ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG.. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1. 1931. THREE II BASIS OF SERMONS BY EVAWBEUST REVIVAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, at the armory at 7:30, sermon by Dr. l.ovry on "As surance." Friday, 9:30 a. m district pray er meetings; 2:30. "Scripture Memorizing": 7:30. "The dealest Husiness on Earth." Saturday, 7:30. text anil scrip ture lesson from the Catholic Dible. (By Revival Editor) As a leature of the Lowry re vival campaign, a goodly number of Christian people gathered at the M. IS. Church last night for a watchnight service, led by the evangelist and his musical assist ants There was at least one pub lic gathering in Roseburg to watch the old year out in the spirit of prayer. The meeting was of a deeply spiritual character and Dr. Lowry delivered a masterly and searching sermon on the 'Tower and Importance of Prayer. Ser vices are to be resumed tonight at the armory and continue there every night, except Mondays. Some interest has been aroused by Dr. Lowry's announcement that on Sat urday night he will read the scrip ture and take his text from the Catholic Dible. Last night the scripture pass ages used as a basis for the sermon are those found in the eleventh and d-htuontli chanters of Luke, first the importunate friend who came at mldlnight to borrow bread (I uke 11:5-8) and secondly, the Importunate widow who came seek ing justice from the unjust judge (Lu 18-1-8). Attention was espe cially directed to these words from the eleventh chapter: "And he said unto them, which of you shall have a friend, nnd shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him. Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine in his journey A come to me. and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say. Trouble mo not: the door is now h.n and niv children are with me In bed; 1 cannot rise and give thee 1 say unto you. i huhk" will not rise and give hiin because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as lie needetn. "Please note the application that Jesus makes here," said the ; evan iio. 'i snv unto you, thougn h,- will not rise and give because he Is his friend, yet because of i s importunity he will rise and gne J, ,miv as he needs. N him ns many that Christ gives lice in - . there. And I say umu ho elven you I see nnd It shall knock, and'lt 1 nl.nll ruin shall be opened unto you.' As some one has said, there a "me., when it is necessary for us to seek, and other limes when it Is neces sary for us to come like the man asking the loaves -knocking. It Mb necessary for us to take ad van age of tdim importunate prayer, that we may get into the attitude and position and condition of lieait S ,d mind before Cud that we may be able to receive the blessing, even receive the thing we aie seeking, because if Cod would bless us promiscuously, just in answer to our off-hand petitions, many ol v..i..a wnulil turn out to be in- Lovvrv then refer- I red to the parable of the unjust judge in the eighteenth chuptei of Luke Hear what the unjust judge said ' 'Yet because this widow troubleth me. I will avenge her lest by her continual coming she weary me.' "1 would like to talk to you upon the subject of prayer and Its importance, and if 1 were to taki a text, it would he Colossians 4:2. Continue in prayer and watch in the same with thanksgiving. in the revised version it read, 'Con .i ia.,.ifniitiv In niaver. watch ing therein with thanksgiving .i in.ive ihe devil ever I won a greater victory over any church or body of Cod's people tW.n when he led them to substitute machin ery and organization for prayer and power of the Holy Spirit. Wit" all due regard to your feelings in this matter, 1 want to say that I am sure that a return to the faltn and praver of fifty yeais ago would do more to fill our churches and Increase their membership than all the reading ruonis, play rooms, gvmnaslunis, social settle ments and whatnot, that the money of the rich can furnish. The church In this day Is all the time looking for better methods. Cod Is looking for better men. What the church needs today Is not more machinery or oeui i. inn men whom the Holy Ohost can use men of prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through plans or machinery, but through im-ii. 1'n.y er will do more to bring a revival In Koseburg than preaching or anything else. ()n of the strong est statements along this line that I have run across recently is by the late Dr. K. M. Hounds In a little book entitled, 'Preacher and Prnver.' We are constantly on a stretch to advance new plans, new organizations. This trend of the dav has a tendency to lose -ii-lit of man. or sink the mnn in the plan of organization. This in-J eludes the woman. Cod's plan is to make much of men. far more of him than anything else. Men are God's method. What the church needs is not more machinery or new organizations, or novel meth ods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use." ' "First of all prayer is import ant because Cod has commanded that we he men and women of prayer. Prayer is important be cause there is a devil. Of course I know it isn't very popular in these days of cults and isms to EX-AMBASSADOR TO FRANCE DIES U " s 1 HUGH WALLACE (Associated PrM Leased Wirei WASHINGTON, Jan. 1 Hugh Campbell Wallace, 67. former am bassador to France, died today. He was a native of Taconia, Wash. Active in councils of the demo cratic party for many years, Hugh Campbell Wallace was said to have entered politics merely for the pleasure he derived from it. He never sought public office and although nominations as governor and United States senator were, freouently offered to him, he con sistently refused to run for office. His public service consisted of two years as receiver of public moneys of Utah, to which he was appoint ed by President Cleveland, and as United States ambassador to France from 1919 to 1921, to which post he was named by President Wilson. During the rush to the Klondike gold fields in 1S97 Mr. Wallace or ganized the Washington and Alas ka Steamship company. Later with his brother he organized the Fidel ity Trust company of Taconia. which was consolidated with the Hank of California in 1919. Jnnuary 5, 1S91, Mr. Wallace married Mlldren Fuller, daughter of Melville W. Fuller, late chief justice of the United States. believe In a personal devil, but as for myself I am just old-fashioned enough to believe the Ilible, and the Ilible tells me that there is a personal devil. The reason v-hy so many are making an absolute failure of their Christian lives in these days is because they do not lake this fact into account. Paul said. 'Put on the whole armor of Cod. that ye mny be nble to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, hut against the princi palities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.' Our greatest enemies are not those wo see walking around in flesh and blood but this host of devils or demons that surround us in the air." "Talking about plain preaching. I would like to know where you would find any plainer preaching than in the Hlhle. How many times John calls people liars!" "Another reason why prayer is important is because that is Cod's appointed way and method for blessing his people. If you will turn to the thirty-sixth chapter of Ezekiel and read the first thirty six verses, you will find many promises given to the people of Israel, and then in the thirty seventh verse you will read. 'Tims salth the Lord Cod: I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them.' He said, 'If they are going to obtain these blessings they will have to ask for them'." "Prnyer is Important because there is no other way by which you can so effectively advance the cause of Jesus Christ In the eartll The men nnd women who have left the deepest impression on this sin cursed eartll have been men and women of prayer. The most pow erful people In our churches today are the men and women who pray. They may not he those who at tract most attention. They may be very plainly dressed, a very humble folk, hut they are making It possible for Cod to do for this old world of sin whnt He could not otherwise do. If we trust to our sermons, we will get what our sermons can do. If we trust to our money, we will get what our money can do. If we trust to our fine churches and equipment, we will get what our machinery can do. Put If we pray and trust Go:l. our blessing will be limited only by what He is able to do." New Year's Revel Takes Heavy Toll (Associated Pres. Lflr-d " LOS ANCKI.KS." Jan. Wlrel 1. Nine deaths In traffic nearly three score of motorists Injured. 150 rests for intoxication, twenty other liquor violation charges, and 1.") treated for fist right wounds corroborated police reports today that Los Angeles had welcomed in in the new year wllh the wildest acclaim In Its history. Not only was the New Year's eve celebration noisy beyond be lief, but police records Indicated It was one of the wettest SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 1. -Four deaths, approximately thirty Injur li'S and numerous arrests in the San Francisco bay region result from rain, the New Year's ecle brat ion and other causes last night and early today. Most of those arrested were charged with reckless driving or Intoxication. Phone 135 when you have new- c. Items, Gangster Nemesis Seeks Chicago Mayoralty District Attorney Ralph F. Fisher has inaugurated a drive to exile witchcraft practitioners and "pow wow" doctors from York county, Pennsylvania. Povv-vvovv doctors have been held responsible for murders and other less vicious crimes in York county in recent years. Believed Dead, Comes to Life in Mass. Jail Edwin Drier, of Lowell, Mass.. alias Henry .1. Chartier, supposed to be dead four months and buried n a Lowell cemetery, came to life. as It were in Charles street jail, ac cording to Lowell police, who Iden tified him by fingerprints. Drier was believed to have died In a western train wreck. British Stateswoman Coming to Lecture Here Kllen Wilkinson, latmr member o; parliament and known ns I lie small est woman in the British house ot commons, is enroute to the I'nited States for a five-week lecture tour She plans to investigate tiie unem ployment situation nnd the distrl tuition of pure milk. SMITH RIVER SMITH RIVKH. Jan 1 Mr. and and Mm. Harry Hf-rnhanlt ami family, rormrr rpsMonts of Rmitii Kivor. who have hnf-n II vinjc ai Central Point, for th last two years, have returned and will r; Ride at the Johnnie Black ranch. They moved away for the benefit of Mr. Bernhardt'a health. Smith River residents welcome them. f - A II W I FAM1LV- N I . , ' ' lMI 'ntl Ftur Servl Britain rights rmmd, L "- Municipal Judge John H. Lyle, , OO A.W'OOR VES- s " CHANCE . jajl! long a nemesis of gangsters of Chi- j ijics HAVJE . ' X M TO USE j fii " i cago, has announced himself a I worarv,-3 '-Us- rrS OF MIME- . A t nation for mayor of the windy city j 1 iTVjJi Jli " -t Y( in opposition to Mayor William J CT- tsr T--C "iUi Hale Thompson. The backing the AVk E2 U l-2SfcA S-, uffidtn crusading justice will receive will , " 16c Plo Fnyjy probably come from the factions op- prj Wy yKjfy 5vr Nemesisof Witchcraft, g 1B31 RQAD PROGRAM 0f miti PORTLAND. Doc. 31. On the 5 N 1 BRINGING UP FATHER II V V-T 7 VJtLl.. invNr ,W W I 1 11 ' i VAW DUZER GIVES ' fLw to d.h RAIL MERGER PLAN PORTLAND. Doc. 31. On the even of a new year, II. B. Van Duz-1 er, chairman of the Oregon slate highway commission, outlined the work the commission hopes to com plete in Ills statement fol lows : "The program of the Oregon state highway commission for 11)31 will bring to completion several links in the system that will he of great interest to the motorist. Since the commercial use of the roads is rapidly Increasing year by year, the economic value of these connecting links will he apprecia bly felt. "The grading of the Roosevelt Coast highway will be completed and the major portion of the yet unsurtaced section appreciably re: d,uced. "The Rogue river bridge at Cold Peach will be in use by the end of the year. "Over the same river at Grants Pass a new structure wilt replace an obsolete one. ,"The Mltchell-llayvllle section o( the Ochoco highway will be open to through travel. "The McKenzie highway will be completed. "Work will be continued on ex isting projects In all sections of the state. "The betterment program will be continued we trust In large vol ume. There can lie no such thing as completion of the highway pio gram in Oregon, lloads built in the early days now need modernizing. Volume, tvpe and speed of lnoto:' vehicles have set a new standard of construction. "To modernize a highway such as the Pacific, one of the first built, will easily cost more than its oil gitial construction." COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA t!. . WUATHHU lllillKAU OliHfrvittfins tukun at 6 a. 120th Meil'lina. TIIH WEATHER Tempera nr. linker I'l v i .in :m is 0 in, in.. til v I 21! :!' is: ci Hunt. in ri.ty I :is! 2S 0 Clii. i.u.i clear : w :n s lienv. r i l. ar I ji I" s Kur.'ka I'l i lilv I .Ml1 r.r, II l liiilvcxton elilv : 4 11 ( 4 1 l Helena clour i M -'S I'l Kaiiaax I'll V . . .elein i 2 I ' S s 22 " I. i.M AiilTeleH ....elily, 1Z- l'.2' .'.2 " M.-irKllll.'lll . I'l elllV I Sill r,2: 12 .' I New I Ilieilll.S . 1'l.elilV ! 41' Kf 4 1 New Y'.rk elilv I :n'l 2S II .nrth Hen.l . . . .r:ihi ! I" 4 I :is: . i; I'l nis l. ar I :il "2 " I'l.. atello ' tear I 2"l 2i 12i " l'..r!l"i!.l ile.-t rti '! II. tMi'liiirK cl(l i -1 .'.'1 I- ."' Sail iinieiil ii . . .ilil V I '.'" a I is M St. I ...ills clear I li 12: Id H Sail lik" ' lear I 1 I 2 1' 12 () San FraneiMCn .cerl Ml r.a r."l.2" Sail I !. clear I S. Ill I' t Seattle ' leal I 2 IB I "I Sm.kano 'lilt ' 21' 2 22 I' .... elilv; a2' ::s 2: 0 WinnipeK clear I 1. . 2 " Yakima pn'iw ' 2-V L'f. 2" "fi Getting Up Nights Tf Ottlnff Up NIrMk, BftcWha. froquont day crIIb, Tnlns, Nnrv- ountM'HH, or Burning, duo to functlon 0.1 Bladder Irritation, In acid condi tions, makes you fenl tired, dprp-1 end dlBcouragea, try 1110 ' " Works fast, starts circulating thirl tne system in id minuin- i-rnm.-u , i, j t.,r rnlrt Bnd noRlllve ! tlon. Don't Blve up. TryCystex (pro. I phone for Appointment nounced Hlss-tex) todiiv, the ; Iron-clad Guarantee. Must quickly j Endorsed by station KTHR, hroad ii May these conditions, Imprnvo rest. cai every Monday, Wednesday and Only Voe e00r'"' " "ney I day 9 : 65 a. m. Nathan Fullerton, the Rexa'l Store. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEM? Miss Mary Judklns, 111, ot Chi cago, III., was found strangled to death In the apartment of her sweutheai'. Jack Antrim. Antrim tvho discovered the hotly of the girl when he returned from work, de nies killing her, hut is being held by the police. 'THE NEW YEAR" Itlng. O, ye bells, ring nut loud nnd long, Proclaim to the world your New Year song. Peal forth and tell the Old Year is dead. Its season's waned, like morning mist fled. "A bright and prosperous New Year to you," Wordly cares and trials, may they he few. Good forlune and freedom this year from harm, Where'er our paths lead us. o'er deep water calm. May rich blessings from heaven upon us descend, From temptation and evil wo pray tiod defend; May angels surround us, protect us in sleep. From perils and dangers, whilst their vigils keep. Through this tumultuous life let us be brave. Ever reaching out for some poor soul to snve. And when the fierce batlle or strife is won. Hear the Saviour's words "Thou has well done." May our efforts renewed lie more nobly fraught. And the Master's Ideals be more earnestly sought. To perforin hod's work, our Christ ian knowledge extend. Patiently serving Illm with faith till the end. f'MAHf.KS K. DAWSON. Soldi'-iV Home. Hosehtirg. Ore. RAW FUR WANTED Taxidermist and Furrier Creason Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. San Francisco $7.00 Los Angeles $14.00 Dally Thru Limited Service Heated Reclining Chair Can. Independent Stage Co. Tickets Silvernook Grill. Phone 515. DAME FASHION HOSIERY Local Iteprepentntlve Clara A. Satherberg 2 " H. I rtl. I none ITOOM By Geo. McManusj TVE. SEEM OM MQOK)- BUT Tb CWER KlOV- HIT BT (MENS (Atuo'iutril Prcw Lcairil Wire WASHINGTON, Doc. 31. Chair man Couzens of the senate inter state commerce committee today described the proposed four system consolidation of eastern railroads as a proposal to gel tbo roads "out of their financial difficulties." Couzens in a formal slatemont said he had "received Information that the plan is more the result of high finance than It is In tho pub lic interest." "It Is reported," ho said, "that some of tho high flnnnce practiced bv the railroad during tho past four years has recapitalized their financial Interests, Hint while they should have been endeavoring to oneriile and manage railroads ef ficiently thoy hnvo been really en caged in great financial under- lalihiL's. nnd this proposal Is morn ot a proposal lo help them out of their f nnnclnl dlftlcuities man u Is in the public Interest. "It Is renlly too had that high flnnnce nnd permnnent railroad consolidation should ho proposed at the evnensn of human misery, n Is In reality worse than playing polities at tho expense ot human m serv. because pontics is a ii.ui. si.mi affair, while tho proposed tin .lei-iaklng seems to intend to tie DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phone 4SR Mnsonlc Tilde. Roseburg Cabinet Shop E. 8. Cockelreas F. ' . Cockelreae All kinds of cabinet work Cupboard Door? Furniture Repairing, Truck Ilodica. Wo sell I'nson Board and Veneer. Snvv Filing a Specialty J Phone 541-J 642 Fowler St.' "I know that I'm going to like talking to the folks of Roseburg and Douglas County. Look for me in this paper every week and I'll have ome worth while things to tell you. I'll be Here Again Soon WATCH FOR ME! the public up with it In per petuity." Couzens made nubile a telegram ent he has rerptvpr from the ROvernor j ui a wroirm muic, n iiuav name he did not disclose, characterizing the proposed consolidation an the, greatest concentration of essential Industry into a few handH ever contemplated. Couzens characterized President Hoover's announcement of the rail road consolidation agreement as "most unethical." In a formal statement criticizing flome of the president's activities through commissions, Couzens said there is a rapidly crowing public opinion that the president deter mines the action of these Independ NEW YEAR GREETINGS Thank you for your past patronage and best wishes for a most prosperous New Year. '. GOLDIE'S BOOTERIE MRS. GOLDIS BRUNN , Roseburg's Only Exclusive Shoe Store HAPPY NEW YEAR May all the joys of a very successful year be yours in the 1 2 months to come. A very happy and pros perous New Year is our wish to you all. -w BEAUTY STUDIO Hunt's INDIAN Theatre Most Unique in the West TOMORROW and Saturday There xirT - v Something T 'Lf ttl new under ' -Jfe- ? I -b$ the sun. 4 rK ' it "' U New in settings. New in story Richard Arlen Fay Wray In "The Sea God" Brings to you for the first time scenes actually photographed in sound on the very bottom of the sea. PLUS Lloyd Hamilton in "Won By a Neck" WWW LAST TIME 1 rKi TALKS Matinee Daily at 1:30 Saturday and 8unday Matinee 1:30 and 3:00 0- LI LA LEE , ELLIOTT NUCENT N5 I commissions and such opinion. will not he dissipated by theMsu" ance of the present statement of h. nreiripnt John R. Kelly SHEET METAL WORKS..' Heating and Ventilating If It can be made of Shoot Metal We Can Make It 444 N. Jnckson St. Phone 468 ROSE3URQ. OREGON 1 ADMISSION Matinee 10c-36o Evenings 10c-50o TODAY M m z0 s -