Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, February 12, 1931, Page 1, Image 1

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Maintain Contact With Horseshoes, Sivaslikas And Rabbit's Feet, Or WhatHave You,
Oregon: Generally cloudy tonight
and Friday, becoming unsettled;
no chHnge In temperature.
ltoseburg and vicinity: Mostly
cloudy tonight; Friday unsettled;
not much change in tHm;!v.-r.sU:re.
on the
Day's News
per cent of his annual salary of
$75,000 to the Red Cross for the re
lief of drouth sufferers.
He can afford It, of course. But
don't forget this: If everybody who
can AFFORD It would do his part.
'j there would never he any trouble
'nhniit vntatnir nupaaaarv i-aliaF
IIENRY ILSE, recently convicted
1 of engineering a plot to bomb a
newspaper building in Spokane,
seeks a new trial,
' He would do better to take his
, punishment and get It over with.
Deliberately placing a bomb that
might take dozens of Innocent
lives, is a deed that DESERVES
punishment, '
PEVERISH Buying Sends
Stocks up." So reads a head
line In the news of yesterday.
Watch to See whether feverish
selling will send stock prices down
If not, another good sign of busi
ness recovery will have been re
corded. WATCH the stock market, if you
are Interested In what Is going
on In the world. But watch It as a
not as an Indicator of how much
you might have won if you had
People who spend their tlmo
gambling, Instead of getting out
and actually producing, seldom do
very well In the long inn.
rvONT say: "Abolish the stock
and grain markets."
They are necessary for the or
derly conduct of swiftly moving
modern business.
But don't abuse the stock and
grain markets by using them ab
gambling devices. If you use them
at all, use them as a medium fo.
the purchase of what you regai
as a sound Investment over a long
period of time.
DAISY DE BOE, who robbed her
employer, Clara Bow, gets 18
months In jail and three and a
half years more of liberty on pro
bation. Her employer, who was robbed,
gets a lot of free publicity.
DulBy, of course, deserves what
she gets. Robbery must be punish
ed if society is to be protected.
Whether Clara deserves her free,
and probably valuable, publicity is
another matter.
THOMAS A. EDISON spends his
84th birthday hard at work try
ing to make rubber, which is al
ready cheap, cheaper still.
If he succeeds, owners of rubber
trees In the tropics will be wor
ried. But USERS OF RUBBER will
be benefited.
In the long run, producing cheap
ly, but still at a PROFIT, things
that large numbers of people use
will be of great benefit to hu
manity. We are inclined to doubt that
sometimes, but by and large it Is
KIOBODY doubts that is, nobody
' worth while that it Is a fine
thing to be so deeply Interested in
your life work that you will spend
your 84th birthday hard at work.
Nothing In the world is finer
than to like your work so well that
you would rather work than to do
anything else.
rR. WILL DL'RANT, philosopher
and historian, says that Ger
many won the war.
It Is probably nearer the truth
to say that everybody LOST the
A lot of the evils from which the
world is suffering at the present
(Continued on page 4)
State Constabulary Move
Opposed by Laborites,
. W. C. T. U.. Hossand
Game Board.
Governor Meier's state con
stabulary bill, Introduced by
Senator B. L. Eddy, opposed by
various groups at. committee
House passes free text book
bill, eliminating high school stu
dents from benefits.
House approves bill limiting
deficiency appropriations.
New senate bill asks ban on
trading stamps and other trade
Senator Eddy delivers address
on Abraham Lincoln at joint ses
sion. (Aunciated Prew Leaned Wire)
SALEM, Feb. 12. Opposition to.
various phases of the state police
bill, chief among which was the
inclusion of the traffic department
into the constabulary system, was
voiced at the hearing before the
senate revision of laws committee
ia.i nifl)t. The measure, as In
troduced by Senator B. L. Eddy,
was , drafted by Attorneys L. A.
LIlJenvlBt and George Joseph, and
carries with It the endorsernetit.fcf
Governor Julius h. Meier.
Secretary of State Hal E. Hosg
appeared before the committee pro
testing, as he had done by letter
to the governor previously, the
plan to transfer the traffic law en
forcement from his department to
the police system, and filed a long
brief with the committee setting
forth his objections. Others ap
pearing Included representatives of
the Oregon State Motor associa
tion, Portland labor council, the
W. C. T. U. and members of the
game and fish commissions.
Two individuals, representing
Continued on cage o. story 1
George L. Haynes, a brother of
Fred W. Haynes, of this city, died
yesterday in San Francisco at the
age of 55 years. He was born in
Roseburg and left here about 20
years ago for San Francisco, where
he has since made his home. He
was an accomplished musician and
was well known In musical circles
during his residence In this city.
He was never married. Surviving
besides his brother are two sisters.
Mrs. Percy Kerr of Detroit, .Michi
gan, and Mrs. Julian Josephson of
Los Angeles.
The body is being brought to
Roseburg, in care of the Douglas
Funeral home, and Is to arrive
here Friday night. Funeral servlceB
will be held at 2 p. m. Saturday at
the Masonic cemetery.
Sidelights on
Slow Progress Indicates Extension of Session Beyond 40
Days' Limit Adoption Bill Brings Protest From
Douglas Soldiers Home Transfer Approved.
With the legislature operating at
such snail like pace as It has dur
ing the past four weeks, it seems
likely that the representatives and
senators will be laboring consid
erably after the allotted forty days
and nights and that "without cost
to the taxpayer. It is true that
heroic efforts are being made
each night to speed up matters,
what with public hearings and all,
but the last ten days will doubt
less find a much harrassed body
legislating away into the nights.
Among the countless battles
about to be Injected Into the ses
sion Is one centering around one
of the so-called child welfare bills.
This particular bill provides for
the creation of child welfare com
mittees In various counties and for
licensing boarding homes for chil
dren. It will alBo be necessary un
der this law to require county
courts to give 60 days notice to
the child welfare commission for
Investigation in adoption cases.
One of the main sources of op
position to this measure emanates
from the county courts of the
state. It seems that there has not
been any too friendly a feeling be
tween the commission and coun
Casts Odium On
Lincoln's Name
Edgar Lee Masters, author and
poet, who has penned a scathing
denunciation of Abraham Lincoln
in his latest book, "Lincoln the
Man. Masters states that "Hon
est Abe's" emancipation proclama
tion was merely a gesture for per
sonal motives. In congress yester
day, Representative Crail of Cali
fornia characterized Masters' book
as "filthy and indecent," in pre
senting a bill to forbid its circula
tion in the mails.
Former Roseburg Aviator
Succeeds Cunningham
on Regular Route.
Harold Adams, former Roseburg
flier, who has been connected with
the Hobi flying service at Eugene
recently, has been chosen to suc
ceed Russell Cunningham 'on the
Medford-Seattle division of the Pa
cific Air Transport, according to
an announcement made today by
the Hoeing system. Cunningham
has been promoted to the super
lntendency of the company.
Adams, who received his army
training overseas under French
and American Instructors during
the World war, has been flying
commercial planes in the Tacific
northwest for the past four years
and has in excess of 2000 hours
In the air.
For two years he made his head
quarters In Roseburg, where he
conducted a school and engaged
in passenger service.
Seeding Plan Pioneer
He was the first flier to adapt
an airplane to seeding of logged
over land. Several such experi
ments which he conducted in Coos
county attracted nation-wide at
tention and proved the value and
economy of the system. As a re
sult of his pioneer work in that
respect planes are being used ex-
ContLnued on Page 6, Story 3
the Legislature
ty courts up to this time and the
courts feel that this Is a further
abrogation or their powers In the
Juvenile cases. Our own judge,
Walter S. Hamilton, asserts that
Investigations by the welfare com
mission are a farce and that under
this law the child would "be a
charge of the county for 60 days
pending the Investigation by the
It Is noted that the child welfare
commission has asked for an In
creased appropriation from $6,000
to $35,000. This additional expen
diture does not set well generally
with the legislators.
The brilliant tea, for which the
first ladv of Oregon was hostess
at the Elks club Monday after
noon, was a huge success, almost
500 ladles calling- during the hours
from three to six. Mrs. Julius L.
Meier was gowned exquisitely In
a shell pink lace creation which
barely escaped the floor. Miss
Beatrice Walton, secretary to the
governor, also In the receiving lino.
ws stunning In a black crepe riec
olletle. Mrs. George Joseph looked
lovelv In blue.
A long table arranged In the so-
Continued on page 6, Story 2
Annual Lincoln Mernoria
at Springfield Brings
... Plea From Japan's
(Associated Prets LaMd Wire) 1
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. 12
One hundred and twenty-two years
ago today a boy was born In the
backwoods 'of Kentucky. No parti,
cular importance was attached to
his coming,, but today, the anni
versary of hts birth, an entire na
tion paid tribute to the memory of
the most famous backwoods rail
splitter of them all.
In the schools, memorial halls,
and other places throughout the
length and breadth of the country,
Americans talked again of "Hon
est Abe" and listened as others
extolled the virtues of America's
Civil war president. Springfield,
focal point for exercises honoring
Abraham Lincoln's memory be
cause he lies buried here, heard
him described as a world figure
who had "taught lessons which
mankind, whether east or west,
must take to heart.
Japanese Gives Praise
The speaker was Katsujl De-
buchi, the Japanese ambassotlar,
wno pieanea last mgnt tor a re
turn to the Ideals of Abraham
"The nations," said the ambas
sador, "are now becoming more
anjl more interdependent. We can
cdnceive: of few . problem, which,
though apparently domestic and
generally so called, do not pro
duce direct or indirect effect upon
all nations. In such a world-society
no nation, however powerful, how
ever self-sufficient, can be hide
pendent of other nations and in
different to their weal oc woe. To
day Lincoln's idealism cries for
.rescue, as It did when Lhynlu
saw in America a house divided
against itself. In saying this I do
not refer to any specific country
rather I have in mind all coun
tries in the world.
"Happily for mankind a new
era is dawning. From behind the
clouds of suspicion, fear and rival
Continued on page 6, Story 4
Fred Goff, chairman of the slate
grange agricultural committee, re
turned yesterday from Jackson and
Klamath counties, where he con
ducted agricultural conferences to
plan county-wide programs. He
stated that the meetings at Med
ford and Klamath Falls were well
attended and very successful, good
programs being adopted at both
places. At Medford the agricultural
sltuntlon Is not good, he reports,
due to the poor prices obtained lot
apples and pears during the past
season. Klamath county, however,
has very good conditions, as dairy
ing has proven profitable, and the
potato growers have had a good
year. The mills at Klamath Kails
reopened Monday, so that the resi
dents there are In an optimistic
frame of mind.
WALLA WALLA, Wash.. Feb.
12. Police were mystified here to
day over the death of . Thomas
Miller, whose badly crushed body
was found In a garage. He had
been missing for about 28 hours.
Police said he had been dead about
20 hours when found and believed
he was murdered.
Miller, the son, of City Com
missioner Dave Miller, was found
face down on the concrete floor
at the rear of his automobile. His
chest was crushed, his nose was
broken and his head hadly bruised.
River moss clung to his face and
his clothes were soaking wet.
Plans for installing a sprinkling
system In the Lions club triangle
at the intersection of Jachxon and
Winchester streets wore adopted
by the cluh members at their
regular weekly meeting last night.
The Lions have already put
shrubs and flowers In the triangle
as well as having erected a sign
marking the gateway to the North
Umpqua region. The sprinkling
system calls (or the laying of sv-l
eral pipe lines in the plot so that j
the entire triangle can be flooded
at one time. Oeautlflcation and
maintenance of the triangle is one
of the malor activities of the I
Lions organization here. -
Plan Would Yield Oregon
$750,000; Every Item of
Related Business
Is Affected.
(AuncUted Pnw. LeaMl Wire)
SALEM, Feb. 12. Senator Fred
E. Kiddle's tobacco tuxblll, esti
mated roughly to yield $750,000 a
year for the general fund of the
state, received the approval of the
joint ways and means committee
Inst night and will be introduced in
the house today.
The measure provides for a 10
per cent privilege tux on cigarettes,
cigarette paper, wrappers, tubeB,
cigars, smoking tobacco, chewing
tobacco, snuff and other tobacco
products. It Is not a stamp tax.
July 1, this year, Is made the ef
fective date.
Retail and wholesale dealers
would be required, within 20 days
after the effective dnte, to procure
from the state tax commission li
censes, to engage in the tobacco
business, the retailers paying un
annual license fee of t5, the whole
salers $10.
Sales Reports Required
Retail dealers would be required
on or before August 10, 1931, and
on or before the lth of each
month thereafter, to file a report
with the tax commission showing
the amount of gross sales and the
wholesale price of the tobacco pro
ducts sold during the preceding
month. Wholesale dealers - would
be! requited, -wilhln 20 dnvs after
October 1, 1931, to file with the
commission a report of all stiles
nutdo to retail deulers from the ef
fective data to October 1. Similar
reports would be required within
JO days after January 1, April 1,
July 1 and October 1 of each year.
Asks Privilege Tax
Every dealer would be required
to pay the tnx commission a li
cense or privilege tax of 10 per
cent of the wholesale price of the
tobacco products sold. Payments
of the tax to the'cnmmlssion would
be made at the time specified for
filing sales reports. Doth retail and
wholesale dealers would preserve
records of Bales and taxes paid
for Inspection by the tnx commis
sion. :
When entry or statement shows
that the tax has been assumed or
paid by the wholesaler, wIuikc
place of business Is in Oregon the
retailer would not bo required to
pay the tax. Relative to wholesal
ers outside the stirto, provision Is
made that they may file with Ihe
commission a $10,000 bond to se
cure the payment of Ihe tax on to
baccos shipped into I lie stale.
Richard Avery, sentenced re
cently to 10 ypars In the state peni
tentiary on a charge ol issuing
worthless checks, was taken to Sa
lem this afternoon by Sheriff Jack
son to begin serving his sentence.
Avery has been confined in the
Oregon penitentiary on tvvo pre
vious occasions and has also serv
ed time in prisons in Washington
and California, besides several ar
rests on lesser charges.
Possum Helps Old Pals
Boost Sale. of Apples
Crowds passed the corner of
Market and New Montgomery
streets, scarcely noticing It 7T.
Newhall or his apples, "unem
ployed apples" were no longer a
Along came a man with a
baby possum on a siring. Here
was something new. A crowd
"fllg red apples," Newhall
At the sound of his voice the
man with the possum looked up
and broke through the crowd,
hand extended, " Tewee' New
hall!" "Joe Farrell, Pin a son-of-a-gun!"
the apple vender re
torted. Whereupon Karrell and his
possum Joined the rank of appln
"Five cents a look at the
trained possum," Farrell shout
ed at the crowd. "And an apple
thrown In." ; '
In twenty minutes two boxes
of apples were gone. Ho was
Farrell and his' possum. Newhall
Jingled the money. The two
were "kids together" down In
Fort Worth. Tex.. 23 years ago.
Millions Listen
Voice Is Carried By Radio
For First Time In History
(AiuiocUtcd Treat Ltucd 1'ire
the first time in history the pope
today sent his voice to millions
throughout the world in a radio
message of peace to mankind.
Smiling and tranquil as though
he were a veteran of radio broad
casting, he spoke over HVJ, the
new Vatican City radio station
built for him by Gugltelmo Mar
coni and inaugurated in celebra
tlon of , the ninth anniversary of
his coronation as Pope Pius XI.
"Let the first word," the pope
suld, "be to the glory of God in the
highest and on earth peace, goon
will to men."
He addressed his message to nil
his congregation throughout the
world, to the princes of the church,
to thn missionaries, and prelates
uhroad, adjuring them to continue
in their work of propugatlng tuc
faith of the church.
"He ye diligent," ho urged them,
"persevere in your uposlolic la
bors." To the rulers of the world he ad
dressed the reminder (hat all pow
er is from God, upon their subjects
ho adjured obedience.
The message concluded:
"Subjects, he ye obedient. He
who resists power resists God and
Ex-Senator of Douglas Tells
. Legislators ot -L.lash
With His Own Bill...
(AmocUIM I'rviw LrnM'tl Wire)
SALUM, Feb. 12. Albert Abra
ham, ex-Hoseburg attorney, former
stale senator from Douglas county,
threw something of a surprise into
the ways and . means committer's
heuring last loght, nud possibly
nut a dumper on the holies of those
who wain to red Oregon reprei:cut
cd ir. Ihe hull of fume nt Washing
ton by busts or .lason Lee and l:r.
Ji hn Mclxiutiliu
Abraham appeared before the
cnininiilee in opposition to house
bill I lit, which piovtdcs for au ap
rroprliitluu to io.ur llm cost o'
I-Hvlng b'.tsis ol Ihe two historic
fuunes prepureu. They were deslg
naieil by an net. of tho llllll legMla
ture, which, however, made no ap
propriation. Hut the surprise came when
Abraham told the committee itntl,
as a member of the state senate In
lllll, he Introduced a bill, which
passed, designating the late Ceorge
II. Williams us the figure to fill one
of the two niches allotted to Ore
gon. Abraham had nothing to suy
about who should fill the other. He
sketched Hie career of Williams
for the englllitenment of the com
mit teo.
WASHINGTON. Keb. 12. Secre
tary Hyde today Informed the sen
ate there is no prohibition in the
drought relief compromise against
using the loans for Ihe purchase of
rood and elothln;: by farmers "If
necessary to effi-ct. tho purpose of
crop production nud agricultural
The agriculture secretary's tele
gram from Louisville was in re
spouse to tho Horn h resolution ank
ing his interpretation of the $20,
0(10, OOn drought lonn fund compro
mise, nearing a vote In the senate.
trvln St met, former Ttoschurg
resident, now engaged as superin
tendent of schools at Malln, Ore
gon, was In Roseburg for a short,
time today, accompanied by three
students, Miss Hit a Hundlry,
Claude Toyman and Merwyti
Wilde, who are to represent th
Malln high school at the Kduca
tioual exposition In-In if held at
f'orvHlllH, 'sponsored by the Oregon
State college. The party lft. Ma
lln at 7 o'clock this morning and
stopped In Itoseburg shortly aTier
1 o'clock for lunrh.
lllll MiFarland. Umpqua Intel
employe, sulfered a very painful
Injury this morning when het gash
ed his hand on broken glas. The
cut whs deep enough to sever
veins and arteries, ami he )nnt a
great deal of blood. The Injury
was treated by nr. I.. M. Lehr
tiHch. who had to takt seven!
stitches to close tho wound.
Tomorrow-Friday The 13th.
As Pope's
brings eternal diminution on him
self. "To the rich wo say: You are
the ministers of divine providence;
Continued on page 6, 8tory 5 ,
RoReburg . Chamber Unites
.With Other Groups for
Favorable Action.
The Roseburg Chamber of Com
nicrce today wired Governor Julius
Meier urging that he give the
Hogue river closing hill his endorse
ment. Douglns county sportsmoii
are vitally interested in this meas
uro, as a part of the conservution
program In which they are active.
and have given every possible as
sistance to the Rogue river Inter
eats working for the closing of the
stream to commercial Hulling.
SALKM, Feb. 12. A large dele
gation from southern Oregon await
ed on (inventor iMeler today, urg
ing Unit he nfflx his slKiiuture upon
tho Hogue river closing hill. The
meiiHtiru passed both houses after
lenglhy debates, and recont re
ports around the statehouse were
Hint Meier expected to veto the hill
No statement was tuiide by the gov
ei nor of his Intentions. He has un
til Saturday to sign tho measure.
The Hcnule adopted the house
Joint memorial Introduced by Rep
resentatives Howard, Nichols and
J slier, requesting congress to ini
provo the outlets of .silicons and
Tahkcnitch lakes In western Lnne
and Douglas counties so they may
become accessible lo fish.
(AMoclated Prru fonwil Wln)
TOl.KIK), Ore, Feb. 12. A con
solidation of banks hern brought
the First National and tho Lincoln
County banks under one manage
ment today. Both are controlled by
a IfilLOOO corporation. The two In
stitutions will have separate iden
tities for Ihe time being hut ulti
mately will Join under one roof.
W. M. Adair, president of tho
Lincoln County bunk, and C, P.
Moore, cushler of the First Na
tional, will be In charge.
Oregon Lutherans Exclude
Selves From Participation
In Any Matters of Slate
SAf,BM FVb. 12. Itcpmllallon
of the statement made during a re
cent prohibition hearing In-Tore an
Oregon leglttlalivfl commit teo that
"when you attack the mill saloon
league, you are going up auainst
the churches of Oregon," insofar
as It appllcH to thn churches of the
Oregon Past oral conference of the
Missouri ay nod of the Lutheran
church, Is contained In a formal
statement Issued by the conference
in scunlon here Wednesday,
The statement signed by P. H.
Schnus and Martin P. Simon, presi
dent and secretary of the confer
ence, respectively, asserts that
as a church we take no stand
either for or against prohibition,
although we hold that, the laws of
the state are to be obeyed by all.
Highest temperature yesterday 47
Lowest temperature last night 30
Precipitation, last 24 hours... 0
Precip.'since first of month.".-.. S1
Fit-dp. from Sept. 1. 1930 11.17
Deficiency since Sept. 1, 1930 10.10.
Trio Attacks Union Station,'
; .Worker, Snatches Three
Pouches and Flees
in Automobile, . i
(AMOcltt Prm Leased Wire) '
: The daring holdup of a mall ,
truck carrying registered
pouches In the union station
here early this morning was
announced by postal officials "
as netting the robbers nothing
but mutilated currency.
The stolen sacks, taken af
tor a mall clerk had been beat
en with lead pipe, contained
only old bills cut in half for -shipment
to the treasury de-'
The treasury department
said the other halves of the
mutilated bills had been re-' '
celved here In a previous mall
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12 Three
pouches of registered mall said
by postal Inspectors to contain
consignments from the New York
.federal reserve bank to the treas
ury, were stolen early today by
bandits in a daring holdup at
union station.
It was not known whether the
bags contained mutilated money
for destruction, other cash or.
.bonds. v '' - " i
I Houra. after the three bandits
HrndLbualen. .and robbed, the clerk: ,
who was tran'sportlng 2S sacks
of mall from , the station to the
postoffice, no trace of them had
been reported. Clues were meager".
Escape In Automobile
Two unmasked men, carrying
lengths of 'lead pipe In a satchel
attacked a clerk who was wheeling
a load of 2H registered mall sacks
from tho New York train to Oie
adjoining postoffice building. They
beat Ihe clerk, named Johnson,
with the pipes, snatched three
pouches and ran from the con
course to a taxi stand under the
slut Ion roof, where a powerful
automobile driven by a confeder
ate picked them up and dashed off.
Continued on Page 6, Story f
f Auorlntcfl l'rrm Leant wire)
TILLAMOOK, Ore., Feb. 12.
Theodore Oerdes, 39. drowned yes
tenl v when a ia crashed his
fishing boat into a wharf here,
broke It In two and, hurled him in
to the water.
(Awmrlnte.1 Pr'M Wmtt Wire)
All bakery owners In Klamath Falls
toilay announced an immediate cut
of between two and three cents a
loaf on bread. The reduction was
made on request of storo owners
und Is In line with slmilur cuts la
other cities. ,'
(Ammelulnt Prex U-1 Wire)
LONDON, Feb. 12. A radio
message received hero toduy said
that Hir Charles Parsons, Inventor
or tho turbine steam engine, died
Inst night while on a cruise to tho
West Indies. He was 7S years old.
"As citizens and as church wo
cherish very highly the great
American principle; of the separa
tion of church and state.
"We regard the agitation for pro
hibition laws on the part of the
church bodies hh a deplorable de
pari me from this principle.
"As pastors we believe that our
one and only commission Is the
preaching of the gospel of Jesus
Christ. We regard the agitntlon of
a question of laws and statutes by
the chti'ch as an unwarranted dtv
parture from its divine commission.
"The church, In our opinion,'
ought to improve the morals of
men by preaching the gospel. We
bold that the making and enforc
ing of laws lies In the province of
the state and not of the church."