FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1936: 1 Uur4 IJuilr lOsvcpi Huiidar hy the niviiuviiv tu-i inc. RleailHT of Th AMMuvlntvil lra The Aasouiuttid 1'ienu iu excluttlvo y enlitkd to the line for rupubllu tloti of all liowa tfiapatulieit urcdlttsd to It or not ollterwitie crjdltud In this paper and to all lo:ul now published herein. All righti of re- Kubllcatlon of f pedal dispatches erla r alio ritrvl. HARRIS ELLSWORTH Editor K tit t red na second clan mutter May 17. 1920. at the post office at Ruseburff. Oregon, uwler act of Represented By Hun lruiiulMi-o 220 Btmli Btreet, lu Auu'lf iH'i South HprhiK Street, belittle 803 Stuwurt HUoot. CiiU-uae JtiO North MchiKi Ave.. )firlt 323 tituulibntum UlSrk, New York U Kut 4(flll titieot, 1'orllliud oiiedell Bid. Dully, per yuur uy uiuu , .f-I.Jl) LMAiy, ti moniliN uy imoi ijsjuy. a iiiutium by u&il ggfiiy. oy torrier per mouth. fllJC plnball machines uro nowa days sweeping the country in a Save of popularity similar, In a ' ty, to the grout enthusiasm for minimum golf. Though tnu peu Qeo tulf had n quick rise und u stvldco iigll, It Is not nearly so like ly tbcjl tlio nlnfill gumes will go ul tl) QUiugly. 8t)il(j) tlio word 'ggfrnbling" for $389 not gambling muchlues lead IW ould not bo peruiltteii. 'J'Ho plnball games are classltied us Qlubtll ynes ra cHjull'lud as -gomOt of skill. Do It ol.'nerveil In Hi l)oii;ity, liowover, Unit thuru Is 8or of 411 IOiei of eliauee In rutllef Iho manbles Ilia u there was I 'pint mlniaturo pi su the 8!4all c&ut eill 101 longer in ft'.WIc nvor. cion? btibry B6 H0c to laee chance, us littnced by tSe f:t llt hun (llttl f4 Willie' of dollars l've 38n tut xn fordgp cisintrles by GS- IUS83 l tbe V0liou heep 818809 Merits. 8ut lt)ca tho nift'lilncs uro per mitted And tilncQ the city 9 always iff 0td of revenue and additional ftfirco of i0mt, hy nut If ccs the,? . . 1'i'oW'iniffio license tax placud ; on tlio plnball niacliluo wuuld work a (lordship on no one und would provldo t- conuldorublo ntimbur of dnlloi for tlio city treasury each this year promises SS J I cclobrQed ffillll greater fvi (lid ntliuslusin, ut least In 1G9 IJnitnl os, than it has for l0t yifflfl, pui'tleulurly tboHU Inc0 tl 4upri(3Sioii. Bui! factors coull'lliute lo the fact t!i0l tlio piielis which Santa Ctem will brln to American homes this holiday will bo guner- ously filled. I recent mouths tlio upwui'd swing In slock vuIiich ami the guuurul lnurnvieul In business and employment lias geuenileil u now spirit of culliusiuHin und hope. Ktoros report a record volume of shopping, pot only for sluples and necessities but also lor nilliles classed us luxuries. Toy iiiuuiifacliiiei's eallmate tlial tllolr trade will bo in uxccsh of SJUO.ulin.iino ibis holiday season iney niivo led Ilio llllilket Willi now gniiien uud diversions whleh uro uuiililviitlng In thulr niigliial liy anil cleverness of design. At (lie sumo Hum, Christmas will not bo such a Joyous occasion I'm those In sotiio oilier counlilrH, ospoclu.iy In win-torn Hpaln. The grief und despair of past events and Ilio uncertainty of Hie future so trouble Iho present that the holiday holds Utile moaning Ibis 0.velir for tho licniletulu. In Ureal lliilulii, too, rejoicing Is soi$wh(D tempered by the Hlli km brought about by uhiline tl of King Kilward VIII. Vet, willuil, lliere Is a spirit of llmlsm, a coiifideuce In the I l uro which tiuiiseeuds uatliiiial bounds I (Cuittlnuo'l ft Din patiu J.) m of public lifn. unit nmkoH or iihhk tlio hiilncHH r nuiuy inililic iliar (irteiH, MimIIm ikIi, Ilkiilil(? in nuarly vvvvy vji, ivi 0 Icmncil Hit trick, r.inl h.h result Ills lift' Iiuh been more or luss ciiihlt- llH-IMl. rrrnl(lonL l'l unltliil It oust vi-ll linn tho Knack or tl. as did TkihI dent Tit coil mt KooKcvcIt, ami ft litis been of iMioruons v:tltti. lo llllil, HH U Willi to hiH HIlltiUloUK COUHll). IT llm Pnko of Windsor vnnl: lo bo Itnppy In Ills loniuinlug ours, lie'd tetter acquire tlio knack!! lio hasn't It already. It will tin: oo th lila path amazingly. T EPRKSKNTATI VE MAIIONKV, tl l.fnr-nhi eiinttlv (nuAr mi t Utt cohhI) complains bitterly because (ho state highway commission Is "spending too much time unci money building fine. foul-Juno high- ways for wblto collar boys to trav el on from bul. ni to Portland." .Mr. Maluinoy, It will bo notoil, makes no complaint about th mil lions client b.-Qtho highway com- mission for the fine Oregon Coast highway, with its costly bridge that replaced Iho existing ferries. That was In HIS district, and It Is human nature not to complain about the niorge Hint Is spent in our own door aid. That Is one reason why government Is expen sive. Kecnhlng a I 'i-mt nt'iM"" VtiHa reKiirtiitijn ear iuihhIiiu Ii-.,ii iuhl chv. i.otvunn ruin I'hisom. hi eiiarixe of tile Inefil inH"ri(.t ot 1 1 - illlil.l IIHK-I Htlll'tlMl ll(OVIM'Wl i, iooh lor lue vehicle, ,M the tl'tfi sertloit of (;nss , and .hicKHon rtirel'ta he nailed Ml Iiim ulno Ml'll una us lie uiir so u cur matin tue lurn. The ollieer sinned in pur suit, for It was Ihu ear which nan been oeciibeu to nun. no took tnu driver into custody, lint the uiuu was released wncii me garage from which too auto was taken declined to sign u com plaint. The niuciuuo Is oeuig held uere lor tlio owners. Tnu driver, It wua reported, had represented his Intention ot buy ing too ear and was given pcfiuin siou to lake It out for a short tont. Instead of driving lor a lew minutes as he liuil promised, the stale police oll'leer :d he was 111 tornied, me driver sifted for bu geno. C.DUO Kilocycles) KO0AIle 0U TODAY IMC49 l:ou uran IJiw : lo "Uoodnignt," Sign Oft. SATURDAY, DKCKM UI5II 10 ti:45 "Kurly lllrdu V;ua aumibo uiguii Hocltul. V:iu "Aiuriii ciocit l-juo. ' 7 "uowh on bar tiros. 7:46 i-JuuAr(eie 8:00 oon Lit 0c-f" N. J. riowau. 8:0 h.icretl ouloctioua. iilaiiiniju iuUHtu. u:ou"bw itunri." i:i) Anisic a iia it io Curnol. iu:uul rniik Truumtiuur und Or- chcatra. 10:30 "Belle and $ tha," Ccq-.o. 10:3a "HomemaKe0 t-mony." ll:U0 Tliroo ltliytiun Kinga. il: lo Tho Kivo apiult's. 11:110 'AhiodH In mulmiy." liiiOO Tnno tilgnal, Knuutson's, lUiulUUHB Moiiiii.i MuhIu. 12 ; 15 Aiulmiau und OrclKUtru. 11:30 EaQles Lotifj6, 12:45 NowB-Rcview Nows, 1:00 "Hanson Varieties." 1 : 1T Iam Aiifct'k'u lunco IJiuul. l;yu 1'Veddy Alurtia und Oiuiuh tra. 2:1(0 CIohu llurinoiiy Four. 2:15 Joo lluymcti In l'opular .Mimic. 2:B0 News Flashes. It ; Ui "World Ainu." U : no KiiinuiiH M iific. ;t:Jl"i:hildinr UtMiuunty. ;t: lt -Novelty TniK-a. 3:1)5 "Hot Shots,1' Ccllar'a Radio. r.on-I-Yltnl Mflodi 4:15 "Eaolcs Ljo." 1:30 (inili lm. 4 : -1 5 "l luciUiiU Jit Ki;;n Off, 81'NDAY, HKt'KMlll'Ut 20 M : HO SiutimI llyinim. 11 Mill - V c.l m u IW rvuKi-mti, (H dl- cutid to Iho HoiioOiuK Yol- ciunn' Facility. !;:i0 ln;lH AlldlllMlH I-us, Uoiloi-H. Ncbn hiutniitiis t'lnb I'm- Minl.i "Tho llloum'd Vb- 1::IM iVtirl l(. Itolihison, Voail. I1:C0 Bnptist Church Services. l-:lio - iti mm Cuncn t. 0 1:30 "Rhythmen Entertain." l;no Los Anm-liM y.viiipliuny t)r rhOHtru. 1 : 15 Rosehtiro Gospel Mcsscn qms, C. 8. Hays. l;;il - Vutloi' Hiilon Kn lU'slni, 2:00 "Hansen Varieties." 11; Hi - FmnoiiH Mttf ir. Mtil 'CliiisiniUrt rioitnnn" Mol- ionn (linlr, ;1;imi popular I innrn TiiiH'. 3;30 Canyonvilte C o m m u n I t y Broddciat. 4:00 'Annelus Hour," Dr, C. A. Edwnrds. I : I'.O - 'lirisl mas I'limls, I; -"(iuii.lnli.iil" Sln Off. r.AFETY AWARDS FEATURE PRE CHRISTMAS BANQUET Willi A. I., Wtdl. irrnliknt oi I't-ii dt-mn t ni ionitinn, In ilio roW' ol Sania Clans, Christinas proiti'iiis in i In fnrni ol inonro plcilUi'B and rt'tlititalt' of im'ill. H.vardi'd hy iln National Satfly i-mniftl lov oi n m and ink achlcvn uirnirt in im ldrnl picviMUion. re presented iei'rntl U. various di liarlriioit hcadH of thin maim- oil nmpauy. in aiii'iidani werP near ly fnni inaiiaiifM-s, sni.filntemlenlM and others oriupyinu xtuutive po sitions, (ay Inlonimtion isued hy Ted HnyUer, Hosc'.'Uis niaiiaKet Ur General ISCM, ICWLWIIEO 1)114 Kf InH fatAM Um WmU ri(vg!.iu4 ' i i I .. i . I u .1 J. . -wia naa.MiH. I 159?. . , , ' o " ! 1 v, mmimiWm ! i. ,. . i i .ii . i imiiii'i 'smi 1' p II I ''M -l sun Emm bji May CMAPTKR XVIII Tho vii Iter arrived with thulr cocktails, "tiugitr" had ordered u couple of "old-futihloncdu" which aro p rutty potent, llo calculated this would loosen Vernon's tongue, uud give him tho nccesoury cues how to proceed, ,. . . . Hhu toyed with a ploco of pine apple on ihu end of a tiny wuodeu d tie K. "Let's have a toaHt," auKgeHtod 'Sugar" souly. He tilted Ins glass up. ''Lot'u uriiik to what 1 see in your eyes and what you see in mine, Iteuiititul!" "I see two little demons dancing in yours. I wouldn't trust either uf em!" Sho laughed merrily. HIh hand touchuu her kneo. "You aoe two fires that you have lit, darling " "Ah glib us all that? Aren't you tho experienced person!" "I forgot everything when 1 look ul, you. Your eyes uro liko pools where a man could drown himself for love of Qui." "Now how oHon have yuu said Hint to other people?" 0 "Not tit all. Jtut 1 shan't saany more slneo yw'ro so cruel." . "You mean you won't play If 1 won't play? All right, 'Sugar.' You wuro rightly named. You're u flat turur." Voi nou sipped her cocktail daint ily, llur eyes sparkled, and her race was rosily flushed. It was rather fun to halt thitf gay pliilan derur. . iwt when ho began to grow more and more serious, she fervently wished that Nan would return. For the little rostmirant hud fill ed completely now, and among the lunchers wore several people aha had mot in (ho past tew days. The utleniinalo gossip who hud turned up in bright pun at. the Sunday Morning Pu Junta liteuk litst club had arrived, and vas si'aled directly opposite her. ... This would bo a nice tidbit tor hliu lo circulate! Tlio eel-like ult'l called Jeniln walked in wilh her poet hny frieiiu. Vei'iw could sev them Whisper ing aiin nudging each oilier as they slured in her direct. on. lib ih(a) eyes uimiii her, she wished I hut "Sugar." wouldn't ogle her so. ami Ueep lnurttiui ing Idiotic ihito's. . . . It only needed Prince Karinoff lo arrive wilh .Mcrlinu de Hi ay to coinplele the parly! Sim wonhin't let llnumhts dwell on the rocnli-Urunl Terry. .' . . Hut he was worth all of litem, her heart told her. Meiiullful. you don't listen to one word I say, And vu have such a Mule time together!" "Hush. People will hear you. "Worrving atiuiu about the mob! People ways do gossip, so what does It mal'er If we give them lur Iher sulsiunce?" "Incorriblo man! I wtsn Nan would come back." "The dem e wilh Nan! You'd think I was her property, iion't you know ll'.i you I wuiii '-'" Ol'hen you want something thai you can't n't. 'Sugar. Aient you a-hained m' that name?" N..I a hit ot il. H r fers to my intensely iimiabto illspusltlon." How modest you are: I'm as nroud as a peacock right nf litis minute. 1 hope everyone I know see me right here with yon hoMiim your hand - like this. Iteaiitifu' l imido us though to raise It to his lips, but Vernon pulled back. Aro vou mud " l.ook at those people walchiiiK is. Let go of my hand." "1 shan't let co. no. till you ve promised to diu itltb me tlita eve- An Uncivil War at Home GIRL Christie nine. Beautiful." "I euu't. I've got u date. I'm dated right up for a mouth, Uu seiislhlo." "No. I shan't let you go. I'm u pcrsisJunf man when 1 wuut a ihiiig-uiui I want you more than I've over wanted anyone, Hv.eet: neB3. I'll he waiting foiOyou Itr niglit from seven o'clock on, down In the lobby of your hotel and if you don't turn up, I'm coming up to your apartment and snatch yuu. Mo you bear me?" "1 hear you. und if you don't low er your voice the whole restau raui will hear you " , he devil with tiioni! Don't you understand I'm cruy for you?" Vernon despite the undeniable ardor of his words suddenly felt as though u chillQvind were, blow ing on her. She withdrew her hand from Sugar's grasp, just Ju time lo meet the quizzical hosnfe staru of Myrtle Sarrull Sugur's wife who hud entered the illlh'OeBtuu rant unseen and stood before them accusing. "Do you mind If I speak very frankly?" said jUyrtlu Sarrail in a voice of ice to Vernon, there iu the small upstairs restaurant of the Goldfish tavern. SugaV Sarrail had Ignomlniously fied, after introducing Vernon lo his wili. He hud inumhlcd soiue lliiiti: ;mit promising lo telephone his broker at 2 p. m. ami had i parked down the stairs. Myrtle, her month drawn tightly in at the corners, had seated her self in the place jur.t vacated by Suur. She repeated her quest ion. "tin tilieud," Vernon replied quietly. "You'd new 10 New York, Hive .vou not? You're a girl whose par ents have made muiey. and you've gol plenty of social aiiilnn?" Vernon steadied herself. She imir.t keep Ijjt head, Musi deal cautiously wilh this truculent per son. " Ye;i, I am new lo New York. About having social uiiihitiou, as you call II. I'm not at all certain. " "Don't prevuiicate. You want lo An ahead. Yu waul to make.u hit. Prohi'.hly u 1'ig nuirriaye." Vernon (hmii:ht. Hushed cheeks: "This i:; insufferable." "And you're commit ii() a big hlunder right at tho start, doing to ruin your chances." Verii'iu net her naze directly. Saw the lii;hl of tille in her eyes. She Ihoinhil: "How to shield Nan? She (suae here after her! I must cover il up " Aloud she ansO-red, genlly: "It. Is kiml of you to he interested in me, Mrs, Sarrail, but I'm not. a schemln;; sort, oi person." Mrs. Sarrail snapped Imck'angri ly: "Yet you hern wilh a man ied nu n? You think that's clever? You think it's goin-, lo ''ke you seem smart and fascin ating and vampitish.''' Q "I l!itnk noilMim of the sort." "Why. if I'd a mind lo. I eunld ruin ymi! DoiJ yon umleisiainl tlial. you slnpi'ri'ool?" Not even for N;n would she take ihln. V. unui held her h'ud,up proudly. "I handy know .Mr. Sarrail. It Mils not of ny seeking t luil He met today. He is nothing in tlu wmld to me. You cult believe It " Mrs. Sarrail rose- The tmpIe.iR aut look uas still on her laee us she fa Id. definitely: "I'm Kiving vou fnlr warninu. Pontiiiue this Notice is hereby given that war Horl of Ihing -ai.l e.ud abet yourWruts Now, ys-ly.1-10l-102l:M(U-eousinNun in meeting my mis- j 1UM 1 1-1,1- Issued by tho Klktnn band-meet him alone in hide-j : nion WQf. School No. ti are now away corners liki this- and 1 called fin payment untl Interest shall set everybodv if Importance 1 ceases onthis c.ate. December 17, In this towu agoiust yuu. This ,ia no Idle throat. I mil-and shall mane t fungi; extremely hard tor you, Gllss lysoii." And with inui, she disappeared. With burning; cheeky, Vernon saw amused glances turned in her di rection. Oh, it had been hateful of Nan to bring her into this! Hateful of .Nan to sneak oil' ami join "l-oggy" lieuson! iiateiul, of Sugar to V:eur out cowaii)y as lie had done, 1 av mg her an innocent intruder to lace llic jealous anger of bis wife! Sbwouhtot wait. She would go at once. She told tho waiter to tell the gentleman on hlt re turn that sue had been called home, tioL tears in her eyes and biting her lip to maiiitain composure, Ver non hurried down the stairs of the lioldtish tavern ami was just at tlte door leading Into the street when" someone touched her on the arm. , She swung round nervously. Was i it the uriuled Myrtle? A polo-1 getic Sugar? J0ekless Nun? IL wasu I any one of these. It was Terry Shannon. j "I must apeak lo you. 8n't dash off like this, pleas' ! She murmured aoniethlng about r being in a terrible hurry, and hav- J ing an important appointment. "My eurfs ut the door. Lot me run you lo wherever you're going," said Terry. He p.i nmsterlul, like that. Up' set as sho was by the scene wilh Sugar's wife, she could slum) hcrLi'guing. . . . In a tew moments sho was in his car, with Tony at the wheel, und the crisp October air blowing iu their laces. ' To the plewdlde, please," Vor-Cl nou said nervously. The aw shot into Park avenue and turned south. Immediately Terry said: "I've an apology to make about not lurn iiiK up lor luuchOwith you today whn I promised NuQl'd come." "Thal'd quite all right. Nan ex plained you had a previwio engage ment." Sho was s tariff!; straight ahead, and Terr thought how love ly she was looKiug, in (he little green li touched wilh coral, her bright russet hair peeping out over ouch ear. "I wits round at the Kurruils' hot'. I'd an appointment with Mr. KairliiUiUs Sugar's fuiher-inluw about some business. When Nun telephoned nit; this morning, 1 for got I'd agreed to atuy ohSr lunch afterwards,' "1 see. Your old friend Alma? That was it ?" Terry swerved to avoid a parked laxicab. Was It Vernon's fancj, or did he look confused. 'I hiinil-.t them Jjver. to the lioldiish tavern, imping to sec you to explain " "There wasn't any need. I piQ fecily umlerslint:!. She added, with u sudden flash of auger: "Was it your bright idea to semi Mrs, Saiiail -upstairs after mo and her husband'" Terry swung round, startled. "(iood heavens! Sitpu was wilb Oil?" "Yes. . Nun had invited him." "Hut I saw N..:i downstairs in tin hit- tilth tlt-it ''iiJirv' Itenson. What vwis the big btea.V; leaUug you alone? Vi rnoit smiled ruefully. "Nan evidently believes in (he old sayini: two's company und I luce's horesome." "i;n, laud! And Myrtle Sar rail found you! 'ne has gol the devil of a temper hen she's rous ed. Ad-U-i to ll-at, 1 take it she's slightly ltd up with the nonchal ant uays of her 'Su-ar.' " (To he continued) NOTICE OF WARRANTS lt3$. KditU Madisour Clerk. Adv, JELLO JS&X. 2 All Flavors J " . Packages 1UC TJy H iEW Limit 3 Pkgs. to Customer jC,' i m soda ;f I , Lb pk! 5c jp ; RAISINS 24c Fancy New Crop Thompson Seedless ' o i Swansdown Cake Flour p.e23c BIPE OLIVES tail eon 12g SHREDDED WHEAT hor turkey stuffing, 2 Pkgs. .9. Tne big oyster like fresh, big 8 Minced Butter Clams, tall can It t-anuy wnoio kernel, 2 cQns lat uen peas nd tst eft or Cnnstmas, new firop, 2 lbs. Hound Pound Redy for the pressing, large TOMATO JUBEE AH Of found e 9 LUM of DATE FUDDJSftG MffPBft', tin W4T0MNAit-ftallj', ....jfc FknCAm fLOUl S'ilfeftisry's, Ivh a-ib. n 1: B(MEm WASIIWG WDWDESI Lg. P. ..33c I, LUTEFISiS For CkriWnms, rjjUnd 15s LETTUCE CElERY APPLET ONIONS Big crisp Large crisp bunches Delicious, Spitz, Ortleys, box Spanish EAMBtlNGS OF THE NEWS-REVIEW MAN BY PAUL JENK1N o 0 ci'n.'; or oiii .iiukin l'otll tjia I illil yi'slinliiyl. tlio olil ginik:llltr ul tio t'hivoi-.sHy of Oil'. K.o li ninny year iu'.ii .l;ujt; h.uil lifcn lnuny tliliixs 'lu'lnro bpcniiiin 11 SHl-'li'lHM-. As ri'lulri! iK'fori?, lio had ImmlitAil 1 he I ' a y use Indian .vui.qV-i a yomm mail, iu was a Ti' raimi-r. I,a-li'l- ill liko. untl nfli-r i lulling to llii'nn. ,-.e v rut iiark st-ir ratlin- tt thu suutli ami fnm:ht In tin. Civil war. nn llln siiln nt Mil- Ci iifoiUMmy. lliu 'ini ut his lnnlct liH-nu'iifs hail Ihi'lr hlltli in h ilays lio passiil in Ti'xas, iih a rani;cr. "tinn." Im used ti- loll mo. "them was po.viH-rul lu'ctic iliiys, "e was on llui k all the tliiK', chasiit' iliiwn b.i'1 luiliii'il i-illnlnals of this ; 1.1ml or ila-.iriuUc iiistlors. nun-. lii'icrs ami juti-onimon oili',iai.v lliii'Vi's ami such. Hhe sine was. an ou-.tln" life, iiiai luUCM times now. while I'm luitti'iiu' ubout in my luosii, I get to liuulu' tur them dais Saturday and Monday, Dec. - oz. can ... Ar1. like ffs peas, can ........ Ml Pk. . G4t1, 2 on 5e' heads Sweeto4 lbs. Id iioniu au;aill." The rosi: .litekln l..,'lilliineil were woniloiTii! ones. kiohIiii; hi the I'urkliiR in rnmt nt his Inline, anil In well tenileil rows nloun limb slilcN uf Ills liouao. Me eeilidlily Inveil roses, unil siitnl nil his spare lime. liiQseusoii, cuIiIvuMiik. pin u Iiir ami Miiruying (hem. They were the piiiie of his old heait. Ynu ran ilmmine, then, with whal i-o-isternutmli he av.olie one summer nihl. to Iniir somenue teaiilii, past his leih i window, riciil in tlio midst o0 his finest lose blloiles. 1 ll.s . luuiy f, ,. w,,r(. irashiliK I tic Ihomy id.iiils riRht ami lofl-the noise of the duniuize was 1ml I and uiilah lakahle. Jiirltlo was mud. lie was a lot lllailder a few moments luler, w lien lio In in d tho sound or another m.ui smashiim his way thioupli the roses, evidently In pursuit 0t the At any rale, he railed om pantingly Hie one word, '-.STOI1!" mill just, as he was opioslle the bedroom window, he riled a shot. "'Hy eiaekie." .laesie told me. " was mad lietoro: hut when thai .-..ouiidiel not only snia.,lied ui) roseliushes Uowu. but had the Ball to shoot a gun right uuder uy win .m ....... m 19 and 21 DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS CANDIES Our candies are bought direct from the factory and are made from pure cane sugar not glucose. ' SATIN CHRISTMAS MIX Pound ..12c GUM DROPS Mammoth s'ze, pound 12c OLD FASHION CHOC OLATES Pound 12c MISSOURI CHOCO LATES White, Creamy centers, pound ,...15c BEAUTIFUL YULETIDE BOXES Extra fancy Chocolates, 5 lb. box $1.19 FANCY CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES 5-pound box ....89c 2-pound box 59c EXTRA FANCY CHOCO LATES 1 -pound box 39c CHOCOLATE COATED CHERRIES "Bishops" 1 -pound box 29c Special Prices to Schools, Lodges, etc. We furnish the bags free of charge See Our Kine Assortment jujTuu? n. ftif i i iff im Fresh Koasted peanuts: Virginia Jumbces Vz Gal. Qitfrt Gold Seal Witn Brandy Pound ' ''Lffar iipScial'' lrdf-tiet Uowfeg Gujrntm i yl White VK'onder 'Mo Bars .. ORANGEiS Fancy Sunkist 252 Size Dozen .. .. 17C Case $3.39; z case $1.3 Maraschino Cherries Lge. S-oz. bottle ... ! .. .i iT 10-B f der, my Texas lilcod just boiled. 1 jumped right out of my boil unit crawled under it:" 0 Onu of .luckie's neighbors hail ' been cllaslng a prowler ho discov ered robliiii his chicken roost. At ier looUing at his roses the next nioiniiiK, Jackie never romnve him. "What's a few ilanOhiekens, any wny, eomparod lo my fine rosea," he coinplalned. "WishT nil uf 'em had been slolen. All they do in ' sciuich out my young bushes, uny how." U'ell, .l;Ok'u nay t-oiie In his re ward these ninny yours; but nel iloni In this day do I see lino roses, IhaPl don't think of li in.. "Hmoolh" silp and panlie set will sliuid a world of wear It's a fashion "scoop" and the lielnht ot economy when a forin fiuliiB slip, and ronilj cut panties come incom er in one, oasy-toiniiko fflyiitern! And what remlniiie ne.ul Xvouldn't adoro several of theso rels, espe rially whin they're within every wound's reacii!" Anne Adams 1'attei n Service. You iu rl;:hl. .MiM Adams. They holier h, withia easy leiuli, if ftfcins to me.. Dr. R. J. Lockwood CHIROPRACTOR 3 I 2 E. Cass St. Phone 445-R I 4 f. H It r f HOIUI ! t Ht'M