V FOUR Usm4 Uallr K"lt Suadar br e Biawa-Havlciv Co.. lac Hnnbtr of Th Associated Preaa ,Tha Aasouiatsd Press la exclusive 19 entitled to the use or republica tion of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In Ula paper and to all local news BUblljind herein; All HsTbta of re nubiioaUon of special dispatches herein Ira also reserved. Karris Ellsworth .Editor .Entered as second class miittor afar 17, 1V20. at the post ottlce at Roseburnr. Oreaon, under act of Isaroh J. Ills, ea rraaelece 320 Bush Btreet. Lee Asa-ele 43 South . bprlna Street, Seallle 03 Stewart Street. aleaaru 360 North MlchlKan Ave., trolt 323 Stephenson Bldft.. New Verfc 21 East 0lh Street, Portion Bedell Bids.- Habeerlptlua Itatea Dally, per yeur by mail Dally. 6 months by mall Dally. S montha by mall Dally, by carrier per month. . . .11.30 . 2.00 . 1.00 . .60 No Compromise. tllOSE who' hud hoped for some compromise with not fisheriuuu Improving the fishing season so fur us the up-rlvo'r (lifting Is con cerned, aro finally completely dis couraged. It Is more apparent now than over before that the net flBliormon will not Willingly permit tliolr activities to bo curtailed. Accordingly, all activities of con servationists aro now centered up on one objective thai of closing all couBtal Btroums In Oregon ex cept, of course the Columbia, to hot fishing. It Is the only answer.. The not fishing In tho smalt coastal streams Is a starvation business. It Is likewise a destructive business (or the flBh commission of the state of Oregon has proven Its In ability to maintain fish In the streams. Tho fish, rosourco, tho second groutest natural resource of the state Is being rapidly de stroyed, Tho legislature which con venes Monday will havo an oppor tunity to voto either for or agiiinst tho ultimate elimination of fish In Oregon stroaW. Not InboWed. "jfuiU United States will not be- come Involved In the "lltilo World war" being fought In Spain. Tho congress, ns Us first action after convening In formul session, voted to placo a heavy embargo up on war material shipments .to Bpu'ln. Had this action not been takon this country would have been . used as a source of supply for tho contenders In that bloody civil war. Moat of Europe Is involved one way or another in tho Spanish con flict. Mostly tho partisanship of tho various countries Is maintain ed socroll!' but It exists neverthe less. Why Is Europe so , concerned With what the Hpnnianla do? The l'OiiBon Is that a decision between the principles of fiiHclsin and com munism are lo bo determined. It tlio faselKt wm lluly and Om-iiiuny will have an important ully. If tho communists (loynllst government) suceueil In put'llni! down tho re volt thu Spanish government will continue as a communist controlled country. Thanks .to the quick action of congresH wo arc pot in danger of becoming either directly or Indi rectly involved. Editorials on News (Continued from pago 1.) ud cousurvutlsiu In ACTION is the surest way to bring to Die public the fullest mcusuru of the benefits ol government. President RoohcvcIi'h message Indicates that he is fnmiliiu' with this law uud proposes to be guid ed by It'. XUTUNINO bis objectives and iViB purposes, t lie President Bays: 'It Is not enough thai the wheels 'hjllN. They must carry us In the direction of a greater satisfaction in lire for tho nvcrago mun." WITH Unit objective, no one who Is woi'lh tho slightest tousld crallon can liuvo any disiiRree ment. Tills country can't be perman ently good for any of us iiuIchh It is good for nil ot us, and no one who la worth IiIh biiR will hesitate to Join with the President In any rea sonable program for bringing about groator satisfaction in life (or the average man. , i All tbo real progress that has Represented By ever been made lit the world has been progress In that direction. KRNR PROGRAM (1,600 Kilocycles) SPONSORED BY NEWS-REVIEW 1CUMAIN1NU ItOL'llS TULlAlT 4;uu r'nmai Aieiouies. 4: lu "ueru comes tiie Bund." 4';ou 1-atay .viuiiiuua et tno tioys. u;oo Kuy Kyr ot Oicu. o;lo liouWL'ii bisters. o:oo Novoiiy otuuio Party. . tt'.io Los Angeles Uiutcc llund. o:uu uiiinur concert, b:iiu Jaea eahilaert ci Oroh. t:oU rvows hlasnes. , 7:00 "The bpy," New Service Laundry. 7:05 Evening Orgun Melodies. 7:10 Muuuuiiau concert Hand. Viae Let's Dance.. 7:46 Vour Uiuo Bug Program. b:0U Orcgon-wasnington state BasKetball Oam. from Mc- Arthur uourt In Eugene Associated Oil. 9:30 Sign Off. SUNDAY, JAN. 10 8:30 Sacred llyuius. Sub Glad Tidings of the Air Rev.' Ira Kankin. 9:00 VeteraiiB Program, Dedicat ed lo Husehurg Vets ucll Hy. 9:30 Arkansas Log Rollers. 10:00 Sunday Iteque.it Program. 11:00 L'aptiet Church Service. 12:00 Organ Concert. 1:00 Los Angeles bymphoiiy or chestra. 1:15 Roseburg Gospel Messen ger, C. ti. Hays. 1:30 Victor Salon Orch. 2:00 "Hansen Memories." 11:15 Famous Music. 3:00 Popular Dunco Tunes, 3:30 Canyonvllle Community Program. , 400 "Angclus Hour," Dr. C. A. Edwards. 1:30 Violin Recital. 4:45 Sunday Evening Organ Ser enade. 6:00 "Good Night All," Sign off. MONDAY, JAN. 11 8:46 "Early Birds." 7:00 SunriHO Orgun Concert. 7:io Alurin ClocK Clue. 7:bU "Hansen memories,1 Han- sen Motor Co. 7:45 News-rteview News. 8:uu: instrumental ltevue. sua nenry Alien e urch. B:3U aaered Hymns. HMD urooKiyn symphony. 0:00 ino noiney rniiusopher. 0:ie Dune Islington Ac Urcn. II: 3D Spanish serenade. 10:00 Melody in Waltz: Time. 10:30 "bene & Manna," copco. W.M "Women's Excnange." 11:00 "Your Highroad to Happi ness," Dairies of Hoseburu. 11:15 Municipal Dunce Hand. 11:30 Old Favorite Dunce Melo dies. , . t.:00 'Time Signal," Knudtson's, 13:U0 Hits Prom the PIlniB. 13:30 Vincont, Loiiez and Oreli. 12:4b Newa-Hevlcw News. 1:00 Odds Enfls. . l:30-Iuck Shllkrot ot Orch. 1:46 Don Uedmun & Orch. 3:00 Hero Comes the Bund, 3:30 The Slngin' Cowbody. 2:60 News Flashes. 3:00 "World Book Man." 3:05 Johnny Johnson & Orch. 3:30 Kiddles Request Program. 3:55 "Hot Shots," CellarB Radio. 4:00 The Editor Views the News. 4:15 Tea Dansant. 4:30 Old Favorite Singers. 4:45 Sugar Hull & Orch. 5:00 Iluwuiiun Serenade. 6:30 Novelty Studio Parly. 5:45 Melo Maid Ensemble. 6:00 Dinner Concert. 0:30 Guy LomburduA Ills llnyul Cunndhins. 6:4B Dlllard Motor Co. Program. 6:50 News Flashes. 7:00 ."The Spy," New Service Laundry, 7:05 Jesno Crawford's Song Chateau. 7: 15 Memory Tensers. 7:30 The American Family Rob inson. 7:15 Your drub Hug Program. 8:00 Sign Off, -o- BECKMAN TO BE LAW ADVISER TO MARTIN 1t( iD'I'l A Ml . Itm n m . Milt. 1HIII till O .('111 inn IM'l III lilt' lori.icm.miK m'mon oi mo it'Kisiit- Mire win nt) .in tm ,. iM'CKimitl, tiiiilntiuii ill i ho Mulliioiniili county ilcmocnillr rent nil conmiilttM'. Hi' muvot'tlrt V.mas SniMlwor, riM'Oiilly uppolntiMl u ft?iUml rt'iVive hi biinkruptry. MARKETS WHEAT PORTLAND. Jan. Il.-IAPI- f irnlit: Wheat: Open High Low Clnsi May 1 If, 1.15 1 15 1.15 t'lisli wheat: IHu Itetld blm-.-.h-;irii hw.. 13 pel.. I.Sli; dark luml win ter 13 pel., 1.31); 12 pel., 1.2SJ; II pel.. l.JJi: soil white end vi'-!,rn white 1.1 tii hard winter 1 Hi western red 1.15J. S)a(l Devotions DR. CIIARI.US A. MDWARDS AtltM- all thtMu in luiihliiK iiuito ho Kxt iiii-l bo suH.il'ylim itK thai ti nitin iy hl olicillrino ttntl ilovotlon anil m'U'Miu'illti'ii Hliiiulil lltnl IiIh snttl to ho n( pi'iico Willi (ioil. TIhm'p nio many (hliiit.H Unit, ikIiI Joy ami plea.--uro lo daily IMhk, but 11 Ihltt one nrvnl Ihiim is hu-klhjr. llu-io Is liotliiUK that can iituuo lor tlu li'SH, II, as otio of tho oMrr propliotri imK.h It. Cotl it moio proolouh than fllhor hIIvit or Kohl in w, an.! an a rich troas tiro, mo tan aflonl lo In lilit hoai It'll, vwn w lii-it wuno oihor IhiiiUM ulip away doiii u. Tho oiio iui o t n-a: lire (liat no w HiM-tl slip away tioni us, is that praro o( vilil It-lalioii.ship with Hitl, In hiunhli' fall li ami tni.il WO COIllO to TlttH', O .nil, who nil tlu' tiiwv of till Km.it, ami tho author ami fiiilhor ot our fill l h. Anion, ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY. p GLITTERING GIRL by May CHAPTEH XXXVI Tho bouK Kradually slipped from hur UiigurB 10 the Moor, iter eyeH cloButl. Who wna oniottonully llrod. nuo HUiiuUdi'i'd. Hue had a wonderiul tlruiun . . . tliui Terry Sliiinnon knelt, before nor . . . that. Terry told hur Liiut nu loved hur. ... She uwoko auddenly. Was It still a druam? 'lerry in me ueatx aiooa neloro her! '1 'nhont'd your anurlinent. the maul told me you'd come here. I followed at once lo tuko you rigui oul of Ihio, Vernon." She blinked at him. She smiled flceplly. She said: T knew you'd come, Terry." Hut Tony didnT amile. IIo said briiHuely: "You've no busineas to Ue beiu. Of all thinRa, you have lo nick the niKht wheu the police are going lo raid tho place!". Kald thia placer Why.'' Ver non wuh huh dazed irom ncr won- i-liu I dream that had now chang ed lo a doar reality. She mured up ul Terry. 'liecauHo gambling happens to bo Illegal in New York, and there are other coiiula againuL thia liouau well. 1 ve just warned your mollHT. Hlui's lo.st Sifiiiu. She In alsta on writing her check for the amount. Sho'a getting on her wnipa now." Ami what about 'Fuggy "Jod- dy' what'a Ula mimeV Where'a he.'" Terry auid abarply: 'Ho can lake euro of hluiHCltt but it Beenirt you rau't, you Hilly lilt lo thing! I'm In coinmiind now. tiet your font, ami you ami your mother and I will be oil' wlillo the going'a good!" Thoy wont dow n to tbo main I lloor wlu'io Sadie Tyson, conaid- 1'iably dittgrunth'd, joined them. It was unlikely that Ihc boy " 1 oddy Would pay any of tbo los.i. lie had pointed out, in lit well-bred, mporior way, that it whs entholy In-r own fault. And after all, $iriH was a tidy mini to part with! Sho bewailrd all this to Terry .Shauiioii in a loud voire. "Mnihor, lot's go. Mr. Shannon rami' all ihc way bote to got ua oul hHore the pnlico raid the phu-e," Vernon whisportMl to ber tnothor. "Ami bow did Air.- Shannon know thai w e woio hero?' Sadie gave thi'iti both a sharp took. "Never mind r.ir.v, darlfim. Il's iliumt'i tins io waste time. Lot's Inn l y." "YVhal's alt this stupid nouseii: about a raid? How could Mr. Shan non know- about it unless bo's In cahnots with the police?" ' irritated us ho was, I e r r y mi hint help smiling at thai. She was so liko a nulled little pouter pu;eon ! "Well, iT you Insist on leaving, and not glviim nie a lair ebaneo to win in v money back, you ean Just wait riKbt here lor me till I fix my hair ami powder tnV nosi" Mis. Tyson departed. She was gone for I'ullv ile miuutos. The tbreo of litem were almost al the Iron! door when they wen hailed In ihelr trurki by u sudden ami ntainiing kuockiim from out side. Almost at the fame moment warning bells whirred upstairs In Die gambling rooms, ami a great Iron door swung to at Ihc top o tho stair, em ting off that par of tho house fiom tho mvadin-. "The poliee: The raid's on! Terrv said sbinply. "Oh. Lord!" gasped Mrs. Tyson thoroughly ularmed. She clutched his arm. "Tor heaven's sake, get us uwuy uukhly." Ho refrniued Irom the obvious Business As Usual Chrisrie answer that had been his earnest wish for ilio past ten minuloa, or more. Tho pounding on tho door grow louder. A stentorian voi(io de manded that it be opened in the numu ot the law. "i no iv, binusu it down. They'll uiku utt io jmi. uu, air. fcmiumuii,' iiiuauuu tjUtiic, "aiuu ua usvu.vi laio in turriuie." x-ouow mo," auid Terry, "1 know una uutiso. ilie previouti owiiuib: tvuiO inoutia ol niiite. n& i leiiioiii uo', mores u men uoor in tno uei iar imiL icaua imougii nno tue iiouao ou mo left, ilie Woruaironis iivo uioru. i ve mei inem once or twice,' lii, lake ua Ihero, Get us away!' . "come!" '1 lay followed Tuny Into the kkeuun quarieia wiiicu woio emp ty, li io huip miving oasoeti upstuita ac lue lirsi aouuti oi ino KiiocKiug ou ino nont door. "lioro are Hie stairs leading to the cellar." Terry swucneti a ngnt on. Vernon, guming nor nioincr wno wttii ireitibiiug violent iy tol lowed him. Tney lound tbeiuaelves In a big cellar, "come ou through tnia arciiwuy it s darK In tnore I'll .sinke u match. ' They cuiored a amuilor cellar hung with cobwebs autt very ttiriy. "Oh, Mr. tiuiuinou, tho police aro smaaniug the ivout. door in up sitiirs. idi, hurry! ' urgutl Sadie. "Sue here a the door in the wall. It a going to he a tlgnt Hiiueozo gutting through, J-ois lopo it Isn't bulled on tho oilier uie. Apparently it hatm t been sod In years." Terry tugged al ho rusty boll. It waa obstinate, 1 bill wuii repealed ussaulta ll iehleil. "Thank heaven for that!" Au- Uher violent lug. The Hiile door low open, revuaifng Stygian dark ness. "I ll go through tin;!, .sum terry, "then Mis. Tyson and ben you, onion. Terry's broad shoulders jammed nt at first. lUit, Willi many Jerks and wiggles, ho contrived to get trough al last. I'oor Sadie had a terrible time betaitse of her htouiness, and the nervous tension that possessed her. She struggled frantically, goatleti by the noise the police were mak- ng up stairs. '(Hi. it hurls! I tau t:' till rnon pushing from behind, ami Terry hauling lustily, her beautiful hhl gown was being almost loin from her hotly. I've stuck. 1 can t got through. Pull me back Vernon." "No. Wiggle yoursi'U. Mku an el, daring." "limb! Oh! I'm moving!" Terry was winning tho hallo, witu a Until pull lliut tore the orchid gown almost from stem to stoiu, sue landed in the darkness ou the oili er side. "Splendid! Not hart, are you, Mrs. Tyson?" x "No. only shaken u bit. (let Ver non through, iiuny. Vei lion's slim figure bud little tllftieully in getting through the aperture. "We'll shut this door but we won't bidt it, because someone may try thin means ol oseape tio." said Terry. He struck a niaiO l hey woio in the rear of ihe rel lar In the neU door house. The followed him Hi rough a pile of rub bish Into n clearer spate and up some stone stairs. "I'm nfrald we're going to scare the Nordstroms by our unconven tional arrival." Terry grinned They walked through the kitobcu premises out into a hallway, which mid ltgnts burning. "Who s there? la a man's voice from above. "it's I, Terry Shannon, with some friends. Come down, und I'll explain, Mr. Nordstrom." A tall figure in a dressing gown doscended. Air. Nordstrom und his wile had been aroused from sleep by tho noises of the raiding party in the atrcet below their windows. Terry, a twinkle in hit Irish blue oyes, told him of their predica ment. They had exited from tbo gambling housu into this haven ot rytuge! ... "Well, I'll be d d!" Mr. Nord strom.grinned us be viewed the ex-, troniely dirty and dishevelled trio. Tho atout little lady was . the worst. Her hair waa hanging down her back, a cobweb luy across her nose, and her gown was ripped in atdozen places. "I'll tell my wife. Come- on up stairs and fix up a little." I he Nordstroms were extremely kind. It was a good half hour be fore they would permit their uu- J expected visitors to take their leave. "Uetter stay indoors till the row's over," Mr. Nordstrom declar ed sensibly. Then Terry drove Vernon and her mother home, Mrs. Tyson de-1 during over and over that he had been "a perfect angel," saving them from scandal in the papers (tho thing she dreaded most) and that she could never, never thank htm enough for what he had done for them that night. .fake Tyson was waiting for them in the drawing room of the ftpart men. He had been uneasy, some how. He was relieved when he heard the key turn in the lock. His wife immedialely burst Into an excited account ol their recent experience. "And this young man came nil tho wav ud there to got us out of it," she shrilled, "1 cull u nno oi him. Oo on. Jake, and thank mm. Now Jake had only met lorry Shannon once before, but he hud taken a liking lo tho young chap. Where men were concerned, Jako waa a good and quick reader of character. "We'll have a little drink to lebrale tho occasion," he said heartily. "Then you, Sadie, get dt- clly to your bed. ouTe an net un- .... Shilrtly after Suilitt nan reureu, Jake made a sly oxcuso nud left ihe young folks together. Ho could see that- Vernon really nvtva mis young man. She had come tnrougn a nasty experience, wtin "iTince Karinoif." Hut here was a clean- cut young American, a square shooter." . . . Kroin Hie dining' room whiro he sal with hrs newspaper, he could hoar the continuous murmur of their voices. They had n very great dual to say lo each other. That was evident. "I wuiit you to know evorytbinff about my my experiences with the man how I eumo to spend the night in his apartment. Ho had drugged me," Vernon was say ing haltingly to Terry, Terry was holding nom ner hands tight in his own. "I love you, onion, l loved you ngm Irom the very beginning. "And 1 hate this stupid MV this whirling around with people who really look down on us who only waul us for, our money I want you for yourself, urnon. 1 won't accept one nioVd from von.'' Terry asserted, "I earn plenty for both of us." "You n wonderful. 1 don't know w hal you see in me. I've been such a fool so carried away by Park a euue and all. "I love you because yon re yon. You're what I want. I saw right through the surfaces, darling, to the real woman." Terry drew her into his arms und kissed her re peatedly. "My adorable girl!" I love you, Terry. Ktss me again. IAm'1 stop klsslug me," JANUARY .9, 1937. We're eoiut? to blod io a min ute ana eei right Into my car and unvo up td ureenwlch, Yenwn uud this night be married!" "Ob, Terry id love io uui moiher-r" bne 11 agree once the deed a done and lis al lover, bne'll have matte uie uesi oi a, uau utu Bain-" ..... " ,.A ...... You're . not a baa bargain. You're clever and handsome and simply wonderful!", , ,, . T,,( , .. ierry rose, i m eoing qirecuy in and tell your fattier what we're going to do tonight." . , No, darling not now he might stop us I couldn't bear mat!" .. . but Jake Tyson, full of sym-1 putny for both, ami Impelled by bis love for his daughter, hail stolen to the open door of the dining room ; and heard the Greenwich pro : poeaH As he tiptOBU back Into the din ing room, he decided then and mere that this was the best thing mat could happen. It would end me Park avenue struggle which be loathed with all his simple heart fin a it would bring real' happiness to Vernon, for he knew Intuitively that she did love this young chap. were going for a little ride. darling," said Vernon to him at this moment, poking her heud in aide the dining room door. "Don't be alarmed if we're gone a couple of hours. We'll be right back." Jake made no demur . at the strangeness of this suggestion. But no nodded, nis eyes twinkled sympathetically. , The clock was chiming a quarter to three in the morning when Ver non returned, to the apartment on the army ot her Ierry. Mrs. Tyson, nervous . after the raid, was .awake, and Juke sitting with her. ....... , , , "Mother darling'," .exclaimed Ver non as she entered the bedroom. and stilt clinging to Terry, "1 want you to call off my" comtng-out-purty auu tjeuu out oiner announce ments " "Announcements? Of w h a t?" gasped Sadie, staring at tho young couple. "Of our marriage, da'ilng. Terry and I Just drove up to Greenwich we're married, mother! Oh, darl ing, won't you pleflBe congratulate us? I' niso happy?" "Married?" "Mrs. Tyson Mr. Tyson," Terry cut in, with shining eyes, 'will you forgive us? I'll take tho greatest care of her. I'll honestly devote my life to making her happy.'' "Ulesa you, my children," said lake. "Row we 'cun go right bnck hom; and live where we belong in Texas, Sadie! From now on, we're going to give this Park ave nue stuff the go-by!" To Vernon's aslonfshment, and Jake'ii too. Mrs. Tvson held out her arms to her daughter und son- 111-1UW. .... "It's all for the best," she de clare i, 'I'm real glad I've a good reason now for calling off that dee-boo-tautic- fairly!" THE LNH PINE GROVE CHURCH PROGRAM CANCELED Uecmiso of the death of Mrs. Sarah Hunter of South Door creek, tile potluck dinner, und aft ernoon service scheduled for Sun duy nt the Pine Grove church Ht uixonviiie nas Been canceled. The service,. featuring a sermon by Rev. i. Kaynor Smith of Roseburg, will Be held Sunday, January 17. BARN DANCE The big benefit barn dance at Preschern'8 new barn has been postpone from Saturday, January 9, to'. Wednesday, Juuuary 13. Everybody Invited and everybody assured a good time. (Adv.l., ilY ...COMMITTEE. STATEMENT dt' THE CONDlflON OF THE DOUGLAS NATIONAL BANK Established 1883 ROSEBURG, OREGON X rriae id tii Comptroller of the Curre'ricy December 31, 1936 RESOUK'tkS Conns ,an'd bisco'unts $ 5.96,96.66 United Haiti Securities 342,564.00 Other Bonds and Warrants 348,042. 6S Federal Reserve Bank Stock 3,900.00 Federal Insurance Fund .1,653.07 Banking Premises 72,350.00 Othei1 Real Estate .-. 49,873.86 Cash and Due from Banks ..." 582!8 1 4.22 Capital Slock Surplus Dividend Reserves ,. Undivided Profits Oej6aits J. it. MttiTii. Prcshlcnt HARRIK . BOOTH. Vice-President G. V. Wl.MIIKftLY, Vldo-l'resldcut One of the Home owned bunks of Douglas County, that for more than naif n century has led in the development of the Umpqua Valley. Member Federal Deposit insurance Corporation The Oldest Bank in Southern 6regon FIRST EAGLES CLUB Either Canyonvllle or Sutherlln has ao opportunity to become the first conimgnlty In . the United 8tates o orgaulie an Eagles" club, According to Dr. II. B. Scofleld, secretary of (he Eagles lodge here. The honor will go to the commu nity which first completes Its or ganization efforts, now being made. ,. According to authorliation given at the last national convention of the lodge;, communities may or ganize clubs of 25 or more lodge members. These rlubs may main tain medical service and bold their own meetings. The plan originated in Oicgou Charter Nov 9'423 , . Reserve' Olstrlcit No. ii r. REPORT OF CONDITIO OF THE . Douglas National Bank . oi Rosebu'ra'i In tne stata of Oregon, at the close of business . . on December v'i 1936. . . ., . . . (Published In response to call. made. by Comptroller, of. tho Curroncy, under Section 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes) , , , , , , , ASSETS , 1. Loans aud discounts 598,776.58 2. Overdrafts , ., ,. 120.10 3. United States Government obligations, direct andor . (Ully guaranteed ..r...,..., 312,561.00 f. Other bonds, stocks, and securities' .:. ,. , 351,9(2.63 i. Banking house, 1 19,200. Furniture and fixtures, f23,I50.... 73,350.00 7. Real estate .pwned other than banking house '.. I9,S73.B6 8. Reserve with Federal Reserve bank .... 125,479.02 9. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash Items in pro- . . . . cess, of, collection . 4'56,676.62 10. Cash items not fa process of collection' W4.SV IX .Other assets 1,053.67 Total Assets . . i.iAmi.iTfES 14'. Demand: deposits of individuals', partnerships, and cb'f. . . , - porations ,. 830,328.79' 10.' Time' deposits of Individuals, .partnerships,' Slid corpora tions .... ,. , 587,l(!0.1jf 16. State, county, and municipal, deposits 214,915.(1 17. United States Government aiid postal savings deposits. .. 5,631.91 18. Deposits of other banks, Including certified arid cashier's , . checks outstanding 168,721.15 Total of items J4 to' 18, Inclusive: . . (a) Secured by pledge of loans andor Investments 175,421.27 (b) Not secured by pledge ot loans andor investments' 1,637,367.13 " . .. (e). .- Total Deposits $1,812,788.10 28. Dividends declared but not yet pa'yuble and amounts set asldo for dividends not declared 30. Capital account: Class A preferred stock, 500 shares, par 3100.00 per share,- retircablo at 5100.00 per snare;, common stock, 500 ,. 1100,00 per share Surplus Undivided profits net Preferred stock retirement Total Capital Account Total Liabilities ISIEMORANDUM,; Loans and Investments Pledged to' Secure Liabilities United States Government obligations, direct aiidof 31. fully guaranteed k ..I..,: ..,! ...:.. - S.OOO.Ot 32. Other bond's, stocks, and securities 210,828.50 34. Total Pledged (excluding 35. Pledged: (01) Against United States sayings deposits (b) Against State, county, and . (h) Total Pledged s 218,828.50 State of Oregon, County of Douglas, as: I, p. S. Booth, cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the 4bove statement Is true to the best of ttry knowledge and belief. Sworn tp and subscribed before me this 8th day of January, 1937. (Seal) H. O'. PAROETER, , . , . , Notary Public. My commission expires June 13, 1939.., , , ... LlABLITIES OFflCEftS KliWIN S. POOTH, Cashier V. J. MICKLLI. Asslstunt cashier OHOltUU KOilLHAGEN, Director O an4 wai .adopted, .by the l.ri?il lodge, but as yet do such club have been completed. Organiza tion work uf now In pKfgresi in both Ctnjronymv an4 .Svtberln,; where the Roseburg lodge baa many members, and each Is work ing hard to be the (lrst In tbe country. The, Roseburg lodge is. preparing to take $0 or more candidates to Marsbfield January 12, where ini tiation, ceremonies will be con ducted by Dr. H. B. Harrbman ot Sacramento, grand worthy pres dent. A bus is being chartered to provide transportation for the can didates. The last meeting of the Roseburg lodge was followed by a smoker; winch featured two four-round ex hibltion bouts, one by Joe Corbett of Roseburg, and Billy Karris of Rockford, Conn., tbe other by Olea Stephens and Young Colilson, both of Roseburg. ....f 2,000,091.48 3,000.00 shares, par $100,000.00 fund . 50,000.00 29.306.0S 5,000.00 $ 181,306.08 2,OOb,09l.4J rcdlccounts) ..? 218,838.50 Government and postal . s n.nnnnn municipal deposits ...... 210,828.56 E. S. BOOTH, Cashier. CORRECT Attest: J. H. BOOTH, GEO. KOHLHAfcEN, G. V. WIMBERLY, Directors. . $2,000,094.48 $ 100,000.00 50,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 39' 306 08 .' ,812,78d.40' - $2,000,094.48