Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 19, 1937, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Texas School Catastrophe Again Emphasizes the Fallacy of "It Can't Happen Here, Safety at Any Cost Should Dominate Our Own School Project.
Highest temperature yesterday 52
lowest temtterafuro lust night 37
Precipitation for 2t hours Iti
Hrerlp. HiniH first of month 2.00
Pncii. from Sept, 1, MM 16.70
Deficiency since Sept 1, 1136 9.05
Rain; Coot.
nji-n lnr! assault befors me sea
Mo JiMfWary rozrjrr.jtl&s next
Monday, CMef JoMh Hug
rosy be the rtnrt wlfR, W!&
KWS-P.KVIEW w(r report,
r uvniP H V f u r u
Hsr vsr k vv vr vv vsr
Day'sN ews
THIS paragraph from a Washing
ton dispatch Is worth rending:
"Federal revenues, bolstered by
the inflow of eash from March In
come ' tax collections, have crossed
the THHRB B1LI40N dollar mark
this fiscal year," " . .'
(A fiscal year is n financial, or
bookkeeping year. The federal
government's fiscal year runs
from June SO to July ,!
ryi ITS face, that statement is
It is less reassuring when wo re
flect that In the' same fiscal year
federal government EXPENDI
TURES ran around seven Million
Tho difference is represented by
somehow, this mounting debt will
havo to ho REPAID.
er Strikers' Eviction Ordered
Execution of Edict Stayed
rending Further Parley
of Governor, Sheriff
and Unionists.
THR PROCESS of going Into
debt is easy and painless. The
process of PAYING OUT will he
TTHIS nation's steadily mounting
public debt "Is worrying even
high officials of the New Deal.
Witness, for example, this extract
from another Washington dls-
Itucctir - v.
"Chairman Mnrrlner S. Kccles,
of the federal reserve board, called
tonight (Monday) for a 'prompt
balancing of the federal budget'
through the imposition of higher
Income and excess profits taxes If
Dy "If necessary" be means that
if we can't cut down spending we
(Continued on page 4)
.' (By the Associated PresR)
DETROIT, March 19. Governor
frank Murphy conferred with
: , ; "".. , "... ".,'",'" sh In one day. Anglers will be
of e.OOfl strikers from captive at" I'"1 P"?"S ne "?!
tnmnhiu ,i ..... i seven consecutive days ttrovld-
that "I am exhausting every effort
PORTLAND, March 18. (AP) (from South Umpflua falls to 400
The game commission-, annual ' " ?,w,SE;t, n .m-k
synopsis of angling regulations. !WBy ridEe downstream to ocean
listing the on1- and length limit 1 closed. Steamboat creek ami til
of trout and mitliiifnir roBtrtiimi. hutarles closed. Silent creek and
In certain waters, trait to nress ! Diamond lake lying in radius of
totiay ready tor distribution to
sportsmen before the season opens
on April lb.
The new regulations establish!
he general bag limit at IS noiint!:.
ana one iisn nut not to exceed 20
ing the bag is not over 40 fish. It
for peace " 1 meeat to possess more tnan
,nt; Kuven ur met wtttt me sner. mm in riot, ..,
m anil wttn mcnard T. Franken- The commission set the limit in
!'i!e?; ""fnlzntioiml director of lakes at 15 pounds and one fish
the United Automobile Workers of or 15 fish in one day but not to
America, and George S. Wilson, exceed 30 pounds and 1 fish or 3(1
i'K.iiti(Mii oi tne uonge local, tie fish in uvon ,f,rot,t ,i,.
ctrtiri Unma Afnfl 1 - I - " " . w"tI J
the II. A. W. A., would ioin the rmntv r,i.,ii it,i,t
trnii nrnnco inter. . notieaH North Pmnnit fmm
oiii-nii n iieox maoc no rormnl unner fish larks (n ana foot nhnv
lequesi lor State assistance, the p osed In nnrMnr IMoh ll Ann
governor said. eet north of the mnnlh nf Hlh
Governor Mtirphv said he Inter. Rock creek tn 400 fm,t it nf ti,
ihuiuu mo writs ot aiiaeiimciit, is- month closed. South
sueti tuts morning on e.-tier or nn.
cult Judge Allan Cam..iieII, as nn-
inorizmg the arrest of. high nffl
clnls of the II. A. W. A., as--wall
as tho strikers,.- -... :.- -
- Thegovernor explained that the
snorirr, witn only 120 denudes.
was raced with an unprecedented
nroblem In attempting to arrest
li.iMin men.
Wilson, arriving at the gover
nor's suite, said there were "bones
for settlement" of the Chrysler
450 feet from month of creek clos
ed. Diamond lake open from May
23 to October SI, Lake creek clos
ed from Diamond lake for- Sno
yards downstream. Short creek
and Rock creek closed. Lake creek
from Lake Creek falls to.Lson lake
In Other Countle
Jackson Fish lake open April 15
to August 15, Rogue river from
Goltl Ray dam to point 400 feet
downstream closed.
Josephine Rogue -river from
Rainey falls to point 400 feet lie
low. Rogue river from Savage
Rapids to point 400 feet below
Lane Tributaries of the Me-
Kenzle below the Junction of Hlue
river, except Mohawk creek, tvibu
tarles of the south fork of the Mc
kenzie, tributaries of the middle
fork of the Willamette river from
the mouth of the north fork to the
limpqun Lowell bridge, closed to angling.
SALEM. March 19 (API In
strike, which began March S. The ,"'h,.';!!v,n'l f!nlsh wl,ifh sttw Mc-
governor, however, declined to
Mlnnvllle held scoreless in the
comment' nnon any' progress made f?T,th. I??,,la J wo"
toward Hint end.
right to piay Astoria tomorrow for
Word has been received of the
death Thursday of Norman Agee,
68, former resilient of Roseburg,
at the home of his daughter, Mrs.
Stanley Nye, In Centmlia, Wash
ington. Death resulted from cere
bral hemorrhage.
Mr. Agee was born at Winston.
Douglas county, August 4, 1R6S, a
son of Mr. and Mrs. n. C, Agee,
pioneer settlers In the county.
Ho was married in 1890 to Clara
Mulleh, who died Jaminry 31, 1908.
The greater part of his life was
, spent In Douglas county.
Surviving, besides Mrs, Nye, are
three sons: Shirley C, Agee, De
troit, Mich.: Vtirnon L, Agee, Port
land, and Hnrley B. Agee, Rose
burg. Ho also leaves four sisters nnd
heven brothers: Minnie Cochran,
Portland: Ro" Kurtz, Salem; May
luiriz. Kan lleigo; Oscar Aeee,
Panlsho. WW.: Roland Agee.
Portland: Millie. Ashen Fred.
Miles, Eorl nnd Elmer Agee, all
of RoseburT.
The bodv is belnr brought to
, Roseburg. nd funeral se-vices will
be behl nt ' . m. Similar at the
Roseburg Undertaking eomoanv
parlors, with interment In Civil
Rend cemetery.
The sit-down strikers hove no- fmV ,." 1,1 thc 19s7 hl"5h sfho01
cii'drd elaht ChrvIor ntrnnmiinn "asseiDaii tournament, i lie score
nutomoblle plants for twelve days. ,mmy 32 to "
wtiii .McaimnvHie leading at
INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS half time by a score of 18 to 9, and
TIED BV strikes "OF TYPOS Holding its lead at the third quar-
INDIANAPOLIS. March 19 ter "' 11 " to 19 ". La "ramie
(API A oiilWo l, ,,,,i,o, f (i, opened up and scored 13 points
Internniinnni TiT,nIrni.ii ,,! while the McMinnville team, which
prevented the Siibiieation today of "treated North Hend yesterday.
-any eillllons or tho News ami the "l
Times, and two evening daily news- j WMth La Grande only four points
miners in lnnianapoiia, oeniiin, snutn, tiimmuttvo La
ine Mar, the citys only morn-.ltjrande forward, scored a basket.
1 followed by another by Center Me-
luuiuiuueu on page ti Clay, which tied the score. Lilly
DAvrn om-e irriierr. "lsl guani, scoren anotner to tane
uwvi:.rv juu HVWUOtU the lead, and Tuttle, who was run
F.X.PRAPF IIIQTIPI? in as a substitute, scored the final
UllCC UllllH 111 tUU ttttttt tlttlt illlit-
OREGON CITY. March 19 (API me 01 ",a
A S2800 damage suit brought bv the first game Astoria ran
r rana ltlggl, Ba em boxer, named "P " poiuis to ueieai Amelia, inua
H. Fred Sentka, former iustiee of eliminating the eastern Oregon ag-
tne peace at Oswego, defendant to- sregtiiion ironi mraier tuny.
day. I Sandness, Astoria center, con-
Hlgal alleged he was lnttired tinued his higii scoring tactics by
nnd his automobile damaged in a making IS points to tie for high
crash with a car driven by Sentka point honors of the game with his
near Aurora on January fi. victor ("animate ninpo. this onngs ine
A. Sidor, owner of the machine, is total points mnde-hy Sanilness In
a cti-derendnnt. tne tnree tournament games to ail.
Sentka has been indicted bv the
Clncknmns county grand Jury on
an embezzlement charge In con
ned Ion with the conduct of the
lust ice of peace office at Oswetro.
Police recently found a note benr-
mt the ex-official's nnme on the
JIarlon-Polk counlv bridge indicat
ing he iilattned to take his n'f
life. A few days later he reported
at Oakland. Calif. Last week b
was arrested at Portland. He said
he did not know how he reached
California or returned to Portland.
Collusion Charge Collapse Leaves
Watty Free to Wed Former King u
LONDON', larch 19. f.P
Tho Inst apparent harrier to Mrs.
Wfllllfl Rlmpson'a absolute tHvoreP
nnd nor mnrrlnge to Edward of
Wlnilaor wns ripire?! (orlav wisen n
Clmrije nf "rnlln'Mnn rimUR.
ed by the presldont of the Britirh
divorce cmirt.
Sir Ilovi) Mnrrhnim, e?.idnt nf
the rourt. Mrctfd tn cliarirc
Ptrlrkon ft-o thn record pfter tUt
kfne'R nrnrtor Informed bi court
Ihnl, trentitt ihc rase ,ia' nnv
other." Ii ha! iftp b en-pfnt ln
veMImtlon nnd fnle to Pd
proiinds in nrevet hnlMt1
divorr of M-. R'mnaon and Kr
nest Abfrlrh pirepjion.
T!l .nrttrtti fnllor'nE; le prr
tor frni-Irt nw"i in :I?it "fo
lnttmr'on" In the np. ifronF'd
all leffl nMtnrl nvren fie tr
Tilrfll wp11"!" of final decree
April 27. That nftion free
Because Harry Hoklns speech
supjiortlng Preshicnt Jiimseveil's
proposed reorganization ot tise su
preme court was too long for in
clusion in the regular WFA maga
zine, 15,000 copies have been iimil-
(l to federal works employes in
Oregon, K. J. Griffith, stnte ndmin-
lufrtilnr- unifl tmttiv
Mrs. Simpson to wed the man who "Sendiim out s speech by tbp
abdicated the British thrDno be- head of our staff Is not political,"
cause, of his Jove for her, Griffith said. "It is a matter of
Francis Rtenhenson, an elderly I routine to Rdvise workers of lifs
lawyer's clerk whose mysterious his attitude on social questions of
intervention last December Just Interest to them." 1
one day before Krfward abdicated ; firfffiih denied political pressure!
caused today's almost final scene had been exerted to gain favor for
PORTLAND, March 1ft CAP)
Frank B. Wire, state game sup
ervisor, about whose head have
swlr'ed rumors of an onster dur
ing recent weeks, dealt opponents
a knockout blow today byrehtam
Intr n mmintment frsr a fiv-
year term from the stme game
co in mission.
The- commission, meeting In
stnr chnmber session of an hour,
said the vote was unanimous.
with C. E. Riley, Klamath Falls,
absent. Riley previously had indi
cated be felt Wire should he re
tained after an understanding up
on Ins work. .
Immediately upon convening,
Chairman Dexter Rice Roseburg,
called an executive session. No
disclosure of the discussion which
followed was made, although Rice
said he had received numerous
resolutions from civic clubs and
sports organizations anking that
Wire be retained.
Soon aer setUlnR Wire's sta
tus, the commission adjourned to
journey to Oregon City In an ef
fort to arbitrate a fimwute there
over the mttUs of a fishing dead-
line south of the Willamette river
falls. Rice said the commission
would reconvene later to discuss
budget adjustments made neces
sary by a reduction of Slhtmm
from tbp original figure by the legislature.
MKDFORD, Ore., March Itt
(APl The esecullve commit iee
of the so-called national catfish
derby, to be heiii Hwnda April
-I. in Rogue river nar Savage rap
ids dnm, todav antheriziMi the es-
taldlsbnjpR' of a branch office at
Grants Pass for the. registration
or entries.
The team catehlttg 20 cat fish
first, in a length of time to ife
specified later, viii bo the winner.
Clone to I0 entrnms have filed
from this city,
C 1111 Of
Foes of Roosevelt Program
Want Chief juttice for
Lead-Off Witaeu if
By the Associated Press)
Ohlef Justice Hughes may he the
principal witness nest week at
hearings on the Roosevelt court
bill if some senate opponents
realize their hopes.
Whether fas will fas willing to
testify apparently depends In part
on discussions with other members
of the supremo court
Preparations were under way to-
lay to invite him formally to ap
pear unless he shanM indicate
disinclination to accent. . .
Instead of counting definitely
on Senator Wheeler D, Mont.l to
lend off In presenting their case
Monday, as nan been announced
loading demderatle opponents in
the ' senate judiciary eomasittee
said only that he would "be
While I have wo information on
the possibility of the chief justice
coming before us,, saisl Senator
Fbirko fD.. -Nsh,k I .shmtM mi!v
it he ts wllltnc." - .
InqtJtHes at the rhief jnstiepB
office urotight the reply that lie
had nothing m say, . . -
Ex-Juitica ts Speak
Senator Robinson of Arkansas.
tho democratic leaden announced
today that John Hessin Clarke,
only living retired supreme court
Defeat of Rebels 44 Miles
From Capital Followed
By Their Right to
Avoid Capture.
Continued on page 6)
OLENDALB, Oro March 19.
Ami Elders, resident of Giendale,
as arrested hem Jast night on a
charge of drunken driving. City
arsbat wmkeinnm reported, and
two companions, llert "Blackie"
McDonald and It, K, Bwekwaiiera,
were taken into custody on charges
of drunkenness, following an acci
dent in which their ear struck and
recked a fire hydrant near, the i
city baseball park.
The three men were released
from custody after MeDomihl and
FJders surrendered their aufomo
les as bail.
Cited to appear In court at ft a.
. today, Kbiern wns the only one
the trio to present himself. 5b
imnald nnri Bnckwaitors, It was
reported hy the police, could not
McDonald, Is was staled, has
been om of the leaders In an ef
fort to organize sn outside labor
union among mill workers of Glen-
tnle. an effort being eombatted hy
no organization of sn tnrtenendeiit
51 ADR ID. March 19 fAPU
Defeated Insurgent soldiers of the
Brlhuega garrison fied northward
through Gnadalajara mountain
passes to elude capture by victor
ious militiamen government cam
maimers reported today.
The insurgent retreat, character
ized as "completely disorganized,1
followed the reported capture of
the town yesterday hy the forces
or uen. Jose Mtaja, M&mm gener
alissimo. Brlhuega is 44 miles
northeast of the capital.
Under cover sf darkness and
rain the great mass -of insurgents
managed to slip from the war-torn
town before government brigades
began "mopping tip operations. .
Oen. Miaja asserted Brlhuega's
capture effectively ntoeked the In
surgent drive on Saeedon atrategic
town in Kev? CastiHe almost
straight east af Madrid
200 Italian Captors -
Propaganda off leers attached to
the Sladrid tiwm rporteii 20()
Italian 'prisoners were taken dur
ing yesterday figfttip. . . .
In a dHvittg rain miittinmen
charged Into the town and routed
lis insurgent garrison with fixed
bayonets and fierce rifle and ma
chine gun fire.
Government batteries heat down
the to wnV artillery defense in a
henv v shelling late yesterday.
opening the way for the charge.
ine victory sent hopes nf this be-;
lenguered capital soaring, j
Three insurgent planes were re
porter shot down.
Other prizes of the drlv were
listed by a government commnnl
que as 80 trucks, 2ft machine guns
una iu new pieees.
Final Death Toll Probably Will Be Increased
From Scores Hurt? Accumulated Gas From '.
Surrounding Oil Fields Believed to ;
Have Been Cause of Explosion.
(By the Associated Press)
DEAD Reliably estimated at or in excess of 450.
INJURED Estimated at 175.
SCENE High school building, London. Texas, consoli
dated district. -
GEOGRAPHY Located between London, a very old
town, and New London, Rusk county, in the midst of the gi
gantic East Texas oil field. Estimated population of two com-
munities 2,000, Enrollment from 30-mile area approximately'
1,200. ,
TIME 3:20 p. m. Thursday, 10 minute before dis
missal time,
CAUSE W. C Shaw, superintendent, said blast un
doubtedly due to an accumulation of natural gas. ' -
AUSTIN Gov. James V, Allied quickly ordered martial
law and sent troops into stricken communities,
WASHINGTON Headquarters oi Red Cro ordered re
lief workers te seette,
WARM SPRINGS President Roosev-eh, .ppaiJed, in
structed government agencies to render all necessary aid.
Sidelights On
School Tragedy
in the drama of empire, rose to his
feet on the ancient chamber and
gave bis r.pproval to the action
wiping out his charge of ' collu
sion." Stephenson It was disclosed, had
failed to comply with the law by
backing tip his Intervention Inst
Ieceinbrr with affidavits.
"Mr. fitenhenson," the attorney
geneij said, "told the king's proc
tor he was not possessed of any
evidence to support his aHegoHon;,
and they were based oa rumors
which ho bad heacd from friends
and news which had seen In
tho press,"
he eoutt program among the
WPA ranks. j
'l have talked with several per-;
sons about the matter and suggest-1
ed to some that they communicate''
with congress," he replied when
reported a"ke dwheiher VlA '
workers had been urged to write
to their congressmen,
"Thert 'never, has been any pre
ferente given to WIA employes In '
Oregon because of political rea-'
soiu.''- he. arhW, ."and there never
will, be as long as I am In charge.
There new has bees and never)
will be any pressure on anyone,
!oIltfcally or otherwise '
New Baby Under 2 Lbs,
& O O
Son of Anchor Couple
Interest of sisters, nurses and
patients at Merry hospital In
llosebttrg this morning centered
In the incubator of the hospi
tal's maternity ward, where
rested a cotton-swathed mite of
humanity, horn Friday to .Mr.
and Mrs. iiaymond Hrris, resj.
dents of Anrimr. Tim prenm
turely-born boy weighed only
one pound and 15 ounces, ac
cording to the report of Dr. B.
H Hboeraaker, attending physi
cian. The child is the first to he
born to Mr. and Mr. Harris.
Tbc-mother is tZ years of age.
f,pn-"o rook, fig, twice msvor tt
rsh'teld, rimnned dead in his
noe here tonight.
Conk, who had been homestead
er, rancher builder eons! mwv
man, merchant ed JrnNri hold
nr. cpme bore with his parents e
Uv- np of fmtr, aboard on old
"pn a rerl geer."
He nerved rn the Coos Bey rnvi
"n"ts'i(on 1 yesr, en1
nvoftfiPMii of itnt hody until the
fk't of (his veor.
Three daughters nml a mm snr-vlve.
MVinFOim, Or. Wsrrh 1R
fAP HnmM ,f, fSaodt Aner
on, oh namle nn dwNe driv
ing sentence, end Knhfi Fnm
worth, am b1 on s rbreo of
shall MInfer, Eagto Point dlstrht
The romtIn. stti tl3 b
fr sihot pnrf M(rhrred a hfer
he'OTInf to Miiit on rnge.
Ander-.on. o former 'fnrd
hWh fhV)t atbfM, nHd frnh
man foothali at the Tnlverslty of
Oregon. '
A tereo number of memberx nm!
visitors Wftt-g ireent astt ttht
lor the aimtrni horaacomlnB of tint
t. ii, ii. r. loimo of HwtewirR, ceie
tnratliiK the kxUii'fi nnitlvorsary.
nit! metninB oiwnon vttli n tnrfcey
tllnnor- ttt S;J o'clock, with i
Oihl Ftl(owit, oaeh more than X2
yearn ot ago as gnestg tr honor.
I no honor guests w&n J. IJ.
Hoourd, LookfBKBtatw: John Aim.
antler. Clitic; O. IJ, CMliiwor, Snth-
mm; it. i, Melnaon, KotwbBrK;
John Howell. McMlnnvlHt. Mr
Alexantinr and Sir, Howard havn
beca BiPinboin of (he Imfue for
more utau m yearn,
Vlsllor wtfre nrpwat fn'tm Itiir.
rhtlHirR, Onwngo, McifinnvHlp, Klk-
toti, HHlltfrlln, fJafclond, Myrllp
v-rnnn, cnyoaniH am IttIttl.
The HosehurtE tlKree ttmm. pan-
tainmi by Karl llrit, conffrrwt
tho first tlessrw on ! of five
ramlfilstpa. Talks were ! lit
visftltitc nntt Ittcal offtwtrs anil
honor gtifsts.
SAI.BM, Mereh I. f API
Warning Is given lomnlwrrv row-
crs in a Mlnr sent ont hy tbn (r
nn loisenlierry eontrol honrtl,
throueh II unrrntnry, Wflltem J.
I.lnfoot of 8ltm, ht ffforts srp
hainv mlt hy bnywm lo parehttsp
Imrrles rtlrcflly front BiPtnlHtrit nf
llio iimtrol htwrt Krittive (it
Btr'ttd of Ihrottglt Ote Itoartl, ITjttlt.r
lhi law. Ih InKpr nttlalns, nil
ititmhers iro tlstnl wKb titp ttmn-i
IV rinrpts where their names eon
Iw fhfeketl, ami, no bHyr eatj buy
li'CTlIf ewepf (hrnBh the Ittnrtl.
NEW LONfJON, Te. ilareh 19.
(AP) rsrty.flvs sslnutes septtrttt'
eti some -TOO school eWWren from
death aatl life yststordgy.
School official hal plaimtHi to
dismiss the entire ittttrtcnt bsHly of
the stmlor nrt junior hlKh school i
of Ute Lontton consolidated school
severs! mlttnti early so they
couw attttntl & county tmes and
field tiieet. Minds were changed
ana only pttrtlclpaHto wore allow
ed lo cut the last class.
Tliey www nmotifc tho fw sur
vivors of tho explosion that goes
down as one of Anw?rieas most
apnalllni; school rttlM traitnlles.
NEW LONUOM, Te March 19.
(API Ueorne Httrty, , fell
dead late last nigltt as be wateli.
ed workers earry mangled Itotlles
from the srbool nnlldln ruins.
NBW WJNIXJN, Tt's, Mreb 19.
API A lesson In natural re
ftDurtjes S5trv(wt tlo scitool blast
A worhmsn clenrett away the
deurls, a wlacfcoottrn wm esttosed
on whltli ws stmwlwl (he fwilow
"OH nntf nslsrsl m am East
T3Etts greatest inlltoral Itlesslne.
Without thorn this school wonitf
not btt hers anrt nons uf us woultl
be here learning our lessons."
An accumulation o natural gas
wns uMjnitNf for to explosion,
which snuffeu out hnnilreils of
Mifsh 19. APJ tatorsrs -ceaeed
digging inio the ruins .
, of the London iwoltd(ti
. schasl this s-fiernosri , mn& -i,
wearily M "the Job Is finish--'
. etf iMarrrc"ftM hn
rvmsvait front the jrtis of de
bris, '
.Colonel C, K, Paw,J natlmat
giisrrt commander, aald every hnck
hstl been lurweil f the" basement
of the explosion-reeked stmctare
antl that the Job of seeking bodies
had ended, :
He mid final cleanii np woaltl
take only altsut as btmr longer.
The officer said ahoat -tSS hodies '
had been lifted front tho pile ot
steel and brick and added that
"there may nave been few more
than that." Wiwrfetf oil field ia
borers who bad tolled for nearly -31
hours, wan? of thews thtring a
slashing rainstorm, stoppetl work
In groups and went home lo be
reaved wives, .
NKW UJNWMf, Tex, March IS.
(Af) Clasped in each other's
arms, a boy and srtrt were fount!
alive early today in the rains of
the Mast shattered $l,(f(fl,K(0 Ijon
doit consolidated school. The ex-
ttloslon, which kilted more than 300
children farmed a crude arch of
falling debris whleb sheltered the
Hysterical and sobbing, they
were carried tnronRh the throng
liiuttlly ami Ihelr names were not
learnttl. They were of junior high
school age.
IJALLAS Hundred of dosages
of anti-tetanus serum wsre sited
to the biattt stene, Physicians said
It was neetieti iawlly because of the
tanker of loekjaw developing front
tvautids ef the injured.
CFtKSririS'T m CHf., March
13. fAPl Fir of wndHermlned
origin destroyed6 the McNamara
bulldinjf todsv. FJremw ptlmtetl
damage at 825.WW. partially color
ed by Insurant.
WILIS PfWKT. Tfrx. Jesse
Cottch, 3fl, was ono f the thou
sands w8 hnrrttwl to the blast
scene hy motor ran 11 was hilled
in a collision nmr Tylr,
SKW wres of tnir
ents were attending Faimt-
T"cber BssmiBtfm mating
yards from the high arhmil hUd-
Ing when tliey bearil (he roar. They
ritshed cFemlng Into a blinding
dust fog toward (h debris. Their
children ww wndv the felled
btirk and wteid.
OVKIITOK. Tst. IliKlles were
placed on eots hem fn a hnHding
formerly used w a skating link.
While frantle psrentH mm&l from
col to cot a oirerhe read:
'G'nilemen wilt please remove
' (Continued m $as $1
NKW LONIWN, Tax., March IS.
t AP) Crashed and torn bodies
of 425 children carae slowly ont of
the blostftftttwwl $Wtw0 Lon
don sehofilhauso (n a rnlttatorm to
day aa a milHary Inflniry ffns
qnlcWy get (if motion within the ;
It isaa a dinwl, drtEKng scene
dotted: with frnnrtad, red-eml par
ents and determtaetf Invttgafsrs.
Major Claston Homrd nppaiie!
a I tho nation yvarxi modern child
tragedy aafct an ' tovesligstloa
Imsrd of rtx would start function- ;
Ing this afternooB, Survivor ami :
eye "wltnewm vtmM Im qnssttonsd
In an open hearing, be mM,
Flrt definita indication that ac
cumulated m Mwed the blast
that lifted hundred of acboot
children linnyy rd and toriefe
Into tho air. came from Mnter How
ard when bs mM ? ! P, Bhoch. .
noted eheniisjry professar st the
University erf . Tfn, bees
summoned testis
The recovered tmdt eomnris
ln virtually ssll nf iU& eesatry ,
sldea rmiBr renemlion and :
their teaeherB, were (I(trtbate(
amonc wldsl? amMemd moreue.
Biplnr gs. jw ever present
menace In oil fields colleet In
lioekets fye In well ventliBtMl .
bMdine end sloog Mhnvm. As
(sn( Firr "sfi Js riin x
plnlned &t flfclahom ltr. ln
"omeS'm frm (n iwfeet val
levs in the otl f"A countrv. be
nld. "Tli a Ht Twm mnnXrv nf
ew fndon i htHr, Yod Brohih-
W find mnrr, 5 rfeals along
htHwa there
Th thrif of flwtwdated snm
wa rst af asjeed Jirtend
ent S T Blswa who hlmlf Wk
a son In Ihe deirrtlon of his hih
A svm?he(l ntiiirm Wttwmt
t.e IRd-h nf t'rWeni Booe
v1 fn olfrrh'i? stwmr
Tbe Hmm frws ppiii TIs-
bij relf -wwfe Tesas bsls-
tntnrp 'ft (nTst(((re machlner
it wnrfe nnit n delefim ftf
It Ppm3 to wafce s flnt-hndl
4tt-wr nf thff ("rsryjyjjjJnUv' ffeds,
Crf psHe( ntn vtrtnsliv everv
l"m,n of nil-'i'rl-.'-nr , mrnnny of
fictnt and frmem tn (h& eom-
Parent vcnr ypi f&t oft
tnoriie tn siMrfw e-i be
neath shln. Thv plodded ronj