FOUR ROSEBURC NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG, ORECON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1930. U.S.lBr8iTE JOBS TO WORKERS (Attodatt-d I'M Leaiod Wire) WiiSHiNG i'ON. Oct. 31. The navy ueijaruiieiit unnouuccd today unit tuc bureau ot yards and doeF.s would uudeitako conn true t:o:i of puulic woiKu and uululas tife'ipfc'aung Vl4.uuu.uuu us last ub contracts ior Uie projects could btf let. Yhe program for the construc tion ot bhuio worltri una autnorized by uongreaa Iml May H. The de partment announced that contractu aheudy had been placed by the bu reiid totalling 2,100,000. tenons irom ii.unstrJal areas tha' employers urn responding to mentions of the president's emer gency committee tor employment to Keep men on the Job during the wlifter months were made public luuu. by unainnun Woods. tavau whhu, the intoralute com merce commlHHiun, ior the tiirit time, set abide Us regulations on railroad accounting to enable the Chicago & Northwestern rallroud to spend hait u million dollars in1 unemployment relief. A report Irom Fred C. Croxton, Columoia, OJiio, a regional advisor on "tno president's lelleC commit tee, said employes In many plants iu large Ohio cities had been giv en assurance that their jobs would be. secure throughout the winter. U'Hken as indication of the re sponse in eastern sections, a letter uQn Nathan M. Ohrbuch, em ployer of Nev York and Isewaru, taiu a plan had been adopted for a stagger system which win provide Oinji'oymeiu for many persons w(Jjout reducing wages. Tno plan provides that 1,250 persons will receive one half day oiT each week without reducing wages. This means that the work era us a whole will be beneilciaries of 1,250 half days or til! 5 days of ad ditional freedom each weok. Rxtrn employes will be hiied to fill this gap. woods also received assurance from the A. S. lioek Bhoe corpora tion of New York, which operates nine factories and 1U0 retail stores, that ti would keep its full person nel throughout the winter, MATE ON WRONG ::. JOB, WIFE AVERS TJIIICAOO, Oct. 31 A divorce complaint on file here today, charging .ciuelty, made this alle gation against a hiiHhand: lie "al ways wanted to slay homu and cook and do the housework," Mra.Y Joanette Liebner was the com plainant; Alexander Lcihuor the defendant. . : BISHOP CANNON'S CONDITION WORSE -WASHINGTON, Oct. Ill lllsh- op James Cannon Jr. of tbo Molho-(list- Kplficopal church, South, was "more uncomfortable" loday as physicians sought unsuccesHl'iilly to halt the spread of arthritis wlllch sent the cburchman to the hospital Inst week. Dr. R. Lyman Buxton said al though the bishop's len;:orature was slightly hlgber ' n;j alarm Is I ell fur the Immediate future." OPENING OF COURT POSTPONED 2 DAYS Circuit Judge J. W. Hamilton nn nMlhced this morning that the opening of court will he postponed until November 12. The court is TFKularly set lo open on the lOtli, but us the following dity Is a holi day, it was derided not to cull tlK- jury until Wednesday, Ihe KMIi. The grand Jury in still in session, alirl will probably continue Its vrk durlns the greater part of mat week. Numerous witnesses Imve been called and much time New Men of the Hour in German Reichstag p nm njimi ,i, .n.i i. r" 11 I 1 'P . i, ' MLJ Lw$y Wlillo the Ufiiimii i-ui)ul)llc 1b pushIiii; through svurmy uollticul crlHiM, Adolf llltUsr, loading 107 liieinhors ot (ho f.iadnt puil.y In tho rulcliatiiK. warm that war dobts are forclns (iormany to turn foolshevlst. Above me iiioturud Home of his principal lieutenants who are aUllnn Hltlor In Increasing lOuropean foal's that Germany, IhrouKh fascist activities, may join Europe's family of dictators. (Left to rlKhl) William' Kulie, Captain Herman Coring, leader of the Berlin storm troops; Dr. Gobbols, one of tfie .malnsiirings In the new Hitler machine. . Carthage Hospital Tragedy - v, 'As -- Ik t Mr i . few i? ' ntW .in SI Ilr. V, II. C'liapinnn (rlRlit), head of a prlvato hospital at Carthago. Mo., Khot nurnard l' (Jrlnder, when the hitler is Bald to have forced hts wnv into the room of Miss Imogene Woodllll (left), following the shunting, Dr. Chapman performed an operallou on the wounded man, hut was unable to save his life. A coroner's Jury exoueraleU Chapman. llamm killed his farming partner. Urban Harrett. Bride of Former Legion Commander Above Is the bride of Major O. L. Bodenhamer, former national com mander of the American Legion. She was the former Irene Kichurd- son, of El Dorado, Ark., is 25 years old, and at one time served as Ma jor llodenhamer's secretary. The couple were quietly married in U03 ton at the close of the American Legion convention. SENIORS TO PLAY AT MYRTLE POINT TEACHER HAS BENT FOR PLAY WRITING J. Walter Itirhnnlson, Klkton toucher, is spending the week end iu tliis city attending touchers' In stitute and visiting friends. Mr. Itirhnnlson spends his spare time writing short plays. In the latest catalogue of lUnr bee's Plays of The Willis N. Hughee company of Syracuse, Nw Yoik. eiubt of Mr. Ulrbard.'tou's plays are listed. Tilt latest play "The Whole Towns lhoke," in three nets, Is listed as being very clever. Mr. Hlehard son's photograph uln nppcuiH In the catalogue. Mrs. ltichardsnn 1- liun been givon-to the InveallgiUinu no rrteacher, helps Mr. Klehaidson of, the case at nrew where J. W.lwilh his work. M ' ywH Tim 1 Milk will turn Ji littie pussy vaj Into a great big cat. 1 Vl Till elephant must'v drunk a lot Vi lo grow at big & tnat. Attractions A I rut movies INDIAN Today. Saturday, Rich ard lMx In "Shooting Straight.' The Ilosebiirg Hcnior high school football i team wont to , Myrtle Point today to piny against the high school team there this aCter "non. As it Is institute week and the pupils of the school are en joying a holiday, a large number or the students and local fans ac companied the players on tiie trip. DRUM CORPS NOTICE There will he a mooting of the Ainerienn Legion drum corps at the armory tonight, 4 8 p. m. Election of instructor and manager. New Instru- ments expected to be here. k GSM. I 1 r . GSM II I I ''"J v r ' Can't Keep 9ESna Awaf Sron i ICMs 'OH-Boy- LOOK WWAT AND YOO STAY OUT IN THE CLOAK ROOM i I FWHD -A WHOLE Fort oAe hovh box tu-bake SENDS ME ft I it ncnt w rri-n u Vfi PAY f l f ARK Dm i v ROBAWP Ostracism is its own reward with a box of crisp Tru-Bake Crackers to keep Tommy ' company. And there will be nary a crumb to betray him. Tru-Bake Crackers are shaped to fit the bite. They nip off clean . . . practically crumb-less. One of the many reasons why wise Mothers pre fcr to serve FTFK E Order from Your Grocrr n .MWWA 3 ru ffiRai iSaitrA nj QvarmttttJ Ftnl Quality by th TRU-8LU BrSCUT COM PA NY Sfoki M. ftmlsnrf. SccttU Distributors of SUNSHINE Biscuits and Specialties SHOE MERCHANT OF PORTLAND MISSING at Newberg waa received by rela-1 HOOVER LAND BODY ' port what to d uvea weaneauay nienc. dui ei- fcirT kt-wi -rt Pu,,ui: luuuo with remaining PORTLAND. Oct. 31 The dis appearance of Sam Armiahaw, Portland shoe merchant, was made known today by police following a futile search for him since he vanished Tuesday. Armlshaw disappeared In the af ternoon Jrom the -home of his brother and business assciate, Horace Armlshaw, on Terwilliger boulevard. A report that he had been seen forts to find hint there tailed. Arm ishaw has been Buffering from a nervous breakdown for three weeks prior to hla disappearance, relatives said, and for this reason had been spending part of each day at his brother's home. The breakdown was believed brought on by overwork and a recent trip to his New York factory where he put In long hours. Here From Canyonvilte Mrs. Elizabeth Michaels of Canyonville was in town yesterday visiting friends and shopping. TO MEET NOV. 10 (AMoolitcd Prets Loucd Wire) WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. Presi dent Hoover's committee on con Borvutlon and administration m the public domain has been called to muet in Washington November 10 to coordinate information on which to base ita report on dispo sition of remaining public lands. Thn committee or 22, with Sec retaries Wilbur and Hyde as ex-of-ficio members, was appointed by President Hoover to siuuy and re- utanv members of the committee visited the public land states for a (irst hand study ot conditions last summer. In addition to informa tion thus obtained the committee also has reports from state and na tional agencies interested in public lands. ' BORN DIXON To Mr. and Mrs. Ned Dlxorw Wednesday. October 2D, at Rosebuig General hospital,' a daughter. Better Not Only in the Ads But under careful examina tion and actual feeding test3 have Uropqa Brand Feeds proven superior products. THE SALE OF NO ARTICLE COULD CON TINUE JTO GROW FOR SEVEN YEARS UNLESS THAT MERCHANDISE GAVE SATISFACTION. There's an Umpqua Feed for Every Purpose! Douglas County Flour Mills Roscbiirg end Myrtle Creek Mr :.-.'v .7:A j MKm ' " ''''''' . :NV ar.v v m V--: v " ' -mm Public Debts and Unlimited Iiiei'eaises in Your Taxes The power districts amendment would permit political speculation and "high finance". . . without any limit the expense of every taxpayer in the state. Paid Advertisement UTILITY TAXPAYERS COMMITTEE H. L. WAS.THER, Manager 206 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon mi SAVE OREGON FROM REIXG SOLD FOR TAXES!