ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, W EDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1937. THREE Society and Clubs By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER DELIGHTFUL DANCING PARTY 18, ENJOYED AZALEA, Jan. 20 A dancing party was enjoyed Saturday even ing at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaedecke.' , Those presont ' were Mrs. Warren Hazen, Mrs. D. H. Clare. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Tripp and daughters, Betty and Doris, Mr. 'White. Mrs. Allie Gar rison, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johns, Mrs. Champ Johns. Leland Johns, Dar win Johns, Ernest ' Pope, Charlie Pope, George Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Hank Mayn, Miss Clara Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Clare, Mr. and Mrs. Andy, Leeper and daughter, Cora Jnnn, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cooko, Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Smith, Mr. and Mm. Lester Robinson, Mnrjorle Smith, Leonard Pike, Nippy nuschman, Vernon, nernlce. Arthur and Bobby Gaedecko, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oandecke and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith wore Ihe hosts and hostesses. At mid- v night a delirious lunch of rake, coffee nnd sandwiches was served. The music was furnished by Charlie Pope, Ernest Pope, Mrs. Frank Tripp nnd Nippy Busclnnan. ''' SPOKANE vi'sifoRS HONORED AT PARTY OLENDALE, Jan. 20. Honoring MrGlen Wardip who is visiting hero front 8pokane. Wash., Mrs. Wm. Wunsch asked a few friends In TTnursdav afternoon to her horns on Willis avenue. The hours wore spoilt visiting with Mrs, Wur drp, who is a former Glcndnle resident, followed by lovely re .freshments. i . Guests 'included Mrs. John Mc . Cuillock, Mrs. Charles Boyce, Mm. , B. C. Huntington, Mrs. W. T. Har bour, Mrs. B. P. Mouchette, Mrs. C. fG. Richards, Mrs. R. B. Gard nov, Mrs. Ella Leach, Mrs. Juiin., Hngen, Mrs. Wnrdrip and the hostess, Mrs. Wunch. T Today's Pattern 3e Sure to State Size When Ordering Pattern.' SLIMMING FROCK WINS AD MIRATION WHEREVER YOU WEAR IT1. . PATTERN 4295 , "Charming" Is just the word for ihia lovely, slender-line frock!' For whoever wears Pattern -1295, will appear slim, young, and pretty in its graceful flattery! Whnt could equal the appeal of the deep V, m mm S 'I I 1 ' ' - - filled in by a trim vest thnt'3 liv ened by three gay buttons! Then, too, you've fascinating choice of three different len;,'lh sleeves! Anne Adams needn't tell you thnt the clever up-rising skirt-yoke: cut J in one with the neat pnnel. Is the lntest thing in the fashion world, and this feature makes you look inches taller! Wherever you wear this frock, you're sure to be the center of admiring glances, and no one will ever guess how easily you made it. Choose monotone crepe, synthetic silk nnd heavy georgette. Pattern 4295 Is available In sizes HO. 3D, 40, 42, 44. 46 nnd 48. Size 36 takes 33 yards 39 Inch fabric. Illustrated stop-hy-step Bewlng In , structlons Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (lGc) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this Anr-e Adntns pnttern. Write plainly SIZE. NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER. READY FOR YOU tho NEW ANNE ADAMS PATTERN BOOK! Order your copy today, and make fashion news in your "Set," with a gay wardrobe, easily made! Cut a fine figure in slimming "at home" or dress-up frocks! Win admiration in jaunty afternoon models, party clothes, sports togs and trim suits! Finery for Tots and 'Teens, too as i Well .as newest fabrics! BOOK FIF TEEN CENTS. PATTERN FIF TEEN CENTS. TWENTY FIVE CENT8 FOR BOTH WHEN OR DERED TOGETHER. O Send your order to News-Review Pattern Dept., Roseburg, Ore. GENERAL PUBLIC INVITED TO CATHOLIC CARD PARTY ON FRIDAY EVENING A most cordial invitation has been Issued the general public by St. Joseph's Catholic Sewing so ciety to attend a very delightful benefit card parly to be held at eight o'clock Friday evening, Jan unry 22, at the parish hall on Kane street. An unusual and interesting fen ture of the party will be that a prise will be given for every table in play. A door prize win also oe given. Tables are being arranged for contract and auction uriugo, rive-hundred and nlnochlo. Refreshments will be served nf the close of the card play. Mrs. W. Fest I acting as general chair man of, I he party. DOROTHY OLSON ENTERTAINS FRIENDS OLENDALE, Jan. 20 Dorothy Olson entertained a number of her school mates Saturday evening nt Iho heme of her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Olson. Vnrlous games followed by lovely refreshments made the evening a very pleasant one. Dorothy's guests included Jean Hutchlns Junior Thomnson, Sidney Tnghnm, Ellen Bussell, Mar gnrot Mathews. June Albro, Bob nnd Arthur, Wlnklemnn. Betty Phillips. Mary Alice Hoots and Millard Tomlin. p. jt. BOARD MEETING HELD AT HUNTINGTON HOME GLENDALE, Jan. 20. The Run day school board of ihe ' Olivet Prosbytorinn ' church .met at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. B. C. Hunt ington Wednesday evening to dis. cuss affairs of the Sunday Bchool. f'he latter part of the evening was pent -In n social hour, followed by lovely refreshments. . Members of the bourd present were R. B. Gardner, Mrs. 'Chaitlcs Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lewte. Rev. Fiscus and Mr. and Mrs. Huntington. DELIGHTFUL PARTY IS ENJOYED SATURDAY NIGHT Saturday evening a groun of neighbors gathered at the Buck Foi-k home of Mr. and Mrs. D. T,. Neiderhelser on North Myrtle creen, tor a delicious chicken sup per and party. Cards, games nnd dnncing were enjoyed ,by Mr, and -Mrs. George i;ox, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cole, Claude Cole, Mrs. Mae Moore. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. Neiderhelser and son, Daniel, nnd Jack Marse. jj. MID-WEEK BIBLE CLASS TO MEET AT SYLWESTER HOME THURSDAY AFTERNOON , r , . . . , ,i Instead of tho Mid-Week Bible class meeting at the Beecroft home as previously announced, all members and friends have been most cordially invited to meet at two o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. Sylwester at 1170 Military street. WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MEET The Women's MlftRlnnnrv enMott, of the M. E. church Rnnih will hold a social meeting nt two o' clock Thursday afternoon nt. the homo of Mrs. C. K. Rand. All members are most cordially invit ed to enjoy the afternoon' nt the Rand home. POET'S CQRNF.R i YOUTH : r By LUith Sanford, Tescumseh, Okla. Adrift on the sea of complexity, My banner of youth flung high, Afloat, my brain nil perplexity. But my eyes turned to the sky. Lost In a night of dark shadows, Struggling to forco mo a pass, Wondering nnd probing at ob stacles, Thinking this dnrkno3 can't Inst. Oh night, hold ino yet In your bosom, ; Strengthen me still for tho falls, There they go down or pass on, Where tho wild wind bluntcringly calls. Oh what can I do? I question, To chaos nround my frail craft, With naught but youth as my rud der. At which the stern ages laugh. Oh still I must steer toward the sunset, , . No derinite marked goal do I Ree, No guide to show me the pitfalls, Naught by my youthcrnft and me. ANSWER TO "YOUTH" By J. Margaret Crute Ashcrnft, Roseburg, Ore. You need not drift on the sea of doubt, With youth's banner rlonc,' flung high. Nor need tho brain be nil per plexed, When the eyes turn toward the . sky. ' Why should you bo. lost In dark sbndows, Struggling alone with the nlf,ht? When there is One waiting to show you The way to the thore nnd the light. Instead of youth, place God at the helm. Then out of chaos come peace. And you will snll on to a glorious end. And the blustering will cease. Oh you'.h, drift not toward the sun set, With no definite object In view, Let God be your guide and heaven your goal, And all things will come to you. PARENT8 AND TEACHERS TO. MEET THIS EVENING CAMAS VALLEY, Jan. 20 - -The January meeting of the Parents and 'resellers club will he held at the schoolhouse Wednesday even ing, Januury 20. All members are urged to bo present. V. S. FRENCH RITES SET FOR THURSDAY The body of V. 8. French, for many years a resident of Roseburg. who died Sunday at Portland, wnero lie bad mado his home for the past year, urrlved In Roseburg today. Funeral services are to he held at 2 p. m. Thursday from tho Koseburg undertaking company chapel. Rev. Pony Smith will of ficiate anil Interment will be In the Masonic cemetery. E MARKETS PRODUCE PORTLAND, Jan. 20. (AP) I1UTTBR Prints, A smilo. 35c lb. In parchment wrapper, 36c in car tons; B gin ile, parchment wrapper, 34c lb.; cartons 35c lb. liUTTEItFAT (Portlar! deliv ery, gpnornl prico) A Krado, do Hvercd at loust twieo weohly, 3tiJ 37Jc lb.; country routes, S-lj-3rJc lb.; n grade, 3IJ-35ic lb.; C Krade at market. 11 OR ADR CREAM FOR MAR KET Ruylnff price, butterfat Int Bis, ESic lb. EGGS Iluyintc price by whole salers: rcxtrns, zic; standards, lite; extra medium. 17c; medium firsts, 15c: undergrade, 15c dozen. Cheese, country meats, live poul try, potatoes, onions, wool, bav, hops, mohair and cuscara bark, steady nnd unchanged. WHEAT PORTLAND, Jan. 20. (AP) Despite the steadiness at Chicaeo. Minneapolis formed the b:sls for the weakness in the local trade, al though there was neither business nor price change for May. On the sample cash ranrltet nnother half cent was taken off the n"Ice. Wheat: Onen Hltrh Low Cloee Mav 1.12 l.m 1.121 1.125 Cash wheat: Rlcr Rend bluestem, hw, 12 pet. 1.17: dark hrmi vlnter, 13 net, 1.315; 12 net, 1.25J; 11 net, 1.19; soft whito and western white, 1.1U: hard winter, 1.135; western red 1,12a. LIVESTOCK . PORTLAND. Jan. 20. (AP) fU. R. Dent. Agr.) HOOR Steiwlv to 15 cents lower, mod-rhoice 1R5- 210 lh. driveins 10.35, few choice lotft 10.50. load lots nhsent aunt able to 10.R0. few 230-2SO lb. n.Rfi, odd head llsrht lights 9.85, pock ing sows few choice light feeder nlrs 8.75. CATTLE Active, fully ntpodv; odd head common steers. 6.00-0.50, strictly good grain fed steers 8.40, common heifers 5.006.00, better Grades 7.00 and above, cuttery cows down to 4.25, low cutter and cutter cows 3.25-4.00, common-medium 4.25-5.00. god beef cows B.25- 6.00. few bulls . 5.50-6.75, cojnmon venter jo.uu. - SHEEP Active steady, -fniriv eobd 91 lb. trucked In lambs 8.75. i"lce load lns to 9.50, medium 8 00. mod full wooled venrllnfs 7 00-7.50, irood fnt eweq 5.25-5.50, common load lots eligible to fi.00, Stock and Bond Averages STOCKS Compiled by Tho Associated Press. Jan. 20: , 30 15 IS 60 Ind'ls Hit's Ut's Sfks Today 98.5 40.5 53.3 72.6 Prev. day .... 07.6 40.1 63.2 71.9 Month ago .... 94.3 36.9 50.3 68.9 Year aso 76.7 32.7 46.7 57.7 1936-37 high.. 99.3 43.6 64.0 72.8 1936-37 low 73.4 30.2 43.4 65.7 1935 high 76.3 31.2 44.7 56.1 1936 low ........ 49.5 18.5 21.6 31.8 BONDS 20 10 10 10 RR'3 Ind'ls Ut's Fgn. Todny 98.7 104.2 102.7 73.8 Prev. day .... 98.7 104.3 102.7' 73.9 Month ngo .... 97.1 103.0 102.0 71.8 Vonr ngo 90.6 103.5 101.0 71.3 1936-37 high.. 99.0 104.4 103.1 73.9 1936-37 low .. 86.9 101.8 99.3 67.6 1935 high 87.8 102.2 99.8 70.4 1935 low 70.4 92.2 81.5 06.5 CARR'S 1c SALE Dllt htir nnilnnt In on In la timtr In full swing, offering you hundreds or real bargains. Regular 15c muf fin ItnilK. Innf nun a fi,):n nnna ntn any 2 for 15c. Regular 10c writing tablets, envelopes, etc., 2 for 11c. Also hnndkerchieff, dish cloths. bowls, common pins, 'giass and china dinnerware, penctls, combs and niflliv nthnr (toma Ttuv mm nt regular price ami get mother one ior ic. i nrr a, aitv. BENEFIT DANCE sponsored by Civic Clubs of Roseburg FRIDAY January 22 9 P. M. ROSEBURG ARMORY Music Donated by The Rhythmen Admission: SOc per Couple Local News III at Home Lee Kngels, Copco eniployeo, is reported to be ill ut his home. Here From Portland O. S. Yerby, of Po.-tland. was a business visitor In tliis city Tuesday. Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. Vic Noel, cf thlB city, left Tuesday for Portland to spend a week Va cationing. Ill Qulncy llrown, Oopvo em ployee, has ben uiuible to he nt work for n wool; i.n account of Ill ness. Remodellnq Home Mr. and Mrs. r. W. nndabaugh nro rei-iodeling their home on South. Jackson street this week. . Spends Day In Salem Charles A. Patehett, president of the Hoso burg Rod ami Oun club, spent TueBdny ut Snlom. Here on Business Arnold Span iel. Of Mni'Mllftnl.l u'lta n himtnnaa visitor In this city Tuosdnv. Mr. tiiianioi was formerly a reidont of this city. Able to Be Out Miss Mry Tlnld win was able lo bo at work nt Mc Kean and Tlaldwin's yesterday af ternoon, after being very ill - tho past two weeks, Returns to Work Miss Pntii Kcrscliner returned to her v.ork nt the local Woolwortli stce today, after being ill the pnst few dnys. Attending to Business K. n. Hnnilmnn nn,l Ti T. QliM.n. Dn. Ins countv rommfsalone"". went to untin niiu anmn niver i uesuny to r.ttend to business. Resumes Teachlnn Miss Verllo Tracv, prlncinal of Penson .inl.ool. has resumed her teaching after be ing ill a few davs at her home on South Stephens street. Returns to Schonl Prfnclnnl Clvdo Heard retnrne'i to the spnlni high school todav, nfte' helns ill the nart few davs nt his homo on Washington street. Here From Medford MIes Edna Iticknrd. hnnip p"onowlcs dennrt" ment eninloyee of the fnncn. Med ford, arrived here Tuesday to snond a short time at tho local of fice on business. ... Resldtnq in l.aurelwoof Ti and Mrs. E. s. McLain and f"-iil" pre making their homo In the P Young residence in Laip-nlvond. Mr. Me "Lnin is manager of vr Tlnnbnrr branch of the U. S. Nntlonnl. hank. Has Charne of Services Tlr. P. L. Dunn, of this cltv, bnd chn''ffrt of tho morning nnd evening services of the Oakland Chrlstbn church Sundnv In Ihe nbsenre of the pas tor. Rev. fj. l.ovltt, who !b reported to be ill in Kugenc. Home From Hosnltat Miss Lo's Ann Whinnle has been diseharced from Mercy hospital and Is con valescing at the hono of her por ents. Attorney and Mrs. II. 1. Whipple, on East Douglas street. Miss Whlnple recontl;-; un iewent an appendectomy. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT FACE PIMPLES These diefiffurlnir little snots often result from a slight, temporary dis turbance, or merely from incorrect cleansing, or sometimes they arq more persistent due to deeper in ternal causes. While oroDerlv treating tho un derlying cause, you can relieve tho itchy, Burning soreness and help your skin by using an ointment that will keep the medication in contact with the pimply spots. Apply it every night and leave It on all night. It does a world ox good. For more than 40 years people have used Resinol Ointment to 11 J I this need. It soothes the irritation and aids healing. It also treats the oil pores where many surface pim ples start. Washing first with Resinol Soap quickena the pleasing results.- - ; Buy a jar of Resinol Ointment and cake of Resinol Soap from any druggist. For free sample write Resinol, Dept. 10f Baltimore, fd. Garden Valley Club to Meet The Garden Vulley Women's club will hold an all-day meeting Thurs day at the clubroom with a no hostess lunchebn ut noon. Missionary Society to Meet The llaptlst Missionary society will meet Thursday afternoon at Iwo o'clock in the church parlors. A program will bo followed by refreshments. Foreign Missionary Society to Meet Tho Women's Foreign Mis sionary socletv of the Methodist Kplsconal church will meet Thurs day afternoon at two o'clock at Hie parsonnge, with Mrs. S. Ray nor Smith hostess nnd Mrs. II. A, Canaday program leader. Eastern Snr Social Meeting Roseburg chapter of Eastern Star has Invited all other chapters in Douglas county to meet at eight o'clock Thursday night nt the Ma sonic temple to celebrate the fltly- lirst anniversary of Roseburg chnp ler. A special nrogrum will be pre sented nnd refreshments served. Presbyterian Aid to Meet The Presbyterian Ijidies Aid will moet nt n 1:30 o'clock dessert-luncheon In the church parlors Thursday. MIsb Ruth Hoover, Roseburg piano teacher, will present piano Boloc- lions on the program, which will be followed by the devotionals and business meeting. Mrs. Hnrthu Per mit Is chairman of tho dessert- luncheon. On Annual Leave I.t. Myron Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. II.J j. wood or U2i North Jackson street, Is visiting his parents on his annual mention. Myron is cm ployed by tho federal government nt Fort Peck, Montana, on the great irrigation nnd flood control dam. Ho will return to his work in ttie laboratory section in Februnry. Choir to Meet Tonight The Melhodlst Episcopal choir has been invited to meet at 7:30 o'clock to night nt the home of Mr. und Mrs. A. J. Gcdiles on Nortli Jackson street to make arrangements for the annual Easter cantata. All members are especially urged to be present nt the meeting. Anyone desiring transportation has been nsked to meet nt the George Churc hill home at US South Kline street. Stops Here H. O. Pfander, who has been spending the past' sev eral months attending Columbia university In New York, stopned here over Monday to visit his sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Mercer, and fnuiliy. en route to Portland to join his wife nnd daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Pfander nnd daughter will snll for their homo in Honolulu, Febru ary 20, from Vancouver, B. C. -Mr. Pfander is in. charge of physical education at the Y. M. C. A. in Honolulu. Thursday Only Stage and Screen Show ON OUR STAGE Famous Radio Artists Carl A. Braunsdorf presents hi famous HOLLYWOOD HILL BILLIES NBC Radio Stars Featuring Pinkey Barnrs World Champion Trick Itoper. with SKF.KTFK'-'ACF.' - Al'UIOlOENS FI.AHRl'STV' 'SI'AUE' 'DKL'CE SPItKlOKNS' and Many others Ihe Greatest Hillbilly Act Ever presented in any theater '. WE GUARANTEES ITI ON 'our TODAY ONLY Bank Night $50 AND HILARIOUS! Eves. 35c Mats. 25c Children 10c i mum; x w Attends to Business Geprge lJtnser, of Portland, was a busi ness visitor In this city yesterday. Returns From Eunene Attorney Guy Cordon bus returned here, aft er attending a district legion con vention In lCugeno. Back From California K. R. Metsger, local contractor, haa re turned here from a business trip lo San Frunrlsco nnd other Califor nia points. Returns to Portland Judge O. P. Coshow has returned to his home in Portland, after spending tho week-entl here with relatives and friends. . Back From Portland Mr. and Mrs. Royce Allen returned to their home at Melrosn this .week, after snnndlng soveral davB in Portland attending to business. I Back From Grants Pass Mrs. W. M. Campbell nnd Mrs. O.-F.. Ro herts returned hern yestordnv from Grants Pass, where thev atleniled the nil-day meeting of the Treabv- 'rial erecntlve boail. of which Mrs. Roberts is prosldont. H. E. Mestlnn PostnAnerl Tim homo demonstration meeting an nounced ii'is week nt Itivpt-sdnle crmnrrt hnll, Jin-t boon nnsl"n"ri nnl'l Fphri,nt'v 9 ulimi II illl l, held nt tl,A ImK.a a! lYfxa IT TO nil nn Iho Noi'th ITmnmtn. A nntluck uncneon will bo served nt noon. P N, ft. flluh Polpne Mestlnn Pott Vnhln ntmit.l aII l,nn 'ipi it,, mofttiiiff. .,'iw!ivh fn' this F'-'-'iv. iiniu nnvi FrMtv. jnn- ll"rv ?Otb. irn-lnians the ova. ,ilnr ,lll b" Fdv'hn Wpllp... Twin. TTntnhlnna Mn 1?lal,i,,. n,..l Tnvlor, Fiirlhof nrrnngemenls will ue nnnnunceu inter. " nrsns Hn- V- P. W. ttriipnn p,i Ann. Ttntv. nf Porllnnd. nn snAMdfr" pevernl diva bet1" vis. Itltt" (hp fMnipt''s Itt'olhei'.ln.l" mid niptp," Ttt'. nnfi ii's rh,,in rnv- clrtgt l T.niH'nlWP''!. Ml'a Vl'llao'. ,,'ou f,.n"tv AUss Mnr'",,',,i oi,it,iq pr 1?o''n',"',,'. ror y'"i- t" liOM, Ti-n IMIn,, p.l pnn tUnn trt o to 5-t F'"inpo to vlsjt re- lnllvpq nf Vr, Wllon. FOR STUFFY HEAD A few drops up each nostril reduces swollen membranes, clears away clog ging mucus, bringS welcome relief. - VicksVatronol 30c double quantity SOc screen 8howi 2-7-9 P, M, I tw. v rHH A .l. i i , .. i Ml-a I flnnnan 'I'xna.l..,, ...... U-UH.M UW,D .till fnl- Aalilixi.l tn m.bA ll.nU t.nn,u Mrs. Cooper was formerly Miss .euure ueiuwep or mis cuy. Council to Meet Tim Youth's Temperance council will meet Thursday night at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Marsters, S21 S. Kan Btreet, at 7:30. Tho program for tho evening is the beginning of a serins sponsored by tho national headquarters. Tho theme for the evening is Y. T. C. maneuvers. Miss Virginia Rudo la to he the Bpeaker. A social .hour wll con clude the program. All young pco plo are Invited lo attend, ANDRE GAGNON OF MILL FAME DIES PORTLAND, Ore, Jnn. 20 (AP) The nation's lumbar industry took moro tlmn passing nolo tmluy nf tho (ionth lwo of Anilre Onmon, loiiff known nn tho "tntlinr of tho modern sawmill." Hq wns S3 yours old. GnRnon, a native of Qnol.oc nnd loni; interested In logglne and lum- tjerlng in Minnosota anil Oreeon, canio to Portluud from Mnrshflold four yoorn ago. Ho died In his ho tul suite lust, niht. Ho wns credited Willi many of the inventions which speeded up tho cuttiiiK of lumber mid was brought west from Minneapolis by tho Smith lumber Interests on Coos Pay -yearn nKO to-Bunorvise con- structloii of n mill nt Mnrsiiflold. Thursday - Friday - Saturday 2 - BIG FEATURES -a A Great Variety Bill Starts Tomorrow! . XTX WIZARD! ' ?VV A You'li howl f f i f: at the laff I I C , -4 s c o r e h e : L v -.J&j piles up by PLUS Of THE A Grand All Action I a CHARLES YK te STAR RETT V 1 MEREDITH 7 'hfflSfc m TONIGHT t TO nr BANK night ii "Jungle Princess" "viL. " "Sons of Steel" show. 2.7.9 p. m. r I y nru h Mots. 26o Eves. 35c I A, I J Jt H Children 10e iSag 1-QT. CREAM PITCHER, lo Thlt la one of the hundreds ot bargains offered during Carr's big lc Bale, now going on. Buy an ar ticle at regular price and get an other like it for just lo more. Dar gains from all departments of our store. You can't uffonl to miss this sale. Come en.'ly. Curr'g.-r-Adv. ? HAVE Y00 TRIE SJfafyiruf YOUR SKIN f ; As a part of your daily beauty chedule, use Chamberlain's Lo tion regularly. It helps keep your hands, arms and skin smooth and lovely, because it latinizes. A clear, golden liquid, Chamber- : Iain's dries quickly, is never sticky, greasy or gummy. At all drug and department I A ' stores, Chamberlain . iaDoratories, inc., Des Moines, Iowa. Sifintir, VIII Ism SAME BILL Western Comedy I vat