The Mechanical Digger Machine Is on the Way Out, but the Human Digger Will Soon Be in Operation Now That Annual Tax Statements Are in Our MHif. THE WEATHER HlKlifst temperature yesterday ! temperature lust flight 3$ Precipitation for S4 hours. .(13 Pr-clp. slum first of month 3.7S Preclp. from Sept. 1, 192H M.2S Deficiency since Sept. 1, 1936 8.6S - Showers Tonight. LAWMAKING The xiata iestiatatara U dispos in st proposal law ia rapid fashion, aa it a.;:j;r!Hi:-al8 taa end at Ua regaiar aeaaioa. ft yaa'ra Interested, keep year eye oa daily rep&rta tram Saiem ia tbe NEWS-REVIEW. ITOU XL -NO. 2 OF ROSEBURO REVIEW ROSEBURG, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY IS, 1937. VOL, XXVI NO, 178 OF THE EVENiNO HEWS J THE DOUSJS ChffY DAJLY IHiE '.' '- f - ' u - " III I 1 1 I I . I L I i a a a luia i! Ob the i Day's News By FRANK JIONKINS I17EATHEU (iomlmitoa the news " on the day this is written. The weather is somewhat like the New Deal. It gives ua a lot to talk nhont. ; . , TP IN Canada, they've had 40 luys. fit succession with' the temperature below the zero mark, with deep .snows. On some ranches, cattle have not lain dovn for weeks, maintain ing their ceaseless search for food, Most herds are said to be subsist lug on willow branches, brush and shrubs. The plains are- dotted witli dead bodies of livestock. N JAPAN, -a wild blizzard Is rng- Ins, said' to he the worst in years. Snow slides have been fre quent, heavy drifts paralyze traf fic, and many houses have col lapsed under the fury of the snow Inden winds. Deaths so far re ported approximate 150. . It is hard for most of us f to Ihink of Japan ob a blizzard-swept region. That shows how faulty our knowledge of geography la apt lo be. ' KIEAIl Fairbanks, up In the Arc- ' tic circle, a slowly creeping glacier threatens "to dam 'a "two-, mile-wide river, block a main high- Way and destroy a roadiiouse that stands In Its path. , Of the three threatened calamW tieB.'we ore shocked worst by the destruction of, tho roadiiouse be- (Continued on pase 4) F. DAVEY, OBEGDN POLITICIAN, DIES SALEM. Feb. 18. (APi Frank Davey, 80, long a prominent figure in Oregon's political offairB. died at a hospital here Inst night after nn illneBB of a day. He had been Berving- bb assistant Bergeanl-at-nrnis luring the present session of the legislature. Speaker of the house In the i90T session, and active in newspapei work In eastern Oregon, Duvey as one of the domlnent flgureB In poli tics during his political career. Davey was born in Ireland, com ing to America in 186". In Iowa he taught school and then look up newBpaper work and was. later ad mitted to the bar. He came to Oregon in 1886, Bnd In 1887 pur chased a paper in Burns. ' After two terms In the legisla ture Unvey retired to Burns, and in later years was in various slate de partments. Funeral services were scheduled for Saturday. Survivors included his widow, Mrs. Villa A. Havey; Mrs. J. C. Bowen of Baker and Mrs. R A. Damasalla. Silverton, daugh ters, and Robert E. Iovey, publish er ana editor of the Newport Jour nal, a son. Police Hold Noted Actress of Past 3 ft ' May Yohe Tries Leap From Coach PORTLAND, Feb. 18. (AP) All aged woman who Identified herself as the former Lady Ho;ie and May Yohe. famed nctress of years gone by, rested nt the wo mens division of police headquar ters today. Captain Joseph Kecgan of the detoCtlve division said two of his officers took her from a bus after employes of the line complained she attempted to leap from the conch between The Dalles and Portland. The detective quoted her as Bay ing she was Mrs. John Smuts of Boston. Captain John Smuts, May Yohe's third husband, telegraphed the chief of police frdm Boston to "ar range for ' her welfare until fur ther Instructions." He told the po lice to notify H. (1. Iwson of Victoria, B. C. "In the event of an emergency." Captain Kecgan Bald the woman was being held for Investigation of her belief that gangsters had taken over tho stage and were m SYR SENT BACK TO COMMITTEE Passage Recommended in Majority Report, But : Oregon House Seeks More Support. By CLAYTON V. BERNHAHD SALEM, Fell. 18. (AP Legis lative advocates of the Sunday closlug measure prohihit'ng estab lishments employing help mora than Bfx days a .week sent the bill hack to tbo labor committee today in an attempt to bring- out a favor able report. The controversial issue was on tho house calendar on a divided report, one of four, hills upon which committee members split their opinions. The majority recommend ed Its passago -while an adverse report' -waa likewise brought In. U was reported more support tor the hill was in the offing. While -agitation for sine die ad journment next Monday night waa gaining strength In the house, both chambers started work on full cal endars and members kept introduc ing mo-e bills for enactment. , 'Measures which would provide for the consolidation of the coun ties of Crook, Deschutes end Jef ferson into one, as waa their status originally, and one providing that 10 per cent of voters : rather thau 50 per cent could place a consolida tion measure before the people in any comity wore seen in tho lobby. A tylli approved by the ways and means committee, providing for an SttcreiiBO of funds- for state-aided institutions caring for children, was pBBseil in the senate. The bill wttB introduced by Senator Homer Angell, PoHland, and provided a S2 per capita increase for institu tions for children 14 to 16 years and 18 to 20 years. After conRtdernble debate; the senate passed b measure selling aside an additional tax exemntion of S500 on hnniestendB -of widows of Clvl) nnd.S'vinish v.-ar veterans. To Cot Prison Terms Awaitins: f "-ther word from le gal exwia, the senate committee on revision of laws nrepaml to nnsB todnv unon a house bill pro viding commutation of orison sen tences for good conduct. Tho bill, as passed In tho houBe, provided good Mine credit of five days out of each month for thoBe sentcncoB of less thsn a year, and ten days out of each . month for thoe sentences over d vear. ImUcMinnB pointed io an adverse lesl opinion on the hill, member of the commit'ee Raid. If the hill reached the senate, it would be In (Continued on page 6) AUTO SFRVICES TO BE CONCENTRATED .nnMntrnlfnn nf Ihren automo. : live services In the Stephens street serv'ec station nroperiv aujommx the Roebrar trarngc will be made .. 1.. -Mufli tt in nnnmmced. The Charles Henly tiro shop and Ihe W. R. Brown automotive elec tric business wilt be moved to the new quarters and will operate In connection with tho automobile laundry and greasing service con ducted for the past four years by. Al Newman, i ne cnange is ex- n.M.,1 In otvr, fhi lltree businesses ia choice location when the reloca tion of the highway through Kose burg Is completed. shooting traffic officers. May Yohe, now" 07, married Lord Francis Hope before the turn of the century. She once wore tho famous Hope diamond, a 44i-carat gem. Following a divorce Bevera! vears later she married Cnptal Bradlee Putnam Strong. She be came Cautaln Smut's wife after a second divorce. "That curse business ia the bunk," she told interviewers when they askPd about the diamond's legend. "Evcrvone has their tips and downs In life; you can't biamo tt on a rock. It's bnm enough looking Itone as It Is without add ing that to It." "I wore 11 once when J waa pre sented to Queen Victoria," she said. Cnntnln Keegan related that the woman w on her wbv from Bos ton to Victoria to Bee her lawyers. She had tickets to the Canadian citv. Matrons at the woman's division faid she received a number oy former admirers antt menus ana recognised each one. Mary Astor, at 30, Kv' )v 4 .. yi S" Mary YUMA; Ariz., PolK IS. (AP) Mary Aator,. film- alav,. waa married here twlay to laiuioi-pei Campo,.tee.CH'Ji18Wfane6 .aalsmtm, -ftft'ev a secret plane elopement from Hoilyftvooa, The reti-nanea actress, once widowed and once divorced, identified heraelf to a county tieente titerk as Lucille U Thorpe, 30. Del Campo said he was 25, Superior Jude Ilemy C. Koily performed the wedding ceremony at his home &t 4;30 a, m. Following the marriage, the coupie departed by automobile for Calexico, .Calif., where Del Ctsmpo was to board a Pan-American trans port for Mexico City, Miss Astor was to return to Hollywood to re sume her screen work. Del Cam no's father filed at tho Siealean capital of ' pneumonia yesterday. Miss Astor was born Lucille Lang hanke at Quincy, 111. in her brief air dash after mid night to Arizona and the California-Mexican border, MJbs Astor left behind at her home her 5-year-old daughter, Maryiyn i'horpe, of whose embody she won a major share in a headline-shrieking court FUGITIVE 1 7 YEARS HELOIPORTUtl PORTLAND, Feb. 18. (AP) Captain 'Joseph Keegan of the de tective division said today H. II. Wlckham, who escaped from San Quentln prison, 17 years ago, has been arrested bo"e on a burglary charge. Keegan reported the man read ily admitted he was convicted of murdering a man at an Alameda, Calif.,' saloon 22 years- ago. Fingerprints also established his identity, said Sidney li. Payne, po iico Bertilloii expert. The man was first booked linden the name of Charles E. Smith of New York. . He was taken as a sus pect in a drugstore robbery. Wickham said he fatally Injur ed a man with a beer bottle and was sent to San Quontiu on Au gust IS, 1815. in July, l!'2fl, tie said lie was called out to "haul In the meat" and when he went to complete the chore "he kept on go ing." Chler Harry Nlles has wired the warden at San Quentin for furth er Information and instructions. NEW FARMLOANS OPEN THIS WEEK WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. (AP) The farm credit administration announced today tho Jiifl.OHO.uW congress provided for lii.17 emer gency crop and feed loans v;ould be available to farmers this v.eek In all parts of (he country. Col. P. O. Murphy, rho will di rect the lending, g&Ui loans would lie limited to farmer "w'.o have no other source of credit." The size of the loan will be limited to the amount "actually .leeded to grow crops or maintain livestock until pasturage or forage crops are available." The maximum will be $400 at per cent interest. Loans will be male by field rep resentatives, aided by county crop loan committees, under supervision of regionBi offices, including Spo kane, Wash. Wed No. 3, Aged 25 Aator ease last year. Dr. Kmnfclyn Thorpe's lawyers introduced excerpts from her inti mate diary In an aUemjjto retain complete control of Slarylyn for their client, Dr, Thorpe eiiaraed "gross immoral conduct" and the names of George Kaufman, the playwright, and other men figured in eroaa-examtnationa. The Thorpe marriage began a year after Miss Astor laal fter Jirst husband, Film Director Howard HuwhB, in 3938 in an airplsnfi coi- itnoit off the Eomhern Camorma coast. IIEILEIE PROVIDED I WASHINGTON, Keb. IS (AP) President Itoosereit submitted to a group of aarthwestent con gressmen today a bill to place an administrator In charge of power disposal at Bonneville dnm on lite Columhia river in Oregon. The measure, prepared hy ih? president's powpr poiicy commit tee, would liUihome the amnmifc trator to fix rates and decide on iton tit ruction of transmission lines. subject to approval of the federal power commission. Senator McNary fROre.) said the measure was "fairly" accept able to him. H is similar to the i:.1S Mc.Vary bill, he said, except that it sets up a "provisional" piaa with an administrator In charge. Although a formula in dotermtiv lug rates la provided, MeNaiy said it waa general in terms ami unlike the "yardstick" standard heinfi evolved by (fee Tennesse. Vaiwy authority. The administrator would he appomti'tl y Secretary ieke. Preferential Hfihts to power would he reserved for pontic bodies and cooperative organisations. BROKEN MAIN FILLS THEATER BASEMENT BAKEH. Feb. IS. (APiA bursting four-Inch city water ptye poured the basement of Urn Ctarick theatre full of water eariy IIiIr morning, causing considi-rabie dam age to the heating plant and other equipment. When the janitor went to the theatre thfs morning to build fire in the furnace he found the basement completely filled with wator and four inches of water standing In the oreheatr pit around the organ, t'ity emidoyes, with the use of the fire department pumper snd the street de;.rtm'nt pump, started pulling tho water from the bascmenf. SO LABOR BACKS ROOSEVELrS CDURTPLANS Green and Lewis as One on Progtam; Farmers Also in' Favor, Secretary V-1- Wallace Avers, WASHINGTON. Feh. 3S. fAP) ;The -American Federation of Ia- Mi. rallied, today bmn Presidentj ifotaevelt's court prograni smmi taneoualy with a pretHctitm by Sec retary Wallace that farmers ge-i nrnuy vrouNJ approve it. WUitam fireen, KedemllcH presl-i tfm, Bjtm lb executive council preferreti Sir, Hoosevelts propos-i nis to the "Blow, tedious process! of a eonstitntional amendment" as! Ut means of realising ssciaJ and iconomie advancement, - The orgnnixation will makt an intensfve cfimpiiign, Oreen sfild to tjimint eonsressmsn with the tie aims of "tabor and labors friPnus ior fftvorabie action wpon the pres dent's recommendation at the earl iest possibie date." The feosrations announcement followed endorsement by labor's non-part fee n league and by John It. I-ewis, chairman of the commits tee for industrial organixation, it is one of the few issues on which Oireen and Lewis, leaders of oppos- iiig labor factions, thave unitott to; recent months; Wafiaca Voices Views Wallace, second cabinet member to express public support of sn prenie court enlorcement, said: lie believed its enactment would give administration farm measures a :'b$tterr.cnajiC6...,r - -X-; ., -;-it wonm. seeni to nie tt tn president's proposal was adopted,' be said, "there wouirf be a higher percentage of men on the court who would interpret the constitu tion to assure the general welfare and not as designed to biocfc con gress. if crop insurance, an ever-norm (Conttnusd on ussrs SYSTEM HI Five Rural Communities Near Roseburg Vote for Improvement. 56-12, Formation of an' improvement district io sponsor a domestic- wat er system to supply Roberts creek. fiiengary, Green, Kelley's Koraer and tiappy valley communities, a fow mlies south aad southeast of Koseburg was favored 56 to 12 la a special election held yesterday at Heiley'a Korner. The district plans a PWA. pro ject calling for construction of a reservoir probably on tKidaon mountain and about seven milea of pipeline to furnish water io sev eral communities wulcfi memue from 40 to S families, Ko estimate has been Kmde on costs,-hut it Is hclieved the ex pense would he in the neighbor hood of $2&,8a. Bonds are propos ed to finance the district's share of the construction. The Plan of organixBiion is as outlined in a recent Oregon iaw. A special commission of five mem bers will bo set up to admiuister tbe husittmfs affairs. It Is plagued to immediately or ganise a project and apply for PWA cooperation, alter a survey Is made taut preliminary data se cured AUTO CRASH FATAL TO MALIN WOMAN KUAMATH FALLS, Feb. IS. CAP) Mrs. FrBnic Ottonmn, SS, nf Malin. was fatHtiy injured when a sedan its which she was riding with four other members of bef family coiSfded with a Sign) true!! driven by Michael Jlarry of Mprriii in bilnding snowstorm east f Merriii last nighi. All five other Befsons Involved were Iniured. Two. Frank Otto man and Mrs. Kmlly Ottoman, bisi mother, were still unconscious and in critical condition today. The cars skidded Into each oth or and then Into a ditch as they alternated In nana. OREGON SENATE CLERK, HUNT, DIES ronTtAim vb. is (An iohn P, Hunt, 8, chief clerk of the state senate, di&d at St. Yin cent' hrtseitftl this merotSE, itr wss rushed to Pertia?d from tbo cftpltai a week ago ftunday suf- faring from a stomach ailment. VICTORIES IH ISSAHACK Government Force Suffer Heavy Losses; Plenes Take Heavy Toll in Madrid Street, By the "Associated 'Prenal Insnrg&nt . victories . dotted tfeft Sjjaulsh war map today as Gtmer allsslmo Fiuneo. men were hurl ed agaluat K&vmmjeni troeps in mass, offensives southeast of Ma drid ami a triple air attack teft many dead and wonnded in Ma drid street. Severe, fighting was concentrat ed in the siege of Madrid as the eonfiict entered its eighth month. insurgents reported they had crushed a mass, onslangbt of gov ernment forces oa tha La Maraimaa chemical factory settlement iu the mmet-swopt jarama vivev atwtov. Beavy easttaltifrs were repst'ted among the gavsramut troops,, led personally by txeuevat aliaja, heatt of the unified government Madrid front commamL ; Ntnetaen p&raona were reiiortetl killed and more than wounded in the Valletta diatrlet of Madrid alone aa insurgent planes three timea awoojied down oui of a moon lit aky. In the Jarama river sector, ?7 forelgu voiunlfters in the govern ment cause were reported Biain when trucks in which they were ruling drove directly into insur gent lines. woman Spy xacutea InRurgents were retorted toissv esenntPi! " ft 'Re'mbe" of ; a spy' rinr, with headquarters, th said, at tJrinoti, 3S mites soutn- wcBt of vMadrliL Activities of the oueffitives were hetif partiy re- sponsible for Oenernl - Franco's failure to smash Madrid s oaJenses. f At Valencia, Dr, Kormau Bethuue of Montreal deserthed the "tern- Continued on page 61 LOSES APPEAL iCCIOEST cm State Commission Ruling Sustained in Verdict or Roseburg Jury ; Only one case out of six set for trial reached the jury jla tbe Fel rtiary term of circuit court bero. Jurors were excused from farther atteudaace after a verdict sustain ing the state aeeMent commision in an appeai by Victor J. Venn iroai a ruling on a claim for com- ptxisatiou was returned iato yea terday. Other eases, the court said, were settled, transferred or continued. Tba ease concluded yesterday was oas iu which iJeau eottttrnded that the accident commission bad not allowed a sufflaient rate of ar-i tial disability on tba claim b bad mad. Tbo 3ryt aiowever, sas- tatned the commisaitma ftudinga. Att atneai of R 1. Jordan agatuat tite eommiaaion waa order ad trauaferveti m . a change at venue ia Mnituomah ronty A grand ury was drawn, but aa! it had no business at hand it was; adjourned subject io call, si mrs of the new granu jury ar: Bert Wells, chairman, f, Ilnseu hark, K. M, AUerimr. -Pre4 Fish er, llalph Leonard, Jienry fl. Brown, Archie Archamhetm. 45 DRIVER PERMITS TAKEN IN JANUARY S A LHM, Feb, 5 f A P 1 The secretary of sle anowne4 to dsv Hecnf!S of 45 jsutomo'ulbj driv ers were rn'ofced during Janoary, njost of wfrfc'j wre for eonvictioa of driving while iutoxiraied. Twep' tv-one otlmr ouratars bad tbair iiemtsea suspended , for rocUlesa drtviug, Tiie revoalians will ha for one yer, Ttai cases tried hv various tonrls l ihe siule were CHILD INJURED IN BICYCLE MISHAP (aniio Wlistrd, JO-y s r-o i 5 dansshtfr of Mr. snd Mrs. J. K. Oil- lard, suffered bead injuro's and severe brais"S wtmn sh was thrown from a blcyrle vstrday afternoon. Tbe blcyple strark a curb a tiie rider attempted to uvoid a eoillsien. The rhinl waa knoefeed nnpnaseimi snd eosews ulnn was fesretl. f(he was report ed improvco twisy. Crop Insurance t Plan Sketched WASHIXQTOX, Kefe. JS. fAPi ikne Is how the proposed, gov errnment nliHsk crop iusurnc piau wetttii operate: ! A w&en farmer would aumy fori lusuHtuce to g iocfcl cotiJityfamser! admiiiistrtttlve eommitiee. it would check uast production records of the farm, ihe airreag pati to vrtieat, ami ttetermtne tne amount: of premiums and coverage fi ttrought. grasshoppers sail or! oilier unavoidaiiio vntumi b3raris uestroyed the crop or pan of ltv the farmer would receiye up to "5 per cent of normai yieiid. For ex ample, if the average yisfd an acro wb xi misnej)tt tjse farmer woolu: he RRsnrea of a Shushoi an acre re-i turn, - - JJoth premiums aud iasaea veouldl fee paid la wbeat m eaali aoulva! ient, with aa inaaraaee tm prite of the wheats T&& number af bu shels required to pay &h protec tion wonld be determined for earb farm by past recprda. adjusted on an urea basin, Savavat yisava pr4m- crop, . - Oregon Refuse to Follow Idaho Action Involving : U S Farm Loans, l&l&bh Ore.( Feb. IS. CAP) Taking the federal action iu Idaho in refusing to make, farm ioaua att-! er passage of u defieieuey iuug- Eisnt iaw-as a waalag, tba.Oteott setis to ia t e yesterday': "defeated' a similar proposal ify au 3Sto15 vate after spirited debate. Th& jueas-j tire was designed to eiimiuate der ficiency Judgments eu real es tate mortgage forecioaus. . Snch measures were passed ny the legislature feat were ve-i t&m &y Governor Martiu. fiov ever, following the seuate action. ihe house revision of iaws eom-l mittee received aaoiber defieieuey &iH which would Include personal property foreclosures as well. The new bill was Introduced by Raur&-i seutatlve Suit, Ilader the pres&ut Jaw a defi-; eisscy judgeajent may be taken feyj a persoa foreeloaiug a martgaga ifi the rsai estate covered; failed to; hriug la, at saia tba atuemd. due. The Jadgem&ut would represent the uiffarantiai. iuucflu. who got up trust a siek bed to lead tbefigbt agaiast the euaetmaut,. eailed atteatioa to tba fact that tba federal iaad baak bad la force ia Gregaa $42,e&.0 ia ioaas and that 2tu mara ioaast, iavoiviag jafiuuu wer& ta prt! eess of elearuac& and Mibat ibei iaad Imak would atap leading j rnoaey here should litw be j passed." j Senalo? Stviager declared tt might: b& better If the federal farm loan: baafe did not loan money in Orari gaa because private comiianteai then eautd "put io work the mil-! lions ihey have lying idle iu their! vaults," ... . . i PRISONER HELD ON KLAMATH CHARGE SBATTU?, Feb. 1ST, AP Jiarry Starr MeCniip, 58, eateinoBis snffert;r, U'as helti ia the rxnmly iaii til the retmesf of Kiamaih aSSa, (ire., ami (iiri, tfiaii, an iitoritip today aiiiiowsfe he hai posted Ji.etitl aitreiy iiond on KSiijf eatmtf strattd Jtiry iSiHtrtBieist elisrjrlHK a slot n-aehiflo mlioery. Jail at. Matt KtarKich said the Orossm and t'tah ofties'f'a had ask ed be fee held attttt they eoald sire fer ebarKf-a asainat blm. MeCaiin bail yvas reiia-eti frtia $3,$iJa, ami he iisieti to niead Ut the . iatliet aiant iaiorrw. Engine Power Limit Advised to Guard Motorist Against Himself WASHtKfSTOX, Feb. IS. iAPJ A govemmeat waanjitfee aivi eBiei! ifBisy iiBiiiiBs; iiis aaaiae i!B-er at a!oroiS!t-B "So Brotart the reekle niotf.rtst hi own folly." The reoort, saljifiltteff to ihe ac sident jnevcntioa poHftTcitce or Basijed by the (ieiiattisteat of cuay meres, blamed bijsh saeei ad poor lighting for a inaior ssart of Sft.iii fsiBiiiie ia a year. i "iiosd sBrfsee raadiiiwm play OBiy minor fmri," aaiii raairBtan iii-nry !i. iii!BBBB of fBW ork. "In soniK, snctfoBii iiQaer is a fac tor, hat tt Is only fair So uiatfe that there I no ovirtesirs aolnsiBa; to dranken driria: imiaK araterSally :aa fbe inereaae" far are being driven at night ia rant! scciions toa fast tor light Protection ofFannert Dp to 75 Per Cent Agaifist Failures Submitted fa Congress VTASHlKGTOHi Feb. 2S. (APV President SooseveJt rec&iumead eti to coKeKs Jorfay ndoptiou of a system of crop insurance to pro vide tits fafuier wita a h&tivs ugaiast dissaatraua erap failures, i & aaid that sues isaarascei.: eaapi&d with a. ayateui of &tyas reaervea far eroa surpluses 3a,gaij. yettra, "w&Khl assist ia jjrovhfms a move tteariy even flow of farm suppiie thus si&hiiiBiug t&zm huy ing pwer ami eontrimUfct to lh& security of huslue : asd employ-, : A &mgm?& of eroB iusorajs BBtl Btorsg of remrves" he eaUi "shotj he prt of tba foaEiJatioia of BirrfetiftafHi poliey w&ieii we are building and wiiieh ntuftt iucinde tiie eonservatiou of soli and water better laud use, iuereased farai in come, aad allevlatloa of distress ia rural areas arising oat e fatitfira beyoad tbs eaatral of. iadlviduai prodaeara,1 . Tba president aaat to eaagraaa with bis message a repsvrt af b.ia speelal eammittea of goverumeitt . officials which uiunued the insur- , fc&ce jsrwsram, ?5 Pertt, Prtetioo farm would fee. protected, aam. such aiui'fti hasa-txis a . dv&usinf : SraBshoB&era, sd halL 1 !;.!. . fftus if ho lost bf wheat cr wfefcfo would liftve retwrned him li--bjd?els to tli atrw. ho wswlfi b protected sgalost nino liushels or tbo loss. Ha wssald be said eitbes ia ess Kosaatodlty sr Ita casit aijair-: alenti . - . , Tlta iwasMent racammaaded lint erop . insnranca be extaads4 ia wfeeat tor- tne-rop year "t seUsva taat tegfelatfam abosid ; antltovlza-- snjvUeadaa of atmilar jirograms ta ether aaimodiUea, ' ; ba said, "vfhen it is establisbea tltat nresiueers desire t&em asd i piicstiBB st ths ptes Ss wtoi fea jiroititii a feaels iog tti speriene& ia BPpiyiBK iise priscipie ej eroii " effi- CoHtSfitted oa paste ii Theft of an aatamabile, atoletv front Eagsne iaat nbtbt and: recov ered hare thla marnuiB, baa been, admitted; by iuia taken into eaa tady five asiiea aaaib at Raaebtits, aeeatdlas ta iJesmty Sherift Clif ford Tberntas, arresting offteev. The three mider arrest save ta& names of Searge MeCae, SI, SSead vtlie, Pa.; CSftard U ConkHa, tt, and Warren M, Heed, IS, botb tif iSimkana, the af fleer said, Tbe automobile, regiaiereti io A, H, Sevah, TSSS High atreei, Ea geae, was aaaaiieae?i early tbi moraiaE after it became stsek wfeea drives eff ihe saveasent ia iise Boris aari at Hoseaarg, A mpager deseriaiioa at iba tiiree oecanaais resalied ia tbeir arreM ess iisa Paeifie highvtay, sou! Si ef Hoseanrg ahortiy beftjre ;boob itaiay,. . Lesm? tmsif aaiboriiiea hava SPffB Boiiffed BB(i bb officer is ex itwpicrf Jjere iBBijtiii io iaise ih lthr?e yoBBg BieB io Kagese, ing eoasiiilens, ihe resari said. While saeeiiiast ap io 89 miies aa hoar i bo BBcoBiBiBB, it rfeciBrati, Bishi i&ris-iBsr BBde'r the besi conrfStioBS at orer S mlies Bfi hour !s HSMHSfS. "The reasoa asslKned for preff est high speed; easstraetielt cara," tbe eaatatittae said, "ia that aetvea frets bamrdaisa attwitiaaa. "The saaadaeas at this eas -sell bo cbsiieagPii shea ibo report at sceidtmt indtrates that tbe xry poissciMtioB of SBiB BiidiiioBBi speaS iiaa a tPBtiPBcy ta csbjo seme Sriv ers to attempt what Slight BB cjtiS" ed ahaorajaiiy hasarsloii sitBS tiasa." Tiie eastsiHtea said tba astasias five isiiaairy mas erUlng ta saiv ihe protaiKi, ,j