SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManua Anou hemd ms. that gr I KNOW' EliT THERE ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY. JANUARY 9. 1 93 1 . TTMB BOOK OP RULES SAYS SOUP HOULO BE -SEEN ANO NOT HEARD- AND THE VSJAV VOU WERE BPLASWHsj' r- ' Delayed Factory Shipment cf Weller Kitchen and Cooking Utensils A large assortment of colors and sizes to choose from . . . The new prices are low: Mi xing Bowls 20c to $1.00 3-piece Refrigerator Sets $1.75 Casseroles 65c to $1.00 Tea Pots 65c to 80c Pitchers 30c to 90c Custard Cups 10c We shall be p'e?.sct! to have you call and loj:; over the stock. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Ironmongers MV TABLE MAMKlERSf YOUT4E CRAXV,' DIMMER VAS A SOClAi. F-UMCTiOM AND M3UR "TA.BLE MANNERS WERE gjl KCTT EATOM' THAT n jr VVAV AKiVMORE y I LEARNED TO EAT BE PORE VOU WERE ihe LAUGH oy-THE BORN IWHff? ' j nil mil V si Classified Section BATES: Per word, each Insertion. 1 cent. By the week, 5 cents a word. Minimum per advertisement, 25 cents. Mall your &d count thm words and enclose stamp, check or money ordes FOR SALE SEASONED fir block, $2 per tier. JJHV in' wood, 52. i5 and $2.5u ler tier. Phone -U-'-l. VOU. SALK '& Haired Rock cock erels. Mrs. Sum Leuke, Glide. Ore. l'Uli s , era. Ki: nm sa - ith 1 . '.- Two ..-year-old heif l miiing fresh in Feb. O. m, Brockway. i. 1U-1 Ford runabout , -u(i boily, $25 will lake .w tlie Valley store. C 'iilJ- I ft. seasoned first fc uwtlt iir; sawed any length, z- iX'li ered. South End l'Uel Co. VOl- oAl.:: C..od Spiueiiuerg uu-j;e.-.-, bi'i:i.r buxes, -loc. Delivered v ,u box C'-nts. 732 W est Lane ijfiLKU hay and straw; 40 tons good quality oats and vetch, $14 per ton; straw $8. 0. F. Krogel, Idxon villa. KLMA1AGK SALK Jiosebui'g Wo man s club every Saturday ut the cluo rooms, opposite Hunt's In dian theatre. h'OR SALK tiuu sawed, seasoned crdar po.'is. Also one team work hordes, ov will trade fur sheep. V. O. Ccndruy, Ulendale, Ore. $ l2ou TO $4UUU per year; govern jaent job, steady work; men, wo men, is to 50. We coach you lor early exams. Write for particu lars Box 71, care News-Ueview. Foil SALK Six head work horses; Z caddie horses, good condition, well broke; 2 farm wagons; 2 sets double harness. L Valley Freight Line, cor. .Main and Washington Sts. FOB SALE Broccoli seed, earliest variety, from impelled stock. Saniplt's iroin this lot planted by Clay Smith, Winston, now being harvested. Will pay you to Inves tigate. Limited quantity only available. Place orders now. A. W. Baum, Kohlhagen Apia. Phone 4i5, Koseburg. I wXnted i i WANTED loo head of ewes. Slate ui;e and price. J. .S. Powell, 5u5 Mh St., Cottage Grove, Ore. WANTED DourIus county Im proved farm for clear. Earft Hol lywood business corner, 6-room house. Value $10,U(W. What have you. Howtliorne, Gleudale P. O., California. FOR RENT IIOI'SE for rent at 1131 E. 3rd St. Phone 133. Foil KENT Furnished apartment, close in, clean, homey. Telephone 72211. 1-uK KENT 50 acres pasture. First ranch So. of town on high way. FOR KENT" Furnished apart incuts, water and liahts furnish ed. Canme. 57 and $12 per month. 1)16 So. Pine St. LOST V'UT..;imvoiI or alnlun t tirln V briudle bull-terrier. Answers to name "(linger. Howard. Call at W iKv.mii, Coos Junction. FOUND , l-OI Nil Driving glove. Owner briin! oilier Klove for identifica tion to News-Kevlew office. I MISCELLANEOUS , TAR OWNER Don't forget to call 653 when In need of nuto parta. Karff'a Auto Wrecking House. WILL TRADK, one registered Cuerusfy bull calf, two monllm old. for hay. A. V. Logsdon, Riddle, Oregon. NEW TODAY n UNTITUK to In- sold duiiiK iifi f(L lirn. P.iailbuin. Win-.-t';i. v'tTHIN't; inure saii,-fim; Ihun io .ae ni! tar snappy and ailiac livr lo:.i!i-. liiing it around for a i-vmviUat inn and estimate. Pair.' r"paii inc. color mutclitug, mi ' bnnlPL:. vain:, waslnns. ;u:'h Ai.ln Paiuim aud Uu iinxbhing Shop, uear S. P. depot. 131. iDtTPcatur WANTED Building lot in Hose burg. State price and location. Box 1, care News-Ileviuw. FOB SALIC Small chicken ranch, well improved, close in. Inquire tieorge Solomon s grocery. $l.(iu PEU TIER for old growth block wood, cut from big live trees. J. H. Parrolt, Camas Val ley. LOST lilack German police dog. Is months old. lias no collar. Answers to name "Uig Hoy." Re turn to Ernest L'nrath. Reward. WANTED To trade rum lambs or buy 2 sows ready to farrow or larrowed. Phone for 24. Itoscoe Conn. j WANT experienced farm hand, one who likes poultry. rite age, experience, etc., in letter to Box 2, care News-Ueview. WILL trade high class residence in excellent location in Portland for good . residence in Roseburg. Leake & Guruee. Phone 500. FOR RENT Furnished houses and apartments with garage, close in. Also some small acreage for sale. C. W. Oilman. Phone 231-R. WANTED to do your painting and decorating. Now Is a good time to do that interior Job. Call M. L. Paul. 230 N. Stephens St. or phone 1 ul-It. FOR SALE--6 h. p. Fairbanks Morse gas engine, complete Willi magneto, pulley and skids, in good running order. 1J. H. Lame man, Canyonvllle. FOR SALE Cows, coming fresh soon; also sheep. Or will Hade for good horse, 1100 or 1500 I us. Phone 49H3, Oakland or 4Bfj Roseburg. jin.TIAl. PIMI'li's! nn valve irrind ing on all malies oi curs, uuuut. the month ot January. Rose Garage Opposite Hotel Rose. Roseburg, Ore. FRESH from the garden: Parsnips, beets, carrots, lettuce, turnips, cabbage, etc., oi Dad's, corner Lane and Sheridan. Don't forget those dales In celophaue pack ages. FOR RENT Sheep and turkey ranch: dairy aim ttiiKey raiii-u, sell cheap, dairy and turkey ranch. All kinds of sales and trudes. Call M. Merrill. 108 Mosh er St. MONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS If you w ish lo bunu or uuy a home or refund your present mortgage, we have a liberal re payment plan whereby loans may be paid iu monthly install ments. The total cost of one of our loans is lower than any like organization doing business in Ihe state. We invite comparison. LMPQLA SAVINGS 4i LOAN ASSOCIATION, Houglus Ab stract building. TODAY'S MARKETS w (Associated TreM heutd Wire) I'OUTI.ANI. .1 a n. n lll'-irdund wh"1f;il- ImiM'T ami K nun k t cMiniimi.-.l w.nk wlth-nU hunxt' i" tutn.n to.lny. lt.M-.-i.t '' sIi.mik (Hi'l r-tiiil tu nix liKbl in both iiiotlurtH. hi th- tiMiiiiry tlri1-0 mcHt trinle top hinilrt wi-rt. a lUili- ifiine witn (liu prirt pr-ii(l f i'i' t' 'I t ;i pouii.l -IiaiiKi-U tu a ftnn II r.-iila. Prime li"i were -n tr with a i rents (liivviivvunl prue Bpn-iid quiit iiik M i-t-ntH (l-.wn to lilVn. influ fin hv tniiio n't. uinnlation of auu ply. Til-mi of thf v.-nl aa-W wuh t'Ui-y but quolHtli'llH ln-ltl ttl lrt to il vun'ta for Im-kI offerings. Poultry Fri'-ih fruit uml VK'-t ''! trale v,ua ai'tivt- at Miooii'l Hl'-uuv iriea. U hiI llrrtimlnK r(ir imsTi N Jan. V Tht- i 'oimm r- clJtl Itullfliii of lion ton will huv lo- inurrow: Uatlo-r more Interest In Im-ihk shown In wool mi'l wool Roods at the moment. althuuKb it hn not . rvHiHhi-'l Into hiiv coimideruble buyitii; niovniu-nt tn yt-l and pri'f an haniiy rnanicii nr ito TluT" It a li'il Intert-xt h nhnu il in till-ill tun Wools. "KurHien markftx luivo nbown 'H- veran tt-nnVm i in I-' '"' thoiiKii not nnni.niiir.'l Kirn- WhmIh have b.-n a l"t In favor uf t i- hover. Whllt- t In- low t i r (l- navi bft-n if nriythiiik' a ln firrin'r- ""1'hf pi.i i toiii marK'l ar In a fi.miiUn ? ftaHi' waiting f"r t b opruiiiT of (to. new b av v -t.'bl liii.n. Mianwlnlf a litlli- ru-ti r:--triK-oiit l-'i-intJiw Is b.tiiK l"ii" Hi a tiih1 I w hv. -M-'iHiir ! ."till mP.w. ;llb'UBli a littlf iri'inlrv I- n-ri lu.-'ui-l 1 -.L i i nil" fii t'K c :nlt. tin wit! I ilK-i tin- f'-l n U mint liimv '.-uoi'i' -r'Hu. f n. -m.i. fiii. iin.t f in f' otiioiiiu f. ! luo- an-l f io ioth;i.rf 1. Moh.ur i!r fi- -t u-r.'l- it. j ai-.-ti. tluttiaiiHfi Lg: (Prlvei to retailers) frein 3.nrlo, Inc.. Ortat Brttata rlgata mervad. E REVIVAL ANNOUNCEMENTS TONIGHT, 7:30. "The Second Coming of Christ and Signs of His Near Approach"; SATl'UHAV. 2:'0), Bible address on First Thessalonians; 7:3U, "Home Sweet Home"; 31' N PAY, Sunday schools as us ual in various churches; 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. anion ser vices at armory; 2:30, at arm ory, for men, "Chickens Come Home to lioost"; 2:30 at Presbyterian church, women's meeting. (By Uevival Editor) In announcing his topic for to night at the union revival meeting at the armory, nameiy, "Tne Sec ond Coming ol Christ,' Dr. Lowry said that the subject is one in which we should all be interested, because propuecy is rapidly being full tiled in the earth. Alter the opening song service, Hev. F. L. Brown, .wethotust minis ter, of Talent, Oregon, led the meet in glast night in prayer. There woiv i-Aifileut solos by Mrs. O. A. Brand ami .Mi'. Baymotid O. Nejisou. '1 ue subject of tne evangelisyf lasi night was "He Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out," and it is not likely that a stronger arraignment of sin was ever hoard in Itoseburg. The speaker took us his text the words from Numbers 31i:33, "And be sure your sin will i'iud you out." "In all the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revolution," said Dr. Lowry, "there is not a more sure word of prophecy than that of my text for Ibis evening. There are certain texts that we know are true, first, because they are in the Bible, and we believe the tdble; there are other passuges that we know are true because they have been proven by history; and other passages we know are true because we have experienced the power of them in our own lives. Here is a text we may know is true for all ol these reasons. There are (wo things which cannot be separated, and these two things are sin and suffering." "People often say a thing Is as sure as death, but you are not even absolutely sure ol that. Jesus may come before we die, and If He should, we Christians would never taste death. 1 Cor. 15:51-52, 'Be hold. 1 shew you a mystery; We shall not all Hleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. at the last trump; tor the trumpet shall sound, und the dead shall be rais ed incorruptible, od w- shall be changed.' You are not sure mat you will go down to your store or oitice tomorrow morning. You think you will, but you caunot be absolutely sine of it. But there is the one thing that you can be ab solutely sure ol, and that is, your sins will find you out. 'You do not need to come io church to find out that this text is true. All you need lo do is to read the daily papers or go to Ihe Jails and over-crowded prisons and you see the evidence of the fulim ment of this text." "I would like to call your ntten Mnu tn some of Hie ways by Inch you may be sure your sins will fiml you out. Kirst, you muy uv sun your sins will lind you out by the laws of man. The laws in most places are very poorly enfoicetl, but th y will find a man out soon i, stiinl;inlM 1M : fresh iiitMhutna -'Oc: uullutM 1 4 Privet to wholesalers 2m under pike to re tailers. Bun it: Cubes: KxtrJ cUm danld -7 ; pi inn- firts . first " ;jc. Cn-iitnui V lr i i'linls i. over rube statu! a r!s. Milk- U.iw unlit. (4 IK-r i (jlil, r.'.uo-.' 1 l"T iwt. tltsliVfjtU Purt- Intld lefi i i'T teiil. Kr-ni.- C lu... $1.7u. Iluttertat delivfiud HI Porl- foultr); ( HuyiliK p fi I livo, lu-avy liftm over i lt- (II Kill llt'llM .1 'i I Tt ln. I - 1 'ii - 1 1 Klit In iirf l- ; pi inns I'i kih iluckN I H'. and ov-i l"'-; turkeys No. 1, i:i-:ilc; KffcC 17-liu. c'ouiitiv meiita. (liuylnfX prices, i (hotei- . Hi l'i-17. ; i..ik ' l."i" lamb l-lte; heavy Veal He; lit ut ton 6c PutitU'ei; No. 1 Krudetl "u . No. i. Sugar. (S;u k'-d Tiasl! Oin fruit "i l.. i ry .'' ii. i mt. l;j.-t h'llfiir II eU Klom: il'ortltir.d deilvt.-rv pri'-c 1 -u mil y ;;ntf 4'.s ': whole wh'-at 4'.t il 4."': 4:.i Jl7". bakers' haT.l w lira I t's $.'..-". Lak ers" hi n-5tm patents Hits pastry flour 'jsh $4.50. llav. ( Wholesale buylntf prl '. d. lt -r. (l I'ortlaiid t KatU'Tii re Koii tini'-thv $-'.j'-:C.rt'i. ditto vil- ! $iy.itj-i,ri: fa Ii rjiMi. i Iovit $1H"; l.av Jl'i.ou. straw 7.UU-K.UU tun- ti liiiiJC IHK'. $ '.:. no more. lloKi4. ik;:i rro;, K-I7v ihioiih: (t(i,'on $ f'f'-l 25. Nuts- Wilnvits. ('Hl.for!ii nw No 1. 'itv; tfn-suu new Z'i:; altnon-ir 1 l-:"e; peanuiK 'J H-l - PS'-aim :7-i'e: (lilivt-ia li-2 4-. I ii m. Miu luirk : io- Hi UooJ: Katiurn ur.-K'in noiulnu! Viillty H-lsc, lauib 10-l4c; txiohMir t ym, rk JET NL3Lt The eight United States marines to have been led by General Auguslino bLMidino. Lett to right, lop Port Lyons, Colo.; nvaie living v. and Private Joseph A. Harbaugh, Indianapolis, Ind.; Private Joseph Miuette, Ala. er or later. Very few criminals escape tor very umg. Then uo not lorget tuat we aie never any morel ngiii witn tiod man we aio witn our lellowmau. Paul said, as re cmdeu in Acts 4:16, "lieteiu do 1 exercise niyse.f to have a con science oid of oiiense towaru oou and towutii men. lou may ac cept Jesus Canst and have your sins lorgiveu, bt mat will not have you iiom tne consetiueaces ot your sin so lur as the lavs ol man are concerneii. Lioti does not re lusu you.iorgiveness until you have righteu the wrongs ot tne past, tor in some eases mat wouid take months, and some times years, but He does demand a willing mind. He ' accepts t lie will for mo deed until you are able to do il, and as soon as the will is surrendered there comes the consciousness ol God's forgiveness, though it may take weeks or mouths to put your self right with man." "Be sure your sins will find you out by physical laws. No one need walk far down the street of any town lo see that this is true. See the physical wrecks on every side. See llie countenances marked with sins ol' lusl, licentiousness aud the fiendish liquor appetite. Take even the sin of anger. It disorders a man's blood, stomach, and his brain and nerves. Professor Gates claims to have discovered more than forty injurious products which are produced in the blood by bad emotions, such as envy, hatred, etc. Those elements, he asserts, are lile-deprcssint; and poisonous, but on the other hand, the opposile feeling, s which are expressed in goodness and Kindness, are filled wii i iln sic:il olements favorable io ;,ii. A ,-uidenl ot lu. mi tun an easily read a man's char acter correctly from what is writ ten in the countenance. "Be sure your sins will find you POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS PREPARATION FOR GREATNESS "Tito was cxjii'ricnclnii tliiit Inexnmblo luw ol human ml.-. ibal wo lirepnre onrst'lves lor sudden deed by tint ri.itcialiil timid- oi witnl or vil ibat Mnutually dfteriuinvn ebai ... -r." - d'tn Klitit. Rmerencic; hut bri'ig to flower Ihe plant we've rown in quiet hour; The man who's brave on common days Heroic shows when danger plays; And he who takes the easy path Will know the coward's aftermath. For character is habit-form That registers amid the storm. It is the daily righteous deed That is the manhood-sprouting seed, 1 hat in the riyht climatic. tone Will spring to majesty u'.vr. ; It is the thing we daily choose Which we by constant custom use That, when some distant summon comes. Will be to us as calling drums. Heroic souls are slowly made They reach the peak through steady irade There's much of drudgery on the way To shine on some romantic day. There's much of humdrum quiet toil To fit for conquest mid turmoil. 'Twas Lindbergh's prosy airmail fludits Equipped him for that night of nights. Oh, boy with flaming soul afire. Oh. girl who'd gain your heart's dciic. The time to win is in your youth Bind fast your soul iwith cords of truth. Make noble thoughts your native air Until your daily life' a prayer. And then when comcb your one gicat chain e Your soul is tuned to win romance. Killed in Nicaragua Skirmish i who were killeu January 1. In a skirmish Willi Nicarauan rebels Buid Aron, oi urooKiyn, w. .; rnvaie of Washington, Pa. Left to right, A. McCarthy, of ChiMicothe, Mo., and out in your character. 2 Cor. li: IS, revised version, 'But wo ull with unveiled face retlecting us a mir ror the glory of the Lord, are trans formed mio the same image from glory lo glory, even as Horn the Lion! tlu Spirit.' Pnul show s us here lu this passage that what w behold trausluims our character into the likeness of the thing wor shipped. We have another reler eiice to the same thing in Koiu. 3: Oi, 'Know ye not, thai to whom yu yield yourself servants to obey, hia servants ye are whom ye obey, whether of sin unto deatu; or ut obedience unto righteousness.' lu other words the servant becomes like his master. If your master is sin then sin soon writes itself up-oi- your charucter, but if Christ, is rhler in the heart then your char acter becomes stumped with His image. You may think these slus ol yours are hid, but beware, they will find you out in your charac ter." , "And your sins will find you out in your conscience. Yes, il was an accusing conscience that led Herod to believe that John Ihe liaptisl had risen from ihe dead. It with conscience that sent Judas (o a suicide's grave. B was conscience ibal caused David to cry out in Psalm 32:3-1, 'When 1 kept silence my bones waxed old through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Thy hand was heavy up on me; my moisture Is turned Into ihe drought of summer.' You may commit sin under the shades of darkness, unknown io man, but you cannot hide it from your con science. How often men and wo men are driven lo death by the ac i it slim const ielice. There w ere iv"i 1 o.iiihi suicides In this counlry last year. People are being hound ed to death by the accusing con science." "Then be sure your sins will find rilV 'i per row Sergt. Arthur AI. Pitlrang. of mwara r-uioit, or ues Monies, town, bottom row Private Frank, ol Private Lambert Bush, ot Bay you out In your cbildren. In tbu second coimmuulineiit wo hour tiod suying, 'tor 1, the Lord Uiy liod, am u Jealous liod, viMtln the m hiuitit'.s ol" llie I'aLih'i'd upon Llie euililit'ti unto the third and fourlh eneraLiou of llieiu thai Imle uie; und Hliowini; iium'lv upon Hump sands ol" Lbeiu (iml lovo mo und Keep my eonimundiiienla. How often ll is thai the Inuoeent must suiter because of the si us ol' Die pa rents. A mini biiuhlcd that lu1 mid used litiuor lor t wwiiy-elht years und It did noL hurt him. lie died suddenly und wtthouL huvhiB become u diunUard. Ho Ic-tt u lor luuu to his wile and children. He ulso left a lunacy to tils ehlldrun (hut iho will did not meulion. WeroJulu, has 'oeeii eating up one diuiKhtor for fll'Lueu yours; another Is In tlie mad-house, the. third und lourlh died in their loom;; auotliei is tolteriiiK on the verne of bt'i grave, and to only one of them is lett ull the senses. Yes, bu sure your sins will find you out In your children. Don't forget Unit you urn passing on what you art; lo the next Koticrulhm, und (iod Ainilnhly will hold you responsible for hmiitiK into the w oi Id nssusHins, murderers, adulterers and adult eresses. What you sow In your life, that Is what you will reap lu your children. What your children lire, younti until, depends upon what you are building into your charucter now, und not what you become alter you retnrni your HIV." I "If your sins do not Mud you out iu Ibis world they will surely lind you out in the Judgment. Hebrews 'J .11, 'Il is appointed unto man once to die, but utter (his the judgment.' 2 ( or. 5: In, "lor we intisl. all appear before the judg ment seat of Christ, Unit every one may receive Iho things done in his body, according to that he done, whether good or bad.' You muy congrntulato yourself, think ing 1 hut you liuvtt escaped the conseinienre ol your sins in this life; lor some of you, would rather ualk up to the meat block uml have your right arm chopped oil' than have your past sins made public. Ilui there hi one place In which they will be revealed, and that will be at the judim-ni." LODGE DIRECTORY l. O. O. F., Phltctartcn Uodge No. 8 Meets In Odd Fellows Tern plo every Friday evenluK- Vlall lug brothei a aro always wol come T. W. THOMASON, N. O. A. J. (iKIHiKS, Kec See. J. B. NAILL'Y. Fin. HeC. Vomen of Moosehenrt Legion .Vent ihe first, und (hiril Wed nes'lav of each month at L. O. . M hall. CitACK Kt'NTKrt. Hoc. I N A HASH. Treas. ('( INST A Nt K BLACK. S H in Thn caaii'st way to int cTponm-. Jt An.l .v., il.i. '. In pr.ivont lirldiom s,icnn. jnriuitniKi, or womc ndi,tuiK tho health habit of KirtnK . mil.l Inxativi'toovnry Ifirmliorof tho family one, a week. Thua firoventinK or check cold,, hfarlachea, nizzineaa.Diii'iijxnexa, , anl connti pation. rJ NATURE'S HCMIOT N? heinif aafo, milil anil all.v.'k'etalilo, I. iilfitl for thia family nsi. Try it anil aav. irknesa eiM.nae. I'nly2.ic. N? Tonight Tumvrrow Alright, 1 ii aro V v T, ; I Maiuj I iTuMS lor and ! DE MOLAY CHAPTER Regular Communica tion 2nd und 4th Mon days. Masoulo Hull. K. O. T. M. Meola each second and fourth Friday of each month lu Muccauoo Hall, corner i'aHS aud l'iua streets. Visiting KmgliiJ ai ways weleomo. T. II. SliDlOR, Com. UL'O. Met V Lit. U. 1C. United Artisans Dmpmia Assem bly 105. Meets in Muccauee nail Cass street oil first and t'J I rd Friday evening of each month at 8 o'clock. Visiting Artisans ll good standing always welcome. UK. CHAS. WADB, M. A. DOROTHY KHOADKS. Secy. Union Encampment No. 9, 1. O. O F. Meets lu Odd Fellows Tern plo on Had and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Visiting Patri archs always welcome. F. U COCKFjLREAS, C. P. K. 1,. RUSSELL. II. P. V. M. OUR, Scribe. Neiyhbora of Woodcraft, una Circle, No. 49 Meets on first aud third Monday evenings, in I. O. O. F. hull. Visiting Neigh, bors Invited to attend. MAX IN 10 HUFF, G. N. ELSHil WILLIAMS, Clerk. 0. E. S., RosoQura Cftaplsr, No, 3 holds their regular meeting on the first and third Thursdays lu each mouth. A 1 1 Hojourulng brothers and sisters are res pec fully Invited to attend. LKL1A L. W1MHKHLY, YV. M FittiUl JOHNSON. Hoc. Eagles, Roseburo Aerie MoetB In Muccauoe Hull on Cass street on Bocontl and fourth Monday tiveulnKB of eaolt nioutli, at 8 o'cluuk. VIbIHuk brethren la Koud BtiindlnK ulwayR welcome. ARTHUR PUCKETT, l'roa. J. HKRNARD SHAW, Sou. Special Sale of Stamped Goods All stamped goocU on sale nt from one-third to one-half off regular price. This is your opportunity to save. STOCK INCLUDES: Linen Scarf. Apron. Pillow Tops Linen Lunch Sot. Vanity Sat. Pillow Cases and Many Other Items. , GOETTEL'S VARIETY STORE Roseburg Undertaking Co. Established 1901 Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy Ambulance Service Phone 284 Oak and Kane Sts. First Church of ROSEBURG. Announces a Free Lecture on Christian Science BV Gavin VV. Allen, C. S. B. OF TORONTO, CANADA Membrr of the board of lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE, 312 EAST DOUGLAS ST. Sunday Afternoon, January 11, 1931 AT 3 O'CLOCK The Public is Cordially Invited to Attend Knight, ot Pythlaa, Alpha Lodge No. 4MeeU every WedneadAy in KnlghtB of Pythlaa Hall, 1S4 Rose street. Visitors always T7dl come. E. V. SCHEIFFELE, C. C. E. II. HLKHAM, M. P. LEE CONNELLY. K. R. S. Laurel Chapter, No. 31, R. A. M. Meeta every third Tuesday ol each month In Masonic Temple. Ail members requested to at, tend and visiting companion, welcome. UEKT WELL8. High Priest W. F. UAKUIt). 8uo. Ladles' Auxiliary to Eagles, Ro.ft burg Aerie, No. 1497 Meets 11 Maccabee hall on Cass St., on second and fourth Monday " evenings of each month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting sisters in good BUinding always welcome MRS. ELSIE AGEE, M. Pres. SYLVIA PIERCE, M. Sec. B, P. O. Elks, noaeburg Lodgt No. 36 Holds regular cou ' munication at the Elks Temple every Thursday. AU members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. H. C. DAUBY, E. II. IRA 13. K1DIIL.E, See. Job's Daughters No. 8 Meet! (Irst and fourth Tuesdays at 7:81 p. m., Mnsonlc Temple. Maatai Masons and O. E. S. members al ways welcome. VIRGINIA FRENCH, Hon, Queen. KATH1SRINE FISHER, Sec. W. B. A., RoseDurg Review No. 11. Holds regular meetings on sec ond and fourth Thursdays at 7:80 p. m. Visiting sisters invited to atieud reviews. Macuubee Hall, Pine and Cass streets. MAUD POWERS, Pres. JESSIE RAPP VINSON, P. S. M. E. RITTER, Manager Licensed Lady Embalmer Christ, Scientist OREGON