ROSEBURG NEWSREVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1936. SEVEN NEWSREVIEW. Clwified Ads. Phone 100 HATES Single loBertloa, per word. One week, per word. One mon,tn, per line.. ,1.00 260 ssmtuum charge Cony for tale sage wil! be accept ed until 11 a. ui. ol tbe day of pub lication. The Newa-Eevlew assumes bo responsibility (or and in no way suaranteesbe financial responsi bility or Integrity ot the advertis ers in the classified columns. Read era are urged to make full Investi gation before sending money In r aponse to advertisements. Tbe News-Review reserve! the right to reject objectionable adver tising. It further reserves tbe right to classify all advertising under tbe proper classification. Livestock SHEEP FOR SALE One hundred sound, healthy ewes, Rainbnull let and Corriedale cross. Will sell all or part at a bargain if taken at once. C. O. Criteser, Melrose. Phone 24F13. FOR SALE 10 O. I. C. pigs, 7 weeks old. Dandies. Will be In back ot post office December 22nd at 12:00 -o'olock. Come got theiff UM and $4.50 each. YOUNG breeirTug ewes for" sale, healthy and in fine condition. Price reasonable. W. L. Good man, Oakland, Ore. Phone 37F3. FOR SALIC Thorobred black male Cocker Spaniel puppy, 7 weeks old. Art Duvis, J lti S. Pine St., lloseburg, Ore. FOR SALE 2 good stock pups, 7 months old males, $5.00 each. Fred Reinhurt, Anchor, Ore. . ' FOR SALH-lood Bauflle horse. ' Price $55.00. 11. J. llausotter, liiddlo, Ore. FOR SALE Pigs. 11 miles west on Melrose road. W. P. McFar- 0 lune. ' FOR SALE 1 100-pound horse, gen tle to work and ride, $ -10. Phone 3IF2. I POPEYE ByE.C.Segar " ' ' " I I VE OO HEM IT, V, 1 V WELL, IF SB DON'T S I OH,l SEE-VfX MEANS fPOPEVe. O'.O WOO RErMA." I I VJ6lL,lf W OON'TI f M VTKfsKr7 ( DON'T VE, SON? H HEfsR IT, MPW8E ITS J05' pIXILfKTEO UKE GftRV .HEftR SOMETHING ? j-' HEfsR IT NOW v T-r - 3sn Qsgtssasr $&r, . I 1 1-' ' III. II li I V'V.i '---- l 1 I : O .t: -9 t ' An :;-::::::-;."-f I 11)L 1 " ' I 1 : J- r J , "V r-- I 1 . - '-. . m at 1,1 A ' -"v MKV yMJ .' X f BT m. War f r . T m. I L1" ' V-'-: T.. n I.. .: I W JT"J& ..:r: :. i am ..-j C U f t I . : .-. a J mm 1 1,1 I - I I .....vrrr IQfeJ mW' -mm--;U-SlJUirW 4tt!L I LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY : ' :' By Brandon Walsh A MTHIS' LOOkTS ft I MATE TO SPSND MOSIEV I I JUST HOW MAKlV PLEASET EXC09e, I JSm'T TfjERE AAo1 1 "iWoi iffit IJf A LIKE A v24ON THE LITTLE BRATS -r TOVS DOES' EACH,! MB - I HAVE ' OME V.lVlMS 309T A yiNUTE Abu r PCQ B DE.LAV, BUT I M IN A r CHEAP BUT filVING EACH ORPHAN STOCKING-to-AW, TO LEAVE 4g OM' THIS . i"" 1 If ,Dej?or-c cvo?r7Rc 4 ? TiLLIE THE TOILER ' Ru8 Wertover 4 Tl S'Posi TIL.UE.'S PEEVED. U UMDEE-MCV HAc Wx. AMSEE-Um V1ELL., ANVUAy, If VS, VaJH CAN I l-u SY "THE I SO, I WAS U "JU ,-:.! AT ME fOta MOT XA.K.1NJ.3 COME C2M IN, AMD i 'tnusicf 3 rE SOT you YZTZ OvMNETd. Or Trip ZTXaZt- II oajMER. IS HSi TO roL.UMCH, BUT vjhem J Have DIWN vmH MOTB- LaTlE FELLAHj SOMEWE TO iraE-HAr 1 VV ianSTo I SAVM Vy SHEEP DOS IM A USL.UHLL e&T , 7TTiV- UuV nH .hrLSc TERrelET?. HAS SI HONEST I AT 6ETT1W6 ,-1 to fdit. but rSn fr --rr" -- 1 friffi J th kk Mfc 1 COULD SET r-fP f , 3 ;:0M1OT HE COMBS- riA) M- POLLY ANff HER PALS ' By CXiit Sterrett 1 , I VTJH LIKE IRON , MADAME-1 1 SOLDI -"A. 1 lOOS LCVELVO WE ABSOLIJTELV Vt I -THAT VOU'LL BE NEEDING ) !' .1 AMjTI-liSW-i PHR.VEARSO2- A AM1 NOW FEU BUT WHAT fiUARAhn-EETt SOMETHING NEW A&AIN XTM- WEAVE WILL kr---r-y 3 ( SOME SHOPPIN1 J ABOUT TH'WEAR?)-, MADAME-y ) AFTER THREE OR FOUR ) ? fi" E .5 . o - e Wanted WANTED Responsible party will pay cash for leasu on farm, free soil, good water supply. Will buy stock and equipment if suitable, llox 63, c-o News-Ilevlew. WAiNTED Row bqat. State iice, dimensions, locations, etc. Must be reasonable. Address llox 101, c o News-Review. PLOWING and discing wanted Will take livestock part pay ment. P. X. Box 668 or call 419-V. WANTED Doardlug bouse man agement on contract. Lox 225, Sutherlin. WANTED 4 tier of dry 16-incb laurel block wood. Phono 493. Help Wanted STEADY WORK GOOD PAY. Re liable man. wanted tp call on farmers 4n Douglas county. No experience or captiul needed. Write today. Furst & Thomas, 426 Third St., Oakland, Calif. MAN To become contact man and investigator for national ' organi zation. Experience unnecessary. Gpod appearance essential. No soiling. Write 750-770 Madispn, Iildg., Milwauki Wis. ' GIRL to help with, housework and attend child part time. Majority of evening time free, Room and board and possl'ily small wage. Box 58, 0,0 News-jtevlew. NOTICE Man or woman to le'ufB jewelry and Rem polishing trade. Goods furbished FI.EE, to sttir't your- own business. - See Ar. Johnston, 214 Cass St. WANTED Experienced milker and dairyman. Box 62, c-o News Review. A Business Opportunities ADAMS' beautiful auto cainp and cafe Br sale. 7 miles south of Roseburg. Phone 21F14. Fuel I FOR SALE 18 tier of green oak wood. Dick Witcbcr, Wilbur. A F'(nIE MPETJNG PLACE,' V Rentals FOR RENT Single room for gen tleman. 1-50 per Week, Hoard It preferred. 230 S. Rose, house in rear. -. ' ,'. FOR RENT .Partly furnished . hpuso In West Koseburg. Uuiuiie 0- J. Llndsey, n.c::t to old Stuto Home. ' . ' i ! FOR RENT Four-room complete ly furnished house. Basement and garage. Adults only. Phone . 637-J FOR RENT Light- housekeeping room, .2 idocks from post office, 302 W. Washington St. FOR RENT Nicely, furnished 2 room nfllartinent. JM. Judtl. ' MODERN apartments.' Kphlhagen Apts! Phone 650. APARTMENT Close In, furnished. Adults. Phone 615-J. FOR RENT 5-room apartment. 308 S. Pine St. SLEEPING ROOM Men only. 530 W. Oak. - Hay and Grain KLAMATH BASIN ALFALFA Wholesale Retail. We can load your truck at any time or deliv er to youi door. Klamath Fails Transfer ' ft Storage, 4th , &. niamatn. ' FOR SALE Gray oats aud vetch seed. Oscar Wqcks, Myrtle Creek. Real Estate FOR SALE Five acres garden hind, 4 miles from Rcseburg. i mllo from Pacific highway. Nice locution.. Very reasonnblo. In quire .MuiQy's Auto Paint Shop. FOR SALE 6-rooiii house, garage, ! woodKhed. Closo to business tils- tvict. J900.00 taquiro ut 1118 Umpqua Ave. FOR SALE OR TRADE 200-ncre runch. Near town. Inquire 112 Brockway. A ' FOR .SALE SO acres timber. May Wiley, Camas Valley. For Sale, Miscellaneous BICYCLES Two Deluxe Silver King balloon bicycles, ulmost (lew. Moving east, must sacrifice for cash. See thorn ut 335 N. Main. ' CHRISTMAS Hoes Fine selection . to choose from, 1 to 10 feet. Priced to sell. NortU eud Win chester St. Pop Kennedy. SPECIAL holiday prices, on new Olympic ranges. The best wood burning range made. Soo them at Powell'B Hardware Store. FOR SALE for $150 cash S-foot Frlgidaire in goad shape. Or will trade for milch cows.' A. B. Esley, Route 2, Kosufrurg, FIREPLACE) screens, 2.00. And irons, firoplace seta. Special low prices on Congoleum rugs at Powell's Hardware. FOR SALE Drag saw, or will trade for cow, heifers or' pigs. Johu Abeeuo. Phone 42F3, Oak laud, Ore. ' FOR SALE A (50 Datteryidio in good condition, for sale cheap. Mrs. K. Von Possl, Terrace Avo., City. - ' '" FOR SALE OR TRADE r One used electric Easy washing machine. Box 61, c o News-Review. FOR SALE OR TRADE Slinger- lnnd (Maybello) tenor banjo. 1112 Ramoua Court. SEE your cream weighed and tested. Clyde Adair, Roseburg Creamery. OET YOUR Christmus trees uci-osb from Morgan's grocery on Rose sLreet. MILK, grade A pasteurized or raw. Delivered dally, Uinpaua Dairy. Phone 8S FOR PALE CHEAP Repossessed refrigerator. IladlQ iduslc Store. FOR SALE Household furniture. Reasonable. Phone 687-R. HOLLY. Cheap. Fiction Library. 308 North Stephens. FOR SALE 8-Inch Luger pistol, good as now. burtuln; new 22 re volver, s. Lurge' assortment ot pistols ut bur0-uuia. P. O. Ackley, Gunsmith. FOR CHRISTMAS Toya aud use ful presents. Best assortment and lowost prices. Boys' bicycles. At Stearns & Cheuowetb, Oakland. PlAlSO FOR SALE Cost J75U.U0. Used very little. Looks like new. A wouder(u Instrument In every way. See it ut 1118 Umpqua Ave. BICYCLES We have thorn ami can supply your needs ut tuu Rosbourg Cyclury. ' Opeu eve nings 7 to 9. BICYCLE A-l condition, (20. Phone 2S6-L. ELEOTRIO Shavera. Rsbg. Electric Automobiles 1936 Chrysler sedan (895.00 1936 Ford Deluxe toupo, .... 596.00 1935 Plymouth coupe 595.00 1931 Poutluu sedan 565.00 1931 Plymouth 2-door 115.00 1933 Plymouth scdun 410.00 1932 Chrysler sedun 360.00 1931 studebaker seuau . .. zso.uu 1931 Uulc's, 4-puss. coupe.... 375.00 1930 Ford coupe 215.00 1930 Ford seduu .'. 265.00 1927 Chr-yslor coupo 75.00 1928 Chevrolet coupe 65.00 1926 Oldsmobilo coach .... 47.50 1929 Fold pickup 110.06 TRUCKS 1931 Chovrolet coupe 445.00 1933 Chovrolet truck 325.00 1932 International truck .. 325.00 1931 Dodite truck 295.00 Many others. Price them beforo you buy. Liberal trade allow ance. Easy lornis. "Dob" Barrett Motor Co. gjlt SALE OR TRADE '25 Ford coupe, Ruckstell axle. Good tires auftop. Will take feed part pay. Elmer Anderson, Lookiugglass. FOR SAl.E Model A Ford sport coupe. Fine condition, (2jU) for quick sulo. One-hali cash. Room 216. Hotel Grand. FOR SALE 1927 Chevrolet coupe Stur Second Hand Store, 615 N. Juckson. FOU SALE J129 credit on 1937 Chevrolet at 20 dlscouuL llox Koseburg. UKST used car buy In town. No trudes. Soo Owen Walker, Gen eral Station, Ouk r.ud ltose. Poultry NOTICE Black Turkey Growora 1 will bo at the Valley l'roduco Co. In Hosooui'g Saturday, Uo couibcr 19th, with a load of my black tuiKey toins. Will have new Llood lines (or old custo mers. The ideal market bird priced to sell. Fay Leatherwood, Oakland, Oregon. FOll SALE Bronze and White Holland brooding slock. "Tops'' for market. Call 17FH, W. A. Duvis, Happy Valley Turkey Ituucli, Koseburg, Oro. FOU SALE Uioedlug Bloc Bronzo nous and tonis. Best quality. Pricoa reasonable. Fritz Snyder Hunch, bays Creek. Phono 6X4. 10,000 DAY OLD NurraBiiusott turks. Spring delivery. Good stock. Small advance. Ordor now. Geo. A. BIndor, Elklon, Oro. FOU SALE Thoroughbred Or pington und New HainpBhiro llod roosters aud pullets. Mrs. Cluudo Goff, Oakland. FOIt SALE Narrr.gansott toms from tow loft out ot piizo win ning' minings. Prices reasonable. Claude Golf, Oakland. Miscellaneous SALE or nurons, dAiHcd chickens, turkeys, country produce, cakeH, pins, hroan, cool'.les ly uiemners ol St. Joseph's Allur society, Saturday, December 19th, In tliu Southern Oregon Gas company office at 215 Cnss St. ROSEBURG CABINET SHOP, 642 Fowlor. Repairing. Car bodies. Furniture. Saw filing and gum ming. Howard Casobeor, Mgr. AGAIN Low rates on holiday cables to ninny European coun tries, only $1.00. Call Wostoru Union. GLASS, GLASS Get your glass out and ground for your car at Sarft's, 523 N. Main St. Phono 653. HEMSTITCHING, buttons covered, sowing. 112 E. Cuss. Mrs. Monro. SUBSCRIBE for magazines at the Fiction Library. FOR TRADE Radio for piano Gross & Hargls. RADIO repairing. Rube. Eleotrlo MtlJNDKL Plauo tuner. Ph. X89L Typewriters REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS and Dnlton Adding Machines, Bales and Rervice. RnBeburg Book Store. P.ue 69Q-J. Today's Cross , By EUGENE 12-IS ZZlZmZZZmZZTL g'6 - " is n 20 IJl!i4:!iIiI 23 26 27 W2 30 3r 32 36 . yyyyyy10 4' 42 43 yyyVyy 'S V4 4b '6 H 5" I rl I l-H 1 I HORIZONTAL 1 requests 6 moist 8 envelop 12 nlidc 13 chopping tool 14 comfort 15 slender piece of wood 18 foti'igncr IS word ap- l'ini; in the 1 'sal i us 20 worm 2.1 posed for a portrait 2 with- , drawal 2o Turkish ofliccr 28 mala fdicep 29 mental image ft ft decision 37 hiirr.H animal 38 point of a pen 30 conclusion 40iolln 44 uneven 47 high in tho ncalo 4R disctiuQidQ 52 claim fin unusual 5'i river in Italy 57 sound mnilo by the cow C8 wild buf falo of India CO bamboo- . like grass OO Insect Olwicwspnpnr 'to'paraKraphQ VMRTICAL 1 serpcnU 2 fruit of tho hlai'kthorn Herewith In tho solution to yes terdnv'i puz7.1. IBIAIKIEIRJ lERABr:r T F g E T E V A P 6 R 5 A'R'l A"'CREP'E'TRQ cfis e 7f c r ntqu TY"pR i ft" SlEJP X TE gRANE -CUA)S r ' "T Ld A M E JR. Q IP it 5P LKE ""MENISCI ijKNE CQiMET OT Oti E I F QlB A V L R A paZaronIIe AgL E M I dg E &D E F R A V Situations Wanted - WANTED Work on farm-or city." Would Ilka all-winter Job. Agei' 19. Honest and reliable. Mar Joile Flke, Roseburg. FUNDS ASKED HERE FOR GIRLS' HOMES The cliurchos of Rose burn ora T. aiionsoriiiR a Christmas offering ror the Pacliic Protective Bociety ' ' of Portland. This society con ducts the Albcrtina Kerr Nursery home for babies, the Louise home, uud school for delinquent girts. uie juvenile hospital, the Matern ity Cottugo hospital and carries ou a social service field work. A these are Imrltublu fnalltutlona curing for gTrls ami children fronu,, over the entire state. Koseburgu and Douglas county are represent- ' ed by children In these institutions. All the churches In the state, re- ! gardleus ot denomination; are said' to be behind tliia great work, aa well as u number of other organi zations. The society Is asking -from 9100 to $150 of Roseburg aa this city's share of the expense of -conducting this philanthropic work. Opportunity will be given, in the . churcheB Stuuluy for gifts to this, work, und a cunyaso will also b umdo to secure, the quota named. , Hear the Christmas musfQat the First MuthodUt Episcopal church : Sunday ovewing at 7:0. robed choir of 24 voices will slug "His Nutal Day," with special soloists.. Adv. ' , : .OTIt l3 OP FlftAl HTI'LMISN'V - In tho County Court ot tho Stuto of OiKoii, fair the County of Luuk Iuh. w In (ho niulter pf Dm eatnto of .1 in ir'S Juekiiian Mudlll. ' decosincd'. Noik-e in liuryby trivuiv that-, .luniks Mudlll, Uio duly iippotntud; HinUi'lutl, uml uoUiiK ndmlulHtra-.. tor of Hit' i' h In to uC .Initios Jfiuk- : man Modtll. (incvuacd. luiti (llud In the abuvu ivnUllvd eourt uud cautto, his final report; that Ufa Honor-: ahle tlen. K. Uulne, Juilo of tho County Court of ' DoukIus County. ; OreKott, linn flxod January Utli. ut ti-ti u'L-loi'k In tUe forenoon ut Hult ' lit y uk tho office ot tho. County JudBt-Ki the couvthcuao In Itoae-, buiK. urcKon, uh the date, time, ' und piaco for the hearing upon hukI report fiK'd heruiu. And. aiiyouo havliiK objections thuritto may appuar und fllti the . Hiitim on or before tho sitld date ' nut liereiu by the court for said fi lm 1 heurliitf. Hated this 0th day of December, iu;to, JAMES MICIJILU . Administrator of tho eattte ot J a men Jackinan. Medill; - f .." O. K.'d USED, CARS 192!) Chov. .coach, haa now paint and runs good, for only S13S WiO Ponlwio aodaii. This cur has good ruhhor and 1h In nice run ning condition S14S Above are samples of our choice used cars. O. K. USED OARS Prlkes always marked on wind Rhield. Your Chevrolet dealer. -Word Puzzte SHEFPER 3 murder 4 weapon with a long haft " 6 existed 1 fl eradica tion 7 concise 8 tumor on the skin 9 wn.slo pieces of cloth 10 on tho oeenn 1 1 Hnucy ' , ', ...1 ffyj. ' j 17 masculine nanto 10 German title of ro p spect -Scottish cap 21 small bird 25 And the sum 25 turn to tha riKhe 27 consumed 80 expire 31 Indefinite period of tinio 32 in addition -3-1 make a mistake 35 inKcct egg 3(1 retired 11 dino 12 South American ruminant 43 in tho Kast, a reLhoUii 41 Pert" poet 45 nave enurnRQ fof 4 41 Blip " ' 19 small pie 50 naa ea-.iio CI quantity of paper , 53 inclino the head 64 negalivt I 41