Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 31, 1936, Page 6, Image 6

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PASADRNA. Cliltr.. IkiR. :n
(AD Weatlmr ris uiisntllod ns til
rotor of Iho Jcrw-V" lo lii worn by
PIltfltiuiKh ninl WiiKliliiKion tluimi
nneil In throw n inonkfy wrmwli
Into the rnolliull lnuclilnwy .of tlm
ItoHn Howl plasHtn loony.
Ruin, not ti mi-to drlialo but n
trash movrir ninl n willy wasnnr,
Bonld llm uk bowl nnd nvnrythlim
mound II ull dny ynslf-nlay and
tho end in not In wit-lit.
If tlin baltlo iniiHl bi ntiiitixl In
tho rain both ti-nniH will Know now
it wnt ball lmndlHi for Husky and
Panther piactlcod yostordny in a
Onlnion was dlvldrd n lo tlin of-
rort n wot rii-io iiiikiu navo. it w:m
pointed out that undor Iho Warner
system tnied by Pitt the ball I"
handled morn than in tho Notre
Dnnio system of Wanhlmrton nnd
n wet surfnen nilKht throw the
tiniliiK nwiy. Others biikiwhK-cI,
hnwHvnr. that n wet hall nmkoH ef-
fnollvo forward and littoral pass-
Inn hnzmdoiiH. Pitt passes only
when It has lo while WiihIiIukIou
likes to toss Iho ball from limn to
Odds on the tile unmo were even
or 6 lo I and lukn your rliolen.
Tho chatiKo In wnulher did not
ehaiiKo llm otilnlnns of tho Klnnbl-
iiiR Bentry that, tho gnmo was a
tOHS-lip. .' . m
nolh sounds aro In shape, (lie
howl In sold out and all that In
needed for u perfect dny is a touch
of the sun.
w r.ossip
ASHLAND. Poo. 31 fAP) Ash
land high school, defender of dis
trict championship, lost Its second
slralKht pine of tho week to Eu
reka, 31 to 21.
The nbrlhnrn Callfornlnns trail
ed Ashland I I to 10 nt tho half and
then ran tho score to 20 lo 1-1 In
the third porlrtd before tho Ore
gnn toam scored.
PORTLAND, Dec. 31. fAP)
The Oregon normal school Wolves
staged an ovorllmo basketball pe
riod scoring rally to dnreat tho
Portland Pncknrds, '13 to 38. Tho
teams tied 37-ull nt tho close of
!.. wrtilfil nltivlllfr llOI'iOll.
PORTLAND, Deo. 81. (AP)
Mnltmmiiih club gained an easy,
63 lo 2B, basketball, triumph nvor
the bnrnstnrmliiK (looillng college
ditintot from Idulio.
EUGENE, Doc. 31. (AP) The
Union Oilers of Portland, confident
after last night's victory ovnr Oro-
...... Ohild nnnnna tlin Ol'niZOIl Web-
hW" ""ul .'1 -.-r
foots hero tonight.; Oregon bump
ed the Oilers 43 to ait in n giuiie ui
Portland enrlicr tills week.
CORVALLIS, Dec. 31. (AP)
Wally PulmbeiK, former Oregon
Stnlo College uco, led the Union
Oil company to a 31 to 21 basket
ball" triumph over his alma mater
lust night.
Paliubnrg lotted In M points bn
Toro lie dopnrted from tho .rough
contest on porsonnl fouls.
m. rili.. 1...1.I ii ir. In in tinlf.
lime uilvantago and nrter n scoro
less ton inlnnteH In tho secund lialf
Palinlicrg rainnied homo llireo
field gonls in raiuil Hiiccession.
Officials (ejected five plnyors fin
NEW ' HERO. Dec. 31. (AP)
Arlington high school tripped Now
tune .'it to :. in a lliilllliiix mum
hern Inst night. Nowbeig scored
n freo throw after th giinie ended
SIUVERTON. Dec. 31. (AP)
Rllverton stepped out In front
nmong Iho slate baskolbnll leaders
wilh a 17 to Hi win nvor TlliniiiooK
The game was Sllverlon's first of
the season on lis home floor.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 31. (AP)
Ileaten hy Washington uiid Ohio
Slnto in nveiiluio I'ontests. u. i;.
L. A. mid sntilliorii 'all fovn In tradi1
opponents tonight in n second ban-
Itetliall doiibleheader iiere.
Wiishluglon's Huskies nosed mil
IT. C. L. A., 52-51, itflnr ten nilnuleii
of extra play last night, while the
llurkoyes from the midwest sub
dued the Trojans lo-:is In live nun
utes' iiildllionnl time. '
fred1disteele f o
MILWAl'KEE. Dec. 31. (AP)
Champloit Proddlo Sleele and a vel
prmi former titlehoiiier, tlorilln
Jones, will meet here tomorrow af
ternoon with the middleweight box
lug championship nt stake over the
Ill-round route.
It will he the first defense of the
crown for Steele. For Jones II will
be his first cliauco to regain the
chnmplonshlp he held for less limn
n year nfler winning II In a n,v
tionnl boxing association tournament.
"It'll bo power1 ngnlnst power
when Louisiana Stale's Tigers nnd
Santa Clara's Uroncon settle their
football arguments in the Sugar
Rowl tomorrow nfternoon.
These New Year's tiny oppon
ents, each, boasting rugged lines
and husky, hard-blocking backs,
will meat on Ttilunp'a gridiron boron-
uiMTOxliiiuMy 42,000 funis.
Ihtllf UticiIIH f 1(1! lit lo low Hcorlng,
lkfi!iiKlvo com hut foelwm-n two of
th nation's KtionKt Uuvh. In
tjllii (,'iiiii.t'H of tint ri'M'ilnr kcukoii
Kaniu ciam wave up ma 22 iioinirs
and J.oiHHiana Stale' ilffciiKf
ylclditl 24.
'1 Iih TiK"'H or L. K. j. wnro f;m-f(-d'd
it pnvKaino luridly bo-
caiim or u Miod panning threat.
Atlf-mptlnp too wont n kjk'i In
foiniiniltfnn with 11 mm-rior tciun,
Howdmi'K fu-nlor liU'h f!hool
IndhiiiH fouled Ihi'inKHvoH Inlo a
bad liandicap and woru b'atcn 45
to 22 by Mr.Mimivliln Iilfh lant
With MrMlnnvill" IioMIiik a con-
Hidorablo ndvantaKo In xizo, wcllit
and xpnrlfiiK.ff, llm Indians turnf'd
on full Bteum nnd In dfMrMkia(lon
plnyH at 11 jmro that wan (no fast.
rcKultliiK In I'YIttK, Htar dirniKlvo
man und Van Horn, forward, koIiiu
out or tho trainn on ncr'Honalrt.
Until thn oxpiilHlon of tho two
playorK, tho khiik waH fairly oven,
tlin Hfnro KlandiiiK nt S-all tu the
rirt rimiiinr and 17 to 11 In Mo
Mimivtllo'K favor 11 1 tlin half.
In tho third porlod .loncrt, rangy
MoMinnvllol contor, and Mnbi't'
tall forvard, took tho Kan 10 In
band and pllnd up a wfi!o U'ad,
.lonnrt lining JiIkIi point man with
17 and Mnbno flfnriim lli po'ntfi, to
Kivn McMiunvlllo a 31 to IK em
at the pud of the third quart or.
The reaervoH plnyed tho last
Tho inoxporloiicod Indians, ne
eordlnff to Coarh Pnul Warrmi,
phiyotl a good camo under the clr
runiHlanee with vbfrli they wern
faeod and aro not illsheartenod by
tlwlr defeat.
Saturday nfternoon tho IndlniiH
wilt play TJnivcrtdty blKb at Mo-
Arlljur. court In Kuseno. .
p .
Tho Itlddlo high acliool basket
ball tonm defealed the strong Olldn
quintet. 3-t to in, In nn interec
tlonal clash nlayed at Piddle Tues
day. Tho Itlddlo "Irish" took com
mnnd cnrlv In the first nuarter
witli a pair of cripples and wore
never seriously threatened during
the remainder of tin game, al
though Olldo played n stronger
gamo than the scoro would tndl-cato.
Tho lineups:
Piddled!) Pns. (lillfllldo
Mollor(-n P (DMnrr
Llnclts (12) F (5) ninltolv
Cornutt C Vlcek
Howard (10) O I (2) Neal
snooker 0 (7) Semfin
Siibsl.ltuHonR: middle P. Pecker
(S), Kliiiniol, Wilson, Snorer, Phil-
lips; (Hide Asnni, Wood.
70,000 IDLE AS
NHW YOltK, h: 31. (AP)
OviMKhadifWlii vtm fiiirh pirrn
nlul buKabiiOH oh KubslillaUui) and
rule chaiiKifK. llio rise of KamblhiK
fn i-ollee football Inm uAUwiulu
.sportH 1'adei'K winrleil.
ThlH "hhtIoiih menaee," an the
nation's Ki'id vauwIwh termed It.
provided the outHlandluK ufter
niatb todav to thn meollnt; of col
li'KO alhletli: bi.'wlfM, wbleh reaeh
ed a new hlwh In "di'plorlnK" tbl-and-lhaf
alKtiit oxtra-eurrieular fia
lijrs f Ihi; tamp.
Kor thn fli Ht I lino the vnncUoH
are foliiK to do ftomeibliiK about
KfutiMhnc. Aflnr hfarlnK a nun-ndlli-e
irport thai more n)ony
w:ih tn't on the Krld (.'ame lant Heu
son than on Iiojho racing, nn In
vi'H'U'fitlon waH voted.
T'arrv KlnVf. MWrhlan roni'
fnd new nresldent of the Ponthall
foanhi'S AHHorlatlnn of Ammlin,
will naiiu' a enininlttro to ia''i the
Hhiflv an-i riiibmlt roinmendailnnR
at hi' l(i:i7 i-nnvmitlnn.
'VU' rniirUi't d'Iderl llift ffin'o'H
f,nin w'H ril'i(l 1H 1 1 ftl I fr foil for
tcvt, f"'nnri. 'r''ey nr'ed, ronpr
.M" ih(tri mm... nn nnd lo (rhniiKe
the r Intnrfereneo rule,
A wl(.yn'M' plirVO" of fnWIilt f'l-
"tio, fliibn'Mtod bv Fle") p
?: nod of "v vortf, "ld M
Hfitl'iti wn"f dVrtpHv atti'l'i'ltf'td
' ' ) be "i t s yw r n,,,t tb" 11
iioo '"ill emii(nn to ! 25 lo 30
"miH.i)v i-fiftH" th" bl"'l "''ool
ffllnllt" '"'I 11 iv.'ha,i. Tim-p
' 14 IiIkIi school deaths Inst sen-
fPontlnued from pane 1)
Pioinelei ilrnnnliifr in 30 dro".
An iee-llke foe- added In the dis
comfort of reniden;fl tbro.
. The loweit. tonmern lures were
ref ol ded at Bnkor onrl Rend, where
t therniotnelMr bit low of 18
dorooH, Hond renorlod 0" Ineh
nt snow on (he ground, eloarlivr
vldeK ovr the f'aHrado.. od low
r-'oudu nhnvn tho eenlial plareoe.
I h" McKenzlo pans wan open to
Olhep low teperitn's fnoh'd
"1 Afedfoid. 30. ndletnn. 24.
ItOrfdinrir, 3fi. Tho vin(l",' burenu
predicted continued cold tomor
row with inoreaslns soiitheas:
tho children forgot Iho horrible
civil war.
(Continued from page 1)
canclOK tho union members ho
given proforenco, from Iho captain
down to tho, fourth ofneor, and
that tho owner rotaln the right to
roftiRo to employ -n man, with n
Hufriotent reason.
The owuot'H contend (hoy should
hnvo tho right to employ tho offi
cers aboard their ships.
Hard Blow Dealt Business
Tho coast's huge maritime in
dustry r.icod 1IK17 with 2311 ships
Idle. -10,000 men on strike and re
sulting Ioksok to business cnllmuled
as high as Sir.0,000,000, on (ho ba
sis of figures computed by Iho
shipping merchants' association
Tho union's Joint "law and leglfl-
laliou" comiultteo announced ten
tative plans for a federal legisla
tion program nfler peace efforts
virtually halted yesterday and both
sides appeared to be awaiting pos
sible developments In Washington
with tho opening of congresH Tuesday.
rotm.ANO, iee. ;ii.(APi-
.losenh N. Lee, textile union sec
ret a ry, said today that striking
employed of the Oregon Worsted
company will draft a new plan for
settlement of a dispute with com
pany owners. Although declining
to reveal details, Lee said the plan
probably would Include union rec
ognitiou and a l!fi per cent pay In-
crease. The company management
has refused to recognize the
U. II. Ilahlock, state highway en
gineer, asked the city to order re
moval of picket shelter oil the
right-of-way near the Oregon
WnrHtod colons n v.
Tho engineer said the city had
an agreement with the stale to
keep tho highway freo from all en
eroiuhiuentH. Tho Ifrst ;1 days of the mail
time strike brought $27.70i.n0
losses to Oregon and taint hern
Washington, said the research
bureau of the coast shipowners'
commit too In a survey today.
Losses nlong the entire 1'aclflr
coast reached approximately $IIU,-OiHi.uan.
(Continued from page 1)
AVI LA. Spain, Deo. II I. ( AP)
Forooious dogs, loosed by socialist,
militiamen during hand-to-h an d
fighting with insurgents, took fas
cist den, Joso Varula's troops by
surprise today, In a government
counterattack near Villa Vorde.
Tho maneuver almost resulted
in a socialist victory, InBiirgont
field hoadituarlors acknowledged,
hut the animals and men were fi
nally beaten off aftdr penetrating
mo fascist front lines.
Iho animals wore described as
aavago "half-wolves" which, led by
muniamen, leaped nt the throats
of the Insurgent dofenders. Manv
oi i ne inseisiR were bitten hy the
uotrs, headquarters declared.
tho dogs apparently had been
trained to obev their masters and
attacked blindly on a given sig
nal, i aey mil not naru warnings
19 unsuspecting fascists.
New Streamlined Trolly Car Makes Its Debut
returned toduy. Another Intimated
. i . huin nolil (llhers
lttlllU HBM I
ileelaii-d the doctor was ready and
willliiK 10 pay and nau aousiit iu
estubllsli contaet throiiKh a uows
iur classified . advertisement,
but recnlved uo rcaimnao from the
f...... ii,n c Mii'l.Lliuid. retired
Taeoinil iioliee euiituin, prlvule de
tective and noiKiinor a"" inenu u,
lt (..l,cnn WMllt lllln tll llOllie
lifter the doi tor left und soon re-
appeared. Strlitland made no com
ment. ThouKh bin own son bun been
held captive four days by a kid
naper, lr. W. XV. Malison went
alKiut bis practice in "tho usuul
way." . '
-I'hero Is no chanito in 111" n"
ner Willi patients." one physician
said. "One who did not know would
never deium lie Is under uny
strain." '
Lion's Club Annual
Newest field Into which designers have applied
modern streamlining la the trolley car. After lix
years of experimentation, the American Transit
association has brought out an ultra-modern street
car which is expected to 'considerably Increase trol
ley traffic. Already in operation In New York and
Chicago, the new cars will be used in 241 cities.
They are luxuriously fitted out, cut Cloned in rub
ber, and lightened In weight so that speed and
acceleration is ereatly Increased. i
lettlnK men go to the aid of tile
Numerous fnnillies scattered
over the rolch who liavo Hons in
tho military service learned that
tboy hud gone away In recent
days, wearing civilian clothes and
saying only that they ero ordered
on "special missions."
Honce. some observers relt tno
early December estimate of 10,001)
Uerniun "volunteers" on the fascist
side In Spain should be grently in
creased. '
Nevertheless. of:iclnl quarters
gave clear Indication the Spanish
venture wns not exactly a nappy
one. . B -
EUGENE, Dec. 31. (AP)
Against ever Increasing pressure
of the elements, tho McKensie
Pass brolto all records as it ve
maliied open 'fhursdav to tnil'l'le.
Novel- in tho history of the
highway has the pass remained
open at tills late .date. Previously,'
tho 11)3.1 closure, December 30,
constituted tho record. Tho pass
hus prospects of remaining open
over News Year's clay. .
Clouds, however, were expected'
to bring a storm. Highway officials
pointed out that in case of n storm.
It would be but a short time until
the puss wub closed. At present,
the traffic from Illue river to tho
summit is limited to one-way passage.
. SALEM, Dec. 31. (AP) The
city of Portland toduy filed suit
in - Multnomah county against
Marshull R. Armstrong and mem
bers of the Oregon state board of
control, to recover approximately
1.1500 alleged to bo due for liens
against the so-called Frank M.
Mulkey building in Portland.
Mulkey died in 1927 and left the
building to the- state of Oregon,
subject to -a life interest in - the
premiscB hy Armstrong and Ches
ter V. Dolpll. Dolph died subse
quently to the filing of the will.
- The complaint charges that
Armstrong has neglected lo pay
ccrjain taxes and other liens now
past. due.
HATCHERY To Mr. and Mrs.
Otis Hatchery of Melrose, an 8
pound son, December 30.
IIKUI.IN, Dec. III. (AP) tier
m n n y ' s government Informed
I'Veneli and llrlllsh envoys todnv
It would reply shortly to their
Christmas demand for n hnn on
volunteer sailings for fascist
(Certain sources in llrrlin have
indicated II Dtiee lias advised llerr
Hitler In withdraw from iuterven
llon In Spnin.)
The liuzi press pointed signifi
eautl" lo ilisnalches reluling Mint
ir,0 Scottish volunteers would leave
(llnsgow tomorrow to fi;ht wilh
tlie Spanish government forces.
Conipeleut observers, declaring
Ihey believed all nations concern
ed would hurry lr koI us many
volunteers Into Spain as possible
before illleruatloniil pledges or pa
trols halted such nioveineills. as
serted Der fuehrer was not likely
to stop Ills own fascist volunteers
while other countries tmrslsted In
(Conllnued from page 1)
Ilrondwuy lo a full-rigged circus
under canvas in a Park avenue
Tliu nnnuiil watch ulght services
in Iho great cathedrals and
churches provided a more sober
note that will appeal to thousands
who will see the New Year in
MKI.ItOSK, Dec. 31. Mm. Amy
CriteHci' left Saturday for Port
land to visit witb her sister, Mrs.
Kttu Ward and other rolativcft.
Mr. ami Mrs. lOrnest Schrlner or
Voqulllc spent Chrislinns with tho
hitter's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. U.
.1. Anderson.
Itayuioud Olson bd! Sunday Tor
North Mend alter spending rhrlst
nuifl at the houn of bis pn rents
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson. Mo
is employed by the Southern Pa
olfle sit North ltend.
O at
Sat. Nite, Jan. 2
The Rhythmen
Admission! Men 40c, Ladles lOo
New Year's Eve Dance
To the Music of Bun- Druliner and His Oregonians,
(Continued from paRe 1)
faet in the Charles Mnttson kid
nnplne oase today' glared among
fnnli-iidlntnrv ulnlfMiientR anil rum-
ors the 10-yenr-old hoy bad not
ueen returned home.
U'h.illimi f)U nitO lamntirlrxl I'nii.
soni bad been paid the swarthy
abductor, who seized the hoy last
Sunday In the Dr. W. W. Maltson
mansion, wns a matter Known otny
to the family department or Jus
tice agents and possibly family
Dr. Matlson. the hoy s father, do-
nied to tho Associated Press he
bad made statements about ransom
"Any Biinh reports are untrue,"
he reiterated.
U. Col. Gitfl B. Appelman, U. S.
A. It., u close friend of the doctor
and a visitor at the home today,
said If the contact with the Jtid-
naner bad been made ho was not
apprized of It.
Family Cheerful
Some sources commented on the
cheerfulness the family showed
and Interpreted this as an indi
cation the MuttHons expected tue
boy would be returned soon.
Flurries of excitement came and
went without definite information
on tho status of the case being re
vealed to outsiders. Officers chas
ed down every clue, every tip giv
en by any person - but apparent
ly were totally nt loss as to the
boy's or his Kidnaper s where
u bouts.. .
A telegrajm messenger boy ar
rived nt the bouse and left a mess
age. Appelman arrived soon after
ward. He lelt. Then Dr. Mnttson,
atone, departed In his coupe, the
same in which he made two mys
terious trips with bis elder son,
William, yesterday.
One source, a dally visitor at the
house, predicted the boy would be
Triangle Cafe
N. Jackson St.
Wishes Everyone a
Happy New Year
Full course chicken or
turkey dinner
New Year's Eve
Prizes for best Costumes:
First prize .....-.....$7.50
' Second prize 5.00
Third prize :.. 2.50
Music by The Rhythmen
Admission $1.00 per couple; 10c for spectators
(jood Morning,
mann $
the logger's feet remark, smiling! '
It's sure a great thing toha ve your feet really
friendly with your shoes.
' All over the West, outdoor men know and
appreciate Bergmann Outdoor Shoes.
There's a pair for every outdoor need re
quiring a husky shoe.
'lrf f WILDER'S !.
JSh, lL ' - "True Value - .
Tho. Sh Mf. Co., lSlt N. W. JSlti Av.nut, Pottl.nd, Onoon
Douglas Funeral Home
CsMbllshsd 112
Perfect Funeral Service
Lady Attsndsni
Pint and Lin St.
with plenty of hot water . .
Thtr art no morning
grouchi In th home that
boaits an AUTOMATIC
quick iliower followed by a
ihav. (rKtr'i plnty of hot
wftttr far both) I You start
fh day fatling right with tr
vroHd. AH triii convftinc
coitt but i ft ctnh a day.
Invattigata praitnt low pricti.
jit j i
Li.,- v. i - a Lf-
with plenty of hot wter . .
"HigMio! Tima for my balh,
mummyl I'm glad wa hava
'causa I navar hava to wait
for my bath . . . you Juit turn
tha faucet and thara it ii , . .
planty of grand hot water to
iplaih In. Doctor sayi It keep,
ma healthy, too."
An Automatic Electric Woter
Heater provides hot woter doy
end night at Jutt the right
temperatura for every house
hold we.
with plenty of hot water , , ,
Plenty r.f hot water and soap
. . tha bett beauty treat
mant ever deviled. It's all
your complexion atVil Hava
an abundant hot water sup
ply at your command ... to
cleanse ... to beautify . . ,
to relax tired nerves. Invest!
gata today the low price and
economical operating cost of
'at L
The California Oregon Power Company