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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1930)
TWO 1mm u cil V)nll Ihi'i-iil Sumtiiy hy thr .-. .eM-lt.ovrv' UlC 31cm in r of Tlif AHHui'lnlcd I'twm Tho-AnMR'lntd Pruna is eXel umi va ly cmitltiU to the uso for hjwuIjUch tlon of all news dinwiittlieB erJlUMl, to it -or not othyrwiaa (rr:dU?l in Hi 1h pupcr and to ul) loiiii hiwn published huiuin. AH rlKtiif or re nubllyuiion o( Hpeclfil UiHimtchoH lioreiu uie aIho rusc-rvet). . Kdltor IiiUered aa second class matter Muv ai, imu. lit thy: xtom ofu ut Jtoneburtf, Oregon. Under Act of ALrut 2, 1879, . i ... HubHcrIitinn But? DailyJ per year, by mail I-MO ' hutiV, HiiiKle month, Ijy mail ., .50 Daily; ify carrier, per month .. .50 i Li. Visit tlie School, TPHIS week; is Ifducalion, Week and so designated over the United States. What does IX mean to you and. your cliikjcen,? Mini), or littleliiiBt as you chopse, The Idea of education, week Is this: All educators realize that one 'of the greatest problems, they, have to face ts lie lack of interest In scliopl problems, op the part of parents. Teachers say that too tunny parents wash tbclr hands of resDouslbllity tor'tbelr children, so. to spjiak, when the. children ' are sent no. school. Too many, parents are not familiar with the, prob lcms'ot the teachers and often times expect too much of the ' teachers and of the schools be cause thoy knout top litllo about thenv Education week Is one de vice jvblch educators hope will be effective In helping to bridge the gap Between tlio parent and the school. . -.L. .,-,' . . Hrjw Is this, weelft sot, osldp tp, be called ''Education Week" going to help?-Possibly it will not help but If, RCIiitls, the failure Is duo tp the pareglB. It Is hoped, that for, this weclj at least, parents of school children of all ages will devote sometime tp learning about tlte things that thi) sohopls are doing. Aa7an Important part ot Educa tion ""Week plans, the Roseburg schools qro making a campaign to got parents tp, visit the school at Borne-time during the hint three diiysj of this woek Wednesday, Thursday apd, Ifrlday. , The tflcl)oi;s, -In. the: Roseburg schools, want? to ehoyi you, who are Ihut jMrcntg of Uio children, they ttre Reaching, just what this thing - n oall education actually Is.j, . Tlffii Is a plea lot a hearty- co operation In this mpcmon,l, on the partlut ptu'enls, Ypu o,r, urged, by youibchools to go and visit them. KooMhlB In mind, it you will.: Our Schools offer, unlimited, opppi; tuuloks V) those wio take advan tage jit tlioui parents as well us puplW. Visit your schools 'this wecl ' TU big question at this time tar football fans young and old to puzz(S oven is Will Johnny KUi nillhj; play for, the VJverslty of Oregon against the Oregon State college next, Saturday, qr not? DnirK employus are certainly thg lucky ipnea this mouth. In the 80 days of November come five Sun days and three holiday election day, Armlstlco day and Thanks giving, Editorials on,Mew8 (Continued from paga ) (ABtorian Budget) I IXDER the law a candidate fprl governor Is allowed to spend i 750 ut own inmiiiv l,i fnrlli,,,- "w"' "W"'veu. i, nun iuj man hlfcalldirTe haU1 b- U"")e, b '",3 curious to. see whether Julius u". " Uig ma ler Meier makes afrldavit that ho has "" "" I" back. No longer not exceeded this cgal limiuaion. Ve surmise that the great sums iu,(.H. spout will, be charged to the 1 Manufacturers of coametlcs re ilwler - tor -Governor orguulaiiiloii, po,t brisk new trade in dves that but w!)l the gpveruor-elect say that :,,,,, ,1Se,l for nreenilug oyc-brows. .-the war chest of that organisation; The "off the forehead'' hat. now was not f iled, trpm ills puihh, oi,t among siuai t womeu. is Us family or from his flrni o? ti. liiHl witli U.t.- revival of the Under tlio taw it makes ho diitcr- cyi-binw ence whether he or hi. family or, " l,ide'nially. American womeu his Imslncss associates proMded ,,.j i,oul $,10 a the mpiufy. lor C1),,uil)ucs llmi tbvir avviminu -We aro nccustomod tp celng,The beauty ludustiy Is u0w tbe this part of the corrupt nnntlies tourlh laisest In the nuiiun act circumvented but If there is to be no semblance of the observance of Its letter 01 spirit In Orexmi. II nhould bo repealed. Klagrnut en ions or vlolullnns ot a Inn and complacent aceeptnnce of such by the people, will only make lor a general disrespect of all law. " (Ashland Tidings) Sportsmen of .southern Oregon are downciiNt over the defeat of tho ltoRiip rlvot; oloslng constltu tlonal niiifuilinent But they should 1 take heart. Eleven of the 13 suite measures on tlio ballot wero do IcHledV , . Tho, river closing was generally ntuirkt'd on the grounds it should bo Nucurrd by legislative sets, in tli or. than changing tlio constitution- ami theio was fear: that once tho Rokuq livor was dosed tp coin ' nierclal fishing, a precedent, would bo established and other 8,1 renins would-bp subjected to like action. Olhr-rs opposed tho Mil on the ftruunds that It would force com mercial Industries out of busineri.i. This group, it seems to us, were forgetiul of lh commercial value of the. Ilogue us a recreational as- Thorp wore powerful agencies ... working against the passage the bill. Anil in spite of all this It wa.-i last by a small margin. The battle will probably be car ried into the legislature and the vote o( Tuesday will be a big talking point. ' 2 LIVES PAID FOR FRUSTRATED THEFT (AMoelatefl I'rrn Leased Wire) PRAIRIE I)U CHIBN, Wis., Nov. 11. Patrick Gorman and his son, workers on the farm pf, William and Cornelius Horrtgan, north of here, wore shot, to death today when robbery ot the Hprrigan home by three men, and a woman wan irusirnieu. The slayers, escapee , in 8 tour ing car. The Horrlgan brothers and their sister operated the farm, and were reputed to. have. Kept largo sums of money in their home. Short ly after noon the touring car' was driven Into the farm yard and the nen advanced on, the house with drawn guns, while the woman re mained In the car. ' - Gorman and bis son resisted- and, were shot down. The quartet (led without obtaining anything. STEEL FIRM WILL KEEP MEN ON JOBS (Associated, Prew Leaned Wire) LOS ANGELES, Nov. 11. Presi-1 dent A. T. DeFprest of the Colum bia Steel corporation, arriving here. announced "it is the aim of the corporation to keep its 4.000 em ployees supplied with, work. If we haven't, got wonk we'lj. make some," Characterising the business de pression as "Just one ot those tilings," President, Deforest said his company would, continue, lead ing the "back to normalcy move ment," by expending large sums, ijo, I, development bjkj, expansions,. - i o, i . ' FORMER SENATOR DU PONT PASSES (Auoclateri, Presi loosed Wire), WILMINGTON, Del., Nov. 11., Thomas Coleman Du Pont, 66, former United States senator, died at bis lionie here today after, an Ut ness of) several, years with Q, throat Uliecuuu. , . Although a member of the fam ous. Delaware, family that has been accumulating' wealth from its equal ly famous powder works since tlie beginning ot the 19th century, he had nothing to do with the powder Industry until after he had w6n suc cess and fortune In other lines coal mining, qtepl and. street rail ways.' Lipsticks Male,; For . Safer Kissing; Dyed J ,f Eyebrow. Qqrei. Back NEW'yOHK, H(py-12. Twenty years agp tyia lipst,lck wag, assaUeu us the agency ot all sprt,s of evil, and the girl, who used It 'let bee, self la tor plenty o rlt,lclsni. ovf it turns out that the little tei piiuell is a boon, to hpali. It's, a' germ, cuuuer, Tbe now character ' ot the lip stick has been established by tests, properly and, scientifically conducted. Tlio purpose of- tlie leHis was tp. determine exactly what effects the slicks have on bactorla, audi the bacteria, caoue tut second beat in. the tussle. It was found that the essential oils lu the average lipstick are very effective in limiting bacterial unuclion. . So the safe girl tp kiss is the Jezebel with lips ot crimson bue, but not it tl)u hue is. naturally crimson. 'ihere was no romance In the way in which the lipstick tests were made. Everything was utterly piosulc. The subjects were not air lowed to kiss one. another. Instead, they kissed small plates ot glass, which had beet) scientifically sterilised. Krom tile, plates, cultures were Uindo. The experlnien.ers. studied lliene cultures under powerful luuim utai inc ' .T, of Ibis tpe. C I'll. I., don't be too critical. IHiu't be In mo uiucii of a huny. U, member Uie dnys. long after 1 he automobile had come tin,, ipillt general use. when you were .'ill wonlvd every time you start e,l ut Hinl womlereil whether you wonl.l i,e able to GET HACK. when you shut out In your aul, mobile, ypu KNOW you will Igul u.ick. unless you get careless, pr tui'.iehody else sets cureless. nntl,5ou are Involved In u crush. You, kuow that no far as me chanical pel foi malice Is concerned your car will g,. you there and back. IN" TIME, tha same the aliidtip will reach staiidoid of depend- klllt.. muv. 1 Oregon Editors' Opinions 1 most all oiliet cur I POLLY AND HER PALS - '. - "SLfeEP'THtS HBR6 1 fjW. I "DOjj- ROOST, tVitJENTO-Y ' i " " ' THANKSeivi.rJS, C knOW IF S vr-r--J- --3 soossmaw? a, THfcy roost , o ) I Mayfce I'm Wrong By J. P. 11EDBURY A -CHICAG.O, woman, has Just re- married her former husband for the third time. She probably wants to keep all hpr, weddings in the family, ' Fashion plates The guy who al ways Puts; on a, riding when ho plays the hpi'ses. Take It or Leave it Ziogfeldl has oyer a, hundred chorus girls, wbo are glorifying tjis American appa, ... , 8ocial Aijcomplisbmflnts Bolfig so wealthy that ypu can, linve In somnia and hire another fellow to count you 'sheep, tor yeu ..-,. . Snouss It i.PJwtMwrllMriagM ttnt only ., broaden a, maty-it usually leaves, hint flat. .'. YpmVs Rlaht Thp. avprage t fprmer spends most ot bis time tldukjrigj uj), "Duily: Dnpsn'tf. Null and Voldr The. mug linuBe, wife who. went, into a sporting goods store to buy a fly scatter. Matrimonial Martyrs A hus band, Is nothing but a bachelor who was hypnotized. Among, the ll.llteratlr-Tlie Bos,- ton girl wbp was so mpdest that she wouldn't, use. anx improper nouns, Talks on, Health. By DR tt S. COPELAND YEARS ago the word brought horror and cancer1' fear to everybody. ' Cancer seemed about the woi-Bt thing that one could have. Tpday UUs disease Is still greatly dreaded, but it Is handled more sanely and more successfully. Many of our best doctors and research workers have devoted their entire lives to the study ot this disease. This is particularly true ot the X-ray workers. As a result of much exposure to the rays, they suffered grout burns aud permauent bodily damage., 'these martyrs achieved much and their efforts wore not In vail). Today, as a result of their work, we have much definite knowledge regard, ing this disease and how to con I cot and npply tho X-ray In safety. I am often asked whether there Is a cure for cancer. At present we kuow of no medicine, serum or Inoculation that will cure cancer. Much valuable work la being doue but assertions or claims of, cure are not to be accepted lu tho Ught of present knowledge. I urn runy to say this hul tin fortunately tbe "cures'' offered the public uie a snare aud a delusion. .Medical societies are endeavoring to place venders of useless nos trums In the hiinds of the proper nulliorUles. Thin Is well bemuse many useless aud tnimlulcut reme dies are oflen quite as dangerous us cancer. They give a false sense of seeiulty and their use permits precious time to he wasted. Time as ynu will see. is a very import nui factor in the cure of this, dis ease. Aside from the proper no nf 1 lie X-nty and nullum In certain tv pes, surgery Is the only cure for c'lucer Cancer that Is recognued Iti its esrly sttigcH and removed luiuteilniii ly iiy operation will lead to cure in almost' 100 per cent of ruses. l'nfortunuicly most of us fenr op erations It I bocitufie pf tl)ls. fvar and coiiKOciucni defay In being op orated", nnoti that there exists the present high mortality In esneer. As spou as ypu suspect Boiue thluc Is wrong no mailer what II Is consult your doctor. The chances are you have no cancer buj if xoq have ami he advUcsvOyerat'pn Wve it done Immediately. I know of many Instsiiees where a person has actually dliO?noed tils ohu trouble kuew lie bad cancer, but reftwed to consult a physician for fear an operation would be advised. This Is terrible because such caseB of cancer, will never, up cured, pt thenj. selves or by tnecilcins, ;.'. If wp could, every body understand that- surgery in early stages ot cancer la a simple procedure we could remove the ter rifying and, bitter effects of ad vanced cancer. Many finally sub mit to operation after haying silt fered untold misery not only tul, themselves, but for their families! It Is then often tpo late t,o. oner1 ate. ' ', ' Sudden swellings, t,umors, soros, abrasions, and ulcers are not al ways true, cancer. . Delay In treat ment ot wlfftt In the beginning is, a harmless , thing increases 'the' chances of development ot the dis ease nt, a later, time, The, cure of cancer depends on early repognv tioh ot the 'disease and earlv onera- tipn. it surgery is the cure, and must be doue why delay? Surgery vail only cure 11 applied in tune. An early small operation often saves the necessity of having larger, operation dpne later. Tbe sooner you bays proper, treatment the less the seriousness of the op: ei;ut,lon, tbe. less, tine expense and, uie less tne loss or, tirne rem your. work. T,akp heed, of all warn ings, that ypur. body giyes you. Above all tilings take advantage of all tliat modern science, has to ot ter you. It you have noticed apy lump or sore and this has remain ed with you a tew. weeks go to your doctor at once, una out tne truth about lu Copyright, 1930, Newspaper Fea ture Service, inc. Advice to Girls ' ' By NANCY LEE DEAR, NAN.CY LEE: I, am In love with a man who tells nio be loves me dearly. Have known hint tor, eight mouths and saw him steadily until just about a month ago, when bp stopped calling pr seeing me very suddenly and I don't kUow why. Nancy Lee, can. you tell me how 1 can see hiin again. I love him and I'm sure he loves me. I can't under stand It at nil. Please help me. LONESOME UHOWN EYES. LONESOME BKOWN BYES: What makes you so sure that the young man still loves you? There Is nothing In his conduct to justify your thought. The least that he pan do is to give you an explanation for bis conduct. It be Is not prepared to do this, then he is far from, worthy ot the (rlend ship of a nice girl. I wopld advise you to make other friends and not let him know that you are worry Ing about his. behavior. DEAR NANCY LEE: I am a girl In my early twenties and, havo oeeu going with a fellow several years my senior. He lives In another town, and conies tp see me occasionally aud we write. I have been going with him two years. He Is nice looking ami I like him real well. Ue has a good position and makes good money. But he has never said anything about wishing to ninrry. When I go to hia town to visit or he comes to see 1110 be Is always glad to see ma. But I just can't understand him. I would 'ike to have some advice trom you us to how to go abput the matter. TtLLHS C. TIL1 tin Ut! C. : It would seem thai the young man regards, you merely as a friend. Perhaps it would be lienor for ypu to find other friends and go about with them. Anyway anything would be better than allowing yourself to be come a habit with a man w-ho does not mind how much ot your time and 'friendship ypu give him. Two years Is a long time, aud certain ly there should have been an un det'standlug by that time, it ever. Rotter be safe than sorry gel Jerusalem artichokes of your gro ceryniau. Adv. Arundel, ptauo tuner. Phone 1S9-L. Birds of a Feather Ajoiind.,.. The County By R. R. WOOD TfclREE years, agp a, canning plant was established at Myrtle Crpek. and, during tjie past season ora, than HOP ., of toma toes alone wore packed,. Mr. Win E. SaulBberry. manager ' of tin Myrtle Creek Canning Co., en deavors to turn out a superloi quality of hum, packed fruit, ant. sends oift, asm pies to b,ptl wholesalers ant, retail merchants bo that they ma judge for them selves. AU ot the products are wrapped with a ap propriate and really beautiful litho graphed, label, Oflif at) endeavor has been raadp. t,p iutroduco.' this line throughput, the popnty, and coast It has been the ambition of the promoters ot this, local, canning company to bulld( up, a, business here that would serve the people ot Myr,tle foeok as a mean of marketing their tomatoes and, oth er products, and also creating a soui;ce oi employment, rot residents of that. locality, 'tbls. strictly npme ma us try nas strong cnmnetl- tion, p( course, in too big concerns 01 otner states, wno, are able, be cause of great volume, ot sales, to, sell dealers In. this, section of tha state, but there are many, pepple mesa times who realize tnat tne. only way to. build, up local com munities is to demand ot their deal ers those products grown, manufac tured, or canned by home Institu, lions. Wider appreciation ot farm er problems, bud cooperation wltA them in all activities ot the growers, will eventually, these folks believe, lead to a mutual prosperity that is bound to become ol undeniable benefit to the entire community. Ancestor of Hoover, Named Hiijber;, Tace4 Back to Switzerland BASEL, Switzerland. President Hoover's ' ancestors originated in Switzerland, believes Prof. Her mann F. Macco of Berlin, after tnree niontns searca, or, arcnives in mis city. Professor Macco came to Switz erland with the Intention ot trac ing tbe Hoover faultily ancestors further than American blograpbers whose researches ended with As dress Hoover, a lad of 15. emigrat ing In 17.18 trpm tlie Palatinate tp Pennsylvania, '"1 came here to catch a little fish, I actually got a whale," the professor saidv - 4 A parchment adorned with" the Ruber family coat of arms the German spelling wns Hub'er, until; the )utch. shipowners llsterV the departing Andreas Huber as Hoov er aim dating back to the four teenth century has been discovered by Professor Macco. The Huber family of Ellerstadt omlgrated to thp Palatinate in 1665 with thousands ot other iiwiss, at ter the Thirty Year War. In 1665 John 11. Hither, a linen- weaver of Oberkulni In the "canton of Acgovla, also, It'tl lor the Palati nate. Professor Maeco avers ho is the direct ancestor of Herbert Hoover. The pariah registers ot Oberkulni show traces of the a li bera as fin back a Uie 13lh cen tury. . The majority ot them were tann ers with a tew also acting in tlie capacity ot bulllits and others as j milieu- i . - TT- O Eat lots of Jerui-nlem artichokes voti may not live forever, but you will feel better while you, do' live. Adv. y ' 1 : News of ; Douglas County MELROSE (Nowi-Revpw Duutctns County Special) MELROSE.' Nov. 11. Mrs. Gun ner Johnson was pleasantly sur prised by her friends last Sun day when they gathered at her home to celebrate her birthday. A bounteous dinner was served at noon at attractively . arranged tables, and a general good time was enjoyed In the afternoon. George Seueburg of Coqullle spent the week-end, at Elgarose vis iting relatives and friends. Little Tommy Holderby had the misfortune to (all from a horse last week breaking his left arm at, tbe elbow. Dr. Setber was called from Eugene to assist in setting the bone. The boy is now In the hos pital at Hoseburg. Mr. and Mrs, T. P. Ward spent Saturday in Roseburg attending to business matters, Everett- Cooper, and David Chur,- cuui are erecting a mooern cnjcg en house on their farm at Melrose. Y- S, WQPdruf.f, ia. assisting them. null llO Caiyciiei HUIK. The' friends of M,ri Melyin Chur chill gathered at her home last Wednesday evening to surprise her on the occasion of her 77th birth day. A delightful time was en- George A. Crane spent Saturday Rocburs. ivjsiiing his sister, Mrs. J. W- Bass, wbo Is 111 in, the hospital. , ' Frpd Brother and Fritz Stauffer made a trip to Oakland Saturday to ascertain conditions regarding thp turkey - market there. Both have large flocks of turkeys to uinrket this season. ' . An old-fashionpd charivari was staged. Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stubbs, who wpre married in Roseburg Friday. .Mrs. Stubbs was formerly Miss Clara Galla. The, young peop) were Invited into' the home and enjoyed music and dancing untfl a late hour, when refreshments were served by the young couple. Conrad Long and . family have moved to. the old- home place at Cleveland, Mr. Long baying re cently purchased, the property- A shower was given for Mrs. William Cooper last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Seely. The aft ernoon was spent in visiting and delicious refreshments were serv- ed late In the day. .Those present were Mrs. William Cooper, Mrs. John Galla, Mrs, FW1 Brothers, Mrs, Charles Criteser, Miss Mil dred, Ctlteser, Mrs. Kenneth Conn, Mrs. Teeter, Mrs, Charles Williams and the hostess, Mrs. Seely. . Miss Georgia Emery .and Miss Dona, Olson, who are attending hlfth schopi, In Roseburg, and 'Miss. Hilda Anderson, wbo Is, attending school In, Eugene, spent the week end with parents at Elgarose. w i noiVw TENMILE; (Nrwi-Rovtcw Douglas Ouunty Special) ' TENMILE. Nov. 12.-n.Mrs. Fred Brleteubuche'r,,:iwlia has, been, suf fering uom rheumatism is report ed greatly improved. ' . M!ss Rhodd Arnold, teacher in the primary grades of the Tenmlie school, spent, Armistice day y,lth hor parents, at Roseburg. Mr.' and, Mrs. Fr,azer Huffman, ot Myrtle Ppint spent, Saturday w;Ith their aunt, Mrs, Anna Coates, at TenniUe, They ar returning from Portland, where tli.ey attended i-u,vii,iv. ,AJixeaeuii expoqjuou. LEONA (Xewi-Ileylew Douglal County. Special) LEONA, Noy. 12. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Povvell ylstted at the hpme n, tl.a ln,l...'B 1lM In Cottage. Grove Sunday. ' . E. Housell of Myrtle Creek, was a visitor at the Claud, Short !)ome In. Leona Sunday. ' Jphnny Oleson and wife, ot Cot tage Greye -ei;, yisitors, in Leona, Henry Fannon, Harold Woolley and John and. Ed, Clarke, all of urain, wero in ueona ..uonaay at tendina to business, matters. Bliss Slngleion made a, business trip to Eugene Monday. Lloyd Rltchey is using hla dogs. in nunting coyotes. The animals have been causing considerable loss to sheepmen In this district lotlv - . . Mlsa Lavprne Vfilioy underwent nit openiiiua tor appenuicitie at Pacific Christian hospital In Eu gene Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Harris are the guests tills week at' the home of their daughter, Mrs. Stephen itentz. DRAIN (Vw.Rrvh,w DoMglsi Counly SiiecUl) DRAIN, Nov. 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor and family former residents, here for many years. movea nere irom cottage, lirove last' week, after a residence In tlipt city of a few years. Herbert and William Wlscgarv er have purchased from Nels Asker me loiacre rarm aypaten on uie hill, back of, East Drain, known as the Nichols place, and havoJaken possession of the property., James Luper, nn employee on the local railroad section, which is un der the supervision of Poroman C. R Delk. went to the railway com pany's hospital at San Francisco Inst week for treatment for a stomach ailment. Floyd Craig, scoutmaster of the local Boy Scout troop, together with other members of the men's brotherhood of the M. B. church, were sponsors tor a new flag pole which was erected on tho church lot 011 Monday and from which the Stars' and Stripes were floated on Armistice day. Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Whipple and daughters, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kent, all of Rose burg visited here over Sunday with relntives. ' ' Mr. and Mrs, W. E. Chapmarf. of Glide, were visitor here over the week-end with Mrs. Chapman's brother, Lee Barker, and family. 'Mrs. Harry Black, u. Yakima, Wash., visited here brlofly. last week with her mother, Mrs. Anna Drain, and, at Roseburg with lier Bister. Mrs.. R. L. Whipple, and family. Residence property located in East Drain, owned by the late J. H. Redlfer, for seuru4 years, has pass ed Into the hands of his son, Ver non Redifer. The dwelling la oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gorsllne. G. L. Perkins, who operates a shoe repair Bhop here, has moved with. his. family to tlie Moon place in the south end of town which was recently vacated by Air. and Mrs, Thos. Krewaon Sr. ' Jennings Thiei, who has resid ed for tbe past three or four years iop what is known as tho Steel smith facuv lu Siunnydale valley, submitted tp a majpr operation in a Eugene hospUal one day last week the result of which will not bo determined for several days. Herman Fisher, who has, been the manager of the local pharmacy for. the past six or eight 'months, , has, severed bis connection with the business and has moved, with 'hia wife, to Portland, The local dIOMMIM.II.Mr.M.MIIT A REMARK 13-Piate ' Allowance made r " ' r, V '- . ' ' ' . - mmm . .for 1 money -: t ' C, A.; LOCKWO0D MOTOR GO. ' . . Roseburg Oregon that kw,iv$ no If in search of- ixlra plea sures prj your trip east this. wirHer,go,Sputheri) Pacific. Here is a, route.tliat follows, the sunshine thru Califor? nia, the Spanish American Southwest and the romantic; Old, South. Stopover wherever . you please as you visit Sari Fian-. Cisco, Los Angeles, Holly wood, El Paso. (Juarez), San Antonio, New Oilcans, prom New Orleans by rail S,youc 03)4-west or eastern,, estination; or, better still, enjoy 100 Golden Hours at sea on a luxurious steamer from, New Orleans to New York. (Meals and berth on steamer included in tegular fare). .' It may surprise you to know that the fare to. many eastern cities is no mote " " "' v.v r:; , 6i 6. CLARK, Agent .' Phone 11 store is a branch of n Coifape. Grove pharmacy.- Rev. Fiuley, pastor of the locnl M. E. church, occupied tbe pulpit of tbe Elkton church on Sunday afternoon and will continue tp do so for a tew Sundays more, until the new pastor arrives, some tiuie. next month. ' Mr, and Mrs. Joseph. A. Mason, the former the only surviving Civil war veteran reskluig here, have moved from their home near the Church of Christ to the home Of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and, Mrs, C'ar,ence Leonard In East Drain. Mrs. Mason has al most completely lost the sight of her eyes and the aged veteran Is quite enfeebled, frpni. age.. While C. S, Fauuce waa here last week from Eugene he made an audit of t,he city books and found but one small error in the flgurea of tho recorder. v . . . DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST . Specialist In the fitting of , Glasses - 1,1 Jackson. St ' ABLE VALUE on, you; old Battery, thru a land inter -7- California and, tbe Old South are adde4 feature to. enjoy. . . than, via other, route To. other cities tbe cost is only a fraction more. But in, no, , other way can you get so, ; much f 0 your, travel dollar.' ' Your, local, agent, if ill be glad to supply cqm pill information '. Battery 1 . Alwavt 7 ...j.. ' Mm . for' I ' F ' instant a Pacific v.