Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, January 24, 1931, Page 7, Image 7

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Classified Section
BATES: Per word, each insertion, 1 cent. By the week, S cents ft word.
Minimum pet advertisement, 25 cents, Malt jont sd ooujtf Um
word end endow Warn, cheek or money order.
OAK, fir and cord wood. Reason
able. Phone 362.
FOR SALE I)ry tir block wood, 3
, tiers, $5.75. Phone 24F21.
FOR SALE Baled hay, oats and
vetch, (13 per ton. T. E. Duncan.
Phono 14P2.
FOR SALE 3 Austin o liuuurs,
freshen goon; 1 fresh. Box 24,
shed, 16-inch, cord $7.50 dellver
.ed. South End Fuel Co.
and field seeds of ail kinds.
Leake & Guinea.
type preferred. John Doerner,
Melrose, Ore.
ROOMING HOUSE for sale 16
rooms. $400 will handle the deal.
90 E. Broadway, Eugene, Ore.
GAS ENGINES Nearly new, 11
h. p. Fairbanks Morse engine,
$50. All sizes new and used en
gines. Leake & Gurnee.
deal in high quality paint. Let us
figure your needs. Leake & Gur
FOR SALE Tested broccoli seed
earliest Italian variety. Only
small quantity left. A. W. Bauru.
BALED hay and straw; 40 tons
good quality oats and vetch, $14
per ton; straw $8. C. F. Krogel,
TRACTOR PLOWS Fine buys in
one, two and three bottom plows.
Also several bargains in horse
drawn tools. Leake & Gurnee.
FOR SALE Fresh Jersey heifer,
$60. No. 3 Sharpies separator,
good condition, $35. C. L. Weber,
lit. 1. Phone 42F13.
AUSTRALORP Australorp hatch
ing eggs and baby chicks. Now
booking orders for 1931. L. H.
McKey, P. 0 Box 455, Eugene,
FINE RADIO Either electric or
battery type in mahogany cabi
net at a great bargain. 126 So.
Jackson. Phone 693.
TRACTORS Used Fordson and
Cletrac tractors. Fine stock.
Low prices. New Cletrac ma
chines. Sales and service. Leake
& Gurnee,
FOR SALE Lease on ranch, tew
tons bay, 10 head young ruiicn
slock, fresh or coming fresh. All
for $800. Box 7, care News-Review.
FOR SALE! 100 head goats, nan
nies, well bred, full fleece. Good
turkey range to rent. One red
torn for sale. A. F. Stearns, Oak
land, Ore., phone 42.
121)0 TO $4000 per year, govern
ment job, steady work; men, wo
men, 18 to 60. We coach you for
early exams. Write for particu
lars Box 71, care News-Review.
FOR SALE Six head work
horses; 2 saddle horses, good
condition, well broke; 2 farm
wagons; 2 sets double harness.
Umpqua Valley Freight Line,
cor. Main and Washington Sts.
REAL BARGAINS Special prices
on appliances which have been
used for demonstrations. Simplex
Ironette, orlginully at $108.50,
now $79.50. An Easy washer,
with drier, originally priced at
$170. now $135. California. Ore
gon Power Co.
WOULD you like to get In a good
business of your own? A wonder
lul old line life Insurance com
pany has a splendid opportunity
for a progressive man in Rose
burg and vicinity. Must be finan
cially responsible and if you can
follow Instructions you cannot
full. All replies confidential. For
Interview apply to Box 8, care
HORSE SALE Near Eugene. 35
head work horses. I think I may
udd that in general this stock is
better broke, and better worn
horses than Is usually offered at
a horse sale. 1200 to 1800 lbs.
Aces, six years, and up. These
horses have been owned by me
two years or more, used ill con-
si ruction work throughout the
state. If any person or group of
persons, will buy four head or
more of these horseB, they will
he delivered to your community
free of charge. This sale will be
held two miles northeast of
SnrlnKlleld, on the "Abies'
ranch. Thursday. January 29. at
1 p. m. Earl McNutt, owner. J. K.
Greer, auctioneer.
WANTED Clean cotton rags.
News-lteview office.
WANTED 15 young ewes. State
breed, nue, price. Oscar Weeks,
Ruckles, Ore.
KfiHEIl MAN would like to corre
spond Willi young woman regard
ing matrimony. Box 1052, Wood
land, Washington.
WANTED to lease, preferably with
onllon to buy. diversified- ranch
equipped. Will furnish banker's
references. Apply the Kingwell
Agency, Koseburg.
FOR RENT Furnished room.
Meant heated, bath. 122 So. Jack
sun, ot.posite Hunt's Indian the
atre. Phone 457,
FOR RENT Pleasant front room,
close In. Phone 656-J.
MODERN 4-room furnished cottage
for rent. Inquire 544 S. Pine.
FOR RENT Furnished 4-room
house. Inquire 829 Reservoir Ave.
FOR RENT Furnished 2 rooms,
kitchenette, $15. 428 Pitzer St.,
CAR OWNER Don't forget to call
653 when In need of nuto parti.
Barff'g Auto Wrecking House.
TO TRADE $75 cabinet Victrola
with 70 records for yearling
heifer. A. E. Millard. Phone
THE PARTY who took a pair of
lady's shoes from Hobday's Shot
Renewing was seen leaving the
shop. Return shoes and avoid
TRADE your sheep, cattle, farm,
or house and lot for one or more
of our used cars, or trucks. Ra
dios by arrangement, J. O, New
land and Son.
COME to the Catholic ladies' card
party at the Parish hall on Kane
St. Monday evening. Jan. 26th at
8 p. m. Bridge, five hundred,
prizes. Refreshments, 35 cents
FOR SALE; Fox Terrier puppies.
Inquire 1254 Winchester St.
OAK wood for sale. Phone 21F12
Fred Winston.
LOST Fountain pen, black trim
med in gold. Leave at News-Review.
B'OR RENT Modern furnished
apartments. Phone Mrs. Strange,
LOST On Court St., four-months-old
Boston bull pup, small col
lar, with string. I. Stewart, 520
N. Jackson.
FOR SALE Weanling pigs, $5
each. 1. Abraham's place, Wilbur,
Ore. r
FOR SALE Dog, trained for sheep
only. Price $. Address H. Weg
ner, Sutherlin, Ore.
RABBITS Chins, guaranteed
breeders, pedigreed stock. $15 a
trio. C. Ft Pruess, Grants Pass,
steer, and heifer. State price und
breed. A. DeBernardl, Glide, Ore
WE STILL have some 50-11). bags
of dairy salt at 90c each. Also a
few good vinegar barrels. Dad s,
corner Lane aud bbariuan bts.
Virgil Conn herd at Melrose. 29
head, mature and young stock
Registered and grade. Phone
55F14, or write Fred Bonebrake,
Route 2.
FOR SALE Well equipped and go
ing dairy ranch located close in,
will sacrifice If sold soon. Will
sell with or without stock and
equipment. See BRUCE COM
PANY, Myrtlo Creek, Oregon.
WANTED Man to clear land on
crop basis on Virgil Conn farm,
Melrose. Very best river silt
garden land. Will give timber
and 2 season's crops. Phone
65F14. J. Fred Bonebrake.
WANTED To hear from owner
who has 40 to 100 acres for sale.
Must be on good road, ' with
stream through it with small wa
ter fall, and 10 acres agricultural
land, balance may be rough, with
Myrtle Creek, Oregon
Two residences In The Dalles, Ore
gon. Value $7,5uo. Want slocked
and equipped ranch, would put
some cash in the deal, aud as
Myrtle Creek, Oregon
WANTED 30 to 50-aere diversi
fied farm, western Douglas or
Lane, as part payment for 232
acres lloaudary county, Idaho,
lot unclaimed, balance puslure.
Slock and equipment. Address
owner, Walter Smith, Copclaud,
192 Nash Adv. C sedan
1827 Pontiac sedan .
1928 Nash standard sedan ..,.$175
192S Pontiac coupe $350
1929 Ford coupe $375
1927. Ford touring cheap,
1930 Nash sedan, a snap $S50
MONEY TO LOAN on dwellings,
apartment houses, business
blocks, improved real estate or
for building purposes. The total
.jost of our loans Is lower than
any like organization doing bus!
ness in the state. We Invite com
Abstract building.
of horses and mules for sale,
weight 1000 to 1500 lbs. Purchas
er privileged to try out to full
satisfaction. Can be seen at 520
N. Jackson St., Koseburg, Ore.
Also wagon and single and
double harness, or will trade for
good fresh cow or one coming
frh soon. If I do not have the
kind of horse ou want, put In
your fyder aad 1 gct lu
Tonight 7:30 Subject, "The
One Thing Needful."
Sunday 10:60 "The Growing
Christian." 2:30, meeting at
the armory for men only, sub
ject, "The Devil's Boomer
angs"; 2:30, meeting for wo
men at Presbyteriau church,
Miss Slough will speak; 6:00,
Union Young People's ser
vice. 7:ou, clofciUb servicu,
subject, "Almost But Lost,"
(Revival Editor.)
With the five services announced
above the union revival campaign
will be brought to a close tomor
row. In the morning service Dr.
Lowry will direct his niesBnge
more to the new converts and
young Christians, showing them
bow to mako a success ot the Chris
tian life, lu announcing the meet
ing and subject for men und boys,
he said that this had often proven
to be the. greatest service of the
whole campaign. Miss Slough,
whose work has been especially ap
preciated, will again speak to the
women anil girls Sunday atieiuoou.
At tlw special request ot the young
people, unother service is being
uelu for them, although It will bu
necessary to have the service at
six o'clock on account of the ser
vice starting earlier at the armory
in the evening.
It has been announced a number
of times that an offering will be
taken at all the services on Sun
day for the Moody Bible institute.
Envelopes will be distributed aua
the people are asked to contribute
to the support of this great inter
denominational worn. TUo evange
listic party came to Roseburg uu
der the auspices ot the Moody in
stitute aud for that reason there
will be no offering taken for the
evangelist. Dr. Lowry announced
that the present student body ot
the institute represents over thirty
dilferent denominations. There has
never been any tuition charges to
the students, and this work is sup
ported by the individual gifts of
the people of the various churches.
The institute' is culled the "West
Point of Chiistiau Service," being
the largest training school for
Christiun workers lu the world to
day. Dr. Lowry began his message
last night by saying ,'My text for
this evening is a question, more it
is an unanswerable question. If
you should go to the wisest lawyer
in Oregon, one who knows how to
codify the law and Interpret It for
the supreme court, and put to him
the question of my text, he would
turn away unable to give you.., an.
answer. You might go to tbe'wlsest
physician in this country, a man
who knows his drugs and how to
prescribe them so as to produce
marvelous cures and put to him
the question of my text and it
would still be unanswered. If it
were possible for you to go to the
world of lust souls and put to them
the question o this text they would
not be able to answer It.
Though an angel should wing his
way Iroin heaven to earth ana you
put to li I in theq uesilou ot this text,
he would not be able to an
swer, "uu, you Bay, "inai is o
paradox. That is iiupossipiei" lis
ten, then, to my text, Heb. 2:3:
How Bhall we escape, It we neg
lect so great salvation!" There is
no escape tor the man who neg
lects, therefore there is no answer
tor ibis question.
There are many ways by which
men neglect sulvuilou, but there is
no escape tor toe man that uoes it.
10 be neglecting salvation, mere
ueed bo no grave oitcnse against
muiallty. We nave many goou peo
ple in tne world, but what are tney
good for? You say they don t drink,
mey uon t swear, mey ao not gam
ble, they do not sidestep tueir
niarriace vows, and they do not
deseoiaie the Sabbath day.
les. tney uie good people, but
thuir goutiness is a negative goou
uess. Negutive goouuess ' never
caved a soul, and mole it never
will. There must be something
positive, it negative goouueoa
would make a Christian lueu tins
pulpit is tne best Christian in Itose
jurg. it never cursed or swore or
got drunk since it was made, it
uever committed a sin lu all Its
existence. Did you aver notice that,
according to tne teachings of Jesus
Chrisi, the sentence of eleruul
damnation will be passed because
of what men fulled to do rather
than what they did?
In that day he will say, "lu as
much as ye did it not." What then
do you need to do to be lost? Just
do what niuuy of you fellows lu
Koseburg uie duiug now, that is, do
nothing, and you will as certainely
wake up among the lost one of
theso days as that you exist. It is
procrastination thut Is filling the
lost world. "Boast not tnyseii oi
tomorrow, lor uiuu Miunti i
what a day brlngeth forth." Again
God says, "Come now mid let us
reason together.' It Is always now,
with God. There is no promise for
In the context we find Paul s
argument simply this: that If those
in Old Testament times, that is.
those who had the Bible and the
prophets, did not escape, how shall
we who livo this side of the cross,
we w ho have the greater light, how
shall e escape if we neglect sal
vation? I want to call your atten
tion to the greatness of this salva
tion that so many of you are neg
lecting. It Is great because of Its author.
Muny times simply the name of
the author will givo a book a largo
circulation. The mere mention ot
the author of salvation should com
mend It to everyone. And who is
the author? Certainly not man
tor left to himself, he would never
seek to know God. Psalms 5K:3.
'The wicked are estranged Iroiu
the womb. They go astray as soon
as they are born, speaking lies.'
Man does not naturally turn to God,
as the new bora babe does to its
mother's breast but he naturally
turns to sin and unrighteousness
so then left to himself of the word
of God and the spirit of God he
would never seek a way ot salva
tion. But we find that God was the
author ot salvation, 'For God so
loved the word that He gave His
only begotten Son. that whosoever
believeth In Him should not per-1
ish but have everlasting life.' i
"This salvation is great because
It deals with eternal issues.
"First, it delivers from endless
sin and suffering. What is it that
men and women will not do to es
cape punishment and pain in this
world? Then think tor a moment
of being ulaced In a place of an
guish and pain from which thore Is
no deliverance. How hard it is to
endure severe pain but for a little
while. Yet men by neglecting salva
tion are hourly in danger ot eter
nal pain and woe. 'Oh,' you say, '1
liin't believe there is any hell. i
Well, my dear sir. your not be-
leiving does not change the fact of
the case for one moment if there
is a hell there is one. Many a
little fellow In these days has
scratched hell out of his creed, but
he won't be in hell 16 minutes be
fore he will have it revised and
have nothing else in It but hell.
You say, 'I think this' or '1 think
that.' Well, your opinion isn t
worth much as long as you think
one thing, and God's word says I
something else. One ounce of a
'Thus said the Lord,' Is worth more
to me than a million pounds of
man's speculations when it comes
to this question of heaven and
hell. What do the scientists aud
philosophers of oarth know about
such questions? The very moment
they go beyond the teaching of the
Bible, it becomes simply a matter
of speculation.
You Bay '1 hate the very thought
ot hell.' So do 1, and I hate Sie
devil tor ever having made hell
necessary; but my hatred cannot
argue either the devil or hell out
of existence. I hate the very
thought of the penitentiary and the
electric chair, and the gallows, and
I hate adultery, theft and murder,
and ail the sins that Bend men to
these places, but all these things
are necessities aud realities just
the same. We are told that there
are 280,000 men and women behind
prison bars in this country. Sup
pose that our government would
open the doors and turn them all
out upon society.
But you would cry, 'o, tue
snnctitv of my home, the virtue of
mv wife and daughter, and the
safety of my property and life are
at stake. Yet that is wnui you
p,n asking for in the next world
when von araue. no lien, it is
rliht and lust that there should be
this separation when men refuse
to obey the laws, and just so It will
be in eternity. God's own right
eousness demands that there be
an eternal separation.
"Second, this point has a positive
side. It not only delivers from
eternal Bin and Buffering but It
procures for us perfect holiness
and eternal bleBsedness. Stop, sin
ner! Ston. and balance those things
one against the other. An endless"
stute of misery and an ever-growing
slate of bleBsedness.
This great salvation gives us de
liverance Horn one and makes us
an heir of the other. Did you evor
stop to thiuk what the word 'eter
nity' means? An old writer used
this illustration In an endeavor to
picture to the mind the moaning
of elernlty: 'Suppose a bird is sol
to work to remove this globe one
grain ot sand at a time, and to
come only once lu a thousand
She takes the first grain and
away she files on her long, weary
course, and long, long are the days
and years before she comes again.
But, when a thousand yoars have
rolled away, she comes again for
one more grain ot sand and the
globe is lessened of Just ono more
grain of Its countless sands. Final
ly, the whole earth has been re
moved, but eternity huB only be
gun,' )
"But let us extend our illustra
tion further. Suppose that after
Bho has finished this world, sho
Here Is an Interesting story from England:
"Appropriately named by Mir Charles Wakefield the 'Youth of nrlt
aln' a big blue de Havilund airplane started on May IS, with Blr Alan
Cobhatn as pilot, o n a lour of llritlsh towns for the purpose of awuk
eniug 'ulrmindedness' among the population.
"An anonymous benefactor has donated 100.000 froo flights for
school children, and Sir Alan will also give flights to municipal authori
ties. Tiie uirplane carries ten passengers."
Some man whose heart is in the sky.
Who wants the world to learn to fly,
Has chosen wisely in this way
To bring a new air-minded day.
He gives these children great delight;
They'll talk about it day and niyht
And, with their sweet enthusiasm.
They'll put all England in a spasm.
But as I pondered on this tale
Of children on the skyline trail,
My mind was off in fairy dreams.
Was revelling on in loving schemes
To teach all childhood how to fly
To search ;!, wonders of the sky
Until a new high-minded zone
Gave life a richer, sweeter tone.
If we would only train our youth
To rare adventures after truth,
Teach them to know that things unseen
Are safest walls on which to lean,
Give each the wings to high ideal
With faith to strive to make it real,
The generation coining on
Would usher in a grander dawn.
We were not born to slowly plod
With minds no higher than the clod;
We have the gift to think and dream
The rays of heaven upon us beam.
We have imaginative wing
And through V-his life can blithely sing.
The skies vd all their wealth arc ours
If we have taith to use our powers.
Even a Clam
Open Its
And we are hungry for
your stuff go up or prices on what you need come down.
Will You Help Us Bring Them Dovn?
You have to buy some
The more you buy from
We represent the following firms, and sell the following products which we know are superior to many
and equal to any in quality.
You Can Help Us
Crown Flour and Feed
Leslie Salt
Lilly's Seeds
Portland Seed Company 8eeds
Jenks-Whlte Seeds
Swift's Fertilizers
Atlacide Weed Killer
Eugene Farmers Creamery Semisolid Milk
Also full line of electric and plumbing fittings and supplies, pipe and galvanized roofing,
trade and repair used farm machinery and do acetylene welding and plowshare stelliting.
"See Us First We Can Save You Money."
Douglas Co.
Farm Bureau
Cooperative Exchange
begins on the other planets of our
sysloin. Mercury und Venus, and
all the others, they would finally
be carried away. Yet, eternity
rolls. Wo have not even begun to
approach the end. End? There is
no end. And this Is a sober fuct.
Thore is no possible room for mis
take, no ground for doubt. 'Oh,' you
any, 'your illustration Is extrava
gant,' Nothing can be further from the
truth than to cull this Illustration
oxlravaguut. Admit one thing und
you must admit It in true. If you
admit the Immortality of the soul,
you admit that the soul exists for
ever. Then no illustration of the
measure of eternity can possibly
be extravagant. And yet, in spite
of all these facts staring men and
women squarely In the face, they
rush on in sin aud pleasure, und
Iniquity, thoughtless, cureless, In
different, lost. Yet a little while
and they must be in eternity. And
how often It is the unexpected that
happons, throwing mutt iustautly
Into elernlty."
business. We know you can't
things anyway, and it will cost you less to buy some other
us instead of from some one
Smoot-Holman Co. Bathroom Supplies
John Deere Tractors and Implements
Hardle Sprayers ,
Sparks Gas Ranges
Packard Malloy Electric Fixtures
Delco Eleotric Plants and Pumps
Milwaukee Air Pressure 8ystams
Goodyear Rubber Belting
(AiitocUted Trrai .LrMod Wire)
I(HtTljANI, Jiin. ' 24. Untmunl i
flrmni'HH of the whl'mlB buiur
murkut tn I'ortlaiid nincu early hi
thu week, with lUtcmluiit Hctirrlty or
Hit In 01 score cuIm'h, liroiiKiit unur
quotation (IJiifttments on tho local
produce uxuIiumku which maiio ex
tra Knt'le milieu 1 I'Ktit hiKhor at
2 ft coiUh a pound und firnlH up i
cent Lu Tl (HtntH um trtido opi'tird
today.. (:tnUiiuiMli u'Jivu demand
for thtj limited IiIkU hcoio frt)nh of
fcrltiKH malntalni'd thu murkot in
a v'iy firm trund.
Whalfrtnlo pkk nmrkct conllnuot
wmik with rceolpu utrunir und div
nut ltd from rutullcro only fair.
Price uhudinff contlnuod In finme
instance!. Jobber to dealer ritllv
crleM wore cut Into somewhat In
direct lu dealer deliveries by pro
ducers. lUfitntiwn
Ktffr: (Priced to retttllnra) frnrth
axtruH 20c: MtandardH lUu; frunh
modi limn 18c; nuUulfl J2o, X'rlces
to wholenalura 2u under price to re
tailors. Huttor: Onbeii; Ifixtrna 26c; Mnn
Htittur: Cuban: Kxlrus 20u; tun
diii its 24a; prime flrat Z'i; trite
over cube standard.
Milk: Itaw milk (i per rent
12.0.) per cwt., delivered Port
land tana 1 por cent; Krade C niih
1.50. liutterfat dullvured In Port
land 21c.
. Poultry: (Ituylnjr prices.) Alive,
heavy liens over 4 'A lbs. 20c; mo
il I um bona 1 ls. lb-1 fie;
IlKlit hens 12-13; nprinK 2 Or; I'ektn
ducks 4 lbs. end ovr lfl-lSe; tur
keys No. 1, 29-31c; K-ne 17-Kc.
Country meats: (HuyliiK prions.)
Choice Veal He; pork 126-i3c;
nholeo lamb 14-lBc; heavy veal 9
lOe; mutton 6e.
Potatoes; No. 1 graded Sl.7S-l.00;
No. 2, $1.1C-1.60.
Sugar. (Hacked basis.) Cnn
fruit or berry $&.00 per uwt tteet
suKar $4.80 cwt.
Flour: (Portland delivery prlri0
Kami I y patents 4iis $4.60; whole
Wheat 4b h $4.7": Kruhum 4!)s 4.60;
bakers' hard wheat ONs tr.20: bak
ers' bliieBttjm patents Stis lb. 80;
pastry flour SKs 94.00.
Olmervitlons takon at 6 a,
liOtb Meridian.
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Suit likn .
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It Is Hungry
buy as much as you would
else the cheaper we can sell.
Make the Price.
Parma Irrigating Pumps
Keystone Galvannealed Fence
L. & H. Electric Ranges
Eagles, Roseburg Aerie Meets ID
Msccsbse Hull on Csss street
on second and tourtb Monday
evenings of escb month, al
8 o'clock. Visiting brethren to
good standing always welcome.
0. E. 8., Roseburg Chapter, No. 3
holds regular mooting on
the tlrst and third Thursdays lu
each month. A 1 1 sojourulni
brothers and sisters are resiiec"
fully Invited to attend.
PRE a! JO UN BON, Sec.
Laurel Chapter, No. 81, R. A. M.
Meets every third Tuesday ol
each month In Maspnlo Temple
All members requested to at
tend and visiting companion
D. 13. UUDAR, High Priest.
W. V. HAHRIS. Hue.
B. P. O. Elks, noseburg Lodgl
No. &"t Holds regular coin
munlcntlon at the Elks Temple
every Thursday. AU members re
quested to attend regularly, and
all visiting brothers aro cordially
Invited to attend.
H. C. DAUBY, E. R.
Job's Daughters No. 8 Meoti
first and fourth Tuesdays at 7:31
p. m., Masonic Temple. Mast-it
Masons and O. E. 8. members al
ways welcome.
Roseburg Undertaking Co.
Established 1901 M. E. RITTER, Manager
Founded and Maintained on Efficient
Service and Courtesy
Ambulance Service
Phone 284
Oak and Kane Sts.
You cannot buy better Insurance than Is sold by this ageney.
Writing all lines of fire and automobile Insurance, livestock In
surance and bonds. Fourteen years of satisfactory dealing with
our clients. Consult ue about your Insurance problems. You
cannot buy better protection than a policy written through our
agency. Phone or call.
G. W. YOUNG & SON, Insurance
116CA88 8T. PHONE 417
otherwise until prices on
things than to do without
Century Motors
U. S. Rubber Co. Insulated Wire
El Rey and Palomar Roofing and Shingles
Western Pips and Steel Co., Irrigating Pipe
We buy, sell,
W. B. A Rosoourg Review No. 11.-
Holds regular meetings on sec
ond and fourth Thursdays at 7:30
p. m. Visiting Bisters Invited to
attend reviews. Macuabee Hall,
Plus and Cass streets.
Pythian Sisters, Umpqua Temple
No. 4. Meets the second and
fourth Monday evenings ot each
month at the K. P. Hall. Vis
itors always welcome.
Roseburg Lodge No. 1037, l. O. O.
M. M'.-uts luo first and third
Wednesdays ot each month.
Moose hall, Kohlbagen Bids.
VlBltlng brothers welcomo.
GEO. OILHaM, Ulct.
JNO. M. THRONE, Treas.
A. F. e A. M., Lsurel Lodge No
. 13. Regular communication seo
ond and fourth Wednesdays eaca
month at Masonlo Temple, Rose
burg, Ore. Visitors welcome.
Monday Tuesday
Licensed Lady