THREE LOCAL SOCIETY TQ Oakland Visitor Here Carlton Goft of Oakland' spent Wednesday In this city transacting business. Mr. Roadman Is Visitor A. L. Roadman, of Umpqua, was a busi ness visitor in this city yesterday. ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. ROSEBURG. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1 930. TILLZE THE TOILER T - ' Just Burning Up 7TILlE SAID H" 1 . 1 I ( yoo AB.E NOT r-VVOB I TEU. Ms,J -the Mam she I OP COMcp.KTB - bemo ho m est, tie a ecjoo CinCeb, j of -BJ rAMynopt Local News Dlllard Visitor In Town Tt. B. Spackrnan, of Dlllard, was a busi ness visitor in this city yesterday. Here on Business S. A. Saylor of Canyonville was in town yes terday afternoon transacting busi ness. Tiller Business Vistor Isadore Rondeau, of Tiiler, spent Wed nesday in this city transacting business. Days Creek Teacher Here Vic tor Phelps, Days rrek teachehr, wafl in town yesterday transacting business. , Mr. Rathkey in Town J. J. Ttathkey of Melrose was a business visitor in this city yesterday after noon. Wilbur Business Visitor Here W. E. Godsey of Wilbur was in town yesterday transacting busi- Transacts Business Here F. O.jUVoodhouse, of Melrose, was in this city yesterday transacting business. Transacts Business 'Here T. 13. Busenhark of Melrose was a business visitor in this city yes terday. Dlxonvllle Visitor In Town Dr. Charles Hagar, of Dixonville, was in town Wednesday transacting business.. Visitor From DreW Ous Back man, of Drew, was in town yester day afternoon transacting busi ness Working for New Laundry H. M. Sears.';of this citv. has accent ed n posiilon with tho New Ser vice laundry- Here From Days Creek O. C. Hill, orincipnl of the Davs Creek school, was a business visitor in this city yesterday. Shops in Roseburg Mls Myra Kamn. of TJmpqua. 'spent Wednes day afternoon In this city visiting friends and shopping. Here From Umoqua Mrs. Rov Kdwnrda of TTmnoua visited with friend and shonned In this city yesterday afternoon. Admitted to Hospital Mrs. P. K. Foster, of ttis citv. has ben nd mlttfid to Roseburg General hos pital for medical treatment. Spendlnq Felw Davs In Portland Ill's. K. H. Slnnln'thn. nf'TMs citv. Is Bneu'lln" ft fw dnvs tlilq week Jn Portland visiting friends. Melrose Visitor In Town Oenrce Andeso". nromlnent truck ernnlen pr nf Mft'fl, was n business visitor in this citv yesterday. Transact Busl" Here Mr. and rs. N. Ti. Fisher and douh ter. Miss Norma .Tovce. nf Kellev's corner were business visitors here yesterday1. Melrose Couple He Mr. and Mr. Frank Gnnd of Melrose were in s-r.toriHv aftemnnn vUlt- jnc friends and transacting busi ness. - Euqene Attorney Here C. A. Wlntnrfier. prominent Euerene at torney, wns a business visitor at the Dmurlas conntv courthouse Wednesday afternoon. i SpenHs Oay in ToVn iMrs. Rnd nev Knott and rtniehter M'sr Bettv Belle, of Round Prntrle pnent ypoterdnv In th(s citv shon pin' nr'i visiting H'e former's mother, Mrs. D. Y. Allison. Return From Portland T. R Parker, of the Dnuclnq connlv ag ricultural nirent's office, hes re turned to Pnsphurir. after snendtnr a week in Portlnnd. wl'ore be bid charee of one of the Douglas county exhlhlls. Vliltlnn In Rosebi"" Tlamld Fnrrts. of D""smnlr fillf 'ir. mfrtv an enlovee of the Cal'for-Tila-Orecon Power romran" office fterp. tq pnending e few rtv In this ct'v visiting Mends nnd look ing after business Interests. Return From Euqene Mrs. Wll nom n0u M-s. A. C ntfirsters -, xir t ntt r. Arthur Aus tin and M. T,. Knhlhmren he returned tn ther homes I" this citv f(n ennmllnv o dnV In F.'eno pt. tondln? Federation of Woman's club meetings. If your teeth are unsound come in today and let us bring you lasting relief. Our methods are modern and our prices are low, PROTECT YOUR TOOTH HEALTH! DR. NERBAS, Dentist MASONIC BLDG. PHONE 488 ' Here on Businecs Andrew Ja coby, of Lookingglass, was in town on business Wednesday afternoon. Glide Visitor In Town E. J. Chicoene, of Glide, was a business visitor in this city Wednesday. Marshfield Visitor Here G. R. W. Ingram, of Marshfield, was a business visitor in this city yester day. Here From Melrose Henry Bailey, of Melrose, spent Wednes day in Roseburg transacting busi ness. ' Sutherlln Visitor Here W. D.I Duke, of Sutherlin, was a business! visitor in tills city Wednesday af ternoon. Mr. Fisher Is Visitor Roy Fish er, of Oakland, spent Wednesday in Roseburg attending to business affairs. Here From South Deer Creek Thomas Melton, of South Deer creek, was a business visitor in this city yesterday. Reedsport Visitor In Town Rus sell J. Hubbard, of Reedsport, transacted business In this city Wednesday. Oakland Doctor In Town Dr. B. J Devore. of Oakland, was a business visitor in this city yes terday. . Reedsport Visitor Here C. F. Douglas of Reedsport. was a busi ness visitor in this city yesterday afternoon. Here From Tiller P. T,. Thom as of Tiller 8nent Wednesday in this city attending to business af fairs. Spends Day In Roseburo A. O. Hartley, mail cnrrler at Sutherlin. spent Wednesday In this city transacting business. Spends Dav ShoDpinct Here Mrs. George Nenl, of Glide, spent Wednesday in Roseburg shopping and visiting friends. Here From Looklnqqlass Ben Tacoby. of Looklngelass. was in town yesterday nfternoon attend ing to business affairs. Oakland Couole In Town Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fortln. nf Oakland. were huslne'S visitors In this city yesterday afternoon. Here From Camas Valley Thomas Pleural, of Camas Vallev, spent a short, lime here yesterday transacting business. Rond Day In Roseburq Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Grav nf Onkland were (n Roseburg yesterday v'Rltlng friends and transacting business. Return From Eunene Mrs. Aler nnder Mulrden and Miss Naomi Scott have returned to this city after spending a day In Eugene. rtaklsnri Couole In Town Mr. nnd V's. Clarence Gnff of Oaldnnrt in tn"-n vesterday afternoon visiting friends and transacting business. Wil" r.rek Tachr Here Mro. Ml'drel Nokes. Wills creek school tencher. was In town ves torday visiting friends and shop nlng. Melrose Visitors Here Mrs. CHnrleq rVflqrqtrnm and Mrs. Tl-omns Wrd. of Melrose visited fftendq nnd 'honned In thiB city Wednesday afternoon. Union Pacific Man Here A. W. Baker, nf the Union Pacific com nanv with bendnuarters in TOugene. snent Wednesday in this city transacting business. Visits Local Office O. L. Hard ing, nf the Standard OH rompnnv nf Medford. Is spending a few davs in this citv transacting busi ness at tho local office. Soendinq Few Davs In Portland Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wilder and son. Crlton. of this cltv. are spend ing a few davs In Portland attend ing the Pacific International Live stock exposition. . Will Helo Community Chest Parker's Blue Blowers dance or chestra members are sponsoring a "-asmierade Hallow-e'en danee at XTmnqua nnrk navlllon on Frld" night. Pprt of the nroreedq w'll he given bv the orchestra lo the community chest. THE HOUB5 I'M ) vol I IBUBB1-ES F I ANCE. AVAVCxy FROM you SETEFM LIKE r' -TtZMIklG 1 1 "AD THE" MERVB W VAES - PLEAS.E BE SEROOSr- TO OO I P? W!,E ME' rLiL VMlTH ME BECaoSE I MErArjJJ ' I ,T KtE jf A fevEKTHIMS I .. &SIm Jsmb T7)1A say- i love n. ra sosh -we rVv,1. I'm BuaKtiMS KN you oEAftwj(4y V2 fUT HE L -fXS 0PX W ? Transacts Business Here W. Tollis, of Hoaglin, was a business visitor in this city Wednesday. Mr. Busenbark In Town Royce Busenbark. transacted business in this city Wednesday afternoon. Tenmlle Visitor in City F. H. Albro, of Tenmlle, was a business visitor in this, city yesterday aft ernoon. Anchor Visitor Here Charles Olinghouse, of Anchor, transacted business in this city yesterday aft ernoon. Spendlnq Few Days In Portland Miss Elizabeth Parrott. of this city, is spending a few days this week in Portland visiting friends and attending the Pacific Interna tional Livestock exposition. Return to Marshfield Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis nnd children, Miss Helen and Richard, have returned tq their homo in. Marshfield Jitter Bpending 8 short time in this citv as the house guests of Mr. Davis1 sister' and brother-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Church. Returns From California Mrs. J. F Bvrd has returned to tills city after spending the past two weeks In Ins Apireles, California, with Mrs. R. R. Shoun. who went to California for medical treat ment. Rev. Mr. Shoun left last Rundav for T.os Angeles to be with his wife. She Is reported to be Improving in health. Expected Here Today Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nitllngcr and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blanchard are ex pected to arrive in this city today to spend a short time s the house meats of Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Church Thev are returning to their home In Santa Monica. California, after snendlng the nasi, two weeks In Portland as the house guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Dean Vincent. Thev pnent the first of October at Circle H" ranch on the North umpqua. where they enjoyed a week's out ing. Foremost in the Field Oregon City All-Wool Blankets! These are unquestionably the highest quality blankets that can be purchased. Extra coverings are a- winter necessity, and for warmth and long wear you should demand an Oregon City All-Wool Blanket. SEE OUR STOCK. TODAY 1 Jersey Suits We have just received a new shipment of these in expensive, 3 piece suits. They are just right for the cold weather all-wool material. We have a va riety of the latest shades. I. ABRAHAM THE SILK STORE ' I ' King Pnturu SnaM, Int.. Grctt BHulk Chi. riKrwl' Melrose Visitor Here Lawrence Goodbourne, of Melrose, spent yes terday In. this city transacting business. Hero From Myrtle Creek H. M. Shirtcliff, of Myrtle Creek, was a business visitor in this city Wed nesday afternoon. Spends Day In Town Mrs. E. Edman, of Camas Valley, spent several hours here yesterday visit ing friends and shopping. Shops and Visits Here Mrs. A. S. Chappie, of Happy valley, visit ed friends and shopped in" this city Wednesday afternoon. Hoaglin People In Town Mrs. A. W. Lundy and Mrs. J. V. O'Mara. at Hoaglin, visited friends and shopped in this city yesterday. . Oakland People in Town Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Flanary. Mr. and Mrs. -O. Green and E. O. Hennlnger. ,$11 .residents of Oakland, were-in 'town yesterday vlslllng friends and transacting business. Fractures Arm In Fall Daniel, small son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Nelderhelser. of Anchor, was brought to Roseburg yesterday for medical aid. While riding a horse yesterday morning, he wns thrown and received a fractured lett arm. Moves to Klamath Falls George Frisbe has resigned as night clerk at Hotel Umpmia and gone to Kla math Falls, whero he has accent ed the night clerk nosltion In the Elk hotel. E. R. Walton, of this city, has taken the night shift at the Umpqua holel. Goes to Portland Dr. and Mrs. CharleB A. Edwards, nf this city, left yesterdav for Portland to at tend the annual conference of Women's Home Missionary so cieties. The conference is being held In the New Helen Mnnloy hall at Portland Settlement. Mrs. Ed wards is to make the opening ad dress. Yard Goods Many colors and designs in both silk and wool ma terial. Look over our dis play for your choice, and then you can make just the dress you want at home. Here From Dlxonvllle James Dixon, of DIDxonvllle, was a busi ness visitor in this city Wednesday afternoon. Returns to Portland 1. A. Dcnn, formerly of this city, Btopped here for a few hours Wednesduy on his return to Portland from Medforu. Glide Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeBernardi. of Glide, were in Roseburg Wednes day visiting friends and transact ing business. Will Have Hallowe'en Social The Junior Epworth society of the South Methodist church will spon sor a Hallowe'en social on Friday night, October 31, from 7:00 to 9100 o'clock. GARDINER WATER CO. AFFECTED BY ORDER , ! i . (AMOclntod Vrcu Lriumi Win)) ' SALEM, Ore., Oct. 30 An or-' der of the public service commis sion today requires a number of water utilities in Oregon to desist from making a service charge to patrons for installing pipes from mains to private properly lines am) for installing meters and meter boxes. Among the firms affected by the order is the Gardiner water works, Gardiner, Douglas couuty. BORN EMERSON To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Emmerson. of this city, at Mercy hospital, Tuesday, October 28th, a daughter. Golden Syrup a favorite with children Every youngster wants plenty of this delicious Golden Syrup on waffles and pancakes. Let them have all they ask for. Physicians say it gives them the sugar they need In its most digestible form. They are glad to recommend Staley's Golden blend ' because of its purity, clearness and uniform quality. It's surprisingly inexpensive. , I Bill Heir huky'i Hatter TMtndtr This Golden Syrup is t special blend that Hill Mcer learned in the Old South. He selects all the ingredients with extra care, A sample from each batch must pass the test of his educated palate st each step in its making. Staley's Golden Syrup comes in the Blub can Formation of a eiinmber Music society to sponsor a Ifliial appear ance of the Neah-Kab-Ni9 string quartette in Roseburg November 24 is heinic sponsored by Mrs. C. S. Heluline, assisted by other mu sic instructors and music lovers of the city. This quartette appear ed in Roseburg at Mrs. Helnline's home last year, and was greatly appreciated. The plan Is to create a society of from 100 to 200 members, each of whoT,.wj,U i;a.y. a. membership fee, which wllfentitle them to bring a specified number -of guests to the concert. These details will depend largely upon the number of mem hen secured in the society, which will sponsor, It is expected several music eventB, but particularly the string quartette. This organlintion, which Is com posed of Suale Fennell Pipes, first violin; Hubert Sorenson, second violin; Alexander Vdovln, viola, and Michel Penha, vlolincello, is one of the very few groups In this country which, through endow ment, Is able to devote Itself ex clusively to the preparation and performance of chamber music. Tho endowment Is provided by a wealthy woman of Los Angeles, who has provided funds to support several such organizations. The members of the quartette spend their entire summers and early fall at Neah-Kah-Nle, Oregon, in strict adherence to a rigid program of practice and rehearsal in prepara tion for their concert season. BISHOP CANNON'S CONDITION WORSE WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. Bishop James Cannon Jr., of the Methodist Episcopal church, South, who went to a hospital last week for treat ment, today had taken a "slight change for the worse." His physician. Dr. R. Lvtnan Sexton, said inflammatory arthritis had spread from the blshop'B right foot to his right hand and left foot and knee, "giving cause for some concern." The ailment is very painful, the doctor added. DR. NERBAS DENTI8T Painless Extraction Gas When Desired Pyorrhea Treated Phone 488 MaBonlc Bldg, DRUQLE8S HEALTH CENTER Mineral Vapor Baths , Chiropractor 821 ;osb Phone. 491 "Complete Health 8erv'e" For City Treasurer Vote X 46 Thomas J. (Tom) Brown An efficient and careful hand. ling of city funds promised. This Pure 3 other flavors blended by Bill Heer Crystal White (rid lab,!) MaPLI FLAV3RRD (ireen labii) SOROHUH FLAVORED (brown labil) For the Football Games Fall, the coat that we recommend is the Ramble Knit topcoat that lord Rochester has fashioned for Michaels-Stern. It is warm, yet light-weight. It is stylish, yet comfortable. It is smart, yet reasonably priced. Ramble Knit topcoats are of fered in the newest Fall colorings. (30 WILDER & The Community Chest Masquerade Dance AT TENMILE Saturday, November 1 M...:. L... f ..J t-i;. Fivn Morrv Vagabonds IIIUDIV. uj Adaiij Prize will be given Tickets 50c Hunt's INDIAN Theatre Jhoound Straidlw oath MARY LAWLOR. W?"V Also lil-y. Comedy News TfcV ' ADMISSION . stw j iti,...' Mats. 10c.35c, Eves. 10c-50o vWftJ'l Mat. Daily at 1:30, W4 I LAST TIME tl Jm H MIT HO OOIDWYH MAYM h M the L, TODAY : iff SEA BMf n, I flkSfj wtf CHARtM SICKFOR0 I - Pji! raouei TOMES Ad venture : ti'l nils Aims a rl 4 V,0 " and the early days of AGEE CO. Needs Your Support! - " J - a l to the best costumes. g L" Free E Starts Tomorrow for two days. You'll be thrilled by A Newer, Mightier, Finer For Sale at Independent Grocers