TWO 50CCDE1TW' Social Calendar Monday, December 28. George Slurmur auxiliary annual , Christmas party at armory al J:3U o'clock. Moiubora asked to turn lu bookB relative to Hie aun- illury uulll at tbla iiurly. Cum- inltleo Includes Lonoru AdumB, Ed- nil Long, Leona buckle, Dorothy Bennett and Oresa Adams, Com rades Invited as gueBls. Wednesday, December 30, " La3le.of CoOuy club meet at '' clubhouse for bridge at 10 a. ui. ' Polluck luncheon at noon. Lions club 11:30 dinner meeting ut Urand hotel. Thursday, December 31. v Annual New Year's evo charity bull sponsored by the Lions club ui the armory. Three cash prizes - tor costumes. I)auciug Iroui U to . 1 tt. ui. January 7. Annual Chamber of Commerce Bixahirty o'clock dinner lu lobby or hotel. I'ublic cordially ' Invltou. 'rickets on sate ut chain . her of commerce olfico or al hotel. W MILDRED PATTERSON AND H U0f)HT W. CLAYTO MAHY UHlTit DCV ! . Miss Alllilred F. Pvllerson, daughter oi Mrs. Nellie Patterson , .ot xtOHeburg, uud Hubert Ward I Clayton, oi Se)u Francisco, ere i jii-rlctl ut a btQiilllul home ed- Uing ut 12 o'clock noon Cht'iBlms i tly at I no home or mo brlil on ;. boulh Stephen slitO. j Uev. Clvrlcs A. Edtards, rutlr- it Alctejodial Episcopal lOdor, pui-formed the curamuny In the ', lircaoeca ot only a )' cle J JreAda .a,l ra)Uas. Tall Ns ; Mt ' eiiauitnla Qrr-miry, cadar, ' kai:ki(ki'ry and Urcai grape ' yore arranai -ltft (Irethorn aed lolly. Preceding tao ceremony Mrs. . Gaara.u Joaus suiag and later pluy 'a - the : wedding . march aottly laroughoat the service. Tho bride,, csurming lu a gray r uvra-.iQr'ltu -rMck. (rlainieJ In black silk -cords naeitt the acckiiuo and u-ufcit, wore n corsage of roser. Hor 5u:aoK8si'ios were black. Mrs. Uoy k . Havens, 'matron of honor, wore an I attractive; . corn-colored crepe track trimmed In brown velvet, f. llor -corsage was of white and yel- t ow um-elssl. Chindu .Patterson. brother of tho bride, acted as bust num. Mrs. Patterson, mother or (lie Initio, wore u Inyely black sllM dresH with a eorKiige of violets. A wedding recopuon followed the curetiHuiy. Kefreshmeuls wore serv- m ed trom a Inblo covered by a beau- llful lace cloth and centered by a tiered and dccoraleil wedding cako. .Mrs. Hoy P. Havens and . Miss Kuthiyn Duor, of Suthorllu. t nerved. Mrs. Clayton chose as her golng- away costume, an ensemble In black with a large black picture a hut and black accessories. Fol T lowing the reception Mr. and Mrs. Clayton left on tho Hhasta for Man m Frunclscn, where they wllb make their home. z Thu brluo was graduated from Roscburg high school In 11132 and lulely, has been employed In the government mining uince and i Bltilu bank departnieut olfieu here. Mr. Clayon, tovmerly operated an Associated t)ll company service station on South Stephens sireet Z, lu Itoselturg. and now opei-ateH an Associated station In Sun Fruit- visco. J :: OUILL AND SCROLL J CLUb HAS CHRISTMAS j! PARTY MONDAY EVENING Monday cwnln;: at 7:1)0 o'ciock k. the Quill ::nd Hioil rluli held its 1 Christlllds putty 1 1 Miss l''rauces JJai'dy's home on Piuu sireet. n S The evenlliK w spent lu pluy- ing games ami singly with an ox- change of gilts roiin,i:tu. Ileitesh- jj Jiltnts were served to tile i;roup by 1 Miss Hardy to Adah .Mam. liulil, i .leiilllie !lr;h". I'"'!'.n" Wells, llrauild.l Conn, John lloberls, Itrtly Hussi.ll, Kleillior Knller. Louise " Virden. 1Mb Harris, Virginia Mn- J ton, Mnry Joan I'nrldnnon. I'auny Lu Wlmbet ly, Kllinhrlh t'nnipbell. Jean Kppsteiu, Kloda TnJ lor nmi ' Jack llnllirlrk. Lee Wells uud 3 Katiiry-i lli'seiil'sik, 1 The decorations were planned by Hilly llii:..HI ami tne entertain- I iiients by KIKiibeth Campbell : o i HONOR SOCIETY HOLDS DELIGHTFUL CHRISTMAS PARTY WEDNE3DAY Tbo honor sociely heid Its Chrlsl:nas pnrly al their regular jueullng Wednesday noon In Ihe cnrelerlit. Tho room was decorated lu Chrlslnins decorations. lOMzn liclli Ciiniphell mid .Ionium Hughes J'uJ chari'.e of tbo decorations. Members present wore I'Ynnk Wells, Kllilbelh t'allliihell. I''nntiy I ,ii Wlinberly, .Ma.llyn SU'iirns, Kleanor Knller, den -go Crouch. Jenlllllt Hughes uud Lie Wells. Jink lliilhrlck and dnico ll.ilinr. Li Uoy lllntt and C. II. Heard v ere also present. DR. AND MR8. MORGAN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER PARTY MONDAY NIGHT . Dr. end Mrs. A. H. Mnrg:in eu ItetLilned at iQ lovely I'ln Istmas il liner tuirty .Mtiuuiiy evt k hi the Hotel ltose. bnvlllK as their uuests Dr. and Mia. John X. Per kins. Mr. und Mis. d. V. Wli.i ;.er lv n nil Mr. and Mr.. P. T. Iluluir. Followln the dinner party the guests enjoyed n soilul evening ut . thu .Moiciiiii liuiuo I'.t Hie lo t- By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER B. P. W. C. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY ENJOYED MONDAY NIGHT The unniiul llusiness unu Pro- fosBlonul Women's club ChrlBtnius putty was a very charming affair ot tho week Monday evening al tne utlructlvo home of Mr. and .Mrs. L. U. Skinner at Winston. The rooms were beautifully dec orated in the hollduy motif. A seven thlny o'clock dessert-supper was served at a long table appro priately decorated for tho occasion. The efl-ert ulso earned out tne hollduy motif. Covers were pluced for 16. Miss llu Laubach, presi dent, and Miss Vcrna Carothers poured. Mrs. William lien was general chairman of the party and was as sisted by Miss Gladys HaBklns, M ss hum Hoover and suss .Mar garet Carr with Mrs. Thomas Park inson and Mis. J. A. caraway in charge of transportation. A de lahtfiil diversified program was presented and Included: two numbers by tho tilee club under tho direction of Mrs. C. A. Ilrand with Miss Holeno-i Robinson, ac companist; three readings by Miss Holen Casey; vocal soio ny miss Helen Magors, accompanied ny MIbs Robinson; two harmonica hints liv Mrs. L. L. Slioncer and Miss Evelyn Drockenrldgo; Christ inas songs of other lands by Mrs. Miriam Ballard, accompanied ny Mrs. Dorothy Lander; preftnta- llon of gift from the club made by is. He to Mrs. L. it. simmer; num&rs by the glee club. Santa C uus was present to ais- tribute girts to everyone. Miss Ag nes Pltelifoid acted as Santu Clans and was assisted by Miss Ruth Hoover. Tbo Wirty was one oi tne most onjoyable holiday affairs ever held by the club. ft ft SLMGAftY SCttING CLU STftTAiai HUIISNDS AT CH8I8TMA8 DINNetf Tim Cllcimiirv Sowing club en joyed their "first annual turkey dinner asl Wednesday ai me home of Mrs. K. 1. Hetts where iluee tables were arranged in tue Bpnclous dining room,- and a boun teous dinner was served 10 me ladles and their husbands. Two large turkeys were curved by J. A. Hoolen. Those enjoying the dinner were Mr. anil Mrs. I). C. Mcdhehey, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McCliehey, Mr. and Airs. John McClure, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Hoolen, Mr. und Mrs. Win. Herdlne, Mr. anil Mrs. M. ,,M. CoOmr, Mrs. J. A, Volllon, Mr. afifl""Mrs. 1. Delta, Mrs. Pet Uurcb, Mrs. Nellie Mctllu tils. Miss Addle McGlllllls, Miss Myrtle AlcGhehey, Mr A. R. Mc llliehey and little son, Mrs. II. C. Mctlhehey and children, Mrs. Al bert Mctlhehey, Mrs. C. II. M tin son, Doris Jean Dllrch. Vildu Alae Motts, Durrel VeriiDii, Jay and Al bert Hoolen. Waller Dnrch and .Merl Mctllllllls. Mrs. I). Scllneller and Mrs. Cllen McMasters were at teinoou visitors. A short business meeting was held in I be al teriiooti and a large box of toys and other UBel'lll Christ- inns gilts was packed uud made ready lo be sent to tho needy ot Iliiudon. MISS VENOR A BATES AND CHRIS BEECROFT MARRY IN COTTAGE GROVE A bealitiru v Un ited Christmas treo rornieM tiie tiack gruund sel ling tor a simple wedding cere mony hnld in 6:30 o'clock l'rltlay ovenlng, December Is, al Collage Crove, uniting Miss VeuoVti lliites nmi Chris lleecrol't ill marriage. Itev. K. Klnior Couller, pusior ol' I he IMuireh or Christ, performed Ihe eerenimty. Only the necessury wllnesses and a lew guests were present. l'ollowhig the coreniony the eon- pie lei'l for Portland returning in time lo spend Christmas at home. Mrs. Ileecrotl Is n dnuglas county leacSer, and Hie daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. W. C. Mates, or .Myrtle Creek. She bus been leai-hlng at Drain Tor the past two years. Prior lo l bat she taught In Kdcn hower lltul resided lu Kosebllrg. She plans to complete her year's teaching at Drain. Mr. lli-cVrol'l, ol llosebilrg, Is u sou ol Mrs. Mary Ileecrotl. and Ir. employed at the veii'ians' :iiliululslrullon riu-lllty. Mr. and Mrs. Ileecrori plan to inakr tlndr home In this cliy. CHRISTMAS PARTY IS ENJOYED AT BENEDICT HOME BY D. OF U. V. The mothers and Oiiuyliti-is or riorfui'c.Nlghtlnuale IVm. Xu. .v D..usbl is ol I ni.i.l Veterans of Ihe Civil war. tMil-IM;."., ln-1.1 Its iiiinuiil tin Istr.nis imiiv at tin home of .Mrs. Kml I'.fttt iliit Mon day evening. dnllies ami music were enjoyed nmi later Chrlstm " siris were Vv changed nmi .'el'resliiuints were served lo Mrs. Ilngnn, Mis. How I'or, Airs. Montgomery. Mrs. Vouniv. ..Mrs, Ciii'.vpboll, Mrs. Amletson, Mrs. Plunier, Mrs. Imurin, Mis. Carson, Mrs. Spt-iipne. IJej.e ll-t. .Mrs. Correll. Allss Voima. Miss Cecil. Miss t'lius. Ms lid roll. Miss doi'lhy. Allss Selirlui; ami! Alls.! MeKetiil. The p'lil will tiold lis annual In Ktiilltiliiill ot ill'l"ers et a Illei-liMi: lo l-o held ul 7:30 o'e.ock Jaliual i ut the III lllilry. ANNUAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DINNER TO BE JANUARY 7TH The iiiiiiiiiiI cliiii-.thrr id com mei'co dinner will ho held nl siv- lllh-ll' ..'..l.,,-!. Tiling. I..,- ...Mini, January 7. Ill the lobby or the rinpiinu holel. The general public! has been most cordially Invited to itleiulf Tickets fur Ihe dinner nuiy be pin i hai nl nl the rmisina hotel or at the chamber of loiniiierce otllce. ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURC, OREGON, SATURDAY, PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR ENTERTAINED AT LOVELY CHRISTMAS PARTY Following the Cliristinus cantata at tho Preshyterlun church Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Camp bell uud Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Grow entertained the choir ut a lovely Cliristinus parly at the Campbell home on North Juckson street. An attractive girt was presented by the choir to Miss Fern S:ott and Frank Orubbo, who w.lll he married during the holidays. The house was especially beautiful with u decorated Christinas tree and attractive holiday decorations about the rooms. Later in tho eve ning Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Grow, assisted by Miss Elizabeth Campbell, served lovely (Refresh ments. Miss Helen Magers poured. The Bervlng table was centered by a beautiful Christmas motif and tour tall lighted blue tapers. The guests included Itev. and .Mrs. W. Fuucctte, Miss Fern Scott. Frank Grubbe, Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. George Conkey, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkerton, Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Livingston, Dr. and Mrs. Clulr K. Allan, Mrs. Paul Warren, Mrs. Lllla Vowell, Miss Mary Mel lows, Miss Nelma Sayior, Miss Lu die Lenox, Miss Elmlrn Uluko, Miss Mary and (Bill Faucotte, Miss Helen Magers, Miss Dolma Grobo, MIbs .M.irgarot Ode.klrk, MIsb Lucy Pinkerton, Miss Ellzalielh, 1)111 and McAfee Campbell and MV) and Mrs. Campbell und Mr. and Mrs. Grow. it D. A. R. CHRISTMAS MEETING 18 HELD AT CAMPBELL HOME MONDAY On Monday evening Mrs. W. M. Cumpbell antt Mrs. lloyd Dales were mosl gracious hosteBses, when they entertained tho L. A. U. at the annual Christinas program' meeting at the Cumpbell home on North Jackson street. The huliduy motif wi'.s beautifully carried out lu the decorations about the rooms. Miss Adeline Stewart, regent, presided and Mi's. Paul Warren sang a vocal solo accompanied by Airs. Homer Grow. Mrs. Campbell told tho beautiful Christmas story from Luke and Airs. Kay S. Petre iliilu gave a very Interesting tulk on "Early ChrlsimuB In Oregon," which proved most enjoyable. Liltlil' Airs. Campbell nnd Airs. Dales nerved lovely refreshments to Aliss Adeline Stewari, Mi-3, F, 11. 'Churchill, Mrs. D. N. llusell bul'k, Mrs. deorgo M. llrown, Mrs. R. II, Grlnslcad, Airs. Aluiiger, Airs. Jlury Tort, Mrs. Georga Churchill, Airs. Paul Warren, Alts. Homer Grow, Mrs. L. E. Ooodbourn, Airs. Cam P. Cuylor and Airs, ltuy S. Petrenuin. BRIDGE CLUB HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY AT FULLERTON HOME Air. and Ail's. Clyde Knllerton en tertained their bridgo club nl a chnrnii.ig Christinas parly at their homo Sunday evening. A no-nost seven o'clock bufret supper was enjoyed, followed by exchanging Christmas gifts und uujo: lug cards, Thu rooms were beautifully decO' rated tor the occasion and the bur- ret uible was lutttiiy appointed with a luce cloth, centered by a large bowl of i.olly, tall lighted ta pers and attractive- red and white tUVOi'S. Th9so enjoying the evening In eluded Mr. uud Mrs. J. A. Hurt, Air. and Airs. LutiU Fiillorton, Air. Slid .Mrs. Adrian Fisher, Air. and Mis. L. L. Wlniliorly, Air. mi l Airs. Leslie Cumniitlgs, Alt', and Airs. J. II. Hennessey, Mr. ;.nd Airs. Floyd Wilson and Air. and Airs. Clyde Fullerton. Airs. Wlinberly won the lli'st prize for the conlrnel bridge play with Mrs. Louts Fiillorlon winning tho second prize. MRS. GRANT OSBORN ENTERTAINS SEWING CLUB AT CHRISTMAS PARTY Mrs. drnnt Osborn very grn ciously enlerliiiiled her sewing club at it lovVly otie-tliirly o'clock dessert -liitu'lieon mid Christmas party at her utrutetlvn 'home in I.aurehvooil .Monday afternoon. CThe luncheon table wus prettily decorated In the holiday luntir wit n a lovely centerpiece and nttructlve i-elloihiine wrapiied rnvors. Covers wore urrtiiitit'ii lor Airs. A. ll. ray lor. Mrs. Harold llellows. Airs. S Hall. .Mrs. Karl Wiley. Mrs James Campbell. Airs. Willis My els. Mrs. d. M. Krell. Mrs. Clyde Cnrsiens. Airs. Victor Clark. .Mrs. ! C. II. Tbillslon, .ll and the bos less. Mrs. Ostium. heaiitirully decorated and lighted Cliristinus tree wus enjoyed aud glt'lj were exchanged. Ihe re liiiiluiler of the ul'tetiioon hours were spent In vlstllng and sewing The nnxl meeting will be a one ihlrty o'clock ilessert-luiK'licou unary s ut the homo of Airs. Vie lor t lark. S 0 MRS. EDWIN BOOTH ENTERTAINS BRIDGE ICLUB ON MONDAY Mrs. Kdvvln lloolh verv gracious I Iv enlertalued her lirlilue club ut a M hiitinlim oue-thiitv o'clock salad ; liliirhi-on al her heiitlllllll new htmie oil Vtstu uvelilie .Monday : allfl luiou. J 'rtie t'lirlslmiis molir wus nltitie lively i-nnlcd out on the serving Inbli-s tied about Ihe rooms. Cover wen. uiiiiutied for Mrs. Hoy Halt's, a gtii-sl. and Mrs. O. Iv lli'ss. Mis. Kiiiiiti Corn. Mrs. Stolt Williams. Mrs. Fiedellck Cliapillllll, Mrs dnrilon lllbbs, Mrs. A. I Pan. Mis. Ki i-diMleli .1. Porter and the hnsiess. Mis. Iloolll. Imuran bridge was enjoyed durum the ndernoon with Mrs. Purr winning prj,- for high score. HART-MILES PARTY FOR SEWING CLUB IS CHARMING AFFAIR OF TUE8DAY NIGHT One ot the prettiest and most charming holiday parties given thta week was held at the J. A. Hart home on South Stephens' street Tuesday evening, when Mrs. J. A. Hart and Mrs. L. A. Miles were Joint hostesses at . the annua! Christinas party (or their sewing club. Polnsetta and conifer wreaths, a lighted Christmas tree and attrac tive miniature holiday figures ar ranged In groups, formed an at tractive decorative motif for the occasion. Gifts were exchanged and a pleasant social evening was en joyed, aftei which delicious ro- rreshnionts were served at one large tablo covered by a lace cloth and centered by a bowl of holly, UK lighted red tapers In silver holders and miniature elephants holding each placecard. Covers were placed ' for Airs. Grant Osborn, Mrs. Guy Mintonye, Airs. u. W. Radabaugh, .Mrs. II.' M. Church, Mrs. E. J. Schrlmpf, Airs. David Hess, Mrs. Wallace Robert son and Mrs. Hart aud Mrs. Miles, members, and Mrs. J. Jarvls Rob ertson und Airs. Frederick J. Poli ter, gueBts. 3? A TO Z CLUB HAS CHRI8TMAS PARTY AT FOLEY HOME MONDAY Mrs. J. B. Foley was a most gracious hostess, when alio enter tained the A to Z club ut its an nual Christmas party at her ut tractive home in Laurelwood Moil- day evening, '- A decorated Christmas tree and other lovely holiday decorations wore used for the occasion. A love ly girt wus presentad by the club to Mrs. O. AI. O'Malley and the members enjoyed exchanging gifts, followed by contract bridge with Allss Helen Casey winning the prize for high score. P l.ster in tho evnnlnir Mrs Ii'nlpv served lovely refreshments to Airs. C. AI. O'Malley, Mrs. Irving Dou eette, Airs. O. H. Hoxle, Airs. Al. H. Richards-, Mrs. P. H. Jurgensen, Mi-s U. It. Aladdox, Mrs. Jess Ham ilton, Miss Helen Casey, Aliss Ma rie and Allss Coletla Lnngenberg, Allss Ann Sinnott and Miss Inez Crosla. REBEKAHS HOLD ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY ON TUESDAY EVENING The Kioiekahs held their annual Christmas parly Tuesduy evening at the 1. O. O. F. nail. Murgaret Ashcraft, Evelyn Hoover and Day- nise Heacb were appointed on the visiting committee, ll was decided to hold a joint installation of offi cers with tho Odd Fellows Janu ary 12. The Christmas program included group singing of Christmas enrols; two vocal soios by Donna Dunham and a li-iimpet solo by Dorothy 11UIBU1I, UUUUIIIlllllltUll 1, VIIHIOUl Cyrus. Tho cnriatmas tree was enjoyed and treuts were sorved The ruli-usliiuont and decorations commllleo Included Alagglo Duut Frankie Purtln, Until Reese Einma K. Erlckson uud J. E. Dent. Day- nlse IJeuch, AI.vrLellu Cunuduy and Wfliuu Duscnbiirk hud charge of the outertaiiimciit; August Hecli A. J. Geddcs and J. E. Pickens had charge ot tbo tree und Louise loung and Elsie ueesu were in charge of the tree decorations and gifts. !.f 9 Hf P. N. G. CLUB HAS LARGE CHRISTMAS PARTY AT D. H. DENOX HOME Tho Past Noble Grund club mem hers and their husbiinds enjoyed tbo uuuuul six-thfrly uclock turkey ilinnor und Cliristinus party Friduy evening at the home of Air. and Airs. i). II. Lenox on Corey avenue. About fifty were piescnt for the affair. t short business meeting was held, followed by an interesting program and luter the Christinas tree was enjoyed nnd Santa Clans distributed gifts. Tho next meeting will bo hold January 32 with Airs. Edytiio Flor enco Kelley, Mrs. J. E. Pickens Mrs. Delia llulchlnKS nnd Allss .May Fls.ter as hostesses. MELROSE H. E. CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE ALL-DAY MEETING Tho .Melrose Home Economies club enjoyed nil all-day llieeling 1 hiirsdny at tile homo of Airs. Graeo Fenn with Airs. Norma Fenn ns Joint hostess. Sewing wns on Joyed In the morning nnd at one o'clock a lovely chicken noodle luncheon was served to fifteen members, followed by a delightful surprise shower parly Tor Airs. Norma Fenn and Airs. Wilteiia llrnill'nrd. I.uler Mrs. Grace Fenn and Airs Norma Fenn served delicious re rreshntents. The club will bold an nil-day meeting Jiilluury 7 at tbo home of .Mrs. Ethel Duseubark with Allss Jessie Pulniftcr, home economics demonstrator, tit c.iurgu. ii MR. AND MRS. CHAPMAN ENTERTAIN RELATIVES AT BUFFET SUPPER TUESDAY Mr. and Airs. Frederick Chapman eiileiiulned it group of relatives at a delightful evening party and buf fet supper Tuesday at their home lu Luurelwnoil. Th.i huliduy motif was atlruc lively carried mil In the decora Hons. Those enloying the evening with Air. und Mrs. Chiipliiiill In eluded Mr. and Airs. .1. M. Jlldd Miss Kldress Jluld. of Portland, Mr. and Airs. Jtmver .Hnld. Jr.. Air. and .Mrs. W. F. Chapman. Jack Chapman. Miss Ilildred Alfl.mitili lln. Air. nnd Mrs. t. I.ltiilhiml ami Aliss Aliirgut-ei Uaum. DELIGHTFUL EVENING ENJOYED AT BOOTH HOME ON SATURDAY A delightful intormat evenlnn was cllJood Snlnrdi.y nt (be ul Iracllvi. new home of Air. nnd Mrs. Kdvvln lliHvtb on Vlsia avenue. An attractive table luirnu' wns pre seliled 111 Air. mid Aim. Ilooih und the evening was spent In visiting, (jiler lovely refreshment!, were en Joved by Mr. nnd Mrs. Ilooth. Mr. nnd Airs. Sceli Williams and Mr; und Alls. I'lcderick Chapman. Choice of Holiday Wardrobe V ., ... c j O" g-z ft I ! Lucille Ball ) f V i "With the holiday season here, the choice of a suitable wardrobe for the many social affairs Is extremely Important. Jean Mulr models an cve ining gowa) that Is the last word in glamor. ' It Is strikingly formal and made of two-toned velvet Jn black and rust colors. Margo, another Holly wood star, favors the model she displays for the FIFTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY ENJOYED AT ED WEAVER HOME The fifty-eighth annual Christ mas dinner and tree celebration was enjoyed yesterday at the Ed Weaver home at Myrtle creek. Air. Weaver, who Is 89 years of age, is a pioneer of Douglas county nnd is prominently known in tnis city. The turkey dinner was prepared by Airs. Rlggs, und sorved ut one o'clock. The Christmas tree- was also enjoyed and gifts were ex changed. Those enjoying the day with & Weaver included Evelyn, Alike, Ar dcll. Vlven and Arlen Weaver, Grace Lutz, Enillin Duick, Airs. Higg. Margery Alspaiigh, Rather- Ine, Willis, Radley und "Dede" Weaver, Susun Sclnnoll, tnisie Weaver, Mrs. II. II. Carter, Mrs. Naomi Ilurke, of Sun Francisco Alary. Juno, VV. P. nnd Koss Weav cr,- Miss Addle Weaver, of San Francisco, Jean, Alnrio, Arlcne Tllanche and Jonnno Jones, Mar- gareta Weaver, Hess, Ermol and Webster uriggs, .loan uinocne, uc vul Weaver. H. H. Schsnoll, Alton 'Alspaiigh, Vint Weaver, Alinor Al. Freed, Morton nnd Huns Weaver, H. It. Carter. George D. weaver, Dorothea Alsuaugh, 1 leva Al spaiigh and Hurley Weaver. PAST PRESIDENTS CLUB HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY AT WEBB HOME MONDAY The Past Presidents club of the George Stunner auxiliary enjoyed n lovely Christinas party at the home of Airs. Percy vveub, br., Monday afternoon. Tito house wus beautituliy decorated In the holiday motif. Tho business session wus follow ed bv the members exchanging gifts and enjoying a social hour. Later Airs. Webb served delicious refreshments nt a table prettily appointed in the hollduy motif. Covers were urranged for Airs. W. o. dinger nnd -Mrs. .Myrtle Nor wood, guests, Mrs. Hubert Wright, Mrs. S. W. Stunner, Airs. Kodgers, Airs. W. Long. Alri. .1. F. byrd. Airs. W. V. Prints end Airs. Webb, hostess. Tho next mooting will bo Hum January IS nl tho homo of Airs. Starmer. WOMAN'S CLUB EXECUTIVE MEETING IS HELD TUESDAY AT CAMPBELL RESIDENCE Mrs. W. M. Campbell, president of Ihe Hoseburg Woman's club. ailed n special executive meeting for one thirty o'clock ut her home on North Jucksui street Tuesday Afternoon. Thee electing with .Mrs. Cumpbell included .'.lis. J. D. Foley, Airs. A. C. Alarsters. Airs. I.. Kohlhagell. Sr.. Airs. Foster llllt nor. Airs. C. II. Dnlley. Mrs. Ilerlbn Purrolt, Mrs. Karl l llilch. Mrs. Thomas Parkinson. Mis. William Doll und Mrs. Frederick .1. Porter. Airs. Foley, secretary, read the minutes. 111101' which plans were discussed regarding the regular club business. The next regular meeting of the club will be n 1:30 o'clock dessert luncheon January 5 al the club house wllb Airs. C. E. Roberts In charge of the program on "Inter national Ilelallons." The members ot the Garden Valley Women's club have been Invited ua special guests at tills meeting. nucRTION MARK CLUB ENJOYS CHRISTMAS PARTY AT BRUNNER HOME Miss Ueryl Hinnner entertained Ihe Oucstlon Alark club at u do llgblful Christinas party ut her home Wednesday evening. The hnllihvv motif wns carried out in Hie decorations and n lingo Christ- mas tree was eu.ioyed nun kui-- were exrbaiiKed. The group; ,1 popping corn nnd playing gamcg .Inline the evening, Those enjoying the occasion with Miss llrunner Included Airs. Veldu Sanders. Airs. Wanda I's berg. Miss Rita llouser. Miss Nellie Rasi. Miss Nova llnsh. Miss Helen McDonald. Allss Able Wolfe and Miss Virginia and Miss Jure Jones. DECEMBER 26, 1936. k4 By OTTILIA K. ASHTON The three-act comedy "Cncle the .Matchmaker" presented by stu dents of thu Suihorliu high school Saturday evening certainly proved to be highly ciilcrtaiiiing and amusing lo Hie nlh degree, llern ard Denver, taking the part of DOb oie liaxter and the lemale role of Kilty the actress, especially re ceived a big hand whenever he ap peared as Kitty. The scene was the lobby of a fashionable resort in the Catskift mouuluius, known The Halcyon House. The cast was us follows: Tinglepaugh or Ting, a Vale foot ball player working as a bell boy Hob Van Knuren. Sam, the colored porter P a u 1 Crawford. Wm. Winkler, middle aged man John Hard ng. Aunt Junt, Vvinkler'a sister El- a w otlord. Suzetle, Aunl Jane's maid Anita Davidson. Jane, the intended victim Wilina Anderson. Dobbie Baxter, 111 love with Jane J Bernard Denver. Benjamin Moore, a benel'uctor of Janes rather Geraiii uacon. Kitty, an actress who has vamped Undo William Mar-, garel Sigisnnind. Carol Lombard and Wm. Powell starring in "My Man Godirey. were shown in recreational nan .Monday evening with a Universal newsreel and a special, subject, You Can't Get Away tw tin it. Our feature for Christmas eve was "Rose Ahirie." starring Nelson Eddv and Jeanctte McDonald, al so two short subjects, Ueuuttlul llnnrr and Lake Louise unu "Honeyliind." Another ilellglilllil cam imnj was held Wednesday afternoon ill the recreational building by the ladies of Ihe V. F. V Airs. Van Vidvrst, local hospital chuirninli, being in charge of arrangements. Other ladles assisting were Ales dumes lllnes, Dousseuu, Tannlunil. Norwood uud Iludnoll. Prizes in lirldgo were awnrded to C. S. Car nian und John Andes, lu pinochle to Howard Hull' and Walter C.lse. Chrlslnins was once iiguln made a happy and coloi-hll even', by the personnel of the veterans facility and our many good friends of Hoseburg. Every head ot a de partment backed by lib or her stall put forth every eiion. iu make this Cliristinus the best ever and we are positive that better Hum work could not lie found on the best fool ball squad In the coun try. Gifts were distributed Tuesday itternooti bv members ot the V. W. auxiliary. Christmas morn ing the American Legion nnd their auxiliary distributed their gifts. The Spanish war veterans nlsn remembered by I heir or ganization on Christmas morning Our Civil war veterans wore re membered bv the Oregon Relict I'ni-iw of Grains Pass and tne Daughters ot Civil War Veterans ot Tillamook. Oregon. The Mnn iiiiia men were remembered by Ihe Vntei-niis of Foreign Wars and the Alontann Federation ot Women's clubs. Our two New v ork men were remembered by the Amerl 11...I ri-nss nf that city. The pnlleuls In lb" hospital ih.ii-nnchlv enioved the carols .,,. I'luistnins eve by Hie Cullip tire group sponsored by the Ameri can Legion auxiliary. miuw incuts were inude by Mis. Roy Young with Mrs. C K. Allen ill--eelini: the singing. The rollovv ing girls took pari: Dorothy Cruiii men Curolvn Allen, t nrolyn Cor don. Florence llunitlloyj Velina Sti-ieklanu. rami. Anna nun vir ..i..i . v.... .....t 1 nlsn Stt.itli 0m nias dinner was about as near perfect as a dinner could be and we me sure thai every one had ll feeling that they looked jnsl like the fat Jolly looking S.'intn Clans on our attincllve menu cov ers after eating such a delicious dinner. These covers were nealn made hv the students of the Itosi burg junior blh school, under the U. S. V. HOSPITAL Is Important young hostess to afternoon affairs. It has a top of delicate chiffon in a warm pink beige and a simply-fashioned skirt of heavy cocoa-brown crepe. For sports wear Lucille Ball has chosen a sweater that is both flattering and chic. It displays a new neckline and is made of cypress-green brushed wool matching the jaunty Scotch bonnet. supervision of their art teacher, Miss Alargaret Carr. The music furnished during the dinner hour by Cacy Jones orchestra added much to the occasiou. They later played several numbers In each ward of the hospital. This was fol lowed by the big event of the day, the V. F. W. annual ChriEtmas party held In the recreational building at two o'clock. They were assisted by their auxiliary and the Disabled American Veterans. Our new auditorium lent Itself beauti fully to the ChristmaB decorations with two ten-foot trees gracing each side ot the slago In fact- tile entire building received H's share of decorations as did did the lobby and each floor ot the hospital, the dining rooms, nurses' home and barracks. - . Ward Cummiiig8 acllng as mas ter of ceremonies for the. Christ inas parly first called upon .ColE. I.' Tjitwlv run- mnnnirur ntifl 111-' 'A E. Morgan, chief modical officer,'' to extend the season s greetings to the large gathering of veterans, frionds and personnel. - The fol lowing program, was then pre sented: Orchestra selections Cucy Jones' five-piece orchestra. Dance numbers Miss Dora Rak er, accompanied by Velma Car ter. Carols and songs The Holmes Sis ters. Orchestra. Reading Miss Eva TJaker Tap dance .Margaret Hines, compnnicd by Dotty Owen. Orchestra. Songs with guitar accompaniement Friends of Mitbciiiu. Trumpet solo Ward Cunimings Jr., accompunied by velnia Car ter. Orchestra. Acrobatic dunce SiUTiorlln Clarinet solo Hruce Carter, ac companied by Velnia Carter. Orchestra. Song and dunce number Airs. Helen Puneonst and Velnia Car ter. Guitar and sone'j Sutherlin Orchestra. Skit Hod Roadman nnd cast hongs Del Jevvult und slllgin' ul tomhtnt. Orchestra. Gifts distributed lly Leo Scott. Thus ends another perfect day and n decidedly merry Christmas ut the veterans' administration. Hoseburg, ore. V. A. F. NURSES HOME RESIDENTS AND GUESTS ENJOY DELIGHTFUL PARTY The V. A. F. employees residing at the nurses, home nt the post and several guests enjoyed n charminc Eoven-foriy-fivo o'clock dinner and;'. party Hotel rmp- qua sun.'ay evening. A beautifully decanted minia ture Ciiiistmiis tree nnd tail red liynted tapers gi'r.ccd thu tabic. where covers wore arrr.oged for Airs. J. A. Fulcher, Airs. Grace deier. Airs. I. Illegel. Airs. R. Pur pee. Airs. Hoy Ycllllg. Mrs. Paul Tr.ixler and .Mrs. G;:orgo Ames. guests, and MrsrJIItiiln K. Ashlon Airs. Jack Kerns, Airs. Esther Hownian. Ann AicDonnolt Allss llerlhn Nop. Allss olga Win ther. Aliss Lloyd. Allss Frances llowlin, Allss Adeline Poe. Miss Gladys Pylo. Allss Sophia Hitler Aliss Edith Weymeyer und Ilelcnc linker. BUCHANAN-YOUNG WEDDING IS POSTPONED INDEFINITELY On nc'.'ount of Injuries unstained by .Miss Leva Iliu-haliali In a re cent nulom-il'ito nccident, her wed dim; to Roresortiitive-etect naril A. Young, of tills city, which wus to i.ave been performed nt the Hist t onei'ouatlnnal cinicrh in Eugene tonlcht at eight o'clock Has been Indefinitely postponed. Allss Dlichannn. duuehter of Dr. a:id Airs. W. E. Ituc-hnnan. Sr.. of Eugene. Is reported to be contlned to bed on account or (oncus-slon and skull Tincture. Her cowjttion is not reported to l.-e crttiinl, iiovv ever. but. It will be severa days be Tore she will be able to be up. Hflr condition this morning -vas rep ed improved. NUMEROU8 CHRISTMA8 DINNERS ARE ENJOYED Senator-elect and Mrs. C. W, Clark and son, Charles, Jr., had as their guests for dinner Christmas day. -Mrs. J. J. Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. J, Jurvis Robertson., . Mr. and Mrs. P.'M. Lee enter tained as their guests at a lovely Christmas dinner Friday, Dr. aud Mrs. Clair K. Allen and daughter, Miss CWrolyn, and son, Bill, Miss Aileen McDonald, aud Mr. aud Mrs. Franklyn VoyL v The Black family enjoyed a de. lightful Christmas eve party and exchanged gifts at the Carl Black home and then on Christmas day enjoyed dinner at the home of Mib. r Ella Harris, Those enjoyiw; the two aftaim Included Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Black, Mr. aud Mrs. Grant Osborn, Sum Black, ot Albany, Karl Homy Faulkner, ot Los An geles, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Taylor uud daughter, Athullo, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Black and sou, Darren, Mrs, J. G. Stephenson uud son, Woodley, aud his daughter. Miss Clarlbel Stephenson, Mr. aud Mrs. Carl Black, Mrs. Ella Harris, Miss Betty Anne Faulkner, ilonuld Fuulkner and Airs. Harnett. ... If tt. Mr. and Mrs. H. il.iChurch en. tei mined at a delightful family din ner .Christmas duy ' for Mr. aiid Mrs. Clarence Church and Daugh ters, Julia aud Cora bot, of Myrtle Point, Air. aud Mrs. Floyd Cliu.rch, ot Portland, George Church, of San Francisco, Mr. und fjtrs.' K. M. Church und son, Robert, and Mr aud Mrs. Everett Winter. ? w ' Mr. and Airs. Fred Cachelin lui.l as their guests Christmas dav at men- uonie in Dlxonvllle, Mr.uand Mrs. I. H. Duff, Mr. and Airs. Francis Chase and daughter, Gay, and sou, Frederick Wilder, and Miss Josephine Cachelin, of Port, land. Attorney and Mrs. U. i,' ti,i,i had aa guests for Christmaa and over the holidays, Alfred Eddy, aiuuuiii. ui w iiiauieiio university at Salem, und Air. mid Mrs. H. L. Connelly and son, Brian, of Port. laud. Attorney and Airs. Dexioi- ni,.o had as their guests Chiisimas day, Mr. and Airs. D. W. Hclliwell ando son, James Dexter, of Eugene, aud iui. mm airs, ueorge Bolter and Miss Phyllis Anne liolmr nf p,i. 'and. , , Mrs. Nova G. Bates and clnneh. tor, Sally Zoe, and Hon, Brent, had as guests to. Christmas diuuer. Fri day, Mr. and Airs. Clyde Carsteus and daughteivJacqitelytni; afid son. Clyde, Jr. , .., ' Attorney and Mrs a v n,..,. hud as guests Christmas, Mr. and Alas. Charles Fox aud daughter Joan, of Marshtlold, and Mr, and Airs. Orrin Fisher i aud dnuirhte.-. Jerry, of Seattle... j .. . W ' Or Air. and Mrs. Frank tuiued ut a lovely Chilsimna ,n- and Cliristinus tree at their homo yesterduy for Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Loon and son, Robert, of Portland. Air. and Airs. It. D. Coen and two sous, Jerry und Michael, and Mr and Mrs. Flunk Coon aud daughter. ouu, rruilK, dr. V !.'(! Dr. and Airs, n u ni,.. u-i -- then- guests to a Chrintmn. yesterday morning and noon Christ- iTim..i ' lae,t nlcce- Miss Ethoul Kinney, student at Oregon btate college, Miss Gay Bubarf o P. 1. Bubar. F. Al. Akoiv and Airs. T R. Burr aud sou. Lurry -Mrs. J. w. entertained as Christmas dinner I S M, "',"!"' M'8' J- A. FuS a ?L''"dA1,''8' u'. Van Voorst and two e.ught-u-s, Aliss Evelvn and Allss Etnel Mao, all oi uZl "... b- Mr. mill Air's. Homer l r-.'.L.. J!! Christinas dinner at ' one o ciock tor Mi- ..n.i Campbell und dmiBhtor, Allss Eilza Ijeth, and .ions, Dm n,i urAr,,,. Ihei'ef""'!, M''8' J- Oodues had their f imllv in it i...,i.. ,ii...... .. - , . iiuaiuias no r at i;,cli- home. Covers were ,, , ' ,"' u"u "Mri- Harold in.,iu.u and son, uud. Aliss. Joan Geddes. , f Redding, Calif., AH- aiid mid Airs. Harrio Booth lv.,d daugh n ,' II"1;,.lc,1 -'ntlieriii3, and son. Ui Inn Geddes, Miss Aluly Dell Geddes Attorney Paul Oeddea and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Geddes. -Mii. M F. Rice emcrti-.lued at a tciy "lovely two o'clock Christmas dinner at her h.r.iie on South In -kson sireet yoster 'ay. having as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. N (1 llucll, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Riee, A.I is Dorothy Truelove, Air. and Mrs Walter Gordon, of Los An geles and, Allss Cora Rot:, of Los i' Angeles. ' Air. mid Mrs. FiedA. Knleiit had tne r mm. Alto ney WMa-,i W. Knight, of Port I,-,, , , t,.,p)l. . Jii-hi w nnd .Inugiiii', Mr. and Mrs. Dud Watson, to Christmas din ner yesterday. Atr.Ouud Airs. Karl Benedict eu- tv'.iiiiiino .vjr. anil Airs. E. K. Willi H'hcrly at a very lm-niv r'i,ru,,.,., dmncr nt 8:3n 0viek at their homo in West R,;schur.r yealcrilny. 9 OO Dr. ,,!il Mrs. G. c. Finlny had ns the r g.e:sls for Christmaa dinner, their two sons. Gilbert, student nt O. s. C, and Jim, mv. nm Mr, H. H. Turner and two daughters, Bar bara A in nnd Cvnthla sue. nnd Mrs. Kinlay's fntk-r, IS. F. Skinner. A lovely turkey dinner was served at two-thirty o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. Glenn Owen and danghte;-. Allss Belle, hud as their guests nt n dellghtrul Christmas dinn-r at their home In Laurel wood: Air. and Mrs. George Geddes and son, "Buddy." of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Erlckson. of Eugene. Air. and Mrs. Bert Courtney and (Coutluucd on page 3) O