Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 12, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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Special round trip fares of 4.30
to Portland return and $11.1)0
to-San Francisco and return are
to be offered by the Southern Pa
cific company for two Fridays,
February 20 and 27, according to
an announcement made this morn
ing by J. K. Clark, local agent.
Providing for travel on all trains,
both coach and Pullman, the spe
cial tickets will he good for font
days from (he date of sale. The
return limit will he midnight ol
the Tuesday following the Friday
upon which the tickets are sold.
The Southern Pacific company,
Mr. Clark says, has adopted the
"Dollar Day" plan that has become
so' popular fn merchandising, and
lsmaklng this extraordinary oftor
in-the interest of promoting travel
over all of the company's Pacific
,The special rates apply between
all points on the Bouthern Pacific
line, on the basis of approximately
one cent per mile.
Ol' K AI.K OF It I'M I,
Notice I hereby niven Unit under
and iiuiMiiuiiL to mii order of ilu
COuniy Court of lint Stute of Ore
gon f'r IJuukI'ih County, duly made
on the. ltftll day of J an wiry, 1'J-U.
In tin) mutter ot the em ate ol
jHjueH M. All kill, dec-eased, mi
IhorUInK the underHlKlied UH d
mlnlBli'iitor of nald enlate m nt-11 the
real (nonerly hereluartei- demiibed.
Now tlierefore, I, A. N. Oreiitt, n
BUih aiJ in mint mi or, will at the. of
fice of itlcu &. Orcuti in itowelMiiK,
DyilKhia County, OreRon, on and alt
er the Ult day of l'euniary. 1!;M.
offur for Hal and (tell at private
Hale for t-iiuli In hand, nhjrt lo
confirmation by th eonrt. the fol
lowinK deHerlbed real jiroperty be
hmgiiiK lo Hiiid elult. to-wlt:
J .ols I. 2. 15 mid 10 of llloek S
III Kahrke'a Huttdl vlnlnn of lot 1
of Frultvale. In Towimiiip 27 Boulh,
KuijKt C went of Willamette Mull
dial), In DoukIhs County. OreK"h.
Lota 1, 2 and 3 In Block 1& of
lUvei-Hidtt Addition to tlie city tt
Itoiieburti, DoukIuh Count y, nr
Kon.' uh llio name Ih whowii by (he
official plat thereof reeorded In the
offleu of the County Clerk of Duuk
las County, Oregon.
Aumlnlstrntor of the eHlate of
Jam en M. Adkina. deceaned.
' r HKAIi I'HOt'KltTY
111 Die Circuit Court of the Htnte of
tirutfon for ijuutfiuu county.
The Kin to of O retro n. renieMeiitrd
..und act I tiff hy thu World War
Vetera iih' Htuto Aid Com ml union,
. j.h.llUlir, VH. I.eWiH hi, ItllHftell.
j'iva HutmHl, ilia wire, una J. U.
trllmore, defenduntH.
' Notice In herelty Klven that, by
virtue of an execution and order of
au'le JjiHiied out of the uhoie etitilled
erturt in the above entitled Hull on
the'lth day of January. pur
HUatit to tlie judKineut and decree
made and entered In ald eaiiHe In
favor of llio above named plaintiff
and UKalnxt the defendants, l.ewiw
M. KilHHull, Kva ltUKttell, IiIh wife.
uutv J. U. uiimoro, ou the Kth day
of January, 1 :i l . commundiiiic me
iir lieriff to sell the hereinafter
ilawrlhed real property to aiitlttfy
tUu utii of $1175.76 with In le re Hi
Hint pur annum from tlie 25th day
Southern Pacific
I Fridays Feb.
Biggest sale of roundtrip tickets ever offered !
Between all places on Southern Pacific (I'.icilic
" Lines) on the basis of approximately lc a mile.
Leave Friday, February 20 and 27. Return by
I midnight of the following Tuesday.
I ' For iTaibingtoH'i Birthday UoliJjyi,
Some Sxarnpte6noiNvi;iuYs
: : PORTLAND S 4.30
:;; EUGENE S 1.65
MEDFORD $ 2.85
; : SAN FRANCISCO . . . $11.90
Southern Pacific
J, . CLANK, Agent
Prion 11
of Aiirusi, 1929, and the further
oum ot fluO.Ou allowed to ttie ulaln
titf um I i-uttunuble attornt-y b fee
i u mud suit, uud the lurther um
of $34.00 taxed u piUlntilfB cuatx
uud dittbur"Hieiit lu aid null, unii
lor ttio uut mid exiiie llieur
red pn thM ttiu of tit real prop-t-ny
to bu void puimiant to md
writ of xeutloii, ail in a.fnorduii:e
with tha mud JudKiiieiit and decree,
i will, on iljtf 1 (Hi day ul l-'ebruary.
JUl, at tha hour or ten oVioek in
Ihu foreiiutin, ut tlie linnt duor ol
th court Iioiihb in Itom buiK. Loub
lu( Ctuiity, Ori-Koii, offer for afie
uud J I ui public auction to th
hiKheL biddi;r for euh In hand,
tlie folluwinie dewribed reul prop
erty, to-wlt:
" The northwest quurter, and the
northwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of fleet ion thirty-four, In
lownHhip .'10 aouth of raiiKe 2 Weal
of the Willamette Meridian, ih
Douglas County, Orexoii, eontalU'
in k two hundred ueiun, more oi
leitH, toKther WTtli tlie tenement,
herediltLiiieiitii and uppurtt'iiujM'tit
themuulu belonliif or in any
Wiau appertain I ng,
subject to redemption, nn provided
by law, and J wnl apply tlie pro
reeilM of mull Hale a io Ibw pay
ment of the rosin and dlrfburat-meiil
of nmH mo if, hiHti'J'rm tbu Kin' i
ney'a fees allowed I herein; (b to
the payment of the amounts above
adjudged to he due the plaint if I
with ace rued IntereHt thereon, us
above Hpeeifieri; and (e the over
pliiH If any, X Will turn over to the
clerk of the above entitled court
for the benefit of whomaoever ma
lie entitled tneieio.
Date of firat publication Juuuary
lfi, mai,
Sheriff of lotiglaa Couulv. Ori:K"
K X Kt -1 TH I X S X OTI i'K
In the County Court of the Htate
of Oleicon for 1oukIuh County.
In thu mailer of the eatatti of An
ton Werth, decfUBt-d.
Not he In hereby Klv'en that tin
uildeiaitjned ha been uiily ap
pointed executrix of the lant will
and teMtanieiit of Anton Werth, de
ceased,, by order of the above en
titled court, and that tdio haw duly
(ijalifled ax Huch. All pei'Honu Itav
I UK elahiiB attaliiBt the enluto ol
Hiild deceuHed are hereby required
to pritHclit them with propel- VuUel)
era, duly vilified aw by luw re
quired, lo Ihu uudeiMiKiied ut t lift of
fice, of Carl I'J, Wiinberly In l(one
iniiK. oteKon, wlli in dx month
from lh date of t li j m notice.
I 'a ted January V; J U :t I . . ,
ICxnctitrlx of the tinl will and leta
inent of Anton Werth, deceased,
No. 6 1 611.
Ill the Circuit Court of the Htuto of
Oregon for JfoiiKlaH County.
New AliiNlei dam Casualty Coin
puny, a corporation, plaintiff, vh.
.foli ii Norleii, defendant.
To John Noiien, above named dc-
In thu name of the Btate of Ore-
Koii, you are lu-reby reijiilreu to ap
near and annwer the comulalnt o
plaintiff filed against you In the
above entitled court and eauae on
or before fmir weekK from the ilatc
of the flint publication of thla buiii-
nioiiH, unu IT you tail to no appeal
uud annwer Niild complaint, plaintlfl
for want tliereor will take judg
ment uK'ilnHt you for the buiii of
Kiuht hundred ninety-nine dollar
0111 aevelileen ceiile $!!. 17) With
IntereHt ui hIx per cent iter annum
from (lie Hot Ii day of October, 1 :i(l.
and the cohIh and diMhurHctnciitH of
this uedoii and will apply to the
court for an order of aale of the
leal property heloiiKlnR lo vmt ie
litlarhed In thlH action on the 30th
day of January, IU3 1. for the pur
lntfH of KatittfylnK Hald Judnmcnt
which real property le deHcrlhed u
The KoutheiiHt ouiirter (HI-'Vi of
Hectlon ICtKht (8 Townfhlp Twen-tv-fuur
C2i Sdilth of KuiiKe Mix
(fJ)(WeHt Af Wlllaini'tte Meridiiui.;
'In nouKlafi County, OrcKon'.
This munitions 1b served upon you,
S each
Rofcaburg, Oiaggn
b publication thereof for a period
or once euuti Wuek lor four roiiNe
cutive weekB in the HoHebuitc New
Iteview. by order of Hie llonorubu
J. W. tlunilUou. JuUve of the above
entitled court, whicii U oruer w.
umde ami duted o the 3rd duy oi
February. i'JSl, and Cia tiuia pre
gcribed in Buld order for the pub
lication of line eiiniuioKB i uov
each week for four coiinecuUv
weekB, una ibe lime proirneu in
Bald ordj-r for you to appear unu
aiiHWer plaintiffs coinpluiul In oi.
or before four weeka from the first
publication of HiIh HUmmoiiR, and
ihe date tf tlie flrat publication of
tliiB BummoiiB Ib l-'ebruary rtii. I'J'M.
AttonieyH for l'ialnllff.
'. O. uddreaa: lt'a,;burK,-Oregon.
NOTICK OF I'lXAl, S B'fl' I . K 1 K N T
Notice In hereby given that the
u inlet HiKned uduiiniBlrator of the
elalH of N'vIh 'uiition, deccaeed
butt filed hkH final account In the
County Court of the t-iiate of Ore
gon for UougluB County, and the
Honorable W. H. Hamilton. JodK ol
aid court hue appointed Satur
day, the until day of February,
1 l, at ten o'clock in the fore
miit ut na id day. in the county
iiiirirtioii' in ' , r;;;-.
lloneburtf. HotiKhiH County, Ore
ti'ni, hh the time and place for hear
ing ohjeclioiiH, If any. to Hiiid final
iiccoiiut and the settlement there
of. All perHoiiB interested In Bald es
tate ar hereby notified to file their
objection If any, to fluid final ac
count at or before the time ho ap
pointed for final hearing,
I hi ted this 20th day of January,
AdmlnfHtrutor of the eitate of Nebs
Carl won, UceeuBeu,
In the County Court of the Htate of
Oregon for DoiiKlas County.
In the matter of the eatatu of Ira
A poleu;ate, deccUWed.
NuLice Ih liereby Kivell that the
iiiiiliTuiifni-il hiiM been dole iiooolnl-
ed udiuililHt ralor of the eMlute lit
Ira Applegale, decenfled, liv order
of Die above entitled court and lliut
he hilK duly uualjficd uh Much ad-
mlnlHlratoi'. All persons IuivIiik
clalniH uicainHt tne estate or biim)
deecHHed are hereby required lu
preHi-iit them, with the propt-r
voiichiTH. dnlv Verified nn hv law
reuulreil to ihe undei'HlKip'd at ihk
office In Hofo-biirw, Oieaon. within
Hix monthB from tlie datit of this
Outed Keh. fl. 1!i:il.
c a 1 1 1 n. wiMiiKiti.r.
AdminlHtrator of the eataLe of Ira
Apple Kate, deceuHed.
MiTici-; of rivw- settlement
lu the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Douglas County.
In Ihe matter of the estate of J. F
Johnson, dcec iiHcd.
Notice Ih hereby given that the
undersigned administrator with the
will annexed has filed In the above
entitled court the 'final account o
his administration of the estate oi
J. F. Johnson, deceased, and that
in llWSAa
Your Own Evergreen Land calls you to success in one of
its basic industries! You have a great opportunity, possible
only in the Pacific Northwest!
All about you. Nature's forces combine to make Oregon
one of the greatest future egg-producing countries in the
World! Do you realize that year-round egg production as
in the Pacific Northwest is not possible in other sections?
Do you know that authorities point to Oregon as the future
center of the vast egg and poultry industry, whose national
income is over a Billion Dollars annually?
Get your share in the profits of this great Oregon industry!
You can do it without work or risk I An established in
dustry, one of the largest, most successful poultry farms in
' Oregon, offers you the greatest opportunity you have ever
hod! The Oregon Poultry Farms, Inc., by its expansion,
makes a place for you.
You are sure of profits. The Oregon Poultry Farms are
NOW paying profits. INVESTIGATE NOW. See the com
pany's record of earnings. Learn how Unit-Owners in
Oregon Poultry Farms, Inc., have received from 25 to
30 on their investment! Then remember that you are
guaranteed not less than 12 on your investment!
Don't wait until too late. Join tlie hundreds of other
conservative people who are assuring themselves a regular
monthly income for many years. Go into business for your
self. Protect your future! Keep your family from want! Send
for booklet giving full details of the safe, proved plan by which
you share in these profits I
Get this booklet, "How
YOU May Share in the
Earnings of America's
Billion Dollar Industry."
Read nil the facts! Vouoivn
the hens! . . . You do no
work. . . . Your hens cared
for by experts. . . . You get
an earnings check Every
Month! . . . VSur Profits are
Guaranteed, 12?j$ annually!
Porter Building, Portland, Oregon.
Plrane send me, without obligation, copy of booklet, "How You
May Share in the Earnings of America's Billion Dollar industry.
the court, by an order duly made
mid enieted. naa fixed riaturuay, Mir
Vth day of Mat el), i3). ut the hour
of to o'clock fit Che forenoon uuu
me wutiiity court room iu the court
nouns in Honour, Uowgiaa County.;
urcgwii, um lit tune aiui pltuie foi
heanK HKid final account and ait i
objectionB, If any. there i. !
UateU b'ebruuiy t. IV-il. I
caul J:. wiMftKULir,
AdmlnlMtratur v- ab the will an-,
nexed of the eHtuta ul J. V- John
son, decettfeed.
mukk , ,
In the County Court of the State
of oreKon tor OoukIdb County.
J ti the mutter of the eetate of Jo
Beplj Warren Kelly, presumed de
ceased. Notice Ib hereby Riven that Louisa
I. Kelly has filed a petition In the
above entitled court alleging; that
Joseph Warren Kelly bus not beet,
heuid from In seven years last
past and praying that he be de
creed lo be dead and that M. U
Hallmark be appointed administra
tor of his estute. Tle above en
titled court will hear evidence con
cerning the alleged absence of saiu
JoMeph Warren Kelly and the clr
cumxtuiicca and duration thereof ai
the hour of 11 o'clock in the fore
fiomi on I be 23 th da' of March
litul, in the county court rpom in
the county court house in Koseburg.
JjoukIuh County, Oregon.
l.iu le of first publication Febru
ary b. 1U31.
County Clerk of Douglas County,
Notice Ih hereby glvn that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed by the county court or tin
Htate of uregou. for Douglas Coun
ty, admlniMlratur of the estate
Silas AI. Oarner, deceased. All per
son h having claims against aald
chIu tn are hereby req ul red to pre
sent the same to me. properly veri
fied, as required by luw. at Rose
burg, Oregon, within six nionin
from thifl date.
Dated ut Koseburg. Oregon, Janu
ary 2jth, I9:n.
AdminlHtrator of the estate of fcjilas
M, Ourner, deceused. , .
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Douglas County.
In tlie matter of tlie estate of Mark
McDonald, deceased.
Notice Ih hereby given that tiiv
undersigned has been duly unpoint
ed executor of the lust will and
testament of Mark McDonald, de
ceased, by order of the above en
titled court, and that he has duly
qualified as such. All persons hav
ing claims against the eeUito of
suit) deceased are hereby required
to present them with proper vouch
ers, duly verified uh by law requir
ed, to the undersigned at the office
of Carl K. Wimoeriy In Hoaebrg
Oregon, within six months from the
date of this notice. Dated January
15, 19.'U.
Executor of the laat will and testa
ment of Mark McDonald, de
ceased. THE
In the County Court ut the nvate
of Oregon or Cougla County.
In the matter of tb estate of James
W. Tiller, deceased.
Notice i hereby given that the
Undersigned bus filed in tlie above
entitled court the final accuunt of
his administration of the estate pi
Janiea W. Tiller, deceased, and that
the court, by an order duly made
and entered, has fixed Haturday the
7th day of March, mi at the hour
of JO o'ehtck In the forenoon of suid
day as ihe time and o;ie county
court room In the court house ui
Koseburg, DougraH County. Oregon,
as the place or hearing said final
account and alt objections. If any,
Duted Feb. 5. 1931.
AdminlHtrator of the estate or
James W. Tiller, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State I
of Oregon for Douglaii County,
A. J. Young-, plaintiff vs. City or
Ilosbburg, a municipal corpora
tion, and also all other persona or
partlua unknown claiming any
. riKiit, title, eatate, lien or intcr
UHt In the r;aj esiaui described
tn ihe complaint herein tip
To all other persona or parties un
known claiming any rivhL, title, es
tate. Hen or interest In the real
estate described in th complaint
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby required to ap
pear und unuwer tlie complaint fllud
aKuitmt you In the above entitled
court and cause within four weeks
from the date of the first -publica
tion of this flummonu, and, if you
fall to so appear and answer en id
complaint, for want thereof,, the
plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief therein demanded, a
siiecliut statement of which is as
follows: That you be required to
ann ear and u-.t forth the nature and
character of your adverse claim to
tne roliowinif aecrneu real prop
erty In Douglas County, Oregon, to
wlt: Commencing at the Southwest
corner of the W. T. Perrv and
Wife Donation hand Claim No. U:
llL -ftiil The adAce of your physician is: Keet
iXllf jpP jppr Jfplij .: 0Mt oors' n t',e oJw alr breathe
lilt? 5$jlt$f$jg yMp...w.?fc deeply; take plenty of exercise in the
V &lMilm$$' jyiftp!iESC':':v;':'ik mellow sunshine, and have a periodic
I ' i f- :
Dance Orches
tra, every Tues
day Thursday
and Saturday
evening over
N. B. C. net
Your Throat Protection against irritation against cough
f tt3t. Till Aticia Totxcco Co.. Hftt.
thence Kasterly following the
meamlr of Deer Crock, to tn
point where the middle ul
creek intersect the West line of
Jackson tfireet In the City o.
Huseburg) thence Northerly follow
ing the West line U "n
Hlritet und the Weet lift of Win
theater btre-t to a Point link
East and to l links North of the
Boutliweat corner of th aforesaio '
donation land claim. -ld point be
ing the Southwest corner of tne
piemlaee conveyed by Ida A. Stag-
to' August tithloemann by deed u.l
ed October 6, IWO, and recorded 01
said date on Page 358 of Volume Hi
of the Deed Hecords of Dougln,
County, Oregon; thence North iiu" ,
West a00 feet to the middle oi
Deer Creek; thence Southerly fol
lowing the meanditrs of Deer Creek
to the place of beginning, all In
Section 1. Township -'7 South.
Kange 5 WchI of the Willamette
Meridian In Douglaa County, Ore
gon; and that upon the hearing there
of it be decreed that the plaintiff
Is the owner in fee aTuiple of the
said real property, . and that you
have no right, title, eamte, ilen or
interest In. upon or to said real
property, or any part thereof, and
that the title of the plaintiff to
said real property be forever quiet
ed against you, and that you be en
joined from asscrtlrii; or claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or in
terest in or to said real property.
This summons is served upon you
by publication In the Ftoseburg
N'ewa-Ilevlew. a newspaper of gen
eral circulation published in Doug
las County, Oregon, pursuant to an
oruer or tne iton. j. v. t-iamnton,
Circuit Judge, duly made and en
tered on the 8th day of January,
1931. reaulrlng this Kummons to
be Published once a week fur four
consecutive weeks and requiring
you to appear ana answer piain
tiff's complaint four weekft from
tlie date of the first publication of
mis summons.
Dated and first published Janu
ary 1&, 1931.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
fost omce address: ituseourg,
For Prcuure, Large Capacity and Faster,
More Efficient Work.
Hardies are everywhere aoiiiR tiie hardest spraying Jobs.
Where excessive pressure is required, there you liud Hardies.
Where long, hard spraying runs must tie made, there you will
find Hardies. Phere tlie pumps must run with minimum 6f at
tention, there you will find Hardies.
Where the utmost ot dependability is required, there again
ou will find Hardies. ' ...
The extra strength of the Hardic, the wise choice of con
struction materials and vorkmanship enable it 10 meet the ex
tremes of spraying conditions in both higher pressure and larger
The perfect action of the Hardie built-in regulator prevents
overloads on the pump, engine or hose, reducing the operating
cost and increasing tlie life of the sprayer. It holds all the pres
sure for the guns when needed. No other regulating device re
quires as little attention as the smooth-working Hardie regula
tors. Hardie power .sprayers and pumps are very reasonably
priced. They can be purchased on such attractive terms that
no grower need do without.
Come in and see the Hardie and the value it will be to you
Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange
Roseburn, Oakland, Myrtle Creek, Oregon
- i& EL
Everyone knows that sun
shine mellows that's why the
"TOASTING" process includes the
use of the Ultra Violet Rays. LUCKY
STRIKE made of the finest tobac
cos the Cream of the Crop THEN
- "ITS TOASTED"- a n extra, secret
heating process. Harsh irritants
present in all raw tobaccos are ex
pelled by "TOASTING." These irri
tants are sold to others. They are
not present in your LUCKY STRIKE.
No wonder LUCKIES are always
kind to your throat.
always kind
to your throat