ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1936. FIVE M . NEWS-REVIEW Classified Ad.. Phone 100 RATE Single Insertion, Mr word One week, per , One month, per lluo.ll.00 Minimum charge , 26c Copy (or this page will be accept ed untU 11 a. m. ot the day of pub lication. The News-Review assume ao responsibility (or and In no way guarantees the financial responsi bility or Integrity ol the advertis ers In the classified columns. Read ers are urged to make full Investi gation before sending money in re sponse to advertisements. The News-Review reserves tbs right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves the right to classify ail advertising under the proper classification. Livestock Voil SALE Olio 3-year-old Jersey to freshen in about a week. Suv oral others to freshen in ubout a month. Howurd Hatfield. Phone 14F41. YOUNG breeding ewes for sale, healthy and In fine condition. Price reasonable. W. L. Good man, Oakland, Ore. Phone 37F3. FOR SALE Somo choice young Jersey cows and heifers, or will trade for sheep. Ada J. Pcnu, Cumas Valley, Ore. FOR SALE Dlack Jersey heifer, coming fresh first of February. Box 157, .Melrose Star Rt. FOR SALE One team of horses. Weight 1360 pounds. II. C. Schut tenkerk, Brockway. WANTED Feeder pigs and cattle. State weight and price. Dox 69, c-o News-Review. FOR SALE Good saddle horse. Price $65.00. H. J. Hausotter, Riddle, Ore. .FOR SALE Collie pups foftllirist- nms. z miles east Umpqua. O. C. Slunwood. FOR SALE Hereford bulls. M. D. Oil Matthews, Glide, Ore. t POPEYE m I HrRO OOTStDE WAS ) BELIEVE ME IF I DONE V THE VJINDOW, BE HOVffiRlN' Sp'T, M yM. N PROBfY-V JOS'ft r -S S SOME EXPV.NNIN' SO fU' I KHOVJS M. rXROUNO-VJELL.l X W H SEA-BWDFWIN'TS VL-KEEP HE MOUTH VJHAtf I'LL SEE-) HERE BE - ill fvH If UTI LE ANNIE ROONEY ' By Brandon Walsh ! YES -YES - THEY'RE ALL LOVELY -BUT I )W GEE .ZERO - WILLYA LOOK AT f"i ALL RIGHT - EVERYBODY ISO VOu'RE A REAL. ORPHAM AND V ' ! MUST HAVE A LITTLE SIRL TO PLAY H ALL THE KIDS ? I WONDER IB I INSlOE - HURRV IT UP, PLEASE - THAT'S YCHH OWN OOft ?? WELL, f--f I THE ORPHAW - BRIMS IN ALL 1 WHAT THEY'RE WAITIN' FOR M EitSSia MR. VILHARR IS VAAITIWG - ) YOU LOOK. THE PART - THAT'S o t : 2 "tHS SUBSTITUTES THAT ARE JT1lli MAYBE IT'S A PARTY OR 5rTf lIlZsETftsw LeTS eo-EVE(?yBOOy J WHAT COUNTS - IP CAM READ fi f," WAITING FOR AM AuCCTIOSI llllll 1 " 7 SOMETHIM ' IJl jiL. IMSIDE ill " LIMES THE JOS IS tOuRS.HEV, POPS fV -ntK- !fcL) ill fW I 1 Ss-Jr vn ''PH l!r kSft BBINO ME A COPy OP 1MB SCRIPT. PLLIE THE TOILER o " o o o By Rusi Weatovet ' l TELLVUH,4HES RIJHXdl-lADAM-UVOU'BL I i -SEE YOU'Vfe f VES, VlT'S MACSIr CAME IM HOSE Tol IHOW, MANY TIMES DO 1 HAUelfOF COBbSE. t'M MY SHEEP HTHfCENSEAry. D06, MAC BUT -rJLT5, IS AA-WAVS RI6HT7 NOVaI CLEAwl HEARD such ' POLLY AND HER PALS o '. By Qiff Sterrett r IjVER ALLUS COMPLAJNINl'1CriH I I 1 rT""fl9 I MANKSSUSIE ! I I 'COUP.SE YIJH DOES D.ARLIN1 ' X ' I ' I ABOUT HAVIN NO SRACE Y AN1 I GOT THIS CHEST A I , I HARDLY FEELS I ANMFTHATVS NOT ENUFF ROOM i' FERVEREELDNGIN'SyQr ( EMPTIED ESS FER. YOU. J I TA X DESERVES IT I AS'T FEB, MORE YUH'VE GOTTA I WAL.I MADE POLLVr-1fis2-- I i T v8 I HAVE SOME PLACE T' STORE TH1 J FOR SALE or trade for sheep, 3 two-year-old and 2 yearling short horn heifers. Carl Rocker, Elk-arose Rt., Roseburg, Ore. FOR SALE One gray horse, weight 1200 pounds, V years old; true to work or ride. John Tel ford, Star Rt., Roseburg. SHEEP FOR SALE 40 head young breeding ewes in fine con dition, lamb February. John Stanley, Camas Valley. FOR SALE Two young gentle horses, 1200 and 1500 pounds, at Crawford ranch, between Sulu erliu and Wilbur. FOR SALE Cows to freshen this month. Team work wanted. Perry Smith, 3 miles on Looking glass Route. FOR SALE 2 dressed hogs. Will butcher next Monday, December 2Stli. Howard Hatfield. Phone 14F41. FOR SALE Two - thoroughbred, lualo Scottlo puppies, 1102 S. Uiupquu. Call after 4 p. m. FOR SALE Horse, saddle and bridle. Cheap. F. F. Parker, Wil bur. Wanted WANTED Light plant in good condition. State make, price. No Junk. Jay Wright, Mllo, Oregon. WANTED Boarding bouse man agement on contract. Uox 225, Sutherlin. . WANTED Sleeping room. Inquire Hogan's cigar store evouings. Help Wanted GIRL to help with housework and attend child part time. Majority of evening time free. Room and board and possibly smnll wage. Box 58, c-o News-Review. Poultry 10,000 DAY OLD Narragansett turks. Spring delivery. Gd stock. Small advance. Order now. Geo. A. Binder, Elkton, Ore. A FINE M FETING PLACE.' Business Opportunities FOR SALE My bottled milk busi ness in two towns, grossing $325.00 month. Room for growth. With cows or contracted milk Bupply. No other licensed dairy here. $600.00 cash buys It with complete equipment. Inspection invited if you mean business. Write R. S., Box 66, c-o News-Review. ADAMS' beautiful auto camp and cafe for sale. 7 miles south of Roseburg. Phone 21F14. Situations Wanted WANTKJ) Experienced man wishes j jm) on chicken ranch. Box 64, c-o News-Review. O Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dalton' Adding Machines, sales and service. Roseburg Book Store. Phone 690-J. Work Wanted WANTED Typing by experienced stenographer. 509-J, r I Rentals 5-ItOOM apartment, unfurnished. HeiU, built, water, and warm gar uge included. 3 blocks from busi ness center. Telephone Newlund, 458 or 435-L. Adults preferred. FOR RENT One front room for light housekeeping. Lights and water furnished. Closo iu. 302 W. Washington St FOK RKNT Modern 4-room fur nished house and garage. Inquire 544 S. Pine. MODERN apartments. Kohllmgeu Apts. Phone 650. JAPARTMENT Close In, furnished. SLEEPING ROOM Men only. 530 W. Oak. Hay and Grain KLAMAH BASIN ALFALFA Wholosule Retail. We can load your truck at any time or deliv er to your door. Klamath Falls Transfer & Storage, 4th & Klamath. For Sale, Miscellaueoua FOR SALE FOUNTAIN SERV ICE, oak counter, ueveu stools, tile front, 12 ft. Lack bar, full length mirror, 40 cubic feet lock er space. CARUON.Vl'OR, 30-sal. Ice cream storage, syrup lugs, sink. HARRIS UNIT REFRIG ERATION tulB equipment like new and priced low -fur quick salo. Also, barbequo machine. Oaudo Arne, Cottage Grove. . FARMER'S FEED & Supply Co. closing out stock ot dairy, poul try aud other feeds. See us at once. J. O. Nowland & Sou. Phone 458, 116 South Stephens. ALL your needs In rough lumber, $10 per thousand at the mill. O. E. Clayton Mill, 6 miles north Myrtle Creek on Pacific hlgtrs. HEAVY 22 Stevens target rifle, . waiuury mil type, perioci, fn.pv. Largo assortment of pistols at bargains. P. O. Ackley, Gunsmitb. CHRISTMAS trees Fine eolection to choose from, 1 to 10 feet. : Priced to sell. North end Win chester St. Pop Kennedy. ORANGES, Oranges, Oranges lie, 11c, 13c, 15c, 25c, 35c a dozen. End of Winchester street north, "Pop" Kennedy. FOR SALE Lady's coat,, far ool lar and cuffs, ut a bargain. Sco Mrs. Lymon bpeucer, Imperial Cleaners. FOR SALE $85 Vccto circulating heater, $30. Call Imperial Clean ers 8 to 6, eveaings. 1021 N. . Jackson St. SEE) your cream weighed and tested. Clyde Adair,' Roseburg Creamery. MILK, grade A pasteurised or raw. Delivered daily. Umpqua Dairy. Phone 38 USED HEATERS, $4.50 to $12.60. Burr's Furniture Store. FOR SALE Special portable type writer,. $11. 509 N. Juckson St. KIDESKS while they last, $1.60. Burr's Furniture Store. SIMMONS beds, springs, and mat tresses, uuits ruruuure, an Cuss St. Phone 26-J. WALNUTS 1st trade, Its per pound. Mrs. W. H. Paris, l Plna BL DINING room sets, $18.00 to 125.00. Burr's Furniture Store. WEST1NGHOUSU ranges, $16.00 to szu.uu. Burrs jruruuure store. FOR HALE UHKA RupoaseeBtxl refrigerator. Radio ulusio store. FOR UNFINISHED furnlturo try Burr'a Furnitura Store. FOR SALE Saw rig, $26. Wilbur Garage, TRASH burner as good as new. $14.00. Burrs Furniture store. CARD tables, $1.36. See thoiu at Burr's Furniture Store. ELECTRIC Shavers. Rshg. Blectrrc Miscellaneous THAT rusty, shabby car, reflnlsb it. It pays, protects and Increases Us value, Let us with our long experience and flue materials make it new uauin. Murphy's Auto Paint Shop, corner Oak & Stephons, iu Spaugh Bldg. FREE RENT To neat and cap- aula woman belweeu 20 and 30 and her parents, In exchange for liousol-.eeplng and goncrni work. Box 6. c-o News-Review. ROSEBURG CABINET SHOP, 642 Fowler. Repairing. Car bodies. Furniture. Saw filing and gum ming. Howard Casobeer, Mgr. ni.Aaa rcl.ARS Tint vnnr clean cut and ground for your car at corus. Did a. mam Di. ruuue 652. FIRST CLASS carpenter. Phone 49F25 morning or evening. FOR TRADE Radio for . plana Gross & Hargls. RADIO repairing. Rsbg. Electric, aJtUNUfclL Piano ran sr. eb. 188L By E. C. Segar AukomobOet NOW USED CAR UABQA1N TIME Tua Best Season Tbe Jilacest Values. 1S6 Ford coup. ma Ford coacb. IVSfi Ford coacb. 1936 Ford sedan. V)H Cbev. coacb. 1922 Plymouth sedan, 12 Uulclc sedau. 1D35 Ford pickup. 1924 Ford sedan. 1931 Studobaker sedan. 1929 Dodge coupe. 1929 Whippet sedan. 1927 Fontlau coupe. 1926 Chrysler coacb. 1931 Ford coupe. 193d Ford coupe. 1929 Ford coupe. 1929 Ford rouilBl. 1927 EBsex Bedan. 1928 Chev. track. ' 1930 Ford (ruck. 1928 Chevrolet coach. SPECIALS 1926 Chev. coach . I2B.0 J 1926 Ford roadster 15.00 (Ruckatoll) 1926 Ford pickup 16.00 1926 Ford coupe 26.00 1924 Cliev. sedan 16.00 1925 Bulck sedan 60.00 R. H. WILSON MOTOR CO. Rose and Oak Sta. Rosebarg 1931 CHEVROLET STANDARD COUPE. MOTOR A-1, UPHOLS TERY, FINISH AND TIKES VERY GOOD S277.50 1928 DO DUE FAST FOUR NICE CONDITION IN EVERY WAY 165.00 1930 ESSEX SEDAN A OOOD LOOKING, COOP RUN- niBU CAR -...S147.60 1927 PLYMOUTH STANDARD. COUPE NEW PAINT, GOOD TIRES, S78.00. - , WE HAVK SEVERAL OTHER CARS THAT ARB PIUOH1) VERY LOW ON EASY TERMS, DOU BARRET MOTOR CO. CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH SALES & SERVICE MOTOR SHOP OARAGE USED CAR LOT ACROSS FROM MONTGOMERY WARD. 1927 CHEVROLET coupe, $36.00; electric washing machine, J12.G0; small kitchen range, JH.2S; Hooslor kitchen cabinet, $12.00; 4-poster bed, coll springs and in ner spring matlress with drcBser to match, $23.50. At The Star Second Hand Stose, 616 North Jackson St. FOR SALE $129 credit on 1937 Chevrolot at 20 discount. Box 1268, Roseburg. Today 8 Cross Si-By EUGENE g32 ' 'I2 I3 h Is b-YXl la I'1 10 " 12 2T26 7Z21 """"20 lli:!i;:-i Tb "3T"wo ht 521 11 I 1 m 1 1 I HORIZONTAL 1 Music Iron set of bells 7 Writ commanding an officer to take a person 3 .What I the commercial center of Indie, r 14 What Brltlik protectorate in East Equatorial Africa 1. be the Nile and Lake Ru dolf? lli Persian poet 18 What I. th capital of Afghaa i.tan? IB Hebrew name for God 19 Pointed snd headed piece of metal 20 Feminine same 21 r-Troe 22 Pronoun i!J Pieces of money 24 Composition lor three voices 25 Title of a ruler in Ethiopia 31 Turk , 29 Greek war god 81 .Scandinavian narrative 32 Who wa. tha Creek godde.i of retribution T 36 Estate of a lord 38 Line on which a body revolves 89 Walks with nn eany (rait a I French definite article 42 Unit of wpiebt 43 What Englub coloniit wa. named military advlier (a the Pilgriiair StandLh 44 Involuntary twitching 45 Tone In Uuldo's scale 4 Keversge 47 Dwell 48 Religious ceremonial fO What African .taleim.n be came a millionaire at the age ef 19? O 12 Game at cards 63 Artificial conduits ' VERTICAL t What Polith pl.nUt revolution iced the art of writing piano forte piece.? 2 Descendant of Ham 3 Masculine name . 4 Deface ' 6 Half as em ' FOR SALE 1929 Ford (our-door seaau, VU tires. iio4 pala4 and top, $165.00. Donald Wimbwly, at Churchill Hardware Cenpaay. FOR BALE House, I roc us, gar age and woodshed, 76, Tama at 6. 4t-acre farm, good road, good bouse, and out buildings, priug water at bouse and t creeks through place. For quick sale will give team, baroaas, cow and belter, 70 turkey anil 10 tons bay all (or paly 11,254, gee Mr. Wood, Real Estate, oa N. Jackson St., Robot, urg. ftlR SALE 08 TRADB teeners ranch. Near town, lstnir 11 Brockway. Trade WANTED TO TRADE $100 worth, of lumber or building material for chickens. Call 124. Loan and Found LOST Small else dark brows kid glovo. Finder return to News-Review. Fuel FOIi BALB-i-fiO tier dry Or wood. P. C. Trozelle, SuUiorllu. NOTICE Purounnt to the provinlonn of Spc-" Hon 304 of the Uanklnir Act of 1935. nutlro Is herobv Kiven bv tho Unlt i'U 8tatu Kutlouul Bttiik of 1'ortlatiri' (OrcKnn). with mn In office In Mio , cltv of Porlliind. State of Orcjron, ' uud with l)"tuiih office (or branch , (ifftct'hi nt HoHuhurK. OroKan. 'that the llnbllUv liiuiuHfd 11 Don the hold- : f'l's of phurcti of Ub cununnn stock by tho wrov el---' of Section 6151. U, S. Hcvlnjcd Statutes, as a moil (It'll uiul Uuoiton 3 of the Fedcrol Ke Bcrve Act, tuuciuied. bU11 uunae on July 1. lu.17. - A By Ordec pf tho Bour4 of DlPoc tora, ' - WALTER M. COOK. - Chlpr. O. K.'d USED CARS 1929 Chev. coacb, bas new paint and runs good, for only S13S 1029 PonUae sedan. Tbia car bas good rubber and Is in nice run ning condition S14S Above are samples of our choice used, cars, , . y O. K, USED G'AR0 . ! Prices always marked on wini shield. Your Chevrolet dealaf. - Word Puzzle SHEFFER What wee formerly the chief commercial port of Japan? 7 wa. the founder ! what school al arijeta? 8 Malarial fever 9 Close friend ' . 10 Within U Genus of tropical America! . shrubs 12 Large marine Asa 17 River in Italy 20 What Hebraw laws Iyer died a Mt. Nebo? 21 German physicist and traveler . (1806-77 . 28 Heals 94 Roman garments n 26 Young street Arab 28 Domesticates 30 Fruit broader than it Is tone 82 The world of matter 83 Foreign 34 Unaccompanied - 36 Maseuiinc name 87 Short intermission 40 Fruits 43 Trench around a rampart . 44 Rising and falling ef tha ocean s surface ' 46 Inferior dog ' 47 Having small elevatlca 49 Symbol for tantalum 61 Personal pronoun Herewith is the soluttoa to yaav terday's puzzle. OrvyrlfM. IM, kf MJH Fmium 'f-'nt, T-t HUNT'iiHAIESNE EgGMOf ESJjlDA;i lOIElEFiRIANITISIRlFff