it i A: " ' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. RQSEBURG, OREGON. MONDAY, JANUARY 25. 1937. FIVE NEWS-REVIEW Cl&Mified Ads. Phont 100 RATES Uncle Insertion, per word Om week, per word One month, per lln'o -11.00 uinimum charge 36o Cony lor this oaae will be Accent ed until 11 a. m. of the day oi nub- ucauoo. The News-Review assumes bo reeponelbUlty for and In no war guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity of the advertls era In the classified columna. Bead- era are urged to make full lnreatt gation before sending money In re eponae to advertisement, The News-Review reaerrea the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify all advertising under the proper classification. Livestock FOK SALE 11 twolve-woeks-old pigs, 15.00 ouch. Phono 37F3. H. J. Chandler, at Kelley's Kor ner. FOR SALE One sorrel work horse. C. L. Dubell, oue mile north of Canyonvllra. FOR SALE Six Hampshire pigs. Fifteen weeks old. Write Doll Ferguson, Oakland S'nr 1U. FOll SALE Extra gocd fox hounds. Ii, V. Hatfield. Phone ' 38F14. HUSKY pigs for sale. 3 months old,- ?ti each. George Powers, Winston. WANTED Fresh cow. State price. Marion Etiuuctt, Umpqua. WEANLING iiIbs for sale. Fred Fisher. Phone 26F3. , Trade FOR TRADI3 Radio for plana Gross & Hargis. Poultry FOR SALE Rhode Island Red lay ing pullets. C. H. Wallen, Rt. 2, Box 111, Roseburg. POPEYE ' IT 0WU6HT rH' WE bEtN UP PA.L NICiHTi t THUNK'VJE 006HTER JjUttV J7 Un.,1 liUMnvi IC ,& wrm the. , LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY By Brandon Walsh p FOR THE LANDS SAKE , ANNIE ,TEy AMD SET A VOJ KNOW WHAT, I'LL I GUESS EVEEy ONE IS SLEEPV I I GEE, NEPTUNE AIN'T ASLEEP - j THAT HUSBAND OF MINE TO WAKE UP - RUN AN1 GET THE MULES - JjSW THIS MORNINS - NEPTUNE IS 1 HE'S MAKING FUNNV NOISES ' "THAT MAVJ NEVEE DOES AWVTHING BUT IT'S LOTSA FUN BRiMSlN' Sik'fl STILL SLEEPIMSi LIKE MR. J LIKE HE WAS SICK OR SOMETHIN . I EAT SLEEP AMD READ SHAKESPEARS - V' 'EM BACK -AM 'THEN liSfStK? RlP VAN WINKLE DID . I 60TTA GET MRS. LAKE , , ' TELL HIM,TO BRlWG ; , , . ,rf S MB. LAKE KIN HITCH ) MAYBE HE'S DCPAMIM fiV kxX , TO LOOK - SHE'LL ' EM TO THESTORE -jJ Mi. T1LL1E THE TOILER ' By Russ Westover 1 ALTuciOftv I AS gpHji-- 33 ON. NOVaJ I I I'M SO fiLAD TO SEE YOU J L1STEN,HAC-ARE YOU SUI2E I IVvlEL-L I AJAMT TO R.EAO VOU mgMKG ura6Ts"-S IfI'alLI'a FEEL OUdH TO A LETTW t TOST CBO- YL 1"beJA 3g$S J SFEELALl. RlgHT AfiAIM, A SHoCK ' WAS QuepfetSED VNHEN I FIRST iVTJ-SV Jf RIGHT AND l4P& f"SUI2E-l'M 1 ' yi, ,p- , . Read it. But vuhen VOL) HEAfe T POLLY AND HER PALS . By Qif f Sterrett I DECLARE1. IT I KNOW, DEARIE! I INOPE.TAIN'T) I IT'S THAjT EVERY DAV WE HAVE I " OM Arrni imt of MV SEEMS LIKE WE'LL HVUH HAS TROUBLE THAT AT ALL.' T'DRJVD BACK ABOUT TEN MILES 1 HUSBAND SLEEP-WALKS v?T NEVER GET T1 kWrrH RCAD NAAPS -tT . FROM WHERE WE COME t M A . I N THE WRON6 DIRECTION -p s" WHERE WE'REJ (AN' SUCH-LIKE WE , ,, . V PICK UP MV HUSBAND. ) I ,m CO V P- 7 r?77rr' HEADED FER!f-- -IHAS. IT7 SrSC 4 I I ' fO' Rentals FOlt KENT My borne, furnished uutumatlc heat, ciectric stove, refrigerator, fireplace, garage. Airs. A. U, Rose, oil K. Lane SI. CLEAN, furnished, front apart ment. Lights, wv.ter, garage. Adults, tlb.uu. 52S So. Pine. HOUSE at 207 titli street for rent, partly furnished, 12.00. Write jars. F. Spaur, Star Koute. 6-KUOM House in country. Klectric lights and water. 112 Brockwuy . su FOR RENT Two five-room mod ern houses. Phone 3F22. MODERN apartments. Kohlhagen Apts. Phone 660. APARTMENT Close In, furnished. Adults. Phone 646-J. FURNISHED apartment. 424 Floed. corner Mill. HOUSE FOR KENT 622 Mill street. SLEEPING rooms. 630 W. Oak. Situations Wanted WANTED Position as physician's office assistant Experienced in office methods, therapy, laboratory and X-ray. Box 463, Modford, Ore. HOUSEWORK, any kind, by the day or hour. Phono 6U3J. Fuel 16-INCH block fir,,old growth, sea soned. At ranch, 51-50. Delivered, $2.25. Lindbioom. Dixonville. DRY, old growth fir, l-tlcr lots, at $2.50 per tier. Call 14FI3. Financial LOANS We inane loans on im proved city property, for new construction, improving or refi nancing. New low interest rates. Monthly repayment plan. The Umpqua Savings and Loin association. fCOMS ON,POPPft, r SHJEETHEfxRT. I'M. "A KfNO DON'T SOU DAOF. I I 'wmm-.N I ( 7 "n 1 30TQBEDfKOON"T.v GOING TO IFpUE THE, A TOUCH VT.UIUILP. I'M rt vtc i itt. c I I WORRY feiBOOT NOTHlN ) I MA.&IC FLUTE HERE ON I OUT IN THE WlTCHcN - III ' V TVmft IT IT V HMMf"' -J 1 LL SFT Rl Vft y THF "rciO! c iiiuilP itioct.1 N r-irv.i-r tmiu -rue I V " . ' V V A FINE MEETING PLACE.' Miscellaneous GLASS, ' GLASS Get your glass cut and ground for your car at Sartf's, 523 N. Main St. Phone 663. OLD TIME dance, Muceabeo hall, touignt, , January 2d. under now management. Everybody wet come. DUE to 111 health, Mother White him uiauuuuuuu iici muuuu; mgiii utuites iuueiiuiiei RADIO repairing. Rsbg. Electric Wanted GOOD, sound und true fnrm horse or mare, -about 1250 lbs. Cash. Give full description; L'ox 80, c-o News-Review. - . WE ARE BUYING SCRAP Iron and steel. Pacific Junk Co., 222 W. Oak St. Automobiles FOR SALE Pontli'.e sedan, '28 model. Price $110.00. Inquire 560 North Pine St. Help Wanted STEADY WORK GOOD PAY. Re liable man wanted to call on runners In Douglas county. Make up to $12 a day. Write today. FURST & THOMAS, 426 Third St., Oakland, Calif. YOU CAN EARN $7 or more per day selling standard priming. Write for territory. Pac'fic Car bon & Printing Co., 820 Trajtlon Ave., Los Augoles, WANTED Woman to care for school child In your own home. Write Box 337, c-o News-Rovlew. WANTED Someone to work on a dairy ranch. Call 6F4 or Loo PrescLern. Typewriters XEMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dalton Adding Machines, sales and service. Roseburg Book Store. Phone 690-J. Haw and Grain FOR SALE Good oat and vetch 1 hay. nlso baled straw. Phono ' 19F12. Joe Brumbach. For Sale, Miscellaneous USED Westlnghouse electric ranges; new and used wood mnges; new and used circulator heaters; finished and 'unfinished breakfast sots; new axes, saws aud wedges; unfinished chests of drawers, desks, chairs and ra dio tables. Don't forget to got our prices on new beds, springs and mattresses before you buy. Burr's Furniture Storo, 333 Cass SU Phone 25-J. FOR SALE Wood burning, Ameri can Radiator circulating heater, also several paues of glass, 27 by 30 Inches. Call 277 I'efiro 6:30 p. m., or 601-R evening. FEEDER plgB. Also baled hay. 21 miles north of Roseburg,- first place on Now ton Creek road. GOOD Frigldalre for salo, cheap. W. L. Wagoner, 1 mile west of new soldier's home. FOR SALE Fairbanks - Morse pump and engine repairs. Farm Bureau Exchange. FOR SALE Flat top cookstove with reservoir aud two heators. 1035 W. 1st St. MILK, grade A pasteurised or raw. Delivered dally. Dairy. Phone 88. SEE your cream weighed and tested. Clyde Adair, Roseburg Creamery. FOR SALE Elcctrlo washing ma chine, $15. Address P. O. Box 903. FOR t-ALE CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator. Radio iduslo Store. ZEPHYR radios for sole, 4!)5 Booth street. Miller's Addition. ROR SALE Kitchen range, choap. 528 S. Pine St. Lost and Found LOST Yollow gold wrist watch, In or near Indian theatro Sun day aftoriioon. Howard. Return to Nows-Rovlew. SEATTLE, Jan. 25. (AP) Two victories over the last-place Ore gon State Beavers left the Univers ity of Washington firmly entrench ed atop the coast conference's northern division basketball cir cuit today with four consecutive wins and no defeuts. The Uoavers fell before the Hus kies 38 to 28 Saturduy night after idrop-'ng Friday s contest 37 to 31. I The visitors, whoso 1-polnt lead 'as the game started marked the last time they were out in front. I drew up within a gift shot of the Huskies midway In the final frame, 26 to 26, but unothor Wushiugton drive widened the margin perman ently. Half-time score was 24 to 13. Thirty-five personal fouls wero called, ID ou the Beavers and 16 agaiiiBt the Huskies. Charles Wng ner, Washington guard, took scor ing honors Willi 11 points. Tho Beavers, yet to win a con ference ame tills season, will take on the Huskies again In a two game series at Corvallls Friday and Suturday. ' NOTICE TO TRUCK HAULERS Owing to the severe fruczo, all the county roads uro In a serious condition. We request that no loads over 3500 lbs. bo allowed on the reads. We request all truck haulers to cooperate with tho County Court lu onservliig this regulation oi further steps wtl bo takon In cloS' lug the roads. COUNTY COURT. Now 1937 Ford Tudor Deluxe se dan, for immediate dolivery and a good discount. L. U. Harris at Nowland's Qnrago, opposite West- orn Auto. Adv. Real Estate FOR SALE OR LEASE 10 ttcros equipped chicken ranch, furnlBh 0(1 house. Near Glldo. Box 6, Warrendalo, Ore. By E. C. Segar BASKETBALL EUQENE, Ore.. Jan. 26. (AP) The University Irosh held a two game lead over the Oregon State rooks lu their annual basketball warfare today. The (rosh trailed 3 to 15 at half time In Saturday's contest but a last-half drive netted a 51 to 41 yletory over the Bante team they defeated the night before 40 to 32. MOUNT ANGEL, Ore., Jan. 26. (AP) After three unsuccessful attempts to wallop Southern Ore gon noi'mul's cugo aulntot, Mount Angel college basketoers came through Saturday with a 39 to 30 victory In the final battle of the four-game Beries here. Tho home team led throughout after overcoming a 4 to 2 handi cap early in the first half. Mid game score was 21 to 13. McMINNVlLLE, Ore., Jan. 25. (AP) A wild hoop game which was unybody's up to the filial gun ended hero with Llnfield college on tho long end of a 63-52 score ovor llelllngliam normal Satur- uay. The Wildcats led 3G to 26 at half time but the visitors tied it up soon after the mid-game gun. ALBANY, Ore., Jan. 25. (API Bill O'Counell, scoring 17 points, paced the University of Portland Pilots to a 42 to 25 basketball vic tory Saturday over Albany college hero. Tho visitors lod 24 to 18 at halt-timo. SALEM, Ore., Jan. 25. (AP) A 41 to 32 victory Saturday over Will amotto university brought Oregon normal's string of victories over the Uearcats to soven in throe years today. Tho free-fouling game snw the Bearcats trailing 20 to II) lit mld- gamo and put ou a last-half drive which netted a substantial lead, only to bog down as tho Teachers began hitting tho hoop more re gularly. High School, Scores ' . Siilom 20, Corvallls 22. rKlaniatji Kalis 25; Modford 23. lOrogon City 32, Tillamook 19. Albany 13. NorthwoHtorn School of CommoiTO (Portland) 20. La Urundo 31), Baker 26. Eugene 31, Unlvorslty high (Eu gene) 16. Woodburu 42, Dallas 33. North Bend 25, Marshfleld 14. Myrtle Point 44, Bandon 16. Ashland 32, Grants Pass 12. Western Collegiate California 46, Santa Clara 44. Southern California 31. Lovuln (Lon Angeles) 18. Stanford 50, St. Marys 23. o . Studobakor Dictator sedan, wllh trunk, oxcollent condition. Double swipu, boater 0 W. W, and 6-ply tlroH, S2.00. L. B. Harris at Now land's garage, opposite Weatorn Auto. Artv. Today's Cross By EUGENE 1-25 i lii:: 20 21 22 33 34 353? " " H3-""" lZZZ!iZ!lZZZIZI 55 56 57 S6 5Ttf zzzzziizzzlzzz- 67 z 66 Wb HORIZONTAL 1 burn lightly I faction t biblical word of un known meaning 14 knowledge 16 a wind in strument 18 banish ment 17 a detail 18 solitary 19 upright plcco of a step SO contrite 22 grntrd handily 23 flne-gralncd rork 24 upright 20 thin silk fabric 2D vosacI for burning alcohol 33 decline ail dispatcher .17 midday 38 blunts 40 hugent 42 stronir cur rent of air 43 imperfec tion 45 ocean 46 concludes 47 rubbors 49two- wherled vehicles 61 anidc 58 one who col lects to gether into a volumo 61 hard 02 calcium oxido 63 baseball team 61 to search to the bottom 65 over again 66 emmets 67 gibe 68 Indites 69 a smaller quantity VERTICAL 1 devires for holding tightly 2 inn 3 sphero of action Herewith is the solution to Satur day's puzzlo. 1-99 MlAH JAOEIiJUISIAIGIE giOlsDTerN i L IEIXIIISITI it adjudge! OwrrUfcl. SIM U. OF 0. BURS MOSrOW Iriphn ran 9K AD1 The Idaho Vandals kept company wuii me uregou state ueavers in the cellar of the coast conference northern division today as a re sult of the University ot Oregon's clean sweep of a two-game series here. The Wobfoots won Friday night 32 to 29 In an overtime game and climaxed their Moscow visit with an llllfllnnnnhln rirlvn whih nnllwl a thrilling laat-half 81 to 29 vie- iuij me ileal evening. The visitors trailed 13 to 1 mid way in the first half and were be hind 17 to 10 nt mid-game, but late in the game they found the range. Tho score was at 26-all with bIx minutes to go. and a gift shot by Silver nllrl Iwn nillolr trnnla hir irin. tormule and Purdy were enough to iieeuio me outcome. Wlntormute led the Bcorers with 11 noillta ami ft. hrllllnnt ull. around game. . The Wobfoots will get a rest tin. til their two-game series Ttltb tlio Washington Huskies at Kuemiu Feb. 1 and 2. YONCALLA GRANGE HAS TURKEY FEAST YONCALLA, Jan. 25. ViBltors from Roseburg attended the regu lar meeting of the Elk Creek grange, hold In Yoncalla Satur day. A turkey dlnnor was served at noon, followed by the business sosslon ot the grange. Officers for the year were duly Installed by Pomona irrnni-n nfrlnoca nf nAB. burg, consisting of Mr. and Mrs, v,uii, Mr, aim mrs. uusen bark, Mrs. Kenneth Conn and Mrs. Walter ICt'llna Ura DbmiIm iit-k. or was obligated Into tho order. iiie anar was draped for Miss knte Wortz and Dr. Stevens, who passed away during the last month, In tho absence of Jake Wilson, Beoretary, Mrs. Herman Schosse acted In that capacity. 4 MASONS. ITTrMTlhM a Til nil Mnanno -l,n-n..iu a dispersed, Be it known' that Laurel T.nHen rCn . !! ...ill A hold Its regular meeting Wed- w ueuuuy evening, Jan. 27, All Past Masters are especially 4 invited. Will be work In tho MaHlni- Mnunn'a tlnrrran tirhlnK A will bo ' conferred by PaBt 4 v Masters. Dinner at 6:80.- W. F. HARRIS. Sbo'Iv. . - Word Puzzle SHEtt'ER 4 pardons 6 flatfish 6 black 7 strivo 8 short piece of con necting pipe 0 pinnncle of Ice in crevices of glncicr 10 being 11 speak 1m porfectly 12 on tho aldo opposite the wind 13 number of assembled beasts 21 annoy 22 go back over the trnck 25 passes through a hole 27 presents for acceptance 28 introduce between things 30 digits of the foot 31 olfactory organ 32 Brazilian tapir 33 verge 84 a nutri tious seed - 35 unadorned 3D set forth 41 strip of lcxiblo ma terial 44 bundle of sticks usrd in fortifica tion 48 pertain ing to the backbone 60-North American harmless snake 62 bring hit line 63 fissures j 54 ringlet 65 vipers j 66 deterlo. rated by ! use 57 a liliaceous plant 59 foretoken 60 miaows 62 to flow againit return InAleu, lu,