1 TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1937. I Uitlll 111 lllllfH I mmsm. r An Oregon Bank Serving Local Needs First AS AN INTEGRAL PART of The United States Na tional Bank of Portland, this bank participates in the strength and facilities for service afforded by Oregon's largest bank. It likewise adheres to the bank's funda mental policy of serving local needs first through a local staff conversant with local requirements. ( It A Safe Deposit Box here costs only about a Penny Day and protects your papers and other valuables from Fire, Theft and Loss through carelessness. a: Resources Over 120 Millions E. S. McCLAIN, Manager. V. M. ORR, Assistant Manager. Rosehurg Ilranch of the United Stales National Bank Hvatl Office, Portlnntl, Oregon ' W P M II R It r T. n K II I. II K ! O S I T I MHUMAHfiB O It P O B AT I O N Victory Over Astoria Five Impressive; North Bend Loses to Lincoln. Today's schedule: Championship. 3 p. in. Uellfountuin vs. Chil-oquln. 4 p. ni. Franklin vs. fcimene. 7:30 p. in. Ashland vs. Me LoUKhlln. 8:30 p. m. Salem vs. Lincoln. Consolation. 9 a. in. Amity vs. Athena. 10 u. in. Miluaukie vs. As toria. 11 a. in. Kiumath Falls vs. La Glunde. 2 p. in. McMlniiviHe vs. North Uelid. Yesterday's results. Lincoln 37, North lleiid 17. lii'llfnunlain 13, Amlly 28. Clillouuln 28, Athena 15. Franklin 33, .Milwnukie 21. Ashland 4i, KhmiHth Fulls 27. KilKene 39, Astoria 24. .McLoughlin 211. La Grande 2ii. Sulom 34, McMinnviUe 25. Mac hi. McLoughlin led 19 to 11 at the half. Salem high school, the host learn, stepped Into the daikhorse clasB by slopping McMinnviUe 34 to 25. The VlkincH were In front 18 to 11 at the half but repeated rallies Uy the Me.Minnville sharpshooters made the contest a battle right to tiie close. E SET FOR FHIUY T! 6-C1 EW CENT I I A DAY MORE I U I THAN A LOWEST R PRICED I CAR! I iAOlUAI. rtlOTOQRAPH . , TI TE guarantee to convince you Si VV conclusively that this big ' superbly styled 1937 Studebaker Dictator, is a better car than any ; higher priced six. And more than . ! that we'll match this Dictator, ; even on a low cost basis, with any I lower priced car because the Dicta tor's sounder, longer-lived construc tion plus Us sensational From oil cleaner and fins-saving automatic overdrive will even up any apparent price difference! Studebakcr'sC.I.T. budBctplanolTerslowtunepaymcnts. UMPQUA GARAGE If hone 385 A. E. ELLIOTT, Prop. Medical Arts Bldg. . SALEM, March 18 (AP) Right baHketlmll t(ama, two of them members of the "11" school divlKlon, moved lnlo tin nocoiiri round of the cliumiJioualilp t ! f k i 1 1 In the Oregon inieraulioluHMe tour- numont ut WiUaiuotle univonmy today. KghuUh of yostorday'H openers dioiK(d fight toumn into the eon Holution round. .My the end of play tonight only lour teams will re main to continue into the semi rinuiH or the title round. Tournauietit ntilhirrifi viewed Eu gene high school as reul dumiplon Hhlp pi'oHpecls following a (in?. .II tig Hit to H triumph over Astoria. The vulley com bl nation sent the til ennoti, tamed for their tournament champioiiHhlpn, ' down to one oi' their worst defeats In many years of Salem competition. Eugene out classed the coastal school all the way, and the game with Franklin, Portland title holder, tonight should go far In determining the l!);(7 honors. Franklin advanced Into the quar-; (or limits by nipping iMLlwaukie, I 83 Jo 24, Franklin trailed J3 to 11 j in a first half that was tied up five times. The game was dead locked three times in the second i half before the Portlanders nosed : through to victory. North Bend Beaten Lincoln, the Portland runnerup. posted an bubv 'tf to 17 triumph over southwestern Oregon's entry, North Head. Lincoln led 21 to lu at the close of the half and the Coos Hay combination didn't hit the basket ugaiu until the closing three minutes. Chibxiulu and Doll fountain meet ;.oilay to determine the "H" elmm Pionshlp. The team from the Klam ath Indian reservation gained the second round by upsetting Athena M to lii. Al Giles lopped the Chile- quiu seorers with 14 points in the second half, making a total of 15. The Klamath club led S to 6 going into the third period, lletlfnuutaiu. of the top teams a year-ago, smothered Amity i:t t olfi. The winners at one time led 20 to it. Ashland Beats Pelicans Ashland had lllllo difficulty in eliminating the Klamath Kalis PellcniiH, I I to 27. The team couch ed by Forrest O'Connell, ex-Oregon Stale star, came out from behind a 1!) to 1H handicap al the end of the half. Ashland begun biltiug the basket after leading 23 to 22 at the end of the third period. McLoughlin high school of lou-Prei'watev, long a power lu urate fool hall, extended It suprem acy to basltothull with a 2!) to 2ti victory ovir La Grande. A closing rush by the T!:thih nearly turned their defeat into a triumph. Lilly sparked a La Grande rally in the closing period an his team scored 10 point s it uatn st only four for 1 1 NEW SHOE STYLES in step with Easter Fashions! M All the -styles that really count this spring I The "dressy" oxford , . , the high-in-front line . . . square heels and toes . . . perforations . . , cut-outs , . . "portholes" t High fashion details In shoes removed from the high-priced clasil ?4 New Easter Shoes I Smart T-Sirups foa 1'IiiSdrcii! 20 .4 The Itoeebui'K junior hlKli school Jitney Jamboree, an annual event Btasoil by the Asiiociateil Student Body, will be presented at the Bchool building Friday night ot this week. Through an error, It was stated yesterday the show would be given April 19 instead ot .March rJ. The Jamboree will offer entertainment and refreshments .booths during the early part ot the evenlug, with a floor show starting in the gymnasium at 8 o clock. 'I he entertainment will Include music, dancing and skits. together with an exhibition by the popular girls' drill team of the Jun ior high school. The program is open to the general public, and proceeds will go to tho student body fund to support student ac tivities. . BEAVERS DEFEAT L. A.BYONE RUN flNTABin Pnlir Hjt....nh 10 (AP) Tim Pnl'tliinrl' linunhnlr r.l.iH journeyed to the Los Angeles truining camp lie re today to re sume their exhibition game series. ihe Heavers won yesterday's gume at Fullerton, 7 to 6. single and an error by Los Angeles accounted lor 2 runs in the final stanza, enough to win. the Angels touched Liska and Hlumlv for 14 hitn while Prt.-tl.,.,H garnei-od only 9 off Myers, Lahti and Kimball. CALL FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY GENERAL FUND WARRANTS AND COUNTY EDUCATIONAL BOARD WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Gen eral Kund Warrants of Douglas oouiuy, uregon, registered NOT PAID FOR WANT OF FUNDS. prior to and including warrant number 85609 and DOUGLAS COUNTY EDUCATIONAL BOARD warrants prior to and including warrant number 1114, are called for payment on March 16, 1037. Present them at the office of the county treasurer. Interest will cease on that date. D. II. LENOX, Treasurer, Douglas County, vOre." NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Water will bu shut oft . Friduv evening. March J9th, w p. m. till 12 nl'f'icting all consumers north of Deer Creek, but within the city limits that is, the entiro north aide. J THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POW ER CO. PACE Lumber, & Fuel Conmany sells built-in cabinets. All kinds of floors. Plain and fancy glass. Win dows, sash, weighty and cord, etc. Adv. B&rtleville Oilers Rate High Favorites to Win Hoop Championship. DENVER, March 18 - (AP) Chances oi a major surprise were virtually wiped out as eight crack teums pounded into -the quarter final stretch of the national A. A. U. basketball tournament, liartlfsviUe's powerful and pol ished Oilers, Missouri Valley A. A. U. league champion and chief fav orite for the title, and all otber well-backed clubs still are in there for tonight's battles the pick of the 45 teams that started the murathon Sunday. With substantial victories, all eight sidestepped any such upset in yesterday's third round games as that which bowled the top-favored Kansas City Phllcos out of the 1936 meet. If numbers mean anything, the far west has Mts best chance of crashing into basketball's throne room for the first time in nearly 20 years. Three of the eight clubs repre sent the Rocky Mountain section and two bear California allegiance, compared with one each from the east, midwest and southwest. Hollywood's veteran team, na tional A. A. U, runners-up last year, brushed disaster the closest yes terday, as it had an uphill pull to stop the Denver American Beau ties, an outfit of working youths who play basketball for recreation. The score whs 40-32. Bartlesville used all of its famed players, led by "Chipper Charley" Hyatt and Jne Forten berry, and had them hustling hard to subdue the Slaton, Texas, Oilers, a clever passing team, 57 to 39. The Colorado Springs Antlers set a tournament high by swamping the Walia Walla, Wash., Mitchells figured to offer a much better defense 74 to 43. FRIEL SAYS COUGARS WILL BEAT U. OF O, PULLMAN', Wash., March 18. (AP) Coach Jack Frlel, who pre dicted his Washington Stale Cou- MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES This Old Treatment Often Brings Happy Relief Mtny Huffcrers relinve noggins backache quickly, oocb tiiey discover tiiat the real caum of their trouble may ho lirctl Mtlnoy.i. The kltlncya nrc Nature's chief way of taking tha eicnn acids and wnate out of tha ulootl. nj oit peopio pasi ruqui j pmu a uay or auuut S nnundii of was In. Fraqueut or scanty pnataoea with marling niiu uuiiimu hmuwb tuure uuy ib BomoifllDg wrong with your kidneys or bladder. An excess of arlda or polaona in your blood, when due to functional kidney diaordem, may be the cauae of nagginK backache, rhoumaiio lialna, lumbago, hg pain, loss of pep and cn rsy, getting up nights, swelling, purBncsj undr the eyes, neadaclies and diiiitww. Don't wait I Ask your druggist for Doan'i Pilla, wm successfully by millions for over 40 years They give linppy rcllff end will help the 15 miles of kidney tube flush out pouttooui waste from your blood. Get Diut's PtUa. mi- 1 ' 1 This Easter Dress Like "Fifth Avenue" at an "Off-The-Avenue" Price MEN'S SUITS 75 Soe Wards complete new Spring clothi:!,", line see the overplaids tn shark skins, worsteds and twills. ALL WOOL fabrics, sunburst and free-swing sports backs at a saving ! 98c Dusty Tones Deep Tones .Men-N Shirts An amaiinj? NEW Rroup at one low price! Sanforiicd Shrunk broadclotlt. Soft, wilrproof or button-down collnrs. gars would knock the University ot Washington's basketball tltlo hopes into Lake Washington and then watched them do It Is at It again. Bald Frlel today: "I think we can 'take' Oregon hero Saturday night and gain the final coast con (erence playoff with Stanford." The teams will meet in the final playoff to settle the three-way 41e for the northern division crown. Oregon and V. S. C. divided their scheduled four-game series, with the Webfeel scoring 143 points to Washington State's 141. Four of the division's Bcven players who scored more than 100 points will meet in the deciding playoff game Nelsou, leading division scorer. and Capt. Bill Dahlke, of W. S. C, unci wintermute ana silver, of Ore gon. tiou dance at the Oriental Gar dens Saturday night, featuring the music of Jimmy Johnson's Campus band. Students will bold a rally on the streets at 3 p. m., and the or chestra will be beard over station KH.N'It at 6 o'clock. The dance will feature a floor show, presented by local talent and college entertain ers. The event will be open to all dance lovers. V .niiitivGh ulcera. thr dUirtu au. lo ,,iITiPi fi. FUEB. Uai Ml !"ch,,,?0or 5om 53SY taBlfi WugggUta, BDOA. juUroiu Mil iUii niB. U Chapman's Pharmaoy OSC BAND DATED FOR DANCE, KRNR HOUR Oregon State college students will b pon bo r a public spring vaca- SwinglVith Joe College '''V . AGAIN Saturday, March 20 ORIENTAL GARDENS Jimmie Johnson's Oregon Staters Sponsored by Oregon State Boosters Club of Roseburg DRESS UP FOR EASTER! Wards (ffild&CC Fashions stress new ideas at Wards Low Prices ! EASTER COATS for Dress or Sports Classic reefers and flrfetf'ifft swaggers of novelty Uflllft fleeces and sueded a M cloths. Sizes 12 to 52. Wjr EASTER SUITS are very Important Mannish types made jTK fkk of men's wear fabrics 11 IlfVaTB by men's tailors 1 12-44. . .... jAsiS'Z'r:. . SUIT BRESSES are Classic favorites Navy crepes or sheers In jacket styles. With cool white accents. Your choice I 12 to 52. POLKA HOTS repeat tlteir Cliie Perennial charmers with refreshing whito trims. Navy grounds. Sizes 12 to 52. shsv vv I 698 r iBm 38 , 4 mm. urn - w5 - 1 CASUAL FELTS Medium brims t o wear rolled up or down to match your mood. All new colors. Head si2cs 21 j to 24. CLASSIC I-KI.TS 1 Here are the new lower crowns and wider brims you've wanted. Good color choice. Sizes 212-21. 2-IV. ZEIMIYK KXITS Exceptional values I partly hand-fashioned I Cleverly styled with novelty details, 34-40. Montgomery Waad Phone 95 315 N. Jnckson St. Thone 95 Phone 95 315 N. Jackson St. 315 N. Jackson St.