ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURC. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1937. FIVE i NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ads. Phsn 100 m RATES 1 ' Blng le Insertion, per ' One week, per word.................... ...6c t One month, per lino. . J1.00 vMlninimn charge . .........25c Copy (or this page will be accept' I d until 11 a. m. ol the day ol imb- i Ucatlon. F-A Tbe News-Review assumes no 1 responsibility lor and in no way (guarantees tbe financial respousl ! illlly or integrity of the advertls ,"ri In tbe classified columns. Head jiSrs are urged to make full invest! I gatlon before sending money In re sponse to advertisements. ' kj The News-Kevlew reserves the' ; right to reject objectionable adver- Using. It further reserves tbe right' 'to classify all advertising under the proper classification. Uvwtdck HORSES-DAIRY CO.WS-HORSHS i 00 work horses, 6 years old to :t sniootli mouth, weight 1000 to 1700 pounds; mated pairs and . singles. All these horses are good .- gentle we'H-bi'oke work horses. Guaranteed Knd 'delivered Into VRosoburg territory at a very f;' small charge. 40 head Jersey ?;and Guernsey milch cows, fresh E- jund springers. A nice ouncn oi 4 cows. Stlckley's, Eugene, Ore. 8HBEP WANTED To buy a car- .' load of breeding ewes or stock V-? sheep. Soe John Rohr, or V. J. hilippl, Grand Hotel. ANOTHER load of work horses P -ifor sale. All gentle. Doc Cook fe'I ranch, 7 miles west of Wilbur., i'k Walter Sankey. ('HORSES for Brio at Mlddledale ,';;; stock farm, 4 tmllos :S. 45 of 5 Dery, Creswell. FOR SAliE Five '8-weeks-old pigs, 1 -ft (-1.0U euca or 'fttu lur Lue rui, 'v fni Bounds, Ruckles. . iPOR SALE fresh cows. Inquire Frank Smith, Rice Creek. GOOD collie dog, cheap. 321 N. '! ; Kane. FRECKLES AND HIS l K. "f -LOOK ...THE SATE S. vE PROBABLY VI "WE GATE REMAIUS "J T ,,,0 ,,, 1Z& . -- . H h y.UBlmHOOw S RAy THAT COW- 4 . RAY .ar BUT all! HOD.M't' ! E3)F WE BEE tf' T r L,WV SUPPOSE,T -jTBOLSTHEOmS! I OUR BODES PASSED HIS GATE RIGGED . mSymJiWCTSEv&T fIC3HT WOv' AW ItfEEP- WrlT ItS,rJUTTY? AUTOMATICALLY' M THRU IT, AWD ELEC- , UP THAT WAY IF HE jL ' odTA fC IW3 UPBS IW, fL MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE "Under the Rose" By Thompson and Coll . "i OUR. SITUATION! r THIS, MWRA - IF I 1 1 fl I PEEHAPS WE HAD BETTER SEPARATE. I A SPLEWPID SUCiCjESTIOM, " CAREFUL-- I A MESSAGE FO& VOU, SlC-.) T : - TWA-T SERGEAWT REPORTS US TO II COUUD GO TO THE 'HOSPITAL AND 1 'iWWRA " BUT VOU MUST V SOMEOWE'S V'UNPER THE ROSE!! m s, jfo ' THE LOYALIST INTELLI6EWCB III ; VOLUMTEER AS A NURSE. I'D BE CERTAIW .WATCH OUT FORTHE CLAW? APPROACM - Mm 71 T" SCi3fc ' TEPAR.TMEMT,"THE CLAW IS t TO PICK. UP SOME USEFUL IMFOEMATIOM HE'S WABOLICAU.V CLEVER., J IMS OUfe f S I I f JTHSSS. : - CER.TAIM TO BE ONI OUR. TRAIL ' I FKOM THE WOUMDEP MEN), AMD VOU CPULP i' , AMD-- VlABLEf y ( :FC" fK'TTZ " j KLNH C0MTl'C"'' ME lMEEE' EVERVj'' ' ' BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES 1 f Ttt Hit V. OONfT T MKT EIRY-1 "J ,1 TltutC WAt. OnATiV AsVC sV II rm 1 trtrtc- n II sw f-a txv U1-W akt I1 - .VSw",... . I TA rX I x rTA I CAilA. VSR. r WASH TUBBS S ... fMMAT! the van, for. sosh sakes! now, now, cicns. okw, iwv she'd h Also bow not exactlv. we just " humph; anju what f to refuse permit me to weminp ' ! (Jc)?? STOP'S I EWV AND T CANT GO 1 DONT MOU WORRV, NCK VOUITEARUSIWOW'S RI6HT! DNIT WANT ANV TROUBLEJ IF I TOLP YOU THAT TO FIGHT, YOU, YOUNfc) MAN, THAT I l EL.HOYO'zBACKT0 THCTTOWM. EL HOVCrS GOT A OONT KNOW LIMB YOUleE" . THAT'S ALL. "VOlJ'Re TO MEET THIS VOU'VE SI&NEP AN IRON-CIAO ZlZjZX Wi SOT WTO TROUBLE NEW W6RIPP AND , LULU BELLE. J FROM AF?AD I 'TZ VERV SAME LULU BELIE TJ CONTRACT TO FI6HT AklVJ. '- '- Lt!. ' - r fer" ft -rjv- FOR SALE 3 'horses, 100, 1400 and (too pounds. Broke. Two 3- year-old cows, (resn, urooa sow, It turkeys. S way plow. Jousle Jones, Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE 9-months-old Austral ian Shepherd pup. Fbone 3412. RmI EsUts WILL TRADE Ten lots on two; . corners in beautiful Emory Park, Arizona, five miles from center of Tucson, on paved highway, opposite Emery Park school. Electricity, .telephone. For un-, improved acseage with stream in Douglas county. A. J. Emery,! Emery Park, Aricoua. WANTED Modern 3 or 4 bedroom borne in or very Hear Pbrtlund, for same and 17 acres, some or chard, on a river 'near Roseburg. Oi- will sell for '34,000. AddreBs Portland; Box 5164. FOR SALE A dandy '600111 -plastered house, woodshed, guruge, lot 60x250 feet, Lots of shrub-' bery. 1 block 'to Rose school.i Tonus. See it at 62B S. Main St. huusu run baljK, uk kjeonx 1 Nine rooms. 'Close in. Reason- able. Page Lumber ft Tuol Co., 709 N. Jackson St. Phone 242. WANTED Near Roseburg, small acreage, suitable lor chicken, ranch, with pasture, cheap. Cab in 84, Roseburg Auto Camp. WANTHD-Small hoUBe, close In. DOx 109, News-Review. Low and found LOST Saturday afternoon, pack ago containing man's dark Bult; and light felt hat, 'bathrobe and: other articles 011 road between! Roseburg, south city limits and! Biockway. Reward Will lie paid.' nichClold Camas Mountain Serv ice Station, John M. On'. . Fuel DRV old growth fir Wood, $1-50 at' ranch, also split laurel. Llnd bloom, Dixonvillo. FRIENDS fSE.l W.MOW1. 1 VKJ HOPE BOOT For Sale, Miscellaneous PIANO SACRIFICE Small buu gaiow sue, modern, only small balance due. Must sell quickly to save shipping expense.. Take ' over balance tor cash or very easy payments. Address Mr. J. F. Smltli, adjuster, Cline Piano Co., lull s. w. Washington, Portland, Ore. FOR SALE 21 light feeder hogs. Vaughn drag saw. 1500-walt Kohler light plant. Or will trudo for sheep. W. T. Wright, Days Creek, St. John's alfalfa ranch. FOR SALE Used building ma terial. Doors, windows, founda tion blocks, barn, lumber. 6ib Rast Ave. P. Hempel. PRUNES Choice petltes, 20 pounds 31.00; 50 pounds, 42.00 delivered. Ltmlbloom, Dixouvllle. UNDERWOOD typewriter, good condition, $15.00. Uood electric stove, 325.00. At 529 S. Main. OFF on Superflex oil heaters, to clear floor. C. W. Groves & Son, Medical Arts Bldg. FOR SALE) Small local potatoes for planting, pound 2 Jc. Parkin son's Food Store. OARAGE door, complete with rol lers and track, 33.50. 616 Rast Ave. P. Hempel. 8EB -your cream welshed and tested. Clyde Adair, Roseburg Creamery. MILK, grade A nuieuniea or w. Delivered dally. Dairy. Phone 34 FOR SALE Old growth fir stump age. Jones, Lookingglass, Mc Clintock. FOR HALE CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator. Radio Music Store. PAINTED metal bathtub, $6. 215 . E. Lane St. SALMON EGGS, stcelhoad hooks, at Powell's. USED washers and used radios. Radio Music Store. Brace Up, It's an 111 Jessup Breaks the News FOR SALB-Mounted wood, saw outfit lu good repair. Price 330.00, Chas. Kyes, 820 N. Jack sou. , . i MAYTAO washers Sales f.nd ser vice. Radio Music Store. Miscellaneous IT'S THE TIME of the year. Why delay? Lot 8 make ;thal -shabby, car look like new. A- t&rk. Low prices. Prices and information gladly given. . Munirjy'a. Auto paint Shop, near corner Oak aud btepbens, UMPQUA WELDING WORKS Electrlo - welding, portable rig, acetylouo. Mine work a special ty. Shop, 627 N. Jackson St.; residence, 60S N. Malu, Rose burg. 1 DOES your motor "cat" oil?. Per haps a now set of piston rings aro needed. Drivo iu for a tost. Hartley; & Fuuclior, 125 N. Roso, St. - SINGER sewing muchlno siiIrb and service. Repairs. Parts. Guaran teed work. Phone 26. Judd's Furniture Store. GLASS, GLASS Get your glunB cut and ground for your car at Sard's, 623 N. Main St. Phone 653. " RADIO repairing. Hang. Electrlo. Poultry FOR SALE Largo white Muscovy ducks. Write Mrs. C. E. Vlcek, Glide, Ore. FOR SALE Day-old Bronze poults, host mnrkot tylpo. Ray White, Canyonvllle. Financial HOME financing on approved Roseburg and vicinity property, undor Federal Housing plan, -or' other forms of loans, at low in terest rates. No commissions. Why not start a savings ac count? Douglas Building & Loan Ass'n., Medical Arts Bldg., Rose burg, Oregon. Phono 216. Oscar! Wind ! OA UO ,Mf.M OOM'T rV V6fePV Vt. 1N nt V.MNO ROOM ,MOVO ? 1 TVWViW V- CAilA. VVE.P- Wanted WANTED Lawumower- grinding. Keep your mower really sharp and easy running by having It sharpeued by machinery, the ideal way. Work fully guuran-, teed. The Roseburg Cyclery, 835 N. Main. WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished modern bouse. Prefer close in. Mjlst have replies at once. Phone ' Marshall Pengra, KRNR. CASH CASH For your scran Iron. MetalB of all kinds, rags, bottles. Pacific Junk Co., 222 W. Oak St. WANTED The News-Review will pay 6c a pound for good clean cotton rags.. WANTED Roomoi-s and bourders, very reasonable. 323 S, Steph ens. Rentals FOR RENT 5-roo m inodorn bouso. Unfurnished. Garngo. llasument ' and furuaco. Pboue 424 or 149-R. MODERN apartments. Koblhagen Apts. Phone 660. FURNISHED apartmont. 424 Floett corner Mill. Help Wanted SALESWOMAN 28-60, efficient, courteous, with good appearance. Character roterences required. Apply in person 2-4 o'clock ' Thursday. 218 Court St. WANTED Housekeeper on rauch for 0110 person. Permanent for right party. Box 108, c-o Nows Rovlew. Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dalton Adding Machines, sales and service. Roseburg Book Store. Phone K90-J. Trade FOR TRADE Radio (or plana 'Grose & Harglt. S &Efc .Ml J,A iw by nca srnvicr., 5 KILLED, 300 HURT IN PARISIAN RIOT PARIS, March 17 (AP) France's popular (rout government was threatened both by strikes and political difficulties today as the outgrowth of night-long rioting in the workors' suburb of Cllchy in which five persons were killed and at least 300 wounded. The bloody (struggle between communists, mobile guards and rightists brought a one-hour strike of workers at the grounds of the' forthcoming Parts International exposition, at the HotihklsB 4110. tor plant and in Bovcral clothing stores in protest ugalnst tile deaths and arrests of communists, allied with othor left political par ties In the government. Twelve hundred workers lii tho La Valelto construction plant In Saint Ouon, outside "Paris, startotl u sit-down, aud workers in tbe whole so-culled "red ring" of in dustrial suburbs wero discussing u possible general walkout tomor row. - , Members of 'parliament filed no tices of Interpellations of socialist Premier Leon Blum'a administra tion for ltB handling df the riots, tbe most sanguinary lu Paris lu throe years. Strong cordons of police wore thrown about strategic government centers to gnnrd against rising po litical agitation. CommunlstB, enraged by what they called the "massacre of Cllchy," demanded Immediate ar rest of Col. Francis do la Rocque, leador of tho militant right, and dissolution of his French Bocinl party, a meeting of, which led to the communist demonstration and the riots last night. , Authorities announced 84 mobile Automobiles 3162 CREDIT on new Chevrolet car (or sale, or trade. Phone 4S8-J. By Blosser By Martin aoox m PfiroV By Crane IWC, T. M. REG. U. B. PT. 0FF.g5i guards and republican guards had been Injured in the street battles during which mobile guards charg ed communist barricades outside the rightist meeting place. Three were seriously wounded by bullets. Eighty of the demon slrators were hurt seriously en ough to require further treatment, and l-iu police were more or less Berlously Injured. MARKET REPORTS PRODUCE PORTLAND, March 17. (AP) DUTTEIl Prints, A gruile, SSo Hi. in parchment wrappers, 39c In cartonB; I) grade, parchmont wrap pern, H7c lb.; cartons SSc lb. 'IlUTTEItFAT (Portland dollv ery, KOiicrul prlco) A grade, ilo llvurod tit least twlco woukly, 40J Ulo 11).; country rontos, 88J-39SU lb.; B Ki'tido, 3Si-39Jc lb.; C srado at iiiarlii't. II (UlAl)B CREAM POll MAR KET Price paid producer: llutter tut busts, GS,2c lb.; milk, 63.7c lb.; Burplna milk, 45.9c. Price paid milk board, live Hi. KUUS HuyiiiR price uy wnoio- sulers: Extras, 20c; stundnrds. 18c: extra niedliims. 10c; medium firsts, 15c; iiiiilerRiado. 15c dozen. IjIVE POULTRY Portland de livery, buying prlco: Colored lions, over M lbs., 1646c lb.; u.-.dor 4 lbs., 16-17o lb.; Lenliorn hens, un der Si lbs., 12-13c lb.; over Si IbB. 14-16c lb.; colored springs b--or 31 lbs., 16-17c lb.; 2 to 31- IbB., 16-16c lb.; raoatora, 7-8o lb. a ONIONS Oregon No. 1, $2.25 2.50 cental; Ytiklma, 1 2-2.25 cental Potatoes, new potatoes, wool, hay, hops, mohair and cascara bark, ateady and unchanged. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, March 17 HOOS: Mnrkot moderately active, uneven ly 10-26 lower for two days; good choice 106-215 lb. drlvolns '10.00- 10'IS: choice load lots eligible around 10.25; 230-280 lb. 0.25-9.00; 130-155 lb: 9.25-9.05; packing sows largely - 7.50-8.00; choice feeder pigs up to S.MI. -CATTLE: Market active, ntendy- strong; load good 1059 lb. steers 9.15; sorted at 8.65; fow medium good drivclns 8.00-9.00; part, load good fed heifers 7.75, common 5.50- 6.60: low cutter and cutter cows 3.60-4.50; common medium 4.75- 6.00 Including heavy dairy typo at outside; good beet cows 0.25-7.00 including part load at 7.00; bulla 6.50-0.26; beef kinds to 6.50; veul oi'B strong to 50 higher, good choice 9.50-10.50; selects to 11.00. SHEEP: Warkot nominally steady; good choice trucked In lambs Biilcablo around 9.75-10.00; choice load lots eligible 10.50 or above; shorn saleable mound 8.50 down; good -ohoice woolod ewes nominally 0.75-6.60. V . . WHEAT PORTLAND. March 17. (AP) A now high prloo record for wheat to dato this soason -was reached Hi all markets with some slight reac tion nt the oioBo, un tno Portland futures market, with slilo of 1100(1 bushels May closod with a gain of 11 cent with July up 21 cents with salo of 1000 bushels. On the sam ple cash market local -wheat gain ed 1. cent with Montana A cent higher. ' Whclit: Open fligh Low Close May 1.161 1.181 a. 164 1.18 July 1.061 1.09 1.061 1.09 Cash whoat: Big Rend hluestem, hw 12 pet., 1.201; dark hard win lor 13 pet. 1.381; 12 pet., 1.31 4 ; 11 pot,, 1.261; soft white, westorn whito, hard winter, and western rod, 1.181. : IIOKI.ONTAL 1.5 today Is , Day. 11 Glided. 12 Ycllow-grvcn color. 14 To slide. 16 Knot. 17 More moturc. 18 Particle. 18 Inspires ' reverence. 20 Crystal gazers 21 Let it stand. 22 Mortar troy. 23 Ocean. 25 To run awny. 29 Proportion. 33 35 Lunar orb. 36 Repulsive. 38 Hard hearted. 40 Greasy. 41 Candid. 43 Half an cm. 44 To simmer. 48 Vowed. 52 Mulberry bark 55 Weird Answer to 57 Eggs of fishes, 58 Greoscr. . 59 He set up on purga tory. 00 There the Irish could see punished. VERTICAL 1 Opposite of fast. 2 Assistant of an oflkor. 3 Roman day. , 1 I Irish Saint - 1 : BcnsiffltnBlBME snAjT HPp-'mnTteEiN,TiHirlo:s ' , j' i i i b 7 . 18 ,I0 ""ii. T3 I?" -j 5 h r Ll JJ' r( . 5 n ; , v,' - ST ', HP" r ; M iS -i 5 TP-I!) -It, 4 , I " 1 .16 H SO bl '. I IW. W A ,'! i- I -l-'l'FI i Hi I M . CITY VISITORS A. V. Ahneue, o. 0".klnn'.l, wu i business visitor in this city yester day. Mr. and Mrs. Date Ruebtih, nt Idloyld park, spent Tuesday in this city on business. H. L. DcWald, of Canyonvllle, was here for a few hours yesterday attending to business. a. I4. Ulchter, of Camas Valley, spent yesterday lu this city on uusiness. George Casebeer. of Glide, snout yosterduy In town attending to ousiuess. L, J. Gleasoh. of Sutherlln. was lu town for a fow hours yesterday utteuding to business. . J. Mattuer, of Canyonvllle was In town yesterday for a short tlnio on business. N. T. Peterson, of Idloyld purk. Bpont yesterday In this city on bUSlllCBB. A. L. Alklns, of Kiddle, wus it business visitor ill tills city yuu torduy. Janios W. Ford, of Gardlnor. was n town yesterday attending to busiueas. J. It. Pickett, , of Azalea, spent Tuosday ill town attending to busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. A. -F. SteariiB. of Oakland, were business visitors In this oity yesterday. Stock and Bond Arcragc STOCKS Compiled by The Associated l'res.8. March 17: 30 15 15 60 Ind'ls Hit's Ut's St'kn Today .: 9S.7 lO.S 48,2 73.7 New high. Prov. duy .... 99.4 48.3 48.1 73.7 Month ago .... 99.6 42.3 51.6 73.1 Year ago 81.7 36.2 47.9 1937 high -101.6 48.6 54.0 76.S 1937 low 84.1 37,8 48.1 69.1 1036 high . 99,3 -13.5 63,7 72.8 1936 low 73.4 80.2 43.4 65.7 . BONDS 20 10 10 10 RK'u Ind'ls Dt's Fgii, Today ....95.1 103.3 100.1 ,72.4 Now low. Prev. day .... 96.6 103.3 100.2 72.4 Month ago .... 97.3 104.0 101.7, 74,1 Year ago ' 92.8 102.6 .102:3. 70.1 1937 high :...:: 99.0 104.4 102.8 ;74.7 1937 low . 95.6 103.8 tlOO.O 72.3 1930 high 98.2 104.4 108.1 73.0 1936 low SBifl 101:8 98,3 67.1 CALL FOrt DOUQLAS COUNTY GENERAL FUND WARRANTS ' AND COUNTY EDUCATIONAL BOARD WARRANTS Notioo Is horeby given that Gun- nl'ill li'mirl U ai-ninta nP . ll, Couiity, Oregon, registered NOT PAID FOR WANT OF FUNDS, prior to and Including warrant number 35609 unil DOUGLAS COUNTY EDUCATIONAL HOARD wumiutB prior to and including warrant number 1114, are culled for pument on March 16, 1037. Present them at tho office of tho county treasurer. Interest will coubo on that date. D. H. LENOX, Treasuror, . Douglas County, Oro. PA6E Luilibor & Fuel Company sells metal lath, nails, and scrown, screen wire, inetul roofing, otc Adv. Previous 24 Measure of-' ; -I ' flron. :- . , I 26 Molten rock, i 27 To leave out. i 28 Hide. , 30 Last wortl of a prayer. 31 Lacorntcd. 32 Electrified particles. 34 Gray while, 37 Orb. - i 39 Two thousand! pounds. 40 Fricl-on , match. j 42 Drops of eye j fluid. . f 45 Afternoon' . '. meal. 46 To sin. 47 Humor. V 49 Crooked. 50 Hawaiian, bird. 51 Thing. 52 Baking dish.' 1 53 Beer, , 4 Human trunk. 5 Wind instru ment. 6 Affirms. 7 Concise. 8 Cow-headed goddess. 0 To coagulate. 10 Air toy. 11 Asps, 13 Told nn untruth. 15 He Is tho Irish - saint. , 22 Pronoun. 54 By. 50 Inquiry sound. 58 Upon. Puzzle