Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 24, 1936, Page 8, Image 8

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Douglas Turkey Growets Launch Control Plan
Voluntary Production Limit,
Increase of Consumption
Also on Program.
Application for a rhurt'T tinder
the OrfRon Cooperative I'roiluceiH
law 1ms been filed by a group or
Jouf,'la county turkey growers
who nro sponsoriiiK an cratiiza
lion to he known us tlio American
Turkey OroweiH 1'ioteclive union.
The. orKiinlullon, wlilrh the
spoiiHors hupp to build Into a nation-wide
cooperative, has an its
principal object ivn Die con trot or
production and prieo by voluniaty
ai cement, protcrtlvo legislation
and widespread advertising to in
crease turkey consumption.
Officers will be appointed and
ft permanent organization begun
following receipt of tho charter,
Rpotisoi'H state,
II Ih not proposed, tho growers
say, In engage In marketing of tur
keys or to infringe in any way up
on other opermfnK coopfiatives,
but rather to bring tho growers In
to n voluntary agreement to main
tain production at a m:ale which
will not oversuppty the (jwkpts
and to hold for prices which ,vDl re
turn a fair margin of profit.
Control of production and prices
would be In the hands of com m it
tees of growers hi the various tur
key producing districts worki
through n central governing body.
The break In turkey prices dur
ing the current market season,
sponsors of the organization insist,
resulted from overproduction and a
bearish Influence on the part of
buyers, who, It is contended, took
advantage of conditions to force
the price lower than was juHQffed. j
It Ih further claimed thai some
Intxro nmtiitilw idnti In I'n lllln
turkey Poriti&nn on a large scale
In direct competition with Individ
ual growors.
Protective L0 Sought
It. Is proposed that the American
Turkey flrnwerH Protective union
ho Qrgani.ed In all bocIIoiih of the
country where tuifteyH are gron,
nnd that the organization sponsor
federal legislation iiich 'll pro
tect growers alii1. unfair con
It Is furtl:0r propria ttt fur
oy eoi(8Hinp1ioii lncr.'id
!Ql'01'.1l Qll C3leiC C'ICi'I'USir
The org0niv9tinO, U ! ild, 'Ml
not dlroMlo tfaf?iiln luiOec. Wit
QUI confftio 110 efft)rl to moinlol
lti price etdo r4itiibl Co1"':-
I $i cm (if pneluetUn. SBcfc
prirt9 would ) niQifttaimal by
puil volflJarO !!fifo'itrM Qftlch
finiiM Atari Ontr) i?i'oilml(Oi.
fp plan of0 ioiil70llo fa
Q'OilkO. to W0 coitra ftumorH id
mnii; mfly ftrrlcuMurol prlulo.
O it h in ev'nllnn tfcfl, tlll6ftt(ie
lo Ity' re'ulcieaa ityniltl be nlmi
IOi rlliO than commiton.
Boy Scouts Scheduled For Winter Frolic at Odell Lake
"M 5
Hoy Seouls of Wulliiinet council will hold their nevuitii minimi winter camp ill Summit lodiro. Cuscu'li'
huiiiiiiil, wun, uii ii;i mnu. i iiv i'i-i;iiu auutm-i u raciuc coucu irnntiriorung me campers leaves Kir
Reno on .Monday, December 2S, at 12:15 p. ni. and returns to Eugene on December 31 at 4:42 p. m.
s-(ii)w conditions for skiing We reported to Iio excellent according to H. B. Sullce, scout
wlli bo in charge of tile camp. . ,
The totul cost for tho three days of winter sports Including transportation, room nnd hoard Is $r,.85,
inn picture hiiiiwh some nappy periods ut last yfJ's Hoy Hcout winter camp at Odell !i.lie. Left, scouts
on a cross country sun trip. ItiKht, scouts on skil slide durlriK a snow stiirm. O
xecutive, who
i rmtnt the -Cocaty I
Ci I. Dec. ill at too
I0neen lUiice, feitc'i' i Hi
;i:ifl Q.iSLt .QftiO. At'iveti Won:
Oclnalty to QrcnS lfi holh'ocS
Oil wlUda, til. pfbl Mte
Mr. od MiO. lw: and
(Qihhon, ift, dfftivurd and Ilt-v-erl,
&?o-f n 'au0 I'm Muti
day. ti t (fc f&Vl:0:'ds unit Mrs.
(icrtrudo I.ct'ol Were iJranls Pass
i-alleiQ Oomlas.
P. D. W'Om'Ii trausacled business
in Uosi'lnii Tuesduy.
Mr. and 4!rs. 10. It. Harvey made
a husluei'.s trip to (irants Pass
Uuy Ciniulnghaiu, Miss Luella
Cuuniiighiun and Mrs. Ilessii Sthu
ers maile a business trip lo (irants
Pas Tih-sdaQ
Mrs. ('. II. Austin and Q.mmle
Simpson were Grants Pass ralb-rs
Mr. and Mrs. It. (!. .lobnstm ami
daughter, Pally, arrivi'd Krttlav
from t'orvallis to spend the holi
days with Mrs. Johnson's parents,
Mr. nnd Mi-h. ( K. Illidne.
Mrs, Melvln Nye visited with
her parentH, Mr. and Mrs.1. .M,
Keyi's, near (Iranls Pass Tuesday.
Mr. ami Mrs. (Ji-nrge t hver
and daughter, Pornthy, lefl Tm--day
for Portland. They will go
from there lo Marshfield to spend
the holidays with relatives.
T. ,1. Secmes ami U. V. fnlelcs
Her left Wednesday to spend Ihe
holidays in Portland.
IMI A IN. Dec. S I - Mr. and Mi s.
Chits. Mull and bubv and Mr. Curl
sou, all of KIiiiiiiiIIi I'allK. vislicd
December 24, 25
and 26
Also special turkey sand
wichea served nflcr the
dnnccs nt
in L'anyonville
several davs at the home of Mrs.
Mull's n:t rents. Mi, and Mrs. Pick
.Oandevertn They were en route
home nfleT a visit at Spokane,
Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Rneed and
family moved from Klkton to Hie
John Kent ranch west of town
last neil.
The choir cf the f'hrWMan church
l)n nted a cantata, "The Song j)f
ihe Star." Sunday evening. "
Or. nd ors. Lester Cramer
hn'O rein rued from California and
mnv to ll Chas. Kllenburg
Vr. uml Slrs. Hunt and baby
hate renvoi Into the Theron Hall
iit:-s'. Mi. Hunt Oiis formerly
Vie .mfi Carev.
Vi'. ami K9m. .1. 1. WIsifDnrver of
'nrtland viewed fronP Saturday to
HJmul(t' at te O'isimarver home
ft ere. Thev were en route home
fr3 a three seMP vacation trip
to eiyi'n (-DirliiiiQ and other points
irt C'ol?fieia.
ei'tf(!ftl.l. Ic. 21 Vhe VPA
Oilll ici(iallon clas inel on 'rs
ffa oriernoon .C. tin city hall for a
email CiriWiiidS parly, tlifln worn
St ftamfi'd froi a mall tree nn
tflo Inl1 find irandy and mils wore
e.lntod. 9ln. pnOcnl were: Mrs.
fmvci (!roliy, Wie Woods, T-enrl
Uiat CMlihiKdii. Mrs. II.O 1 land.
Via. flnillh DeMiilh. Mrs. 1,. A.
&-hrolner and Miss Norma llundy.
tfrs. Nellie Purker.O Mrs. Alice
llundy and Miss Norma (Dundy
were .Sunday dinner Kilesls at the
ftay Parker home wesl.of town.
Hriiialu Slack reports that tD'iivv
cshlinueiilH of lurkeys have been to-
Iiik oul for Ihe past few days, one
day of which, 7WI0 pounds were
handled Ihrnuuli he express office.
Mrs. llerlhu llai'Me Is recovering
from severe burns caused by scald
Iuk wnli'r beinc: tijiiieil over Infllct
iuu painful burns mi and down one
side of in i body. Mrs. .1. V. Cul
ver. Sr.. has been aiding? ill her
ein-e. 'I'he iiccldeul ncciirred about
a week uko In Hie HaruT- home.
Miss Helen GJIIen, who has been
llHelulillK Ihe Norlhweslern School
of t'.oinmeree In Porlland, relurned
home for the Christmas holidays.
Miss (U.illierlue Mauhiuc, who is
slinlent of Ihe same school is also
with her parents for the holiday
Joe Cliainherla and Dale IliP-
vev, sliideuls at KiiKene, are honic
ov Ihe holiday season.
A. I,. Ileal, proprietor of Hie
loinl'ifo t'luti cafe, recently pur-
chaseVvihe whole corner building In
which his business is located. He
plans on oxlctisivc repairs and
chuiiRciolo be made In the build
Inc The noil hern part of the
bnildlni; Is oecnnied by Hen Wof
ford's cafe and it Is rumored Hint
Mr. Worruril is
innvliiK lo part of Ihe
erlill hotel hull. line.
I'lanUlln Wofford. who has been
rocelx Iiik treatmi'iit or an Infect
ed 'e in ):ut;,nt for die pasl sev
eral weeks, returned biiine on Sun
day In a nun h improved condition.
Ilerberl Parker drov;- to Oregon
Cll on Wedni'sdav brim; Mr
ami Mrs. l.ion Parker, who mov
ed there I'loiu Minn, .sola nhoiit lira
mom lis nun. to spend the Christmas
holidiivs ullli Hie Hav Parker rain
lly. Ilev. ami Mrs I lerbei I Swlfl
and fiimlly and cbas. Par. of
Trontilali'. will also arrive this
I" spend Christmas with Mrs.
Nellie Parker and Itay Parker and
Power and lluhl was shut off
completely f,,v several hours on
Wednesday- nioiuinc In ami around
Siillh-ilin. by Ihe fnlllnc. of three
poles, which fell across the high
way betwi cn Slllheilin and the Hall
service station Traffic was di
rected west of town coniliiK back
nolo the hichwav near IVaily. The
recent heavy rains in.- blamed for
Ihe d.-.tnau-e. which occurred about
!l:3"t a. in.
Miss M.llvell,. Klnurlleel; or llle
Slllheilin hich school, lefl Weilnes-
tiny nlieinoon for her home to
spend t'liristmni. I
llllice DowllucOwlll sp,.ml
,-o, lii,.i.l""ver oy I'l-i
1 former Sulli- si-hool will he itismiss.ed
over uie iioiuuiys lino win no re
opened oil Ja iry 4, 1M7.
holidays In Albany with his pa
Mrs. niancho Merrltt left for
S'lirshfleld to he with her dniiKli
ter, Mr.'O Wendell.
Dale Green, who Is takiiiK nurses
traiulliK In Portland arrived home
to spend the Christmas vacation
with her mother, Mrs. Hazel Oreen.
Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd Cameron lefl
Wednesday for Hood lilver to
spHid Ihe Christmas vacation with
relallOs. O
Miss Helen nml Anils Oorrell
will arrive from Kn(?ene to be with
their lumber. Mrs. lailu Oorrell dur
ing Ihe holidays.
W. If. CrnlK, of Corvnllls,vlslt
ed Willi his slslers, Mrs. Chns. Hart
ley and Mrs. I.uln Clorrell, for n
few days last weidt.
Mrs. Cecil fair, Mr. and Mrs.
.lohu Musttrove shopped In Ilose
bliri; on Tuesday.
Mrs. llrltlnln Slack Is ill nl her
home west of town. Mrs. llniuher
her ninllier. Is ciirliiR ror her.
V: (. Sliftnnces and fiimlly nr
rived from Hlbblinw, Minn., last
week and will bo here for two or
three i 1 1 i i 1 1 1 h ImproviiiK their land
mini h of loOi. They report the
wealher lo be very cold In Mlnne
sola when Ihey lefl, beliiK about
.1- (leurees below zero. Thev left
for the Christmas holidays on the
Sliasln for San Kriinclsco. on Mnn.
Miss Alherln Wilson arrived
from Orenon Slain eolleKe, fttsral-
ns, io speiui uie holidays with her
trlends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Mnrvin Fisher left
Wednesday aflernonn for Murys
vllle, Calir., to spend Hie holidays
wllh Mrs. Klaher's mother anil
falher, Mr. and Mrs. K. .1. Tllibells.
and her brolher In law anil sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tyler.
The rtnselmrir Sntitnc !.,).
held Q Chrlstmaa assembly yes
terday in the hiali schonl innHm.
Vium at 2:-ID p. in. The imicrum
ciuislsted of a nuiuber by tho hih
schnol orchestra entitled "Yuletido
Kchoes"; several ('hrislinaa num
bers and enrols by tho Olee club;
solo selection by Lowell NutthiK.
accompimied by Kern Nutting, ami
a duet by Sarah Talis nml Kath
ryn Hel.npp, ulnn nccompauled bv
Fern Nutting. "Silent Niuht" was
sunt,' in Kronen by members of the
French classes of Ihe high school.
"The Itlessed Variant" was pre
sented by the NVho Inamatics
club representatives. These num
bers were directed by J. 1). O'.ih
more. Ccm-go Itattersou, Amanda
Anderson and Kato Ituchannn.
The assembly w;a closed by id)
iirnver ny I'rincipai u. II. Heard,
NEW YORK, Dec. 21? (AP)
Sarah Churchill, daneitiK daughter
of the veteran Hritish Statesman
Winston Churchill, and descend
ant of the 7th Duke Mnrlborounh.
was married today In HuP e'oili's
of rice nl city hall to Vie- Oliver,
nitfht club master ((E) ceremonies
ami comedian. ,
Itefore P.iilliiK for London ih'e
b.-lde said her frit iit r.. hatl cabled
uis niessiiiKs.
The bureau of biological survey
Is liylnK lo raise the birth rale of
ihe wild duck by constructing ar
tificial ne.stinK Islands.
On the hunter's gun shoulder
falls a portion of the blame for the
fowl's high mortality rate, but sur
veys have Bhown waler also has
some responsibility.
What happens is this:
Tho mother duck lays her eetrs
ny uio waters edt;e. Come spring
rains. Creeks and rlvera rise,
sweeping the potential birds with
Realizing that you either have to
educate the duck or stop the rains,
lie bureau took the first course
ind f Inured nut the nestinir is
lands, about the size o.Oi bi din
ner table and anchored safely to
the bottom.
They have been spread throueh
,Qe country's Kame preserves by
lie civilian conservation corps.
Kepiesenlntlves of the UIbIi
School tllee club sans: carols In the
hulls yesterday diirluK tho sixth
period. Those tuklliK part were:
sopranos. Annahelle Ilerir. Clarice
I'avne. Kliabetli rntnidiell; altos.
Kdna Clark nml Wlunlfrcd Coftel.
and bovs. LaVern Harris uud Has
Hell Harris.
o -
A Christmas bonus In cash
aniouniliiR to three per cent of
InH ear's salary will be paid to
all employes of the (illmoro Oil
company, necordlnir to an an
nouncement made In rortland hist
Thursday by II. Alber, Jr., assist
ant sales iiimutKcr for the Gilmoie
Alber addressed on OreKon di-
viNion sales uieetiliK of exei'utlves,
branch manimers, salesmen and
distributors on sales nctlvilles and
inercbiinilisiiiK policies for t!:tT.
Ihe ineetillK WHS presided over
bv It. It. Orcson division
tho manager for the (lilniore company.
irndo ai
It MAlj-
PnnTf.ANI). Ilec, 21 (AP)
ni'TTKIt Prints, A Krade, llllc lb.
In parchiur-nt wrupTieiv :151c In car
tons; II (trade, purchinent wrap
pers, :Hc b.; carious ,'llic lb.
IIUTTIOIIKAT H'olllaml dellv
ery. Kc.nerul price) A Krado, do
llvered at least twice weehlv, !).
,wc in.; country routes, a4-:i:,c lb.
II Ki-ade, :il-:ir,c lb.; C Kruclo
IvhT -Huvlnir price, bullerf.u bit
sis. r:!ic lb.
KdtlS MiiyliiK price l(j whole
salers: Kxtras, 2(le: standards.
2"m; extra medium, 22e; medium
firsts. Hie: umlon;r:ido. lfie dozen.
I-IVB PfHILTItVS-I'ortlaml do
llvory. liuylllit mice: Colored heiis.
over -l. lbs., l.i.iin lb.; under li
lbs., 1 -I e lb.; I.euhorn hens, lfl
12c lb.: I.eKhorn broilers, 1 lbs..
Ill-lie lb.; I.eKhorn spilnt-s, 11-i Q
Ih.; roosters, Mte lb.
(!liee::e, nntinirg meats, polaloes.
onions, wool, bnv. hops, mohair
cascar hark, stady and iinehaii),'
POtm.ANI). Dec. 21 f API
Wheat prices boomed everywhere.
On tho Portland futures market
without tradliiK. Deceinlnr closed
II '0iit hlKher wllh Mav up 2
cents a bushel. On the sample caili
niarket all wheat ndvunced Hi
cents a bushel, n
Wheal: Onen H!chI.ow Clnsn
May 1.11 l.ii,,
Dee 1.12 .U 1.12 1.13
Cash wheat: Die liend bliiestein
hw. 12 pet. 1.23: dnrlt hard winter,
1:1 pet., 1.36; 12 pet. 1.30; 11 pet..
1.21: soft white and western
whlto l.lil: hard winter 1.18; west
ern red 1.17.
Ton drive-ins 10.25: week to
date receipts 5,001), compared last
M'filnv niarket stendv; bulk 1H5
21S Ih. drive-ins 10.25. load 'lots
'iiiotnble tm to 10.35: packing sows
inosllv 7.50-75: cood choice local
feeder ,drs S.00-50.
CATTI.K Market tiomlnul. re-
celnts wnk to date, entile 2?25.
calves 210. co"iiared last Friday
mn'-ket fteneral -. steadv. some
earlv she stock rlront. lete sales
steers wonker: bunch short fed
steers 7.75. besl losd S.00; severa'
loads heifers 5.6i)-fi7ft: common
down ion- low cutter and cutter
eo s 3.50-3 25. common medium
:l . 50-4. 25: rood beef cows -1. 50-5.50:
hulls 150-5 50; good choice venl-
ers 7. 50. s. 50.
S1IKKP Mnrk't nominal, re
ceipts wenk to date 675. compar
ed Inst Friday tat lnmhs fullv 25
hlulier. obi. rQ lasses steadv. bulk
trucked in lambs 7.25-75. ton 7.S5.
enod fat ewes 3 00-25
PORTLAND, Dec. 21. (AP)
OreKon State coIIcko's basketball
team gave iiromise Of "going
places" in the northern division
schedule of the coast conference
whenCU stopped the strong Mult
nomah club five last niL'ht. 27 to
2. O
The victory gave the Reavers a
lean sweep In their Pm-dand In
vasion. The likht before they de
feated Union Oil, 31 to 27.
ClRcO. Calif.. Dec. 24 fAPt
The Oregon Webfoots, defeated 111
their last two basketball games by
allfornla and Simla Clam mi
back into Ihe victory column last
night. They upset (Sieo Slate col
'eire 43 to 32.
Oregon staiSd a second iyiir
"allv In overcome an IS lo 12 fead
at lmirtiine.
: DALLAS. Dec. 21 (AP)
Flunk Hart riled suit In Ihe I'olk
minnly circuit court ni'iilnst Hie
Wlllametlo Vulley Luiuber com-
'wny for Sio.oon ilaimii-es which
tlie coinplainl slaled resulted from
eating Qtisoncd food.
nan alleged while he was em
ployed by the companv he was poi
soned by food "negligently anil
.arelessly prepared," and that it
resulted In Illness, loss of time
mil permanent bijury lo his leg.
Alternate sealed bids will be ac
cepted ut Hie offico of tho under
signed up to 5 o'clock i). in., Janu
ary 1. H)::7, covering fifty Hers two-
loot lengths sound old growth fir
wood andor seventy-five tiers two
foot lengths heavy slab wood, to
be delivered at tho City Hall, Rose
burg, Oregon, on or before Sep
tember 15. 11137, ns directed by the
council. Right reserved to reject
any or nil bids.
City Recorder.
Hear Arch nnd Jean and their
All Klectrics at Plantation Inn
Christmas eve, December 21th.
PKntiUlon Inn now remodeled
and tin lei new
Adv. I ' ''W
Sponsored by Roseburg
O. S. C. Club
Music by
Jimmy Johnston's
Oregon Staters
Oriental Gardens
December 26
At 8:30 P. M.
Finest of college entertainment
for Alumni, Friends, High
School Students.
Men 40c Women 35c
Douglas Funeral Home
Eltlblllhtd 112
Perfect Funeral Service0
6 112
Pin ins) Ln Btft.
OLdy ttndant
StiMe nacht, heilige nacht;
Alles schlaeft einsam wacht
Nur das traute hochheilige
Das im stalle zu Bethlehem
Mit dem himmlischen kind.
i i j . . . . : m
Wishing you all happiness and contentment now
and in the new year.
E. T. UNRATH """" '
We have enjoyed serving you during the pat year anti
wish you a Happy Snd Prosperous New Yea?.
Store No. 143
Cass and Stephens
A. M. Tippets
Cleo Phillips
Frank Paden
Warren Denny
StorexNo. 141
130 N. Jaskson
Bob Franks
O'iver Pine
Norman Hess
Ralph Loomis
Store No. 140
q Deer Creek Bridge
Dave Ellis
Si Pierce
Tom Graham
Gtg Oglesby
Laurance Delaney
Jim Loomis