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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1930)
FIVE BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus SE! 1 Classified Section KATES: rw ward, ck hwtlua, 1 M m, u mt. I nau war. Minimum psr MnrtlmMat, U Kate MaJI foar afe-cra tk - u( cbIoi Muw, tfcK m- moBej octe. Eastman Hawkeye Cameras FREE! pvROO.SJ ME VJHERE lb THE V-'OST- OF AU- THE PEOPLE THE WORLO VQa MEET NEED FELT STOP ME AM" A.'bK OF-RICE? THAT QOESTlOKl- TOW! W RQSEBURCi NEWS REVIEW. ROSEBURC. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1,930. FOR SALE FIR and oak wood prices. Phone 362. at summer FOR, RUNT Modern apartment and garage. Phone 4i9-R. FOR SALE Old growth fir block wood. Phone 33b 2a. FOR SALE Bry oak stove and fir block wood. Phone 24F21. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Buzz Baw Elmore ranch, 3 miles north on highway. ltn SALE Clirysanlheinunis. 1'rL.d according to size. 520 S. Stephens. FOR SALE; Clack hens and gob blers, 4 and $6. Koscoe Conn. Phone 6F24. MINCE MEAT for sale 50 cents per quart. Bring containers. Mrs. U. H. Thurston, 875 Hoover St. FOR SALE Dry wood, oak, ash, slab, pine, second growtn fir. Phone 663-Y. O. J. Rand. FOR SALE English walnuts. Ed eubower orchard tracts. Fred Fisher, Mgr., or phone 2UF3. FOR SALE Fordsou tractor, fully equipped. Just overhauled. Gang plow and disc, $300. Valentine, Sutherlin. CHRYSANTHEMUMS for sale. Blooms just right, buy now. Mrs. "Lllrant Wilcox, 10U4 West First St. Phone 356-J. JOR SALE Purebred Silversheen "iNarragansett turkey; lexas and Idaho strain. Toms $6, heus $4. Earl T. Johnson, Oakland, Ore. FOR RENT Furnished apartment, is per montn. tnu a. fine. FOR RENT Modern 4-rooui fur nished house. East Side service station. FOR SALE 1923 Ford coupe or will sell the . body separate. Cheap at Saril's. FOR RENT 102-acre farm on Coos Bay highway See J. A, Campbell, Sutherliu, Ore. WANTED TO TRADE Hood saxx1 phone for car. Address Box 110, care News-Review. LOST Shell-rimmed glasses with white gold bridge. Reward. Re turn to News-Review office. GUARANTEED tattoo work. Dan Barnett, 339 Mill St. Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE Vecto heating stove; National cash register, .floor show case and platform scales. Plggly Wlggly. FOR SALE Four good Lee De- Luxe tires, and tubes, 6.50x19. The whole outfit for $15 at Sarff's. FOR SALE Full set disc wheels and hubs for i'J-ti Studebaker Big 6. 20 inch wheels. Cheap at Sarff's. FOR SALE Dry body fir, second growth, oak and laurel. Block and stove wood. Mountain Fir Wood Yard, Phone 75-L. WESTTNGHOUSE automatic iron $1.75 down, $2 monthly. SI allow ance lor your old irou. Come in and see it demonstrated today. California Oregon Power Co. HAVE your feat'aers made Into a roll mattress, full size, $9; single, $7.50. What have you to trade In on work. Furniture re paired. W. B. F'yau. Et. 2, Box 5. FOR RENT House, 10. Equipped with fine poultry house for 200 hens.' Inquire 114.6 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. ; mm txzz . IPSO, lnll Feature Service, Inc.. Ci-fnt Britain rtjrhU nt-rvei. HERE AMOTHER1. T r CANJ OU TELL ME IF I CAM GET THROUGH THl'b PARK TO. AMTHOIif S PLACE rs-r1' .1 park to . M-iiiS,a.. throoah - A I'D THlMK'oO-A TRUCK LOAO OF HAT iU'oT wEtsjT WANTED Middle-aged lady for conuany, iu country; light work, good home. References exchang ed. Call at 821 W. Lane. FOR SALE No. 1 inspected straw berry plants. Gold Dollar, Im proved Oregon. $3.50 per thou sand. W. H. Long, Umpqua. WANTED TO BUY Good Jersey cows, fresh or that will be fresu soon. T. B. and abortion tested. Write Route 2, Box 141, Rose burg, Ore. SAVE ON LIGHT GLOBES We are now offering Edison Mazda lamps In lota, of 6 or more at a 10 price reduction. Stock up for winter ata saving. California Oregon Power Co. , j WANTED LADY wants housekeeping posi tion. Box 11, care News-Uevlew. LOST Red lemalo hound, half moon iu right ear, small cut left ear, white spot breast, white on hind feet. Albert 1'eilnud, Suth erlin, Box 331. TRAP SHOUT Sunday, 16th, 1 mile uoitu Lookiuggiass store. Turkeys, ducks, chickens. All day snoot rain or shine. Lunch on grounds at W. C. Roberts. WANTED Team work or plow ing. T. D. Tiller, near Happy val ley bridge. WANTED 30 pullets, Plymouth Rocks, Giaut or Rhode Island Reds. D. B. Boone, 216 Court St. WANTED Ranch tp rent, Improv ed preferred. Chris Soreusen, care R. E. Glover, Rt. 1, You calla. FOR SALE Ford touring, $10; 6 stands of bees and la or 20 empty hives and supers, $bu. Choice . named, unlabeled gladio li bulbs very cheap. Bulbs from prize winning gladiolus. 11. 11 McLaughlin, Roseburg. YOUNG man desires board and room in exchange for services evenings. Experienced bookkeep er. Have a closed car. Best .ref erence. Box 1142, care News-Review. CAN'T BE BEAT 12 acres, with 10 acres in bearing prunes. Best river-bottom loain. On highway and river. Wonderful possibili ties foe subdivision, camp mound, etc. Priced way below value for quick sale. $6000 cash No trades. See Roy Young of G VV. Young & Son. Phone 417. . . I FOR, RENT F'OR RENT Furnished house, close In. 139 Sheridan St. FOR RENT 5-room unfurnished house, strictly modern. Phone 3F22. MODERN' 5-room furnished cot tage for rent. Inquire at 544 So. Pine. IOR RENT Dairy and turkey ranch, turkey ranch, 3 sheep ranches. All kinds of ranches and houses for sale or trade. C Merrill, 108 Mosher St. MISCELLANEOUS PLEATING and button making a 610 So. Main Phone 187-R. St. Belle Case ?AR OWNER Don't forget to call 653 when in neea or uio uarm Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. FREE During October, one 8x10 photograph with 1 dozen photos ' In folders. Roseburg Studio, Snlzman Hide. 127 Jackson St THE WII.rU R Ladies Aid hold lis annual bazaar and chick en supper, at the high school au ditorium on Friday. November 1 1 Aiinlia Sue. children 25c. Come, partake, and you will be In a fitting mood tor 1 nanasgiv mg.. OR iS&LE Non-irrigated Gem PUIULUI'S. VUIUI'UIO ,11111 111V best for table or feed. Three grades. One cent per pound and up. Fred Bonebrake. Phone 55F14. MALE HELP WANTED Reliable man required immediately la Roseburg lor responsible posi tion. Steady work. Ho experi ence. Honesty and ( desire to work necessary. Must have car. Pay starts immediately. Write fully. Syncro Mdiors Company, Battle Creek, Mich. heavy hens over 4 lbs,. 22: me-I dium holm, Si to 4 V4 lbs., ltic: light hem l:(c: broilers. 1 Ml to 2 "A lbs.. LeRhrrns. sortuir 20c: Pokin rliirks Ds. ana over roc: oia. lac: color- ' ed ducks, 12c. 'ounuy moats: tauyina: priceHj Choice veal. IS: pork. 14-14 toe; choice laiiibsv 2-14c; multoa tiji iu; heavy veal y-lue. Flour: tuny delivery prices; Family Tiatents 4'Js ,20: whole wheat 4'Js S5.:io: Kialiam. Ills; bakers hard wheat y!s ;.uo; uhk- era bluestem patents ass j.ou: pastry flour. 4ls bugar: t&acaea uasiti iune. fruit or berry. S1.S5 cwt.: beet su gar. $4.65 cwt. unions: ureffon. ti.uu-i-zo. piiato-8: (..-in'.- No. 1 grade, 2.2r.-2.0r; No. 2. $1.85-2.23. Nuts: California new crop. 27c; Oregon, old crop 24. new crop 27: almonds. 14-20c; peanuts, yMs 12c; pecans, 25-27e; filberts, 2:1 2lic. Wool: Slendv: eastern Orecron 16-lSc lb. Valley 17-18o: valley .coarse 14-16-. Mohair, long staple, 21c lb. Kid 2.1c lb. Hay: noleie buying prices, de livered Portland, eastern Orenron timothy. $22.5U&'23.00; do valley. $19.001!.50: alfalfa. $17.00felK.u4 clover. 116: oat hay, $16: straw. $70 S ton: selllnir pries, tl t" $3 more. Cascara bark: Steady, 5c. . COMPARATIVE WEATHER DATA II. . WKATIIHIl II tit 10 A U Observations taken at 6 a. 120th Meridian. THE WEATHER. S2 Temperature FARMERS ATTENTION We now have the best stock of low-priced lumber for all kinds of farm buildings we have ever had. Let us show It to you. PAGE LUM BER & FUEL CO. Ask for free Illustrated booklet, "The I'm of Lumber on the Farm." MONEY TO LOAN Our rates are as low as $1 per mouth on each $100 borrowed and you know just "how many payments are re quired to pay off your loan. DOUGLAS BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION, Medical Arts Bldg. Phone 245. Raker clily 401 541 341 0 noise eldy 42l 6SI 40 0 Boston eldy 411 401 401 0 Chicago foggy 441 561 4 11 0 Denver clinr .'11 SMI 3(il 0 Kureka elily C2I 6X1 50 0 Cillvestou . ...r.alll 6L'i C2I fill! .60 Helena r.lill 4"! Kl 401 .01 Kansas City ...clear fc.'o 061 4S 0 J jolt Angeles ...clear "clll Mil 611 0 Marshric III lily 021 721 441 0 New Orleans . .cldy fill 721 611 (' New York eldy 50 501 40 0 North Mead rain 5u 511 4l .41 .Phoenix clear 501 821 f,0 . 0 I'ocatello . ..1't.eldy 40! 51 381 0 Portland rain 521 00 501 .12 Itimelllirir eldy 4SI IM 471 0 Sacraiaenlo . clear 541 76 52 0 St. Louis cldy 521 SX 521 0 Salt Lake ......clear 3X152 36! 0 San l-'raneiseo .clear 501 fco 561 0 Sun Piego -b-ar I 62 71! 6u (i Seattle . rain I 42! 50i 42! Ac Spokane rain 421 52! 421 .36 Washington . li.i hl;. i ts: 56! 401 0 Winnipeg . . . I't.tidy t .101 52i 36: n Yakima . ...... .cldy I 401 601 411 .0) Victrola -. ?25 Hanil power wasne.- $5 Electric washer, $15 Show case $5.i0 Dynamic Fada speaker $30 A. K. Elec. radio - $55 A. B. Wlllnrd eliminator $12 ROSEBURG ELECTRIC MELROSE Home Economics club bazaar Saturday. Nov. loth, at Mcliean & Baldwin's, tlome cooked food, luncheon seta, aprons, quilts, towels, holders and many little dainty fumy work for Christinas gifts. Don t lorget. WEEK OF PRAYER OBSERVED LOCALLY I TODAY'S MARKETS ' : lAx.wi'iteiJ I'ri'M leased Wire) VOKTI.AN1'. Nov. 1 2. Wholesale hatter and egg markets opened t" dav with unchanged price and trade conditions, the laBO easy tone caused largely by coinpi tit Ion "I stoiaiw witlidiawals with fle.-h It ccipt's, rulii'-z h"th. In the fresh fruit and vegetable niui k.-t mi-st lines were s- inng iiorinal volume at sleadv lr hi putiit NEW TODAY WANTED Sewing; coat lining and allerallons. Mrs. M. E. James, 144 S. Jackson. FOR RENT Excellent, modern, five-room house, close In, with garago. Call at 245 S. Pine St. SELLING Jill W. G." Paul's fine Angora bucks: none belter. Your choice $10 each. C. Vnor- ' hoes, Paul Ranch. So. Deer Creek road, Roseburg. llle i s were L-aker t $2 toll t No. nduen'-e of a gmernmei crop report linlu aiing a "" ,,,,,,1,. tlian fminci-ly estliilut" Per sai'H prices to retail trad, uili.t.d from $1.S5 to $2.2i (' 1 quality. i-i,.m..t soi-joi's .., -- Weath. r pat a diag on pi li es for i-llius frutls. Washington iiay.l or nnc.s lit U.-.'l t.. 7. no were down al t ,..nts a .rale, l.-inons wire off r.n eeiHs n crate at $!."." to i.O" and grai.e fruit wen. miming " 1 a nate cheaper than last week at tl.OU-5.2J, P,ifOto"t,i Hotter: Cubes: Kxtr'as, 36: :t.. inlnii. firsts. !!: fusts. Crealll.-rv t.rirew. rni.a Btandardfl. Kggs: I'ruoi to reraller": xtras. 3..,:: siaiiu. (.tMoeiated Presi tpawxl Wire) MOSCOW, Nov. 11. Eight Rus sians, in a broad indictment pub- IJshed today, by N. V. Krylenko. as sistant popple's commissar for jus tice and public prosecutor of the R. S. F. S. R., are accused of ne;- Kotiating with M. Raymond Poln- ure and Aristlue Ilriauu or hrance for a military attack on the soviet uuiou. '.! The indictment goes on1 to say he accused persons maintained ontact with the French headquar ters "through persons In the rench service, 'K' and 'R,' especi ally appointed for this purpose," and received antl executed its br iers. Lutcr, It alleged, they sided on, and obtained, in accordance .villi, headquarters orders, "neces sary information or secret charac ter relating to the military forces and dolense of the U. S. S. H." "Upon Instructions from the headquarters," the Indictment con tinues, the accused organized a special military group aiming at de moralization of the red army und .reparation for separate acts of treason on the part of the various letachmeuts during the Interven tion. Upon Instructors from the same headquarters the accused or- anized a special group to assist th vreigu military inii-rveution-ista by undermining and disrupting he socitl structure, electric sta tions, railways and military works." Eikheftd, Shoestring YMey District to t$e Brought Nearer County Seat ant) OaVlaiid. DJ Y7:1I C-.t 1 TV. U Harvey Rwch. pn Esy Grade; Initiatory Steps Takerx By R. R. WOOD After seventy years of patient waiting, during which successive generations of the Aaron Harvey lamtly have had to open from five to six gates each time, any of them were compelled to make the trip to Oakland, only eight miles away, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. tiarvoy, present owners of aud residents on this Douglas county pioneer homo, are to have a road opened up to and, through their inncli, ac cording to information obtained from Interested parties. This proposed road will ' not only put the Harvey ranch on the county road, but will bring to the doors of Oakland and Roseburg business men those residents ot Shoestring and Elkhead. prosper ous sections of the country only about a dozen miles from the for mer town, who have all the years since tho country was settled been compelled to go from fifteen to twenty miles out ot their way to each either place. A story in this newspaper Oc- tobor 24 told of the conditions existing In this particular Bootlon of tho county, and the need of an open road up Wheeler creek, start ing at a point Borne live auu a nan miles from Oakland aud extending through the Clark, Underwood, Harvey and Lamb rancnos, a uis tance of about five miles Into the Shoestring valley, making that part of the county, and Kill Head as well, tributary to Oakland and Roseburg. This pioce of road can bo built for the most part on a three per cent grade. At present the Elkhead and Shoestring ranc.n- ers are compelled to go around Dy Yoncttlln, fourteen or fifteen miles out of their way, to got to south ern county points. Most gonerully they are forced to keep right on going, traveling uy tne Springs route, Grove and Eugene. Nearer County Seat This newly proposed road will bring those farmers fifteen to tweuty miles nearer tho county seat, and correspondingly nearer o Oakland. Comment on the situa tion that resulted from that first story has brought about a movo. nient lor building the roud. Bunk ers and business men of both i, ....,,..., i r i h iii-i,.,- r.mi. Roseburg aud Oakland have voic- oral Laud Office at Roseburg. Ore-1 ed their upprovul ot the Improve- niCUl. not, Olliy vt'Clliuv it wiu uv vi direct personal benefit to the AS A SPECIAL OFFER TO OUR, CUSTOMERS ... Now is your chace to get one of these farrious cameras easily . . . size 23. Come in Our Store far Full Particulars, CHURCtflil, HARDWARE CO. The Ironmongers NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATIOM Department of the Interior, Gen- oi al Laud office at Roseburg, Ore- sou. ;ov. 4lh, 1930. Nonce is hereby given that Ru dolph E. Jennie, of lenmlle, Ore gon, who, on December 12tu, 11125, luutlo Homestead entry, Serial No. UluJai, for Ni SEJ, NWJ SE$ and SW1 NEJ, Section 2a, Township s Range 7 W., Willamette Mviidlau, has filed notice ot inten tion to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before H. A, canaday, Rogialer of the U. S. Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon on the 19th day of December, 1931). Claimant names as wltuessoa I-larley D. Drake, of Tenmile, Ore.; Gus I'uukey, ot Roseburg, ore, Churley Mouhr, of Edenbower, Ore.,; Feurl Stevens, ot Tennillo, Ore. HAMILL A. CANADA Y, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tllly, and from the Vlukston ranch un over the uiouutaln It is un traveled. The new route will avoid the bail hills, ana in no way ai lects the highway from the l'lnks ton ranch into Oakland. That the whole community will bo greatly benefited, is the contention t farmers and businoss men ac quainted with the section, of cpun .tly involved. Petitions Due Soon Petitions asking the court to, In stitute necessary procedure for opening of the road, which will, In clude a new survey ot the route, securing right-of-ways and other matters, will bo circulated at once, it was Btated by some, of the men directly Interested In getting tills work started, and it is believed by them that owing to the almost unuutmous favorable opinion of the whole project, oxpressed by business men of this city and Oak land, as, well as by ranchers in the section ' directly Interested, that tho project will be approved aud ordered built. at school buildings In Roseburg, as directed,' but not later than Sept. 15,1931. ..., SCHOOL DIST. No. 4. . Mrs. A. J. Geddes, Clerk. Roseburg Cabinet Shop E. S. Cockelreas F. L. Cockelreas All kinds of cabinet work " Cupboard Doors.' Furniture Repairing, Truck . Bodies. We Bell Upson Board and Veneer. Saw Filing a Specialty Phone 541-J 542 Fowlr St ROADS LOSE FIGHT TO BAN RATE SLASH (Anaoclatixt Prcu Iuetl Wire) WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. The Interstate commerce commission oi;tler reducing by about 16,000,00ft freight catus ou grain west of the Mississippi liver will go into effect Jnuuurv t. despite, carrier protests louuon .and objections ot some Bhlpplng in- north to Cottage throats alfectud. I i ne luiorsuuo comiiterce com- !..!....! l. 1 1 .1 i. HUSaiUll U1LO VUIOII HI lloll J 1.11V (..- ous petitions submitted to It for modification or rehearing iii the grain case," an announcement said. gou. November 4, lyju. Notice is hereby given Unit Ru dolph Jennie, of TeninJle, Oregon, who, on Nov. 7, 1925, uiado Home stead entry, Serial No. 016270,' for S4 NWJ Sec. 22, SE1 NEJ and NE1 SE, Suction 21, Township 28 S., Range 7 W., Willamette Moil diuii, has filed notice of Intention to make fiuiU three year proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, betore H. A. tjanauay, Register of the U. S. Laud Olllce, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 19th day of December, 1930. Claimant names as witnesses; Hurley D. Drake, of Toninllo, Ore.; (lus l'ankey, of Roseburg, Oregon; Churley Mouhr, of Edenbower, Ore.; Feai'l. Stevens, of Tenmile, Ore. HAMILL A. CANADA Y, Register. POEM FOR THE DAY By LOUIS ALBERT BANKS shut-Ins of tho neighborhood, but also because Elkhead aud Shoe string people niu ubiwuk iui oad and a way out to souineru county points. Request tor this road was brougnt uotoro tne cuin iv court a few days ago, resulting In a petition being ordered drawn, and the whole matter will soon come before the court In legitl form bo that action may oe oaa Some years ago a survey was made of a part of thlB proposed road, and tho route laid out at thai time is Bald to have shown a road could be built with a, mlniniim of oxnenso. as there Is little pr no hnnvv rnnk work, no m logos ot consequence, and the only nin- tlrance was that ot rigni.ot-wuys. Tho proposed route for consilient, linn ni this llnio Includes practi cally live miles of highway. At prosent there is no rtmu tiiai i ,a. mm Ma nil viMir leading from Oak land to Shoestring and Elkhoail. While It may bp traveled In Bum mer and full, It Is said to be quite The annual Week of Prayer eer vice of t he Methodist church. South, is to be held Thursday of Ibis week. A lot-luck luncheon will lie serveu at noon, wnn tne aiier noon devoted to prayer, niedita Hon and, study. The Week of Pray er is observed by all missionary societies of the denomination throughout the country, and the offering that Is taken Is used to maintain and repair I wo of the mission stations, one abroad and another at home. This year the money Is to go towards belllr equipped buildings for the Cuban work, one stution belli-? located at Cienfeugos, Cuba, and the other at Tampa." Florida. Tho offering represents Bflf dtnlal of some lux ury or necessity sacrificed to the mission work. All members and friends of the church are being in vited to attend tho luncheon and Hit afternoon Bervfce. si.- Iru: LANDS ON FEET IN 40-FT. FALL; UNHURT MAHSHF1ELD. Ore., Nov. 11. A 40-foot rail resulted in but a severe jolt for I. L. Gree, 45. Reeds port, and will confine him to the hoMiilal for Hie remainder of the week. Oree fell off a vessel belli loaded at Empire today and landed on his feet on llw dock below. Tii;c- to wboltnab:". ; LOST tacil lowt-r. M-if: K" milk " ' it : i ivt 'lli - r.-'l 1 ,. r cent, ai-i'le ii.iik. . . tirrate In Fortlaii.1, Poultry; tUuiim prices;; Largo oblong amethyst ring. !',l seitin. Ken aril. Call ;iKI or 3a2. ,,.ir.i IUrt ltjaml. l'-bk ! iii've, ' THE t-IONEER KANSAS MOTHER A she has hern dedicated on ihe Slate IIouho grounds at Topoka fer Ihe erection of a Kansas Pioneer Woman sluttio. The design select ed by the Kunsas i'ioneer Woman's Memorial association la one sub mitted by Hryant Raker of New York. Tho statue Is of a irraceful nlimeer mother dressed In the plain, simple gown of the farm woman of more than sixty years ago, a slat sunliminet on her head, and coarse, heavy shoes on her feet. Her right hand rests p.-otectingly on the shoulder of a Utile barefoot boy, who Is reading a small book. A little dog nf that nondescript type so often Ihe companion 'of country boys Is behind the urchin's legs. The mother's kft hand grasps the handle of a scythe, and behind her Is a sheaf of wheat. A -news note from Kansas. ' I think these Kansas folks are wise, Remembering those who helped them rise. O'er nil the story of her pnst What heroism woman cast I Through all their days of ruthless toil. Through all their fii;ht to win free soil, Their women brave 83 Joan of Arc Were tuneful as a merry lark. V- The women, with p. j need of goad, Bore cheerily their doubled load; With all their brnvc and loving trails They worked beside their stalwart mates And, in addition to their work From which they never sought to shirk They nursed their babies at their breast And gave their men heroic zest. They lived in houses made of sod, But never lost their faith in God. They were the bulwark of the church And never left it in the lurch. They planned and built the public school, And taught their youth the Golden Rule; And, purely of their own volition, They led the way to Prohibition. Thcso modern twentieth century men May well recall, again, again' ' .. The rare romantic woman's grace That held brave Kansas to her place As leader in the Middle West Of all the nation deems the best; Who held thcn to that great ideal Till all the nation made it real. NOTICE Notlco Is hereby glvon that the undorslgued will receive bids up to and including November 22nd, 930. on from 450 to 550 cords four foot fir wood to be cut from large trees and fullon before sap starts to rise. Suld wood to be delivered DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea .Treated Phone 48 Masonic bldg. Winter Needs ; . ; Include HEAT! Our wide variety of wod-burn-Ina heaters Invites your atten tion . . . prepare, new for the cold weather. Powell Furniture Store Scenic 'WOT0I TOURS UHh Redwood Empire of. , - HUMBOLDT COUNTY - CALIFORNIA .'" jmcrUx n l"tfl with itmte nwpa. -hi Um lluttnird kaRet "8 Dey la . wad Around Ijiifka. Send for iL namboldl County Dord sfTntda Prosperity Fact on Humboldt County Range condition are excellent for CATTLw RAISING, Write for datiili. Roseburg Undertaking Co Established 1901 M. . h,. rn,rmaoc Founded nd Maintained on Efficient i Service arid Courtesy Ambulance Service Phoie B4 Oak and Kane 8ts. vloend tady. Embalmer DAN C E ! DRyeirESS HEALTH CENTER Mineral Vaner Baths Chiropractor J21 dbb Phono 491 "Complete Health Rervlcs" COULD NOT DO KER CLEANING Feels Much Stronger After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lnnkin, North Dikota. "for nrnrly fniir yarn I wnn nut in r(hh1 health. My work ih rlraniiK hotmo and I work outflido Um and soniotimra 1 could not do it. I read in tho newspapers niMiut Lydiii, K. i'inkharn s Vejco t4ih!o Ojinpound and I havn taken ttirco botllcn of this rnfdirinc. I am feeling a lot b otter and I recommend it. Yon may use this letter as a testimonial." Tim.ih Tbknda, K. K. D. fi, Latikin, North Dakota. This Medicine Is Sold in Both Liquid and Tables Form AT WIGWAM Wednesday, November 12 Addition lo Chief Biff Boy's Band, Thunder Cloud, the new Sax player. Cloudburst at 9 o'clock sharp. EVERYBOPY WELCOME VI It M lul-vue ANNOUNCING. ..a beautiful new frame, quite different from all others. , , . FUL-VUE They allow your eyes to appear at their best . . . comfortable and unobstructed vision. St'.E Tl 1EM AT THE OFFICE DR. H. C. CHURCH OPTOMETRIST ' I fr.T.T.T.T.M.T.T.T.T.T.W.