TWO ROSFBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURC, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 20. 1 937. Dally HI I May 14, pclof low round trip forti loth Eait. Return limit, on Stand ard ticktlo 30-doyi;lntrmdoti (full' inarvTourM) and Cooch llckolto-mo. ECONOMY, COMFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY! Union Pacific's combination in service to satisfy every traveler. Ultra-modern equipment, fast schedules.deliclous low-priced meals, air-tempered luxury, Interested personal attention. IXAMPlil Rpund Trip to Chicago HOM POR1UNO bulaled Cougar rally to win 40 to 36. LONDON, Jan. 20. (AI') The biwy flam of Scotland' little klug- Bur, Ileiiny I.j'iicli, mire Just about Mt'Uleii tho world') liyweigiu cham pionship muddle. ' Tulruor. tiioiiuand funs saw Lynch doclslvoly outpoint Sun PrauciHcu's ti'unsiiiunted Filipino, Small, over the 5-rouud route yenterduy to win the title that has bon claimed by half a lozeu fighters since Puuclio Villa died ten yetfrs ugo. . Lynch, British champion und rec ognized iu Knglund us world's title- holder by the IJoxing aS' soclatlon of tho United States since Ills victory over Midget Woluast of i'lilladolphla, weighed 107 pounds, 10 ounces. The fight was a tyulcul exhibi tion of slugger vs. boxor, with yuch In tile foi'iner role und the slilfty Filipino in the latter. Lynch liud incut of tho better of the going in all but tho lust two bouts, when .Montuiu, known unt itle the ring us Ucnjnuiin Guns, shifted to a heavy hitting body at tack. Lven ti.en, he was unublo to nmko the rugged Scot give ground. BALKM. Ore.. Juu. 20 (API Willamette unireiauy hoop leaui, sadly uuiciussud la a 17-7 List Hall, came back with a rush la lis game with the University of Portland lu emerge ou tap 27 to 24, 'the fiearcuts took u one-point 21 to 20, with seven minutes to go uud held it the rest of the way. Other collegiate scores: Calltoriila uz, Cuiuorula Aggies Oregon frosh 40, Blgnal Oil (Eu gene) 28. High School Scorei Longvlew 24, Astoria 22, Kalnier 23, Scappoose 17. University high (Kugene) Albany 28. Amity 28, Dayton 13. 42, BENEFIT DIKE FOB ' . in deluxe adjustable chair t Coach. 6-mo. return limit. j Correspondingly low far to olh.rdM, tlnatlom In tht Eait-MIdwett and South. 5iopovr perm It tad going and roturnhig PorUr Service and Free Pillows In Coaches on all trains. Pur (li'liillx (imftiilt HnittliiTll I'liciric um in Willi' J. i'. ('iniiniluK, AhhI. O. V. & l. Ant., PHtm-k Hlot-k, I'urt- HII(I, BASKET BALL SCORES AND GOSSIP PULLMAN, Wash., Jan. 20 (APi The University of Oregon hoop l (tii in hold a oiie-Kume cilgo uvor tho WuHhlngton SluUs Con Kurs totluy us tliu two tea in h pro- imi'cu ror their final encountor of Llio HoiiHoii hero tonight. The WohfootH, UmI by their tow firing HOphomoro center. Win tor mute, took a 21 to 15 ImlMlme ad' von tit ko limt night and nipped n The Chevrolet Master 6 Sedan, winner of Class S Is shown above with Its driver, Roy H. Woods (loft), as he received a trophy from H. Alber, Jr., Asst. Manaoer of Heflned Oil Sales of the Gil more Oil company. The Chevrolet averaged 19.4S actual miles per gallon or 41.8 ton milos per gallon of Red Lion rjasollne In the 352 mile drive over loy grades and through driving blizzards In the Qllmore-Yooemlto Economy Run, CHEVROLET I The Only Complete Low-Priced Car. Buy Chevrolet for Economical Transportation. HANSEN MOTOR CO. WILLYS THE SURPRISE CAR OF THE YEAR Half the Gas. Twice the Smartness. The Willys sedan, despite adverso weather conditions made a remarkable average of 28.16 miles per gallon of Red Lion In tho1 Gil. more-Yoscmlte economy run. The Willys also averaged 49.2 ton miles per gallon. Stanley Plumb (left), advertising and traffic director of Yosemlta Park and Curry Company Is shewn presenting the uionhy to Howard Gwynn, driver of the Willys. Be sure and see it at the new Willys place L. B. HARRIS 116 S. STEPHENS The inld yenr rally of the Uiiiii- qua Jjupusl assueiutlou will con vene at Eugene 'on Wednesday, January 27, uegluning ut 10 o'clock a. in. 't he UniiKiua association Includes Hie milium churches ot liundoii Coqullle, Cottage Grove, Uugene, '..Hue, junction City, Alarshlleld North Uonu, Kosebuig. Springfield aim veneta. Special significance is attached to the meeting of tho association mis yoar In view of the coining ur. linn v. I'lereo of .Uinnu apolls, .Mi mi. Dr. 1'ieice was one the most Inspirational as well as liitormutlonal speakors of the (Northern Uaptist convention pro- gram at St. L.011I8 lust year. No peaaer ever received such an ova. nun ut tne close 01 his address us did Dr. Fierce when be had linlshod his praseiilutioii on "Alls-sions." Dr. Pierce will ho accompanied oy in: j. u. Wilson ot the depart ment 01 Home missions of the tvoitiioiii llupust coiiveutiou. The lunowiiiis piouram has been pre pared': tluust speuliers: I(ev. Eiule V, lerce, Auuuoupolis: Kev. K. 11. I'raii, I'urilaiiu; Hev. Jesse if ivilson, Los Alicules: .Miss Areola 1'uttit, riulippim. island. . Wednesday Mornino 111:00 1'raisu aim pruior. itov. J. i(. 1 uiii null. Kosuuuru. lu:15 Auuress, 110 v. Jesse It. Wil sun, Los AiiKuies. 10:iu iiuslc, iiulliu Calkin. lutro- uuctioil 01 Uuv. A. J. Hurma oy l ecil liimliind, vico niodeiator. Iillroduction 01 Hev. 10, V. fierce, lluv. A. J. Harms. ll:ou AuilruHs y Uuv. li. V. 1'ierce. uiscussion. Afternoon 1:110 I'ritlse 111111 nrayur. ilev. H. '. Davis, ComiHu uiove. cspociul imisic, Uuv. mid airs, 11. A. Wan ik, oiii'iiiKl'icld. lu .ViisHiuiiiuy iiililriiss, Miss Ar cnlu 1'eltit, I'liiiippniii isluuds. Hymn. Helen Judv. - 1 3:au t'lamied KviinKellsm bv Jiei': U. I'liut. spuciul music by priiiKliulil mini ml 3:lu .uissiouaiy Kducatlon nml rmniotioii, nov. T. 11. Hukcii and Uuv. . W. atarniig. Dis cusslun. Evenlna ll:3i) Supper fur church officers and nonius. Kev. T. H. HuKen, toast master. Hull cull. .Mussiige by itov. ri. V. 1'lui'in. 7.1.1 llenerul inceiiuit. Cecil Eua- land presiding. Auuress by Itev. li. V. i'lerce. ii METEORS LOSE TO sUiHfcKLiN ydINT Tho Koueburir unm beaten m tu 21 I41 u uasketouii game at Siilnui'lln Inst nigiu wim uio oiuiieriin Uea iinu Wiuie plny eis. ine SulliuiliM Olllpoil 11 Way Mm, l .onloat. lultiiug the ItoauiiuiB team tu three puiiitu lu ihu opening (iiiarler anil uig 11 had of io tu It 111 hail lime. Aiory, Sutlmrlln guaril, iu high scorer wiui li poiniii. l.inuup: .Mutuors 121) I'o.i i Horner ivy v i'lilm (ill I." .Midiieinuig (D) c ItllHSell .) Curler , 1; HuhHllndion, (17) Siitheiilu (4) Hull' (0) I'uraer t.") I'lHiier (121 A very (1 ) Mtirilcn MetL( rs 11111 (2l; Hutllei nil Culler II). Krew- ini (I), DnwIiiiK (2). uiluinm: ushiiig. reii'i',.,,; Alidiiiilbni-K. cuiulli'iJiii'l'; Hulmile, ARMfSTRONG KAYOES CHAVEZ IN TEN 1 H i.ts A.(ii':i.i:s, cniir., .inn. so. (AI'V-Alellglllg u loill-ileclslon hisl1 suveiiil week a ns, Hi nry Alirj.-lllnng. l.os Angeles IH'kiu, kmii ki'd oul Tuny t'ha . ez, Ineiil Mil'.ilciin ruuthornulKtil, lu tne final luluiil or their lli'iuuiiil f.glu i t the Ul)niili' miiiltoi iiim I11.1t ni;u. I''ur lihcuil on pulnly, the ex-St. Umirt nt'wsbny weakiMiril Chavex aiih a liluu lu Mm siuuiiicli In Ihu B. in! It. anil 1 loin cil him Unci.' tlme.i, Hie bell hlliiiliiplliiK lliu iilllllt oil tne Inst kilui-kilouu. t'lmn'i nnswei'i'd i:ie gong for l.ii' leillh. hill a light umimh lu the huuil soul him in t io nun. is ii'ul a si'i'i'lid'H tuwi'l Htilli d lino Urn ring. Al'lllslrung, wim Inst lu (.'haven In SI. I.uiil.: recently, weighed KM, I'huv.'j l;iii. NOTICE TO LAND BANK BORROWERS Till' of flees of the IliiugliM conu l.v group of Niiiliinul I'lirni l.unli AHMiK'hillolifi ltti!i h,.( 11 uiovetl In llnuni fi. Iiuugliis Alisii-uet llullillng at Muselimg. Ikirrnuet-H me le llliesti'i! to eiill nt llils olfUe nil niiillers peitiilniiii; lu their loans. Tile sel'lruiy Is usually In Hie ill. flee on .Hominy, Tinu .uluv ami Sal-unlay. ltepreseiilutlves of cil . service clubs lu Hoi:eburg were called into special session last nlglit and completed plans for a benefit dance tu bo held at the iluaeuurg armory rriuay night. All proceeds iroiu tne dance will go to tne tbreo (Jranger cuituren, vmio througu tragic clr- uuuisiumtes have Leeu left without relatives or Income, 'he music, placards, tickets, ad vertising, puulic address car and the dance floor have all been do nated, so that tho entire proceeds from the ticket sale will jo Into the mnd to benefit the three cull' uron, ranging from seven to H years of ugo and wiio are lu need of Immoulute help. Tho service ciubs are taking over the sale of tickets, starting today, and will divide the clly Into sections, persons uesinng to make cush donations other than purchase of dance tickets may leave their contributions at the cl.ami,ei' of commerce offlco or at the Story lies drug store, the clubs report. Friday's dance will be be'ld at the armory, starting at 9 o'clock, with music uy the unytuueu. MRS, ROBERTS IS SPEAKER AT KIWAN1S An liittM'osUn.f -talk by Mia. ChurleH hJ. Jtoberts featured tho t'giiliu- Tuesday noon luncheon nieetliitf of the HoBebma Klwunia ciui). Airs, it o do its Hpokoou Inter national relutiuim und tho condi tjona in vuiiotia countri'-s .hicli ure now ondungeilug the peace of tne world. Around tbe Cety MYRTLE CREEK AI YRTLK CItKKK. Jan. 19. Mi. A. btetztcr, w:io uccompauiea nor JiiiHiiiiiki to Portland, wnurn tie went ror modlcai feuiinont tne iirat or luttt weeK, returiieu to Myr tie ureeit a lew days aco. und ill witti u severe uom ut tne Home of her bou-in-mw und dausiiter, Mr. aim Mia. uienu iticnjtrdBon. Word recoivud from .ir. Stei.ier -1 outlay uiiiiotincL'3 some imniove- nient in lua couditlon. liiere were no shows ut the Mit- ne inenter sntuniay or Mommy nights on uccount ol tho inanuKor, laroiu i-;ues, or vontjiliu. houiK utKliy injureu lu an auto accident, caused by slippery niueinetUH. Air. aad Mrs, Loren James mo tored to tiugonu .Uonday to attend mo tunerui 01 Mr., Juines' niece, Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, who died in Los Angeles, but wus brought to Kugeuo lor burial. John Fletcher, who has been working near Itoseburg, has re turned homo. Aire. Anuu Fletcher, who has been living lu the bain Moore House, bus moved to Hurt Itussell'b house on Joiinson street. Jean Daly, small sou of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldua Daly, wuo visited re cently witu his grundmmher, Mrs. Craighead, ut her home ut Huy- huiHt, bus returned homo. Juck Cruv.'iord, who was injured in a fall from the second floor of tho Cyrtie t lieu tor while doing some carpenter worlc recently, bus eturued irom Mercy hospital and was uhle to be down town Satur day, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jumes and lurold Masson, accomimnled by Ed lie n fro of Cunyonville, were business visitors In Murshfield lust Thursduy. The directors of the Nugget school are busy this week fixing upj LUU II I U J-3 IICH UL DUIIUUIIIUUHU, by li&htcuiuu it un and nddinir a rftove to mako it comfortahlo tor whiter usn. The snow Is about four iiituev uuwm ou tiie i3.ei at uut ai- lo uuiuut' lut Veiltf VUUuuro, Wis buniMri uat iuD tut' tu iiUu atuuiiiam .umuut Co. rtllo iuouia ut umiu, v'uu utw; jui ur. wuiiuvib, una retuiltea to Utd uuuiu. Mta. ivuiyo olefins, WuO tOa Ueuu quuu ut Btm.e cuiistuius, ib iuiiioiutf suustiiuioriiy mtoiy. llieir mecViag nut uebuu ou ttccuuul ui lue weatner. Tuey win uieei a wee irom vveune.uuy at tut uuuie ot Mia, J, M, Louaer-v-ood. .uinibtor tl. E. Coulter, pastor' of tue uuristiau churuu at Coitaga! oote. wun guest SiwaKcr at te cuuivu nigui meeting at tho local cunstiau cuurun, Jauuuiy (. mv, Soulier was pastor neio for tow years, prior tu (uo mmiJU-y ot r'rauK vv. zook. .winnjiur , i. Kenney of Kiigene, who ib tue uuw yuotur iu uie tocui Unrisiiaii cauicu io settled at tue uouruing noube ot mio.'j, Much ou Tuiru street. Mis. Vviu. Drown of Frozen creeK, wtiu una been a patient m Mercy nospitat ror two weeKs foi lowing un operation, returned to ner no me iust tiaturuay. .Mrs. J. Mack and uttlo grand son, itayuiond Peterson, spent tue holidays in buiem vibiting wltn Mm, muck's cimdren. vnila in Salem Mrs. Mact isited In Silver ton with, the Zook family. Mr. zook is pastor oi tne aiiverton .Christum cnuroh, und reported his work us progressing very eatiaiac- torlly. - - Mrs. Olivo ISchram . of Seattle, who spent the hoHdits with-nei gruiiduiother. Mrs. .Nincy - Smith, of Huckles, uud otli-er relatives und friends, returned to her home some time uo. Hum Leo Koynolds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. It, W. Ueyuoids, and italjih Shirclirf, son of . Mr. und Mrs. H. M. Shirtclii'f, ure botlj con valescing from utacks of scarlet fever. - - , - . V STANDS ICY TEST HILL BILLIES DATED AT INDIAN THEATER Appearing Thursday in person on tne stage of tho Indian tncater will be the Hollywood Hill Dilltes, u well known group of railio, stage and screen stars. Direct from Hol lywood on their first tig tour,, they ure playing to capacity audiences which have been charmed by their renditions of phi and new songs, clever comedy and fancy roping, according to Don Radribaugh, man- aver of the local tncater. The group consi-its of seven en tertainers and includes Busty Mc- Gee, the Irish cowboy tenor; Skcet er, tiie guitar king; Spade, with Ids musicui fiddle; Flush, tue accord ion man; Aeo Spriggeus, high yodeler and master of ceremonies and puece Spriggens, the original hill billy und comedian. A special attruLllon is Pinky names, who presents a performance of fancy and trick roping. - , .t ; r- Q f GARRISON KAYOES WALKER IN FIFTH There were slick, ice-covered grades to be surmounted, uriviua unpaids to bame tnrouan, tem peratures tue lowest on record m ia years, and yet despite tnese great uandicapu imposed In ' inn uiiuote ot winter by tne elements, me twenty-three la7 stock sedans which nuisueu toe liiimore-yose- iiute economy run lust ween estao- llsued some aensaiioual mileage re cords lor tne aoi nine drive from u Anoeles to loseuiite National park. compilation of the results of the run suow that tne 23 cars to ilnish the event tnaue a comuiued average of nines per gauuu ot ouuiore Iteu Lion gusoilue. a further check-up revealed thut every car Had a full crunxcase 01 Uuu Head moior oil at the vglu niug ot ino run ana not a drop 01 tne lubricant was consumed oy any ut tue cars during the course of the run. iiiero wus a brief respite from the suow ulter the cars had man aged to pun and slituer their way down the icy siaes of ine Teuacliu- pi mountains, uut north of liakers ueld the drivers again found them selves going through a laud that was straugeiy covered by a great blanket 01 snow. Already tue cars had been forc ed 10 surmount one climb of over 4,uu(! feet uud as they started on the second ascent of oven a great er altitude into Vosemite National park, Old .Man Winter again blast ed thorn with all bis frigid fury. Unco more there wus slippery ice to be crossed ou the graues, suow and even colder temperatures to oe oatiicu. Aiost of the cars tound it necessary to put on chains, a safety factor but certainly not one that contributes to economical driving. by d:0u o'clock that night 33 of the cars, with their fenders and radiators encrusted with ice and with snow covering their tons, hud arrived and they were all impound ed under official observation for final checking of gasoline and oil consumption and stock status be fore the results of the event could be announced. livery car in the event this year transported three passengerB In ad dition to a driver and an observer, representing a competing cur. The coveted uiluiore sweep stakes award was won for the sec ond year in succession by Cloy Moore, driving a Graham super charged from Rulph Hamlin Mo tors. . gAN JOSH, Calif., Jan. 2U. (AP) Nash Gurrifaon, San Jose, kayoed Karl Walker, veteran Denver bat tler, In the fifth round of a sched uled 10-i-oiind main event lust night. Walker wns saved by 1110 Doll 111 the fourth and caulo out tor the fifth wobbly. Uarrisun wolg.icd mi tine, want- er 180. FLUE FIRE CAUSES NO MAJOR DAMAGE An overheated flue, which set tire to adjoining woodwork, result ed In falling the fire department to -the Alton hotel on Lane street last night. The blaze was extin guished before uny major damage could result. SOB li -vims, Scc Tri'iis tc BARAMNS llumhvd in iiWm. Kulilmt for .Mill ut raiVs I, Siilc. Take ml . un Iiikk "f lhl onjiorlu.ilty in an rp mimey on your i-vi'inluj lo rd; -Adv. .' Austin Elmore wen nod 22,0 miles per gallon from the.Terraplane to wfn first place honors In Class C. Ho Is shown above (right) re ceiving a trophy from W. J. Hawkins. Division Manager of the Oil more Oil Company. The Terraplane averaged 48.4 ton miles per gal Ion of Red Lion gasoline in the Gllmoro Yosemite Economy run. TERRAPLANE "Does It Every Day" The Gilmore Yosemite Economy Run . Proves What Every Terraplane Owner Knows The weight of 4.100 lbs. over 352 miles of Icy hazardous roads with only 16 gallons of gas establishes the thrift record of Ter raplane. 22 MILES PER GALLON PERCY CROFT o Phone 333 233 N. Jackson St. Do You Have a HOBBY? Then you should try Wood Working It's easy with equipment from our complete stock of tools. , Band Saw .......$34.50 ; Jointer .......... $27.50 Grinders .. $3.35 and $9.50 Lathe .. $15.85 Jig Saw ".. $9.95 Steel Bar Clamps ..$2.25 Churchill Hardware Co. IRONMONGERS RELIEF FEED FOR WILD FOWL BOUGHT PORTLAND. Jan. 20 (AP) The state game coiMinission, the biological survey and sportsmen have Joined interests in protecting migratory, water fowl and upland game; birds from teed shortages mis winter, rrauK wire, uregon game supervisor, said today. The three organizations have purchased several tons of grain to scatter chiefly in tho eastern Ore gon districts where deep snow cov er the ground. Wire said the com mission hua received no reports of serious loss in bird life. Storms and cold weather have brought little harm to door mid oik but If the severe conditions continue losses probably will occur. Hollow Horn Bear," a Urulc S!o;x chief, is the Indian appear ing on the U. S. 14-eeut postage stHniu. AMERICA'S ECONOMY CHAMPION Clay Moore, winner of the Sweepstakes trophy in the 1936 edi tion of the Gllmore-Yosemite Economy Run. repeated his champion ship performance by again .winning the sweepstakea in .the 1937 run. He is shown above (right), receiving the sweepstakes trophy from E. B. Gilmore, president of) the GHrtyro Oil Company. The Graham averaged 23JI5 miles per gallon bfRed Uon gasoline or 53.4 ton miles per gallon. A Graham Cavalier also won first place In Class D. " . . . farther and faster on a gallon of gasoline than any car in America." ; '; Graham for 1937 J.O.NEWLAND 116 So. Stephens St. ML i?h 4 a Wetace j OF TWENTY-THREI .1937 MOTOR. CARS UNDIR A. A. A. SUPERVISION lattllnt ).covorod grades, nor safe tamparotiiros, driving bliz zards , , . ths 23 stack cars with sixes varying from the smallest ta tha largest models in the Gilmore Yasenite Run made the astound ing combined average of 20.11 miles per gallon ol Red Lion . ..with ovary car under American Auto mobile supervision. Never before hail the mileage of a gasoline been more convincingly proved right for your car , . . in such a gruelling manner. Try Red Lion today . . . the OFUCIALLYPItiyErC-ifOage .champion! , i-l;rj;(J'j!iij tVNI IN . . -ITWNCI M IT MMI , . TU1 NO rl, lr.H., ovm tlMMIU HOAOCAUINC IYSTIM SSDU I TV -i 7VTVD I " av8l6.1ii,-ii:.fc.aM4 EVERY CAR IN THE RUN ALSO USED LION HEAD MOTOR. OIL CHIVSOLIT DESOTO LAFAYITTI OtDSMOIILI fONTIAC CHUYSLEU CKAHAM LINCOLN ZEPHYR PACKAAD TEMAPUNI CORD HUDSON NASH PLYMOUTH WILLYS - THEY DROVE A COMSINED TOTAL Of I0 MILES WITH. OUT CONSUMING A DROP OF OIL IA. A. A. CHECKUP). SOLD BY INDEPENDENT DEALERS