TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1937. Social Calendar Monday, March 19 Junior Woman's cluli Bt. Patrick party and guest nigm. hi ociocb ut cluhrooms. Mrs. Jack Chapman, chairman. Mrs. Frank Long. Mm. Carl Lindsay, Jr., and Miss Karen Larson In charge. I). A. It. lo meet at W. M. nniiiiiliull homo ut 7:30 o'clock In ovcnlng with Mrs. Campbell nnd Mrs. Huy B. Pelreiiuln Joint no lOKMea. Dr. It. L. Dunn's nondenomlna- llonal Illhle study class to meet ut 7:45 o'clock In ovcnlng at dining hull of DoiiKln" hole! to begin the study of "Christ's Bernion on the Mount" as a section of study un der the gonurnl theme of tho King Ooiii of Houven. Throo or four ses sions will he necessary .to com jilelo this section of tho study. Benson P.-T. A. lo meet lit four In afternoon at schonlhnuse. In teresting program. Talks on Li brary Hooks by Mrs. 0. V. Wim beily, I'nrciits and frlonds Invited. Episcopal guild to meet at eight o'clock In evening at home of Mrs. Will II.' (iorrotson nt 123 Illukoloy stniot. All members urged to be present. : Tuesday, March 16 Roseburg Woman's club 1:30 o'clock dussert-luiiohenn. ut club house. Hostesses, Mrs. H. 0. Church, Mrs. E. A. Post, Mrs. Fred Morrison. Mrs. T. 0. Watson and Mrs. A, D. Taylor. Program chair man, Mrs. 10. U. Young, special music, by Mrs. It. It. ahamliorlaln, violinist. Former members of Men tal Culture club special guests. If. K. O. club arieninon meeting at homo of Mrs. Virginia Campbell on Umpqiia avenue. Wednesday, March 17 - . . St. Josoph's Catholic Ladles Rowing society St. Patrick's lunch eon from 11:30 to 1:30 o'clock -nt Catholic parish hull. Sale of fancy work. Handmade doll to be given away. Uoiieral public Is Invited to attend. - S , i ' Now Idea 'club to moot at home of Mrs. John H. Porter. ' Itotehiirg Art and Embroidery 'club afternoon meeting at homo of Mrs. Miller at IMS North Jackson Blreet. : : Thursday, Maroh 18 ! ; ; Trl-r!fiaro club nll-dny meeting at home of Mrs. N. M. Nelson nt 11 lit Military street, Fotluok- lun cheon ut--noon. Bring thimbles. . ! Garden Valley Women's club 'Incetlug at clubhouse with' Mrs. R. 8. Hutton as hostess,' An especial ly liupoilanl. business meeting. Ev- ory monibei' Is urged to bo present. ' ltosohurg chaptor or Eastern Blur to meet at eight o'clock ut Masonic templo. ltev. 8. Itnynor Smith will give u talk an "India." . Country club members Invltejl to o'clock ovnulng card party at llio olubnnuse, to be rnllowed hyn buffet supper, Members only In- vlted. ' Country club Indies 111:30 iiot- luck luncheon at clubhntiso, to be followed at 1:30 sharp by contract bridge tournament. Women's Foreign Missionary so ciety of . Methodist Kplscopnl church to meet nt two o'clock In ultcrnoon nt It. J. Lockwood home for Founder's day program, which will bo In charge of Mrs. Emery Colo. - ....... Friday, Maroh 1 Loyalist murrleil people's class of llnpllst church evening social lit home of ltev. and Mrs. J. It. Turuhul! an South Main street. Past Presidents club iiftoriioon mooting tit home .of Mrs, Mar garet Itodgers. Marc'i 20 Harden Valley Women's club cookud tood sale nt Powell's Fur nllurn nnd Hardware store ou North Jucksnn street In Kosuburg. March 29 ;. Aiiiiunl Easter Monday ball, ! Himnsiired by American Legion ,i auxiliary, nt nine o'clock at arm ory. Public Invited. Cnninillteo, Mrs. Hoy O. Young, chiilrnuin, Mrs. , Walter Fisher, Mrs. ,1. M, Judd, Mrs. Paul Jenkins and Mrs. Manic t Porter. ! Maroh 31 , Kplscopnl guild 1:31) o'clock sal- i ud luncheon and bridge party at parish hull. Public Invited. ' . ! MRS. P. M. LEE IS H08TESS TO CLUB AT LOVELY LUNCHEON FRIDAY l .Mrs. P. .1. l.en was a very gra ; clous hostess yesterday, when she . onloi tallied her bridge club nt a ' charming ouu o'clock luncheon at liur home on Fust Douglas street. , . Fjirsylliln ami iliilTodiln were us- I'd lis a doroiullvn inilllf for the 1 table and about the rooms, t'ov era were plneml for Mia, Homer (Irow and Mrs. Hcoit Williams. , gllesls, and Mi s. K K. Mi ('Unlock. .Mrs. C. II. Wade, Mis. I. II. Hubur, Mrs. Chili- K. Allen. Mrs. 1'hesler Morgan mid Mrs. Ivan I'lcknim. Contract bridge was enjnyed , during the alternooii with Mis. Wilde winning thoprlso. ' SHOWER PARTY GIVEN : MRS. ERNEST KNIGHT ; THURSDAY AFTERNOON Mm. Ernest Knight was win. ill , pllmehtcd nt il lovely shower iintiv given Thursday nflernoon. ,. lousier wns given m n,rs. Miigni mini Mrs. niter. Prints, .Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Argle DoWIII, Mrs; Fred Arthur, Mrs. Dan Cof fell. Mrs. Ernest Patterson, Mrs. Will Anderson. Mrs. A. 8. Wallace, nnd Mrs. Knight's inn sisters, Mrs, llumny and Mm. Kievena. ' '. 0 H. E, O. CLUB TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The II. U; O. cluli will meet next Tuesday aftei-neon nt the home of .Mrs. ViigiulH ('ainpliell on rmpntin avenue. Ml iiieintioi'H ure most cordially Invited. By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER M. E. LADIES AID HAS LOVELY LUNCHEON MEETING ON THUR8DAY The Methodist Episcopal Ladles Aid held Its March one o'clock luncheon meeting at the church parlors Thursday with Mrs. J. K Dent, chairman, Mm. C. M. Page, Mrs. C. E. Hichardson, Mrs. Ii. U, Elliott. Mrs. Mary F. Hurdlng, Mrs A. C. Mnrslers, Mrs. Ed Hellnboldt and Miss Alice Uostlck, hostesses. Tho tables were beuutlfully up- pointed with low bowls of daffo dils and heather, while sprays of Ivy wero used the length of the tables. Covert were placed for fifty. Mrs. J. D. Osborn, president, was honored by receiving a beautifully decorated cake honoring her birth' day anniversury, which occurs this mouth. Mrs. George Churchill, March vice president of the Aid, presided at the business meeting. The devo' tions were in charge of Mrs, E!lzu both licit!. Plans were discussed for the two'duy ruminago sule held this week aB the March project of the Aid. Mrs. P. 1'. Itubar, treasurer, ported that 872 had been raised by the Aid since lust June, The secretary's was given by Mrs, Earl Wiley. i ii MRS. MOTSCHENBACHER IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher was a most gracious hostess Wednes day when she entertained he bridge club ut a lovely one-thirty o clock dessorl-luiicheon ut nor home on South Muln street. The St. Patrick's motif was car ried out In both the decorations on the table and also In the menu Covers were arranged for Mrs. Lauren L. McCullocli, guest, and Mrs. Lorlug W. Jordan, Mrs. Ialo Htopuons, Mrs. T. II. Hooves, Mrs. E. It. Motzger, Mrs. H. Zacharlsen, Mrs. ' Frederick J. Porter and the hostess. Contract bridge was enioyed during tho afternoon with Mrs. Mc Cullocli winning the game prize in bridge and Mrs. Porter winning me nign score prize. MR. AND MR8, 8ANDSTROM ENTERTAIN AT LOVELY DINNER ON SATURDAY. " i Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Snudstrom of Melrose entertained a group of rrienus Willi a lovely turkey-din- nor nt men- country homo Kntur raiy evening. 'I'lio attractively up pilliitixt. 4ub e was centered bv a silver howl of primroses and lull Inpcrs In silver holders wero used HI each corner of the table, Those enjoying Mr. tintl Mrs, iMitidstrnurs hospitality were Mr. SiintlsttonfB mother, Airs. O. J .SunilBlrom, Mr: ami Mrs. John Husenbnrk. Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. C 11. lloluiaiilst and llobbv nnd Pa. trlclii, Mr. and Mrs. (iunmir John-aon.-n.hd Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Algot iniiei'sou ami Kay or Drain. The ovonliiK hours wore snout ui earns. ' o BAOOURA CLUB HAS NO-HOSTESS SUPPER AT WELLS H0M8 The Iludouia club. Daughters of the Nile, enjoyed a very lovely Hlx-lhlrly o'clock no-liosieBs sun. por Tuesday evening nt the home of Mrs. llert Wells on East Lnne street.. Covers wore placed for Mrs. lain Mopiicns. president, .Mrs. Will II. ilerreisen, Mrs. Hoy Enller, Mrs tl.. Jt. Hates, Mrs. William Hell, Mrs. Harold Edwards unci Mrs. wens, . The next meeting will be held at tho home of Mrs. Lorlng W, .Minimi ui niieyiu mo evening or April .la, O r 8T. PATRICK'S LUNCHEON OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ON NEXT WEDNESDAY NOON The general public bus boon most em-ninny Invited lo onjov a HI. I'm rick's luncheon next Wed nesday, March 17, to be solved rroui 11:30 to 1:30 o'clock ut the Catholic parish hall on North Kane slreet by tho Catholic Liidles Sewing society. Ill cunneollon with this lunch eon, an Faster Iwunnr ol aprons anil fumy work will lie held. A heuuiirul hanilnindo doll will he given away at ouo o'clock. .Mrs. L. L. Miller Is chairman of I he luncheon and Mrs. Cvili N'lch. ols has chiiigo of the Faster ba zaar. - PRAYER CIRCLE ENJOYS PLEASANT SOCIAL AFTERNOON WEDNESDAY The Nonlislde I'nivoi- Cln-ln en. Joyed a very pleasant social lifter- noon Wednesday, nt tho home of Mrs. C. A. Chuuihcrlill oil West First street. Mrs. Fred A. Knlcltl was honered liming the nflernoon by receiving u lovelv bhih.iiiv enVo and baiiiiuet of cariintlniis for her blrlhdny, which occurs this month. At Ihe tea hour delicious refresh ments were served to Mrs. Knight, .'lis. It. h. Crawford. Mil". II. II. I nhd. .Mi, Willhun Fisher. Mru. I. II. Hint. Mrs. Anna Caison. Mis I, lluilson. Mrs. Norn U Mrs. II 11. Ilusnn. Mis. 10,11 Hi s .cKen mul Mis. Chumherllii, bus- iiewp MRS. GRANT OSBORN IS "USltSS TO SEWING CLUB TUESDAY EVENING .Mrs. tlrsnt Oubnrn was n most Brneiiiun hostess Tuesday evening whell she enlellnlneil lier howIiik club in her aiiincttve home In Uuirelwnod. At n late hour Mrs Ostmrn served Invely refivshmeiits to .Mrs. David Hess. Mis. It. M Church, Mrs. I.. A. Miles, Mm. J. A. Unit, Mis. K. J. Schilnipl, Mrs D. W. Itsdnbailtth ulnl Mi. Wul- ' Inco liuberlsou. PRESBYTERIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS AT HALL HOME THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Presbyterian Missionary so ciety held a very Interesting meei Ing Thursday afternoon at the home or Mrs. E. 8. Hall on Mill tary street with Mrs. Hall, Mra. C. E. Huberts, Mrs. It. H. Grin stead and Mrs. C. D. Fles, hostesses Ilouquets of daffodils and pussy willows wero attractively used about the rooms. Mrs. Earl Ullrich, president, had charge of the meeting, nud Mrs, W. M. Campbell had charge of tho program. - The devotionals were conducted by Miss Margaret Claim. with Mrs. Homer Grow playing for the community sing. Mrs. W. L. Scolt gave a talk on the prayer book; Mrs. Homer Grow on the work accomplished by the Presbyterian missions in the past 100 yeurs, and Mrs. Victor Clark on the topic ' Japan. The secretary's report was given by Mrs. Margaret Itodgers and the treasurers report by'Mrs. G. w Young. Mib. W. M. Chalmers was eleoted vice president and aecre. tary of stewardship; Mrs. C. E Koberts was electod overseas sew ing chairman. At , three-thirty the lour liorit esses served ten to Mrs. Earl Ull rich, Mrs. H. H. Hague, Mrs. Leon ard F. WIIboii, Mrs. Ira Itankln, .Mra. Margaret Itodgers, MrB. W M. Chalmers, Mrs. W. M. Cunil) boll, Mrs. Homer Grow, Mrs. W, C. Fnucotto, Mrs. L. L. Dodle, Mrs, II. S. Nichols, Mrs. A. F. Marriott, Mrs. Fred Fisher. Madame M. J. Shoemaker, Miss Margaret Clapp, miss Kinmn uristol, Mrs. W. L, Scott, Mra. C. P. Cnylor. Mrs. Vic tor Clark, Mrs. Allen Busenhark Alia. G. W. Young and Mrs. Frede rick J. Porter. The next meeting will bo Amll S at the home of Mrs. Faucette on West Lane street. i'f 'M ft COUNTRY CLUB LADIES PLAN FOR EVENING CARD PARTY NEXT WEEK The ladles of tho Itoseburg Coun try club held n 13:30 o'clock pot- luck luncheon nt the clubhouse Thursday. Covers were placed for Mrs. Marie Flint McCnll of Salem, mil mib. L. W. Josse, guests, and Mrs. J. F. Dlllard, Mrs. Phil Hiirth, .mis. rruiiK Coen. Mrs. J. F. I)sr ker, Mrs. H. Casey, Mra, K. D. Lylle, Mrs. II. C. Wells, Mrs. R. D. Bridges, Mrs. Uroadwuy, Mrs. Kennel h IJulne, Mrs. H. A. Sim mons, Mrs. c. W. Wharton, Mrs. W. IS. Oil, Airs. J. E. Murks, Airs, ,1. M. Judd, Mrs. II. C. Stearns. nirs. wiiuain McEttChorn and Mrs. u. u. Kohlhngeit. Soveral of tho members enioved Playing golf In the morning. The business meeting followed the luncheon and plans wero made for no evening curd iinrtv to bo en Joyed next week at the clubhouse lor members only. Doth men and women members of the club are in vlted. Four tables of bridge were In piny during the .afternoon with Mrs. Hrldgos winning tho first prize and Mrs. Hurth the second prize. Next week the Indies of the clnh win negin their bridge nluy promptly nt 1:30 o'clock. :: DELPHIAN CLUB HAS INTERESTING STUDY MEETING WEDNESDAY The Delphian club wns enter tained by Mrs. Foster Outlier on Wednesday nriernoon at the home oi nor daughter, Mrs. A. J. Ellison il Hast Cuss street. Mrs. Iluiner was chairman of the program on "France." nnd the fol lowing very Interesting nnd eniov- nie inpics were presented: ltovlew r geography and historr nr rnm by Mrs. Dinner: sketch of great men and women In the historr of I'l-unce, by Jlrs. W. Ii. Ilinwn: durational systems bv Mrs. Itov Fuller: Paris by Mrs, 0. C. Fin lay: chntcnux by Mrs. William Hell: sketch of Monte Cniln and casinos by .Mrs. W. It. Hrown: great French stylls:s npd design ers by Mrs, O. V. Wliubcrlv: 111- eralliro, music and art bv .Mrs. lomer Grow, and personal impres ilons of her visit to Paris by Mrs. Nll'l'l, Kmlll, A pleasant social hour r,tllnu-n,l he study session, rolloweil hv Hlltner nnd Mrs. Ellison serving de licious reri-eshnients. The next meeting will he March at at the home or Mrs. J. K. Itiinvnii with Mrs. W. It. Hrown In charge or the udy topic on "Spnln," S5 5 SOUTH ENO SOCIAL LUB ENTERTAINED Y MRS. RADABAUGH Mra. Kenneth lisilabani.-h oninr. lned the South End Social club ' weiinosilay alternooii. For Ihla and dutindlls were aiirne. vely used nbolil Ihe rooms. iniines were enioved wlih nrlaea goliiR to Mrs. Cordon Applewhite. Mrs. E. It. Williams and Mrs. S Faiieher. At the ten hour Mrs. Itailnliouah served delicious refreshments lo rs. tiordon Aonlewhlle. Mm n. M. Pago and Mrs. tl. M. Denton. guests, ami Mrs James T. Miller. Mrs. Leon Yearwoinl. Mm V. It Williams, Mrs. A. J. Mel'nllorh Mrs, Elsie Williams ami Mrs S F. Fancher. The next meeting will be April 7 the homo or Mrs. Elsie Williams in South Jackson street. i J RI-SQUARE CLUB WILL OLD ALL-DAY MEETING The lii-Suimrc Sewing clnh of he llnptlsl church will hold mi 11-day meeting next Thursday at he home of Mr. N. M. Nelson al llfil Military slreet. A pollock luncheon will bo served at noon. The members have been aisketl lo bring their thimbles. O MR8, 8. J. SHOEMAKER ENTERTAINS BNIO0E CLUB ON TUESOAV Mra. B. 1. Sboaiuaker vary grac iously entertained ber bridge club Tuesday afternoon at a charming ouc-tlilrty o'clock dessert-luncheon at ber borne on East Lane street. A luce-covered table centered with a bowl of splrea and daffo dils was usod by tho hostess for serving the dessert-luncheon. Car ers were arranged for Mre. W. F. Harris, Mrs. George Wharton, Mrs. G. V. Wimberly, Mrs. G. C. Flnlay, Mrs. E. O. Itickll, Mrs. Fred Ham ilton, Mrs. Hoinor Grow, Mrs. H. 8. lilack, Mra. K. L. Whipple and Miss Jane Wharton, members, and Mrs, Ray Freeman and Mrs. Fred erick J. Porter, gueata. Contract bridge was In play during the afternoon with Mrs. Grow winning the prize (or high score, MRS. WILLIAM KNIGHT COMPLIMENTED AT SHOWER PARTY TUESDAY EVENING Mrs. William Knight, nee Lota Hatfield, was complimented at a very lovely six-thirty o clock din ner party and shower Tuesday erening, when Mija Meredith Anno Jenkins and Miss Lois Aun Whip pie entertained at tho Jenkins homo on Illakoley street. Sweetpeua and tall pink lighted tapers graced the table, wnere covers wore arranged for Mra. William Knight, guest' of honor, Mrs. H. F. Hatfield, Mrs. Paul Jonkins, Miss Dorothy Wblttaker, Miss Kathryn Honnlgh, Miss Irene Taylor and the hostesses, Miss Jonkins and Miss Whipple. A lovely set of blue and white nottory was presented to mis, Knight from the guestB. w i MRS. L. A. COE IS HOSTESS AT VANISHING AFFAIR MONDAY NIGHT One of the many charmlnc Van ishing parlies benefiting tho Cath olic Ladies Sewing society, was given by Mrs. L. A. Coe Monday evening at her homo on Soutb Jackson street, when she enter- talned at a vory lovoiy eoven thirty o'clock dlnnor. Spring flowers and tall yellow lighted tapors were used In deco rations. CoverB wero placed for Mrs. C. M. O'Malloy, Mrs. O. H. Hoxle. MrB. Joss Hamilton, Miss Colctta and Miss Marie Langen. berg, Miss Inez Crosta, MIbb Hel en Casey and Mrs. Coe. Contract bridge and visiting wore enjoyed during the plousant. eve ning hours. w MRS. KERMIT JOHNSON COMPLIMENTED AT LOVELY LUNCHEON ON MONDAY Mrs. Keruiit Johnson; noe Doro thy Mnrsters, was complimented at a very lovoiy onothlrty o'clock luncheon Monday given by nor mother, Mrs. 11. W. MnrsterB, at her home on North Jackson slreet. An attractive yellow uud blue decorative motif was carried out In Ihe table decorations. Covers wero pluccd for Mrs. Johnson, guest. .of honor, Airs. Edwin Hoolh, Mrs. A, J, Ellison and Mrs. George Jones. Visiting wns enjoyed during tho afternoon. Sire. Johnson left Wed nesday for Salem and Portland for a visit with relatives, before ottirning to her homo at Fort Lewis, Wash. MONDAY BRIDGE CLUB .' IS ENTERTAINED AT W. F. HARRIS HOME Sirs. W. F. Harris wns n most gracious hostess Monday , after-' neon, when she e Ucrtntneti tier bridge club nt a delightful one- thirty o'clook dessoit-lunclioon at her home on South .Main stroot. Dnfrodlla nud heather formed a pretty yellow uujl lavender motif for the occasion. Covers woro ar ranged for Mrs. A. E. Kent. Mrs. It. L. Whipple. Mrs. H. 9. DlBck, Mrs. Walter Hamilton, Airs, rreu Hamilton. Mrs.. S. J. Shoemaker. Mra. E. O. Rickll and tho Hostess, Mrs. Harris. The nrizo for the afternoons ontract bridge piny wa won by Mrs. Wnltor Hamilton. i LADY LIONS HAVE ENJOYABLE MEETING ON MONDAY EVENING Mrs. David Hess and Mrs. Al bert Mlcelll were Joint hostesses nt n lovely sevon-tlllrty o'clock des sert-supper Monday ovcnlng nt the hitter's home for tho Lady Lions. Covora were placed for Mrs. II. Kacharlsen, president, Mrs. J. P. Mntscheiibncher. Mrs. J. A. Hart. Mrs. Phil Hnrth, Mrs. Don Court- y, Airs. M. II. Muncy, Mrs. B. C. :illoll, Mrs. O. J. Feldkump, Mi's. D. Parr and tho hostesses. Contract bridge was plsyed dur Ing the evening with Mrs. Muncy inning inc prize lor nign score. O POTLUCK DINNER IS NJOYED AT FORD HOME WEDNESDAY EVENING Tho Indies of the I.. A. to t). It. '. enjoyed a very delightful pot- luck supper party Wednesday eve- ing at the Andrew J. Ford home. at which time Mrs. Ford and Mrs. William Honetirnke wore honored their birthday iinniversarles. Jasmine. Jonquils and 1 pussywil lows wore used ill the decorations. A ptea:iiint social evening fol lowed the supper hour. A lovely Kt from the lodge was presented lo Mrs, Ford. - - ft INFORMAL DINNER IS NJOYED AT KNIGHT HOME THURSDAY NIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Knight entertained nt nn tntornial six 'clock dinner at their homo on West First street Thursday eve ning. Covers wero placed for At- orney ami Mi-?. William W. Knight, Mrs. H. F. Hatfield nnd Iven, Mr. nnd Mrs. "Hud Watson ami Mr, ami Mrs. Fred A. Knight. O SEW AND SO CLUB MEFTS THURSDAY lift A IN. March 13 The Sew nil So club met Thursday after noon at the homo ot Miss Edna itniinn. Ihe time was pleasanlly speui with needlework and visit ln. Those pivsent were Mrsdames Darker. White. Coons. Ijikey, Klsle Wlsegarver uud the hostess Miss Harlan. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Barker. Get Fashion by the .Collar EMBROIDERED ORGANDY AND LACE FLATTERING ACCESSORY SETS 'if -t-tl It Friscllla looked half so attractive Miles Standishj It's -no wonder John Priscilla collar has a prim little over ered with a daiey design at the border und are finished with fine valencionnes lace ruffles around the scalloped edges. ' ; ' MIS8 HELEN WOOD WEDS IN SAN DIEGO MORNING OF FEB. 28 According to w-ord received here MSu Helen Virginia Wood, diitlgh tor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Woodt of 1214 Meade Avenue, San Diego, calif., was married ut nine o'clock the morning of February 26, to Robert - M. James, boh of Mr. and Mrs, C. H. James, of Eu gene, Ore. . , . ' l lie ceremony, read by Kev. Frank 'Williams, was held in the Park-bivd. Methodist church. The bride was chic In a gray tailored eilit with royal blue accessories. Her royal blue spring straw hat was' trimmed in gray. Her cousin, miss Elizabeth Jobs, was her only attendant. Out of town gueBts wore her uncles and aunts, Mr, and Mrs. E. W ood of Los Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jobs and Miss Elizabeth Jobs of La Mesa. Immediately following the service, the young couple loft for Rice. Calif., where they will make their home as long as Mr. James Is Willi tho Colorado Aqueduct construc tion. ... Among the pre-uuntial affairs planned were parties given by Mies Hazel Dye and her aunt. Mrs. R. M. Major; by the bride's sister, Mrs. John Iieuves, and by. Mmes. Roy Campbell and Roy Bond. Mr. James was a resident ' of Rosoburg until 1933, when he went to California, whore he is now em ployed on the Colorado Aqueduct. The wedding was first published in the San Diego Sun the . afternoon of the wedding day. . l ... " MUSIC TEACHERS MEET ' AT HOOVER HOME ON MONDAY EVENING The Mimic ntiinrltlnn enjoyed a very' delightful mooting -Moniiay evening as the guests ot Miss Ruth Hoover at her homo on North Main street. Mrs. H. F. English, president, had charge of the meeting. Chopin wns the topic of sitldy and talks were given by Mrs. Homer Grow on sketch of Chopin; his life and works; solo by Miss llelene Robin son. "Fantasy impromptu:' two solos. Polonaises. In II flat, and Prelude In A tint, played by Mrs. Clydo Heard. I jit or Miss Hoover served lovely refreshments to Mrs. P; O. Burr, Mra. Charles A. Hriind, Mra.. Clyde Hoard. Mrs. Homer (Irow. Mrs. Julin Hnkansen, Mm. H. F. Eng lish and Miss llelene Robinson. The next meeting will be April 18 nt the home of Mrs. Hukiinscn in Oakland with Die topic or study to bo "Modern American Music." FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET ON NEXT THURSDAY Hid Woman's Foreign Mission- ary society of the Methodist Epls- copui cnurcn win meet at two o'clock In the afternoon at the home of Mrs. It. J. Lockwood on East Cass sheet. A Founder's day program will be hi charge of Mrs. Kinory t oie. O O .0 GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'S CLUB TO MEET NEXT THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Garden Valley Women's club will meet next Thursday aft ernoon al two o'clock at the club house with. Mrs. R. S. Hutton as hostess. An especially Important business inciting will he held and every uivtuber .. is urged - to be present. i . if as the befrllled young modern when John Alden came a-wooiug foi fell for her. The 1937 version ,of the transparent Swiss organdy - collar topping the shoulderwide ; , BRIDAL 8HOWER GIVEN MISS MAXINE SMITH ON FRIDAY EVENING Honoring Misa Muxine Smith with a: bridal shower, Mrs. George Crenshaw and Mrs, R. C. Gilbert entertained a number of ladies at thff home of the former on Friday night. Games were played with mra. Don Rudabaugh. Miss Mil dred Shoudy and Miss. Margaret Wells winning the prizes. Misa Smith then opened the shower ot lovely gifts utter which refresh mentB were served. Tnose invited lo honor Miss Smith, who will be come the bride of Molvin ' Corron in the near future, wero, the guest ot honor, Aliss Smith, Mrs. 1. S. Wheeler, Mrs. Macon Smith, Mrs. Lou Purls, Mrs. John Zenor. Mrs. Ray Wheeler, Mrs. C. E. Thomas, Mrs. Maud Jennings, Mrs. Cynthia Germoud, Mrs, Wanda Armour, Mrs. Elizaboth Garrett, Mrs. Ar thur Hudnell, Mrs. James Smith, Mrs. Verne Shrum, Mrs. Gilbert Cobb, Mrs. Don Radabaugh, Mrs. Willis Smith, Mrs. Shlrey, Mrs. Kenneth Radabaugh, ,Ws. Mary Morgan, .Mrs. William Hurrell. Mrs. Clarence Dunlup, Mrs. W'llliam Black. Miss Mary Shlrey, Miss Margaret Wells, Miss Mildred Shoudy and the hostesses, Mrs. Gllbret and Mrs. Crenshaw, O . MRS. LILLIAN BOYD HONORED AT SURPRISE PARTY ON BIRTHDAY Tho members of the Friday Morning Prayer circle gave a charming surpriso parly for Mrs. Lillian Boyd at her home on Ump qua avenue Tuesday afternoon to celebrate her seventy-third birth day anniversary. A largo basket, filled with can-. dies, fruits, girts and a beniitirtilly decorated birthday cake, wus pre- "lr0- ") r- E. Woodcock. Mrs. August Heck, Mrs. hlmer McKean, Mrs. A. C. Marstcrs, Mrs. C. A. Edwards, Mrs. Thomas Nenl, Mrs. Leonard F. Wil son, Mrs. N. Taylor, Mrs. Joe Pope. Mrs.- Charles Ioernor, Mrs. John loerner, Mrs. lirson and Rev. Mr. Smith. ; A prayer and praiso service wns enjoyed during the afternoon hoars. , - PATCH AND CHAT CLUB MEETS AT BRADLEY HOME The Patch and Chat club met Thursday - afternoon at ' the home or Mrs. C. J. Bradley and a pleas ant artornoon spent In sewing and vlsllliig. In honor of tho birthday anniversaries-of two or the mem bers, Mrs. Glenn Itlngo and Mrs. C. -H. Keuch, a handkerchief show er was given them betore delicious refreshments wore served late in the nfternoou. Members and guests present were Madames C. . H. Kench, C. 11. Calkins. Forrest Jones. Domenleo. IV W. Keasev. Glenn lllngo, Parley Wnrc. D. W. Smith. A. I). Addison. A. F. Ilofr melster. H. II. Hess. Nornh Ware. Miss Jennie Jorl and the hostesi, Mrs. nrndley. Mrs. D. W. Smith will entertain the club next time on March 23. f) o a LOYALIST' MARRIED PEOPLES CLASS TO ENJOY SOCIAL The loyalist Married Peoples class f the Baptist church will hold a very delightful social eve ning next Friday night at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Turubull ou soutb Main street COMBINED INTO FOR SPRING! V' , .-4' iJ frill, Collar and cuffs are embrold . . . . ' ROSEBURG WOMAN'S CLUB WILL HAVE UNUSUALLY FINE PROGRAM NEXT WEEK The Roseburg W'oman's club w ill meet at a one-thirty , o'clock ties sort-luncheon next Tuesday at- the ciunnouse with airs. H. c. Church, chairman, Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Mrs. T. G. Watson, Mrs. E. A. Post and Mrs. Fred Morrison, hostesses, The members of the tormor Meutnl Culture club of Roseburg wilt ue special guests ot the day. -Mrs. W. M. Cumpbell, president, will be In charge and rcll-cull top ics will oe presented by Mrs. C. E. Roberts, Mrs. Edwin G. Young, Mrs. G. V. WJmborly, Miss Janet Moffat, Mrs. D. V. Radabaugh, Mrs. Paul Warren, Mrs. E. F Tandy and Mrs. Frederick J, Porter. Every member is being asked to raiao a dollar themselves for tho club as a port of the .March proj ect. This meeting will be the dol- lar-day meeting. Mrs. Edwin G. Young ias ranged a very delightful surprise program to follow the luncheon. Mombers and invited guests nro anticipating a most entortainiug anil enjoyanie afteriuou, U. OF O. MOTHERS ' FORM ORGANIZATION TUESDAY AFTERNOON The University of Oregon moth era of students and alumni formed the U. of O. Mothers club at meeting held Tuesday utlernoon at the home of Mrs. W. M. Camp, bell. Mrs. H. A. Winston was elected chairman of the club. Following the business uieeting Mrs. Camp- ueu served lea to Mrs. Winston. Mrs. G. R. Bates of Myrtle Creek, Aim. m. u. Thompson and Mrs. J. E. Pickens. The next meeting will be April 13 nt two oclork at the i ainpneii Home nt lo; 2 Nonh Jackson slreet. All mothers of U. of O. students nnd alumni are urgeu lo altentl. GREEN STUDY CLUB MEETS TUESDAY AT FRED AGEE HOME The Green P.-T. A. study clnh oiei luesuny ultcrnoon at. the homo of Mrs. Fred Agee In Hapiiy alley, hollowing the radio lec ture by Dr. Chambers, (here was lengthy discussion on ihn n.n. uicnpiieti i:niui. ' ii me ii-ii nour .urs. t. gee serv- ,-u nanny reiresninents to Airs W A. Duvls, Mrs. A. E. Mllla'd. Mrs' Hugh Ilenson, Mrs. John 11,,.. na. joe l oner. . rs. w. iin,.n. son, .wis. itiorge Holm, Mrs. Chas. nisiey. .urs. Karl Agee, Miss Hetty Agee, .Mrs. p(.lcy Myers and ,lrs Cnrl Schmidt. i ne topic lor Ihe next meetiig March 8:1. at the Genmn iii,..' home, will be "Biauty Behavior ,111,1 mums. LADIES AUXILIARY TO MtT TUESDAY ine Indies atixiliurv of l.u,.i... met Tuesday evening. New uni forms for the drill !., ...... dered. It was derided lo l,ni,i' .." other rooked food sale In the Perk ins building and lo liw.l,i.i .. and shrubs, dressed poultry egg. canned fruits nnd preserves Mrs' .Stevens was made chairman of' the The Eagles disiri.-i .. ., will be held in Roseburg Apr "i Mrs. Erie Trozelle r.w,.,i. door prlie for tie evening. B. P. W. C. HAS DINNER . MEETING AT UMPQUA HOTEL MONDAY NIGHT The Business and Professional! Women's club held a six-thirty o'-; clock dinner meeting at the Hotel, Umpqua Monday evening. The table decorations .were in yellow, and green to carry out the sprins motif. Tall yellow tapers in green holders, daffodil fuvors and center bouquets of daffodils, jasmine aim pussywillows were used. Mrs. Charles A. Brand, MIbs Vera Fredrickson and Miss Ina Farus worth were In charge. The program Included numbers by the Glee club under the direc tion of Mrs. Brand, accompanied by Miss Helene'Roblnson; musical novelty number ' by Mrs. Harrle Booth and Miss Helen Casey, ac companied by Mrs. Clyde Carstens! reading, "The Private Secretary," by Mrs. Paul Warren; instrumental solo by Miss llelene Robinson; vo cal trio by Miss Helen Magers, Miss Nelma Suylor and Miss Lu die Lenox, accompanied by Miss Mnrjorle Wilson. Miss Ha Laubach, president, con ducted the buslnoss meeting and reports wore given by the various club chairmen. Plans were made for tho national B, P. W. club week, March 14-20. Miss Dorothy Norton was. wel comed us a new member of the club. Guests present were Mrs. Paul Warren, Mrs. Horace Berg, Mrs. J. R. Whurton, Mrs. Perry Smith, MIsb Holon Casey, Mrs. Hnrrlo Booth, Mrs. Clydo Carstens, Miss Jessie Fullerton, Mrs. Earl Nelson and Mrs. Arrah Peck.of Medford. Members present were Mrs. Wil liam Bell, Mrs. Charles A. Brand, Miss Evelyn Brockenridge, Mrs. Irvin Brtinn, Miss Ellen Carlson, Miss Verna Carothers, Miss Ha Luubach, Miss ina Furnsworth, MIsb May Fisher, Miss Vora Fred rickson, "Miss Elizabeth Garrett, Mrs. Edytho Gilmour, Miss Dalnia Grohc, Mrs. Alma Harness, Miss Gladys Hnsklns, Mrs. J. B. Hughes, Mrs. Story lies, Miss Luclle Len ox, Miss Helen Mngers, Mrs. Thom as Parkinson, Miss Martha Perry, Miss Lucy Plnkorton, Mrs. Geral dine Sheehy, Mrs. C. W. SInniger, Miss Florence Snedaker, Miss Alice uelund. Miss Ethel Webb, Miss Bess Wharton, Miss Marjdrie Wil son, MIbs Margaret Page, Miss Murguret Oderkiik. Miss Nelma Saylor, Miss Helen Shrieve, Misa Amanda Anderson, Miss Louise Ydung and Miss Dorothy Norton. MISS GLADYS H. STRONG PRESENTS GROUP OF V ' PUPILS IN FINE .RECITAL - On lust Tuesday evening, a verv pleasing piano recital was given by students of Gladys H. Strong at her home on South Main street. The program was vnried as begin ners, intermediate nud advanced students were presented. . Their numbers were well chosen from classic and more modem piano lit erature and wore very interesting. The students played well showing artistic standards and Ideals for their work. The following students w-ere iii-n. aolited: Marilyn Preston; Barbara, Dell Freain, Shirley Fancher, Bon nle Jonn Matthews. Eenrinii Young, Clair Pettlt, Carmen Cole, Bonnio Balllie. Ruth Heck. TWiv Gene Simmons, Belly Swift, Anita loung, ftiarjone Guiley, Virginia Voung und Airs. Mux Bauer. ir t ir MRS. RINGO HONORPD AT BIRTHDAY PARTY BY GROUP OF FRIENDS Mrs. Glenn Ringo was tlelighttul ly surprised on her birthday anni versary, when a crnun m rri,i. called to celebrate the occasion at a potluck supper and monopoly and pinochle party. Lovoiy gifts were presented to Mrs. Itlngo. Thosn nnlnvW ll, occasion with Mr. and Mrs. Ringo u ,, ""' un" -M- Homer htrickling nnd son, Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Decker niul imn T?!l,. aid, Mr. uud Mrs. Clarence Char tier, M and Mrs. Bert Mathews. r. uuu .urs. lioorge Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tenio ,,,i t i. ii ii & THIMBLE CLUB HAS fclNJOYABLE MEETING AT TAYLOR HOME , Ihe Woodcraft Thlmhlo .i,,i, held a very delightful meeting on Monthly afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. W. Taylor on South .Inelt. son street. Tho business meeting was followed by a pleasant social hour wilh prizes going to Mrs. O. i joiinson, .Mrs. c. W. Owen and Mm. S. E. Fancher. At the tea hour Mm Trinp no. slsted by Mrs. a. d Hhh,o,i Jo..... cd a delicious luncheon. The Si. (Contnlued on page 3.) U. S. V. HOSPITAL By Bertha Noe Olir motion Hit-lure nr,,,-,, lltlu week included "Without Orders'' ml a newsreel on Mn,,,i,. ii,. ml ' in mo SKy ' .with a .iiiijor uowos and Kli-,,,,,. ti,,, iction for shoi-l ui,Kinn,n ,ri lay night. Tuesday nflenmnn nt i.i lie V. F. W. auxiliary held their egular bi-monthly card partv in he recreational imii m.. n..i Dempsey acted as hostess for the "i n jo. nne Wlla as8ted by Mrs. Norwood. M, r-n i.. Boyd uud M,s; Heuly. Six 'bright c, UUSIIIOIIS Uura . ......Iv., Olll IllO Autn't-I,, V L- ti-' ;i. tary lo lio usvd in the hospital. .i rs. lless Relgel. local hospital hairninn for the n,,i,.. i !.. auxiliary, has fPPPn 1 1 V rnnr.tvi.rl everiil gif:s tnr , rQCi,tv hc,. he Lebanon nnvili,,,. ., .. illows with envers. Newport aux iary sent jv i,iii,. Klamath Falls uuxiil.-irv .i In year's subscriiillnn i o, r-j. mopolltan nnd Railroad Stories niiigailnes nnd n .ianir f Grants Pass auxin.-.,- i ' ubserlmlmi in Hulletln nnd the Grants Pass Cour- u,.e uiiuco prlro and twelve nair cushions. Westflr auxiliary cut In a Riih,i., T , , , . ..uu,i iii tun nine Hook. John Dm- ,inn,.i . .. subscription t Cosmoiwlltan mac "ine and from Corvallls we re- R.11T ,a0"ai" "ubscripUon to Railroad Stories. ,