Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 18, 1936, Page 5, Image 5

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Stir Churches
Olllard Circuit, DHlaid: 10$. m.,
Sunday scliou); H a. m CluUimtiS
mee&uge by tbe pastor; 7:30 p. ni.,
Ctnistwas program by tho Sunday
UL'buol. (Jumna Valley: 10 a. u.,
Sunday school, program by tbe
Sunday school, LookiugglasB: 10
u. in., Sunday echool; i-:Su l. m.,
Christmas uiessuge by the pusior.
We Invite you to these Christmas
r vices. Lot us honor the Christ
: of iiuihlchem au this season. "For
' unto you Is born this day in the
city of David a Saviour, which is
Christ the Lord." Luke 2-11,
Free Methodist Church, West
Hosuburg, Suuday, Due. 20th. Sun
day school, U:4d a. m. lYoicning
service, 10:46 a. m. Class meeting,
11:45 a. m.; evening service, 7:au
1. ni. Wo invito you to attend
tnese services. Tuesday, Doe. 22nd,
at 7:30 i. m., tlio Cnnstnms pro
gram will bo rendered by the bun
uuy school children. We are plan
ning a good prognim that you wilt
vuut to hog. WeUnosduy prayer
survlcf at 7:&u. 1'aslor, Marvin
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
312 li. Douglas street. Uogular ser
vice Sunday ut 11:00 a. m. Subject
oC lesson: "J,s the Uulverse, In
u I tiding Man, Evolved hy Atomic
Force?" Sunday school con v ones
ut U:45 a. m. Wednosday evening
moetingj which include testi
monies of healing and remarks on
CiirlsliML Sciouce, aro held at 8:00
o'clock. The reading room in front
of the church-edifice Is open dully,
except Sundays and holidays from
20 to 4:00 p. m. and on Sundays
from 0:30 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. Here
the HI bit; and nil authorized Chris
tian Science litemture may be
read, borrowed or subscribed for.
The public Is cordially invited to
u IK; ml the church services and to
visit the roadiug room.
Pilgrim Holiness Church, 814
Winchester St. Sunday school at
8:45. Morning worship 11:00. Evan
gelistic services each unday eve
ning at 7:30. Midweek service 7:30
Thursday evening. We will be
glad to welcome you to any or all
of our services. God is giving us
real old fashioned victory in our
services. Pray fur us and worship
with us whenever psibie. Curtis
I). Woodruff, pastor.
Glide CPl Church. Sunday
schoo), 9:6u a. ni., Mrs. Fred Asam,
Supt. Morning service, 11 a. m.,
subject, "The Joy of Christmas."
6:30, li. Y. P. (J. 7:30, Christmas
prog.-am. You are cordially invited
, to attend all these services. L, S.
Cox, pastor.
First Presbyterian Church. "Mes
siah the Prlng" is the theme for
the Christmas sermon at the Pres
byterian church Sunday, 11 a. m.
The choir will give th beautiful
cantata, "His Natal Day," at 7:30
m, Also there will he solos and
duets following the cantata. This
will bo an ospeclallpenjoyable mu
sical service. Uiblo schooPat 9:45.
Strangers welcomed. Clauses for
all ages. Young people's meetings
at 6:30 p. r.i. Wednesday evening
will cek-bvate Chri3tmas, with a
play by the Juniors vaiiu primary
and special musical numbers. A
White UlfU : service will follow
conducted by Miss Verne, CarotU
era, Wm. O. Faucetie, minister.
St, Paul's Lutheran Church,
Corey and Military streets, Weal
Uoueuurg, The iter vice ot Sunday,
Decomoer 20, beglus at 11 a. in.
The Hev. W, F. Ueorge." Supt. at
misisous for the Luiueraa cuurch,
will be cue speaKer in this service.
The tfunoay scnool meets at 9:30
a. in. We most cordially invite all
to attend our service and Sunday
school. W. A. Sylwester, 1170 Mili
tary street, pastor.
Church' of the Nazarene,
ruwiur Bireei., iu:uu a. ux., aunuay
scnool. Tne school is gioving rap
id ty. Interesting teachers mane in-
lerobting classes. If you do not at
tend any otner school, you are in
vited to come and study the Bible
with us, 11:00 a. m., morning wr
ship. At the morning service, the
children will present their Christ
mas program. There will ulso be
special singing by Miss Uobmson
and Claire 1 ward 3, the KKNK
studio artists, and a short sermon
Dy the pastor. The public is most
cordially Invited. W. It. Schurmau,
minister. , .
Pentecostal Church, 126 3hcr.
dun street. itov. A. Harold Per sing,
pastor. Services for Sunday, pec.
20th: Sunday school at 9: 45, Miss
vloletoPemherton, superintendent.
Wo have a class for you, Morning
worship lii-glmiing at 11 a. m. Mes-puoq)ing worship begins at 11
suge by the pastor livening service
ut 7:30. Come for an enjoyable
service. Evangelistic message. Ser
vices for the week: Tuesday eve
ning ut 7:30. Our Christmas pro
gram is scheduled for thisqiiight.
Come and bring the family. Thurs
day morning at 8: SO. Broadcast
over KHNlt. Don't forget to tune
in. Friday night at 7:30. Young
people will have charge of the ma
jor portion of this sgrvice, Jesus
is a rock in a weary land: a shel
ter in the time of need. Come to
church this coming Sunday and
have yffar spiritual noedB supplied.
Wo welcome especially the strang
ers in our vicinity.
BailE Devotions
All great ui tood teachers,
and Jesus as muob as any of
them, looked upou courage as
one ot the primary virtues. No
pagan teacher tnought more
highly Pt It than He did. and
surely no man ever illustrated
it as fully as He did. One ot the
noblest sentence in the story
of any inau's lite is (bis pne.
"Whon the days wert well-nigh
oome that He should be receiv
ed up He steadfastly set His
face to go to Jerusalem." He
might have turned aside and
none would have blamed Him,
but He showed a courage born
of unswerving faith iu God, and
there is no courage like thuu
May we, too, our Father know
something of the heroism of our
Master that will ke us stead
fust in tbe face cf stern duty.
7:30 a robed cboir ot ti voices
will sing the Christinas cantata
Hi Natal Pay" under tin direc
tion of Miss Helena Robinson. At
11 o'clock the pastor will preach on
"The Word llecomes Flesh." The
choir Will sing ''The HllOuluy of a
Mug" and the men's chorus will
sing "We Are Come to Worship."
The church school will meet as
usual at 9:45 for the Christmas
program that has been prepared
for all ages to enjoy. A special
Christmas vesper service wil'i tie
conducted by the Order of Job's
Daughters und the Uu.Molay ut 5
o'clock to which the public is In-
wleil. Knworth league ut at: 30
with a special Christmas worship
service. ' The general public will
find a cheerful Christmas welcome
at each ot these services. Let us
come and worship Him, tbe new
born-DUD6 o li&tllleuem. ' -
Episcopal Church. Roseburg St.
George's. Holy communion 7:30
ami 11 a. m. Church school 9:45
m. All children ure requested
to be present. Special Christmas
program. Parents invited to come
with the children. Young people s
fellowship, 6:31) p. m. Sutherlin.
Holy communion 9 a- m. Riddle,
pre-Christmas service 4 p. in.
First Chrfstian Church, J. Frank
Cunningham, minister. This church
will celebrate the birth of the
Christ child, in all Bervlces of this
coming Sunday. A Christmas pro
gram will be presented by the lit
tle folks, at 9:46 a. ni. Subject of
the morning sermon will be
Christ Our King." At 6:30 p. m.
the Christian limieavorers will con
sider "The Christmas Carol," by
Lilt-Kens. Ana at 7:su p. in., tne
M. E. Church South, corner
Main and Lane. A special Christ
mus program will occupy the Bible
school hour, 9:45 a. m. The young
people of the vurious classes will
lake part, A special treat will be
given to all children attending. All
children that do not attend other
churches are invited to attend. Tbe
111., with the pastor occupying tne
pulpit, Epworth league meeU at
o:3U p. in. Floyd Wilson will he
In charge of the devotiqnals. Cleo
Peterson will present special mu
sic on the violin. The evening wor
ship will follow at 7:30. The Ep
worth league will present the play
"Snowbound" on Wednesday eve
ning at 8 p. in. The public is in
vited to attend. II. C. Gleaton,
First Methodist E pi sco pa
Church, S. Raynor Smith, minister.
ueauiitul Christmas music will nc
the outstanding feature of the serv
ices Sunday. In the evening at
' Owjr th cctffi cupj), friendship ere scaled
Wid hospitality i$ ths w ar m tgst N Lc,t those
foi$ndl'j cups? l&e fMMfl ols
"qgitft .finwfff s$i8&g38 jsola cei find,
One for Ucrcolntor Another o nb for D r I p
large chorus choir will sing the
cantata, "The Muslo ot llethle
hem." The public is most cordially
iuvited to attend all services.
Foursquare Church, pastor, N. J.
Howso. Saturduy H-S:30 a. m
"The lleut-oii Light Hour" broad
cost over KKNli. A Chrislmas de
votional and the Junior Crusader
girls' chorus will slug carols. Sun
day 9:45 a. ui., Sunday school. 11
u. m., "The b'ndless Kingdom"
will be tho pustor's morning mess
age. (1:30 p. in., Junior Crusuder
meeting. 7:30 p. m. evaugeii&lic
service uud the topic w ill be "Horn
of a Virgin." Tuesday, 7:30 p. in.,
ChrlBtniaa program. The public is
invited. No admission,
The AWgelus Hour, 4-4:30 p. in..
KRNH. Subject, "The Joy of
Uliristmastide." Leroy Hlati will
sing. Mi 8. A. J. Goddes will read
the Christinas story. Charles A.
First Baptist Church, J, R. Turn
bull, minister. 9:30 a. m. prayer
meeting. 9:45 a. in. Ulble school,
Harry Howe, superintendent. A
well organized school. II o'clock
morning worship, broadcast over
K11N11. Christinas carols will be'
sung by choir. Solo, "The ' Birth
day of a King" (Neldliuger), Lieu
tenant Anderson. Sermon, "The
Cradle, the Cross and Hie Crown."
Believers' baptism at the olose.
4:30 p. in. Junior and Senior I).
Y. P. Unions. 7:30 p. in. Worship
service of Chrisinma music. An
them, "Midnight In llur Dusky
Mlllltlu" (Taylor). Duet, "Sleep
Holy Child" (Normun), Mrs. II.
Whipple and Mrs. J. Deets. Solo.
"Nazareth" (Gouiiuu), .Mrs. JfA.R.
Tui nbull. Anthem. "Rejoice O
Kill Hi!" (ltrewsier), Indies' trio,
"Hark! What Mettu Those Holy
Voices';" (CnwOod). Mrs. II. Whip
ple, Mrs. J. Ducts and Mrs. J. R.
Tuinbull. Solo, "Open the Gutes
of the Temple" (Kuupp), J. It
Tuinbull. Quiutot, "A Lullaby"
(Loreiiz), Mrs. 11. Whipple, Mrs.
W. Kohertsuu, Sirs. J. 11. Tuinbull,
Paul Lamoreux and Harry Turn
bull. The ordinance ot believers'
baptism nt the hegiunlng at serv
ice. Wednesday 7:30 p. in. the
Bible school Christmas prograni
will be given in the church audi
torium. Kverybody is usked to
bring a "White Gift for tho Jviug."
Hear the Christmas music at the
First Methodist lOnlticopal church
Sunday ovoulug ut 7:30. A robed
choir of 24 voices will sing "His
Natal Day," w ith special soloists.
Dr. J. M. Ingall
at the
Umpqua Hotel, jtoseburg
Satur4ay, Dec. 19th
8 a. m. to 5 p.m.
I make regular trips to your city.
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For tht winter months a ntw Hlndntlck
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"And numerous indeed are Ihe hearts to which Christmas brings a brief season of happiness
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this Christmas Plan an old fashned Christmas dinner Make it complete by using the
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Specials for Saturday t o Monday, Dec. 19 and 21
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Dromedary 17-Ounce Cans, p9
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Crosse & Blackwcll Rum and Jp
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Red & While "JTa
Pint Glass Jars i V
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Dromedary MaOes Fruit Cake A.
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Extra SIFTED PEAS m?: 4Sc
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The followin'g merchanls in Roseburg and surrounding territory will serve you:
H. F. Hebard Umpqua I B. R. Richter & Co Camas VarSty
A. G. Wenninger Glcndale , jt Stcnseth Yoncalla
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Morgan's Grocery Roseburg
Reynolds Ai Adams... Myrtle Creek
J. J. Allen Sulherlir?
FranW B9lfttStrect c o.cSidtJle
N. D. Cool Drain
N. R. Fisher Kelley's Corner
C. J. Grimm Roseburg
I. B. Nichols Brockway
R. O. Thomas Elkton
H. "R. Underwood Oakland
Ellison & Ellison Dillard