ROSEBURG REW3-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH ft, 1937. THtvTE A Hfct ihM fiU it's put. fth Holiday" You-young -fellows will like the feel, of this nw light Weight hat, and the look of it in the .mirror.- Put it on a smart angle, snap down the brim,-" dent - in the crown, you're all set, . 93.05 .PITCHER OR JUG ' Written March 3 1887 ''' They tolled together side' by side In the field where the corn was - -growing; -.' . They paused a while !to quench ' their thirst, . 'Grown; weary' with the hoeing. "I fear, my friend," I said to one,' ' That you will ne'er be richer; .You drink, I see from the little brown Jug, -Whitat your friend drinks from " the pitcher. "Oiie Is filled with alcohol,' -: ' . The fiery drink from the still: The - other -with water clear and '-' COOi' ' : Prom the 'spring at the foot of - the mil. ;'- ,'..',;'' .V ' "In all' of ' life's: best gifts, my -. 'inena,' " ' ' I fear1 you will ne'er be richer. Unless yeuv leave' the little brown is- lugi'-vJ-'v.?';';'-' '" ;-'- . : J And drink,Ilke. your friend, from My words hairo proved a prophecy, For years have-nassed awav: ' How dd.yoii think have -fared. our ' '. ;-ftends, . ' - .V ; " .That . tolled- In . the' fields that One ia a reeling, drunken sot, ' GrowTi-'-poorer. instead-of richer; The- other has. won both- wealth - vand fame'.' " ': '.- i.- ' always drank from the l!''.' 'Wltcher.'---1' ' ; - '-: '-- Minneapolis and St. Paul Pioneer n 1 .'.., ..i ' i ' ,.,' n i-rvsBt -.Huumiueu uy iuu OTirpoyiie, ltlddlej';.;.';i.V . :-'-.'i - MAN . ' Man is ;a -creature that the . world . . would be. lost without.. Some are tell., and lanky and oth ' ers short and stout. - Onm, .u nnata ami .nirllarn urhlla . many- are' the. business typo, Yet there's .iheij who have their nilpds'ln' the gutters Over cheap' and. costless tripe. Now 'taker the biiBthess man for in- mi&ucv, ," -. ; .- , ., He generally "works' hard .all day. He does his best to get ahead and make the; bast' of pay. lie works and slaves in an office ' or travels on the road, But what be, does or doesn't do, . :v his burden be must load. A writer or a poet Is a man with a gigantic mind. . There's nmhv -in this world of ours. some crlppicd and totally blind. Some - writers write -of adventure '. and others of love affairs But as long as it : entertains us, the type written nobody cares. But a bum is p. bum -vhoreyer he may be. If on the coast, or In the mnun r tains, or far ovor son. Refinement Is the typo that ' is wanted all over. What. women now wish Is a perfect -; r.lovos. ' i ny James w; Howard Jr. . " ' The evening sun Is setting far In me goiaon-west. ' - Tlta hti.ila"1iiu( ntwl ltlnadnHtu Imvn ' gone to their daily rest, The day is nearly over and that . toil and work Is done But tomorrow life will be anew with traffic on the run. - Life Is composed of work and hard- . ship .ir.j. . ' Laughter,, .gayety, . sorrow nnd worry, Without God's help 1 and certain friendship, . " .; Life Is nothing . but hurry scurry. Lore plays the' part of happiness and contentment. - Hoping and waiting for life to con tinue, . Then young ones grow up' having grudges an resentment O'er, difficult situations that they've put themselves Into. So' on and on the wh?le thing COM."' ' , But where of when It stops nobody IBOWI. . It always has been and It always will be Until the end of the world, Just you POtTS CORNER Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER GREEN P.-T. A. HAS MEETING FRIDAY Thj Green P.-T. A. met at the Qreen school house Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock.' Mrs. Earl Agee presided at the business meeting 111 Die absence of the president, Mrs. Walter A. Davis. The major item of business was the discussion of remodeling the basement for recreational pur- ooses. The matter was tabled un til more complete details could be obtained. : Mrs. Chas. Insloy, membership chairman, reported forty-two mem bers to date. Mrs. Fred A gee, president of the study club, reported 19 mpmbers enrolled and announced sue wouiu entertain the drib Tuesday. March 8. Mrs. Carl Schmidt will report on last Tuesday's : lecture from O. S. C. by D. O. M. Chambers. The decision' was mane to buy two baseballs and a volley ball for the school children, also to repair the swings on the playground. John Hess and Goo. Holm wore appointed on this coimnltteo. A contribution to the fund for the gift for the the retiring state president, Mrs. Virginia Kietzer, was voted to be sent to stnto head- Quarters. The members elected to present names of candidates for the vari ous officers, at the April election meeting were Mrs. Vera Stevenson, chairman, Mrs. Chas. Insloy and Mi's. Joseph Porter. , - MrB. Fred Agce led in the rtis cusslon of the program topic "CO' operatives," and announced the tonic for next time relating to character education tp be "Good TaBt3." . " '' Mrs. Hugh Hensen, Mrs. Vera Stevenson and Mrs: Joseph Porter were named on the refreshment committee for next month. Mrs. Smith- and Mi-s. G.. Blake served refreshments in tho base' mont at the close of the. meeting to the sixty people in attendance. Games played added to the picas ure of those present. . ; r ? . ': - 0 4 .- V ' i LADIES AID SOCIETY HAS FINE MEETING . : LOdKINGGLASS, March 8. The Ladles Aid society held the regu lar -monthly business and social meeting at the home of Mrs. Ar thur Marsh on Wednesday alter noon.' Considerable interest is cen tering in the St. Patrick bazaar and potluck supper which will be given by the society in tne grange hall on the evening of March 17. Arraneementa will'be in charge of the following ladles: , Tables ana decorations. Mrs. Iesne ; Higgins and -Mrs. W. J: Meredith; fancy work booth, Mrs. Mount, Mrs. Horn- er. noroy Ke, -iwr. jf,;-uBi;wHj " Mrs. George Little; program, Mrs. Masters, Mrs. Nelson AndruS and Mrs. Alma-LeClerc; supper, Mrs. Corvin Heard, Mrs. Roy Buell, Mrs. George Bacon and Mrs.; O. G. Rog ers; giftB,. Mrs. Tibbets and Mrs. Arthur Marsh. . ' Materials were provided uy Mrs. Mount for crocheted rag rugs and Beveral rugs were started dur ing the afternoon. The meeting Was presided over by the presi dent. Mrs.' Smith. Mrs. Nordyke led . the devotions. Refreshments were served bv the hosteBS assist ed by Miss June Masters and Miss Blanche Alcock. Among inose at-tAn.lli.p- were: Mrs. Wm. Voor- hies. Mrs. Masters, Mrs. Roy Buell, Mrs. Corvin Heard, Mrs. Mount, Mrs. Leslie Higglns. Mrs. O. : G. Rogers, Mrs. Tibbets, Mrs. Homer Nordyke, Mrs; Howard, Mrs. W. J. Meredith. Mrs. George Little, Mrs. Glen White, Mrs. W. L. Smith, Miss June Masters, Miss Blanche Al cock and Mrs. Arthur Marsh. BIRTHDAY PARTY IS . ENJOYABLE AFFAIR TENM1LE. March 8. Mrs. u. A. Vaughn and Mrs. J. F. Brown en tertained at the Reston school house with a pnrty for Mrs. Vauehn's daughter. Camilla lieu, on hor birthday, Frldny, March 6th, from 2 until 4 p. m. Tne teacn er, MiBS Montgomery, and pupils greeted Camllle with a song, "Hap nv nirthdav to You." and present ed to her many lovely gifts. Doris Matthews also sang a song and tne remainder of the afternoon was spent in playing games. A dainty luncheon was served to the guest of honor, Camllle Bell, the teacher, Miss Montgomery, Doris Matthews, Ilctty Lou Harbison, Elaine nnd Ivan Matthews, Cornelia, Maribell nnd Stanley Brlnt,. Margaret, Ruthio Jo and Kenneth Culbcrtson and tho hostesses, Mrs. Vaughn and Mrs. Brown. , '; SOUTH DEER CREEK LADIES HAVE H. E. CLUB MEETIIMU l-ndles of the South Deer Creek fnnnnm M Kllllt were entertained at the hall last Thursday by Mrs. Harry uouison nnd Mrs. D. E. Morburg. The uft ernoon was snent in. sewing and visiting. , r ' Among those present were mrs. H. E. Blood, Mrs. Joe Kttnlsh, Mrs. n Rropdlnve. Mrs. Helen Slefrld- son. Mrs. Flora Cox, Mrs. C. H. Bailey, Mrs. Jennie Karcher, Mrs. Winona Bailey and one guest, Mrs. Plnkerton. GLIDE TOWNSEND CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY EVENING Thn miilA Tnwnspnd club 'will hold its regular monthly meeting at eight ociock Tuesday evening at the grange hall. All members B.barf In allntlll thin mPRtlnS and be prepared to give a talk on Why 1 L.IK6 ine lownseuu rimi. The general public is most cordial iv invited Refreshments will be served later In the evening. www A BDAMrVft ftlftTER ' INVITED TO CORONATION OF KING GEORGE Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Hannah, tne i , . .i.ib, AfePhrla A. Rrsnd. n tutm itv am Included in the tl.t .'.(l.nrt lh i-nrnn.llon I of King George. Mr. Hannah Is a I m, uriv imv iv - - - and MrB. Hannah are well known In this city, having visited the BrandB here. '.''. "CADDIE WOODLAWN" '" OBSERVE8 BIRTHDAY . Mrs. Caroline Watklns of route one, Portland, who Is known all over the United ntates to boys and girls as ''Caddie Woodlawn," celebrated her eighty-fourth birth day anniversary February 22 at the home of her daughter and son, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Pfell. Her admir ing readers sent her six pounds of chocolates, - 159 birthday letters and 20 birthday cards, besides numerous other gifts. The story of which sho is the heroine won the Newberry medal ron liiii. Her granddaughter, enrol Ityrlo Brink, the author,: informed Mrs. Watkius the story will he printed in the Swedish and Danish languages and will be available for children of those countries in April. Mrs. Watklns, is tho molber of Mrs. Wanda Armour, of Roseburg, and is well known here, having formerly made her home with Mrs. Armour, before going to Portlnnd to reside with another daughter. Since the book. Caddie Wood- lawn, was published, MrB. Watklns has received 3500 letters from peo- nle all over the United Slates. One whole pack of letters was sent by one school, where the teacher had read the book aloud to the stu dents. The book Ib In both libraries here. ;' ' . . jjj. ;- , t OS BOR N.TAYLOR TEA . IS CHARMING AFFAIR FOR MRS. C. D, CANNON One of he loveliest and " most charming! iWalrs of the week was an Informilvtea -given by ' Mrs. Grant Osbftrn and -Mrs. A. B. Tay lor at the home, of the former In Laurelwood Saturday afternoon in compliment to MrB. C. D. cannon, who is leaving soon for La Grande to make her home. ' - . .. About thirty neighbors and close friends called between the hours of three and 4:30 o'.clock. The rooms- of the Osborn home were especial ly lovely with large bouquets .or spring flowers and pussywillows. The tea table was! attractive with a centerpiece of daffodils and Jbb mine, r .- ; S ) '; i'j-i , : l . ' .': . MRS. THOMA8 GRAHAM ' 5 HONORED SATURDAY NIGHT BY MRS. M. J. NEWLAND t; ; ' To: compliment Mrs. ThomaB Graham; who left Sunday for Em pire to make ner nome, Mrs. Mau rice J. Newland entertained Inform ally Saturday evening by Inviting Mrs. C. F. ' Pierce and Mrs. T. H. Reeves as guests honoring Mrs. Graham at a theatre , party ot Hunt's Indian. ,, ' ; .'..'' Following the theatre, : linage n oninvsd at the Newland home on West First street.;.; The guest prize was presented to. Mis. Gra ham and the high score prize was won by Mrs. Pierce. Later ..MrB. Newland served lovely, refresh ments. !,:,.. CITY VISITORS nm.i Pnnlsnn. of Umnnua. was a business visitor, in this city yes terday. : '--'"'" '"'" Dan Perdue, of Days Creek, at tended to business in town Satur day for a few hours. Mrs. J.' H. Howara, oi nmuie, spent a short time here Saturday shopping.- lnnl Vann nt MnlrnRP. snent a few hours hero Saturday attend ing to business. Edgar Jones, of Oakland, was hern ntlenriine to business for a few hours Saturday. Ernest r . jonnson, ot nieirose, spent Saturday In this city attend ing to business. Ifnm'v ffrnlin et Mplrnne. vim n business visitor in this city Satur day. - .T P ntmllnr. of Anchor, was In town Saturday attending to busi ness. Stock and Bond AycragM 8T0CKS Compiled by The Associated Press. March 8: 80 15 '15 60 Ind'ls RR's Ut's St'ks Todny 100.8 46.9 50.4 74.6 Prev. day 101.6 47.4 60.3 76.0 Month ago .... 99.6 41.8 51.7 73.1 Yenr ago S0.6 36.4 48.1 61. 4 1937 high 101.5 17.4 64.0 75.0 1937 low 94.1 37.8 611.0, 69.1 1936 high 99.3 43.6 53.7 72.8 1930 low 73.4 30.2 43.4 66.7 BONDS .' 20 10 10 10 nil's Ind'ls Ut's Fgn. Today .. 90.8 103.9M01.2 72.8 Prev. day 97.0 103.9 101.3 72.7 Month ago .... 98.0 104.1 102.1 74.0 Year ago 93.0 102.8 102.2 71.2 1937 high 99.0 104.4 102.8 74.7 1937 low 96.9 103.8 101.3 72.7 1936 high 98.2 104.4 103.1 73.0 1936 low 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 Now lows. Schilling ii ZK. rxunqanan Riprika Rick rid. Delicate flavor. J OUR BOARING HOUSE : LISTEN, HOOPLE 1 CAJ1 VVHA1 I iw -YOU HAVE NT 1 KMCW ; MORE ABOUT .TH' PINE, POUSITS OP SALESMAW- THAM A 60FA KMOWS ABOUT MECKIWO rX CAM TALK TH1 HAT . RIGHT OFF A CUSTOMER, AKJD "THEM 6ELL. HIM HIS OWN i HAT,' 'fa ... i Back From Corvallli Miss Ruth Vance has returned here, after spending the week-end visiting In Corvallls. She is a senior high teacher. , ; Improving Irving Doucette, ' of the Grand Beauty shop, is report ed to be doing nicely nt St. Vin cent's hospital in Portland, where he Is receiving medical treatment. Attends i to ). Business Clarence T. Williams; of the state iforesterB' office in . Salem, attended to busi ness here at the Douglas County Fire Patrol association office .Frl dny and -Saturday. ; . ii i Leaving Wednesday V. V. Harp ham, supervisor of Umpqua forest service, expects to leave. Wednes day for Portland , to spend two weeks attending a meeting of for est supervisors of Oregon . mid Washington. Return to Medford Mr. 'and Mrs, C. C. Archibald left Saturday;; tor their home IniMedford, after spend ing a few days in this city while the former attended to business for the 'Copco. The' Archibald family formerly made their home here. ' Edenbower Class to Meet The Edeubower Bible class will meet Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. J. Bradley III Edenbower, with Rev. W. C. Fall cettes as teacher. Anyone inter ested has been most cordially In vited. THURSDAY Grand Return 'Olnlja Local News in A A I In L rvuuuuuim with Adolphe Menjou - Jean Hersholt Ned Sparks - Don Ameche Ritz Brothers UK Wll vwm ' 'V? . .at- - . . YOU'RE A PEDDLER VOU'VE BEEN! OME S'LOMQ, THAT EVERY TIME tOU COWE NEARAPOORIOU , PUT YOUR FOOT IN lT--HMP YOU CALL. YOUR SELF A SALESMAN FAW; YOU COULDN'T 6ELU HACK SAWS IM SIMC3 SlKkS IM fvV DA.V, A DRUMMEU WAD BRAINS, AMDX ALWAYS CARRIED A LINE OF SAMPLES ' I J? tri n a Kft Moves to Empire Mrs. Thomas Graham left yesterday for Empire, wic, IU JUIU llUBUtlllU UUU make her homo. Mr. Oruham was transferred there to manage the Sale way store a fow weeks ago. Home From .Hospital Miss .Mary Dell GeUdos was discharged from Morcy hospital Snturday fol lowing an appendectomy and is now convalescing satiBiactortly at her homo on North Jnckson street. Nurses to Meet District No. 11 of Oregon State Graduate Nurses association, will meet at eight o'clock Tuesday night ut the home of tile president, Mrs. A. B. Cacy. All members and graduate nurses invited. Lady Lions to Meet The Lady Lions will meet at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper tonighLrat the Al bert Micelli home on the Melrose road, with Mrs. Micelli and Mrs. David Hess, joint hostesses. Music Teachers to Meet Doug ins County Music Teachers asso ciation will meet at eight o'clock tonight at the. home of MIbb Ruth Hoover at 137, North Mnln street, with Mrs, C, A. Brand in charge of the program, on "Choplnx" Back ' From Conference Miss Thelmu Carter, Miss Eileen Kleist, MIsb Corinne-Anno Perry, Miss Joan Perkins, Mrs. W. H. Carter and Mrs. R. D. Kleist returned here Inst night, after spending the past three days in Portland attending the sllvor jubilee of the older girls' conference of Oregon. ; B. P.'W. C. Dinner Meeting Tho DuslneBs and ProfosBlonal Women's club will meet at a 6:30 o'clock dinner at the civic room of the Hotel Umpqua tonight. The committee in charge includes Mrs. CharleB A. Brand, MIsb Ina FarnB worth and Miss Vera Fredrickson. A musical program - will be pre sented. All members are urged to he present. : and FRIDAY Engagement lnl2Ef.!3 MM i.i'': A ;'., V'.'-i ":'! I! 4 onna t Major. Hoople v'-rfj VVELLAU. 1 CAN SAY IS That both m OF VOU -SU- ARE GREAT SALESMEN,' YOU'VE SOLt7 ME ON TH'FACT THAT NEITHER ONE OF YOU KNOWS ANY THING ABOUT TO HAVE CGI I Ikn FULL hoople : :" WAS A PRUMMER IN A BAND srmicl. inc. t. m ia V. . rT. Off, Study Club to Meet Tho Glide "P.-T. A. Study club vlll meet at the homo of Mrs. Jonu il. Robin son Tuesdny afternoon.. .. h . Sewing Club to Meet MrB. Da vid Hobs will entertain her eve ning sewing club Tuesday night, at her home on Hamilton street. Stop Here Mr. ahd (Mrs.' Ernest Gllstrnp nnd ' family." of Modford, stopped hore yesterday for a Bhort visit at the Harris Ellsworth home, en route to Eugene on buBlnesB. Mothers Club to Organise The University of Oregon Mothers club will be organized at a meeting to be held at two o'clock Tuesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. W. M, Campbell at 1032 North Jackson street. All mothers of U. of O. stu dents and alumni have beon' cor dially invitod. -j - Home Demonstration Meeting A home demonstration meeting will be conducted by Miss Jessie Pal miter, from O. S. C. extension de partment, at the C. E. Marks home Tuesday for all ladles of Rivers dale, Garden Valley and Edonhow' er districts. The meeting will open nt 10:30 n. m. -with a potluck luncheon at noon. Homo furnish ings will be the topic of study for the mooting. " : -., Attend ' Meeting Mr. nnd - Mrfl. T. H. Roovos; Mr. and Mra. ,C. F!. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Oglosby, Mr., and Mrs.. Cleo. Phillips, ..Mr. nnd Mrs. C. .1., Schloerann, Mr. and Mrs. Lerlln Tlnpetts, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pine, Mr. , and Mrs. David Ellis, Miss Alice . Conlow, Ri . H. Franks, Frank Lemma nnd., Ken neth ITollI well, of tho Safeway Em ployees - association, attended ; a meeting and election ot officers of tho association held at Curriers near Marshfleld' yeaterday. : Ends Today ALWAYS 2 FEATURES Starts Tuesday Mvmnom MURtimi STIIKEI I ALSO "FrontPage" In hh greetett rW SIJIVt 1 Af& VoiRiauot rfr, UWUHCC AH X, PLUS Eves. 35o f Kiddles Here Few Diyt Mrs. M. Plyler. who maintains her office at Reeds port, arrived here Friday to spend a couple of days attending to busi ness. Spend Day In Eugene Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hume anil daughter. Joanne, and Mrs. L. B. McCUntock, of this city, spent Saturday In Eu gene visiting. Return Todsy Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tribble returned to their home on Camas mountain today, after spending the week-end at Jackson ville, near Medford. - . Choral Club to Practice The Choral olub will practice at the Roseburg Muslo and Art studio Tuesday morning at ten o'clock un der the dlrootloh of Mrs. Milium Ballard. , ' -.: ' Badaura Club to Meet The Ba- doura club, Daughters of. the Nile, will hold a slx-thlrty o'clock no- hostess supper Tuesday night nt the .home ol Mrs. Albert Micelli on tho: Melrose, road. ., Visits at Lytle Home Mrs. Wil liam Krohmer; of Chicago, has left Roaeburg after stopping hera for a visit wllh her niece, Mrs. K. D. Lynn, on i-Jasi Douglas street. Mrs. Krohmer Is now enroute to the Bermudas on a vacation. Back From Convention Mrs:' E. V. Hoover has returned to her home on Main street, after spending sev eral days In Corvallls attending the state D. A. R. conentlon.. Mrs. William A. Becker, New Jersey, na tional regent, presided over, tho coiiterenoe convention. . , ' ,l . Go.; .to Portland n. F. Walton and his daughter-in-law, Mrs, K. R. Walton, and Mrs." Helfrig. of this city, went to Portland , Saturday, whore the latter two remained un til today, when they returned on the -Shasta. Mr. Walton made the loop trip from Portlnnd, down the coast, and back to this city. . Spend Day at Medford Mr. ahd Mrs. Victor Clark and son. Flabby. motored -to Medford- yesterday to Bpend the day with Harold Elliott, of La Grange, 111.,- and M. J. El liott, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who are in' Oregon attending to busi ness for the Metropolitan Lumber company. The Clerks are- friends of the Elliotts since .the former's eastern residence,' 1 Publio Invited to Benefit A benefit program will be sponsored by -the Klwanls club at: Melrose grange hall at eight o'clock Tues day evening to raise funds tor the 4-h club work of that community, The general public has beon invit ed , to, enjoy the benefit affair. No admission will: be chanted, but re, ireBhments will be ;sold later- In the evening. E.' A. Britton ,wU be master of ceremonies. ' rr 3J fSrnilv f: :,.,,...., .. 1 i 'n ' i. ELnJDED WHISKEY C :irvr' "i " " X: Owirfl04 f 9VVs dfisv ftts4rfksptsWi tftsM Vlw Vi4t ftOsMMLAT VHAfffe .ifBS S)Ws4mM flMtlVV lfMTC !R5i2iiSilt4F . ra cMa Ill at Heme Kermlt F.nsnder la reported to be 111 ot scarlet fever at his home. Junior-Senior High P.-T. A. .to Meet The Junlor-Benlor High P. T. A. will meet at the junior high school at 7:30 Tuesday evening In tne assembly room. Parents, teach ers and friends are Invited. Mothors ! In treating children'! cold, don't Uk chance., UM VJSJS 1 Today and Tuesday MthyiNICUS TbMU MITCHELL Thirst HALL Bank Night Wednesday $50.00 Lt 2 ?r m ml. .Wwtmmmmt-t r Mate, 2o Evei. 35c Kiddies 10o Show 2-7- . P. M. Coming Wednesday : i . - . l: ... ; wmlt ana tee. -By Jaee W. Howard. Jr, member of parliament, twin nr.