TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 3. 1937: Sunday at the Churches Church of Jesus Qhrhn.,of Lat iter Day Saints. Services ara held 'in the Moose hull, ou Hie corner ot 'Waalilugtou and Jnukcon bi. overy u....iiuu imn 111 o'clock a. m. un til 11:30 a. bi. Cordial invitation to all. r,.n r.n.nrt Assembly 137 Slierl- dun St. itev. A. Harold Parting, lianlor. Service for Sunday: Sun day school at 9:, Mlas Violet 1' am barton, auperintondont of classes. Morning worship heginnlng ut It a. m. Menaugo Ly the pastor. Communion. Evuuxellmlc service at 7-30. Come for refreshings from the presence of the Lord. Sorvlces for the week. Tuesday night at 7:30, HCiliiture shower and pleach ing. Ilroadcnm ovur Kl'.NK ut K:i)lt . .In,r l.' nhrht ut 7:31), young pooplo In ulmrge. We' give you a special invmuiuu w n tend these services. (id is really blessing. nin. r.irP,,lt lllll-ii-il: 10 a. ni.. Sunday school; 11 a. m., pieiichiug service; 8:30 p. m., ; Upworth league. LooklngglasB: 10 u. iu Bunduy school; 11 a. m prouuhlng sorvlco, mossago by Hoy Huff; 6:30 u. m., Epworth league; 7:30 p tn., preaching service, message by itoy Huff. Camas Vulloy: . 10 u in., Sunday school; i:3U p. in., Kinvorth loague. Wo Invito you to our services. Olen P. White. , Free Methodist Church, West ilosehui'g. Services for Sunday, March- 7th, and following week: S nduy school, 8:46 a. in.; preach- In.-, 10:45 a. ni.l class meeting;. :i:4G a. in.; evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m.; prayer meeting Wed nesday, 7:30 p. m.; cottage prayer meeting Friday, 7:30 p. m. Murvln 1,'uigge, pastor. : ; ; . , , First Church of Christ, Scientist, 813 li. IJoiigluB stteut. Itegular service Sunday r.t 11! 0U a. in. Sub ject Of lesaou: ".Mali." Sunday school convenes at 0:45 a. in. Wed nesday ovonltig meetings which in clude testimonies of healing and remarks on Christian Science, are held at 8:00 o'clock. The reading room In front of the church edifice in open dally, oxcopt Sundays and holidays from 2:00 to 4:00 p. m. anil on aunduys from 11:80 to 11:00 u. m, Hero the Bible and ull au thorised. Christian Science lltura turo; may he read, uorrowod or subscribed for. The public Is cor dially Invited to uttohd the church services and to visit; the Reading room. :. : v? : i j i ; ' St.:' Paul's Lutheran Churoh, Corey' and Military street, West ltosqllurg. The service qf. Sunday, March 7, lioglns lit, 11- a. in, The topic of the aormoii ! "The Chris tian Willi Jesus (iiitTi'lal lleforn I'l' lulo." This is thd'fouilll hf a'aerlds at Lonton addreuaos entitled,. "The LtK. CtfAULKS A. EDWA&LfH In the upoBtoliu days tho cliurcb wub a, 111U la tiiu dark nt'sa; It wus a btandiug rebuke to tiiu spirit ot corruption in the lit fa Ira of men. It Hhouhl be so today. The church la in the world but not of 11, und If we c.Liinot resist the temptHtion pe culiar to tho world, we tmve no right to encumber Its surface any longer. It ia intolerable that within the church we should re Bort to practices which we shurply condemn when thoy oc cur In other circles. We lire per hups too polito to fpeuk out, The church is a aplrftuul body, not a political organization and nothing which would Interfere with Ha spiritual vitality should be tolerated. To be true to tho Church of (lod is not an honor to bo coveted but u responsibil ity which we must humbly und dutifully accept. Amen. Christian Coins with Jesus on tho Way to Calvary." . Tho public Is most coKitany invited to attend. The Sunday school meets ut 9:45 a. in. The choir meets Friday (to night) at 7:30 p. m. All choir mem bers ure urgently requested to be present for the reheursul, W. A. Sylwester, ,1170 Military street, pastor. . . - ' , , ' Foursquare Church, pastor, . J, Howse. Sunday U:45 a. m., Sunday school.. You are invited, We have a class for everyone. : 11 n. m morning worship and this Js com munion sorvlce. : (iiitU p. in., Junior Crusader meeting. Heal Interest is shown In these meetings when everyone takes part in a stirring hour of spirituul uplift fur the young juniors. 7:30 p. m., evan gelistic service with .good, singing uud message by the pastor. Wed nesday, 7:30 p. mv,Ulhle study and prayer service. j-fcVJdftyj ; regular service,, Evangelist Ninu. Swausoli will begin an evangelistic meeting Sunday night, March 14. Not only Is she a forceful and convincing speaker but is a, beautiful soloist ub well, Being young Jieraelf her mi History bus been; aii'ilnspt ration to tho young people as well us to the old. ( . , Trees Shrubs ::. Roses ; Fruit and Nut Trees Ornamentals Grape Vines and Bulbs Largest and most complete nur series In 8outhern Oregon. Home Grown Acclimated Stock. Sales yard a mllos south of Roseburg on Pacific Highway and one-half mile south of Coos Junction, . C.E.MOYER 'Nurseries Roseburg, Oregon .Phone 46F13 First Methodist Episcopal Churoh, S. Ituynor Smith, minister. The pustor will preuch at 11 o'clock on "The Sign on the Ciosb." The organ wilt be played by Mrs. Victor Clark. Tho choir and a ladleB trio will sing. Sunday eve ning ut 7:110 the lumtpr will speak .011 "The Meaning pt djcliu". There; .will also bersneclui '.organ, music and singing at the evening serv ice., ; Clnirth suliool at !)i4&. Junior ainl 'Intermediate lOpworth leaguos Senior Epvqrtlileugue ut ;H9. ..'j'tiere .vll,.bq.,i,ni,n,iiUl;SV0,ok fellowship' service since tho re vival meetings,' arof bulng .held, at, the M.'E. Ohlirch' South 'and wo are urging uli to cooperate with those services.' i , First Christian Church. J. Finnic CuiiutiiHham, inlnlstov. rhe evange listic meolluuH coiitlniiq with James lOarl Ladd uriiiglitg pinverrul niess iikob fmni God'H -word, eiuth ulglit. und. with Kdwln Inspiring tho iiu- dieucus , with his singing. Tlie evangelist's iiiohsh'kcs for Sunday are: Morning, rlsliers of ftloir , evening, "The Church That Jesus limit. Ureal umllences are antlcl patoii for all services, ltimiomber the hours of the vurloiiB services: lllblo school, 9:46 to 10;36 n. in.: hioriililK worship, ill: 115 a. in.) Clirlstluu I'hideiivor, 0:.K)'ii: in.; evangellstn, 7:!I0 p. in. A most cor dial welcome to all services. ' First Baptist Church. .1. it. Turn hull, minister. a. in., prayer nieelliig. II: 15 a. in., lllblo school, Harry Howe, . supei'lnUMident. , A wi'll-orgnnlaed school of five de partments. 11:00 a. m.,' morning worship, (broadcast over - K UN K) Solo. Harry Turnliull. Sermon: "A Winning Klghl." Lord's , supper OUR BOARING HOUSE with Major Hooplel AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, HOOPLE, (CIKK-CLICK), I'D SAT YOU HAVEWT CHANGED MUCH STILUBYINCj TO BORE A HOLE IM SOMEOUE ELSE'S BAMK ROLL WITH TH' SAME OZ ALkSER - THAT OLD aREASE-SPOTTED VEST MUST HAVE AM ELASTIC EACK-X SEE IT COVEW5 TH' IO-IMCH EXTENSIOM YOU'VE APPEP ONTO YOUR BAY M WIUDOW kt '-.V WELU.TOM, VD PEC06MI2.E YOU IM TH6 pAWKUMF I NEVER COULt FOROfcT THE WAV YOU CLICK OUFS FALSE TEETH--E6AR OP A TWUTH, YOU OUSHT TO SEE A DENTIST I DETECT A LIQHT RATTLE, LIKE MAYBE OWE OT "YOUR IMITATION! TUSVS ISA LITTLE LOOSE, OK I THAT HIGHER UP IN YOUR HEAP? lf AFTER ALL THESE YEARS, Hf WELL.TOM, VD PECOONIZ.E rV M HOOPLE, (cuk-CLCk), l'O- YOU IW-TH6 PARKUMF f X M SAY YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED I NEVER COULD. PORcieT f OU6T MUCH STILL TRYING TO 3 THE WAV YOU CLICK VOUP. "VtIO fa BORE A HOLE IN SOMEONE (Us 'FALSE TEETH -E6AR 13 TURTLE ELSE'S BANK ROLL WITH Jjf OP A TRUTH, YOU OUSHT POVES m TH' SAME CSftJAUOER THAT TO SEE A DENTIST 1 -WLLINO VZ DETECT A LIQHT FtATTLE, B AMP l-'l LIKE MAYBE ONE OT II BOOIN I ISA LITTLE LOOSE, OR IS Efflfo-,. ) I THAT HIGHER UP IN Igftfx S V I ncc. ra-f Ot'O a 1 i l PC CRANFORD, BEARD ADDRESS Y. T. C The Youth' Temperance coun cil met at the First M. E. cburcb in Roaeburg last night with a large group of young people In at tendance. The Rev. Ben Cranford gave an Interesting talk tor the devotional .Bervlce. Leland Holm sang a solo.. Mr. Beard, principal of lioseburg high school, gave a very interesting talk on "Vision." He told of the greatest men in his tory and how they batf vision for the future for which they became great. He explained that the Y. T, O. should bare vision, as It has a great talk to perform in the fu ture. The Y. T. C. voted to hold a dry rally for the young people Sunday afternoon at 2:30 in the ..chost 1 wsi (2i South Methodist church. Rev. Mr. Cranford will speak to the young people. A special program has been arranged. Everyone is ex tended an Invitation to attend. w .1 Q 1. TIlllirAI. Here for rimww ... of CorvalllB, came to R"ourg ithls week to attend I the tuneml ot his brother. Alva Hunter. He U Iremalnlng here to visit relatives Did You See Them? IMPORTED CHINA 32-pce Set only ........... $4,95 RAINBOW PATTERN In beautifMlly blended combinations of orange, cream and Brean ' or grey, cream and rust. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. IRONMONGERS :30 u. in., Junior and Uenior 11. Y. P. unions. 7:00 i. m., mission study class (school of missions). 7:30 p. m gospol service. Ten-nilnute song service. Music by tho choir. Pre-lOaster message, "The Cost of the UroBS." Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., prayer meeting and school of mis sions. Thursday, 2:00 p. m., Ludlos' Aid society In church pallor. KKNU, 4 13 r o It e n will , sing. The Angaltis Hour, 4:30. Subject, r ,"Tho Hody," Loroy lllutt CharlDB A. Edwards. M. E, Church South, corner Main and Lane, D. C. Uleatou,; pustor. SuiKhiy school begins at DM6 wltn classes Tor all ages. Morning wor ship , begins, at eleven with the Rev. s Hem : Cranford,: . evangelist preaching. 1 Eiiworth leaguo will meet at U:3U. All .young people will find a welcome at this serv ice for young people: i The eve ning evangelistic Service begins at 7:30 with Itev; Crnnford Uncharge. Everyone will" tliul a warm wel come nt all services of the church at nll'tlmes. 1 i ; ; ' class meeting In the Bradley home. Wm. C. Faucette, minister. Episcopal Church, Roaeburg St. (loorgo's. Holy commuiilon 7:30 and 11 a. m. Churclr school 9:46 a. in. Wednesday, holy commun ion 7:30 and 10 a. and 8 p. m. Sutherlln, Holy 1 Spirit,' morning; prayer !) a. in. Riddle, Ascension, evening prayer 4 p. m. First Presbyterian ' Church. "A Message t.) tho Church" is tile subject for the morning service at the P'rusbyterlun church, 11 a. m. Sunday: At 7:25 ,p. in., organ ves por , service, conducted "-by' Mrs, Honier.W.- Grow, pipe organist. lOvoultig Biibjdcf, "Law," continu ing the series on "The Wonderful i'liui of the Hlble." Mr. (Irubbo will slug. Wednesiluy evening nt 7:80 "The First Revival" prayer and iirnlse service. Sunday eve ning ut 6:30 Young People's En deavor ' services. Thursday eve ning at 7:30 popular Hlble class at Ciinlcn .Vulloy school. Tuesday ovonlng at 7:30 Udenbower lllblo Are You Miserable? TTHOSE women ' who suffer every month who have feminine weakness, nervous-? ness and discom forts associated with f unctionui menstruiil disturb ances, with side- ache, headache, will flnd Or. I'ipr'8 Favorite I'rcwtlplitm n Iwueft tUl Ionic wlikli iUiniil.itiy tlie ii)iiclite atitl lhi in tin n In rcav (lie iniakc of (ul, Itclpins to iiilMilll the Imtlv, Kcid what Mrs. II. M. Hiillcrrtdtl of jfcM N. Allina St.. IVirthiHti, UfcH., wltl: "t linve known of Or. I'icitc's Favorltt; I'rrscriiillnu over a rwiinl of many year. During exiH-tanry I luiiiul it a sjilcti dill Imiiv; It ' iitiifuK'd my aiiprtilc ami in that way gave inr slrtnlU. It sc-cmi to iiiict the nencn a hi-11." Huy now ,-it ilnij store. New lc, tablets 50 cts lir,tittl $1 ft J1.J5, HAVE-the beauty of a fireplace, tho dconomy ot a stove and tRe ef ficiency of a 'clrculutlhg lieater with a HKATILATOR in your fireplace. Page' Lumber & Fuel. Co. Phone 2 (2.-Adv. ' v Morgan's Grocery Phone 68 ' Saturday's Bargains CARROTS Fancy, : .. tf Iced, 3 bunches - AW POTATOE8 , 25lbjo bag . i..:.,..... Jacob's No.: 1'a, $1.09 ORANGES, Sweet r ; t Am and Juicy, 2 doien mlff GREEN PEAS Well Am filled and sweet, Ibi GREEN ONIONS Local, 3 bunches 10c TURNIPS 3 .bunches ... 10c CAMPBELL'S TO MA- TO, SOUP 4 cans " BROOKFIELD CHEESE All varieties, 2 half pound f Pkgs. .. TILLAMOOK CHEESE AM. Buy the best, lb TOMATO JUICE Knight's, 4 oans 25c See the Red & Wfiite Ad for Other Specials BEN Ut BARN BANC Preschem's New Barn 4 MI. WEST OF ROSEBURG, MELROSE ROAD Saturday IIS. March 6th MUSIC BY SAM AND CASEY'S GANG Come os you ore ntul meet your ,; friends Benefit' Vincent Prcschcrn, whose ' Barn burned out recently. The above ad and the dance are sponsored by the following merchants who congratulate Mr. Preschern on the completion of the new barn) DOUGLA8 COUNTY FLOUR MILLS DOUGLAS COUNTY CREAMERY FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE WHARTON BROS. L. W. METZOER ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW RADIO STATION KRNR ROSEBURCD DAIRY & SODA WORKS I Red A White SPINACH tCg No. 2Vi' Red 4, White SIFTED PEAS, No. 2 Cans, 9E 2 for )V 'Crosse & Blackwell - ' TOMATO JUICE f Jim Number 5 cans ......'.'........ afiJV Red A White 1 PINEAPPLE, Sliced or A-Home-Style, No. 2 ', cans ewUIr Red & White CAKE FLOUR ff r Large Package w)V Red 4 White EXTRACT, Lemon or A). Vanilla, 2-oi. bottle ............ jK Sun Spun ' ' SALAD DRESSING 9 Am Full Quarts J7V ' Red A White ' MAYONNAISE 1m Full Pints v Mart i- .11 COFFEE- nil 1-Pound Bag .'!Vi?. af)C Eariy Riser COFFEE Qr 1 -Pound Bag Standard Bulk , , MACARONI 3 Lbs, for ;.. IjFV Meatless days are here again I There Is no need to have your meals become monotonous Red & White has come to the rescue! Ju6t Blance at the wide variety of meat substitutes listed below Choose a large variety and then plan your meals accordingly Spaghetti to nightSalmon loaf tomorrow and an old fashioned New England fav orite, "baked beans and brown bread" the next da. You'll enjoy these timely suggestions all the more because of these low prices. Specials for Saturday and Monday, Mar. 6 and 8 MACARONI, SPAGHETTI cellophane f 7 or CHINESE NOODLES 1 for 1 V Red A White Fancy Alaska Sockeye ' ' ' . )' ''' "" SALMON . -49c Red & White ' ( ! Minced Clams 33c Slue & White , OYSTERS 27c Red A White Fancy Wet Pack SHRIMP . : 39c Blue 4 White SARDINES ? r 19c Red White New England Style Baked Beans Large Cans, t f 2 for Porter's FRILLETS 1 6-Ounce Package .. 23c Red & White KRAUT No. 2i2's. 2 for 29 c Flav-R.Jell GELATINE DESSERT Ass't. Flavors, 6 Pkgs. for .. eljFC Superla SHORTENING 4-Lb. Pkg. 55C SNOWDRIFT .m. 3-Lb. Tins OC Blue & White TOILET TISSUE 1000 Sheet R0II3, 4 for 7V iALnJ 308D Q 00 gi-jrjwxiWCCTgi The following merchants in Roseburg and surrounding territory will serve you: J. J. Allen Sutherlir Frank Bradstreet Riddle N. D. Cool Drain N. R. Fisher Kelley'i Corner C. J. Grimm ..Roseburg I. B. Nichols...... Brockway H. F. Hebard. Umpqua A. G. Henninger Glendale W. R. Anderson Roseburg L. E. Henninger Canyonville Morgan's Grocery Roseburg Reynolds & Adams . ..Myrtle Creek B. R. Richter & Co Camas Valley E. T. Stenseth Yoncalla R. O. Thomas... ............Elkton H. R. Underwood ...Oakland Ellison & Enison..............:..;..Dillard