ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, SATURDAY. JANUARY 2, 1937. TWO soxcdew By Social Calendar Monday, January 4 B. P. W. Glee club lo moot lit 7:30 lu evening at Htudlo ut the director, Mrs. Charlos A. Brand. Fullerton P.-T. A. will meet Ut lour o'clock in afternoon for busi ness session at tho schoolhouse. Alls. W. H. llaillle aill bo In charge o the afternoon. Lungcnberg tun uuu ucrubutlc dunce studio to re-open, alter boll duys, at the Moose hull. I'ust I'residunis clul) ufteruuou meeting ut two oclocit at nome 01 hub. nuuert Wright. tit. GeorgoB upifccopul guild meeting ut two o'cluci in aiteiuoon ut H. it. llraud Home in went Rosoburg witu Mrs. tlruud uuu Mrs. Leolle cuuiniings joint hos tesses. Junior Woman's ciuu business llieuting ut s o clock ul ciuutiouse. Tuo executive coiumillcu will meet u4 7 o'clock ul curl's Tavern also. Tuasday, January a Executive meeting pt ItoHeburg Womuus club to ho hold ut I o'clock luncheon at Itose Hotel. iKmebuw Woman's club 1:30 o'clock dessci t-luuciieon at ciiih liouse Willi members ot the Guidon Valley Women's club invited us guests, lloli-oall topics. Program on Juturnulionul It e I a 1 1 o ns," in churge or Airs. C. K. Roberts. cliorul club practice ut ten o'clock ut studio ot director, Airs. Milium llullurd. .Dr, ii.; U. Dunn's non-denoiniuu-tlonul lllblo class will meet ut 7:46 o'clock In evening at Douglas hotel dining hall to lake up the study ot "Future Aspects of the UayliHc Klngdoiu." Anyone lntor cslud ts Ilium, cordially invited to uttoiul. i ' f Eagles auxiliary special ineuling at, Muecubee liull- Aorlo will serve u Dutch lunch following the auxil iary business session. ' .. : Wednesday, January 0 : Wluo .c)iclo, Nelghliors oV Wood craft, nubile iustuliulluu at 7:3" at 1. u: O. 1''. hall wlili grand guar dian. Mluulo L. lllnur, t'orlhind, lis lnululllng officer, assisted by I'aul JJuavur. A li:3u o'clock. no-boat din ner will bo held tor the inumliei'3 it the Umpqua hotel pruceulUK the Instullutioii cereiuuiiy. Airs. Laura Hounslioll In ohuruo ot evening's program. ',...; - Sunflower chili of Itoherts cruek t. in.,..!, il Pnl-Ler houie. South Kn4 -Sortul cub to meet In uUornooh 'lit home of Mi'ti. A. .1. McOullooii on Mill mroot., M. O. A, club nCleriiuon lueetlng It home of Mrs, C. T. Tipton in Ouks addition.. Kosoburg Art unil Embroidery club afternoon mooting; at Homo of Alia. Marl Uecker at I'M Eust Fust Avenue North. Now Idea club ono o'clock lunch eon ami meeting al the homo of Mrs. W. 1). Huirls. Thursday, January 7 Florence Nlgntlinsulo Tent, No. 15, Lluughtors of Union Veterans of tbo Civil War, lsin-1865, instal lation of 11137 officers at 7:3U o'clock at armory. Alelrose Home Economics club ull-duy meeting ut home of Mrs. Kthul llusonburk wltn Miss Jessie Pulmitor, H. Ii. ileiiionstriitor from Oregon Stiiio college extension service, In charge, l'otluck luuch cou at noon. 0. H. unil K. club evening mool lng mid Christinas party at the Ar thur Hudnoll home ut 111 North Huso street. Husbands of members invited us guests. Ilifts to he ex changed. l'utcli and Chut chili In meet ul the homo of Mrs. II. II. Ilcss. (linden Valley Women's club af ternoon meeting ul clubhouse wllh Airs. II. A. Utlerbuck acting us hos tess. Eustorn Star business meeting lit 8 o'clock ul Masonic temple. LiulliM of Country club to ineut lit IIP o'clock lu morning ul chili- Iioiibo for bridge. I' luncheon lit noon. Annual chamber or commerce slx-thlrty o'cioik dinner in lobby of t'mpqlln hiltel. Public cnidlully ilivited. Tickets on sale at either the chamber of i innineiie office or ut the Hotel I'mpiiua. Friday, January 8 Sewing club 1:30 o'clock dossoit liinrhcou at home of Mrs. Vli-ior Clark. W. C. T. U. and Youth's Tom lierance Council Joint liiHiltulo nl ternnoii and evening at M. K. Church, Kuuth. Sylmoll Valley club iillcrlioon meeting ut heme of Mis. Max Meyers. Keystone club In meet ul two o'clock lu nfiornmii at Humid Mr Kny home on West Flr.t street villi Mrs. McKay and Mrs. Kd Jlorgcn, hostesses. Saturday, January 9 Special meeting of tieurge Slur litui' iiiixtllnry lor ptui-llco at two o'clock lu aftei'iiooir at nriuory. i't o D. OF U. V. TO INSTALL OFFICERS NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT Florence Nightingale Tent No. J 5. Daughters or I'lilon Veterans ol the Civil War. ISKI-IKilS. will have insliillallon of the IM7 efll ' al H meeting at ":3ii o'eloek next Thursday evening nl the nriuory. Kveiy member Is being urged to lie present. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET AT BRAND HOME NEXT MONDAY AFTERNOON The members of St. George's Isiilsornul guild will n I ul two o'idork next Monday alterneon al tlS It. It. '9. and hO.uCD.n West lioseburg With Mrs. linnet mid Airs. Leslie Ciimmlngs ucllug us LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MISS LOLA DALE PICKENS MARRIES IN SALEM ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON A beautiful wedding or the holi day season was solemnized at the K. H. Pickens residence in Salem Sunday afternoon at four o'clock when ,Mis Lola Uale Pickens, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. K. H. Pickens, became the bride of Hrew er Mills, sou of J. II. Mills of Murshfteld. Itov. Arno Q. Weniger lead the iiiiprcisive service in the presence of tile two Immediate fumlliea and a few close friends. Airs. Harry Harms sang "lie cause" and "At Dawning" preced ing, the ceremony. Miss Doris Hchunke played the wedding marches. The improvised altar was love ly with palms, fern and tull white tapers. The bride, who was glvon In marriage by her father, wore a princess model of white satin, rasliioned with long sleeves and short train. Her tulle veil was caught tu her head by a coronet of braided saliii. She curried u shower boutpiei. .Miss Pickens', future Btsler-ln-law, Miss Jeanno Mills of .Marsh Held, was .muld of honor. Aliss Alllls wore a gown of yellow net, made nrlncess style, and carried an arm bouquet ot pink flowers. Miss Loree Ilurhuin und Miss Cliirtt Jane Harms were the brides. mulds. They wore identical trucks of golden peach taffeta ami carried yellow chrysanthemums. Mule Unrbara Jane Taylor, daughter of Hie J. Dale Taylors, was flower girl. ne was orusseu xaetly Iko the bridesmaids and curried n colonial nosegay. Hobert l'lckeus wub best man. A large reception followed the ceremony, with friends und rela tives being naked to cull Informal ly at the Pickens residence. At the serving taoie were ana. n. 10. Sisson, Mrs. J. II. Alllls ol Marslillelil, Mrs. .1. Dale Taylor, Mrs. M. U. Irish of Kuguiio, Airs, ltoliorl Travis or McAliiinvllle, Mrs. .1. Ij, McCllntock of Longvlew. Airs. Karl Alllls cut the wedding cake. Assisting In serving were Allss June lllshoii und MIbs Juilll Itoli- erls, both of Portland, Mrc. Clink Jackson of Woodbllru, .Mrs. ma Ilvrd of Itosehurg. Airs. Chester Pickens, Mrs. Lellqy Ituilln, Aliss Virginia Wiissam, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Jr., ot White Salmon. Wash., Miss Prances Jensen. MIbs Flor ence Foster, Mrs. Kay Umber, Miss Audreniiue Reynolds, Aliss llertha Dnlicock." 'Mrs. Iiiiikli of -Turnor, iMliia-Alary Kllzuhlilh Sisson re ceived tho guests und Miss Betty Jean Pickens dispensed the wed ding cako, ' For going nway the bride wore n tile knitted suit wllh linger tip length coat und brown accessories. After a short wedding trip Ihe couple will be at home III Collage drove, where .Mr. Alius la in ousi ness. Aliss Pickens attended Oregon Stale college and Is alllllated Willi Sigma Kappa sorority. Air. Mills also attended Oregon Slate college. WOODCRAFT TO HOLD PUBLIC INSTALLATION NEXT WEDNESDAY NIGHT The geueriil public -aas. been In vited lo enjoy the open Insinua tion of officers mooting of Lilac Circle No. 411. Noighbora of Wood craft, lo be held at 7:30 o'clock next Wednesday night ut the I. O, O. F. hull. Mrs. Allnule L. Iliiier. grand Miinrditin, of Portland, will act us Installing oltleer and will be us sisted by Paul Heaver. Preceding the Installation the members will enjoy a six-thirty o'clock no-host dinner at the llolel l-mpuua. The piogrum lor the evening will lie lu cluugc of Mrs. Luuru Iloillishell. O o EXECUTIVE LUNCHEON TO BE HELD AT HOTEL ROSE NEXT TUESDAY NOON The .lanuury executive meeting of the itosehurg Woman's club will he held ut 12 o'clock next Tll-.'.sduy noon at the Hotel itose. Those asked lo he present for Ibis meeting include Mrs. W. M. Camp bel!. presidenl. .Mis. Waller Fish er. .Mis. Si-ntl Williams, Mrs. Furl I'llilcll. Mis. .1. 11. Foley. Mrs. Tiioinus Pui-kiit.-Mm, Mrs. A. c. .Mul'Hters, Mrs. l-'oHler lllltner, Mrs. 1 1. iKohlllllgell, Sr.. Mi s'. Hel l 111! I'lliTott, Mrs. C. II. Hiilley. Mrs. William Hell and Mrs. W. K. (Ul. EAGLES AUXILIARY TO HOLD SPECIAL MEETING NEXT TUESDAY NIGHT Tin- Funics auxiliary tins called a special meet lug lor next Tues day evening to be held nl the M.ic rahee tin 1 1. Ail mi'itihers an urged lo be present. Following the aux iliary meeting the Aelie will serve a luilcll luai-ll. There will be no meeting of Hie auxiliary .lanuuiy Vi on lu-eouut of the dlrttrlvt eoliveiulnn lo he held at .Miiishrield on that dale. MRS. W. D. HARRIS WILL ENTERTAIN NEW IDEA CLUB NEXT WEDNESDAY The Hist regulnr meeting of Ihe New Iden i lob lor Hie new year w ill )v- ii one o'elnt-k lllllelieon next ednei.diiy altei nooii at the home ol Mis. W. i. Hauls, to which all inemliels bale been most i-nrdlnlly linili-d. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB TO MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The lloM'bitl ii Alt und Finlirold cry club bus aiitlnunietl it next meeting dale Inr edilesdax. .lan uury I. lo l lo'l'l III Hie llllet-liee'l lit Ihe home of Mrs. Full iH'.-ker ut 730 Fust First avenue North. All members are urifrd lo be pres ent. o O ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY OF THIMBLE CLUB IS HELD AT KROGEL HOME MONDAY Mrs. Lawrence Krogel and Mrs. Harry Lohr entertained the Neigh bors of Woodcraft Thimble club at the foriner'8 home on Mice street .Monday, the event being the club's annual Christum? parly and ex change of gifts. A large Christmas tree was also enjoyed. A -anon busiuesB meeting was held, lollowed by Mrs. tiruber playing several piano selections. The Christinas guine prize lor the afternoon was won by Alra. Cruber, and Mrs. Arthur Hudneli winning the club prise and Mrs. IS. H. Wil liams on the lea towels. A lovely supper waa served by .Mrs. Krogel und Mrs. Lohr to .Mis. Virginia Cruber and Airs. George Howls, guests, and the members, Mrs. Myrtle Norwood, Airs, iiullle Neal, Airs. Klsle McComas, Mrs. William Black, Mrs. Sophia Weav er, Airs. Anna Dowel!, Airs. Laura llounsliell, Alra. Martha Krskine, .Mrs. IJslon Darby, Airs. Peter Cruuimett, Airs. Lydia Huoper, .Mrs. Nan Hulburl, .Mrs. Aluud Jen nings, Mrs. C. W. Owen, Mrs. Ar thur Hudne . Airs. K. 11. Williams and Airs. Jaipes T. .Miller. The next meeting will- be elec tion of officers and will be held ut the borne of Airs. James T. Alil- ter on South Stephens street with .Mrs. k;. it. Williams ua hoBtess, January 11, MISS FERN SCOTT AND FRANK GRUBBE ARE MARRIED HERE SUNDAY Miss Fern Scott and Frank Crulihe were married at a beauti ful und - impressive wedding at elgbt-loity-five o'clock Sunday eve ning, December 27, ut the First Presbyterian uiuuse. Hev. W. C. Fuiteeile, pastor of the church. pertormed the ceremony lu the' preaeuce of only u few relatives and close friends. Tile bride was lovely In a peach tiifietn formal frock, while her sister, Airs. Kaudall Pine, who was matron of honor, wus attractive in a formal dress of blue silk crepe. Lenoir Urubbe ucted as best uiau lo his brother. Following the Impressive wed ding ceremony, a reception 'and dinner was held at Hie Hotel Itosu. Tile tables were beautifully deco rated with bowls of holly, tall red lighted tapers and attraction holi day motif favors. Airs, (irubhe is a very well known Douglas county teacher and at. present- Is the leaeher of the '-(Jar-den Valley school, where site will complete her year of leadline. Air. Urubbe, Who Is prominently Known hero us u Hue singer, ope rates u runch ut Wilbur, where tliuy will make their home. christmas'club'has annual holiday dinner and party monday night The Christmas club members and llieir husbands enjoyed llielr aiiuual holiday dinner ut aevun o clock at the Hotel Utupquu Mon thly uveiilug. The dinner was serv ed lu the civic room, where covers ware pluceil ul a table beautifully appointed In Ihe Chiistmus motif. Those present included Dr. and Ali-s. II. C. Church, Air. unit Mrs. II. o. Purguter, .Mr. and Airs. t,uy Cordon, .Mr. and Airs. Ivan Pick ens, Dr. und .Mrs. C. II. Wade, Dr. and .Mrs. Clair K. Alluu. Dr. aud Airs. D. H. Bubur, Air. und Airs. J. It. Wliiirtoii, Mr. and Airs. L. U. AlcCliuiock, .Mr. and Mrs. (). Al. Ilerrle, Air. and Mrs. Kenneth IJulne uud Air. and Mrs. It. D-iu-iilges. Fuliowing Ihe delightful dinner puny me group went to the intui tive homu ot l)r. und Airs. Church in Lailrelwood for Hie nuiiiiiil ( liristiniis parly. Uuy Cordon, act ing us Sama Chilis, distributed the Christmas gills, alter which curds and visiting were enjoyed. The rooms of ine Church Home wore beautifully decorated In the holi day motif. THIRTIETH HOLIDAY ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATED BY GROUP AT GLENUALE A very .Merry Chi trliuas wns en joyed lor Hie thirtieth consecutive year by a group of relatives ut the hniiie ot Mr. mid Airs. W. T. Siultn al Uleudale last Fritluy. Those present tor tue enjoyuble occnsioii included Mr. and Airs. W. I. Smith and children, .Mr. und Mrs. A. J. Smith, of tllelldale. Mr. and Airs. A. It. Fstes, ol Tilleut. Mr. and .Mrs. II. W. Cluck, nl Itose hurg. The grandchildren present were Mr. nil, I Mrs. II. L. Slnllb and .Miss .Marguerite Smith, ol lllelldale, .Miss Hiilda Fsles, of latent, unit one great-grandchild, Clifford Smith, of Uleudiile. MR. AND MRS. MORGAN CELEBRATE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS Air. and .Mrs. T. W. .Morgan, of Loolvliiggluss, eiiteilnllied u num ber of ivlullves at a lovely six Ihirty o'clock dinner nl their Inline Christmas In eelelirale Hie lourltl decade ol their wedding. The table, cornered by a mirroi holding u plcluie selling repre seining u forest, wns circled by reindeer. Santa CIimis uud tall lighted red tapers. CoveiH were arranged for Mr. and .Mis. T. V. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs, H. M, Lehman and daughter. Nulley, Mrs. K. L. Hodges und chll rlren. Sonny. Colleen and Shirley and .Mr. and Mrs. It. I.'. Paulson and son. Toiiituv. Mr. and Alls. Booth l.rt'lurc. of Poilluud. and Mis. Alma 1-el'lun liil'iueily of Hollywood, lulled in Hie ovenlny lo congrittulule Mr. and Mrs Morgan. Many lovely ulfts wen- presented lo Air. uud Mrs .Morgan ill lienor or the oc CilhlOU. MI8S LURA PINKSTON AND J. WILL OEARDORFF MARRY SUNDAY AFTERNOON Atlas Una Pmustou, ol (Jutland, am) J. Will Deardorfi', of Portland, were married at u pretty borne wedding Sunday afternoon, Decem ber 37, at the resideuee of Mr. and Alra. italph Sands at Wilbur. To the strains ot the wedding march, played by Mrs. Italpu Sanda, the couple, attended by tbe bride's brotber aud sister-in-law. Air. aud Alra. Lloyd Piukstau, took their places before an improxUeu altar, wbtcb was bunked by green ery, itev. Thomas itobinson, of the Oakland Commuuity church, read the impressive and beautiful wedding service. ' Following the ceremony Mrs. Sanda served a wedding luncheon ut a beautifully appointed table. where covers were placed for the bride and bridegroom, Rev. Air. Itobinson, Mrs. Keiia Itohinson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Plnknon, Mr. and Airs. Frank Uorrell and Air. and Airs. Sands. The bride 1b a prominent and popular Oakland girl and a daugh ter of the late Mr. and Alra. K. H. Plnkston. Mr. Dcardorff, a former resident of Oakland, has been milking his home lu Portland for the past several years. For the present Air. and Mrs. Dearuorti will make their home in Oakland. MISS CRYSTAL RYDELL AND HAROLD CLOAKE MARRY DECEMBER 24TH Aliss Crystal ltydell, daughter of Airs. lOllene ltydell, and Harold Cloake, son of Air. and Mi's. Alfred Clouke, were married ut a quiet ceremony Thursduy morning at eight o'clock, December 24, at the First Presbyterian manse. tlov. W. C. Faucette, pastor of the church, performed the cere mony in the presence of Airs. Al fred Cloake and Mrs. Eleene lty dell, mothers ot the couple, und the brides slstur, Airs, llcglnaid Erskinc, und Itegluald Fisklne, who acted as attendants. Bolh Air. and Mrs. Cloake are prominent members ot the younger Bet of this city. Tho bride, who la a Douglua county teacher, Ib an ac tive member of tiio Junior Wom an's club. Air. Cloake, a graduate of lioseburg high school, is em ployed by the Lune, ' btophcus struct Stuudurd Stations, Inc., stul Hon. Mr. and Airs. Clouko left for Sun Francisco on their wedding trip following the wedding ceremony. Upon their return to Jloaeburg they will he ut home to llieir friends in the Northsido apart muttts. ift !- w NEW IDEA CLUB HAS CHARMING CHRISTMAS PARTY AND LUNCHEON Mrs. F. H. Applehoff and .Mrs. V. It. Hi'ckiuguum were jolut hos tesses ut a very charming one o'clock luncheon, uud Christmas purty at the former s home Wed- uesilay ufternoou tor the New Idea club. The rooms woro beautifully, deca-, ruled in tho holy motif, while the luncheon table wus especially lovely with frosted greenery, pine. cones uud tull lighted green tu ners. Covers were nruugod for Mrs. S. A. Snnford und Mrs. Forrest Jones, guests, .Miss Dotty Anne Faulkner, Mrs. C. E. Murks, Mrs. Curtis Cut kins, Mrs. W. D. Harris. Mrs. John H. Porter, Mrs. It. H. Williams and tiio hostesses, Mrs. Applehotr und Mrs. Hucklnghnm. Christinas gltts woro exehiingod following the luncheon, utter which a very pleasant social hour . waa enjoyed. The next regular ' one. o'clock luncheon meeting of the club will bo held Junuury 6 at thCi homo ot Airs. W. I). Hurrls. i'? -,'f CHRISTMAS PARTY AND DINNER ENJOYED AT CLIFFORD THORNTON CABIN A very delightful liohost two o'clock dinner and Christmas piirly was enjoyed at tho Clifford Thornton cabin near Canyonvllle Friday. Covers were arranged for Airs. S. I. Thornton, Clifford Thorn ion, .Mr. und Airs. Walter Single ton. Ford Singleton. Air. and Airs John Atterbury, Air. and Mrs. Hur- luil Atterbury of Hie Dalles, Mr. and Airs. Clifford Pitrrott and laughter l'eggy. .Mis. Kva Thorn ton und Theron Thornton of I o- lllille. Aliss Hess Barker, Miss Alary Anne Iteed of .Me.Mlnnvlllo, mid Aaron Salxmiin. Curds and visiting were enjoyed- during tlte pleasant afternoon and evening hours. :..( NO-HOST BUFFET SUPPER ENJOYED AT WILLIAMS HOME NEW YEAR'S EVE ,V delightful New Year's eve no host buffet supper was enjoyed ul the home of .Mr. und .Mrs. C. Wes ley Williams. Those enjoying the oecasioti Included Mr. and Airs. (Joy Cordon, .Mr. and Mrs. Garland ties. .Mr. und Airs. I . Al. Lee. Air. and .Mrs. Krnle Patterson and M and Airs. Williams. Following the supper party the grollli attended the Klks show and New Year a dance at the l-.lks tem ple. MELROSE AND COMMUNITY LADIES INVITED TO ATTEND EXTENSION SERVICE MEETING Clllvorslty extension unit for .Melrose nud surrounding districts will meet on Thursday. Julluury ill the home of Airs. T. H. Ilusen hark from 10:3(1 to 3:00. There will he a study of home furnish lugs under the direelion ot Miss Jessie Puluiller. .Members are r nuested to tiring scissors and pen cil. SOUTH END SOCIAL CLUB TO MEET NEXT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The 3iuth Kml Social club will nuM-t next WY(lntMilay HlU'iumin tit tho liouu nf Mrs. A. .1. Mci'iillot nn Mill stvi'ft. All uhmiUhms v moHt ronliully luvltcil Ui lif wv IMlt. fiLLERTON P.-T. A. WILL MEET MONDAY AFTEWtiOON All nu-mlu'iK of KulliMum P.-T A. ii ml HnyoiH tiitrrrsttMl mv lu-iiiR four nYlot'k ntwt Monday lifter noon to hi1 boh) ut tlte school lions Mi-. II. Uuillk wi!! b in clmrtUN Three Tied for IvirirtnIA VrrtH . W 1 Porto Kwr - jvirgtnto StaunT Competition for the honor of rclgrdng u "Mlsa Radio of 1937" was ao ken that Nils T. Granlund, famous showman and presiding Judge, waa forced to select three comely ether stars. Virginia Ver-. ill, left, was chosen as the perfect exotic type; MRS. P. M. LEE IS HOSTESS TO CLUB AT SALAD LUNCHEON Airs. P. .M. Lee was u very gra cious hostess Wednesday, when she entertained her ..ridge club at a lovely one-tnlrty o'clock eulad luncheon ut uer attractive home on East Uougias street. The taDlo. covered by a gorgeous luce cloth, was centered by a low howl of ho v. while the china serv ice wus entirely carried out in delf blue. Covers were arranged tor Airs. H. H. Turner, Mrs. A., 11. Tavlor. Airs. Paul Warren, -Mrs. George Singleton, Mrs. L. Al. Lilly, Airs. A. J. lilllson, Mrs. Frederick Porter and the hostess, Airs. L,ee. Contract bridge was enjoyed dur ing the afternoon hours with Mrs. Wan-eu winning me prize lor nign score. MR. AND MRS. COLLINS HONORED AT DINNER ON FIRST WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Air. mid .Mrs. Charles Collins eotmilimelllod 11L a vel'V 10V6- Iv diiiner ourfv nivon by Air. add Mrs. J. Ii. Wharton at their home on Kast DoukIiis streot Tuesday eveulng, tho occasion marking the first wei i Iiik anniveroury ot toe honored guests. Covui-b wero olaced at a heuuti fully ttiiuoluted tublo for Mr. and Mrs. Col lis. Aliss lletty BlloenuiK- er. Alios Klizabelh Williams, Bill Wharton, Carter Sliankliii und Mr, and Mrs. .1. It. Wharton. (litis were presented to Mr. una Mrs. Collins und the ovoning wus spent in visiting. REV. AND MRS. SMITH ENTERTAIN CHOIR AT LOVELY BUFFET SUPPER The choir of St. (ieorge s bpisco- pal church presented its Christ mas music ut Riddle Sunday, after which the members roluriiod to KoscburK, where they wore guests at a very charming bullet supper clvon by Uev. and .Mrs. Perry Smith at tholr homo on turn diss street. Those enjoying the surper witn Hev. am Mrs. 'Smith included Mr and -Mrs. Will II. Oerotsen, Air. and Airs. Thomas Parkinson, Air. iind .Mrs. T. O. Watson. Mr. and Airs. It. It. Brand, Dr. and Mrs. H. c. Church. Mr. und Mrs. K. A. Post, Mr. and -Mrs. Frunklyn voyl, Air. and Mrs. It. D. Williams. .Mrs. Jen nie Warren, ot McAlinnville, Mrs. Paul Warren. Mrs. Ward Cum- mlniru und -Miss Klizabelh Wil liams. NO HOST AFFAIR Is ENJOYED AT HOUCK HOME SUNDAY EVENING A deliishlful no-host dinner purty wus enjoyed Sunday evenins ul the itlirnctivo home ot Or. und Mrs. (ieoriio K. lloueli on isoulli sienbeiis street. Covers were runged ut a bountifully appointed inb e for nr. and Airs. v.. J. uacn- Mr. and Airs. Al. 11. tircen. Air. and -Mrs. J. I-:. Sawyers und nr. and Airs. Houck. A pleasant social evening fol lowed the dinner hour. ANNUAL C. OF C. DINNER TO BE HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 Next Thursday evening. January . marks the date of the aunllal hauther of commerce dinner to he held 111 Hie lobby of the l-mp- iiia hotel and to which Ihe sonerai public bus been most cordially In- vlled. Tickets for this annual six-thirty o'clock dinuer uieetHiR may be purchased at either the Hotel rmpnuu or the chamber of com merce office. M. O. A. CLUB TO MEET AT TIPTON HOME NEXT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON The Al. I). A. club will meet next Wednesdav afternoon at the homo of Airs. C. T. Tipton in Daks addition. A very pleasant social attet-noon has. been planned and all members are most cordially Invit ed to he present. SYLMON VALLEY CLUB TO MEET NEXT FRIDAY The Svlnion Valley club will meet next Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. .Mux Meyers. All meiulHMa ai-e most cordially invit ed to he l'l cselll. Honor of "Miss MR. AND MRS. WORTHINGTON ENTERTAIN AT HOLIDAY DINNER CHRISTMAS DAY " . Mr. and Mrs. Vade Worthington were hosts to their combined pa rental families and friends for Christmas dinner at one o'clock ut their home in Canyonville. Covers were arranged for nr., and Mrs. Alex Worthlngton, otl Cauyouvillo; Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Conn, oC Alelrose; Mr. and Mrs. Ora Condi-ay and daughter, Col leen, of Asulca; Mr. and Mrs. How ard Ureen, Mr, and Mrs. Hnlph Weaver and Mr. und Mrs. Elviu Pickett uud sons, Kdwurd and Charles, all of Canyonville; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Worthlngton, of Roseburg; Mrs. Barbara Johnson, of Wolf Creek; Miss PriBcilltt Worthlngton, Everett Weseinuu and Curt Blystone, all of Canyon ville;. Harold Green, of Klamath Falls; Walter Maloney, of Walk Creek; Mike Palodlna, of Salinas, Calif.; W. 11. Clark, of Klamath Falls; Miss Evelyn Clark, of Keno, and Mr. and .Mrs. Wude Worthlng ton and daughter, Beverly Jean, and sou, Wade, Jr. if NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYEES HAS BUSINESS AND SOCIAL MEET The National Federation of Fed eral Employes, local uulon No. 459, held thoir rcgulur meeting and election of olflcers at the Episco pal purish house Friday, Decem ber 18. Officers elected for the en suing year were Clarence K. Rand, president; Paul R. Uenipsey, first vice-president; Evelyn G. Breckeu ridge, second viedpresident; R. E. Crawford, secreutry-treusurer, aud Harold Flckenaclier, ,guardlan. After the business meeting u Christmas party was enjoyed. The room wus very attractively deco rated in keeping wilii the holiday spirit. Tho evening wus spent in playing games, with Mrs. Qeraldine S'leehoy in charge, usslstcd by Airs. Ottilia K. Astitou. .Later in the evening gifts wore exchanged. At a late hour delicious refresh ments wero served to seventeen members und eight visitors. The ladies' door prize was won b. Mrs. Louis Itftter and Hue men's door prize by Hurold Fiekeuscher ft CHRISTMAS PARTY HELD MONDAY EVENING BY GEORGE STARMER AUXILIARY The George Stunner auxiliary to united biuilllsh War Veteruns en tertained the comrades - at a de lightful Christmas party Monday evening at tho armory. Airs. Lo- noru Adams was general chairman of the program and arrangements for the affair. Miss Vera Gorthy played piano selections; Winniford Coffell sang and presented tap dances accom panied by Kathryu DeLapp; Airs. Paul Dempsey jinve n rending and the lioseburg "Stranglers." (Sam Mctilaughey, Alfred "Toots" X.cnor and Fred I.ongl gave musical se lections and following ihe ex change of Christmas gifts, the lat ter three played for dancing, after which tho auxiliary members serv ed refreshments. About thirty en Jovcd the affair. o s W. C. T. U. TO HOLD JOINT INSTITUTE NEXT FIDAY, JANUARY 8TH The W. ('. T. V. will hold a joint Institute with the Youths' Tem perance Council at the AI.E. cliurchj South nuxt Friday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Ruth Tooze. stulu secretary of Hie Y. T. C. nnd vice president of the W. C. T. V.. will be the guest speaker at the nulling ill the alternoon and again emit eve ning. A full attendance of mem bers is desired and anyone inter ested bus been most eordiully in vited to attend. GARDEN VALLEY WOMEN'tl CLUB WILL MEET NEXT THURSDAY AFTERNN The Gulden Valley Women's club has announced a very inter estinc and enjoyable meeting for next Thursday afternoon to be held ( at Ihe cillhronin with Aim. u. A. rtterback acting as hostess. All members are most cordially Invit ed to alteml. Radio of 1937' Virginia Simms, light, for her classic beauty, and Doris Kerr, center, for her shapely modern figure, her measurements being, height, 5 feet 2 Inches: weight, 105 pounds; waist, 23 Inches; bust. 34 inches; hips. 34ft inches, and calf 12 inches. McBEE-YOUNG-STAFFANSON PARTY FOR MRS. RITZMAN IS CHARMING AFFAIR Mrs. Dora ltitzmiiu, teacher at Chemult, Ore., who spent tbe holi days here visiting her father, was complimented ut a cuurmlug party lhursuuy afternoon at the beauti ful new home of Air. and Mrs. George McBee on South Alain street, when Mrs. AlcBec, Mrs. Roy Youug and Mrs. Frank Staf- tanson entertained. The holiday motif was attractive ly used to decorate the rooms for Hie occasion. Sewing und visiting were enjoyed during the afternoon and ut four o clock lovely refresh ments were served. The tea table, covered by un attractive lace cloth wus centered by a bowl ot nuggets and tall lighted yellow and blue tapers, carrying out the colors of the American Legion auxiliary. Refreshments wore served to Mrs. Ritzman, guest of honor. Airs. Clair K. Allen, Mrs. Georgo Whar ton, Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. H. F. Hatfield. Mrs. J3ri Ullrich. Mv Ned Dixon, Mrs.' Carl Ii WtmbiJr'ly, Mrs. V. J. Mlcolli, Mrs. O. Fell! kanip, Mrs. U A. Dill.trd, Mrs. J. A ulcher, Mrs. Nova G. Bates, Mrs. Thomas Parkinson, Airs. Irvln Itei gel, Mrs. Harry Boyle and the hos tesses. Following the tea hour a showor of beuuitflll handkerchiefs was presented to Mrs. Ritzman from the guests. MR. AND MRS. HAMILTON ENTERTAIN AT DELIGHTFUL NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Mr. und Airs. Fred Hamilton en tertained, ut a charming New Year's eve party at their home on lilakely street. Cards were en joyed with Aliss Jane Whaiton winning the ladies' hiah score prize and Dr. Clair K. Allen win ning the men's prize. At midnight Mrs. Hamilton serv ed a lovely buffet supper. The holiday motif was attractively car ried out for the occasion, Those en joying the purty with Air. and Mrs. Hamilton included .Mr. and Airs. G. V. Wlinberly, .Mr. aud Mrs. Airs. Georgo Wharton, Air. and Airs. W. F. Harris, Air. and Airs. S. J. Shoemaker, Dr. anil Airs. Clair K Allen, Dr. and Airs. G. C. Finlay, Alias .lane and Aliss Bess Whar ton. Lyman Skinner aud Dr. B. R. Shoemaker. ARLENE WATSON HAS PARTY ON FOURTH BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Mrs. T. G. Watson entertained at a charming party from throe to four o'clock .Monday afternoon to compliment her snnfll daughter. Arlene, on her fourth birthday an niversary, at tho Walton home on Benson street. Lovely gifts wero presented to Arlene from .lunnico Whipple, l-.'lulne Suznnne Hurtling, Cynthia Sue Turner. Shirley Ann Ilelweg John .Morgan. Jimmy Crittenden and .Margaret Shannon Van Vulzah Games were played und' later Mrs. Watson, nssistrl by Airs. C. G. Vun Vulznh. served lovely re freshments to the gr.ests. at which time a pretty birthday cake, lighted by four candles, was cut nnd served. Tile holiday motif wus attractively curried out in the dec orations for the purty. C. H. AND R" CLUB TO HOLD CHRISTMAS PARTY NEXT THURSDAY The annual Clirisuuiis party of in,. I'. 11. und It. club will he vcq delightful affair of next Thursday evening to he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hlldnell at tit North Rose streci 'The members will entertain th.Hf husbands at this nnnual affair and Christmas gills will be exehunged. JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET NEXT MONDAY The Junior Woman's club will meet at eight o'clock next Alouilny evening at Hie clubhouse for an in torcsliiig business session. All members are being urged to lie present. Preceding the meeting tho execu tive eoliuell will meet nl t o'clock at. Curl's Tavern with the presi dent, Mrs. William V inula, presiding. DR. AND MRS, HOUCK ENTERTAIN AT PARTY NEW YEAR'S EVE Dr. and Mrs. George E. Houck en tertained at a very enjoyable New Year's eve party Thursday eveu lng in compliment to the latter's daughter, Mrs. R. H. FleldB, Jr., of Portland, who is here to visit until o next Tuesday. Guests enjoying the occasion with Dr. and Mrs. Houck and Mrs. Fields included Mrs. B. Casey, Miss Helen Casey, Alias Nellie Urogau, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Chrlstiauson, Mr. und Mrs. Edwin Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bales, Mr. and Airs. Frederick Chapman und Mr. uud Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. A delightful social evening ol muBlc uad visiting was enjoyed, followed by a very lovely buffet supper ut eleven-thirty o'clock. The buffet table was covered by a beautiful lace cloth aud centered by a miniature white Christmas tree decorated in blue, with match- . ing blue tapers and blue miniature holiday figures circling the tree. MRS. DOWELL HOSTESS TO H. E. 0. CLUB HONORING HER DAUGHTER, MRS. GRUBER Mrs. Anna Dowoll entertained the H. E. O. club ut her home on Mill- ; tury avenue to compliment hiO daughter, Mrs. Virginia Gruher, of Portland. The afternoon was pleas antly spent in playing curds aud bunco with Mrs. Mattie Medill and Airs. Elsie McComns winning high scores. .aler a lovely supper was serv ed by Airs. Dowell to .Mrs. Gruher, guest of honor, Airs. Laum Houn- shell, Mrs. Clifton Hooper, Mrs. C. W. Owen, Mrs. Martha Erskine, , Mrs. Virginia Campbell, Mrs. - Harry Lohr, Airs. Myrtle Norwood, Mrs. Mattie Medill, Airs.. Elsie Alc- Comas and Mrs. Percy Myers. 1 ho club will be entertained January 13 at the home of Mrs. Mattie Medill on Miller street. ' KEYSTONE CLUB TO MEET NEXT FRIDAY AT HAROLD McKAY HOME The Keystone club of the Metho dist Episcopal church will meet at two o'clock next Friday afternoon at the Harold McKay homo on West First street with Mrs. Mc Kay and Mrs. Ed Borgen acting as joint hostesses. The members have been asked to bring their sewing and enjoy the afternoon at the McKay home., Plans will be made for the Janu ary 6:30 o'clock potluck supper and social to be held at the .Methodist church the evening of January 15. The husbands of the members will : be Invited as guests of the eve ning. YOUNG LUTHERANS LEAGUE HAS DELIGHTFUL' PARTY The Young Lutherans league of St. Paul's Lutheran church held a Christmas party last Tuesday eve ning at the pastor's home. The evening was spent socially In play ing various games. At the close of the evening Christmas gifts were exchanged by all . present. Lewis. Wilson and Vera Goetz were ' host r and -: hostess respectively. -They served delightful refresh-": ment to Grace McKibben, Vera' Gorthy, Bertha Sandau, Jack and Earl Whiting, Morris Jo(inson, iiu.uii oMunson, non ie ueson. Air. Giles, Herman Adkins, Wayne -Miller, Stuart Baker. JIabel Daw son, Airs. Clyde Beecroft and Mr." ana Airs. w. A. Sylvester. MR. AND MRS. PINKERTON ENTERTAIN AT INFORMAL DINNER TUESDAY EVENING nir. and Airs. .1. A. Plnkerlon on. lertuined ut a lovely informal six o'clock dinner at their home In South Deer creek Tuesdav even- . covers wero placed at an at- (Continued ou page 3) POET'S CORNER "THINGS WE THINK" BUT NEVER DO: B.v O. At. L-EEPER Wo think of the river Just arouud the bend But have no time On its hauks to spend. We think of the hours Divinely-sublime, But only how beneath The hand of time. Wo think of sunbeams That play on tho luko But answer not When desires -awake. The greatest hindrance That blocks our way Is w hat we think tomorrow ' And should have remembered Today. Tilings we remember But do them not Are Just us bad As though forgot. Things we forget ( Perchance I Another May think And the cup of bitterness We both shall drill.i. If 1 could remember What others forgot, Aly duties on eaitli Would he filled to The dot. We think of the ro.ies 1 That lovo caused to grow But don't remember where Their blossoms should i.o. We think of the paths Through the forest glade That our childish reel In thir wanderings made. When life wus formed Down through the years Wo forget the laughter But remember tho tears. We think of them now Not as we thoinht then . But chance our ways To the ways of men. The ro;ul to destruction Is strewn for me Ami it's strewn for you With things we think of BUT NEVER DO. Joint hoslciiucB.