ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURC. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1937. SEVEN NEWS-REVIEW Classified Adi. Phon 100 RATE8 . Single Insertion, per word ,.lc Ono week, per word-...... ....6c One montn, per lino 1.00 Mlulinuru charge 25c Cony tor nils' page will be accept ed until 11 u. m. of.the day ol pub lication. The News-Review assumes no responsibility lor and in no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis ers in tbo classified columns. Read ers are urged to make full investi gation before sending money in re sponse to advertisements. The News-Revjew reserves the right to reject objectionable adver i Using. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. . Livestock FOR SALE 20 head sheep, one buck, lit ewes, 10 lambs, mostly early lambs, long clip of wool. $200 takes the bunch. D. W. Hanks, Canyonville, Ore. SHEEP WANTED To buy a car load of breeding ewes or stock sheep. See John Rolir, or V. J. Phillppi, Grand Hotel. ' STRAYED s to the Schulmeriek ranch at Yoncalla, 2 heifers. Hairy Nelson, Route 1, Yoncalla. FOR SALE Four registered Du-roc-Jersey male pigs, 8 veeks old. C. W. Hughes, Wilbur. FOR SALE Fox torrler puppleB, cheap. A. A. Clemons, Routo 2, Box 18 D, Roseburg. FOR SALE Good saddle horse, 5 years old. Phone 42F4. , WANTED Homo for fine Shep herd dog. 340 South Main. 1JROOD SOW for sale. Archara beau Ranch, Sutherlin. -- GOOD dog, cheap. 321 N. Kane. FRECKLES AND HIS ( LIS7EM TO -THIS, PRt.''ZTl, (iEA.lWh "-THEOWES ! M("HB. HAS COMDUCTED MMilfo -Jf CAW'r ' He T " ' f fT'9 A SW THAT OOKSi ; ) i IT'S A PIECE ABOUT "THAT ) , TrlAT PELLDW ugnfgfjji.LAVEWDep 1 EXfERIMEkrrs WHICH, WWJM MIGHT BE, IF HE'S ( BerWT RA'. UboUMD COPWESsf It ' 'I SwSmt'JT -iSTf-i - ciAiMsloHiDfeviL-J mfrMoan.WM ow bjoimh to ak.' what could comet at vbo . ctT-rwl 1JU WOWCEWrrH !;,,: oDVvHATe TBRMS 1 IWWAWW """fT COUL6 ,V jFROMTFIE WORTH AMD -J i 5 tiyfi EXPERIMENT AWcCESSFULiBBWr J f4. RW CAM) JlujMth ' ASWTT 't6U DO' kICk-rbUFS TWCIH OUT. 'i 'Y" ' - Mi V-yy''- .";""' B-'-'HS'H'BBS!'! AtT0m-9a-.jmtmimjA , rfvV WfTH ft? PT 'THE ITTH ,:'' ; 1 Jh 'M C?SJ .' ;; - theories r six- , M-Cf Hl a "; 1 Wfc i MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Breese Blufrs Hii Wi'.'. J V l ' J By Thompson and Coll H"f 1 II- BmOW.' LET BU&V OUR - I T THI& WAV, MEN-.Y'I , iFl I AU riqhx VOU TVvO-DKDP VOUR 'S'jUs-l A MOMEMT I I ( VOL! ,. AM -4 ! f! SELVES eXTlM6UI&HIN6 ' I THEY RAM IMTC). V 7 n n( -prSX ARMS AMD COME ) SERGEANT-IS THAT VOFFKEfcV CAPTAIM PETROS, , I ' ' '' " I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES No Go By Martin - .WASHTUBBS When Lulu Belle Trains, She Trains .'. . By Crane i &B6LL6I FWTY I J V6N MOMEVON THERE! THA'S TO ' J I LOOK! SHE'S SHE'S iiWP iXPQ' T bjk (HOUV SMOKEfJ WH00P66! ' rTFfilMq rt-tSnwEM. r-vN VJrULU B6LL6.JOU6HEN UP ME FiSTif i ,t-t fckJILO UP ME FILLIN' A GONNA .Tl rW, J KJ1 TWOTOONf -. I ...ysifasw"'! imsw '"" - . ' V " Kfk.'.i.iA - -i A 1 w,i"rUw ''v1iVv73 irH'ifw' - . , Poultry WITH every new order of 300 chicks or more, of any breed, Wuuig'e Hatchery will rive tree 100 eexea Legnorn cockerels, Wftttlg's, 4 blocks north on highway.- Phone' 740-J. , FREE 100 baby Leghorn roomers with every 300 bauy rooster or der, at II. SO per hundred. Order now for. Sunday and Monuuy chicks. Hurry! lirst come, tirbt served. Watzig's Hatchery. Phone 740-J. TURKEY RAISERS! Start your poults right. Give them Richard son's "Turkl," the germicidal an tlseptio, in their drinking water. At Richardson's Drug Store, FOR SALE Pullets laying, pure ; bred Rhode Island Red, Jersey Guernsey heifer. J. B. Davis, 872 Miller St., Roseburg. - RHODE ISLAND Rod eggs, select ed, 30c per dozen. Blood tested. J. E. Winniford, Wilbur, Ore. FOR SALE Large white Muscovy ducks. Write Mrs. C. E. Vlcok, Glide, Ore. WHITE LEGHORN laying bens. cheap. M. Glaze, Route 1, Box 8. Wanted WANTED TO RENT Small fur nished modern bouse. Prefer close in, Must have replies at once. Phone Marshall Pengra, KRNR, CASH : CASH For your scrap iron. Metals of all kinds, rags, bottles. Pacific Junk Co., 222 W. Oak St. WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room unfurnished houso. Box 388, c-o News-Review. , ' WANTED Lot plowed. Tom Shu- ler, 020 E. Douglas. , Tractors FOR SALE One John Doore trao- 1 tor, general purpose modal. Also ! 20 Caterpillar. Box - 889, c-o I - News-Review. FRIENDS For Sale, Miscellaneous FOR SALE Used building ma terlal. Doors, windows, founda tion blocks, barn, lumber. Old Rast Ave. P. Hempel, . FOR SALE-r-Woven wire fence, two miles heavy 32-iucb, (Much stay. Almost new. J. 11. Davis, 872 Miller St. FOR SALE Used refrlgorators, very specially priced while they last. California Oregon Power Co. - '4 OFF on Superflox oil beaters, to clear floor. C. W. Groves & Bon, Medical Arts Bldg. SEB your cream weighed and tested. 0 lyd Adslr, Boieburg Creamery.. . , FOR SALE Two guns, nearly new 'Exchange.,! Hardie spray -Farm Bureau UILK, grads A puteur)iea or raw. Delivered dally. Utupaus Dslry. Phone IS i ONE-FOURTH oft on circulators, oil burning or wood. Soo Pow- ell's. FOR SALE Used Simplex ironor In good condition. Very reusou , able. Phone 700. ' FOR 8 ALE-Traller 'house. - Price (200.00. Room 212, Hotel Grand. FOR t-ALE) CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator. Radio Music Storey CONGOLEUM RUGS or by ' yard at .Powell's Hardware. FOR. SALE 600-egg Queen Incuba tor, uoo opuiitB, uitiuimu, NEW RANGES 'tor burning wood. See those at Powell'B. SALMON EGGS;' Bteolhoad, hooks, at Powell's.... -";.;' . .. USED washers and used radios, Radio Music Store'. GARDEN TOOLS at oiiew low price at Powell s. i'. MAYTAG washers-r-Sules (p.nd ser- A;New FOR SALE 3-burner Windsor gas oline ruuge lu good condition. Reasonable. Phone 436 or call at 112 W. Douglas. FOR SALE Two Master Incuba tors, 600-chlck capacity, oil and electric, 120.00 each. Valentine, Sutherlin. Miscellaneous PUDL1C Invited to St. Patrick luncheon 11:30 to 1:30, Wednes day, March 17, Catholic purlsu 1 bail. Easter bazuur. Hanumude doll given away CASH PR1UE 46.00 to lucky an , gler who .catches first Koyal Chinook salmon within limited area. Soe Powell Hardware dealer. , EXPERT-' MOTOR tune-up, and every part of your car and motor chocked.. Cost is sniull. Drive iu. llaitloy. & Fauchor, 126 N. Rose . St.1 " .'::: GLASS, GLASS Get your glass out and ground for your car at 8arff's..623 N. Main St, Phone 663. . , .:' HKMS'iTTCHlNOWhlio you wait. Buttons covered. CIS N. Jackson. . Drossuialtor, Mrs. Moore. ; RADIO repairing, Rsbg, Kloetrlo. Help Wanted WANTED Middlo-agod woman for housework on farm. Charles Hughes, Wilbur. .. WANTED Girl or woman to -assist in Home. Box 412, c-o News Review. Automobiles - $102 CREDIT on new Chevrolet car for- sale, or . trade. Phone 488-J. '.. :-.' 1932 CHEVROLET Roseburg Garage. truck, $300, Work Wanted Ing. Fust, clean- job. Patterson &. McOormlck. Phono 14F26. Theory Real Estate FOR SALE, somo bargains 750 acre stoek ruuch, live creek and springs, all fenced, close to . highway; price S6.000.00. 100 . acres, 40 acres In cultivation, school on place, guou ruau, house, burn and other out-buildings;, spring water piped to house and barn; 120 acrcB tim ber, three million feet w tim ber, on good road; price $1600.00. 10 acrus, all bottom land, olose to Myrtlo Croek, house and barn, water right for Irrigation free. Price $2,000.00. 140-acre place for ! rent. Close to town. Bruce Com pany, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE 7 acres, 4 acres in prunes; good modern 6-room house, all reconditioned. Cash or lorniB. Sneil & Mntson, Camas Valley Star, 6 miles from Rose burg. .-. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT 1 Nine rooniB. Close In. Renson ' able. Page Lumber & Fuol Co., ' 709 N, Jucksou St. Phone 242, FOR SALE OR RENT 10 acres fine bottom land, cheap, Terms. Clms. Labour, 6 milos south, Camas Valley Star Route, FOR SALE Homo and five lots ' very reasonable. Call nt 430 N.. : Jackson St., Apt. 1. Typewriter 2BMINGTON TYPEWRITERS ana . Dslton Adding Machines, isles and service. Roseburg Book Store. Phone laihl. Hay and Grain FOR SALE Mixed hay, A-l condi tion. Nice, clean, $12 ton. Phone 3F11, Dixonville Btoro. OATS and vetch and clour oats. Call 37F2 or The Fern, Situation Wanted WANTED By ,a middlo-agod I house bill- Wl, Tile, nieasuro crest couple, a place as caretaker or led one new ' class ( bl retail beer Janitor. Box 107, o o News-Re-1 permits and conformed with pre view. - . I vious commission rulings.," i Rentals FOR RENT One 2-room furnish ed apaiunent. Close In. For Bale 20 acres unimproved place Close lu and reasonable. Call st 320 W. Cass St., Roseburg. FOR -KENT 63-acre ranch on North Unipqua. For particulars Inquire John MuBgrove place, Sutherlin, Route 1. - FOR RENT Room In private home tor man employed. Break fast and garage. Inquire 876 Hoover, FOR RENT Five-room modern furnlshod houso, plastored. Rea sonable. Inquire 223 E. Lane. FOR RENT Modern C-room puts , tered house, garage, $18.00. In quire 1036 West 1st St. TWO rooms for rent, $0.60 and $8.00. Light, water . and butlW 828 Hamilton. - MODERN apartments. Koblbaieo Apis. Phone 660. . FURNISHED apartment, 424 Flood corner Mill. ' Trade FOR TRADE Radio Cor piano Gross Hsrls i BELLBOYS' LIQUOR BUYING RESTRICTED : PORTLAND, Marches -(AP) The'atate liquor commission to day -Issued -sir-ardor prohibiting purchase of liquor by bellboys for hotel -guests not having ' lioonses, The federal government' will oo asked hot to ' Ibsuo rotall liquor distributor stumps to persons not licensed by the commission. Aus tin Flogol, commission . attomoy. said several hotels had obtained the stiunns for their bell captain, I but the practice was a technical violation of the Oregon statutes. All licenses will be -Issued after Saturday under ' the provisions of By Blosser (T'9 A ISAf THAT OOK3 ABOUMD COpiWEPB.' It COULD COMET AT 'YbO FROM TF IE WORTH AMD. KICt VUF -IEETH OUT PPOMTHE SOUTH BE FILLED SHORTLY A drawing to fill vacancies In the ranks of civilian consorvutlon corps juniors will be held in the very near future, Franklyn Voyt, executive secretary of the Douglas County Relief committee, announc ed today, and applications for jun iors, agoB 17 to 28, may be pre sented" at once. ' Eligibility is covered by the fol lowing ruleB, Mr. Voyt said in a statement today: (1) A family receiving public as sistance or whose eligibility tor public assistance has been- estab lished by tho county relief com mittee I (2) A family found eligible for assistance . and cortltted by the county relief coimulttoe for em ployment on projects of the WPA or oilier fodoral agencies, whether employed or awaiting assignment. ine loiiowiug groups mil witu In the above deilultion: (11 Families receiving or found eligible to receive general assist ance from the county relief com mittee. (2) Families cortltied as eligible for employment on projects of the WPA or other federal agencies. 13) i-amines receiving mother's assistance from the county courts, when .Investigation by the county rollef committee stuff Indicates eli gibility for such aid. . Euoh . soleutee will ,'be required to allot $26.00 of liis monthly earn ings to a pi'uiior dependent of blood .relation or obligation fulling within the ubove groups, The re quirement of tour montns nreviouB survico tor nonoraniy uiucnargeu juniors to be eligible for re-selec-tiou has been revoked, The re quirement that an honorably dls cunrgod junior Is ineligible lor re selection tor a porlod bl' one year following mo date of his discharge eiteot. . ; SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS BEGUN WASHINGTON. Mareh'ia. (At1) Tno social security hourd paid touaythe first eight of uuu claims it expects tnls year in connection with the federal old age benefit program. - .... Hovon ol tiioBo claims came from wage earners who reucied tiio ago of, (jB tide yoar utter one per contiof . their pay! had been deducted for the peiiBion fund. , ,. '!:..; .! . .The eighth Cuino frnm tho estate of u wage earner who died alter his payment was niado. All lu- voivod only a fow dollars. -: Tho board did not iuiiko nubile tho namoB of the clulmUh'tb; lut suid they came from Wilmington, Uel.i Now York, Louisville, Huron, Mich.; Minneapolis uud Indianapo lis. : '.'',' Although only one per cent lias uoen uouuetod lroui puy, tho boaru puys off three and one-halt per cent of wugoB on which deductions wore buBod, v -v Tho hoard' Said more than 24,- 61)0,000 workers wore participating in the program. VOULD BROADEN h SECURITY SET-UP WASHINGTON, March M (AP) Senator Frederlok- Stol- wcr of Oregon said today he would aniond his bill now before the son a to finance committee to broaden tho definition of "agricultural la bor" In the social security -act. lie said his amendment would mako the torm "more Inclusive" than proposed in his first draft. It will permit exemption to packers of peiisliuble fruits who operate locally as well ns to larger coope rative associations which operate on ii suusonuble basis. . - Stqiwnr suid tlioro was Borne likelihood hlB bill would bo hold tor consideration with othor pro posed amendments now being pre. pared by tho social Bccurlty board. U. S. SPENDING GOES PAST FIVE BILLION WASHINGTON, March 11 (AP) -Government expenditures this fiscal your huvo crossed tho $5,000, 000.110(1 murk. The dally treasury statomom showed loilay spending botwoon Inst July I nun March u iiegrcKut- oil 5,OOS,!KI2,:iH:i, or 1.1.94-1,500 over the same porlod last your. Tho higher outlays woro traco- ublo lu part to social security uud iiiilluiuil (lurmiHu oxpeiiilllurus. "OLD TIME"" REVIVAL DATED AT 4-SQUARE KvaiiKfllHl Nina Butler HwaiiHon will npc'it an "Old Tlmo HoIIkIoii" rnvlvnl CHiniMilKn at the Kour milium 0 on hoi clim-ch ut 7:30 n, in. Hunday, accordhiK to llm pus tor. MIhh HwaiiKffn, the paKlnr r loci h, an oxturU?iictMl ovaiiKC tiHt am) luiH hnen narllcnlarly Bin coBHful In work with voiiiik pfoitlo Tliu public la Invited to all utirv- leea. Around the taty DRAIN DKAIN. Mulch 13 Mr. nnd .Mrs. (I. V. Sunders went to Port land Kaluriliiy ovenlm:, returning .Sunday evening. They ulso stoi lieil at Alhiiliy, lor a few hours. ,Mr. nnd .lrs. George Sunberg and two i-hflilren spent the week end u'. the home of Mrs. Huitlicrg's iiittmilS, .Mi-iiiul .Mrs, II. lliirthnl omy. .Mrs, Diutlioloiny returned lo KIkuiiisii with them for a week's vis I. Hev.' and Mrs. Helnelh. Mrs Annie While uud Mrs. Bessla La- key went to Springfield Monday to attend the spring rally of the Christian church. Mrs. Wendell Herblson accom panled her father, Elmer Newton, to Marsnrieid Saturday for s week's visit with, her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Whipple spent Sunday in Roseburg visiting relatives. Dr.' Bertha Devore went lo Oak- laud, Calif., Monday to attend the funeral of her brother, Claude De vore, who passed away Monday. -Mr. Dewre waiua former resident or Drain where He bad a law oflice . some years ago . a sou was born Sunday, March 7, at a Klamath Fulls hosnltal la Mr. and Mrs. Lov Barker nf Mnlln. am Leonard and family moved Sunday to Lynx Hollow where Sid Ib employed. " Mr. aud Mrs. Algot Anderson and daughter, Beverly K., Bpent tho week-end visiting at the home of Mr. Anderson's parents at Elgu rose. DREW DREW. Mnrch 13 Mm Wlllnrrl ' Cook nnd children, Gloria, Bohblo and Harry Kust, have roturnod to tneir nome, arter vlBlting at Blntoli ley for the past week. . ' Walter GleruiS and Tommio Wat- son of Simla Burbare are visit-' lug the termor's sister, Mrs. Wayne Dean. They plan to leave Saturday en route to Alaska whero they eS- vmii io siieuu Boverai months. Miss Marianna Boton nf Klum. : ttth Falls and Hubert Todd of Med- torn visited the lntter's sister, Miss , Olivia Todd, over the week-end. Mrs. ii, v. Tlson and spo War ren visited In Kiddle last Friday. ' Charles Deaver and T. o. Mat. eon of Vancouvor, B. 0., spent Sat- ' urday nnd Sunday with Mr. Beav er's wife and son. They will sail ' Thursday tor Alaska where they -will be- employed during the sum mer; . , ... : ... ' Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mnmr. nf Roseburg spent last week-end at v.ianori nome, -Mr. and Mrs. Wlllurd rinnk- nn.l son Bobble attended to business iu iioseuurg weunesduy. Mrs. Lewis ThoinaBon nnd small son aud John' Denny spent several ' days lust week visiting Mrs. Thorn nson's mother at Mediord. Mrs. Arthur' ioniilngs has re.' turned to her home after spending several nlouths In Los Angeles. ; 1 Mi s. Grnco dinger -is . In L6s An g? ,f ,v'ih ."WP.dadghtorrMrs. Mlt-;, chellf' wli6 'has boen III, c. ' t Mis,. Victor Short vlsitod nnd at.'1 tended to business in llosebur the first of the. week. ,"v - The roads in this coiumunitv have boen graded and are in good v condition, V: :; . : , - Arthur Jonhlnga loft Thuisday for New York wnere ho will visit his mother who has 'boon 111. MARKET REPORTS BOSTON. March lsCfAmJ. , The CJoiumercial Bulletin roiiav suysi . ;v. , .: 'Thero Is a better tnnn in n, wool niai'itot, ugulu tins wook, chiefly, in tho puued aim scoured wool section put all homers ot Wnni , are more condueut. Comuing pul.. ea woois of tnroe-elgntB anu nuit- uiuuu graues nre un. aiium. two , cents,-!. . ,-.':; , i... , Forolgn mnrkotB' have sllirhtlv . moro than hold tnelr owu, at-, tnougli turthoivfractional advances nui uoen easily made. "A Bomewhal - bottoi" uiovomout of goons is noted iu tue piocogoous inarkots. SplnnorB and toinnuHors tind little now biiBlneBs but spool ticatloiiB are still rucuntly goou - "Tnoro Is nttlo reporteu from the woat. "Mouair Is firm but unchanged.'' The Bulletin iiiinn.ii,. i lowing quotations: scoured basis: Oreiron: Fina mui r ,,, u - l.OU-i.Oli flllO and f. m. rlnulnir 111. 1)2. .. Mohair: Orcgpn, 05-07. ' tl'orelgn prices In bond). WHEAT POllTLANI). Murnh 13 fAPl Whout continued Its tuniblo dur ing tnu Httturday susslon. On tho Portland futures markot, without trading, final on May wns off 11 ' cents with July down a similar sum. Local una Moalmia cash whout each lost 11 cents fur I lie day. Wheal: Open High I,ow Close May :..,.m l.lliil l.Hi 1.M4 July 1.0B1 1.051 1.041 1-041 Cash wheat: Dig Bond bluosteiii, hw Vi pet. 1.101; (lurk hard win tor i;i pet., 1.341; IU put., 1.271; 11 pet., 1.221; soft while, western while, hard Winter und western rod, 1.141. . . o .- AMERICAN LEGION MEETING. AND PARTY Tho regular meeting nf lTuipiin Post, No. 10, will bo held In tho armory Tuesday, evunlng at H o'clock. In celebration of our lsth iiuiiiversury onterlainnieiit and lunch will he liail. We would lllio ull members lo be prcsuut and on. joy the evunlug. ADJUTANT. NOTICE Regular meeting of the Ameri can LuKiflti Adxillary TuesdHy, March lilth, ul 0 o'clock. Killer. tiiinment and refroshinontB Willi post. Adv. NOTICE I. O. O. K. Alt Odd Fellows desiring (n at lend the eeremnulos nt Myrtlo ('reek H.Uurilny evening, March l!l, plcuso meet nt the hull nt 0:30 p. m. II. A. CAN A DAY, N. G. PACK Lumber und Kilel Coin puny sells l'lylock wood veneer wall hoard, spruce heat and di-nlii-hou id lumber, wood veneer panels, plaster wall board. MuuonUo, etc, Adv. -. j,