator. NOTKI3 Uic FINAL HK1TLEMENT in tho County Court of the Stnto of UruKon for Douslas County, in tho mutter of the ostutu of John P. Strudur, ducensed. Notice iicreby Is given, that the undersigned has filed in, tho above unlit led court und matter the final account of his administration of tho estato of John F. a trader, do- L'eHfUMl: lltlfl Ihnt. Ilin nnurt l,u a.. order duly made and entered, has fixed Saturday, the 24th day of Anril, 1U37, at the hour of 10:00 o clock in the forenoon, and the county court room In tho court house, nt Itosoburtr, -Douuins Cuuii- tV. Urotroil. Hit till, time, Un.t .for heurimr said final, uccount and iiii uNjL'oiions, ii any, tnereto. and . lor mo settlement of said estato la37l tlliB 2"tu duy of March,'- . . , i . ROY ST It AX) EH, iVdminlstrator of the estute of John , F. Htrader, deceased.. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL , AUtUUA'i ' Notice Is herebv e-lvan thnt tlm ' undersigned surety on the bond of Win. Van Burun, tho deceased ad ' mliilstrntor of the estato of L.ydia J. JJascoinb, doceused, has tiled a tlnal account lor said do u caned ad- iiiuiiBi.rii.iur in tno uounty court ot ttlO State Of Ul-Uiron fur ' Dnnirloa County, und tho lion. OeO, K. Quine, ""bu ui oum courij uas uppoiniou Aionduy, tho, 6th day of April, ilta7, ut ten o'oioulc In the forenoon of suld day, in the county courtroom -in the courthouso in itoseburu. MJoubIuh County, Oregon, us tins lliuo and place for . Itearinv ppjeu-. Hon, If uny, to vuid account and tut settlement thereof.1 All persons interested In said os tato are 'hereby- nomied to fill1 tuelr objections, If any, to suld ri mil uccount ut or buioru tho tltiii : so uppuinted for final hoarutK aj aforesaid. 18gUluU Mlla 4tu day of March, ' '' M. E. KiTTisrt. . ; Surety for Wmi Van liuron. admini strator of the estute of Lydiu J. JJuucumb, decoused. CITATION In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for Douglas CuUnty. In tho matter ot Hie estuLu of Nola IS. Htuviand, deceased. To Ueorge tituVland. and the un known heiia-ut-luw, if any, of Mela JU. Uiuviuud, deceased, und to ail other persons Interested In suld os lutu. Kieolintf, In tno immo of the State of Ore Kon, you are hereby cited and re quired to appeur in tho Couriiy ' court of tho Htate -of Ureson for UouKlua County, In tlio courtroom thereof, in Koseburg:, liotitfias County. Oregon,, within twouty eiRlit (28) days from the date bf tne first publication of this Citation, then Und there to show cuuse, if any exists, why an order of this court should, not be made us pruy- -ud tor in too petition of 1. IL Hmlth, administrator do boms iiou ot tliu ostutu of Nols E. Stu viand, decous ed, uutiiuriv.uiK and duuuttiiM; said administrator lo sell tho real property belonging to said estatu, lo-wit: Lot Throo (3) in Block Fourteen (MJ of the City of Ulendule, Noug hts County, Oregon, us the sums , uppeurs on the orfiulul plat or said City of Ulendale ot record and on file In tho office of the County Clerk of DougluH County, Oregon. Witness the lion. Uuo. K. uume, J ud go of tho County Court of tho aiuiu of Oregon fur Douglas Coun ty, with tho scul of said court nf med tills 26th day of Februai y, aE0 K- QClNB, (HlvAU) Cuunty Judgs. Allosi; rtOV AUlili, " Clerk. CITATION In tho County Court of the Statu of Oregon fur Dnugius County, in tliu nmiti r of tlio estuie of Vel- liia Maud Cook, deccasud. To the heirs at. law and to all unknown heirs ut Maw and rest of . kin, If any there be, and to all per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title. phIiiIo or Interest 10 ii i id to the OHtule of said dece dent V'lma .Maud Cook, deceased, or to tho real property herein de scribed, greeting. In tlio mime of Iho Statu of Ore gon, you ate hereby cited and in quired to appear before the Coun ty Court of (he Stale of Oregon ror I'oiiKhiM Comity, in the Doug las County courthuiiMe at Hnheliu.w. OrcKiui, within leu days from the diile or the service of this citation upon you, if served within IJoukIjih County, Oregon, ami within twenty ilnys from the date of service of tills citation upon you If served within any other county of Oils Slate; or If Served by publication, within twcnly-clKht duy.i from tho ihito of Iho first publication ot Oils citation, ibeii and Lheru to show cause, If any xit why an older should not be made mithorlilnn the administrator of the above eiilllled oNlnlo to sell tlie real belonging to said cxlate as played for in tho putllion filed In the above court and cause, as follown, to-wtl: Lots Number six and seven In llloi k ctKhl in Oiirdiinr's addlt'on to the town ot Drain, Douglas County, oicgon. Witness tlio Hon. (Irorgti K, (julnc, Judge of tliu County Court or 1 ion k las County, Ore iron, with lito seal of suld court affixed Oils (7th dny of March, 1117. (Hd ) tlKOllllH K. giriS'H, (.'oiiuty JudKo of Douglas County, Oregon. Countv Court Seul, ATTICST: lt(JY AtlKK. County Clerk of Douglas County, Oiegoil. Uy i,uiLh li. Junes, Deputy. 4 ....... : .. . : . . : . . - v-.- ,