Mr ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURC. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1937- FIVE hews-review CUMifM Atk. Phone 100 RATE Single Insertion, per word 1c .UN neii per i On month, per Us tlM Minimum charge -IDC Codt for thli oace will be accept ed until U a, m. ot the day of pue Uottlon. The News-Barlow assumes no responsibility for and in no war guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertis art in the classified columns, fteai ra arc urged to make (nil lnrestt gatioa before sanding money In re sponse to advertisements. Ttie Newa-Barlew uhxh tat right to reject bieotlonabla edver Using. It further resarres the right to classify all advertising ander the proper classification. Livestock WANTED TO BUY Cows, fresh Give price and location, Also want beef' bulls, dinner cows. Veal. Wrlto L. Wells, Eugene-Spring-field Auto Camp, Koute 2, Eu gene, Ore. POjB SALE Gentle roan Durham cow. Just fresh, giving good flow of nililt. Also 2-year-old heifer - fr,esh lh August. Frank West, Myrtle Crook. . FPU SALE French poodle pup, 3 mouths old. C. H. Walleu, Iionte 2, Box 11-1, Roseburg. FOR SALE Chester White brood sow. S-weeUs pigs, $4.00 each. B. L. Gould, Greens Station. FOB SALE 29 10-weeks-old pigs, J4.00. A. H. Marsh, Wilbur-Garden Valley road. ' ' FOB SALE Feeder nigs. First house north ot Tipton's Dairy. Financial LOANSJ-Wo mnke loans on lm- proved city property, for new construction, improving or refi nancing. New low Interest rates. Monthly repayment plan. The jLJmpgua Savings and Loan asso ciation. FRECKLES AND HIS I ULU BELLE LISTEN? TO TmE SOU "ytJU HAVE M SMPA-W! I C BUT, bOGGOHff ' Y 'ZJ-' 1 DMT rW JUST ! ! TON I v WETtWJMS MAM-,.THIS ' rm ' .! krrAocToVou rr, mom T can't i ; SSTSid u?Jvb' ! PRVTTtKI )C A LIBBAPY GETTHE ) i i I Jb! i MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE Lady Amsley Stands by Bruno , By Thompson and Coll W, lit-L EOBBEbTME SAFE... W ( BEUWO fOITHE R3LICE.. : WWM X ( it TOE t "I ' m g" I BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES . Bub Will Love It ' II ;r MBBss4sBBsTassTsa i WASH TUBBS Lulu Doesn't Like the Ha, Ha! By Crane Hand ihat" all there i ' p" . - V hen sue soi?t of crumple' ( all them flowers an' puktvI ( does ANveoov ) whv, x pectin ; j ( IS TO IT MlZ WALLI6-y f c 1 eV-.Q'l' TuP IMSII5E. - ' J . COMPLIMENTS I KINPER KNOW 1HAT HOLLV V tUE WHOLt TOWN V y WVkifWV.Y-'' 1 .cA l C V',4' ( i K' . uB--. yjgvC TUEV? if 1 9". 'VWM or mentioned s1. mSwrrt n. i MZ' - nsi mn . . -m i: ca',- l'"- i c. a i Lt IU.U L7CLLC UJIBi? IU IMC ALLUUNI CJt" HtK HLraBilNlJ S t --------- i'titO -f If I - L. -II ' A J.A T . p, 4PgMgNT WITH ANQTHE; WOMAN, VVITHCUT E ATT INS AN MiKeJUlMOUa itADIOS just will get out ot order ttud whistle, squeal anil nowi and sometimes even cease playing. Does yours need a diaguoBis? 't'ueu pnona 29t for Bauio Doc tors, or bring It to 201 second floor Feralns Bldg. Cecil Miller, Lloyd Glllain. COMPLETE MOTOH inspection. It's the economical . way. we catch the weak spots, make need ed adjustments. Don't wait lor tho trouble to develop. Drive in. Hartley & rancher, 125 N. Hoso St. FBEE If excess acid causes you stomach ulcers, gas pains, Indi gestion; heartburn, got tree sample Udga, at Chapman's Pharmacy. . ROSEBUIIO Townoend club, No. 1, .. will hold regular meeting at 7:30 p. m. in court house Frluay, Feb- ruary 19. ... GLASS, GLASS Get your glaBB out and ground lor your car at Sartf's, 623 N. Main til, Phone 663. . - ' ANYONE wishing to contract wool or moIuUr see H. F. Hobard & Son at Unipqua uefoio doing so. BUTTONS covered. HeniBtitching. Dressmaking. 618 N. Jackson St. RADIO repairing. Bang. Kloctrlc Situations liV anted WANTED Housework by experi enced, unencumbered woman, Good plain cook. fu or out of city. 922 S. Mill. Loat and f ound , LOST Saturday evening, lady's white gold Grueu wrist watch with "Christmas 1929" engraved on back. Bessio Noble, 414 Mill. LOST Jewel box containing Ma sonic pin. Reward. Return to News-Review. Trade FOB TRADE Radio for plana uroBs at uanrie FRIENDS ACCOUNT CO- HER Htl5BNO's EV6 Help Wanted NATIONALLY known concern nas opening tor two high type ex ..perlfliiced (Salesmen, to work with manager. 1 Transportation fur nished. See Mr. McFarlane this evening, 6 to S, Grand .hotel. POSITION open for man with car to travel. On good commission and guarantee. See G. fi. Fell, , Apt. 6, Douglas Hotel, Thursday, February 18th, Roseburg, Ore. BARBER WANTED to work at once'on 70 commission. Gall B. L. Couglar, Canyonville. WANTED Housekeeper on ranch. Inquire at 826 Winchester bt. Poultry NEW HAMPSHIRE and Leghorn baby chicks, Feb. 20 to 22nd. Watzize's Hatchery, north of town. Phone 740-J. BARGAIN Started chicks at day- old prices. Can be sexed if so de sired. Watztg's Hatchery, north of town. Phone 740-J. FOll SALE Day old White Leg horn cockerels, February 26 and 27th. Phone 17F3. G. W. Burt. Lost lllf Rental FOR RENT Clean five-room house. Well furnished, hardwood floors. Reasonable. 327 South street, south end ot Pine St. FURNISHED modern 2-room apart- mem. yvaisig a Aparuueuu, . . blocks north of cUy on highway. Phone 740-J. THBEE nicely equipped apart ments. Close In. Also garage. 302 West Washington St. 3-BOOM house In country. Electric lights and water. 112 Brockway St. FOB BENT Unfurnished i6-room house, tor adults. Inquire 876 Hoovor. APARTMENT Close In, furnished. Adults. Phone 640-J. , MODERN apartments. KoMhagen Apts. Phone 660. Typewriter REMINGTON TYPE WBITEBS and .'Paltoa Adding Machines, sales and service, aoseburg Book Store, Phone 190J. Control i i - i mm mm ; . '- i . t 1 1 i 1 ; - mt For Sale, MiacoIUneoua FOR SAUS Frigidalre show case, 10 feet, electric unit, (or grocer) or caietena. Less man nail price and terms. See Mr. Wood, till N. Jackson at. FOB SALE Traction engine. Hi draw bar, 48 belt, lbu pounds pressure. Prico reasonable (red hi use, Yoncalla, Ore. FOB SALE Parrakeet loye birds, assorted colors, beautiluily mark ed, priced reasonable. Jobu Jones, Gleudale, Ore. FOR SALE Cadillac wrecker, good condition. AIbo Neon gar age sign. Kinney Garage, Myrtle Greek. FOB SALE 3 tower tanks, 2600 gallons Hi till. $40.00. Umpqua wauling works, jo.cksou, Roseburg. FOB SALE Maytag gas washer, 145.00. Walter Johnson, lainas Valley. FOB SALE Boysenberry plants. Write for prices. Frank Solomon, Elklou. MILK, grade A paaienrued or raw. Delivered dally, . Umpqua Dairy Phone M. BEE) your raaai ' weighed and lea tea. Olyae Aaair, oseourg Proa mw MAYTAG washers Bales pad ser vice, uaaio mubic euire. FOB f-ALEI CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator, Kauio nausio etore. USED washers and used .' Radio Musio Store. radios. HOMINY ' Mills. CORN. Douglas County 'Wanted WANTED Papering, painting and kalsomlnlng, 40c hour. Also sell ir 'wallpaper. Herman Brockway, Ore. Phono Mayflower " Schulze, 2F11. WANTED Concentratlnc table for mining, used or new. Pay cush. J. G. Rodman, Brockway, Ore. Rati fiplata FOB SALE Nearly an acre. In side city Minus, uraveueu eu-ew. 4,-rooui ' house. Poor conaltlon. koov.uo total price. Terns. two hood residence lots, west Roseburg. Excellent sou. ssou.uu cash. TH1UT Y-ACRE RANCH Good house. Barn, garage, poultry house. Fenced. 0 acres bearing prunes, pale price 12600.00. Terms. Will exchange for Hose Imre residence property. THREE GOOD lots, on river. Good Harden land. 6-room house, out buildings. Price 1200.00. - G. W- Young ft Son, 116 W. Cass bt. Phone 417. RESPONSIBLE party - wiBhes to lease or ouy tai-m tno uruue ui chard) In vicinity of KoBeburg. Few acres tilluble, balance pas- luro. cood water BUiiply. Box 31,3, News-Bovlow. FOR BEST BUY near KoBoburg, small farm for dairy or. poultry, oe Wlcklund at Melrose. AutotnobisM FOB SALE Light Dodge truck. Mechanically .O. R. Mayiewson, Aiuu-tment 1, Star Apts. FOR SALE Credit on Chevrolet car. $129 credit for 100. Phone 488-J. ' . . ' Hay and Grain FOR SALE Oats and vetch baled hav. Fern Greenhouse, Phone . 37F2. : ' USED CARS AND TRUCKS W I u J nW6 A . For cows, horses, or calves. Many good used cars with . thousands of miles of trans- jw portatlon in them. They're V pncea lor uuiuiy noiu. ocu j uampueu at w r, h. WILSON MOTOR CO. By Blosser ? ME I I J SMOU.0 (OF MENTIC Mil" Til ATI D The sparkling Riddle Irish bas ketball quintet strengthened its hold on first placo In the southern district of the Douglas county "li" league wtlh a decisive ylcti ry over the Gleudale Loggers at Riddle last night. The final score was 43-16. filendale opened the scoring with a couple of quick baskets, but the Irish "got their dander up" and came right back with a volley ot counters and by the halt were rid ing high on a 16-9 lead. in tho second half, the Irish completely outrun the Loggers to score practically at win. Everyone on the Riddle squad scored. Tho win gnvo Riddle undisputed possession of first place In the con ference pla, wllh Myrtlo Creek and Days Creek tied tor second po sition. Thursday night, Days Creek engages Riddle on tho tormor's court, if Days crook Wins aim Myr tie Crock peats Glondalc, it will cause a three-way tie for first nlacG and a olavoff will bo neces sary In order tx determine Uie two teams that will outer the county IJU1 uiuuuui, Lliiouo: Riddle (43) Pes. (10) Gleudolo Meiiort7) ' normoyie Wilson (4) F (3) Bolce Gornutt (9) O Holtsclaw Howard (4) G (4) Vaughn Becker (!) G (9) Belcher Substitutions: Kiddle ivluimel (4), Becker, P. (8), Lincks (4), Phillips (2); Qlendalo McKeown. Officials: Referee, Willis; score keeper, Powell; timer, Slelert. (1 E The Roneburg senior high school Indians maintained their winning Pace by dejuutlng lUottago urove 30 to 26 In a basketball jtame at Coltugo Grove last night. The In dians took an early lead and main tained It throughout the game. In tho first half the Roseburg plays clicked nicely, hut the sec ond half was a different story, due to the roughness which entered Into the home town's defense. The game finally developed into a rough and tiiuime aifair ami two Rosehui-K players. Frltta and Bak er, wore ejected for personal fouls. Lineup: Roseburg (.10) (26) coltugo 11 V. Baker (12) Huttor (fl) . Campbell K (10) Oeckor !' .(4) Orlmes C (i) Ougglsburg O HuU Morgan (7) Frltts (C) ' 0- (2) JonningB Substitutions; Roseburg ' - Sanders, Rice; Cottage Grove Bnrtell (2), Tracy 4). . r RAMAGE KAYOES BAUER IN TENTH LOS ANOKU2S, Calif., Fob. 17. (AP) Leo lUinnwo of Snn Dlog) chalked up his second 10-round lochulcal kuockout in two niantuB over Joo Bauer of Cleveland lust night when ho cut tho rugged east erner down In the final stanza at tho Olympic auditorium. Bauer, a last-minute substitute tor fl.uiye Rosenbloom, was floored In the Philippine Official , " HORIZONTAL I. Head offi cial of the Philippines. 11 Divine word. 12 God ot the sky- 14 Stuck m mud. J 6 Consumed. 17 Right. 19 Book part. 20 Insane. 2) Examined I accounts. 23 Rucc track ' circuit. 249.1416. 25 Coal box.. . 26 Negative. 28 Toward. 2D Burned with f stcom. " 32 Crown. Answer to 43 Sound of pleasure. 44 Organ ot hearing. 46 Go on. 47 Away. 40 Cot's toot 61 Varnish ingredient. 34 Mother. 35 Pertaining to 62 Ebb and flow the sun. of an ocean. 37 Sua god. 38 Russian emperors. 41 Short cask. 42 Tree. RIThn rnnithl of . his commoa- wealth. 66 Visiblo vapor from a flrc. fey grace isy ffipl MOORE H IT I WR AULE AUBW HEB) l51clRlAraonslulclclel6l8 ---- 1 1" I s- Zj2w W iO 31 f)i )3 3a" 3 '01 1 1 14 T " 1; al 1w bo I si U t sT- sT 5T VioM fiftb, but managed to keep going until the tenth. . Rainage caught him with a right to the Jaw soon after the bell, drap ing him over the ropes.' Referee Jack Kennedy stepped In ' to see how bat'ly Bauer was hurt, Satis fied he could continue, he stepped back. Ramage poured on another volley of blows and Kennedy stop ped the fight Ramage weighed 193, Bauer 192. IT GETS s,c, CORVALLI8, Ore., Feb. 11 (AP) Oregon States basketoeia tasted the buiuo kind of medicine today that they previously hand ed tho University of Idaho Van dals. ' Tho visitors, taking a 14 to 12 lead Into In the; first framo, Btuy ed out In front the remainder of the final tilt to win 30 to 23. Mid. gamo score fuyored the Vandals lo to It). rue last game was almost a du plicate of the first but in royerao ' and with pot Quito s large a score, It wus tho Beavers who definitely . were "on" the ppevious night, win ning 42 to 17. Johnson, Idaho cantor, conned scoring honors in the final game with 10 points. Tuttle led the Ore gon State scorers with 7. Each team tallied nhte field goals but Idaho's seven extra Rift shots SDeil- ed victory. The game left the Beavers with three conference victories against seven defeats. The victory waa Idaho's second, against nine re verses, and left the VandalB still In the cellar. The BeaverB will phiy the Orfi' gon Webtoote hero Saturday, . DRAIN BASKETEERS DEFEAT SUTHERL1N Playing a strong defenslvo game, the Drain high school basketball team defeated Sutherlln 20 to 10 in a B league contest Monday night at Drain, The home ' team held a commanding lead through-' out the entire contest, In which both teams used f requeot suhBtl- -unions. ... ... - Lineup: .' ... . , Drain (26) Pos. (10).Butlieiain Marchllo (8) F W) Wowhrd Kirk (13) , F ..-Vt Coenenhbrg Wyant (2) C- Imgbrake Hooker (2) . O . V 'ontou Perkins O ; H) Krewson- SubBtltutlona: Druln . ItnlaniL Richard, Whipple, Leonard, Ander son, Lotsom, Holselh, Bogen; suth erlln - Anderson,' Harding, Tro zollo, llargu (2). i j . -. . . .;). - CARO OF THANKS . Wo wish to take this opportunity to thtink our! miiny friends, fol their kindness ami sympathy dur ing our recunt uereuvepient, 'and. IV... Iha lwiu.,,r;,l ylnt-nl Ar,ii.lnni " : Mr. and tyra. Robert Anderson, . JJonald Anderiibn.' ,-;:?. . ' Kenneth Anderson. ,. llarlciie Anderson. NOTICE Regular meeting of Patrick W. Kellpy Poat, V. F. Yf., and Auxil iary Thursday night. Adv. , . A vi 27-year-old razor made fro;n a bull's (lorn Is used by ilarrlann UqugluB of Allentown, Pa. It has been lh his family five generations. Previous Puzzle 11 Inegulai . pieces, . 13 Waste silk, j mi in oiuuon, 0)7$and W)ls. - 21 Helper. , 7 22 Drone bee. 25 Trumpet sound. 27 Precept. 30 Wine veueL , -1 31 Period, 82 Taxi. 33 To doze. - ' 36 Pitcher ear. ' 88 Small grove 0' trees. t 39 Little wru ' klcd man. 40 Tree fluid. 42 Parrots. 45 Male, sheep. , 46 Male servant. ' 48 Perfume. 60 Person having) a guardian. . 58 To renovate. 69 His official title (pi,). VERTICAL 1 Inlaid, i decoration, 2Eldor)y. 8 To bow. 4 You and me, 5 Swine fat . fl To resiffn. 61 Waterfall. " 7 Type standard 63 to pleco out 8 Hissing sound 55 Born. 9 Verbal. 67 Electrical 10 To nullify. term.