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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1930)
THREE TILLIE THE TOILER Too Much For Mac! Riversdale Women In Town Mrs. H. A. Uiterlmrk and Mrs. H. L. Hurnion. of Ufversdule, Bhopped and visited friends lu Hoaeburg Thursday afternoon. Move to Douglas Street Mr. and Mrs. It. 1. Coen and son, Jerry Kichnrd, have moved from Laurel wood (o the Berrie apartments on Douglas street. Mr. Love Is Business Viitor W. D. Love, of Garden valley, tranact ed business at the county agricul tural agent's office yesterday after noon. youia. OANCiMQ is imviwe, Miss "SOMES ) ( IT'S VUtET listen, Mac-trv awo gbt THIS THROuffH THAT THICK SCOMCE OF VOLies . vuHEA-J of you "to "SAY THAT, f PROFES-SOB- THE PfaOFESOia. lOSEO TILUE In Town on Business L. L. Bell, of Dixonviiie, was n business visitor in this city yesterday. Here from Myrtle Creek A. L. Dyer, of Myrtle Creek, was a busi ness visitor In this city yesterday. HAND IT WA5 MfiEt.y HIS 1 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1930. Local News Transacts Business Here M. M. Meredith, o Melrose, spent yesterday in this city transacting business. Dixonvllle Visitor in City Eu gene lioise, of Dixonviiie, was In town yesterday transacting busi ness. Former Resident in Town Wil liam Howard, of Round Prairie, was a business visitor in Roseburg yesterday. Reedsport Man in City Walt er Iloak, of Reedsport, transacted business in Roseburg yesterday af ternoon. ?3 Drain Men on Business Earlc Harris of Drain spent yesterday in this city attending to business affairs. U 9 Transacts Business V. I. Fo'.tf.'-ifjT, . of Ar'icr, transacted business in Roseburg for several hours yesterday. Winston Visitor In Town Fred Winston, of Winston, spent Thurs day in tills city transacting busi ness. Mr. Anderson Is Visitor Oeorere Anderson, truck eardener of Mel rose, spent yesteriay in this cily attending to business Mr. Blomberq in Town Carl Hlomberg. of Melrose, transacted business in Roseburg for a short time Thursday. Mr. Waite Here on Business Douslas Waiie. of Glide, spent Thursday in Roseburg attending to business affairs. Mr. Ronk Is Visitor O. W. Ronk, of Myrtle Creek, spent yes terday nfternoon in this city trans acting business. Mr. Brown Transacts Business O. C. Brown, prominent Dixonviiie resident, was a business visitor in this city Thursday. Mr. Hurd Spends Day in Town T. F. Hurd, of T.oolt inglass. spent yesterday ill this city attending to business matters. Mr. Norris Attends to Business M. I.. Norris. of Dillard. attended to business affairs in (his city yesterday. Visitor From Oakland James DearllnK. of Oakland, spent Thurs day in this city attending to busi ness affairs. Attends to Business William J. Heckley, of Glide, was a business visitor in this city yesterday at ternoon. Visits on Business Alva Hunt er of Dixonviiie was in town yes terday afternoon attending to busi ness matters. Shops and Visits Mrs. Ellen Pennie, of Rlversdale. visited with friends and shopped in this city yesterday afternoon. IVJU. King FrVlurti Simli.-ii. Inf. Cmi Hf' Transacts Business In City George Wilcox of Oakland spent several hours In town yesterday transacting business. Elkton Man in Roseburq Clyde Berkley of Klkton snent Thursday afternoon in Roseburg attending to business affairs. Camas Valley Resident in City Frank 0 oiler, of Camas Valley, spent Thursday in this city at tending to business affairs. Mr. Hatfield Visitor Hov Hat field of Dixon viHo transacted busi ness in (his city for a short time Thursday. Shons and Visits In Town Mrs. Zola Weaver of Canvonvillo spent Thursday in this city visiting with In From Roberts Creek George J friends and shnpplg. J. Thomas. Roberts creek resident, was a business visitor in Rose burg Thursday afternoon. Move to Ccbh Street Mr. and Mrs. Barton IIHliwell and son Rob ert have moved from 1405 XJmpqua avenue to 514 Cobb street. Brockway VMtor-ln Roseburq R. A. Roser, of Brockway. attonded to business affairs and visited relatives In this city yesterday. Attending to Business W. B Rtrawn. of the Roseherg General hospital staff. Is pnondiim several days in Pnr'Hnd this week attend ing to business affairs. :if DIHard Couple In Town Mr. and Airs. T. B. Thompson, of Dil lard. wnro in town vesterdnv after noon visiting friends and attending to business affairs. rvturns Home Mis Ethel Ann Cook lias returned o her home In Br w a ft t stioii'i in g llin lias t wnek 'n Rnehnre Goneral hospital receiving medical treatment. Undergoes Minor Operation Little Miss Shirley Clare, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Clare, of Azalea, underwent a minor opera tion yesterday when she had her tonsils removed. Spending Few Days Visiting John Menson. of Eugene, is spend ing several days in this city visit ing Charles Chittock. salesman for Churchill's Hardware store. Millwood Visitors in Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles Germond and J. S. Gprmond. of Millwood spent yesterday in this city vi:it ing friends and transacitng busi ness. Vieitina for Few Weeks Mr ind Mrs. L. A. Barker, of Winters. California, are spending two weeks in Roseburg visiting relatives and vacationing. Mrs. Barker. mie 'Miss Ruth Bnnrett. of Roreburg. Is Pinter of Miss Etbrd Bonnet t. hook keeper for the Roseburg laundry Riddle Lartv Shoppinq Mrs. Ida Payne, of Riddle, spent vesterday af'ernnon In this citv visiting with friends and shopping. dnkland Ladies Shonolng Mrs. F. Fort In and Mrs. Flan nary, of Oakland, snent Thursday afternoon In Roseburg shopping. Snend Day In Roseburq Mrs, Krrett Vp1m of Garden valley, spent Thursday In this city visiting relatives and shopping. Visit? From Rlversda'e Mrs. Fdwnrd Marks. of Rltferadale. shopped and visited friends in this city yesterday afternoon. Snends Day Shopplna Mrs. .7. D. Young, of Garden Vallev. spent vesterday afternoon In this city visiting friends and shopping. if good HE'S AT IT d MtcsuT, L0 A5AIM - Tuef 7UST VUWCTM EVEEyiHlMS' was 3-oiKer A.t-ON5 MCEly you HAD TO EMBARRASS ME EV CEEATIMG A H AV BE Fuuwy, &oY COOLDM'T "STAND Y AM lOMS-nP 1- ',-,' a, iv , a t- , r .-rir Return From Hunting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hufham have returned to their home in Laurel wood after spending the past several days in the Klamath Fails country hunting ducks. j Spending Few Days In Eugene Mrs. Georse Johnson, of Kelley'3 Corner, left yesterday for Eugene where she will spend a few days visiting friends and attending to business affairs. Spend Day Tn Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nylander, recent arrivals in Melrose from Seattle. Washington, spent Tuesday in Roseburg as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wimberly on North Jackson street. Mr Bush Transacts Business II; , ill nt Home Mrs. A. G. Suthor 'C. Bush, of Glendale. transacted land is reported to be ill at her business in this city Thursday afihme in this city. ternoon. '. j .;j Sutherlin Man Is Visitor Walter In Town on Business R. L. mj vv- l!l:lhs- r Sutherlin. spent yes intr. a resident of Wilbur, was a": ,rnl:!' nfternoon in this city trans- business visitor day. in this city yester- acting business. Transacts Business In Roseburg I x. s. iJvor, or Konerts creeK, Shops In Roseburg Mrs. Madgn Thursday In this city trum; Gazley, of Myrtle Creek, spent yes-1,, llt: illness terday in this city visiting friends ' and shopping. . Why You ShouKl Get a Caterpillar Tractor IT MAS A LONG LIFE AND A LOW UPKEEP COST Seals and air cleaners are used to protect vital parts, to exclude dust and sand, and to promote long, trouble-free life. Miller-Sanford Tractor Co. 321 W. Oak St. Roseburg, Oregon Go to Portland Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, of Klamath Falls, who have been spending the past few days in this city visiting rela tives and friends, have gone to Portland where they will spend several days before returning to their home. Mr. Eyben Here Herman Evhen, of Dillard, a business visitor in this city Thurs day afternoon. ' j I Shops and Visits Fr'icnas Mrs. Henry Weaver, of Myrtle Creek, Business J sni,, Thursday.. Afternoon in this city visiting lriehds and shopping. billard Visitor In City G. Royer, cf Dillard, attended to busi ness affairs in this city yesterday afternoon. Move to Lauro.lwood Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Smith, of Medford, have moved in the Laurelwood, where thev are making their home In the Machen duplex house. Mr. Smith U an owner or the Umpqua Valley Lumber company Here From Clover Creek Avon Smith and son. Thomas, of Clover crock, were business visitors in Roseburg Thursday afternoon. Transact Business Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith of Oakland visit ed friends and attended to busi ness affairs here yesterday. In From Garden Valley R. A. Calhoun, of Garden Valley, trans acted business in this city for a short time Thursday afternoon. Sutherlin Couple Here Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ladd of Sutherlin spent several hours in Roseburg Thurs day visiting friends and attending to business affairs. ' Glide Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. Fred Asam. of Glide, spent several hours In this city yesterday visiting friends and at tending to business affairs. Admitted to Hospital Mrs. V. fA. Standlev, of Camas Vallev, Mrs. Matthew M. Adams, of South Deer creek, and O. T. Corder. of Dixon viiie, have been admitted to Rose burg General hospital for medical treatment. Undergoes Operation Mrs. E. E. Haines, of the Tourist hotel, Oakland, was taken to the Pacific Christian hospital at Eugene on Monday where she was given treat ment for a couple of davs. prepara tory to an operation Wednesday. Expected Today Miss Eula McKay, of Eugene. Is expected to arrive here tonight lo spend the week-end visitin? relatives and friends. Her mother, Mrs. Clifford McKay, has been spending the past week in Roseburg to he near her father. Mr. Russell, who is ill at Roseburg General hospital. Mr. McKay and son Floyd spent last week-end in Roseburg. Spend Dav in Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wiley, former residents of Ro.iehurg, now living in Inde nendence. Oregon, spent Armistice day in this cily as (he house guests of "Mr. and Mrs. W. TT. Cummingn. Mr. Wiley, formerly assistant man ager of the local J. C. Penney store. Is new manager of the In dependence store. Sergeant Quirt becomes Lovis Beretti . . EDMUND LOWE 311 i TODAY and Saturday EDMUND LOWE as the fearless . . fighting . . loving, adventure-seeking Louis Beretti! And a sparkling array of great stars, including MARGUERITE CHURCHILL. CAT HER INE DALE OWEN, WARREN HYMER, LEE TRACY, Directed by JOHN FORD ALSO COMEDY AND NEWS ADMISSION Matinee 10c-25e Evenings 10c-35c Matinee Saturday at 1:30 FOR LESS 1929 Ford Sport Coupe..$450 1929 Ford Standard Coupe $425 1929 Ford Rordster $415 1929 Ford Roadster $385 1929 Ford Pickup $365 1929 Ford Phaeton $385 1927 Ford Coupe $145 1927 Ford $ 85 1925 Ford Coupe $ 65 1926 Chevrolet Coupe ... $225 19?6 Chevrolet Sedan ... $225 1926 Chevrolet Touring $125 1924 Chevrolet Touring $ 35 1928 Pontiac Sedan $475 1927 Essex Sedan $225 1926 Essex Coach $125 TRUCKS Chevrolet Truck 1927... $295 Chevrolet Truck $350 Ford Truck 1928 $425 Ford Truck 1927 $175 jFord Truck $ 85 ' MANY CHEAP CARS I EASY TERMS j C. A. Lockwood I Motor Co. paiiy. er Short Time W. J i! 1. A. Poar.Mj Ir.vci'.-i ( II fJ- 'i- -KiiAwiycR3i - - i u'Ca -:V-"-itetfftA J ' mA a i irj ( E(H connection with our new Homemekers' Bureau, ffi ii tSl,. l:. Wrinlik nation. ft.-.S ally famous Home Economist, over the National Time o Groodcost-Tuej., Fri. at 11:10 a. m., Pacific Stand ard Time; 12:10 Mountain Time; l:10p. m. Central Time. Broadcasting Company Network, "Vomans Magazine of the Air". Comm3ncing next Tuesday, November 101 and every Tuesday and Friday thereafter. We Invite you to tune In on this program and listen to what Mrs. Wriqht has to say about menu plenninc, recipes. budoelino. entertainino. holos to brides, home decoratinq, 5)3!?. ? lS'iliiJ and dozens of other things relative to running your home fiMhSMi Savings Saturday and Monday Glide Visitor in Roseburg Wil-1 liam SiiiRli'lon, of Cliilo. Ininsactofl i Visits Sister business ill Rosebul'K fur several Qi.vinn. of (lie hours Thursday. nienl romnniiy of Portlanil, has i turned l lis worn, urtor spenmnE Melrose Visitors l.n .Town-lix ! a short, time in, Kosebui'B aa: tho and Woodrow Conn, of Helri-H. luue kiicsi m ins is n were in town yesterday at lei noon i er in -ia , jui. ...... attendiilK lo husiness nffnli'H. . , Jii::rf-. 01 i .nui em mm. Hunt's !MDIANTheatre Most Unique in the West Tomorrow ONE DAY ONLY He treated her ROUGH and she loved it! BUT ITj? wlat R soft-eycci society rirl can do to a hard-boiled bvidirc builder. M Meet GARY COOPER 9A' Mickey Mouse tJ'lll Cartoon 1 IPii PI mcW JUNECOl.lYER. 10CMEY "A M;-.n From Wynininy" nnd sec why women lovn hc-inen. Gary Cooper, the !:;.liant "X'irinian. ' the cavalier "Texan," now treats em ronhl I'LUS Talkini! Comedy Riot "The Freshman's Goat" Latest Sound News LAST TIME TODAY COME . . . SEE Maurice Chevalier in his first ALL AMl'.RICAN story b;'iin full of lauijhs . . . and romance. "THE BIG POND" The Homemakev's Bureau Prize Fruit Cake! If you want real' lmtifBt to K'mmIihmih 1 d-fanliloni'd. lUHcloim tiiHllntf fruit rnU, try Hits ri'dtn. Tho ciike iniuU" from ihlfi roi:lp won Ihn , prizt In Dim of my litririvst 'MUititf hi'IhmiIh uiul In Hupi'i'iuo. Hnlftliiy I nil I Cnkc 1 Id. cMrtm 1 imii Kt-aiH) 1 T. vnnlllrl 2-3 run Hour 1 ll. short ening 2 miih miKiir ri'iitn " 2 lb. B..p.lBr3 T. mol rnlKlnn . H8P' , 1 lb. nilt'd nut tll'-lltrl U, lb flKN uA lb. diiii'rt nf rlov llllllH'll, lull nn'K 1 t. Hoila t. baking imwilrr 8 U. I'ltl-H of flour lelhiHli Pour KriiUM Julep ovi'i' rallnM. eurninltt, fln ntitl (lali'H, It ntaiHl ev eral bourn or ovi-rntKlit. 'nt tin; nutfi, rltron aiul rhcriicH fn Kinall tb'i:-H. Ni't inoriilliw rreain Ihn xli'ii'tiMiini; ii nil Hiinai. iithl half the beaten eKWH. then 1 etip flour, then the re mulniriK et,rns. Meat all to Kelher well, add ninliiHHen and Hodii, 1 hen I he Hmir milk. Hie flour whhh has been fdriefl wltlt tile bak intc powder nnil Hpb'i'H. then all the fruit. Mix well ntnl bake in n very hIhw ov-n four hourH, r This tun ken ovr 1 "i pounds nf rake . . . half Htn ma Hew one piiMl- OREGON PRUNE WEEK Millions are invested in Oregon's giant prune indus try, millions of pounds of the finest quality prunes ever packed are available at prices never before so reasonable for the consumer. Safeway's distributing organization is alive to the situation. We urge you to write our Homemnkers' Bureau for delicious recipes in preparing Oregon Prunes. All this week the large size Oregon Italian. 5 lbs. 23c; 10 lbs. 43c v lu ll rake InrKo lnnirer to with a Noli'l Kwnenibe fruit rake take b;tk-, Ti-hI la k toothpick. Sit f I'M ay llfiiiicntnUer' ItMri'itu most eordlallv luvlti-s von to write f..r ene h'fornm- I ton you no. b-olt.'- planet'd. Stmn'v i-nvi-l'w wltli to .lulhi U Safewnv 1 1 ' i f 11 n-aii. C-fe Ktoren. I'M II" l-.Md ("illforn op Ml vuf r"",,"'i e Wriirht rank it Mn of Safewav x 771, Oak- FLOUR Safeway quality flour, milled from the best. We never lowr quality to make a price. 49 ib. bag $L33 Barrel, OC Ofl (4 bags) $3lOU BLACKEYED PEAS A steaming hot dish of Blackeyed Peas is delic ious and hcallnlul. 3 lbs 10. bs BUTTER Safeway quality fancy creamery butter. Guaran teed by the name. Q7ri Pound U I J5 CRISCO Use Crisco for better bak ing or frying results. 3 lb. tin 75j! 230 630 pork Me- NOODLES Fancy fresh egg noodles I-or that Sunday chick en dinner. Pound SYRUP Golden Amaizo. A better syrup for less. 2 lb. can 230 5 lb. can 430 1 0 lb. can BACON PORK AND BEANS Van Camp's with and tomato sauce, dium cans. 3 cans 250 8 cans 050 WHITE BEANS Fancy reclenned small white beans, priced at tlie usual Safeway saving. 4 9 lbs. lbs. 170 Mild lean. piece. Pound cured with Whole of half f Granulated SOAP for washing 370 M I ?, 0 PectH. mad machine SUGAR Pure cane fine granulat ed. For your convenience in 5, 10 and 1 5-lb. lots. 50 LETTUCE Fresh, tender and sweet. A bargain. Head Pound CELERY Snowwhile, lender crisp. Bunch nd 50 330 670: PANCAKE FLOUR K. , milled on an fashioned stone burr. A flavor you will like. . Ib. bag 470 SOAP P. & G. White Naptha Laundry Soap. bar 0 J5 SWEET POTATOES Smooth firm stock. Fine baking size. 4 lbs. .150 TURNIPS Fancy local turnips, large bunches, no worms. 2 bunches 130 WE DELIVER QUANTITY ORDERS Store No. 255 Roseburg Phone 230 ORANGES New crop Navels. Th health fruit. Dozen 190 GRAPEFRUIT Fancy Florida fruit is the moat popular. U F.ach 0 21 1 I lr- pi S3 LIBERTY ADMISSION Mat. 10C-25C Eve. 10c-50c Matinee Daily at 1:30 Evening 7 and 9 PA