KUSttfUKUNtW&KtViMV, KOStbOKU UKbL.OiN FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1930, TWO I s State Treasurer Advocates Adding Intangibles and Excise Systems to Income Law, SALEM, Ore, Nov. 6. Approval dt the stale Income tux measure by tile people Bt Tuesday'! election polntB to a way out of the tax 'II- !f3i:':.. -iii-- U iteLi tij ' reason of the leenltt ileciaion of the su preme court In declaring Iho In taulhlea levy uneou.stltutfoniil. In the opinion of T. II. Kay, state treasurer. , The solution, as Kay sees It, lies in amendment hy the IcKlsiature of the income lax act to embrace the levies Included In the excise and IntaiiKlliles tax laws and. there by, remove the probability that the Income law as adopted by Hie peo ple Is In Itself unconsllliiiloiial and. also crnse any reasonable doubt as to the legality of Its companion measures. Kay told the Capital Journal Thursday that lie Is advised that there Is every probability that the Income (ax act, because of lis dis criminatory exemption of corpora tions. Is subject to tint same con stitutional objection that the su preme court found in the Intang ibles act. Combination Urged ' "With lis approval by the people the income lax should now be amended and reenacled by the leg islature In n form which will re nioYt! any doubt as tti its coiis'tllit tlonallty," said Kay. "The three companion measures, the income. Intangibles and excise levies, should all be consolidaled into a Bingle ael. They are all laxes upon various kinds of Income and (here . Is no reason why they should not be Included In a single bill." ("Any attempt to enact separate, though companion measures, cov ering the three forms or Income taxation Is simply to Invite inval idation of all three on the grounds of "discrimination If any of the three are attacked In (lie courts ftliaro they musf slund upon their own expressed provisions, Kay agreed. . Could Easo Deflolt , i Such a .combined act should be designed id rttlsc about $:i,nuil,iiili annually,. Ihe full amount of the hrescnt property tax levy Tor stale purposes, and should for the first year of Its colleclion be applied to-fliianeiliR Ihe deficit the stale (aces, Kay said. Kay recalled that thothreo levies wore enacted by the W2!l legisla ture as eonipaulon iicIb designed to tun. throe sources of income and that each supplements the oilier. If 'One is thrown out of applica tion Ihn oilier two are discriminat ed lagainsl. ; c . , SUBSIDIZING OF .ATHLETES ON WANE, -; DR. SAVAGE SAYS NKW YORK. Nov. 7. Tho lo cVuHliiK ami mtbntillzinft of ulli- lpUiB, HtHjoi cvllh in cdUcRft 8 port 8 pointed oill the liinioiiH "llnlln-llii-23" hf tho t'ltnu'Mle foundation H yollt uno, ui'o on tho uuno iu: (iotUliiR to 1! IIowiiKt ,h Siminc pritirlpnl uulhor of the btitlotln. "Although the foumlittloii claims iiu cicilli to; tl:e chuiit;e that han ..u.i i-i.Hu aincu the iiublicutiou 1 ul UiuL ten billion til Hioit euivi-y uu .jet. ill, JU-st'iJr. touvuK aiU yt? te.uuy UtuL u piiinui ciit'Ckup oi .wtiu.Lioit.-i ui iiio colleges han shown that thero 1b lens leci'UlUatf itu aubaiuiiciii nun Uiti.y wua u c-aj- uiw- nii ul'Liiu;u, huwuvti, to muUij i..; ufiieiui HUiUMueiU or clio Hpecltic ex urn plea. diu.iu luuiiuutkm now la .-iiKuou in tunowiiig up Uh oi'Jk- i uitUHtiguiioii uad ovalUiitiii(4 .n-uMieaa iiiuuu, using tttoiH to tnu presidciUH of tli JugUiutiona unit a Cmw personal vihIih, made at tne t;t-e.si ul i.oii'Ko oiltciuls, to fcut lIiu intormatiijii. , Kpneti u.u coining In from the , orfiutJiiLj on qiiesUuiia wliieli cuil jtiiitu me piiititulur uaitloua .nuntionea in "lluileUn 23." . it la itoiit ilie antiweib that have already tjoun ruuMVfid tuat lr. Mivaf ('i:s lii 'cnnclUHlua that jouuuious luu' uiiproviMJ. ' i in; Cauii'lo .oUmtmion also Is ,atlteilijtf , inioiniatlon on the amain tit lint unuinpioyed. 0-: E OFFICE E DF E Law Construed as Giving Privilege Via Special Legislative Meet, If Summoned. NINE MOVIE STARS IN REVOLT AGAINST FOX WEST CHAIN SAN FHANCIKCO, Nov. G A "du laiution of independence" was Issued today hy nine motion pic turu stars of thvi United Artlu against tho Kox West Count thea ters. The deelaration deai'V'ibed tho Fox biKarlliiatlon ns "a trust (hut is attempting to stifle the highest development of motloil pic tures through lis ownership or cohl i ol of nine out of ten tlieatle on t lie 1'acllic. coast." The accusation was Issued from the oi l tees o( Joseph Hchenck and Huniuel (ioldwyti In Hollywood and rehuscd here hy their lepresenta lives. It wua Hlgued hy Charles ('haplin. Mary IMckl'ord, Douglas Kali-hunks, Norma Talmadge, Glor ia Kwanson, It. W. (Irlftlth, Kddio Cantor, Al JoIhoii and Honald Col maiu In (heir neclnmtlon the stnrs tliey will hIiow none of their productions in the theaters of the Kox chain as long us that organi zation continues "Its present greedy and shortsighted policy" to which they ohjt-ct. Tho statement added that Unit ed pictures will he shown in tents, f necessary, to let tho public see them. LOS ANGELES SELLS. ED BAECHT TO CUBS 1-08 ANOKI-KH, No. 7 Follow-1 inij; on the announcement of the sale of Kd llaenhi to the Chicago Cubs for $2Ii.0imi and seven play ers. Osnir Helrhovv, bttsiuees maii nfter of the I.os Anseles elub to day announced that Art Delaney. pitcher, Iiiih been traded to the San Kranclseo Seals for I-orln linker, second Imsemnn anil utility Inlleld er. No cash was Involved. Tim Haeclit trade was announced yesterday wlih John Schiille, catch er;-- Krldln-i Karrell, infleldor; - Al Kliealy, rlKhl liaiuled pllclior, and tiilotlier hiirlcr, lo report to the Angels Immediately. Two, other pitchers and an outfielder will he delivered on option next sprliiK. . DR. BEARD NAMED O. N. G. CHAPLAIN RAi-EM. Die. W. Heard, Nov. (I. Itev. John 'resbylerlan minister of Portland, was today appointed by Major General CeoiKe A. White as chaplain of the H!2ml Infantry of tile Oregon nalloiial Kiiard. lie taken the Kiade ot major, which lie held in the reserve corps. . Pur lin? the war he was chaplain for Iho 01st division. THERE ARE SMILES ) THAT MAKE US HAPP I Vi, J u s ( ' " B LEE S. ROBERTS COMPOSER OF "SMILES" will play rrlelodiej from his own scrap- book and tell of lifflo human incidents ;r '; in the lives of musical celebrities he has known. These programs, featuring Lee S. Rob '; erfs are known as "Sperry Smiles" and come to you at 8:45 each Tuesday Thursday and Saturday evening over the stations of the National Broadcast . ')' Ing Company. V KFSD - KECA 'd(GO KGW KOM6 " KHQ SPERRY-FLOUR -CO MILLERS OF .SPERRY DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR SALEM, Ore., Nov. 0 Some people around the state capitoi today were wondering If there wasn't a possibility that Qovernor- etcct JUHU8 .Mater eoitlu oe li. i.ifeuiak(l governor before Janu ary l lr tiovornor Norhlad calls U special session of trie legisla ture, 'J'he question arises In con nection with another question, which Is whether the special ses sion would be comprised of mem bers who sat in the 1929 session or members who were elected last Tuesday. It has been assumed that a spe cial session would be a special call of the 35th or 1029 session, heuue that the members of that session would sit. Hut a constitutional pro vision has been found which says that the terms of members of the senate and the house shall bcin the next day following "their gen eral election." This special provi sion, according to usual Interpre tations, takes precedence over a general provision which says that tiie terms of all elective officers except the governor shall begin on the first Monday of .January fol lowing their election. This being true, there Is a prevailing belief 111 official circles that a special ses sion called before January 1 would comprise (he members elected last Tuesday. Certificates of election Issued td members of the legisla ture by the secretary of state con tain no dales other officers, is canvassed by the legislature and not by the secre tary uf state. KeuHonfng on the basis of the above provisions comment Is heard that there would be no legal reason why a special session could not proceed with the Inauguration of the new govecnor. This, appar ently would be true, whether it were comprised of the members of the VJ2d or the 19:U session, but would be more likely to happen, It is believed, if the latter were sitting. THREE SHIPS MEET T U. S. SUES OREGON TO ACQUIRE TITLE TO THREE LAKES -Dad elatlve to tenure of office of (Associated VrtM Leasw-d Wire) SAM2M, Ore., Nov. 6- The gov ernment of the United States has begun suit In the United States su preme coorf against the Btate ot Oregon to acquire complete title to the beds of Malheur, Harney aud'Mud lakes. A copy of the com plaint was served by riiail oh Gov ernor Norhlad today. In 1859, when Oregon was admit ted to the union, these lakes and (he land surrounding and adjacent to them were owned by the United States, including the area reserved by an executive order of President Koosevelt as a bird refuge in 1908 and designated as the Lake Mai heur reservation. . The United States claims that the lands are non-navigable. The state asserts title oh the theory that the lakes are navigable. ECKERSON, FLIER, SUES BREESE FOR $50,000 DAMAGES I'OKTl.AND, Nov. S Chaig Iiik negligence on I lie part of the IJreese Aircraft corporation In pre paring for his attempted transcon tlnclitul flight was responsible lor the crash which disfigured him for life and cost hihi his pilot's license and army flyini? rating, Clllhert II Kckorson filed suit for S50.00G danmces in federul' Court today. ' Kckerson said In . his comnlainl the governor the law says thati hB was employed by defendant "the offklul term ot Iho .jbvernor company to make the tratiBconti of this slate shall commence upon nental flight from Portland July the publication of the returns ' a plane owned iy ine rirm (election returns hv the sneaker The ship crashed In Montana, and of the house of representatives, as I Rckereon was Unconscious for 18 provided In section 4, article 5, of, nours. the constitution." Eckersoh claims changes All that section 4, article 5, says Is that "the governor shall be elected by the ilUhlltled electors (Aiiwcintcrl Pri-M Inwd Wire) SAN KRANCISCO. Nov. 7 - sea-going- weather troubled Pacitlc coast shipping from Alaska to the central California coast yesterday and early today. A tanker and a reiEliter grounded In heavy foxs near San Francisco. A liner was disabled In the traditionally heavy fall weather of the Gulf of Alaska. ost'ln a dense fog, the Rich field oil tanker Tamiahua ground- d insula a re: a Quarter of a mile off Rocky Pigeon point, 50 miles south of ?an Kranclsco, last night. The tllg Sea Ranger was standing by early today, several tanks were leaking and the tanker was forced to shut off her power late last night when plates In the boil er room began to buckle from the heat. The Alaska stamshlp liner North western, carrying 81 passengers and crew, lost her rudder in the southeastern Alaskan waters early yesterday. Kour small fishing boats took her In tow for sheltered an chorage in Dundas bay. The Matnon line freighter Gold en Cross grounded at Point Reyes, 3 miles north of San Francisco, In a heavy fog. She was refloated under her own power and return ed to San Francisco. The fog .In which the tanker Tamiahua ran ashore was so thick, Captain George Anderson wireless ed, that the ship was headed north when she struck although she was supposed to be sailing south from San . Francisco to Ran Pedro. Grounded by heavy swells while taking on water ballast, she lay broadside with waves breaking over her Btern. Messages from the tanker before her wireless was cut out Indicate that while she was grounded fair ly hard and in an uncomfortable position, she was in no immediate danger. wet" made in the plane Tor the fllgli but. the remodeled ship was not offered for government Inspection of the stale and Ihe returns btln'" lusted with tanks full before every elertlon for governor shall be, sealed up and transmitted to the secretary of state,- directed to the speaker o the house or repre sentatives, who shall open and pub lish them In the presence of both houses of the legislative assem bly." As the 8treet Reasons There is another provision of Inw which says that "the term ot office or tho governor shall ceftse When Ills 'Successor, having heon declared elected -by, the legislative assembly, as provided in the Con stitution, shall be Inaugurated by taking the oath Df office." . The vote of .governor, unlike tho trip. The flier says the crash was dde to monoxide gas which clinic Into the cockpit because or faulty placing nf the exhaust, and that the plane was overloaded . TRESPASS NOTICE Positively no hunting or tres passing allowed on Marster's Happy valley ranch. (Adv.) L. BONNIE. Supt. -o- Depot .Barbet Shop Open eve nlngs until H:30 p. m. All hair cut ting 25c. 409 Cass St. Adv. . White Bermuda onions at I'llipqua grocery. Adv. the SNOW FLAKES Their flaky crispness is guaranteed So thorough are our efforts to provide you at all times with fresh, crisp soda crackers, that we place our unconditional, money - backv "Guarantee of Freshness" oh every package of Snow Flakes. We bake them daily for you in our six big coast bakirtg plants one j. near your home. Vc pack them in tight, sanitary cartons, lined with heavy oiled paper, then wax-wrap them to seal out all moisture. Thus do Snow Flakes always reach you oven-fresh! PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT COMPANY lm Angela Sin Francisco . Portland Snttlo Taeonu Spokane , 6Doritaskfor crackers-Jo4L 3 touchdown WyMm TRtf-BAKE CRMHERS J wants fy 4T0R TM-BAHB-J 1 LIKE THE CPACH fk 7M-&HHB t, IS'I JKfi? Jj '-Whistle!:-. Touchdown the Game's Woa! and back of all this battle of wits and nerve and muscle are MEN. Strong men, who once were little growing fellows like your boy. The boy who today needs the strength-building elements available in such foods as Order from Your Grocer SALE OF WINTER HATS Call at tilts Specialty Shoppe and ee thein. High quality millinery at easonable prices ?t.95. J2.95. 1 0r, and up. Mrs. S. M. King, 235 Jiickron St., Itoseburg, Ore. Baked and Quaranteed First Quality hy the TRU-BLU BISCUIT COMPANY-Sboltana Portland. Sextlile Dlstnbutors ofSUNSHINEBISCUlTSand Specialties !' ' " : ' THAT INGS YOU BACKfOR MORE pjQJJT YOUR RE & W1TE brands invariably measure up to tna higheot standards of . fiDTrD quality You can depend on the quality and value 6f everything you buy at UKLItiK y RED & WHITE stores . . . That is what wins us to Many regular cus- WE DELIVER tomers. Independently owned arid managed. $ Specials for Saturday and Monday, Nov. 8th and 10th A Virr fjfr;FRVF THF Rir.t-IT TO LIMIT OUANTII IF ML. . ., ONDW -ilAKES RED & WHITE COFFEE Enjoy the finest coffoe you ever tasted. Mb. bag 35c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 5 bars 19c Popular for a Reason - RED & WHITE SODA, 2 (or 15c Genuine Red & White Quality RED & WHITE CORN FLAKES, 2 Pkgs. 15c A Super-value item! RED & WHITE CATSUP, large bottle 19c Full Bodied Full Flavored BLUE & WHITE OLEOMARGARINE, 2 lbs. 35c Pure Wholesome Economical FEET'S GHAMULATCD SOAP VMnTHGHAPDilS end Peet'o Granulated For Washing Machines and Dishes on. Large pkg .. Owl BORDEN'S MILK (CALL) 6 cans 49c RED & WHITE MAYONNAISE Pure No Filler! You'll Like it Best. FULL PINT Metal Top Glass Jar 33c UNEEDA BAKERS HONEY . GRAHAMS Kiddies Love 'Em 33c 2-lb. b MINCED CLAMS ls tall), 2 for 49c CORN (Standard White) (2a) Red A White Brand No. Betterl ' 3 Cand , 35c DEVILED MEAT (is), 6 for 25c TMn.AZ'"' Red A White Brand Pure and Delicious 1 OM A 1 UES (3 Sisters Brand) , FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CHbiCEi nor SorJoc M 99 K1 " Fk! m ' H fm 1 U JR.? 'V PEAS, 3 cans (2s) 35c Green & White Brand Tastv! TIiq Bui for Scluqs