TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1937, Blind to Love By HAZEL LIVINGSTON CHAPTER XXVIII Ob, bow uhe bitted peujjle who go urouml luokiuK crusueu so Inui everybody will feel sorry (or tbem! Milt lloldeu. SliultJiiii' in and out, burdly nicking up bin foul. Walking slow, Willi Hugging hIioiiI tiers, and hlu bead sunk forwurd. Tolling overyuoily Unit be u all riglit, exuonl for u little touch of Hie flu, and then following br everywhere, wltb pleading, uixus Jug eyes. Didn't ho cure? Widn't ho have nuy PlilDK? Why didn't he move? tiae would, if she could ill 1 01 11 lo. bbe would wlieu Mot-got left uny- way. but Murgol bad bad what une culled "a relupae" and wus ataylng on u low monins longer, posiimu Jug tier miii'i'lugo until tier broth ers could get jobs. It didn't atom right io leave Jlur- got now, when she was so blue and unset without rreudie unci, ueiue, how she could stand it, being ml ulone. flow does any girl stand ii, living ail alone, with no one to cure? And those awful notes of Mill's. If ho just wouldn't write her notes. ... Uul she'd mude Murgot tell bliu thai she'd rulher not have u talk -with him (why did ho want to talk, unyway? There was noililng to nay!) until she'd had time to iull liersolf together. So every night there was u note tor her on the bull table Sometimes It would bo JUHt u clipping, or a vorBo be hud copied out in bis neat, backhand writing, but whatever it wus It was sure tu ' huve something about tine friendship, or iovo or a broken Jieart. It always made her feel bail. And besides sho wus so upset all the time she kept doing fool ish things to try to make herself feel better. I.Ike wasting money going to dry lectures with Ethelyn or buying perfume or new lipsticks she didn't need. " . f ,. And today she'd bought a hut. "Another new lint!" Margot tilghcd. "Anil you suy you're -off with men. Who Is it supposed to impress, Htbelyn and the aesthetic dunclng class, or the V. W.'f" ' "Just me! To help mo keep my mind off Milt iloldeu und other tm nieasunt subjects. I wish lie wouldn't wrilo me these plagued notes.'. . Look, this, one'- Is extra Hiii k . . . oh. dear. It s u letter! ' fcihe- held It In her bunds, liming to open It . . . '.. ' "My dour Mury. .''"I have Iriml to no very consid erate. It bus seemed to mo thufwe might si III be Mends. I thought you would wish it. I thought Ihut you, wlih your high Ideuls, would want lliut. I have tried - lo show . my .frleiidlliieBS, and have received only alienee, from you. 1 "Vnui" slle'nco hua hurt me .more ileoply than words could tell. Four times I I l ied to cut eh, your eyos, 10 bpeuk Willi you, bill you' evuded no. - 1 "NoIIiIiikV'UUIiI 90 furtlior from my desire thiin to imiigbm -sllKb)i nor can I think why you. of all people, should wish to slight me. I have gonu over every word we bud together. You musl tell me how 1 huve failed you. When you guve me buck tbo ring 1 tried lo undorslund and liehavu iit-coitling to my highest IdeiilB of u gentle mini. I would not let myself Ihliik 111 of you; no, though you turned from mo unjustly, did not Judge you. : "I can not endure much more tit 1 1lls. You musl loll mo what I have done lo dosorvo your scorn. "I shall wait for your uiibwoi- ufl er dinner. 1 iiiubi know why you aro iivoldli'g nio. 11 has gone on too long, oh, my dear Mury, my own dour girl, do you know how cruel you huve been? You un not know! 1 will not oluve that you could wunl.only hurt "Y01IH DKVOTHI) MI,T." Ilur dovolod Milt! She didn't Want hlni to be dovolod. It wasn't hor fault. . She tosned the nolo over to Mar gin. "Now. what shall 1 do Willi Jjlm?" Margot looked II over,, screwed Up hor nose. "How you over gol yourself mix ed up In Mint I don't know. A bubo In arms. Well, now Hint you Jed the poor Idiot into Ihesu delu sions you II Just huve to put nun light, Unit s ull." "I 1)11)1 Didn't you hour Hhollting 1 never wulltcd lo see him Again? Or did I imagine some of that nightmare: "t)b. THAT! He Just llmuRlit you wore hysterical which you wore. Of course ho isn't going lo give up right away! You can't blatne liliu for Hull. You'll just have to make II a little plainer, honey. "You'll hnvo lo slop protending Hull yon Just don't wnul lo marry any- Jiudy -' "I don't!" "All I'lghl,. you don't. IJul niako II clour Hint In- purlli'iiiur you i on I wiuil lo nun rv mm. "Yos. I suppose so. . . . tloo. I tvluli I didn't have lo face him! Well. It hud lo lie done. She met him. ufler dinner, and llioy went for a ride, bcniuso there Mas no nlaeo to lillk In the house. And us inlght liavu boon expected, lie drove r in lit out lo Hie Deili'll ,1bo very spot where lio'd asked tier to marry blni mm sue nan well, sort of agreed. ' "Mary. "Ivo me anollior cliunee! I won'l rush you. dear! I will wall forever. Jllsl don't pass mo by as vou have. dour. I can I boar that , "I'l.-iit,-. .Mill, don't Illlike It ban! lor me. I've told you how I fool I'm Just it mil nnil burn old timid You'll he glad I illdn'l marry you." "Dour, you must leave thai lo inn. then. lull will love mo, I .Promise II. 'After we're married." ' She closed her eyes. Now ivus Hie time for II -shod huve lo do "Mill, I iln a loelalo your nsk Ine me. It's It's ii mighty big com iilimont for ii until like you to ask a girl. Ilul .''.'. 1 Just don't love you. I I could never ninny, you Hull Never!" lie started the engine. Then turned II off iiRulli, . "Mniv. 1 can't believe It. 1 return' you'll never tie anything to ine after after all oar friendship?" lie meant after all he'd done for her, ull he'd spent on her, ull he'd promised. She baldened. "I'm ul'raid not. Will you luke me borne, please?" It wus really over. Ho wasn't goiiig to argue any more. Lite flowed buck Into ber body, warmth into bur cold, clenched hands. They were almost home now Four blocks, three blocks, two blocks, and there was Hie house, und the front door and escape. He opened the door with bis lutcb key. It was still .early. . The Misses Krlck and two young; men were playing cards In the drawing room. "Good night," she said softly. She uieunt, "oooilnye." nut no sum, "uoodhye. And she looked up, ituesiioniug in spue ul heiseu, lie answered, "isn't Dial what you wuuied? 1 only wunt to please you. my llfu is liulslied un less you will snare ll Willi me. i don't care lo live without you." "fsonsonse! she whispered. "You Snow you don't llieunt liat!" ills pi-oluiierunt blue eyes glis tened, grew mofsi. "yes, I do. , "NonnENtir;! Lioodlllgat! ' "Goodbye, my dear." She run up ilie siuirs. Margot, curled up ill the' uriil- chulr, looked up from her sewing. I,ose hinir "1 cei-Lululy hope so. 1 made it plain ciiougli. lie didn't take it very well, though. Says ho doesn't wunt to live wilhoul me. WhulB thai mean, do you suppose?" , Suicide, Murgol answered, bit ing off hor thread. "Oh, (lou t oe uosuni: "I'm iiot. I'll Pel you my pearl evening bag ugulnst your two bul lion corul oroceicts Hull he shows vou tho gun by tomorrow night. "I ll tell him io putt mo trigger! "No, you won't.' You'll beg' blip not to, Just as he want you io. Yon may even murry him, to save h in. Some do. Hut evuii If you uiu lull him lo poll the trigger, be wouldn't. They never do, you know. People don't commit sui cide!" Murv thought of Aunt Willie. She could see the little plot out at Sunset View. Willi the white heudstone, "Wllhelmlnu Alice Oed des " . ' She snld, "Some do. Milt's run ny. Ho might. I wish lie iiiiiui i said that. Of coursu I don L really Ibluk that he would "I should hope not. Lome to bed!" So she went lo bed. Uiy awaue ror hours. Finally slept. Woke Bcroamliig. , She hud dreamed that she was running after in ambulance, run ning faster und faster, gasping . . . Walt! Wall for me! it'B my auih. Willie!" Hut when they slopped inui" nlckoili link nil Aunt Willie tliruud out- lo be Milt tloldeii, and I bo steward Bald, "Sou; you'vu kill ed 111 it. because you wuuliln t murry him! or course It wus only a dieuui. Ilul Mury couldn't get It out of her mind. In the morning she tele phoned bis pflieo, wultod until he answered, thou hung lip. It wus a dirty trick, but she just bad to know he was uiivo. ' She luoKoil so nappy nun iiuuuui spoke about II, lutur. "Tell me the nice thing thut's Just hnpponed to you!" Shu couldn t unite do mm. one couldn't suy. "Mill lloldeu was go ing to. commit suicide, out tie didn't!" Jul she hcumcil up ul mm, lips purled, eyes uspurkle, a lillle. dim ple trembling in her cheek. 'Did anyone ever loll you inai you re most iltslurnuigiy proiiyf "YOU never did!" "Mm . . . no. . . . t Iry not In men tion It. I said 'disturbingly pretty' you know.- Young businews women should mil ho so pretty, ll s a very good tiling you're gelling inariied. 1 shall send yon a case of salt hiiiik ers . : . or would you rather have Pickle I'orks? Anyway, I shall send you Boinolblng very ruro and oil glllul, III." thai, nil nolle up in Willie satin ribbon, and thou I sliull ca 1 1 mi the typewriter company uud loll ibeip lo send me u good old rollablo typist . . .- must be over l . . . uud cross-eyes prefer red, and I'll settle down to busi ness in earnest-" "I'm not reliable?' "Of course, you are! Itul you're entirely too pretlv. I can say that now, becuusu . yo.rro louviug. You huve too tunny disturbing new cos tunics, und your huh- curls up Ino sweetly from the buck of your noel, -und whin's Hint porluino yoti have? Smells like liuca "II is! It's while Mine! Do you Jiko It, really? TIiiiI'b awfully fun uy. I ihtiii.t'.hl you now-r noticed iiuytbing. lteally I did. I always thought you were one of those lileti thul wouldn't know II u girl wore a gunny suck or a I'm Is gown!" "You did!" ' I ' 111 llll 111 and Hint Isllt the run niest purl. I'm liol engaged auy nioro. 1 broke It off " "You you broke it off!" Ho pill his tin ml ever hers. " ell, Mury Shuiiniiii, wbnt will you d" next '.'" lie laughed Into her eyes, and slio laughed back. Her hand, curl oil under his. begun to tremble. .She thought: oh. Isn't this tor- rihb-'.' I AM cruy about Hcnuei' I guess I love hilt! - 1 wish he'd pill Ills nuns around me und kiss mi right this minute! oh isn't Hint u terrible thing lo wish . . . suppo.n he could see It. til 111 V eyes? The old Hllfllieus crept liui-K lute hor ifliinner. She said prlluly. "I found II was a mistake, so I bioki It orf. of course." "I suppose I oughtn't to suy so but I'm glad. Milt llolilcti is n fim poison, but there's too grout an ago llll'feielico. ll scouls lo lue . . anil oh. well I Just didn't fool you would lime hcon lutppy louoth or. I wn shocked w hen 1 Hi si knew about II. t'ollldu'l get It eft my inlnil. A kid like you , . , why when my sinter wus your ue "ho was Just starling in wltb her fust Victims of Airliner Crash in San Francisco Bay v. ..',' - -v d W "I wv-' f-p j A w, ' - tit,. V I J SUTHERL1N HIGH DEFEATS OAKLAND The Sutherliu High school bas ketball team defeated Oakland 1$ Lo 2 lu a close cohLcbi at Sutber Jln lout night. The SutJierlin de fense was jvorkliig wel) on all Oak land players except Morris,' who gathered 10 of his team's 12 points and shared blgh scoring honors for (be game with J-eiUel of Sutfr er)n, who also scored 10 points. In the preliminary volleyball game the Sutherlin girls made it a double win by defeating tbo Oak land ball slappers -)8 to 1. Hasketball Jlneup: Sutlierllii 16) Pos. (12) Oakland (j)tiel (10) F tlO) Morris Brown (3) F Hammond Brfe,(l) C Todd Harvey O Stearns Crowley . , 0 . (2) Cbenoweth substitution: Sutberiu: Leuth- erwood (2). Turner, referee. There are 270 voum? wnnien employed as hostesses and 42 men ciniiu-cu us siewuru on Americau- fllierated nil- Itnos. Fmir Hnmoatlo air iiuea employ hostesses and pne line extending 19 forjeigu cpufitiJ.eD einploya acewarda. - bring; fhe B)'ttddp.cli-jouls .5-roud iiue go uiei'D next yune wore mailt ipg time. Joe Trfuer, afholtic rqih Dilssiou cbairman, said articles will bo signed Feb. IS or 10. DO YOU WASH? 1 TKeo ypu'4 appreciate one of our gaJvanized tuba on rollers and with outlet 9 ! hote .. DO YOU MOP? Then don't hesitate for any rea-fonr-rruah right down for a niop pail with wringer, $1.85 and ylaafcV Rural Mil Boxes $1.50 99-00 We have Pprtlanc) Seed Packages. Better be ready to plant that garden. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO, IRONMONGERS te''"',; ' t ,4. i1 11 , Four of the eleven person? died in the crash of an airliner in San Francisco bay last Wed nesday niprnin are here pic tured. The tvyo vyomen at fhe left are Ruth KimmeJI (top), fteyard.esB, and IVIiss pierrif de . Grennan ,(bottprn) BerjKeey sp ciallte, who was engaged to Paul Dulfer, sportsman. The men shown above are A. P. Thomp son (top), veteran pilot of the skyways, and Mark Fontana t bottom), president of a major western food company. Gehrig and Other Yankees Ask Big Pay Boosts, So Do Many Others. Uy SID FKDKU NKW YORK. KuU. i:-(AI) Draw up a cliuir, folUn, inui yrt mi oar I' ul of the liowly. The ho'tloiit season get a umiur way ul Tit inliy l.oiluy, SiKiialliitK the oiicn hou.-khi oh naiiiry miuawhi',, Dizxy Darn's cuii-iiiu-l nluuild rcat h hi.s home in Ilia iU'UUim, I In., ami Hit' i-xpoi Lvti ix1 miltiiut roar nhoulil ho heard at all v. ay points to St. Louis: hi tho imi.-u. the hoys juinptMl the (Uin hy a tiay when Lou tiuliiiK. miiubfi' ono u orld rh::niiiou S an lico ImlktT. and owner f.iol. Jala' Huppttrt, oM-huni'il pleasantries 011 why the iron couldn't j;et f5ti,ntiu thin year. Itul while Deun and (iehii. eudi ivkiii.'j ?riU,tji)o, are the number one reealcit rniiib. the hallyiioo aecoiu- pauyiiiK their tulcy with lue niau ajieiueut 1 o ersluidowiiiK a sud den allaeli or Itoloout - ic it lituu end to cud nf I he bin lime. An Assoeinteil Pichs survey dis- t losed thaf the only clulis not both- ered by uhuihmI cuilraet ti'tmhU at the inonieiit are the IIkhIoii flee and I'iiiladelphia IMUIIii-:' a-nl th only riMf-ou Uu-y luren't bee: touched 1h 'that Itjeir loutratts haven't been in the mails long enoiiuh. (MJierwise. Hie li;-t is us lull.; as a Ihreo-bner. t'onin isinj; mhiu do elernns ami youngsters. Yanks, Cub3 Top List Tho Yankees. wii!i Jn DiMaqpiti. Lel'ty Cotnez, Charley Kuttiug and Jake I'ouell follow! 111; Gehrig's lend, tire st.d ting the iat-e lor iroiiblo In the Ameriran I. ague, while tho Chicitgn Cubs a jt.-ar to lllive all edce in the Xational, Out rieldeis Frank Deiuinee. Augie C.alun and liooie Joe Marty, pit h ers Te Carlfion an, I Curt I 'avis iltlil iMljt-ltifis Ititly .liugos all hae sent Cub lOitu.uts haeli unsi.'iu-d. Fur 11 pennant w inning i t n It, the New York tii;HlN ; re havil.g sin piisinuly Hub' ironhlf. With all but a few t-ontrurts uiiiiid; stowt'd 11 w ay, t he only retention mark on thf rowtifi' is J'irk lhiih.ll, ami he isn't expected to present any dif ficulty.. . Ruppert Adamant 1 ColonoJ Kuppert said ho will not meet the demands of bis holdout New York Yankee baseball play ers and added that "they'll make their detuimdii reasonable, sign and convinco me they're satisfied or else!" Kupport read (.Sohris'u statement, claiming his rouueat i'or $50,000 is reasonable-, and flatly announced "I won't pay that much money." "I'll put a bail club on the field this spring no matter what hap pens," the eoloned fumed. "I've taken a definite stand on tnis, and I'll see it through. I can under stand how a man and his employer ran be a few thousand dollars apart on ti single year's salury, but when flyman asks $1!,UU0 a year mure that's another thing." TI Bomber Learning to Catch "Picycljsts" and Floor Them Regularly. parties, and ollrge beanv--" "She had n IVw advantages (hat I laekrd, 1 Imagine." Maw said eohlly. Uul -he Mill) frtl rnk mid siek .with Ihi' stress of her pent enio jiion. She still wauled biui to pat ibis arms around her, kiss her, 0ush her. ner eye were mi uie 11001. Ite mustn't . . , Kvr"! I To be couilnueU) Uy EAHL HILLIGAN CHICAGO, Feb. 12. (AF) Joe Louis, who, until he met Max Sehmclitig, used to name the round in which be would put opponents to sleep, is making life miserable for sparring pai Mors thene days but saying not a word ub.:ut his prospective titlo bout hero next June with Champion James J. Uraddoek. The llrown Mom ber Is working out dally for his ID-round match next Wednesday night at Kansas City wilh Katie Itrowu of Washing ton,' and Louis' sparring partners are leading Joe a merry tnniie a la lion Pastor betore getting ital ic ucd. "No. I'm not saying1 anything about Uraddoek," Joe gruuled as he worked on the heavy bit;;, "hut The compilation of scores cave! f .. . hurne.t up nooui cracKs Kugene second place. Corvallisi " 1 MWV 0,11 '""T,' .!" third and Medl'ord foutth. I to ,mvu 1 (m,u whiP Mm 1,1 ,L'SS Lflllll 111 I UUII.I.-. IJI O. II UlllU stuyocl III with Joo at Dc-lrolt) Htnl IC I over nut that 1'astor In the rillK ui:alti he'll have tu huve more than a hicyle -he 11 neeil a motor-l-.l I. KM-:. Feb. IJ. (API Ore- cycle to keep out of my way. Kims northern division Imsketbull , irarneil 11TV second lesson .hiiniDlonslilii hones res iIkIh 1 rriu I'asior. My first wan when I upon a victory over tie seven- rm.t scliinellntt, One was Ifiat I lillirs ,1,-leateil Ii alio Vandals. should protect the left Hide of my While the Wel, loots hattle to,jw Und the other v.iw lliut I had slay in the runnlnj! at the start of(tu ,lcl-ea3c mv lct.d or finish sec a tttominic series with the Mos- ,, in luu, nlc. that ,,,,, bo i i" un iltlfl M, I III.' It'illMM'-IL'aUIIIK SALEM RESERVISTS TOPS IN SHOOTING SALEM. Feb. 12. ( AFt-The Salem reserve officers won the state tide in nalioiiul mutch! course firing for the fourth I straight year in January compel l-t lion. Col. C. W. Itobbins, regional director of marksmanship, said to day BASKETBALL SCORES W ashing ton Mate Cougars meet Washington at Sent lie. fight Joe's sparring partners are show- lnr him sri, i'il i-iii ti'il lit Imi'k Washinglou State has won seven pedal, they nro muking Joe 'step arotiuu, ami lie lias hcen catciung und flooring I hem regulm-y. .Meanwhile, the forces working lo and lost two, Oregon stands S(ven and three and th Huskies hold third place with five victories and three losses. Dave Silver and acting Captain Johnny Lewis probably will start at hu wards for ihe Webfoots. Crgel Wliiiernmie. center and Hobby A net and cither lui dy or Wully Joban.-en, guards. Idaho moves over lo Corvallis to meet- Oregon State Monday nnfl Tuesday nighls. LA C.liANlH;, F.-h. . (AF) The Kusteiu Oregon nonmil school inoiiutaiue.M-s reeled off a high scoring til to Til basketball victory over the College of Idaho last night in ihe linal home contest nf tin.' SCU.MMI. Kirk land, Idaho Tot ward, found the hoop br 17 field unals. many of the in from beyond the foul line, Hiph School Scort Astoria W'A. Tillamook 'Jtl. Let)anon -1, Albany college fie.ihmen IT. Central Point 21. (iold Mill U. llrker 'JtJ. Pendieton is, Sulem HO, Chvnmna Indiana 3, . WHEN WE STOP GREASY INDIGESTION WE FEEL JUST FINE Our ttbimiifh CRn't d I nest Rrcuse. NHtlift fun our bowrli, Only our pancreatic jukt working with our bite juice, nn digrit When ve net tad IftMc, hfinlRCBC una hni nut? grny frrlinr which come; from grtRsy IndiKvation, Uk 1 Carter t Li l Ho Liver before each tneal and after. Carter' Mttle Liver Tilli hrlng a lartre flow of our pancreatic Juice and oil Juict into our boweln. The laige flow of then juice dlfresU the freiue we have eaten Then we bunt Into life and Into our wort 'ike a Joyoua VvrocVei. Itiit If you want this rIoHoui relief fronj greasy inditrestion, a$k your druggist fot t'arter's Little I.lver Tuls h tihmo and ttuhbornljr refuit to buy anjihinf eUt. 2i Starting Tomorrow, Febr. 13th and for seym (7) days only all used cars sold by us will carry no finance charges pn the unpaid balance. 1929 "A" Ford Coupe. $165 For Example Pf Cwr :- $S0P Down Pwet pr Twite m - --- 200 Balance .. ...$300 12 Payments of .....$25.00 1927 Chevrolet 3edan Neaf as a pin. Good rubber. Runt fine $95 30 "A" Ford Sedan Reconditioned and ready to go. A buy at .1 $265 '33 DeSoto Spt. Sedan Don't miu seeing (his. Lot of extras $495 '35 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan Completely reconditioned. 6ftvOC Good rubber and finish Vw"3 Very cjean, and is in number one condition '32 Plymouth Spt. Coupe The niftiest little car in town A A a at this price ...i VJ J '35 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan Very low mileage. Looks and fAf runs like new .: , 9)9) '36 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan A knockout. Radio,, heater and other extras. See. this. 4,rr...,, $895 Don't Miss This OPPORTUNITY To Save Money Our Used Car Stock Includes Many Others. Remember-- SATURDAY, FEB. 20TH, IS POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY THAT THIS OFFER WILL BE GOOD. Si Dillard Motor Co. DODGE AND PLYMOUTH . Ridin'OldBaldy Leadin' Old Pate m rarvn io) HIL1L -BILLIES are expecting you at another big DANCE FRIDAY AT DRAIN SATURDAY AT ROSEBURG ARMORY Hear Them 5:30 to 6:30 Over KRNR "OPENIN'UP THOSE PEARLY GATES!"' And you won't miss either swell time! to believe it, l.'o yon iiiouii that -, t ','. 0