ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. MONDAY. JANUARY 1, 193 1- FIVE Classified Section BATES: Per word, each Insertion, 1 cent. By the Minimum per advertisement, IS cents, Hafl words and enctoee stamp, eheck ot mmxtj FOR SALE DRV fir wuod, J2.25 and ?2.50 per tier. Phone 24F21. 1'URNITURE to be sold during next week. Geo. Bradburn, Win ston. VOR SALE Small chicken ranch, well improved, close in. Inquire George Solomon's grocery. DALED hay and straw; 40 tons good quality oats and vetch, $14 per ton; straw ?8. C. F. Krogel, tiixouville. VIA VI The home remedy tor men, women and children. Stood the test for half a century. Call Mrs. W. L. Smith at 18K22. FOlt SALE 10 registered Shrop- shire ewes, mostly coming 2's. Alsea Hawloy, Divide Route, Cot tage Grove, Oregon. Phone 6F12. FOR SALE 600 sawed, seasoned cedar poets. Also one team work horses, or will trade for sheep. V. O. Cendray, Glendale, Ore. $1200 TO $4001) per year, govern ment job, steady work; men, wo men, 18 to 50. We coach you for eurly exams. Write for particu lars Box 71, care News-Review. VOR SALE Six head work horses; 2 saddle horses, good erudition, well broke; 2 farm wagons; 2 sets double harness, t'.mi'qua Valley Freight Line, cor. Main and Washington Sts. I WANTED I COW WANTED in trade on Chev rolet ton truck. Inquire at The Log service station, Sutnerlin. FOR RENT HOUSE for rent at 1131 E. 3rd St. ' FJone 133. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, eli '.: m, clean, homey. Telephone 1 MISCELLANEOUS I CAR OWNER Don't forget to call 653 waeu ib need ot ruito parts. baitiB Auto Wrecking House. WILL GIVE equity in 3-room house to iKiity buyiug furniture tor $150. liox 3, care News-Review. UKO. (Red) WILLIAMS, 116 S. Stephens St., going alter busi nu&a. Cars wushed, $1.50, called lor and delivered. Greasing, oil and bus. "Service" our motto. Phone 458. ORLGONIAN ANNOUNCEMENT General Pershing's own story of the great war will appear in the Oregouiau both daily and Sunday commencing January 12 and continuing several weeks. Subscribe now for this great newspaper of the Pacific north west. Price 75 cents per month, delivered. C. W. llornur, agent. Phone 557-R. NEW TODAY OATS and vetch hav, 1'lione 702-IU. baled, Jlli. WOOD FOlt SALli l'hone 2 I1,,24. -F. K. mothers, SKASONKI) tr block, $2 per tier, l'hotie 'M2. FUli SALE 3 nice turkey liens at $2.2!) eaeli. Jesse Neavoll, Glide, Ore. Phone 36K4. WAM'KD Some good Gold Dollar strawberry plants. Hox 4, care New s-lte view. FIJI AM) oak wood, $2 and $2.50 cut one yar. Claude Parkhurst. Phone 47K31. FOR SAUK One S-weeksold reg isn'ii'd Jersey bull calf. Phone 17F3. (I. V. Hurt. CHOH'K old growth lir well sea soned, $2.50 ier tier In 3-tier loads. South Knd Fuel Co. Ft Mi It EST Furnished apartment, atfi' and lights furnished, ga in ut. $10 per month. 64 S. Pine. FOU SA LK Caterpillar tractor, model 10 demonstrator. AUn us ed Kordson, Miller-Sanrord Trac tor Co.. 321 West Oak street. FOR SAI.K Cows, coming fresh soon ; also sheep. Or will trade for f0od horse, 1400 or iruu lbs. Phone l!iF12, Oakland, or 45F3, ltnvhitrg. SI'KAKINC of delicacies, what's then- to compare with Thuringer sausage or flavor-ttte, boneless ham lor cold plate or su mi tt lli- At I)aUa, Ijine and Sheri dan Sts. '.N"n:it KquitMH'd ranclr on shine: position as foronian; or v ork by year on poultry, fruit or ilalry tarin with IIvIbr quartr-rs I'M nislu-ti ; y.'iirs of exprionru. K'ffi"''nc'a furnishfd. No chil dKMi. Frd u". Ktonc. Hox D12, Hold Hill. Ore. Till: KAIKEST loan o havf ever laiown. U'liat tlip ffdt'ral farm I'Ktii has done for tht? farnirr, oui- lon tprm easy paynitMtt moi-tcacc docs for the home own er. Tin' intal cost of one of our loans is lower than auy like or itnmzaliim doins bnsilieM ill the t-tnt" We invite comparison. lMI'QIW PAVINGS h LOAN ASSOCIATION, Uouglas Ab stract Gldg. week, 5 eenU a word. LOST Saturday, between Cass and Oak Sts., black silk dress. Reward. Return to Roseburg Cafeteria. . TODAY'S MARKETS : - (AocUted rrm Lcued Wire) PORTLAND. Jan. 12. Wholesale butter Quottttioim. dm to lowering outside markets und slow local Ue mund. opened 2 cents lower on all grades In Portland Monday. Quote: Kxtras- 26 cents; standards, 25; prime firsts. 24, and rusts, 23. Fresh receipts were more than ample. The declining butter market caus ed (beat c re a merle to cut buttorfut bids to producers it cr-ntri tn 22 tents a pound, delivered Portland. Wholesale egg market continued weak and receipts strung but Mon day quotations were unchanged. only definite clianRe in country dressed meat and poultry quota tions was shown by veal which had dropped back lrotn 11 to 16 cents a pound for bent uuulily stock as buyers fulled to clean up supplies promptly. Quotation Esse: (Prices to retailers) fresh extras 24c; standards 21; fresh mediums 20c; put lets 14c. Prices to wholesalers 2c under price to re tailers. Butter: Cubes: Extra 28c; stan dards 27c; prime firsts 26c; firsts 25c. Creamery prices: Prints 3c over cube standards. Milk: Raw mjlk (4 per cent) 12.00-2.15 per Cwt. delivered Port land less 1 per cent; grade C mm 11.70. Hutttrfat delivered In Port land 26c, Poultry: (Buying prices.) Alive, heavy hens over 4 ',4 lbs. 20-22c; me dium hens 3tt-4 lbs. 15-ltic; light bens 12c; springs 20c; Pekin ducks 4 lbs. and over 18c; turkeys No. 1. 29-3lc; goose 17-lsc. Country meats; (buying priceB.) Choice veal 16-17c: pork 13c; choice lamb 13-I4c; heavy vuul 9C; mutton 6c. Potatoes; No. 1 graded $1.75-2.00; No. 2, $1.15-1.60. Sugar. (Sacked basis.) Cane, fruit or berry $5.00 per cwt. lieet sugar cwt. l-'lour: (Portland delivery nrices.I Family patents 49a $5.80: whole wheat 4Ws $4.10; graham 41Jb $1.(0, bakers' hard wheat USa $5.20; bak ers' bluestein patents ySs $5. SO; pastry flour 98s $4. SO. Hay:- (Wholesale buying prices, delivered Portland.) Kastern Ore gon timothy 922.iid-23.00; ditto val ley 919.00-19.50; alfalfa 91H.50 19.00; clover $18.00; oat huv $16.00; straw $7.00-8.00 ton. Selling prices $1.00-3.00 more. Hogs: 1930 crop 16-17c Onions: Oregon $1.00-1.25. Nuts: Walnuts. California new No. 1, 27c; Oregon new 27c; almonds 14-2jc; peanuts 9-12ic; pecans 27-50c; filberts 18-24C. C a scar a bark: fie Ib. Wool: Kastern Oregon nominal valley 14-lSc: lamb 10-14c; mohair I.lvcfttock Cattle: Steers ti00-900 lbs. com mon 6.25-7.75. Heifers G50-X50 lbs. good 7.r0-S.2S. medium 6.50-7.00 common 5.50-6.50. Cows, good 6.2' 7.7 common and medium 0.00-6.2i, How cutter 2.50-u.OO. Khoep: Lambs 90 lbs. down' good and cliolco ti. 75-7.00, medium 5.50 Vearltng wethers 90-110 lbs. medium to choice .no-fi.50. Ewes 90-1 20 an weights, common 4.50-5.50 lbs. medium fu cTiolce 2.50-3.20; 120 150 Ibn. 2.25-3.00. all weights, cull and common 1.50-2. Hogs: (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs excluded. Light lights 140 lbs 8.25-9.60. Light weight 1 00-1 SO lbs. 8.25-9.50; 180 200 lbs. 9.25-9.50. Medium , weight 200-220 lbs. 8.26-9.50: 220-250 lbs. 8.00-9.25. Heavy weight 250-290 lbs. 7.00-8.50; 90-350 lbs. 7.00-8.50. Pack ing sows 275-500 lbs. medium and good $ii.75-7.50. Feeder and stocker pigs 70-130 lbs., good and choice S.r.o-9.75. l.nmbs 90 lbs down 6.50-7.00, me dium 5.00-6.50-. all weights, common 4.00-5.00. Yearling wethers 90-1 10 lbs. medium to choice 3.50-5. 00. Kwes 90-120 lbs. medium to choice 2. 25-3. On; 12Q-150 lbs. medium to choice 2.00-2.50. All weights, cull and common 1.00-2.00. COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA tV S. WKATHER DLHEAU Observitlons taken at 6 a, 120th Meridian. THE WEATHER Temperature t l I I Halter snow IR! 30i 21! .01 llnise -ldy 2S 2ft: 20! .Of! Jioston cldy I .11 :!! 2H 0 Chicngo t-idv t, ;:s :rj o lenv-r fid 2M 4fi (i Kun-ka Hear i I-. I 4'J 0 (iHlvcslon mini 451 tat 4; li.-b'iwi )..ur lis u I v 0 K.-insas Citv '1K 2s 0 Anm-i.-s! r.ui r,i, r,ii o Marlifl.-td . . .cldv f 4"). hi i ( Nt-w iirlciins ...raint 5Jl' New York mintv I :tfii M, Si .01 Nnrth ll-ad .I't.cidyl ir; 4si ! v , I'ii-M'iiix i-h-iir I :tr ;. ateib t idy i Z2 21 2 J .01 Portland ldv 1 41 5' i I IdiNclHirK eldy I 3 .s ax SH' THinenlo . . .flear I ? H UN 0 St. Lou is cP-tir i :-' 3S .'if Salt I,ake i-ldy 'J'i' :tn 2Y .04 San KranciAo .cdenrl 46. Oti 4 1 0 San lWno clear 1 Kit 1. 1 4'" 0 Seattle I I. I ti .02 Spokane cldy I :i l1 :tt si o I '.l .06 Winnipeg Hdy : X s 0 VaktniH rldy i '-': Ilrt: a;', .01 CARD OF THANKS We are deeply grateful for the assistance and sympathy offered and rendered by our friends and relatives during tho illness and death of our beloved husband, son and brother. Bernlece Tlliel. .Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Thiel. Alfred Thiol. Oswald Thiel. NOTICE Notice is hereby ulven that all warrants of School I district No. 4. IhhikIsk County. Oregon, up to and fncludiliK No. n.filtl. protested for non payment. June 6th, 1!3u. and prior thereto, are this date called for payment, and all Interest there on ceases from this date, January Jlh, 1931. MRS. A. J. OKDDr-'S, Cierk. Ross Lovelace, of Dlxonvllle. sm-ut several hntirs in this city Saturday afternoon attending to business affairs. e Arundel, piano tuiur. Phone 1S9-L. BRINGING UP FATHER tfOlsi OP&TAlRS AMD LET ,THE FUOWEH" P T ON) MV POOT- KMOVJ WHAT THlKiK WHV-I HEAR MU-SIC PBfoM JESUS, CHRISTUH SCIENCE SUBJECT By Gavin W. Allan, C. S. B. of Toronto. Ontario, Canada Member of the Hoard of Lecture ship of Tho Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, fn Iioston, Massachusetts. If we would understand Chris tianity its Principle and Its prac tice we must begin by under standing its Founder, ' tho man Christ Jesus, "because he and he alone has been its perfoct expo nent. Its perfect demonstrator. If we examine the life of JeBus as portrayed In the Gospels we cannot fall to note some of his outstand ing characteristics. Let us consid er a few of his traits which have not been sufficiently stressed. SELFLESSNESS First, his selflessness. During the years of his ministry he seemed to have no ambition for place or power, no desire for superiority or preferment. It Is true that Just before he entered upon his min istry he passed through a great struggle In overcoming the false sense of self; the desire for fame and dominion strove to assert it self. Hut it is also true that this desire was completely routed and that never again did it become ap parent in his life. Jesus' selflessness was manifest ed In service. He gave himself to others. He said, "I am among you as he that serveth." That was his life-work, serving God by serving his fellow men. Was it Jesus' de sire that his followers should Berve their fellows In the same way that he did, that is, in the same spirit'? Did he command a life of service as a practical Ideal? Let us see. You will remember that on one oc casion Jesus called his disciples to him and said, "Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise do minion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. Hut It shall not be so anions you: but . . . whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant. In Jesus estimation, then, the willingness and ability to serve ranked higher than the desire to be served. Service ranked higher than dictatorship; Belfless ness than selfishness. Christ Jesus is our Exemplar, our ideal model. We as Christian Scientists are his followers. The ideals he presented, the qualities of mind he manifested, we must strive to emulate. Recognizing tills. the Founder of the Christian Sci enee movement, Mary naker Eddy, in her "Advice to Students, wrote (Miscellaneous Writings, p. "Let us serve instead of rule knock instead of push at the door of human hearts, and allow to each and every one the same rights atid privileges that we claim for ourselves. Put we were speaking of self lessness. Let. us hear Mrs. Eddy again, this time somewhat more emphatically In the Christian Set enee textbook. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," she writes (p. fills i, "Self-abnegation br which we lay down all the Truth, or Christ. In our warfare against error. Is a rule In Chris tlan Science." Why should this be so? Hecause selflessness is an es sential quality of spiritual man Because seltfuiness. If we may lis- such a term, or the belief in a self hood apart trom God, is not quality of the real man and never did belong In him. (Sort made man In His. God's, image to express God. If man Ib the expression of God. he cannot manifest a selfhood apart from God. You understand of course, that when we speak oi man an God's likeness we do not mean that mortals are God s like ness. Far from it. You and tho ma terial body which you may some times think of as yourself are Iwo entirely dilferent. things. Physiolo gists tell nt, iK. iyli 'I In nl Ire are couipi 'ely can'-d or re newed every few years, You may m : OH-OEAR Kli.LHIM-HEH NiO CONlTRoL OF- HVb TEMPER UATTEUy- 'M AFRAIO TO 5a Ni - Y kjo ome OF HIM- HIM - I'M "oORRV THE FLOVER- VAfoS UPPEO OUT OF MX H AMOS' have had five or ten entirely diff which you have left behind was you. Your true solfhood, tho man of Ood's creating, is a mental, ercnt bodies, but no one of these a spiritual being, the expression of God. In order that we may the better understand the relationship exist ing between man and God. let me use an illustration. Take for exam ple the sun and its rays. Each ray Is supplied by the sun with its the sun's own qualities. A sin gle ray doeB not express the sun completely, but it does express the qualities of the sun. The ray ha3 not a single quality of its own, that is, it has not a single quality that Is not derived from the Bun. having no quality of its own It has no selfhood apart from the sun. Now to make use of the illustra tion. God expresses Himself through spiritual man. Man as God's expression is supplied mo ment bv moment with God's re- flt-i . qualities, wisdom, Intelll- geucii, health, Btrength, etc. indi vidual man does not reflect God fully or completely, but he does, reflect all toe qualities of Cod:' Man, then, has not a single quality of his own, lias not a single qual ity underived from Cod; therefore for him to have a selrhood apart from Cod would be metaphysically impossible. There is another way to look at this subject. According to Chris-, tian Science (Science and Health.! 471), "man is and forever has been, Ood's reflection." A reflec tion calls attention to Its original. Your image In a mirror expresses only your color, your figure, your action. It possessea no corporeality of Its own. no thickness, no action. It cannot act of Itself. It cannot be of Itself. It has no existence apart from you. Now since man is God's likeness, as we are told In Genesis, you see how impossible It would be for man to have any action, any existence, any Belfhood apart from God. Christian Science is showing us that this Is w hat Is true about mnn. Such temptations, then, as seli- pity, selr-jlistlllcatioll, Belt-right-eousness, self-condemnation, and selfishness are based upon a false sense of self. Jesus, our Exemplar, who "was In all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin, overcame this fnlso sense of self enninlntelv. As his followers we are striving to do the same. How shall we succeed? First, by learn- Sj5 POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS A REVERIE OF THE GRA5S I'm only the rjrass on a mountain ranch: I prow where the goats and the sheep are fed; My roots run so deep ns they spread and branch, I make of the earth an attractive bed Where gorgeous flowers oft love to grow. Though tall fir trees and the singing pines Are making a greater, more vivid show; The worth of the ranch is my tender spines. I carpet the hills with a glowing green. The sheep love to nibble my tender sprouts. I fill all the worid with rny brilliant sheen Whenever the spring is awakening shouts. Though eaten and tramped and tossed about By sheep and goats and the careless wind. My roots are aware and keep sending out f resh verdure for goals and the sheep to find. I grow in the sun, and I grow in shade Where fragrant nnd sweet may the ferns be found Most delicate things that were ever made. But goats and the sheep as they make their round Will wander about till they find my blades And chuckle and sigh as they eat of me. They'll surely tjrow fat in these quiet shades Quite ready for shearing they soon will be. But I shall stay on, for I am the grass; My roots have a hold in this piece of earth; I wait for the seasons to come and pass. 'Twas here that I sprang at the call of birth 'Tis here I will stay in the sun and shade I'll wait for the Boats ar"J th- sheep in sprin;,' I il ,ue all my !.;u on the jiope or glade; No matter what comes I'll awake to ting. By Geo. McManus HE MIGHT - nKJCi TO HIM cam HMOe I OOtJ'T TAV-VC iBOOT T- JU5T KEEP JOSEPH REED FUNERAL TO BE HELD TUESDAY Funeral services for Joseph Reed, who passed away in Hose burg Thursday, will be held Tues day morning at 10 o'clock from tho Douglas Funeral home. Rev. C. A. Edwards will officiate and Inter ment will take place in the Civil Henu cemetery. 0 IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the United States for the District of Ore gon. In the mntter of Dennis Lovelace, Hunki-upl. To tho creditors of Dennis Love luce, of Drain, In the County of Douglas, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that the said Dennis Lovelace was on the Bill day of January, 1931, duly ud indicated bankrupt: and that the first meeting of his creditors will bo held nt the office of tho under signed In ltOBeburg, Ore., ou tho 23rd day of January, 1931, . a,t 10 0 clock in the forenoon, ut wnicn time the said creditors may attend, nrovo their claims, nppolnt a trus tee, examine the bankrupt und transact such other business as may properly coiuo buforo Bald meeting. . Dated January 10th, 1931. C. L. HAMILTON, Referee in Hankruptcy, Daughter Is Better K. P Woods returned today from Port land where he spent Sunday. He reports Unit his daughter, Emma gene, who has been critically ill and underwent an emergency ope ration last week. Is considerably Improved and Is expected to recov er. Ing what man, God's likeness, Is by learning the truth about man then by putting Into practice in our every thought of ourselves or our fellows. In this warfare with the false sense or self, Mrs. Eddy has given us this Inspiring message (Miscell aneous Writings, p. 118), "He of good cheer; the warfare Willi one's self Is gtand; It gives one plenty of employment, and the divine Principle workoth with you, and obedience crowns persistent effort with everlasting victory." : re m ETEllLPEiJy FOR SIN, SUBJECT AT REVIVAL MEET I revival Announcements I TUESDAY 2:30, "Whoro Are the Ded"; 7:30, lllKh school night, subject "IMUites yues tion." WEDNESDAY 7:30, "Hard Nuts tor Sketpllcs." Crowds filled the Roseburg unn oiy three times on Sunday when Dr. Lowry spoke on "Tithing" at the morning service; "Chickens Come Hume to Uoost," to mou only, in the afternoon, and "Eternal Punishment or Hell aud Damua tlou," In the evening, A stirring appeal lo put Cod first In the life was the pre dominating note in these services. As a result, fifteen persons took their Btand for Christ, making a totnl of forty-two converts lo dale. Dr. Lowry in his convincing way Is upholding the causo of Christ and many are being moved, as the Spirit of the Holy Ghost Is con victing the unsaved of sin lo a marked degree. Consistent prayer on the part .of tho Christian people will bring sure resulls nnd it Is hoped that this week will see a mighty Ingathering of souls. Monday is rest day for the evangelistic party, and there will ua no services at the armory. Regular services will bo resumed on luesdny at 2:80 p. m. when Dr. Nowry win speak on tho subject "Where are the Dead" and nimln nt 7:30 p. m. he will speak on Pilate's Question." Those linv- llig unbelieving friends and rela tives are asked to make a special effort to invito them to come out 10 tins meeting. the management has almost enough from the offerings to pny (he expenses of the meetings but there Is still a small deficit which it is hoped will be cleared un this week. On Friday night (he sublect will be "Popular Amusements." Speaking on "Eternal punish ment or hell and damnation" Sun day night. (Text 2 Thess. 1:7-9). Dr. Lowry Bald "When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heav en with his mighty angels, in flam ing fire taking vengeance on them that know not God nnd that obev not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction f,.om nlL. presence of the Lord, and from the glory of His power." "II there Is a hell, whv not speak of It under the scriptural name?" Rev. Lowry asked. "Why nickname It? If men are In danger of eternal diminution why not tell them so plainly? It Is positively wicked to bo more nice tlinn Cod and more niodust than Jesus ChrlBt. "1 was reading some time ago of a young minister who, while preaching to his congregation, said, 'If you don't repent you will go to Hint place that Is Impolite to speak of.' God have mercy upon that mnn who is so afflicted with false modesty that he cannot pro nounce the word hell as distinctly as the word heaven. If a man Is going lo preach a full gospel he will be compelled to preach about and wnrn people against the clcr nal fires of hell. "It is also a fact that men who accept a loose doctrine regarding the ultimate penalty of sin. such as restorallonlsm, or universallsm, or annlhllatlonism Ioho Iholr powei for God. They may be very clever In argument and zealous in prose lyting, but they are poor at. soul saving. They are seldom found be seeching men to be reconciled to God. "I know Hint when one preaches this doctrine he Is apt. to be called cruel and narrow. Well, as for my self, I never want to bo any broad er than Jesus Chrlsl. He said more about hell than all tho other Hllile characters. And as for being cruel, I would rather be called cruel when I was u reality being kind; than to be railed kind, when I was In reality being cruel. Sup pose I walk down the railway track and I see that there Is a bridge burned out. I know that there Is an excursion train coming down the line loaded Willi a jolly lot of people who are having a good lime and simply say il would be too bad to disturb their fun and pleasure, so I will say nothing about the hridgo being out. The train eomes on and plunges into the abyss. "You would say that I was a blackhearted rascal lo do a thing like thai. Well. I have gone down the track of Cod's eternal word, and I find that there Is an awful chasm of elernnl woe awaiting the Chrlsl-rejeellllg souls, and In spile or the fnct that It will cause many of you people to stop In the midst of u life of sin and frlvolly nnd tltlnli seriously for once In your life at least. "Men niuy'pass Ihe matter of damnation olf lightly anil Joke uhotit It today, but there Is nil awful day coming when Ihey will lift up their eyes In hell, being III torment. "And do you know lhat this Jok ing nlmnl hell, the Judgment and erlenal punishment lias become a PILES GUARANTEE! TO YIELD TC CHINESE HERB tf von miffer from Itrhlnc. blind rrotruillnif or blnedlnir Plica you art ikoly to Itn iiiiiitKfd ut tlm noulhintf, lioiiiinff pnwr of In rr, IrnporM-d 'hlnHo H" rb, which fortlflf-a Ir. Nixufi's ChlliMiolfl. It's tlto nnd fftfltt-nt acllriBr I rent went out. HrlnKH time nnd comfuit In a Saw minutes no thut you cmi work nnd Jy llfo wliilo It Rontlrni'-n it Fuothlntr healing fiction, iJon't rit I'ty, Act In time to tivold a dmmrr oim nnd contly operation. Try lr. N'lxon'n Ctilrmrold mid'r our ifimr nnten to nuUnfy coinpP-tfily nnd b vnrfh ln0 ttniffl tho enmll tout ui your mouey back, ftaihttD i-'uilettuu. Tho IttrxitU Kturt, Delayed Factory Shipment of Weller Kitchen and Cooking Utensils A large assortment of colors and sizes lo choose from . . The new prices are low: Mixing Eowls 20c to $1.00 3-piece Refrigerator SeU $1.75 Casseroles 65c to $1.00 Tea Pots 65c to 80c Pitchers 30c to 90c Custard Cups 10c We shall be p'.eased to have you call and look over the stock. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Ironmongers kind of blasphemy In those days? "ihe wicked ar to be punished eternally. 'Who ahull be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence ot the Lord and the glory of Hia power.' The doctrine ot eleriuil punishment of the wicked Is clearly set forth in the scripture. If it tenches that there is eternal glory for the righteous it surely teaches that there is eternal damnation for the wicked. The fallen condition of man de mands retribution. Kzek. 18:4, "The soul that sluneth it shall die," This is the sentence that has gone forth Horn a Holy God, a Ciod who can not and will not lie. Jesus said, "If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins, and whither I go ye cannot come. A man dy ing in his sins, is In the very na ture of the case shut out of heaven. Suppose God nhould take unre gonernte men Into heaven, why he would endanger His own throne. Every unregenerato soul is a sworn enemy of God. Koiu. 8:7. "Because the carnal mind is nmity against God, for it is not snbjeet to the Law of God, neither Indeed can be." What business would a man who hates God and. righteousness have In heaven? He would he more mis erable there than in hell. According to the way many of you iive, what kind of a heaven would suit you? Tho only kind of heaven that would suit many here in Douglas county would be booze joint, a gambling room or a den of harlot h. For some of you women the only kind of heaven that would suit you would be card-tablo, n thentor or a dance hull. You would not be satisfied with God's idea of heaven. For many of you could not ho made more miserable, than to be placed in a prayer meeting, a place where folks wero talking about tho Ilible an dlhings that belong to God. Should God lake you to heaven In your tmrognrenalo condition, you would fall down ou your knees and beg God to send you to hell, for you would be less mlserablo there than in heaven. "God'a own righteousness de mands that he punish the sinner. You know In your heart that you are a sinner and thai God being righteous and Just ho must punish your sin. I cannot porsuado myself that God Is going to wink at my sin and let me off. Why should He? How could He? "If God should tell me that He would take me into heaven with my sins unrcpenled of aud un for given, 1 could never trust Him, for should He do that Ho is unright eous, because He is either favoring me, and uiul would be unright eousness, or else Ho will never punish anybody's sin, which means that Ho will connive ut all sin and If He does that, Ho is more unrighteous than tho worst judge in the United Htates. "If God should take mo to heav en without dealing with my sins (as thank God, he has fn Jesus Christ) and keep mo there a mil lion years, I would have to suspect Him still, I would know all along that His right eousness demanded that He my sins and if He did not, then lie becomes a party to it -He would he a partner to my iniquity. Hut He says In Psalms 117:2, 'KlghteousneKH and judg ment me the foundations of His throne.' "A proof that ihe wicked will be punished eternally, Hck in the fact that God spared not the angeis lhat sinned, ill I'eter 2:4). 'For if God spared not the nng'ds lhat sinned, but cast them down to hell and delivered Ihem into chains of dnrk- ness to be reserved upon judg ment.' This Implies that the fallen an pels have been sinless, in n stale of heavenly exaltation, that their present condition Is not that In htch niey were created. And if God spared them not how Is It that Antno ai Kue that Ho will spare sin fill man? "Another proof that there is a terrible retribution awaiting the wicked lies In the fact, of the cru cifixion of Jesus, None of us ''hd fully renlze what It means for Not A Cheap Help But Safest For Deep Coughs C'reomuiflion it not (he rhcapen hrlp for con elm from mid. It made lo do tlit ufnioM, whatever the condition. It cniriliinrn in one prescrip tion seven nf the world's het helps. It is made in particular for roughs from rolds which hin on. There is where one d,ire not ri0t a help of lesser value. Hut ii it wise in any coiiKh to irut a less effective help? Creosote is in it, blended, emulii fiert and taty. In an idealVay it pre sents the supreme help for soothing membranes and combating cold jrerms. Hut thrrc are alsn white pine tar, wild cherry bark, menthol, ipecac, etr. Ljch is rnrt for mine coughs. Jlere we combine all mijur help to man to be lost. But we can cer tainly guess something of its mean ing when we think, of what God did about it. "The best measure that we will ever iinu lor toe awful depths ot bell toHuems is to consider the tremenuous cost God went to to purchase mans redemption. If man not fn danger of an awtul In describable hell the crucifixion scene is one of the greatest farcea that the world has ever Been." 11 ut remember that If yon are finally lost forever in hell It ts be cause yon choose to be. God Al mighty has done and ts doing all Ho can to save you, yea He evea bankrupted heaven to save yon. Unconverted church-member, yoa may go on with your dancing, your card-playing, your theater-gadding, your wine drinking and your Sab- hath deaecrutlon, but In hell you will be haunted by the shades and ghosts of every murdered opppr tunity. i ChrlHt rejecting soul, hear me! You can go on scoffing at religion nnd making light of those who confess Christ, but remember that in that awful day you will . be among those who will be calling' for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them. There yoa will re member how many times yoa heard the call of God, saynig, "Come now and let us reason together, salth the Lord, though your sins be a scarlet they shall be as white at now; though they be red Ilka crimson, they shall be as wool." You can be saved now If yod will but there Is a time coming when the door of God's mercy will be closed against you forever." WEATHER PROBLEM OF UMPQUA'S BAR WASHINGTON, Jan. 12 Repo lng upon compluilit Ra to inado nuuln (luotli ot the channel at the Unipiina river entrance, Colonel Lukesh, the dlfltrlct engineer, at tributes shipping difficulty there to iinuauiU weather conditions rath er than the channel.- At Coos Hay, Colonel Lukesh re ports, similar trouble was encoun tered. Ihe dredce Mlchle being un able to work much of the time dur ing November and December. During tho 'coming season a sec ond lrv!"o. the Savannah, will be employed on tho Oregon coast, and Colonel Lnkesli la confident mat a depth of 18 to 20 feet will be maintained ovor the Umpqua bar. King Carlyle, of Umpqua, was a business visitor In this city Sat urday nftornoon. ore throats Quickly relieved by rubbing on ' V vapoRub MILLION JARS USED YEARtV Live ORiim your Child hood Days. Bring the kids with you. Fun for all. fight coughs to the limit from the start, Hecame of this expensive combi nation, t'reomtdsinn costs a little more than leaser helps. The price is $1.25, but your druggist guarantees it. lie returni your money if you ask for it. A three-day cough is a danger signal. There ymi must use Creo mulsion to be sure. But is It wise to trust any cough tt lesser help when the utmost is at your com matid? You never know where a cough may lead. Treat it with the best men know, CllEOMVLSIOX tor MHttlcutt Cough . from Culda OVEffW COMING