TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 1937. 5(D(E0ETIW . . Social Calendar Monday, March 22 11. P. V. C. atuiit night "t Wo Mails cluu builuiug. committee, Alice L'eiuud, etelia Spencer, Hel en Magcis, Margaret Larr uuu iNeltim buyior. Ut. K. L.. Dunn's nou-utiiionllia tlousl JJiblu umy class to moot ut J Mo o clock in evening ut Dotigiu liulul uimiig null. A 11)0111.' IIIUTU81 t'ti la mum coruuiliy invited. TueadaJ, aiarcn t Green P.-r a. btudy club after noon meeting ut uome ul Air. George noun. Topic, "Uouuty lie' liuvior uuu flimus. ' Julia ivaugiitura Inspection by gmuil officers hi 7:uu ut lue Ala bOlUC icmpie. lullmtiuu. All par cuta aim persons affiliated wuu Aluaonlo oruera invited. Unuiul cluu La incut ut 10 u. Hi nt itoseuiirg Music nud Art studio under direction ut Alia. .Milium Ballard. IJetinilo pluna wul uv uiuue for tne spring cuucurt to be given by tiiu club. Wcdneaday, March 24 Delphluu emu urtunioou uieuting ut 2: la ocloca. ut home ut Mia. John 10. Ituuyuii on South Jackson snoot Willi aira. W. K. in own chairman of the program topic on ."Spain." .;' inter-So Study, club one-thirty -o'clock dosaert-luneheoii Hlld guutit day in liume of Mid. Paul Wiirrun on Mill street. Mia. Wurruu uml .Mia. Clyde lieurd, Joint program .-cliutrmeii. Laurel lodge, No. 13, A. 1'. und A. .M., to muut ut 7:ilu In evening iui .Musuuic teuiiiie. John Howard, Olundnle, district deputy grand ..imiaier, will bo present. AIusoiib vfioni nil purls ul the county, will r'be reprtseulod.' Discussion -will be. ,hold oil wliethur tue Southern '.Oregon meeting will be held In ' ltoauburg iu Muy. .-' Thuraday, March 25 , Luily JJIks meeting ut K o'clock ,' fii evening nt temple with the ro i tiring officers ua hoHluasua' includ. ,lng iVlra. A. E. Kent, Mr, Dixon nud Mrs.-'Charles Itinly. Piizes for contract bridge und j' pinochle. Everyone attcnd-lug has Jl'oen usked to bring a leu towel. , Patch uud Chut club ufteruoon nieeliiig ut home of Mrs. D. W. ' Bllillh. - i .-- , Norlhslile ' Sunshine club one o'clock iHitluck lunelieoii jit homo r.'of Mra. Mabel Hurueaa. . - ' lluptlst Alisalouary society tu i meet at 2 o'clock lu afternoon 'at vchurch'' tiniiora. Mra. GooYgo Cua v key, prealdlug. Mra. Ira llyrd, pio- uriim leader. .Mra. J.'K. Turnhull, devotions.' Hostesses, Mra. E, K. i l.'ill-lifM'. MI'S. L... Al. i'etuucv 1111(1 .Mra. II. I). Irving. ' Country club ludlea 12:110 o'clock I . potluck luncheun at clubhouse. , Contract brldgu pluy ut two o'clock mull p. ? meeting ut r.M o'clocu ul iinurl- . muut oi mra. juck uiKtinnuii iu tue Koiilhiigun uullding. t-naay, march 26 P. N., 0. cntb evening meeliug , ul J. r.. l'lcltuua nome on bouiii V Aluin atruet with Mra. PlcKeua, ' .Mra. 11. F. lluifield. Mra. Jeaa . I'utricK mid Aira. c. 14. Vvjckuuin, hoaleaaea. Enicrlilllimelll commit' - tue lucludca uiilh liecce, aira. V. '. '1. JucK&on mid .Mra. u. W. uiurk. Suiun Uiupiiuu louge, No. 7s, in ; Vitus Laurel lodge, no. 1J, A. V. and A. M., lo intend tne presenting ! oi the lilty-yeur umiona to lieorgu r K. Uuine and KrniiK Cum. ul I 7:30 o'clock diniiui ut tlie ltod mid . (jtut club biiiiuiug ill L'auyuiivillu. M. M. degree woiu will loiluw the . dinner. March 27 ' ICiiater food aule und buxiuir and f runiiiitlge fule HiHinaored by Kver gruen grunge ul AlcKeuu uud Uuld' r win'a on t'uaa atreet. March 29 Auuiiul Kuater Mondiiy bull, ' aponaored by Aluencull lA'glott nuxilliiry, ut nine o'clock ut arm ' ury. lMihlic Invlled. t'oiuuiittee, i Mra. Hoy t. Vmiug. chairman, Mra. Waller Klaller, .ma. J. .XI. Juild. ! Mra. Tuttl Jellkina und .Mra. Muilic : i'orter. March 31 KptAcopul guild l:ao o'cliH'k aal- ud liiuclUMin mill bridge imriy at ; piirlnh hull. Public Invlled. ' MRS. ROY CAiCHINQ IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON MONDAY .Mra. Hoy Ciilehlng very gru- Cliiualy oliteilalueti her bridge club !- ul n luvely one o'elm-k luuclieoii : Moniluy. t-overa weiv plaeed ul prettily npiHiinieil luhlea fur Mra. K. Mit'llntmk, .Mra. I'lalr K. Allen, Mrs. H. t". Church, Mra. Kred IH'kwiHnl. Mm. I). W. Ilelll "'well. Mm. Curl K. U'lmberly, .Mra. j;t). M. Ilerrle. .Mra. Waller flalier. .-.'.Mra. K. (1. KohlliuKeli, Mra. John u II. ltoliinaoit. Mra. K. li. Coeu and -".Mra. .Maurice J. Newluiul. C: High arou for thu nlleriioouV eoninict bridge pluyi waa won by yMra. MeCliutock. , MRS. WtLUIAMS IS . HOSTESS TO BRIDGE ' CLUB TUESOAY EVENING ' Mra. ( W'ejley Wllllania enlcr ' tulnwl her bridge club nt a lovely - woven o'clock deaaei-t-atipper at Jior home Tuesday evening. Covers 'woto plueed for Mra. Owen Walker, .' Mra. I'. M. I.eo, Mra. (I. AS. Ilea, I Mra. Krneal Pnlteraoii, .Mlaa IVtrla 1 Juckaon, Mlaa t'oletta anil Mlaa . Mario ltngrnherg nud the lio.Meaa. v'JIin. Wllllania. Coutmct bridge waa eujoyvd dui' ! lug the evening with Mm. Ilea win ning the firat prire; Mm. 1,h aec ohd priae nud Mm. Patteraon the 'rbnanlntlon nrlxo. A huely gift wtn presenteil by the club lo Mra. , Walker. . By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON TUE8DAY AFTERNOON Thu Jtoaeburg W'oluiin'B club held one of ua moat deugdliui one iiiirly o Clock ueaaeil'iuncueona oi tue )ear at tue ciuououae 'lueaduy wiih Aim. 41. c Cuurcu, cbauuiuii, Aira, i. A, Poat, aira. Ji. o. vtut aou, Alia. A. li. 'luylor and Alia, rrcd luoiTiaou, uoaluanea, Tuo lublca wore eapeciully beuu titui uud were uucomled oy aire. Aiorrlsoii. A very ciever moiif wua curriud out by tue uae ul Hume ouugueta of wulte cmnatioua miu yelioi - aprlng tiuwei's, mrungeu V'itu while luuliue bowtt and ieru, wnile huge uuwla - and uaea oi flowera were uaeu uboui Uie ruoma, A caacudu of brigmiy col ored cutout paper flower pictures were Uoed to cnciu each bouquet. Covera were pluced fur'.Mra. A'. M. cuiiipbeli, jireaideut, Aira. Uer tun 1'urrott, Aira. U. iiurtui, Mra. IS. A. Pout, Aira. A. ii. Tuylor, Mra. u. C. Churcli, Mra. Fred Atorriaon, Alia. Lynn llcckley, Alia. W. W. Aaucruit, Aira. . V. Hoover, Aira. t:. It. Aietzger, Aira. Will H. tier retaeu, Aira. U. W Syun, Aira. Ora Wclker, Mrs. Scott vvlllluma, Alia. K. U, Kohlliugeu, Mra. it. S. Petru- qulu, Mis. H. C. Thompaou, Alia. J. p. Williams, Aira. loater mil- uer, Mra. hilwm G. Young, oua. lorolhy Ijuudur, Aira. Hunow Al len, .Mra. LI. W. ltadabuugh, Mra. I). N. liuBeubark, Aira. koyce At lull, Mra. t. I,. Kliupp, Mra. i''. A. Murd, Mm. It. W. Aiaratera, Alia. Uml Ullrich, Alia. C. A. Kdwiirda, Alia. H. F. ICngllah, Aira. It. U WUilpple, Aira. J. H. Whurtou, Alia. L,. W. Joaae, Airs. H. It. Edwards, Aira. William Hell, Mra. V. w. Clrovea, Aira. K. Hughea, Airs. F. A. Flelda, Mra. 11. IL Aluddox, Airs. W. Ituhl, Mra. J. A. Han, Aira. H. .achurlaeii, Airs, Paul Cuaweli Aira. Ceorge buinmera Aire. Thum- ua Sumniera, Aira. Homer tjrow, Aira. A. rj. Kent, Aira. u. it. cnaui berlulu, Aira. C. II. Uulloy, Mra. A. F. 'AlHiiott, Mra. . Al. Uoue, Alia. I'homua Purklnaou, Mra. ' tJ. T. Neleou, Mra L. A. Wella,. Aim. SV. E. Utt, Mra. K. I). Lytle, Alia. E. 8. McClulu, Mra. Ouy Keu, Aira. Paul Wurreii, Aira. C. 13 . ltoberta, Mlaa Helen Cuaey, Mra. Walter Plaher, Mib. Al. It. Itlchnrda, Aira. 1). H. Mm gun, Aire. t. A. Uemla, Mra. A. C. Alaraters, Mrs. O. Y. 'Witnberly and' Airs Frederick J Porter. , Mm. Honier (irow, In cburge' of BiHiclul niualc, played for the com munity alug, followed by the blesa- ing given by Airs. -0. A., lOdnards,; mid u violin number by Mra. 11 H-,,4)munui'iain.' Vlolot coraagoa were preacnted to the speciui gneata,. wuo were membera of the lormer Alentul cuiturul club, now tne Woman's club. Koll call loplca wore given by Mra. Paul Wuiren, vocubuiury; Aira. C. K. Hoberia, llllerilutional reliittona; Aira. IJ. '. Itaduhaugli, spring fashiuiis; Mra. O. V. Mini tHiriy, spring gardens and Mra. l-'reuerlck J. porter, motion pic tures. Mrs. tl. V. Syfau read tho Bocre tury'a report, loliowed by - reporta of vurious coinmitlees, The beautiful Kuator program wua In charge of Mrs. Edwin tl. Young, wuu iiitrndiiccil her l'uul speakers, who read "Tho Vision of Sir Lnur.fiil." .Mia. R. W. Mnrstera, Aliaa Helen Cuaey, Aira. Wulior Ktsher and Mrs. Paul Warren gave the roadlnga, while special music liilumiieraed each reudlug. Airs. Homer Grow plnyed the pluno nuinhera; violin music by Mra. It. K. Clitimberluiu ami il voeul anlu liy Mra. George Jonea. Mra. Kd- wnrda closed the improsalve pro gram with u pruyrr. I he April 110 meet lug will have the following hosteasea. Mrs. C. G. Kerrler, chairman. ' Mrs. Iorotliy Lander, Aira. George K. liuine, Mrs. K. T. Nelson and Alia. Will H. Ucrrctacn. Oil jltrll 6 the uliuiliil spring hirthdiiy leu uud piny will be nil luteiesting event lo lie apuiiHored by the club. DR. GEORGE E. HOUCK IS HOST AT DINNER ON THURSDAY EVENING llr. George K. Ilnurk was host at u very lovely stx-t hlrty o'clock turkey dinner parly at his home on .Nonltt Stephens atreet Tliurs- luy evening. Miss Helen Kaltdail served. The table was lieaiittfully mi Hilnled und rovers were placed In Mrs. l(. II. Fields. Jr., of Porlland. .Miss Helen Casey, Mr. and .Mrs Kilwln lloolh, Mr. ami Mis. Pied- ilek J. Porter and the host, llr lloilck. MISS VIRGINIA FRENCH HONORED AT INFORMAL PARTY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Mrs. Juck Chapman entertained nt ii dellghllul InlDimul party Wed lies.lay eveiilni; honoring .Miss Vir ginia French, who has been vlsll lug In Itosehurg. The guests en Joed Hie lashiou sliow down (own ind then spent Hie remainder ol Hie i veiling visiting nt Mrs Clinp lltun'a illiarluieut al the Kolllliagen. At a lale lioiir dallilv relreshlnents were served t, Miss Vlminlii I'reiii h. Mrs. Wlllium I'lnalli, .Mm. At- I'lillti. Mrs lliitiihl Clunke. Miss Itnth Hoover. Miss lleierh Wood. Miss liorolhy llellimn nnil Miss Carinel New laud. O'TIUM CLUB MEETS AT MOORE HOME v ' t YONt'AI.I.V. , March pi The lllembem of thc'11'THim elub weir enlerlllitled ut the Waller Moore home, - Weliiesdny aitertusm. Curds er enjoyed afier whlrh de lirious refreshments welt served lo a linrtiilirrs. MARGARET ANN CARTER CELEBRATE8 NINTH , BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Margaret Ami Carter celebrated her niulli birthday unnlversaiy by inviting it group of friends to the home uf her parents. All, and Aim. H. ii. Curter, for a very delight ful purty, ou Wednesday, St. Put rick a duy. uaincs and riddles Were enjoyed from four to six o'clock, when love ly refreshuienta wero served at u table beautifully decorated iu pink mid white with attractive Euater lavora us plucecurds. The center piece wua a beuutifully'decOi'iiied oirthduy cake, holdii'K mile pink lighted eundtes 'and centered with spring violets. The cuko wiu mude by Airs.; Itoy: j Mellows; ami presented 10 Ainrguret Ann in Hon or of the occasion. Lovely gifts were presented to Murgureb Ann I rum the guests. Covers wero pluced for Ainrguret Ann, guest of honor, Juuu uud (Jelly L'rno, Dorothy and Ileveriy tituifuusoii, Jeun, Virginia and Ann Ackley, Uorothy Husch, Shir ley Gllea, PhylllB uud Janice Juck- son, Virgiuia Cliumberjuin, Patty uuuway, uuiu Butler, Lester Heard, Linda Itoser, Betty Ann Johnson, Trevu Alspitugh tuuU bhlrley and Hurlen Carter. YOUNG PEOPLb'S LEAGUE HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON TUESDAY EVENING, : The' Young People's Letiguu of St. Paul s Lutheran cliurcn met Tuesday evening ul the. home ol .Maurice Johnson. During the topic study period a portion of the Pas sion story of Christ was consider od. Alter n short business uieel- ing, presided river by Aliss Vein Ooeta, tho iobi of the evening was spent socially In playing games ot various kinds. The hosis, Muu rice joiinson and Uob Helgesoii served delightful retreahnunta to Jack Wbliing, June Goem, Vera aoen, Stuart Baker, Lewis Wil son, Howurd Giles, Hnymond Mor timer, Hennau AdkliiB, ISIInor Mor lluior, Berthn Sandau, Helen Sail dim, and Heiv W. .Sylwesler; Miss iieriuu siuiuiui assisted In serving LAOY LIONS ENTERTAINED BY MRS. O. FELDKAMP , ON MONDAY AFTERNOON ' The Lady; Lions met with Mrs. O. Feldkump .Mouduy afternoon Couliuct. bridge was enjoyed bv Air.:-11.- .ucnurlseu. Aim, Al. H Aluncy, Airs. Phil Hurth, rs- B C Elliott, Airs. J. P. .Motchoiibiich or,. Mr. Glenn Owen, AIrsvfT,--Jl Iteeves and Airs. Feldknnip. At the ten. hour the hostess serv ed lovely refreshments. The St Patricks motif wo attraciiveiv carried out iu the decorations. The next meeting will be held ih nv. euing or April 6 ul the Glen Owen mime in Luure wood w l I Mis Owen and Airs. Junius E. Cuiupbell, Joint hostesses ut a 7:30 o'clock lessen supper. a a LADIES OF COUNTRY CLUB MEET THURSDAY AT CLUB HOUSE Tho Ijidles of llm r(,i,. ,,.,,. Country club' met for u 12:30 o' clock luncheon ut the clubhouse Thursday. Covera were pluced for -lire. j. r; m nrd. cantu n M,- Phil Hurth. Mrs. V', n On M, K. U. Jyile. Airs. J. E. .Murks, Airs. iv. u. iiridges, Airs. n. C. Steurns, Mrs. J. Al. Juild. Airs. Keniieili tjtiine and Mrs. J I. T. Ilnnseu. Contrucl hrlilca was ell im-,.,1 ,lin ing the iiflernooii with Mrs. Ott winning the juiio for high score. exi l liursdny llm hulios ' will meet nt u J2:;io o'clock potluck luncheon nud will piny bridge ut two o'clock sharp. SPECIAL MEETING OF ELK CREEK GRANGE HELD YONC.VI.I.A, .March 111. A spe cial meeting of the Klk Creek grunge, was held l ilduy ufteruoon ut the Odd Fellows hull. Aim. Heriiue Walker was duly elected and inslulicd us steward uml George Kellogg us Chuplalu. Two new members were taken ill. linns were made for a big mooting lo he held the fourth Saturday oi .March. Willi the Juvenile grunge meeting at eleven o'clock, u bas ket uiiiner nt neon and senior grange at one o'clock! All mem bera are urged lo bo present, us limners of Importance will be transacted. , ; BANQUET AND LECTURE : . ENJOYED AT SUTHERLIN Sl'TllliKI.IN March 19. Aboul one hundred people were present in near uie address glveu by Pro leasor Win. Jones at ilia social oonis ot Ihe .Methodist church on Kridav evenlna and lit enjov the lianipiel nit en tlierr An added allraetlon on the program was a met by Mia. Arthur Austin and .Mrs. Slern Cushion; a reading b Miss Margaret Pae and a short talk by Hev. S. Kuynnr Saiith The protiraill was directed by F. I.. i ouni! and .Vrtlntr Auslln was in chaise of the kileheu. The pro ds fiolll Ihe fwllotlet will Ik' used (or the conference Malniiints. YONCALLA N. OF W. HAS FINE MEETING. YONC.VI.I.A. March Is.-The re- solar lueetinc of Ihe Veuralia clr ile. NeiKliboia of Wiaideialt wa held Tuesday ovrnimr. Mrs. cui1 lie Udell of Klktoll was present and liave a short lalk. A social hour was enjoyed followinc the meet ItiK, after which .Mrs. Kred Ue and Mrs. I). C, Wilson served a dell- clous lttmit. Mrs. Minnie Main iivw the penny prlie. CAREFULLY PLAHUED SHOPPING SCHEME RESULTS If SMART EASTER TJARDSODE By MAHIAN Y0UNGv:: M:A Service Staff Coirespomlollt N E V YOU K.-Ior daytime hours, an Easter Hiiit, a rcdiugole, uonaistlUK or u wool coat ami prim l'rock, an extra urcss ihitt can, be worn umler uiy coat, ana two sets of aceuoSoWes coinprisu tin uhnost complete wurdroUu linn's ultru- .smart, too. : Any woman who wita such a wardrobe now simnly will not have oiutliua prublems until, mlusummer, when a cutlon dress or a wnshuuit silk or two seem In order, - The trick, of course, Is to de cide on a color scheme, tuen stick to it. The girl who always Buys, '1 haven t u thing to wear, " pro- ulaims to all the world that she mixed her color schemed, doesn't plan ahead In ! other words, shops unwisely. ?..:: w... n , -T cuviaiun ruiure rurenHiia For exaninle, supposu you! de cide to nave u. gmy or beige suit for Kasiei', und a navy redintioie PRESBYTERIAN AID HAS ELECTION OK uKriCLslJ THURSDAY The Presbyterian Ladles Aid en joyed 'a lovely one-thirty o'clock mud luncheon i'hursihiy- in Ihe cnurch parlors with .Mrs. F.. G. Itantlolpli, emiirman, Mra. J. L. .Marsters, .Mrs. Larl I Illicit. .Mrs. P. Molacnenbacner uml Airs. 1C. It. Williams, hostesses.. lUiilutiets of daffodils and Japa nese quince were used on the tanle wuu. tall lighted green tapers. 'oiors v.ere pku-cd lor .l'-s. K 8. lull, president. Mrs. Clair K. At en. Mik. Karl Cllrlch, .M m. lloiner tirow, .Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Mrs. Victor Chuk. M.S. Harold I'.ellows. Mrs. Kiln Lenox, Mrs. W. H. Chnl nieia. Mrs. U. S. Nichols, Mrs. C. II. tliinstciid. Mrs. Leonard F. 1 Wilson. Mrs. W. C. Fawtctto. .Miss .Hirgaiei ii,ipp, .his. v. u-ivh:hi Miss Kr.iiua Hmlol. Mrs. LlOoy Folinan, Mrs. George Mellec, .lr.s, C, H. Ames. Mrs. I.eD ae Ko'illia geu, Mrs. Ileitiia Painnl, Mrs. L. I.. Ilodle, Mrs. ,. K. Kent. Mrs. 10. It. Molger ami Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. Mrs. Victor' Clark played two heautltul piar.o iiimiikrs, which wore greatly n joyed by ;iio group. Mrs. Itomer Grew ha-l eharve of Uie lai'ter devotions, followed by the business llieetmg in cl'.atgo uf the pre.-idcnt, Mrs. Hall, Hlection of otflecrs- w-os - hehl and Mrs. Hall was reflected presl-l dent. Dtlur offliMi.t elect d In clude: Mis. Kred Ili.tniltnli. vice lU i'sidenl ; Mrs. Gcote Mtitee. so.-retary. treasurer. Hull c all and penny drill fol lowed. MRS. THOMPSON HOSTESS TO U. AND I. CLUB YONCALLA. March 1!' Mis. U'O Thompson entertained Hie mcmboi of the C and I club nt her home Tveaday afternoon, lie- lirioua refri-shnienla were seme,) after a pleasant afternoon spent in J riu and vlul'.irig. a wock or two lalcr. If you get navy accessories lo wear with the sun, ineyn ue lovely with me redlngote, too. . . Be on tho lookout alwuys for amusing belts, un uimsual . senrf, u tricky clip or some other piece of costume Jewelry. Make a hob by of collecting smart accessories It's important. Keep a supply on hand be sure thul they blend with tho mam accessories, Imt, shoes, bag and gloves constant ly change ihem, and yon will iiun mat one good dress and suit will make a season's wardrobe. One interesting rediugote, de signed by Janet Hollander, . con sists of an uuiliicd nuvy coat over one. of the famous Hollander gar den prints. This particular dress is . 1ft pompon print blue anu wbttVjnomiNjrta wiib green leaves on "a? navy background. . The sleeves are puifed and very short. The only trimming is a navy pat ent Jcatiier bell two inches wide, MR. AND MRS. WARE tNTER TAIN AT LOVELY dlRTHDAY DINNER , .Mr. and Mrs. George IL Ware en- lertiiined Tuesday evening at (Very lovely six-thirty o'clock birth day dinner honoring tliolr sou-ln-law, llestou Gross, on . his anni- S-ersary. " 'The prettily appointed uiblo waa centered by a loveiy birthday cake surrounded by spruit blossoms. The St. Patrick's motif was clever- ly civrried out. - Covers wore placed for Heston Gross, guest of houor, .Mrs. Heston Gross, Miss Helen Woodruff, Wil liam Lnssiter, Kugene Jewett. Don ald Hull and the host ami hostess, Monopoly was enjoyed during lne pli4sllut evening hours. MISS WAINSCOTT HOSTESS TO SEWING CLUB ON THURSDAY EVENING Miss llernlce Wainscott enter tained her sewing club al the at tractive home of her parents. Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Wainscott. Thurs day evening. Those present were Mrs. Owen Walker. Mrs. G. M. lies, Mrs. David Hess. Mrs. Fred Hiirgis, Mrs. Joseph Fest and the hostess. Miss Wainscott. Sewiiia and visitlua wele enjoy ed and later Miss Wainscott serv ed loiely reftehment.s. a BIRTHDAY PARTY C-IVEN MRS. GEORGE BARR ON MONDAY EVENING Mrs. George llarr. nee Hose Mor:v, was delightfully surprised Willi a birthday p.trty at. her home Monday evening. Those present j were Mr. and Mrs. George Uarr. I ' Thelllul Molvy, Miss Betty ! An"c Faulkner. 11. W. Hasklns. j l,,'cy Kohinson aud ltobcit ilelll- 'Well. Monopoly was enjoyed during Me vnl houi-s. When clement of a ward robe are planned for wear together, like thit Jantt Mollan- dor rcdln gote and frock, the affect of an extensive wardrobe ' can be economically obtained. The unlimited navy, coat (left) I worn over a garden print frock in blue, white and green. The white lingerie jabot is worn outside the coat. The charming navy . aheer frock '. (right) i tltched to resemble ' i ' accordion pleating and can be worn -with a variety of acceesories. and a white lingerie Jabot that is worn outside the coat. Changes of Accessories To wear under the same coat, more is a charming navy sheer frock Willi skirt silU..ou to re semble accordion pleaung. It has the new wide, low neckline with lace collar and cuffs, and a high ueuea waistline. .. The navy sheer is a fine chance to use different changes of neck wear, ror Instance, a georgette collar of colonial Influence Is loveiy, or a uainiy Eilet with waistcoat bell. Flowers are good, loo. a single flower or a tiny cluster Is chic and attractive worn at the neck or shoulder. Wooden Jewelry In floral or mod ernistic designs adds a certain something to a dress. wilh an eye to careful aud wise shopping, then, aud an en thusiustic interest in accessories, mere is no reason why any woman cun't get along witn a suit, a uress and a redlngote lor spring. MRS. J. R. WHARTON ENTERTAINS CLUB AND GUESTS AT SUPPER Mrs. J. li. Wharton entertained a"ner bridge club and a few guests at. u ciniriiiiug suven o ClOCK sup per -at her lovely home on Kast Douglas street Tuesday evening. Ihiffodils and pastel tapers forai ed tne flame bouquet for tho table. wnere covers wero arranged for Mis. li. u. pargeter, Mrs. Liair K. Allen, Mra. H. C. Church, Mrs. Geofge Wharton, Aliss Helen Casey, Mrs. Paul Helweg, and -Mi's. Frederick J. Porter, guests, and Mrs. L. E. MeCliutock, Mra. Halph Ualiie, .Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs. Kenneth Quitie. Mrs. Chester Morgan and Mrs. D. U. Dubar, meuibcrs. Contract bridge was. enjoyed during the evening with Mrs. Hel weg winning tho guest high score and Mra. Morgan the club high score. JACK WHITE AND IRENE JONES MARRY IN ROSEBURG TUESDAY Jack White and Irene Jones, both residents of Canby. Oregon, were quietly married at Ihe .Meth odist Lpiscopal parsonage Tues day by Rev. S. Haynor Smith, pas tor of the church. The bride's par ents were present for the cere mony. Following the wedding Mr. and Mrs. While left lor the coast for a week, alter which they will go to Canby to make their home. GLIDE BAPTIST AID AND MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING The Ladies Missionarv Aid so ciety of the Glide Baptist church win boiit their annual meeting March 24. During the morning hours qulltlne will be done. A luncheon will lie served at noon when the social hour will be held at the usual time with Mrs. W. F. Price officiating. I PLAY TO BE PRE8ENTED APRIL 6 AT ELKS TEMPLE BY ROSEBURG 'WOMAN'S -CLUB The general piitjilc lhaa )een most cordially invited la enjoy the annual prini birthday tea and play to be sponsored April 6 at l:JU o clock at the Klk tempie ballroom by the Boeeburg wom an's club. Miss Helen Casey will present Bootn Tarkingtona "The irysting Place," and will play the part of Lancelot Brlggs in tbe play. The other members of tbe cast include: Mra. CurtiB. played by Mrs. Ed win O. Young; Mrs. Brlggs, by Mra. M. It. llicharda: Jessie Brlggs, .Mrs. Paul Warren; Mr. Ingoldaby, Mra. W. M. Campbell; Mysterious Voice, Mrs. h. Kohlhagen, sr., ana Hupert- Smith, Mr. Frederick i. Porter. - , The play, a one-act comedy, promises to be one of Uie moat delightful entertainment to be di rected by Miss Casey for the Woman's club. Mra. T. G. Watson la chairman of the play and entertainment and la being assisted by Mrs. Paul Jenkins, Mrs. D. W. Radabaugh, Mrs. C. G. Van Valzah, Mra. A. B. Taylor, Mias Helen Casey and Mrs, Lee Ragan. The play will be presented in the ballroom of the Elks temple, after which tea will be served in the Woman's club building and win be in charge of Airs. J. V. JJll- lard and .Mm. Scott Williams, joint chairmen, who will bo assisted by members of the club whose birth days occur between December and June. ' ; JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS MONDAY EVENING AT CLUB HOUSE The Junior Woman's club met for a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper at the club house Monday evening with Mra. H. D. Peterson of The Dalles as guest speaker. The long tables were arranged with bouquets of forsythia and daffodils with tall yellow tapers. The St. Patrick motif was also carried out. Hostesses included Mrs. Jack Chapman, Mrs. Carl Lindsay, Jr., Mr.s Frank Long and Aliss Karen Larsen. Covera were placed for Mrs. H. u. Peterson, Mrs. Walter Fisher, advisor, Mrs. Win. Unrath, Mra. Harlow Alleu, Mrs. Clifford Smith, Mrs. Harold Cloake, Mrs. Leon Yearwood, Airs. I. Al. Dunn, Mrs. Rcgiuald Erskinc, Mrs. : Waldo Campbell, Airs. Heston Gross, Ruth Hoover, Nadine Pinkertou, Virgin la Rude, Betty Stark, Alice Con logiie, Elaine Easton, Beverly Wood, 1 Dorothy Herman, - Helen Woodruff, . Virginia Gurnee, Car mel New land, and Virginia French, of Portland, formerly a member of the club. , Rev. - Perry Smith and Mrs. H. D. Peterson were guests speakers of the evening and their talks were followed by round table discussion of club plans and problems led by Airs. Peterson. : - Convention reports' wree given by Beverly Wood,. ; .Mrs. William unrath and Virgiuia Frenohi-f , Preceding the meeting thc.iouo ell held a potluck' supper at'the home of Mrs. Harold Cloake in the Northside apartments at six-thirty o'clock. . Covers were placed for Mrs.- Peterson, Sirs. Walter Fisher, Airs. William Unrath, Virginia French, Beverly Wood, . Carmel Newiaud, Dorothy Herman, Mrs. Jack Chapman, Virginia Rude, Mrs. Reginald Erskine and Airs. Cloake. The next meeting of the club will be held April 5. . . M. O. A. CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY AT HOME OF MRS. KENNETH CLOAKE The M. O. A. club met Wednes day afternoon at the home of Aira. Kenneth Cloake. Irish Jokoa were enjoyed, followed by lovely re freshments at four o'clock. For sythia and daffodils were used as a decorative motif for the occa sion. Those present were Airs. J. E. Wood of Orange. Calif., Mrs. C. T. Tipton, Mrs. Ed Heimboldt, Mrs. John Travis, Airs. Ben Jones, Mrs. Harlan Moore, Mrs. L. L. Moore. Mrs. Glendon Davenport, .Mrs. L. L. Wlmlieiiy, Airs. Roy Good, Airs. Elton Ogle. Airs. Goldle Oldmon son. Airs. George Blckle, Mrs. George Powers. Airs. Charles Alohr, Aliss Pearl Jones, Airs.- C. B. Calkins, Airs. Elvin Cloake and the hostess, Mrs. Kenneth Cloake. The next meeting will be March 31 at the homo of Airs. Roy Good. GOOD CITIZENS CLUB RETIRING OFFICERS , ENTERTAIN NEW OFFICERS . The retiring officers of the Good Cltijens club, Hnrry I'nrgeter, president; Bonnie Bailey, vice president, and Shirlev Carter, sec rotary, of Miss Helen Alairers' room at Fullerton school, enter tained the incoming officers, Bettv Wilson, president; Eleanor Alicei 11. vice president; Jean Ashworth. secretary, ami the member of the ciud, on at. Patrick's day. Refresh nienis were served and tho St. i-airicaa uay motif was used In uie uecoraiions. ' LAURA BURROUGHS IS COMPLIMENTED AT SHOWER PARTY MONDAY Miss Laura Burronchs i,ri,i elect, was complimented at a love ly shower party Alonday evening given by .Mrs. Joseph FesL Those pirseni inclllllen I it Hurrnneh guest of honor, Beulah Jlalnnrd. iie.en.v noon, liuth Kerschiler. F.hnira Illake. Wilma Martlndale. Mrs. David Hess. Sallv Brown. .Myrtle Parkins. Ilia Itavia um Mrs. n. J. Gilbert anil Evelvn Day. Following a social evening mid the presentation ot the lovelv Shower Rifts to Miss Unrntil delicious refreshments wero serv ed by Airs. Fest. ' mm FAREWELL PARTY GIVEN MR. AND MRS. STEPHENS SLTHKUI.lX.'Mlliv!. l-rlen of Air. and .lv A- 3.sic-ht SUTHh'ULIX .' Muivy 1 nils met at their homo on )?uiidav eve ning for a farewell party) ju,;., nd Mrs. Stephens loft .Monday tor the coast where they lll make their Uome for the aummcrw .. . EASTER MONDAY BALL WILL BE CHARMING AFFAIR OF MARCH 29TH Tbe American 'Legion auxiliary will sponsor its annual taster Monday bail the evening of March 29ih at the armory, to which tbe general public has bees most coi alaliy invited. The ball this year will be un usually delightful and a large number are planning to attend. Mra. Roy Young is chairman and is being assisted by Mrs. Walter KIsher.Mrs. J. M. Judd, Mrs. B. F, Tandy, Mrs. Paul Jenkins, Mrs, Mauie Porter and Mrs. i. A. Hard ing. Patrons and patronesses - include the past presidents, commanders and their husbands and wives and Include Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Cordon, Judge and Mrs. Carl Wlinberly, Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Stewart, Dr. aud Mrs. U A. Dillard, Dr. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen, ir. and Mrs, Ii, C. Church, Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hatfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fulcher, Air. and Airs. George Can nes', Mr. and Airs. Clinton tiortby, Mr. and .Mrs. Will II. Gerretsen, Air. aud Mrs. F. L. Crittenden, Mr. and Airs. E. A. Post, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hills, Air. and Mrs. L. E. MeCliutock, Air. and Airs. Rudolph Rltzman, Air. and Mrs. John Flurry, Mr. and Mrs. O. Al. Berrie, Mr. ami Mrs. Ned Dixon, Air. and Airs. George Wharton, Air. and Mrs. Thomas Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs, Roy O. . Young and Miss Pearl Jones. . . . The ball will open with a grand march at 9:30 o'clock and the Rhythmen nine-piece ' orchestra will furnish the music. Airs. Paul Jenkins is arranging two special features tor the atfalr and the door prize will be an Easter bonnet for the lady who wins it. The bonnet will be exhibited, In Fisher's win dow previous to the ball; ' GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING ON THURSDAY . The Garden Valley Women's club held a most enjoyable meeting at the club house on Thursday with Mrs. R. S. Hutton as hostess. Beautiful bouquets of spring flow ers were attractively arranged about the room. Plans were com pleted for a cooked food and flow er aale to be held at the Powell Hardware store Saturday. March 20. Following tbe social hour re freshments were served to Mrs. K. H: C. Wood, Mrs. Wni. Vaughn, Mrs. Leslie John, Mrs. Helen Cole, Aira. H. Wells, Miss Charlotte and Aliss Alary Knann. Aliss June Spray, Aira. G. C. Bailey, Alls. R. A. Calhoun, : Airs. John Daniels, Mrs. Harvey Ewens. Mrs. H. E. Graham, Airs. A. Niday, Aire. J. L. Potvm, Airs. Hugh Ritchie Jr.. Airs. John Sinclair, Airs. Peter Sinclair, -Mrs. C. L. Spray, Airs. T. L. Wln niford and the hostess. Airs. R.. S. Hutton. The next meeting of the. club will be at the clubhouse on April 1 with Mrs. J. L. Potvln as hostess. JOB'S DAUGHTERS DANCING - PARTY IS CHARMING.AFFAin g j Job s Daughters sponsored a very charming dancing party at the Roseburg Music and Art Studio last evening at nine o'clock with Keith Phillips orchestra furnishino the music. ' The committee Included Bettv Whipple,' chairman, Delores : Cacy, Ulah - Agnes Winston, . Aladlyn Stearns, Alarjorie Ott, Eva 1 Baker, Fanny Lu Wimberly and Wilma Feldkamp, with Airs. IL L. Whipplo and Mrs. Paul Jenkins as chaper- ones. ... Patrons and patronesses for ihe affair included Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Church. Air. and Airs. T. G. Wat- sun, Mr. and Mrs- Thomas Park inson and Air. and Mrs. Homer Grow. '-. Blue and yellow shirred stream ers were draped from the center lights to the side and end wallB. punch was served by the commit tee during the dancing hours. BETA SIGMA PHI ENJOYS WAFFLE SUPPER Alu chapter of' Beta Sigma Phi enjoyed a very delightful six o'clock waffle supper at Miss Wil ma Busenbark s apartment Thurs day evening. Plans were discussed for nation al rush month, which will be dur ing the month of April. buss carmel Newiand is chair man of the rushing program. Miss Jane Gilhrcath, president, had charge and others included Irene Campbell, Wilma Busenbark. Car mel Newiand. Helen ' Rose nnd Cryl Hollingsworth.' The next regular mpetlnp will bo Wednesday evening, March 24. at a six o'clock Informal buffet supper to be followed by a busi ness session. - B. P. W. C. TO HAVE STUNT NIGHT NEXT MONDAY EVENING The Business and ' Professional Women's club will meet nt the Woman's clubrooms ' next Monday evening for a very interesting program. The chamber of com merce aI11 present a thlrtv min ute program to be followed by stunts in the form of a Alujor Bowes amateur hour, with Acnes litchfod as the major. The num bers to be given will include dances by Airs. Paul , Jenkins pupils and musical numbers by the club members. uV The committee In rhii-ec In cludes Alnrgaret Carr, Helen Ala gers, Stella Spencer, Nolma Say lor and Alice L'eland. ai m TR1-SQUARE SEWING CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE ALL-DAY MEETING The Trl-Kniiare Snivlt,,- .lh nf the Baptist ehnrrh hnlrf a rorv en joyable all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. ,. Al. Nelson on Mili tary street Thursday. V potmen luncheon was served at noon at a prettily decorated la- me, woere covera were arranged for Mrs. C. P. Snoddy, Mra. Elmer .iciean. .Mrs. George Caskey. Airs. J. R. Turnbitll, Mrs. August Hock, Mra. Frank Staffanson, Mrs. (Continued on page 3)